The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-30, Page 1.1"•-• r I . •' ' •••••••“ "t101#S0''• _ ' ••••'; Ytitit I Anv.A.Ncg; $2.5.0 OTHERWISE .PROPESSIOISAti CARDS 0 .•".1,F, A. IDAILICE1t0 OSTEOPTII, of • Wingham will be at the •CairOleuse; Luelmow, every, •Wedneaday,. after. •• rioon., •All chrome difiases. ,•,•succees- ••-fiilly • treated, Osteopathy,' • renievec the phYsiCal.„.cfnises !of disease.:. Ad- `"inatriterit of the.apine ii•More, quick; •'IY•• 'geenr.ed, and: With .fewer ",•treat- mentri•bY Osteopathy'. than other .1'1etlidd; • • . M. Connell' , :Physichn and Surgeon 14uelinow' Hours 2-4 -Phone 86, " • DENWIST • 1)r.• MacLeod will visit Lucknow Conneh's every ; Istiesday in Dr, DENTIST., • ,, • Tteleavei,i LUcknow.--. Likci,1141041,, 1Pre"••••••••••••• THURSDAY, OILY ..30t.h., , , . •. SINGLECOPIE; 5•PENTS. 1 .0 ,160CAL AND- G*NERAI* o . 1 . . Mr. Herb Graham is• home frc.m • !grant -a, ou a short vacation„.* • :Miffs ThOmPsori is vistflg •,ri Toronto'with Mrs, Priee Naylor. ihI Miirdie honie-aftet, 3 8103 /.?zgiti9a sPeat, at SeaTgrtih: ' Mts., N. L. tunpbell. spent the and, Chatham., • ' se'ek-end with friends' in RiOgetOWn 'Mr. and Mrs. Gerstein jOhnstorir Of Beigrave, viaited Sunday with Mrs. . . Moor. • • CATI*TO REV. K. A. GOLLAN TO ROSEMONT . 1 , The; Rev.: A, Ordlan 114.4 received - and accepted a call to the .pastorate of the Unitetk Church at Resomont; • d in the PresbYterY .et OrEingevl .9,. . 'TorOnto Conference.,, The church was the farm now occupied- by Mt y formerly -M'ethatdist,.. but ', the . congre, 41,14emmas, on the BoUndaty east of •gationliaa been greatly' ,strengthened he village. He was born in 13 par. by •o; MiniiritY: which: 'Went over frOln. hitt' Of It',0311,,BrOoinf Scotland in 1829 'a .Preshyterian4Congregation: iw h i et, and was '.therefore in hiEl• 97th • i'reEk_ T:3 Voted"' nott-eonciartanO. c .,Mr;;, ,Pcgaiii Untiteivithin, a w-eelt 'Of,: his " 'death. Ilk 7 Will Preach in the LuClcilow United •hid enjeYed•,'go•pd, health • iiii,d: 1,140'934 ,CI:i.oic,1{ . next ,'SUpday,;•..10:::‘ ,sermen ':..ti). waysable to be about. • ; , ; be in the nature of a!larewell.addresS ...At the agi).•'SetWen.tir.'he left: Scot- to the.. peOpie. Of. .LlichneW- and Niiiii- land Ind 0:arii•S`te '.0anada;making: the ity.. Mr.. and Mrs. Gollan will be yoyago in al oalling'iregoel which took moving td'R,osernant, as soon as ar-, 14 Weeks crossing the Atlafltie. After rangements can; be made, . '• spending a year or sci at 'Ptialinch he - ' - -o-o-o-:-.- • came to KinIoss 'among the early set- . u1,471TED. causal oacePazED tiers' in 102: Font Years later'he re- ' • turned •to Pgslinch. and was. martied ' The first er"mgt.egatiMMI meeting on: 'January 3rd, 14356, to Miss Fanny held on Tuesday , evening of ,this 'vwho • Passed away • in January, 1917„ :MacKay, also. a native 'of Se'Otland, ei, the IneicnOw United "Church .wes Ai.‘Teti, when. , :organization of the • The• marriage and, wedding trip- were church was cornPleted, under ;the t 'kingly. characteristic:of earl)! Pi- neW system. 7 The functioning hodies donMst of a7Beission---of-I2-ineiliberSiz; u Committee. •ofo"Stevirarcl& of 18, and 9 trustees: The duties of thS. SeSsiun 'cotreopondS to :those of the ' Preo- byteriar, Chuteli 0.ssion-L-jooking 'af- ter the: spiritual 'interests ' Of the OBITUARY • Mr • Kenneth .MacLean , Mr. Kenneth Maet+Prin who Passed away in the early hours of Tuesday the 21st. ingt4. was a 'resident of Lneit• • now' since 1902. wben he- moved from, • Mi..'"•orid Mrs. Gordon Johnston. Of *Toronto, are spending a tivo-Weeka' vacation in town.• • Next Monday, August 3rd, will be ivic l-loliday in ,Lucknotv. and bus. aim' places will ba closed. ' Over Decker's. 'S t ore: Extraction- . either by gas, or local. Will be ,Dungannon every Thursday, Phone DENTIST • • ASHFIELD NOTES Wilfrid Ilogan.,, aceomPanied. bY his ,uncre' Rev". •Fr." Jolan Hogan left -tar New York City where will re- main for some time. • Mr. Thos. LuinberS and Kathleen, of Terorito, afe. visiting. her ••mothet, 'Mts. Beuifais, at Hamioek Miss Salena, .1ViaeDopald of 'Ham- •...1ton is visiting„friends Loehalsh. •Ir. Charles McLean of Chicago, is isIting at:his old hOrriea,i'L, p,t.d.tn•.' • lvreaPDse• of itIntail,:avas seriously 'pleurisy but" we•are.glaktogtort the high road to recovery... Miss. Be, Ste' Grant ••• iS visiting her° aunt, 'Mrs.* X. J. Mac- Kenzie of Sarnia. Mrs, Peter ,McNay who .had a Week's vacation at Bruce Beach has returned to her 'home in •Pararivaunt. • Mr; and Mrs. Lyle MaidPiarMicl'iof Detroit are visiting •frienda 141 Luck - no, w and. Paramount for the iweek. Mr. and MI'S. Tom Moore of White• •Shurch Visited With and ,• Cafl Dr.. NeWton. • Make ainointment In effice ,every.day . • • . . , ' • • 1 1, Mr, cii0 Mts. 'Becker, .of Waterloo, .VL' 5.!. of Mr. and Mrs. 1.1.j ,:laritelin;'for."a-feW days last Ir,and Mrs. Harry Ikins and little laughter are visiting.' with Mr. and Mis. Geo. Greer this week.- • Mrs..E.. J. Collins' ••and • daughter, Helen; spent the past two weeks with At Collina' sisters in- Lucan. ' Mr.. and Mrs.' Gordon Moore , and iaby vof .RPckwood, spent the week di tow,'w•th M Moore'sth Mr mo 6r. : • . • • ' S.V.0113-Q137-1.1 nershiP_SalaAt , - Follow ,the crowd tri the Oange of' 'congregation, Stowat dS look after the temporal interes two bodies -acting together constitutei Llic 'Board of Managers.' Members are-,eteded for limited terms, •but . are '41Ways*ligible , for. ,te.:election. The reg.* of'ihe'election will be an- onriee ' on• '• • b the • BELFAST ' shin& 'Store foOn • glifiarQ . ibave • added to - my ' Wall , ,Pape) . • Pad Paint •busiriess,.a 'stock Of .: Wal. ' .•Paper• Which. :lino- be , seen. at in .:r,esidenre, any ' ti.ine-R. J. Caniez0 •',painter and Decorator • •• • . A. c.,•rill Si: CO. dealer* in all kinds a, ' Junk-,-,Efdys -poatry. : Highest; • Mar, ket pr:ce. 1.kjet sell -before ..seeim • •.: 5. ,At ,hoine Tesday.. after ecloCk, and. ail", day Saturday.• Pattie., . .. ,•;,,,b,...;*;isliing to •cmpininucate .with us telephone,'„leave naciSsage. with Tele- phone Central- Office. ,....-42.4-tf. . • • ,• ''• •Farinere` •. Attention -We t have ii .• stock, soft „ amilestaitlible for, thresh -:2•-•-•-• ing- purposes. •:--Liicknow Coal ,i Co. ' • • August Miss EmMa' M4Iver; of • Winnipeg, , las been visiting friends ,in 1.,ucknoiv, '.fet the: past three weeks, and return-, , id to her home last Friday.. ,Dr Alvin A. Canner* mot:Ore...I, OV•'• ...it from peterboro vand is . spnding • he 'week with his'. parents, Mr; and Mrs. R. D. Cameron: . , • " Just Arrived --.--A. Carload of Gyproe Wall Board. This is the cheapest and. :most" durable Wall Board on .the mar- . e • Vmrarying High 'Qua qy is LIex..eru 1'J Immense PopUlarity of Ont,' Breads. and Cakes . Try $Oine of Our Spebtals.For This E d Wee,k- n Bon Bouche Lemon Meringup pie,. Angel CakeS:- Dundee Cakes Rasberry Tartlets Puff Pastries Swiss 'Rolls with Rasbedy Jam . , R.Mgin Iread,'Wlni.i.t 13.611q, Whole Wheat and . ,i liorner-Mile Bread . gl-te$t PriC0s:Pajd for'131.1tters. and Eggs , oteer daYs, On the Monday:morning :lienderSon of Paraimunt during . -tellowing-ihe,-,marriage.-the„__young: week. "--• -••'•-•- eetipie. set glIt for their future lame Miss Ida' Hamilton, of •Murilla: is ,'Kinloss, travelling; with apw'ox ;visiting at her hOme p, Hen -ilea. City team /arid -sleigh such as Was used .in • MisO • Lizzie Baird' Ort Toronto those days. Although they started at' Spending. the summer with her moth- thtee,o'clock 14,1 1VIOndaY• inlOtningt er;•Mrs.''Jas. Baird of Paramou14. . :they ,did •not reo.ch desenation Mr. and Mrs.-A.7oe 'KetchahaW And h until the Saturday night fol ow ng. Loat--..-00 the 'read "betWeen the 12th. eun.' Asofieo LucknOw, by Way..9 nderson's • Skieroad, a driving., raw 'Finder kindly:leave. at the 'Sentinel ° • • House -For Rent ---First class. resi • dert2e with all 'modern conVeniences• double garage,. carriage house inia ata ' geod..garoen, nice lawn, on Staui 'fer St: Lucknovv:. Apply to Mrs. 'Ackert or Ackert Bros. liolyrdod. '13••8-100C: : • • tet„,Win.‘ 'Muraie Son. .1V1r; 'and ;Mrs: ' Murchison, of are“apending vacation with Ar. and 1Virs.:Fred Armstrorig and. o meting Lucknow friendS; ; WarM Carnfortahlo • Rooms -7-07 -"High School staidenti.. Iniorniatim at the Sentinel Office : For S'ale or Rent--'fle stores occupied by W. W. Hill. For .partic • ulard-apply to Geo. A. Siddall. 16-7-tf., • • ' Resideuce __for • Safe -Solid brick P.'W. Teinplin is Conducting a • The folloWing • sans • • and daughtei s survive Murclocli; of Edmonton; Doif7 fild? ..Erie, North • Dakota; Roderick aaw „Kenneth,. of Tilsten; •IVIanitoba; •Vietoria„ Archie Anclerian,.'Vest WaNyaiosb:- Willie arid Albeit Struthers. of Para- , mount, spent , the., week -end with friends' at Guelph and Galt. Miss Isabel McDonald of ".Lochalah spent the, week -end with friends c, in ILuelmaw.• • . ' ,Miss .Clara Ritchie of 'Zion was ,th Mr. Ralph Nixon is spendifag a few days his daughter,. Mrs.'Jno. Erni merson .of Kinlough. .• Mr. and Mrs. David 'Farrier and daughter of Bethel • visited overSun- day .at the home .4 'Mr; and Mrs. El-' mer • Alton.' • , - 'Wm:. Hackett and, wife of , , De- troit spent the -week -end with friends . , in the harg'' Mt and Mrs. • Albert Cameron .and: . visited with friends in Wa- wawesh, one, `aay recently: Mt Walter , Lane a • Ripley •is .ihange of ownership Sale, in E. A. ?almer's Store :‘open Sat- irdity morning,. August 1st:. Ur. and Mrs..' Batrer,‘ of Winnipeg, iisited the past week with Mrs: But- :er's aunt; Mrs. N. L. Carripbell, and :With.other Lucknovi relations ' ,Miss Kathleen Hill who has been n the OVinglia•m. Hospital. the past . . • veek, having undergone an, appendi- dveis Operation; .ifi making ' raOld. ...acs_ive14,4inclt11.21!_f_o_iiie within a Itituated at ,corner -Outrincr--.-an‘ ., D.:- NJ. Gerdoni 1 Wellington streets:" -ApplY to: Mrs • •- Fatal Vox. Sale ' 1.00 acres, cam 6; Millet. The hit( . • •`.11enry XePirlep.. farm, 'good building!' and other imprevements; Close t , school,. 3.1/2 Miles north of /Minton. A, first class•faini. ApPlY t(S'Urs.Hen, • ty IVIeBrien,,Clinton,• or W,'Brydline Clinton, • ' 23-1-tf . • • :AUCTION SALE Or HOIISEHOLU Spending a ;few days; ?nth_ his_rin 286 "4,ittledge avenue,. a it • WEDDING-BELLS 'binoniarioid,-Th4r4ton Ilhe'fellOWing.,aceount of a wedding Of local intel'est. is taken -froth , The Newark .Ledger; ,Jersy): Masses Of ': Pink ,. and ,whRe. rbsei,, lilies Of.. the. Valley, '..and Palms. formed. ,Pretty sae -Ping last evening ..for,•,the wedding ,cifi.•'MiSs, poi: Thoirtton,' daughter of. Mi. and George B. Thornton of East Orange, to; Donalk L. MaeDiarmid of 'Atlanta, Ga,„. for- MerelY Of 'Ontario,' Canada:. ••• The' cat' anOtiy:took :place ,at the•"lierne Of' the FLOLU Phone '3r, ,4 Mr George• Near -i -in of Pinke•-t-n i.Pent Si•liday with Mrs. W41 r Kaake., ' Ars.. A. $tanley•is spending a. few 'clays,.."-wth-friendi in London. Sacra ental Service be held:in the church, here, next Sunday after- noon at the usual kour. • WHITECHURCII ROst,iouThelyes•:... • Isiot. Prevent Eye ' Misi Maggie Ross' pi•Lingside ited with Murray. • • Miss 'Gladys . Gai:ton het aiste/r Mrs. Holland ip 1Viiss Ruth KitCheet go.c4:9 of Palmerston...is'. visiting. her cousin*Miss Annie Moore. 'Mesita. Will .Foster and Nelson Reid ,inotored to Ilimiltori, 'one day last - DS.- mount during. the "week. - 'Outte-.S, nutu er ran fiel-,-adel • ' .Miss Sessie....geWla14: '11111.0n ' -the funeral,..a late "Mr...Kenneth Mr. Will Johnston and. tivo son; of Baird -MCLean Lucid -10W last .Wedpesday,.. guest of Mrs. Eldon IlenfieroSt the•• gra- Idlin Reid of AO - Of near Lucknow. ' • •• • Baird of: near •Lucknovi° during the Week.' Mr. 'Jas. Hackett.: • Mr, and Mrs.- Daniel Alton and son. Albert, and•Mrs. David Hackett arid daughter Mary, viiiied-iFtlie-"Ilorife". of ,Mr. and Mrs.:Pert-Y.: of Port. Al; Miss Lena Hackett' has! returned home after spending a few days with friends. in Detroit., ' Miss .1.11lie Sherwood ;las returned home after spendink. the •-•veek at- tending the Slimmer School which was held. at 'Godericii: • FOURTH CON • -Arnong,the .'visitors to town ; laSt. veek..'Were two: brothers of Dr. New; Son, who iinitoract from -:-Chicago and .pent few days .With ' the ,New.tea. leaving,(Thitroday 'morningor ' Toronto, and Port Helm Mrs. Jacobi, and .Mr, ,Lock :Of Pe- --,-/-tht-rare-visiting..Mr...‘andlliflre.' Alex loss, and Mr.. and:Mrs: T. W. Sniffh. :1.hey. were, .accompanied fi9;O:. • the ity. by Mrs: 'Garthier, who visit7 rig-hei-fOriner- home- neitr•Ripley... ‘• EFFECTS , 411Irs: ------ . 11. A.ekert will, have at Ancti9n ale ••of household, effects a the fainilY residence, Statiffer'';Street • Laeltnovi on :Satinday, Aug; •lst:cork ..inelic.ng at 2 o'clock. For. partimilati• see tills. . • jobn Purvis, ,Aue. \ 30-7-e,, AiTC,TIO:N SALE of HouSehold Effects A. d4an Will sell hold „effects, „at the. South KinlooS Mamie ion Wednesday , Auglist. fith, Commeric ng . at 134 o'clock p. m. There will be sold "furniture of. Dining room, ,Parlor, 4 bectiroems, and Kitchen. AlsO. a piano, tom- :plete :set of The. Encyclopedia Brit- --annicar 30, Whiter:laying Plyinouth bona.. .,„t-tatilit''--k-Gasla.--;-EllkeLti. • - .1Mille,r; Auctioneer. ' lastelpiownottr-Mills k"441" lIaveloCk Mau.) ‘$1.75 •Bepoy" (blended) 44.60 Made Rite. (pastry) .4.00 `'Wheat 41.10. • • reed Fleur $2.10 Shutt $i,60 'Bran, g,„ „ Screening Guap t40.tiu Der vvn, • 0•9•44•140C•il " 1.•3 ;The Rev. K. :by public auCtien, his entire gibude- 0.e'Rev. W. S. Davison of 'the Arling- ton . . too Avenue presibyteri..aii Church-offiZ -eiating.-'--;:-Ftaaer..-;- Allen,--.1ofTeronto,, .,Cartada,'. played, the,. 'Wedding;*niateli: ,T.lie' bride, wore a'lgoWn of . white georgette. and 'tulle vg.: orreugo4 coronet fashion with orange blossoms.. ;She wore O. 'platinimi bricelet;„ sets with diamonds and 'emeralds, the,..glft :showerhduct a of white ,roses •• and • of . the bridegrOorn, and carried ' a 4s., Gaunt..• • ,• . . • ' 1 -Mt- Robinson Woods ' AS ' sneuding . a lilies. of the alley: .Mrs....Frede ick b,r4det.,p, niatkon .4 'mai:. she mies week with freinds in. StardeY teWri, Shi • ' .c. Alferes of 'Belleyille attended: the • attired in .}Mwder /blue b-evied-egeor...- P• U"' ----------- Ripley, visited with Charlie and Jim • „ST, HELENS; 'Miss Jean Campbell of Stanley is. a visitor with her cousins, Misses 'Mabel and Irene toads. i'•• • , . .Mrs. George Webb holidaying with ,her Sister, •Miss' W,ellwoisil Kincardine Beaeh. - , IVIr'. arid:-Mrs.:11erlo ThoMpion: and tirri and Miss Kate Mcbepd of . De.. trOit visited. on glihda.1t. at the hothe' of Mr. Daviil Kennedy.- ' Miss Muriel and,Kathatine. Shaw' of ..Toronto, are Visiting their." granciPar-: ents, Mr. al d" Mrs, Jas.. MacGregar. WSS Annie -,ICennedy, training' at GoideriCh Hospital is spending. her holidays at. her, ;home here. , . The Garden party held under • the anapices of the Young PeoPleo' So- .CietY,. of the Whitechurch PreabYter- ien Church,: last Friday ,.eyetving, was h If it, is caused an error. .o vision. :It iSm't work that hurts such eyes'. it is their inability to focus the:light that eaters them. If:Yon ask iv,hat. will. prevent :such a eondition, there is but. one an-, swer-GlasSes:' Glassestaade es- pecially foti the 'patient after • a, careftil exanaination. Our service premiges accuracy and satisfac= , tiPn. • P 0114VERTST Luckn.ow, Ont. as-n*y The tr little -claughter,enct.Mrs. T es,.. - • - a docidect -.0110 s.; a . , .wPelt... with the latteris datighter, Mrs, ,w_eath. e.• "was (lairiP and 'disagreeable of •Wingliara spent a . few days last :Ed. mettoeits.. .. :. : . ,_ , . 7,p.le prIrami ,:wa'S ' very ,intereatiiify.: ingat Kiiitail.. ; , ' ...... . ' ...MIss.'Colina,.Clark has ,FeIT-Visit- , _ . , , . . . , , . • . , •- • Miss Florence ,:McKintfOri '.-61---Col, --d-iijdYed: by ' all. The ' ,0:.-; mounted' to $160. .". . „, • • • • • .. KiMasi7L: ilSaa'niGaPu;itl'-,jlta'y'ae!)*rdeict.)'luirnldedrellfraailma r11°Bc.M8 iilsla:;.i•-•••61g: with :.•*..s's‘•, *61.".itil a.' Month's yiSit -with Midi: friends: Greta #10ii sof, Wingharn 'visit: • " haa..been a visitor with her aunt Mrs, 'Miss AgneS "Stonehouoe, of 13eigtakre ea, On Sunday; at her hoine :here. . HOLYR,OOD ; Ackert_Bros. Motored to „Toronto, • and Buffalo..on Saturday. Miss. Isabel , Whiteman,. former teacher Itolyrood, visited with Mr. •and-Mtsy-C,--„Burt aloo MrS.• A. Ack- ert on Sunday,• : ,Xi.0 May Thompson spent" Sun- day With 31Vir Alex DA,:',1(ayf Miss •Winniired Ackert Is spend - 'Mg two-waelts' vacation in Ethel, , 'Mr. 41:la Mrs. G: Rutledge' . Spent Sunday :at :the • home of Mr. Mt and Mr W.4, Hall of...• Ash- • ' • t A. L'" spent day last week a bab ' br ath Mra Thornton waS Little's. , .gette, with a blue, picture hat, and Miss ntherf and, Miss carried .0 bouquet butterfly roses • ,Helen Miller e returned- to Tie -Erg! with Mr. Neil Stewart an Saturdayand will , SPendTthe-next .few weeks in - that -:city. . • \ a Masters', Will Carnoehan With ",-:a • Geo: goWne,i .grey 'georgette, aid 111 Middleton.are;spending it!feW 'days in corsage' of pink -:roses F. C. Alietrii: Seaforth.% : •• 3 aetedvac Mr: MaCDiarnaid's' best, man, ane Mrs. Dale -and. Mr. . and The bride's - gift to the bridegrOOrn *ea. a •pair. of piatinuni. cuff, linkS. Mr.' and Mrs. R.. Martin: sn'ent a Silver cigarette caSe math °f Mrs. J. MciturehY" , . Tal"itritifgt;4rf tpileeatinloltr°ton..vtohle 11)3°'erft-Lfritai:, • • A FEW CAR EAU ., Mr: Geo. T: Aitchescn-is driving, a. Very nice Cadillac ,sedan, having dealt hio .onbir car on it. The new .kmachine' ,s the'best that has come' to town, so far. ',Mr, T. S.'Reidlas aloc, 'bugled: In his open car on .a .deal. for • new 0.C14,Ughlin Stdati, also 'a tery Iiandmithe....car„The agent in this deal 'aid not take the ear secured ",•rom Reid Out tof town, haVing 'fohnd a Purehager for ,it in Mr. derson. • . ° To. My Cuotomeie: , I 'desire to express to you my gin - :ere thanks and appreCiation fo,r the iplendid business you,. have favorq me with. during my„three Years in Lucknow, would, consider it •a personal favor if You 'continue to. tiatrenize inY Successor, Mr, Alfred E. Buswell, wiie will'offer you even better values and service Thonking, you- I ramain,,: Yours sincerely, E. A. Pelmet,. • day xeeentlY with Mr. and' Mrs: ir)Ptart- holder 'anti to .mr. Allen' a silvet • Mi and IVIta.".Robb and Mrs: '1Viiller followed by a• reception and wedding clay -at traVelling costume conslited• „ mr. .and iVIrs. Carl Nied and fain- 'of a sand -Colored 'coat" over -a gree)1' and Mr. Murray' Annable of. Flat Russian; crepe, dress, and a tan Pic- neY., ' eigraitte ease The -eerenionY was and:daughter Of Loridell, .Sun- supper :Air about forty guests:: The., Mrs; Morris of .13ritsburg is the :•McDonald.Ond Durnifi- are preparing .1.t'threabing,. Outfit: and expect to start the season'a •operations •-tthis week ,at.Mr..Johri joynt's • The, Womens" Institute Picnic' held at Kincardine. on 'Thursday was', a „ decided suecess.: The .weather was ideal. -Everybody seemed to conae. .with Aie intention of having a good time Ind there was. abundance to ,eat. About One hundred persons from this lifest of her sister,. ro. Jos.. Gaunt:: lvoneyrnOonMr. 'Rock ln Mie; are 'visiting at R. Middle- •ture hat: Fot their ; ton's this weel• and Mrs. Maepiartnid went to Nia- Miss Katharine Baba of Kinsardine gars, Fall's and • Canada; and after is spending her vacation With her three Weeks. will Make ,their home. l'andpa,tenta, Mt. and Mrs.' Bain, at AtI4nta, Ga. , Mr. and Mts. Stewart,: are .spending ,fe,roL EN CRUST" oREAP. Mrs, B. Chestnut.' • . "The Bread -That Is Different" a feW''daYS at the of his sister, f' a loaf to'-elt yOUr TOW" ' IIOW-Aboutyertilizer? , Suminer sandwich time, • Snelgrove of Detroit. is To kee Up 'With • tiiiies we have 'the , Visiting with her sister, Mrs. T, Rob- • . bison. . right shape nic or lunch. box, Get it Ried's Domini:on Bakery, Phone. 68. •Order yOuv Fruit Bread early this week. to ,•'•Ven't, dissapoint You: Golden Cruit Brown Bread'is the nOidoLAs McLEAN, I "Going Up", 7 Reels., The high-Mtitude coinetly Of •the . ,year, -screamirig airplane' love story • that pilots ' -You ' to 't ha dizziest -- ---f.- , . heights of laughter. Those 00 - have yet to-inake their first flight and . those xiio :have vowed . they'll ---:''L, never risk their necks •in 'elle, will . find ' a n_ ovetfinWing measure'-ot___,_...„ : mitthin "GOING UP;'" Daring Or-- \-• - ' iginal Unusual, Ainazing, ' Marvel.; , °us, unexcelled. • " ' ' _ pack: .Review •". Friday and Saturday .. Admission 25c., and Pc- •• , . 'bread for good, health. : • • Week Slid Specials • • Sponge Cakes, Vanilla Jemo, Angel Food; Date, Trillays, Cocoanut Cook- ies,' JeilVj Bats, JellY Rolls, Scon, Honey Cream Desserts, also lots of kaki things to eat, at Ried's ion Bakery, Pirrie 68... • • NOTICE '-'2VS-:-1soldfl».bUW°5 all L c6uiffiL Palmer, V colitq.31)AY Why sign an order for leiiiliz. ..', er ininitlik eheetV, when you 'enn''., vet'qillqlte-te-ltAraids ailly-414. you're in. town, atter Augnit‘tit--,: 51 Get the quantity ou iitatit, of , the kind you want; when yoti. _ ., Nom 1t from •. GEO. S: it9REI.VOON . ' lAnCknowi . Jug, ArriN'ed--A. cat ol 'ilVicNAIR Bran d' Pr.C. s,“10.cgair" 40-Viai.Guat*, antee Laid oile'aelthunch. :prices On tat Stewart Planing Milis .tv6ow community 1Y the afternoon '111 hathing, bolting, sat ball, foot ball, .ratei and commuaitY ganies. Jlos..: Smith is •„ Visiting his • dinightej at '1.:eara1igion. • Miss .W. D. Rutherford has retiirri- ed from Teronto•Wherek,she was amining the ILI.p9er:, School Examina- tion papers: • • Mrs Datragla gOdelich Alex Mr. and Mrs. .ThOmpson of Kin ' eaTdine,••Visited at the:hen-fa of:: Mr. WM.' Statteta pri:Suriday.. ., Mr...-and-Mrs.,Maxwell df 'Winnipeg ate. Ariiitin.g“mith Vita' Ernie. Ad:ke'rt. •-• Mr, and •Mrs. -Alex Mcienzie7SPent Sunday with Mi..and..Ars. R. Elliott. ' Mit.. p4,,,:,e• Robinson, of • Toronto; Called on friend, -Mrs. Ahner•Ack- ert . on; Saturday. . , • , . , . . . . , ••Miss • Helen Burt, is visiting' ill To:. ,. . r4),. Tigthir.... ,G. are't.y .io-k Pitts.bUrg,' Fa., is I.,,i11}g•SiCtOY 1.ierit &Andes,' at the home . .„ , r visiting ,at the PurVis, heme." •:lei Mr. , and MN: Peter Murray: metwarnommoonosnigoottnibilsiaimaillopoillanfitiolliiii,1111111',1111111.11*Inemi BUILD. • wt.s.r.Foicp..NEws Miss .1101e/1 -Murray • • 7111s!“1.il-Ure'sot Kiley, of '1.,tveknOw spent few i=i3Ts 'last Week:visiting in our • „ burg.• . .*.,npirilder from .here attended- the, Anglidan Church :Picnic, held at .Kineardine latt Week:, ,Mrs, Pr. Murray and sOns; Pete.arid •• • Frank. Of Chcpotowe yisited7ieTatiVea. here on ,Sunday. • • , • Mr; 'Jas. • Thempsen 'and .fainily .of! 'Kingarf, spent-Siin.iih-Y-at-thelioriie.--of-",-' • bre• -- Mr. and, Mrs: Haldenby h Mr. and .Mrs. WeeteeXT,iria. son, and grfi;d:FdatighterMiss M'arjorie Horn; ' all °O1 Sarnia, 'visited:over the week:: • end, with telatives•liere. d Mrs Atchie 'MacKinnori of Mr, an • • are visitorswith Mrs. ,Jos Smith. Miss, Annie Clarkson of Detroit is the gnest of 1Viiss Ethel Anderson. At ,tha regilept „Of it number af 'eft- -izona,oThe 0:omit Of the Village of Luoknow hereby • prticlahns, • moutitty: August 3rd, 1926, a Civic -...Holiday, the saniei Robot Aso; mote pm tcgi 144 Mr,. \\ Al.)1:0A. arid tequesth Alio. . eitisens, Aobserve , . _ • Mr. Metcalfe .;ofs London and Mt. Johnotoriof StonleY. visited 'this Week with'*r. Robinson Woods, The ruceting :of 'the Women's ,In- stitute Will be held at home Of Mrs: 55 • joaeph Gaunt, en ,Atigust •ethi at the. usual honr. R911 Call -Salad$'- and. DresSings, Subject: A 'Pape,. on inlak-: i " to lae taken bY.Mrs, Geo. Webb ng, , ..ityeAwh.oay At/getout- _ • Mr.. and Mrs John •McLend of ;Pine' River; 4011i •:Sinidliy. with. •!. and Kaake, ' • • Mr, \sfrid 'Mt*, John White of Greenock, spent Sunday with Mr. • We have a- Car -load of CLEAR MAPLE: FLOORING Full SuOply Spruce:Flooring,Sp!uce Siding and Other Building MatenaL, • Always on Hand ENSED LA1111311.3.PEALERS-. Pluint). 150 sotionix***.iitioricol,stato