HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-08-13, Page 7FLORE NCE L. McKAY,
Conditione in which babies are born tional: heat fShogici bp provided during
a • hours.- • ,
are nowhere more variaboa teen in the eoMer ,
d'ur own country..., • • I In Short babiesd bjget-
aie au
. . „ „
In 'thinking of babies' varying en- ed as iitto ale ,poati410 to 13.daden1
vironments, Mere 'come to our mind 'changes; in temperature. ' When that;
shelf pictures as that of the baby in .,, is unavoidable they •should be care -1,
the Northern Wilds,' so biiried. in snoW fully watched and their 40thing
for many months of the year that promptly changed to putt, the, varying
conditions. ;
Cross Currents are anost satisfac-
tory fer'Vell4lation, The air • is c1144-
ly •purified .by .opening opposite wina
clOwe or a window and a door; This
\ alums of a large city where he lives should be done frequently, pr,efers.bq ,
Children -0.44. adu:ti, And sleeps- in n
bed with three or More' brothers ancl,
sistare :has .his Outings, in then
arms of an °kW:plater in a 'crowded
• dusty 'street; er'eitehi. Of h baby in
-an. exquisite `nurSerY
, of a country home ;With unlimited sun--
ehine and fresh , -
t.:And 'babies adapt themselves -to
their' envitomnent and. thrive ;under
all these varying : conditions.' We be-
, neve, however, that healthier, hap-,
n pier babies eau be fostered by -helping
thein in this, adaptation. ,
We know that there are certain 'pre-
parations which parents can make to
provide. the best environment possible
under given circumstances even with
limited income.. in discussing this
subject of hdw to provide a good en-
• virc•nment for babies, we have in mind
:,the rural Imam of moderatem.eans.
, When a young married couple se-
-. lect orabuildatheir-horne-at is well. to
even the Windows are covered; or, of
the baby hi Southern Qatari() :with:
the Whole' hew* open -to air ead,ann,,
shine htit where the heat eften
oppressive; a ,the baby in congested
August 16. Temperanee 'Lesson Gal..
• .., •
'5: 13.24; Golden "Text—,n0e; not de- More and more BaTrejleaineaEdial4nAs--R IGieA•ne.RpTeepAar°14.1tTio9nalff;or efeast ekmPle
celvedr God Is not mocked; for particularly 'country dwellera—tura- and:, eanY,
Whateaever a man soWeeth„ that. shall ing to the family picnic a la. aatome- ' When liMvever, it seems *treble
f/: 7, bile as a summer pastime. ,* • • ' to .carry the tliCalc leech complete,
• . , • Are these. :piehies a joy or are they the manner in which a lunch is pack -
p.m.sw,rfAN Famom xs..40yERNme By 'an 00d. burden to the 41reedY be4Y,' an4 aerYed makes a great fl!ff,n."
• LOVE 1316 • country mother?'' The answer to this- ence Wi • Ivor .
. N91, „ma Frzsij, gneatiOn is ..really to I et several Irrierr4ers. Of the family,
• ,, 'THE ,q0N,7,404f4/dG, aaaev" Another heraeli, Per.siblei helP With"the Parking -
27 -24. . • .' If et picnic presupposes the packing It often proves most satisfaCtory to
eamenucerioN_aet, paw. e.,1014., the of huge baskets with fancy cakes and wrap eaa4a.etving 94 490d eeparatelY1.
:oalatiarl churches .assaiied. by de,ro delasertaa the tedious making of rimaY then egOli persen can serve r himself at
terriptations to which a 'Paselenate elaborat,. sandwiches alai A subse-. the picnic For example place .each
. •
and excitable :Texture made 'them quent. Pain's eking serying of these aoraing of saladin paper :cup aat er
,t4Proinnt- i'n:Operirea:cf6t.b;Zottonlpidtra.roiOninoSin:W44r cd,;arrilnire§hp,mlit9tftegrgvd-js *PrattY to imth.4411 tch4e big th°7.t1 thati
andz' inelin d to • t be " rri bo h each
that most Of these converts had only 4,
recently ,.heen wen, twin heathenism, ..dreizt.ly,totiers:iritael,nntiii.oyn• aorft. aril:at:1,01,9r; epricarii.occi, i7ipaym..„tot4b;ainsi a.,:xopoier..t. a71,r7Usta•theii
aad' nottlia safeguards .or•• the '
self-control, Whi!Ch ceetnries," Of ,re.li.•`' ijkPick.iil'4.• • 'th° vi 1 ...,°°•Y• the' .eiai One niether :seats' herself CaInfOrt-
•glone toddling :have imparted to leten Picnih; 11.1,0'4'0 Of all iaoth:er- •ablVid the back seat Of ,tii‘e, fanilly
a n el; ,
-Cfiristiana:' When Fa -fir beatiglit,:,the ,rtnd• reematitna -bar 'lid' Pe 'h. 'bOxe and ,baskets
• One mother who. get ,the frequent -ef luncheon. As eac# men.0;,,,p .;of the
picnics desired; by her. femily to 'be'aPPreaehe4 he receliree tin
the_ proverbial straw; asked .her:tray, ;upon. Which 'hag been ' paced his
•GitS tqf 010 mil:easier picnic. To,her rpertios, of the feisty:. . If anyone, wish -
astonishment thy theY 0/aged :eolne slicea es: for more he cornee.foa it hitheelf,"
of salt pork in au deep iron • pet;. and • y • '' '
upon •this arranged qtotrtered cab- ,
eages, young carrots .arta new potvp,t In anether• hoine idclicted to otitacif:
toei." With"a basket: of tin e t Cereal boxes and
a coffeepot containing e,hag of coffee,
bread aod door ea g Y
butter, sugar, salt, vinegar, milk and
they declared their preParations com-
plete. •Arrived at the, picnic ground,
they built a- fire under 'the. kettle
after freeli wEtter. had be -en added to
it and to the Coffeepot Laving moth-
n'Ane roeut With Six or more Other when the baby, is out Of the room or jai. *056—Ladies! Onepievointeear
'have in :mind the Children that may,
:Rye in it. , The site of the home shoald"
. be on high' ground where ,good dram-
, -age Is provided. • There .. sheuld be
.plenty of sunlight, with, also some
shade, plenty of air..space to pro-
: vide good ventilation. „
proee.ted. by being ent. of the ,:current box -plait .in CWtr9: front, and
of ,dir and covered with eddittonskkIeeves two 1,,ehgths. Sipe,4“36,' 38;
blankets,' The changing of the air in 40,. 42: and .44*.ilichesbnat, 38
bail's. room should be, it. part' of his; .bust reaniree.",:iVit yards of .36 -inch ar
tegulaiaiPrOAF11111 :en4 *10, a, '4941101, a Yards . -1647.14101: ma-
plahning it cert. easily be incorporatedtrial. ',Fried' 20 ceatsa
• .
his •deinly , regime. •• ' . I '. 41274 -Large ,Wonien"s• press, With,
a .
f,to NEED FEAR MOUT Ple,131...-:40111. and 'Jack, eanvertible
Windows„e,etpe,ae opened ;for ,ve' tar and long .or ytet,,,,S
tjition during
40,-42,. 44, 4'6. arid 48 taellee
Diiith day -and night: At.
malt, of eenreei they are met, 42 bust .renuires 4% Yards Or. 40 -inch,
op•s•ned.• It, is often found . more satis- e'r yard. of 154410h • inateilal.
factory, if cotton cletials tacked on a :Prie° 20 Cents* ••: • .•
windpw-screen frame and thie.13 P -ac- Herne Wing 1:A.inge. nice cl°4i'es
ed in...the window epeebig, Thie breaks, within the reach of all; and to, folloW
.up the air current' and Makos.:less the Inadl ."ightf0. when it cf'n be
&nailer, .frarriei3 ..about six done •so .easily And. econernicaliy, 1,)Y,
'helms or 'more in depth can be made f°119.*Ing tbe stY1:.es.Pieured our
f id 'd , t the bottom
top neN''' 'Fashion Book. • A Chart gccohi-
panying. each pattern shows the .ma-,
with cloth coVering, • One at the
of. another "dnritig the. daytime Usually 'tel.* L.PP.e.arz: ;when cu...t
furnish: a geed: supply of ...fresh air Every detail explained, so that tne
in the. room, and at 'emit one euchainexterianCed sewer can made Without
screen. can • e Used Ordinarily 'Mien ha
the celdes.t, weather.
.Do 'not be :afraid Of. night -air. It
ie often • parer,' than day even
thmgh cooler, and dew not herrn, the
baby or `anyone else, 1.• , : •
• The baby should ; always he protect -
Ad beth day .and night froin direct
13Asies iFirtiVe SUNLICHT. current' of cold 'air. In addition to
• the cloth screen here, described a
.The groundshouldbe dry enough,
standirig screen: about fie feet high
to insure a', dry eeller which should
should be. used between, the . window
also be clean.' '. There .eheald be near and the baby's bed. ' The:' • ,1445i Aug
itv hand a good equrce of tincontamm- 4 ,•
a1St1 oe carefully' wetched fike: pre
atecl„watert No-stagnant'Poalsalkara .t.-aac ee As gii*Ises-ioaVer*bl'y-.7warra7
be in the -neighborhood.' -L-Tbe--PItimb. zhe.teniiitniatuterefAisi.41.4, ..zirrd4e6t,
Garbage, rubbish, barnyard and hu-
man wastes., should be selisposed:of
that there is no chance for bree,dineol
are good indications. '
. J
Warm extra woolen covering should
always be at hand for ready use; If
the 'baby must share a• room with
adults' it is -even more imPortant to
. flies. :. The . baby she'll& be protected
from Oisease-cierying. . insects bysee that •the ventilation' at night is
Serging of the doors arid:wiridews adequate. where more•than one! por-
�f the house .in summer. ,. '. lam musi breathe the air an extra
, revision:, should .be made k.4,i' me qeantitY,should.be available: 'Mothers
'hAt. type :Of heating available. • The sometimes say tluittheir or thg baby's
should be far.enough awaY, fr9na father do net like to sleep.in cold 'air.
he read; tohe fairly free from dust It; ig, of course, . better for all, Adults
and: noise. ' A porch so' faceted as to as: Well as babies to have fresh .air
be . 1naceeSaible.7!;te LPreva.4ing: .e°14 to breathe at night; but if those who
. winds Ad./Ashes:a_ geed taaee for Ai share the baby's- rooni cannot acCua-
' babies outdoor naps. : ', ' • ' •tom themselves to this, Pied...habit the
• ' baby should be algeWed to have a room
. .
'Sleeping porches, so rapidly gain-. li' 1with"I .- il i'
- -. by irnse f the amp e vent a ion
lag in popularity, proyide,exeelleat If needs. .
difficul,ty an attractive dress. Prire
of the book 10 'cents the copy. Each
copy includes/one caupon good for five
-Cents' in the purchase of any • pattern.
Write your nam a and Address plaid.
Iya. number and ilia: of such
patterns- as you want. Endese 99c in
stamps. or coin (coin preferred: Wrap
It carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilsou Publiihing Co:, 173 Weit•Ada-
!gide At., Toren:to—Patterns sent by
retain '
°There' should he bw nothing in the dew, • whez.eaPraY.s t°•.whieili s°a13.
. serroup fitelor-stieli• a. nap:- .They •
. are usually quieter and•less.frequent.:. ,. has been added -ad- a sticker have. a
pahv'S. room . that it: net Useful and
ed by' other'children. Plenty of PlaY. - ..• • • , • •ete•- low surface tenitiOn and much -of the
• ' • ' ' • that.cannot be kept scrupu-ously, . all: ,. ; . .
,; fa always aiiiiable an th.g, . f arm. and All furniture should . be such , as • will liquid is. 'lest in. the scat s° says the
space for the baby as he graWs . older
should be provided for .in the village, bearwashingOr cleaning. witla'a Wet prePt7re-rHertresiture,. 0-3t:C.
1 th. This means • of course, that In these experiments calcium arsen-
best room in. the lime° Is not c ° : ' ' 'a' ate dints gave 'less. satisfactory re-
Theth re should be no upholstered; rurei- - - ,
... too .good for the.baby. : i 7
• •. ' e sults than the, arsenate of Wad dust;
4 ture, no heavy rugs nor 'draperies nor
•, It should be a sunny. room, prefer- • . the latter giving perfect control, Cal4
• :ably With WihdOWS On two, sides. Win covers nor useless ornaments. .
;dows to the south Southeast or South; ' ....The walls •e,hould be.treshly paper- mint 'aiami"e' applied In. the liquid
ea or painted. . . .. , forth gave extremely 'poor 'results aii
' west are better for ' minlight and . lIf,. the room chosen ais to • be 're- well as causing. some burning' to the
' . • ,Warinth. •Under such conditions the . P.pethruni powder used with
decorated. fOr the baby's use a water, 'fPliage'.
bilb.yie rem may he sunny the greater . ., four times' Re weight of hydrated lime
and, :like Pleas* ha- proof paper will he found satisfactory .
.Preved satisfactory, lint Can , hardly
• part of the, day. -
• We' ththe ,., or a paint finish that will anew.. wit- .
be used on a cenimercial scale as it
41' eilliOt". '' -: . ing With a. wet cloth:' Such pepers_
Babies, need to be quiet and tin, With Pleasing designs for Children are costs ten times as, much is the •arsen-
,diatiirbed..EepeciallY in earl)", infancY now available in many Oozes. The a,te4fgmle;d:b:17te ,seas'en-ye obse. rv. e..
. • .... ,
it is well for the baby.to.haill a roOm figuree may often be Secured SeParate-
an4Appilqued u z.,aa,p inted walls,
thus - addingabte• the atti tiveness of ,
is ; ordinarily necessary or • not iniist
the room and to the entertainnient Of'
be left tethe grower's discretion •For
re, baby' as be grows to.,appreciative
late ealpagee• 'and cauliflowers ..t.lino
applications: should be. sufficieitt in a
notarial 'season the first about the
e Green bage arm --
Artificial Control.
Galatians. to ,Christ, they Asked by
aw4haanwte. i.i;:dle4.,ithyeyth•eweicrea:yto • P.haill
S ich
wee', filled abroad •• in Your : hearts.”
'When. they aiked •hoiy they •weie to
cognize and know the Holy Spirit,:
Paul' gave them, these answers; '(1)
the Holy Spirit is the spirit •of love
to Mae another, ,(8)., the Holy Spirit is
opposed to -the selfish •and sen`aual
Appetites • Of the ThelSe prin-
ciples, which have a . special bearing
on Intemperance, are illiistrated.' in
our lesson for to -day:
• • LOVE, 18-16;• ,
V, 43. St, Pahl gave hia:coneerts
no Written law, butsaid: that they were
to live by the Sp,,irit. This meant free -
"dem from MitYrard-• 107„--fdirthT)Itifilt
is an inward principle. At .the same
time :at. :Pant out that the
*Tit is the highest and Wiest of all
So. far fioni. Christian
freedom'. meaning that , the Christian
is able to •do what he likes,, it mans
th,e constant obligation, to. live for the
highest things, and. a4waysito act in
love, .., The man ° who has tbe Spirit of
Christ, therefore; will not give way
to selfish 'indulgences. ' As the apostle
Puts it: "Yeti, brethren, are called .for.
freedord; only do'not make your. free-
the like are carefully kept.' • Wheri
picric is Iniminent, each: box -is lined
with waxed paper and food •for one
person is packed therein. • •
At the stop for dinner Mother has
only to hand out the bexes. A box' Of
extra cakes: and sandWiChes Is usuallk
er, to Watch the fire they •fokageala adviselne1aitaltig4ala1' af followed,-
•along4a-estpne--•-eaall, ee ura ng with 'Yet another family who average one
enough wild berriesfor.: a. generous Or more picnic meals' each Week .dur,
esSer • = • ing theseienmer arid .auturpn6111se best
• This picnic dinner was enthusiastic- the plan of devoting a box to each
aIiy declared the best ever , andhas article Of food or Ute.lnii1O—as a sand:
been, repeated—with suitable, and sea- dich box, a cake box, a box of plates,
sonable variations•--7-many.times sinc. cups and needful aliver.. One person
Beet tops and, tender young beets are becomes responsible for the ears of
a • favorite :vegetable • combination. paeh box and. for .E.rVillg Its contents.
Often it •perforated basin is set 'over when the picriia hour arrives ; aed. to
the kettle where a 'simple. the worTt• and worry itre- not all left
pudding or brown bread, easily stir- keen Mother's overladen shoulders.
red up at horne,..is steanied to per- ,. Mothercan blame only herself if
dem ,an occasion ,for sensaal, (or. in- :fe•Ction.: : 'gthe ..allewe the 'summer picnicking :to
ternperatO living;, but through love :The kettle' picnic is . well ,viorth *oweit, biarden. and a dread. Work
segicato-a-serve -one nnothere!,—",„ tr3al. -*Even, e
which the SPirit :of pods sheds abroad
'in Chriatiaa hearts -a -he has grasped
. the whple principle of obedience; 'The Picnic „dinner .ceoked•oVer a crackling
whoe lew le fulfilled in one word, Are,. • ' •
.' Control eXPeriments, involving the
, „ ,
e nneraate hoine-aba„Ve.' been your.ia.mily andaconditiona„ pis:-
known:to • Wax: enthusiastic,. over this sil3le -to hAve, a 'nest 'delightful time
end yet. insure' that; the return honie
will find -very few things to be 'return:
treatment' in athree• series ' of 'p,000. namelYz Thou shalt love thy neighbor Bacon ansi ;eggs, or sausages are -ed place aad very few dishes to be
early aed late cabbages; with •Pyee-1 lac thybelf." . •StaFaul is Iiere.rePeate
thrum powder' and lead and celeinin big the teaching:of Oer Ierd himself.
areeziate duste and sprayS; lead to•the ;POnerare. 1V4att.,-5; 43-48 and .1:10;
conviatien that under local conditioria 15.; Oa the other hand; if nien
dusting Vrith lead • arsenate. and hy- give way to •S.eltiah ;and rinbrotherly
drabed '41r .arr".s4iked Ilia° in. the 1:).Q" apnaossthir byw9s4lpittfleifnugl-:awlidordsuliadn°crindiee°tInse,•
portion of one part to fifteen' parts is
they fall .away from the .Christion
the,,most satisfactory: fOrni, of.. tr,eatadway of . life, and need not -Wonder if
.ment. The thists wire 'found, m..ere sueltconduct leadsnultimatety tO their
:saitisfactell tha.n:the sPraYs tnat 'Man deStruetIon.
.they .cad be inoVed, and applied. With • V. 16. The • Chilotian,-,,Prifichile- i,S:.
311107-aird-Ot`erdirrary,hand -duaters, in "'Walk' (that is, crder your. lives) by
onefeurthathe time occiipied-in spray- the Spirit," that is, bithe new; loving
ing. • TheY epread and adhere Well if
applied when the leayes are wet. with
'b. 'himself if that is ••ssible. At all tions early market cabbages escape
. *yenta 'haire-a: be to un--
. . self., The teinterittire Of the robin
' should at ail times:he :even,',' This:
.....shotild be 'regulated not .by the :pensi•.
• 'bilitied of • adults Which are not..te be
*#0, but by4a therinometer placed.
three-orfour feet frerrethe-fioor. Dur-
ing . the daytithe the demperatare
should be from -65141,70 de. Ir. and:
dtiiing'the night' about 10 to 15 deg-
„,..aaaretea. lower.: Well babies.: are easily
' accustomed to a tool room at night:
,The heating Of. the room. Often .p're-
Bents diffieultiest,' .A. central heating.
plant in house is yseally most 'satis-
factory, but even .With a good heating
apparatus theba are often Orie di more
.1.60116 in the houto not easily heated.
Such a rocon. should he. avoided as the
choice of a nursery, for the baby'• s
room Should be alWays Warm. Emelt
lipating din be accomplished .by eon• :
and Weed atoves,. but-atliis demands'
eloeeraattentien than le often giyen
to lire tending in Many homes. •
'Open fires are enjoyable and'hSa'th-
till providing proper heat. They
u , wever, always, be carefully
screened after. the baby e a to
creep ei; walk. Many serious fleet%
dents. have happened .because ;of tin-
sereeced-fireplaceS. .
Oil or gas' stoves, in the baby's room
should not bo used as a.regular heat-
ing' device but they may be used for
temporlfry service when other,heating'
,facilitiee are inadequate: Special
earo should be :given to yeritilatien Of
the room, when oil. or gee stet:req.:are
In senimer the temperature is also
„ difileajt_lo.,.rnartage•kartietilarly in
.• het .weather. There. is ueually one
room' in the house Which is more' OM”
lortable than: othefi under such 'di-
otnitatatices' atittAbe hab5i' May be kept
'ah011id to 'atilt the temperature.
•• In Portions:of the CO:until where
Werth. weatber prevails in- the'cliddle
- etif the day and where the morning
ritelligender', : .
. The floors :shOul.cl, bare and pre -
middle Of July and the se$bnd four or this. end are giving their atte•ntien te be ,ceria on with snowball 6 mado o •
ferably. of .haraw •If, hoWever„ •
toft',..woodals- 'the only available. five: week -a' later:- When thea-buttera jotting rid of 'ceases instead of syinp- ,rege'eovered• with cotton and having
easy, and •mueli-liked combinations.
or roasted green corn 'makes
- Alarm -Clock Reminders.
,An,alarin clock can. be.madtainto 'a
real' household .' I • 'first
-:earned this when our oldest lboy wap
born. He *as one of these extretriely
healthY. Infants who Would not wake
op -Tor big 'feedings and, in ' Maier to
'feed him regularly;.I set the alarni
clock every three hours all day to re-
. .
w had, the latter art anWelcofmachoto
afern outing. •,
Instincts and inflnenees which Jesus iind Me that it was his feeding time.
Christ •createe in his followers' hearts: 11I/lien my-chicka are hatched and
hive in place of A cever,gives 00" ven,
tilation•and clustering. SpaCe.
If teafiaportation ;is by wagon Or •auto-
•mebile, place' the hive se; that the
frame: will be iyarallei to the axles a
..., • .
the ifs •
e v . , railroad, t
he i be
parallel o e ra
' What YouiDiet?
..That is the coalmen question:n(7w
instead of, "Nina your medieine?"
A trip to the , frozen north on an
corne on a het summer tlaY: Decorata
the invitations with sketches of wine
ter scenes, write a jingle on each one
and sprinkle them with artificial frost%
-,--usua14? made 91 ground mica.
Line the Willa and Ceilings •of
ropm sheets to, give it a white,
Cavelike aPPearanee, Cover the ; •
tura with sheets and towels and
•sprinkle artificial „anew, on the floor.
In conePicueue. plaqes hand placards:
.'`,,`INspyofilarliSsnar shovel
"Ain't it tx?it,
nlortoW?" 4,414,tyi_ ;1: borrow your
skates?" "Uttet ri'eaWerda sada- '
'Winn,' • 'fire,' lta'ite`
.small'eY.Orgreen trees' or braneheP, of
ether varieties roma and. (leper. ,
ate theta with tufts of dotton sprinkli
and train doorWaYs;:pictureaand.'wina
'doers siiipend sneWbalis. toVered With
7nica dust. omeV
er pained OrillacntgardbaOahrudgewth4eerrtle, 7
attract ',attention; show the mercury
eie standing below zero.' A wonderful
sno%vstorm effect.* be produced by
stringing bits of 'cat= to fine threads
of different lengths and 'suepereding'
the* fr.* horizontal threads near ;theceiiing. '
, •
One of the good Winter ..garees le
•iiitting7the---Polar-Rearz--Plate—a . • '
Teddy bear on a stand and tops paper
snoWballs at him. the players .•
into two team, and give a ,prizo. to
the team that first scores twenty.
.Biting a 'Snowball • is .played . wttli
a large: popcorn ball„' Suspended front,
a doorway or chan,delier. : The player ,
stands with hands behind his back •••
and has five chances to take a bite out.: ,
of the balt Should he succeed, tha
ball is his, and a new•IP hung fOr...
the next, players. Another' game'is
played by, stringing rock dandy like a-. -
'lades on a' line, then 'blindfolding a ,
'plaYer, a d stattl. across the-
reern----towa -in a-
ntimber of-7.1teis-liez-reaclies..-the line
and touchecone Of the lcieleA, it
iongs to m. • .:
White candies:'or .PePpeeminte.fur.-
nish Material for 'a snowball race.
.Mark track and let the guests •
in barman:1'4,c arvy,fianapiXauhea,b,:lamde of k hey enai
Each. one receives the snowballs. that a
remain on his ,knife, when he has • fin- '
ished the race,' • „ • ,
Ball games can be 'played With wads
Of. cotton, to toesecl it -1W,, a basket
or thrown through a , ring: . For.
quieter •: game 'let each guest•
_write in:a given time' he Many words.
'as:possible that suggest Cold.. n
--A-kaidePEnG 'of AN 'OCEAN.-
. Float. e.,la P fee c •• .
.:•lo:doing, Christiana will not obey "the until they are two weeks old. I, feed- It shoWsai-,Charige in metliods.of health Of Water to 'represent an 'iceberg m :
lust Of the fleeh";. they will defeat them. at two-hour intervals. ;° I then Maintenance in the human body. : the ocean. .Let the players sit round
arid 'overCOme 'their trntrer -nature. .' : set my alainf clock .inuelt as I' did I, Under natural conditions man's if for a sea .eeritest .9.i`l•re each guest.' '
IT7'fiea skiark, NOT it...wFLE.S11, 18 TO '
when .1uniOr was inuill. It eav :._'_meabPdyaia,eelf-regalatlagj•Andaseif-rnaie_ .a p of paper re t,.1 - g gives 0A
, . • - . • "sn • . n hi'n, a ti e
ser7,2T4H.E.,,c,914T.ROLpl.NG _IPA tr.. :. g. 0 mg mle 94 , . 0 , . , . , , ..
r. -.-------c- R,'•-lraVin. '-ta-k—th • f d' ' t' . " ' . 1 taiiiin ' ' becanse 'mail eats • natural and .allove:n. certain number- of rnia':'
'' MY Mind, When I Work in the gar- : folede and lives. naturally. 11..it' with utee for the 'players to write the: ails -
, • "'
.V. 17., Everyman has two natdr•es. den or do cleaning . or ironing .1 set .civilization has come unnaturalness, ‘Yers. ' For eltaMPI?:
hi .1 Pm clock to rin' fiftee !with. Changes to gradually that we 1. Which sea imagines2-a-FanaY,
in him; a lower and a higher. .The
lower is what we call "the flesh." It it a a ,g n
made up of selfish and. animal app- .utOs• before T must , start dinner,/ •:have not been aware of them. 2. .Wa, hich See lieelee41:13?;-•tegaC7.-
iites, whieli Crave to be indulged... It, I find it especially Useful when I ..„, The gretest changes in living have .8. Which see is dainty?—Delicacy. ,
is this nature which tempta.,eo Triaay. sew ; -With Supper on my. 'hied Or .cOine, in the list fifty years When, X. Which Bea is kind?•--4/enielney. .
persons to'a drunkard's life and grave. :chickens, to attend to, My sewing is through ' our commercial Aevelopnient; 5.'W`lifeh sea is insane?—Lunacy.
On the other hand, man has a higher always a bugbear; but when r 'Set' my. feadstuts have been •devitalized to 6. 'Which lea .is iaconiplete?--aDefie,
nature in him which is akin to the. little alarm Clock allowing•ampletime make:thern appeal to the eye and the ciency.
Gdd teeki; to- reach arid "ower this --' c'noreP,'I can. rex and sew. palate, instead Of to i the aeeds, of 1. Which tea means . a. plet?...--Co.n,:
Spirit of God liiniself4 The: Spirit of • e'er these
There. are (lidless uses ' for it to save the body. • . ' ' . • • ' : . ' spiraey. '•.f. • • ..
By living for thiS higher nature men worry-Whervi. promise to phone some- ' This has brought on many.,new dis. it...Which sea Is correct?—Accuracy.
nature with new energY and ,
beCome paints and•follbwers a Christ. oneeat a partictilar time, if 1 axe to eases and .hiereased the frequency' Of '9. Which desPairs?-,---. Pe-spender:CY.
• W' h
Every, 'di$elPle, -therefore,' hes_to seed. a cold drink to the field; when Old :ones.; With this as come many,
"detiy" or disown' the lower nature,. My bread- shotild be 'toady for the, isinta \ germs, tpxines and the
,that with hisalliAra nature. he may, pans ••or when it IS time. to 'pat, the like: 'Bat the fuademerital 4fact re -
give himself' te- Christ, ' -• • 4ans in .the even. . . iiitaigattrat-dtaaaaradtkeralrota"-troirre
V. 18.. Paul Points out that II Chris- , • The little Oaten clock Can hstif ai Without cause, and what we 'eat, drink
Cans thus live by, the Spirit, they do well shoulder a lot of those time r. and breathe brings about Most all Or
not heed written lewsabeceuse ahoy; ; ' ." • • . • .. • ea .
tiesand leave.myanind clear for some- the prevai ing causes: - . , ..
T a divine. motive ' of • life• Within
.,... . %thing 'ese.-..-F, E. .. = • ". ' ,.- . ' • . ,Docters' ate , beginning .tti n realize
their own hearts, . . _ • ........a_aa_aaa.
,.., . .. . . .. , .
' Vs.,' 19;411. Patil noW enumerates , i'..,' .„. - ..• • • .0
What hekarli-S-"ilie-Worke'of -theafiesh."' '„..Mpving.....219e6.. , .
flies, are very' abundant e third.appli4 'They. are the thiage, tp. which. hien .7,1lovingi„,bees'-•,(onsists not only .1 toriii. end arellierelcire' taxiing:
10. ,Which sea sells? --Agency:
"siewball..geme- Can be -played, •
with a snoWinitn. niade from a drag-
up,and covered, with cotten,
ject is •;to kilo* off his hat by, throw-
ing • samieballs .fronathe opposite end' -
of the room, A' firioarbdll'hattle cat '
nIlUl isfactorily Or .a litioleuin ,May provide cation may be necessary in sevi.:froth • O 'inmthe..eentre"-to give ,
• • . , Most 'nerally it means them Weight. the • best plan is to
need should be 'washable. Shades which . ' ' •
an adequate. floor covering. Rugs if tembe,.... . . ,
tiles 'Ai, the satife tine he soen1niy
but in making them 'Stay, there..
.rit'ebrdejaetde;, cut down the consump- theY, are • Wanted and, -,tlien -
hat thepatient 'must return to whele leave' them in the tub of ice. water
regulate the light are all the"windows, ' ' • 0,,„ . • ' -declares that these sins exclude ail AS bees range two or three rahes boa of sweets and starches and add squeeze them •
oatl” they will then bo.
windel,' shut out the light.. It is not Not only is the purity of., hay a f-,ttaothseti cold and wet.
demand.' C:oth .eattains eaverint,the ,TY,Peg Q • ay or' mar e s. twile commit them from a,place In the.. rram.; the hive 111 SOarcli, of nectar, they
fl1t111`0 kingdom est. 6-eda Whena'w ell', ir ahe nee location 16 withini'lcdonfsinainitps.tion of green
. .
this' maybe painted Or varnished sat-
Coine if they do not live by, the Spirit
traiisaiorting them. to the now location,
but ' d 1 th lower
necessarY to haye; ciirtains in a baby's .necessity, if the trade • is to be sus- cook:at .ith itiStiffiwttnintd tihati-ett %firtt , Thefiriner who is a good livestock .adiefiveIrth°a-ilwilittit.t'ed ve*ahfiteerec8akri6c1•°rPolepilleoln
twee, likely return to the old'honie;:
repni other than window shade's: Bo tamed, but. the req iroments f the,tfi)ontrialea!raih: near‘. w,Iarne ciao feeder kn,ows the. basic ,printiPles of.; balls 'ate appropriate refreihments. If'
however,,it'18 outside .t'hey. will reniain
.ever, cretonne or • other attrattive. market: AS to Character meet. be con; satilci, agile* awaya-frona."..GOa-aaa...Wiler•„Satdaeed• •• Oeding. Faadanienta,l1y, thy are the i..on.serve theta at a table; use a.,White
.1 • •
. t,arne or um s or . p per c o , p
hangirigs it the,. pidee 'of the •Wiedow. sidered: Wherei,the demand is from heathen. irreligion or. magic. Inc neat •
thea e washable. • ' . • • ly *abaci :points out w,... I so:n-siu3e.As; tanking.' Men jealons of c0ol0 and "hli homIng inatinct-WeAkek ea, h.aVe. realized that ,theie kre?Wledge tiio,centrepiete have a: tiny Christmas •
g inside the tango o flight, firet moye Weee we will get to: learn such a 1,.hviullthg InWiictahedollttn.slinat.hhei;b11rsa,11:sheelle
tumid comes in particinet from nrees st ,Patil roes through the whole. the beez. icy a
D9Int out806 of it, or scoyt-
imple and Annie:mental' thing. at ri ht t • ”. f d h
aprine` or fall when the weather le We wonder if theie koed-feeder farm -I
maY h4) used if desi;rahle dairyMen clover and alth lfalfa is nstal2 six .oe .s.even are sins Winging, from with white dishes and glauest For,
It: is, euite possible With a little white, Gila ak :the Feed Division of, otherst or hateful .and unbroth-' tban in thn sltlifiner• , would benefit • therhaelves if applied! tree loaded with cotton and SPriaro
TIM last two refer.,:specifically To move in aaittmt tiiiii0.td a peint" pernanalied ••
•tiine and,*timaght tO make a aureery the Dominion Seed Aranch.: This de -1 etlY;
Antively • 'utilitaria.11 the same , • • , ; , • • . ;to 'orintkenness 'and diedeltite Ii17 vin • • t
.tiam. pleading to the' eye. . • 8ur-rotin Jag large ies _le arm-. gightly and. bids the, ,Galat,..;i,; dota-
1, (teller ,for Wealc40.19., te,. the; eating; mini .01,. aura oicknesseti_will.1, trees -call„..._be .stripPed :for the,. last '
el.'s Cater' to the milk requirements. InIttite warning' that those who practice's'
g ainiiig a favor or piece.° tan y, t e.
• .a.,18. the cities. thernielees. there is always se, t will eternally lose' the
Illie/cpplUOV'e a certain' call for tiniethy I:lay 'for the 'pl.'s:enti•e o t
1. the'..move.is a %short one,,,.use Caricet; tebiecuilosis, rheumatism; and
te location„ , " disappear, even -suck', dreaded' ones cours.e.
vitteelL-, . .
bought a nest Of glass -mixing ,horses, .And 'clover • and grass-liliXedl V. 22, 23. Over', i.rtainst these Wei•ks•:,wheeiberrova' and bunia thet4iboresa
bow.s for tlm largo sum: of• seventY hays- are..not 'wanted. Owing to the or ,ho flesh, St..Peul presents. in all' Wolf Habits and hniao0ance.
.oOnts, at the Mre-and-tenleent iteie. 1 greater deniand and higher reaTit'et, I ad' i,ettntv "the...fruit of the itlii(ancl'e, inli'f°r1;1)11ietc. (tifc; ;tett aceatriance and
• , comm;f _theee Imaly words to mem, tinn much as possible. .ways•interesting, PartieularlY so When..., .
floWer ho'ders to WM in the bOWIS " ' has been regarded' as 'a more vpivab'e'
NYhen the Spirit is- .the eoral Thil: colony sh(31,Ild jrtepiti-c„sd" for , Commereialiain is ineolVed. 'Ol" this
One Or two of them I -used, jest as cash, ceop!.thati othet.. types Of haY i•n' nrY.
• • 1— d t f I t
s• Wheat.fOr Bread Making. •
ohoh, oi fitteeo. years; the Valr-
' keebutita of wild lifeathd',de.scrip-
tive-histery of. euCh ithinias are
. ;
also bought several of the littileaglase pric;e, Mr. White continuee, timethy-SPint• •• •
" Teachtaa," pupils sitotad elienge the appeaTance of• the ald iota -
r 3v w...a grown .0 er
f t • in humaii eves it 're two -a 01,t4f,..0,11 ttio 1,011,41 or earl ies o wia nature•is Mr, It:roman Criddle's "The
11) they were, and they make yell,' PreitY!'districtS which are 8'IJ'ociallY adaPtt'd peace, longstiffe'ringPagentIe- Loin.'nria,,, nrea„,:nt,...4e,'-ae of figeld bp experiment in. the Field; Ansbandry Habits and' Economic Impo'rtance of
flower ontuinere. 13ut. there tvera to its. prodtictiote. I3eeause Of the!feithylnesi meek- Dept at the Ontario
Agricultural 101-.
e colors that L wanted so filrm,,valueof-clavex for general feed-' leneran'ca" hes-e' 'are the' ' The.'*hht"lill"beard a.ncl shPuld lege were 'carefully, tested for bread, W°Tves Canada," 1)tiblisahtldfrttete°0t;
, ,. iv a tawa, an wItieh can.. h
mixed tip oil or. till ename paints, In purposes; and Its inn.e con'tertto . itngs d in *Vac 0,1 1 , • ••,, , • preduetion. lc: the Ila Brancho tho
t-roi foC,t110 Ian ease or 1%1` WOO(telt I 'D t ocat
Pb IL ttions
the glass bowls ,ttvo .eoats of this on! aa /or the4increased yield, the pro- 9‘t 7) ,,,T --,-,,,ll. • I. . 12.40 OPPlloation to
until r got ray deeireu hue and. gaeer pasture- hha as a soil imi d r,,as„ well ad. nrat)ca
e.ests and nails. • . • ties ef winter w hieh t ere. tie n r41)1 WI emem-
e- 'h 'Ltvite lie r
the C emica Dept .
Those,varie , heat w ,
:r • • bored, evo ves Were art cularly proni-
the' outsideaa.:Tha,Adslect the decor. l• duefien% of .clover-iniXed hay rather that between .thcir own new -giver.' c 0-0 t 1 an ;ay give ven- pro du ced the largest of bread
40 • ilea. tor thoq , . .... o . , . . frem equal litintities ef'flottr-in 'tliel-iL•aeat ia•tbe-.POlie..iiiind, partly6vtillit
lin flesh, w ,th ...s. .. -. ong and ...pi, , eel s IA ale sn, , as Wit., as ttl,e _en- their' beldnesi. and. partily, clue..,to .
t..a.t..);;, Ililie.,ti filevo af• Iv fr'ii 'gauze Six...
ative note t *toted •Find all' together than. 'Straight' filitethy is ,:teramatay c,hri:.;tinrt natare tee t,lie old . life, of fl I,'
'clisl&t..,c0;ti,f,,,,any..tnore,Jhan One di' the' foci:omen , „e areas wher average, test :Made., are giiien in the ''t9'
colored, glees' 'bovv.14:". olio Seerirtlie*IitaVe.rA OOP be-tiieCettfit'....11T.ktoWd.:-.-j.V.-4.1iL'14.--.1,K,!-V-V4;".,'...1?...!".0_0,.!..11VP.P11:•,1e..= _tr....1a.c.,,e„)......N.Yfx.ie,...„ni•4..1"nld :it 8.) o :g itS161,1,41,tio,;.,6±der:, ..yare.,ataf, ,,,„13,tidtt the formation of large hunting pa.r.ties. • . .
ghopi; Y/,. . , ' ' . .. ', , I good Illicit attinit • Is ciseraie I to the ' r,' ''' ,c.'..("".'s Pt' (f'n].."'4.: sta'"8•;'. Vv..c.."-1 *r,iger r•V`Iiff'r qiiiii'. ' Thra'S 1. ' '64 v"Ir''.: ,x-aore:••••• ••14.11i0e4, veacht, 1.8.1tici,..;e1.1.... ..*-filiNtreatilettataMalia.Critidintelle-ofaaaaaaaa.a-a
• , , ' a . . - a . . ' — too o'..d . lac am Ow hel,v,, (,,hrixti.atts
..There Are ilialiy. pOSsibilitieS.ht de-. :production •of lieday yield§ .Of high'. rAl i...' o. I n t ti _. the,. y'enfr,i'.a.0,0,'..ali.;.1, caste' 'n,Lono !:ii;6' itil•qted,, Teem' aniati, tetti. tiesttiitti , ...pox woiveS, • Artte wolves, timber .:..
•fi'Mel(... With ':.,151.glid • ntO,Ver-- haidetff, On::sr-rTtid-uing-'grnsgy tiny', un d .becorn.L. •fut•p•al.,:fomi,r, • ' , , . : • ' ..1 1.110 t)ther 'I"' 7111 .1`.`et". 0t .thr,F.'. ilirve.r ,,,,?.)',..,and.,,ki(lfga,h,,,kinheri andahese which nal:iit4:- nwthbds' of :f4dding and. 99on'.-
torating •theSe gla'SS boWis! . Banda of 'grade,- 'thin '.. end worn4iat • meadowS..dtk,th, to, di., if, -c,,,hri,t"h_y,s.ity!tiz, 1 30111..4. nti Ill 1 ,r,, . , , 1,, d , ,ti.nteini t:u.d4kY: adsi.lanito , Tres:well. \vt91.!k8 'ail.d'.eYatoii, 'describing theii.';
waist . regard. thent4iVes. na' havittlx- -a 4 i, 14, .or filo ..„,,,,, to I/to: bonotplarei.mat .,Atribert
Qav.,00 er, toliiiO; St1.,tus. • •-:lio:i.1„1S0 tela 'What, lain.
painted On thetn Ate eirectiVe, con, ing Antetteel :with 'weeds;•' Avhich -can-• - -- '' ' .•.' '''', '. . .,., • , , ,,.„ , I ' ,/'. ' , ''. ,. , -.. . ' , *, . - • , PI° tlee• . .° - ra'a e
aentienal: :borders of "nieny eolors, et,' not 14 Separated at the tints Of preas..,. : ..' 'attar ******-****- ' ' • J ••-n01••4•1 ;Ill"( -'\,t,stat14'-.11.C.•ntlreilliAao e *1)11134011a-0 Iola ..ratrie lied oiathea,, ...'era and:OIltlYtng-e lerS4neat 'wen to
,thie,:eiii"eliObse`a motif frail' the 'figtir-.4illA b,trt;, bein• inelirdeci in- the •,:wdight,.* 1 Otte fink ii,tiM Alalk 4 :giied lioavy.:: twc,i 0 ch fro* or. ditrienshlm lihniter .1. : . .. —........„,,"..., , • :knew, how :the, ,enimals trin ,..he trati7 '1 f•
,ed Aftalletie,g .0t the itO0111 ::and 'make a ,of. the 1.)ae,' lower its Valueamid.con. -(111, Will'd0tia•wttnifed'O'folirtif thin, "4"t, the ii!'‘.0 '664Y1-altit'OnV6,r:e'v toOCit f, . l'4 -heat deW has her ..hoetie -on .the Ped.fooisotted ,er otherwise IdeetrOyed. : ..
' poet' Material,. : ' I with wiec •Tifit_ettcred.-19. thebest .ownee, , 14214 hoW the:skins tan '1').propereed,
44.100.4 air is co& er damp, addi- aewee bowl to match.—P., sequently