HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-08-27, Page 1,
12-.00ta VAii:R71.4,41),VAScE; $2.50,0111E.R*IS.A.:
..; •—
. .
. Dr. M. Connell
Phynician and Surgeon,,
Hours 02-4
"--phane 86 '
D' MacLeod will ;visit :Lecknow
every TneedaY : pr. • 'coonei,%,
oftke. ;
Dr., R„ L Treleaven, Lucknow-
Over Decker's Store .• Attraction
eitner„,by gas or local.. Will be, in
DiPignimen every Thursday.
'Phone 53
0111=1....0111•10 •••11:41.14111•111 ID.WM/4100dOMI,;;IrM41‘..:0;
Call Pr. Newton
Make appoinitnent
In., office everydaY
• OL -
I .• •
Sehoo1 wili re-opokon, Tuesday -41
next week; Sept; 1St: • :IP
, Was Isabel Douglas is licane frain
Chatham on a two-weeks,..t '
Misi.1-Istel,'Webster, spirit
days of this week with friend:116:T°-
' Onto. , • . '
:Mr. d Mrs W Tniner, .• of Varna'
*Pent, the Week -end With relatives in
town. '
• '
and Real Estate. -money to lend 01
.'fir,st„.inertgages on farm ;proper-
ties,at.-6 and 6% per Cent accordinE
:• to 'security 'SM
: adopts on second mortgages • or..
' farm 'properties and on personal
Miss Marjorie 'Douglas has gone. tc.
,Toriinto to take: d "business .eollegf.
cOurse. • , '.•
Mr. C. Laverne Yeorgerii of Teton-
to'ja' a SPiift bode of al.. ami,
Mrs. D Geddes.' 7
\ The Rev. C B. Pitcher will occupy
the pulpit of 'the Presbyterian Church
on Sunday next • •
• „Miss' ,Ada Webster has returned'
borne; after 'visiting -with 'friends in
Toronto and. Niagara 'Palle. .
: Misses Lizzie- andIrene Iteid, of
Belville, are visiting their -.Cousins,
Mises.: Ida and .Fern Reid:
• 0
• •The services in the Presbyterian
Church last ,Sonday were .etiiducted
by the /Rev. D. T. L. ,IVicKerrol, the
chureli being filled to capacity. Morn
nig and ,evenftt by those who eanie
LO hear:their, farmer paStor. In the
afternoon Mrs. McEerriii .addressed
a largelyi„litended nieeting, tinder tht
auspices of the *Omens', ,IVfisaionarY
rtiTcretY. . • • •••
• Mr, C.
W., 'Coulter viand .:deuelter,
Alecia; 'of• Port Artidir, visited , with
friends 111, town last :week. ,
Mr. Herb Grahani; Gordon Webster
and. Bob• .Andrew,' „spent the, ,Week-.
•1 •
-'••• •, 'A fevr-kOodfarms-ter sale And.$311,4. th.1,0e.h. a,tives. •
I have added to xn,y, Wall Yager
• and 'Lunt business a stosk Of Wall
.Paper •which inev .be. seen at my
• renidenre airy • J. Cameron,
Painter end Decorator
, .
". .A. Grill &' Co. dealerhin'all kinds, of
pepitry. Highest mar-
ket -pr.ce. Ikn't..sell before seeini.
.. US% Athome Tuesday : after t
. °Clock, and all day Saturday. Partie:
, mg to communicate wlLh us •
• telepluae, leave message with •Tele-
-Phone Central: Office. -•-•23,7,-tf:
For Sale or Rent -The *Aires ' no
occupied by W. W. Hill.' For
ulars apply to Geo. A.
1647,tf; • • •
„ .
House For Sale -The D. IL •MaeIn-
tosh residence, corner Ilaveleck aii
Canipbell streets, Luckaovv. Apply
• o Win. Connel, " • ,
.. •
• Farm For Sale
100 acres, con. 6, Mullet The late
Henry, .Mctirien, farm, :good .'buildingf
and • other inaPrOv9ments. Closeto
school, 3% Miles north of Clinton. A
first clascfarm; ApPlY to Mr& Hen,'
ry .MeBrien; Clinton, of W, Brydone
•Clinton. ' • • ,"23-7-tf.
.• :•• :For Sale7.--A. -.Ford car ih trod run -
ding order. -Apply- to J. A. dilmigh.
SALE 014 HAY -Melvin Reed. will
have an Auction Sale of 35 acres • Of
• Jot 10,' Ashfield, idt•Aug. 28;
, 'cominenting :at 6 ,o'clock p. m.
Elliott MiIler, A.tic. • .
• . „
By the end of the. Week .hay and
irairi harvesting in WestereOntario
will be practically'over,.Many farm
era had all their grain luta. week Ago
and a fear had completed - the season's
threshing. This is unusually 'early
and is explained by 'fine; dry weather
11,ich., without drying up' or stunting
the crops was most faverable, to har-
• vesting- operations.-
On .the whole the dope .have, , been
gOnd.,, The first cuttingof hay. was
-not'beavy;-burtbere are:iwittir-Aeldr -----Mr:Tand-Ittica-Kahl,,4n4-Son-r-Harry.-
. Of ,good second-growth'ilalfalfa which :and Mr. and Mrs. Torn 'Webster, o.
Will help make up any 'shortage. Fall .Detroit. and Mrs. JIM Webster . of
.Wheat was exceptionally good and if Lucknow :Were 'visitars With Mr. stul
threshing out 'well:, Barely does mi<4 Mrs: Jas.:Din:Mil, this week.'
. spe•So many good fields of oats as
Were, in evidencethis season; and tit(
grain IS sal -to have'Oiled out well
-Petieare More exteneively grown this
Season than, formany 'years.,_ The
paw weavel, which 25 Years. ago made
the growing of peas;':unprofitable,,,,is
no 'anger in. evidence. , ..Corn; which
'fewAwee.ka -ago did -not-look.' . la-
, „
Mrs Todd Sr. of •Wilfghtinris viAtt.t•
ing with members -of her family, here
Mr..R McQnillin iti;lienai from Seb,-
ringvillo, for Th
Miss , Irene Lynch is home fron
Handlton, Where she has spent the
'past' fo'W, week: • ,
Mr. Roy hand Miss Hannah Altai -
Elan left fur the West on Friday:.,
, Mr., Torrence ',Andersen •Was :hoot(
fromi Detroit for the weck-end;
Callum 'Cameron. of -Detroit I.
spending 'a ''•iveeli's y vacation " at hit-
horne here: • •
Mr:, R. J. Woods, Mr. -Alvin WoOdS''
and 'Miss lera.WoodS, and little Misi
Dorothy Barbour, 'motored 0.• 'Bay
•;ield on Setturday, Miss Winnifrei
Woods, Mrs. Arnold' Barbour of Per
gals, who hap been 'Visiting •13ayfieh
friends, returned with them,,•
Mr. and ,Mre.• J. Ketcalfe.and.thein
,-daughter, Mise ,Mary, jf Limccort,, art.
visitors at Mr. R. WOod'a:
. •
. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ituss iRobertson left
,on Friday of last Week on a. trip. t(
the head of the Great Lakes.
Miss Elizabeth ..Henderson is home
again after .apending, a two -months'
vacation at Detroit and Chicago.
.:*Mrsltobert Imrie,•and daughter
,Margavt; of' Toronto,- are guests,
.;his. week of Mrs. Dr.. Paterson.
Miss Lila Little' who. visited Luck -
now and KJ/doss friend,lasoweek, has
returned .to her ;home .at Listowel..
Mist Stella„Steward has returned
home, after .a pleasant wisit'with hat
friend,' Myainia Palmer,• of Kinear.
• Mr. • and Wire Duncan Boyd , are
here On a •,:netov trip 'from • ;Chicago
visitng Lucknow and Londeshoro
"Alen& -
. With favorable Weather- there Will'
be t •Crowd, at, the Sodding .•teurfia-
menCin the :park this afternoon and
evening •
Qi Smith, (formerly' Miss
Lila Bet0) AO was visiting 'here
returned to her 'hear at Sault Ste.
MaPie, on Thiirsday, - • •
MA' and Mrs; Frank :Cole, left.. on
Friday last for:Brittra, Saiik:
Cole expects to take part. in.liarvoit,
:mg and khreshing operations'
--Mr.• Roberey-Deuglas; and aori teed -
Of Ottawa, have been visiting With
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Barns, of 'Itown
and Mrs., Pikering. Of bAshfield,: the
.----.:-,•-:Steer--,,,Mtray...tra ed.- from. 'the
• preinisee .of the •: u ersikireirs1/4
past Week. .•
Auguet 2nilf, a yearling ' steer, :re :bp ideased'to know,' that She is nal&
Mr. and Mrs Decow of Detroit
aro' visiting with Mrs. • Decow's par -
eats, Mr, and Mrs. John Johnston, of
Lothian. - .;.
Jack McIver of Detroit, spending
his vacation, : visiting with.. his aunt
Mrs. • West, .near
• .
.0:der Weir- who •i' 'employed or
a 'freighter on the lakes, is home foi.
a oliert time, „until the inovemeat.. of
, • , •
grain from West, begins,
Captain and Mrs. 'Dan Finlaysoii
and.,child; of'Sart,Antenhip Texas and
his. mother, .Mrs. FAIliyien, of 'God,
erichi• Called on" friends here 'n Sun,.
, -Mrs. Frank Gill, of Jasmin,
visiting; friend's in TA-Jlifield-77-'
_ ,
Mr. D. McLean, Lothian, is spend-
few..;,dayeln Detroit, having
taken his brother, Dr.: John • McLean:
that distance on his way back to dbl.;
Lot 3 -Con 9 Ashfield. Twp, about! Friends of 'Miss Edna Rivers
•' with white head and feet:',Any
giving informationt leading 'to itg , • aid
'mg avers, e progrees w s re-.
P. Larinan.-8-9-p. •aithe-Gerieral Ilosratal„-Toronto.
reeovery--wilLbe-OuitablY Jewarded. covery 'following ,serious operation
• —
• . . Dr. and Mr. Thompson, mitsionar.
Teionto the, past year, were iii
• •
Lueknow Flour MIlls ies, from China, who have been at.
Havelock (Pure. Man.) 24.75
Sripoi (blended) $4.50•
..Made Rite (Pastry) $4.00 '
, Wheat 81.25-$1:30 • .
Feed 'Flour lt2.10
Shorts 31.60
Bran f1.60
Screening' Chop $28.00 per Alm
VVhy siga an order for ,fertiliz-
, er, nyontlis 'ahead, when yen can
get ail the beet breeds any day
'.-Yetirie-fhloVIVaf nil aupply now
.• on hand,
Get the quantity You iv'ant, of
the kind you watit-,,-when you
ant it /Wont' •
.1 ,
now Iasi, week. .:Their return te.Chinp
has •Ideed delayed' by the unsettled
condition ,ot' tliat phiintrY:"
. ,
Mr, and Mrs., Edward S. 'MacLean,
announce ' the 'engagement ,01 their
daughter, Jessie Mae, to Mr...Clifford
V. Kruppe, only son of
af Stratford,' Ontario. The marriage
it to .take place in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Stratford, early
'hi September,
tr, .
OWT•ing-i6"the 'Tact* •hrive
my IusiTioarlmti now residing in
• XiiiInalifine,. have.handed: all my out-
Reedit:1U to „The .Catieditin
13 hk f Comtnerce LtiOkli:ov6-fnr Ooth
•• p., piekeneoo, • 9-r Aslitellc'.
Circuit, will :be away on vacation, on
*MAY next, August .30th., and... his
'regular' •irreaChing: services Wiill .03e
wItheiraWn. 'The SUliday •Selictels will.
Meet in'ipechit sessions. at :the
ing hoar*: •titark-;40:30,
ett's....-10.I30 `.m... Blake's -10:4o',
••fa., All members of the respeetive'
congregations are especially invited
to these' Stinday" School • services.
follotgag are amorig, thoSe•
went to t'Oe West on Friday,. 'Messrs
petition McPhe son,. John , McGuire..
Cecil,Hyde, Itege Levis, Lorne. and
Wilbert Purn1i, Lorne Webb,.. John
Bintoul,. George' Philips; and. pee
McDonald. , • * ,
. Mr. and *Mi.:Ai-drew Neely of sag:
We are pleased to learn that ,h1r.
Duncan McRae of Lochalsh, Mho' re
writing. bif
'bietrp,-0-0FS,tiptil exams, Was"a-u-ceesiz
• .
fut in all subjects Written on,laking
honours -in the majority' '•
Mist Muriel 1VIiller of -St. Helens is
the guest Of her friend, 'Miss, :Vera
itohh, '',Ainberley.
. • Mrs: R. L. White of Chicago', IS vis,
ding with friends q Laurier.-
. Miss, Ellen Wiley Of. Detroit is the
g'uest..af._Mibs.:Aggie_Wiky of:Amber.'
L. •
Npw. T.:40.11os IN .1)014Tics
•lOolw as th(Nah th Ovont,
• yoman: into the field, of pol;tics
,atteaded by the .introduction
aew, and unlooked-for campaign nieth-
44.---thAt is When she becomes a can,
lidate and, hag at' ad, opponent r•
mere man, ' • '• '
There:wag ,proof c;r,this,9Vet,ir S.,
Gray. the riding flaw reprontet
.y Mbis 4g,11,43McP1,iai!!'. Mks Mc
• is to be the: Progressive
idate 'the knekt.' eiec.tf?ii _and. „ght,,,
rill have as lier'OPPOitent; Dr, Camp.:
Who has•'. been seleCted to '.• ,run. ,
the ipteretg of the ConservatiVe..1
•Wel,. it looks as though the 'doe,
or may be_plready beaten, .or at a•ity
:ate • so badly handicapped that hi.
.iucCess is rendeTect,hopeless.
A. Catholic Church over - in Gra3
a-pienic last ',ikeelt, and thinkinj.
hat: speechesby the two candidates
Weald be a goad drawing member
Miss Meybag and. Dr. Campbell • wer.
-aviteciand--,..�f ..,eigirse-_ tIiey bad, to
address the 'crowd. This feature of
he prograih. was to be billowed by
lance, and the Di. id conoldding • hi
per 11 said that he was nob •too old
to dance, ,and , that. he ' 'thought it
night be Wolr to 74nalce it a ."leap,.
year" affair and have the ladiet, eel'
be men•to•,.be partnerS in the first
He 'little •drearept of the traP,
thus set for himself ' His dull. 'wit
.vg§. no Matek for that of his alert
ipponent.' MiAs' McPhail saw her 1113
'aq,.:-ItivrvIsirrtnvrith-rIV1 timars- -Pe tin
D. 'Tedd. s. ,Todd arid Neely Who er WAS thes3-'darce--•---Calledthan shi
have spent 'the. past 'three weeks in
Michigan, home ,with them. •
We are. eqrry to report the deatl,
of Mrs. Donald MacKenZie.who WUF
seriously ill for sofri.e tiMe. She .passed
away early :Wednesday morning. w,
have. not learned about the funeral
arrangementa;at t:me of 'writing., •
• Mrs:.Chas. Strathdee it,spenclifig
'few dais with IVIary Strathde'e,at
her • cottage at Bruce Beach.
Robert: Martin, who spent the -past
Year at the .honie of his nActie, Rich.
•ard.` Martin; left fOr, his 'home in
Rainy River, On. Friday,
Joe Hodgkinsein took in the Ear-:,
4..v_eg.t.Excarsion the • West last..Fri-
Mm.•Archie Gilles, Billy, Stephens,
and daughters, Dotothyllind.Prace, Of-
Teeiwater and Mrs: Ithidert Gilkett,
Of .Stratford; werevisitOrs at L, ttae
Iver'4, Mit week: • ,
. Most af:rthe Flovterdale. 'farmers,.
walked across the floor to the • Dr
and asked him to be her partner in',
the 'first dance. .0f 'course he accept -
!d -he
couldn't refuse.: She knew it
It is said they ddliced Well.. But, hon
is, the Dr: now going to. fight this
galliint • opponent? . He. is. disarmed,
and can't de it7--a. Samson shorn of
• .
his iucks.• •
•'Politics ays ,s a „ifficuL, game
,and it ').4inks as thoughe c n o
.the Onfi g f
women. inike the arenaTwill' not make,
• .
it easier for. the Mem' • •
. .
.LuoploW pPima SCIIOOL,
, . .
The .tiudente, whose' names • appear
below, have obtained stand'mg hi' the
lows:— •
Winnifred Camp.
III.; Eng. Lit: III, Pelmet Kilpatrick
--Eng; Comp. III, Eng Lit. III. El-
izabeth Lane•HEng. -Coinp.-C; Eng.
Lit. C. Fr. Comp. C. Lucy Thompson
Hollyman's, 'Goods are alWays popular becausethey
. ,
are made with. the choicest' ingrechelyts,and fresh
.'daily. You cannot beat Our White and Brown •
Bread for their volume texture, color, flavor:
1 .Try .$0403. eOf Our Saturday Specials
Green 4140 pip... ' oteant Pope ••••, Chelsea Bons
, • •
Pans P11,11-3 Creani.Paf$., .;19a,804.11e•. Datioeal C?okies
Walnut 'tole.; Raisin, Dread, Home Made Brea; Whole Wheat 3read
• .•^ •- •
H ighe Prices' Paid ',Butter and, Eggs
Phcipe 36, • - Lucknow
.49[4.0t„ .W, atee'
A cyclene,soMedy !;:f newly weds
and Meddling. relatives See the
Confirmed •.bachelor "getting his,"
when he double-crosses the,brotlier-•
hood •of •‘,qart,y falls
a pair 'Tyr atiftTbbileds eyes For the
tithe of your life,. see this rioteue-
ly funny picture.
'Also 2 'iffeele of Hal Reach Comedy
. „
Arthur Stony in,
Your Eyes
nd _Your_Nerves
• Your oyes are cGnnet-
*ith yo nervou'i • system'
Strain your. eyes': and the,. effect
juny .be felt almost anywhere.•••ta
the hatlY,• Ileatiacbee %cern-
Mtn result thoUgh•there are xiien
other attendant ills. When your
. . „•
eyes. receive'. prOpett• Atte:100e, this.
„._ • .
• nervens.etraid is.,thinoved, 'and us•-'
uail;r the 'troubles Vanish. at once.,
FridaY and Sattuday-
St.arting Both Nights at 8.15
Admission ;25e. and 15c:
WE ARK-tocAt;
'oys 'FOR, '
'49rpNFi: yistjrn.iz.ta)
'have' finislted their- liarves&. ••• I --Eng. Comp. C. Eng. Lit.' C. Fr
.Miss taurine Martin ;spent last Comp, , .• „
week' at -J. on. the 'Sad Con. I. All locknow School students tali -
Miss Frances and 'Sarah MacIVer' i UpperSchool subjects were Sue -
spent last Friday afternood•with 'Miss .cessful. -
Lela MaiGillivray, gth, Con.. '
• Warner. Finlaysciit •motored home;
from. Detroit, last. Saturday. '
. .
: 'Mr, Earl Gibson` of last
Friday morning for the •Wegt.
Mr and Mrs D. Mantyre ,of
near Kintail,•sPenti the week -end with
friends in Parkhill
:The . and Kathleen
:Teriff. of Whitechureh,are guests of
,their aunt„ Mrs. Jack ,Ilenderson ..tof
Paramount. „
• Mrs.. Edwards, who is .here from
the West, Mr. Geo. and Ad Cantelon
Mrs. jab., Durnin and daughter, Mary
-df SC Helend, Were visitors with Mr:,
and' Wm:. Jas. Welizter, hear liticknoty
Stateinent regarding, the: Op-
ening, of the "Lucknow. School,- • Mr.
Board; said while the School
• would not be ready for occupation by
,Sept; lst, rapid progress./ was .being
made and -re-opening would not be
Ple:Previshin would be 14mM-for' all
the Classes 00 that all the school
work would be.....toilolet....care. of.
• .P°144
loss, on August 22, 1925, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alex turves; 4 son,
• .this Week. :
Fhepeptilarity of ' the 'harvesters The Alightt iateting"bf Laurier41
.pXcurgions to the West OPP8oTo to be.
well maintained th's Seaton; and
many thousands, iallat • have altet,dy
gone from •Western Ontario, :
six eiteur•olon., tickets "mere 1ast
weel!, here, and more are, gomg y
the next excursion train.. The major-
ity are 'yoiifit 'Men from the county
but the towns and villages are again
,...o•nding-„,Anumber. `,4:The -narnesi of
'nearly 'all Who, went from. the vicinity
of Lucknoi be f onad irt oat :tar=
at :,corralipetidence. The 'fallowing
, tueknatr PeOide' went on Fild'ay
Mr. 'and; Mrs, Frank bolo, Mr. Oliver
F. W. O. plub-was held, at, the home.
of, Mrs. M. 0.1MtKenzie. The meet-
ing,- opened by. • saging 'Maple
*Leaf, Busindss part of the meeting
Consisted ditcussion in regard to
' linfeliaSe "Ifeet 'Of text:meet:
ing which IS to lie the lake ut
and the purchase Of, a hook by Franc-
es 11.1furnett, to be used by menihert
of the ..,-Clu13._,,...Instruinentills
C. alacDonelti,-i-hd
Wingham. cSplendid pkiettS4were giv-
en bY likirs: Beckett. Mrk;••-tr...MeLetyr
nan.and Mr& M. E. McKenzie. Miiir
,111. Mctennan faverettihe meeting
fort the Septembet;. tett, other- -.1-0-hhitaiid41116-161tEldpui-Mr, -with-two-soloshe-tlifiinessLpart....0
001004, Ottr4,044; IL.-pgmot his on ,
•lection. These- must ',be -paid
F. E. McLean,
. . "
Just one trial of- our wholes,ome
bread, With its crisp, tender crust and
fine; gaky firmness iwill convince you
that -Baking Day with all its trials
oinmitted yeur hoMe. '
"Goleletti Crust" Bread
Made in, our spotless '• bakery,. suits
exacting .•demaad betanse we have
-maile7good-;_Bread our life's study
The ; purest, ingredients • and.: .our
Up to date baking " Methods' enable us
to turn "out quality products Get it
at your grocer's or phone 66, Beide'
Danunion Bakery. '
Reid4', Week -End Specie&
:Chocolate' Layers ' with Marehauil-
low filling; Patties, Midiera Cup, cali-
:eft Strawberry Tarts Wal -Da -Oakes.
Sponge Cakes, Sconsf Jellir Bells.
• ,
Of li.adies'.'Garineln'ts, Induclink
DOROTHY pAnvt :OrtEsAs:.
. A One,Day. Fashion Showing
. This Exhibit promises promiges 'to • be a ilighlY"Attrattive"
Shearing If Ladies! Coats,' and girls' Coats, ago Dresses in the .
Season's meet inftiertaitt .febrict..• • •
You are cordially invited 'to vieW this Display, ;did' begf of
eVery Garinent in th'41. Exhihit may bp-purchinte4,aud can be •de- .
11*e:ea at Mice ,• " ••. • •
This is an obinirtnitily which no fasiirdiAiiving,,,wornaiVeadt 4-
afford to misfit.' • '
tUppLY, ON .0.Np FOR
rALL 14404,T-
. .
• •• • Y.O.Ilft..-W,ANTS ••
, •
Eggs ,
i.ticknow; .
•' ,
-Just Arrived -.A. car o
"McNAIR" Brand 13-.C.
“McNair" 40 -Year Guar-
antee- Label on each bunch:
Rock Bottom Prices, on
IlLllialding Material
14.-ogre..as. is niark.ed. by. the funerals ,
of . leaders who. baVe,
gone their dis-
32c-30c-25C tunes: • ,
• $13.25 •
RIMIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII1111101111111illinlitINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii1011111111011111111111"IiiillitillIllilliiiilliii11110111111111M1111111111100011111111111111111"0"111111111,111111011.fil •'
iOth who it win to todessary.to atiii cot. drib Sohniteli, Roderick Melia end the meeting if:Mowed Iv an en.
• Red' •Joyable lunches.
'It.,.,eie!,,z441h(C4). elaite),!n__m_inD,,,d,..,„at itolsw• ,,foronoritaly. One 'Day
' MONDAZ 4/st.,-
(PlaCer 44t.ICEN
. Dry Goods M.erChant.
Lk ,..
cu.rsion e
cial 'ILO* Fares In. Effect
August 2 -9th to. SeRtember 1-10
or Tickets and AU Information go
.R.JOwn 'Ticket Agent'
LUC.1,q4914f,, ONT.
. ,
, .
:hIII:i!;1lIii*I!iiIIF,!iIl!:1I; ii 11i 111 ili II 111t1111111111111114100.1111 sniamolocem
• Arriving on; or about the -2nd of Septeinber-7
sisting of 3X and ,5Xcedar Shingles, Fir rippling, Fir
V. Match and Clear Red .". • . •
This 'material will be sold:at a, substantial re-
duction direct Off the car for Cash.. --,• '"'
-.'Send us your -name, atid-aLlist .of -what AjOiLre,..,..
quire so that we may notify you on arrival of -the car;
one 150 J. Lucknow