HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-23, Page 1!, ..1171••••,,wAhent,, 114.4, !!! ' r, • • 77.4,41,7.,.....7•••••••-•,•-•••••••••••••-•!,,,,•••••••••••••,, $2,00 PER, YEAR,* AP,144;14C;,,.$2.50 QTMERWISE, 0, 0 PROFESSIONAL,CARDS Q , F A. PARKER,• OSTAOPTII, Of „Vfighim will be at the Cain House; •. -.1,0%nohnow. everY,, 'Weitileeday 'after,: noon. All Chroaic.dititiages Isuceess,: .fidly treated: -Oeteepathy removes • the, Physical Causes •,,of disease.'Ad- • Petinerit Of the spine in mere:quick,. 'secured and with fewer treat* :merits by Osteopathy than by any '.Ptlier••.inetheit • •, . • • ' Dr.. W. 61"..:i•Contleit .PbYsiCifin and 'Stlegeon, • '1,uciciloit ' • Hours 2-4 ' „. Phone 86 . DENTIST ,Dr MacLeod will visit Lucknow • every' Tnesday • in Dr. Conneh's ;Office, , , .,- • . , DENTIST • , Dr. It,. L Treleaven, , Lucknow- Over Decker's Stor e. Extraction"! -either by gas or local.' Will be in. Dungannon every Thursday. • • • " DENTIST Calf •Dr. Newton Make appointment In office everyday. • 1-40-1-070,-;.00-o,ati I . ' 1 ' 0 EVERYBODY'S coLuAIN o • fshave'.:addefalf-pape .2„--:---and-rPailit-brii—smess a stock' of Wall . Paper which may' be seen at my residenre eny J. Cameron Painter and Decorator . -- A. will & Co. dealers inrall kinds oi : junk. -Buys poultry. Highest mar ket pr:ce. pczyt sell' before •seem us. At hon4, Tuesday after A. p clock, and all day Saturday: Pantie:, , wishing to communicate with Us .'Alffplaufae; leaVe, mesaage with Tee - phone Central Office: ' • i•Cow Astray -Came to the' premise: - of the undersigned, on July 12, 192i. a Holstein Cow. Owner may. . haw seine on proving property and payin4 • expenses. -David, Milne, Lucknow. 30-.7-p. ' or Sale or Rent ---The stores no" . •occupicd. . ••• ulars 'apply' to Geo. A..:Siddall. 'Car Load Of Silt -Expected. at Luck Pow Station, Tuesday July ',28. Plief your .orders With Club sec'ys, or With: :Albert Strutheis','Luckilow.„ ' Renitence • for Saie=Solid brick situated at cerner of Outran.' and :Wellington streets. -Apply to Mrs D. M. :Gordon: . Farmt For Sale .100 'large,. Cori..6,"Hullet. The late Henry McBrien •farm, • good building: and ,etbei.. improvements. Close . • first'class farm. ' Apply to Mrs. Hen, MoBrien, Clinton, Or, W Brydone • Clinton. '• .'13-tf AUCTION SALE OF 'HOUSEHOLD •'EFFECTS% • ' Mrs. J. H. Ackert will :have • an Anction-Sale-pf---hciusehold-elrecta-at- . the .family residence, Stauffer' Street,. LacknOW on 'Saturday, Aug, 1St. cont, ".• Meriting at 2 'o'clock, For particulars see bills. " John Purvis, Aue. , 20;7=c. , ••• ••• •••••,-,•!••,, UCKNOW ONT Huns') .1,.."Y 23rd., 1925, ;., • SINGLE". CO,FIES, 6 CENTS. 0 LOCAL AND G0'.*RXI.; 0. 0 O . LacknoW's Civic :Holiday, Will he 'observed, Monday, Aug. 3rd. Mos` Repa.MacDonald Spent last Week:Witir Mimi Grace Cameron.. .." ;pintail • Follc,• are holding :an 610 Boys' re-indreb, Aug 1st. to the 5th: ' 'MOO, Rena Gordon .is spending o„ Vacatieri'.•at''ber.•hoOte here: Dr. and Mrs Connell' are spending. two -weeks' Vicatienat Thessa1011,, .M1W.iessie Naylorlaspending twe .Weeks' „v,acatfoh with relatives in Toronto..4r.ail Mrs. Iirn MacDonald of Peterboro, a' spending their vica,- tion here. • Mi Austin. McClure of 'Hamilton s .visiting With his parents, .Mr. and Mrs Ben McClure Mr. J. Alektntler :Me,Phee of Ed- thanton, Alta., viSited with .relatives, about town 'last week , ---METO-e Nixon, P. C. of 'London with his Wife and Children were. in: ,own, otter the week -end, Folkwing;the Bowling dab Gar - len Party this evening a.: dance will -xi 'held i the 'Town Hall; ' • • Mr. .and Mrs. Sid Plowright, of jshawo, :spent •a" few days.of:last week with Lucknow •friends • Mr. and Mrs: Harrypierce of Win; tipeg, are paying .their annuiil visit :o Lucknow and .Klideas .friends. ..„.MacGregor--lefr-Tlita Week for Sydney Capei3ieton; where ie will .spend a' month. with fraends. , -Miss Lillian HinfilihieY, of Toronto, vas a week -end naitor lit the home %if her uncie,-.Mr. A: 11 MacKenzie. • Mr. C. J. MacGregor, principal of Alexandria Schon, Waterloo, :visited is brother; Mr. D. D. •MacGregor, . . • .est week: • . • • , • and Mrs. Donald MacDonald•of ..;Ineago, ogled on Mr. W. "D:•IllacIn..., ...oah and other fold friends in town The fall wheat inthis district • is feing cut this week. The cropl, is an sxceptionally good One although the icreage is not large. Mr W. G. Cook with his wifi. and :amity •motored- from 4 el 137*-7,Girair and are 'visiting with Mr. .flook's parents north of • the village. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of New York L'itY, Mrs. Nicholson,. of Kamoka and Johnston, of Toronto 'are visit- ing their Sister Mrs. RObt. Mullin and their brother Mr. Thomas Burns- Kenneth' Jamieson, and little :on, Ronald,' Of Toronto, were ' here lor a short visit ,with her parents, and 'Mrs. D. S. MacDonald, before :eaving with Mr.' Jamieson for the Mr. Charlie prior; hiswife and ,daughteiu-motored-frtont-Vororiteuntr /hated Lucknow and Kincardine friends last 'Week Forty-one years egg Mr. Prier Was engaged ;with the. late Thomas LaWrence in Licknow,- he and. his Wife being 'active In `church. and secret iife., They wont from -here to Uxbridge where they have resided until recently, 'when they moved to • Havelock ..(Pure ..Man.) $4.75 Sepoir '(blended) ;$4.50 . 'Made'. Rite. (pastry) $4.O0 Wheat,' 0,10 Feed 'Flour $2.10 Shorts $1,60 • ,Bran $1.60• !, , 400eiling.:Clieli $28.00 per -7;•o0H0t,0,,..-•• , 'p.mtAmouNT U. F. W. 0,,•, The' July „Meeting of the, Pa111- • aneurit U.F.W.,0:1,vaie.held.at the hozhe TOr,-Mrs. Jamieson. „• Atter ,the liana] opening exercises and reading Of bulletins • all the. ,trieffibers; :•• present ;signcl the„ resohltiOn, sent with • the; ..June pregtarnine::tonsisted , of; . in- strumentals by the, Misses Marian Jamieson, Bessie Bern iiby,r. and Miss •• Verna.. Hamilton. "A readIng.hy MIAS' r:"'!AitailtitVM.'dHettaliVatifl,4FpaperF.,44, • - -; ,womants.tluty inthe.,litfitief!" by ,Mrt., Ensign, • Tbeineiribers of :the nalration ' ;•:With,!4;;:gift ,for •. 'years.' Theineetirig:eloSed.witlt.tonamuna ity tinging after *Welt.the hootess „ served lunch, The August meetin 1 to be held. 04 014 114Plt 40044 04014*1ro'r • •1LENTY of Bread while - they play curbs that crav- ing for harmful sweets. Bread builds and sati- • fies: -It's. • --so' delicious --soeconOtnica the sweet, all -pure loaf. Hollymaes Bakery IN • DON'T .FORGET -.,DON'T FORGET LuOtrsOw Bowling Club Garden, PAW' in the 'Sk.4ting •:Rink :this, (Tliure04)'evening. Go9d, Supper. Goed.•Program,, ; • ' e • • .•• • CIVIC noara.fr At the to4000t.uf. a,neMtfer. . Of eit, • laens, The CouniI of. the village': of Luckage/•,herehy :•prOelaliiis MO:21day ,•August 3rd, 1925, 'a CiVie... Holiday; and requests the • citizens -to observehe same. . • , Kobert,Kaei:KeeVe,...pro,tem. , . • • • • pal?' RESIDgily. DIES • *T. Kenneth MacLean, one of the 'very old residents of Lucknow, died: about 12.30 o'clock Tuesday•morning, Mr 1VICLean, • who was in .. his .'97th year, had enjoyed fairly .good.hehlth until about a week .before his death .when he suffered something in • the nature of a paralytic stroke.... He was somewhat improved On, Saturday : ari0 Sunday, but grew weaker .on Monday rho funeral tO.Kinless Ceinetery,':waS on 'Wednesday afternoon, service be- ing held at the; house." • 7 , „ PASSENGER' TRAIN, OFF The C N. R. 'train front Kincar- dine: Monday afternoon left the rails' ...jun west of ,the 'crossing at ' Myles MacMillan's farm, and the engine and •ears were in the "ditch until •the next day. ' The .clerailmefit fortunately. 'oc-. curred in. a 'mit where the bank pre?. .vented the ors from. turning. over. No one Was' hurt but there Was con- siderable ,damage to the engine the ,..cath_ancl,,a portion :of .-41fe,Arack was. I turned up.. -4 -special train'Aitraun-" .- 3k,,Kek:fram4Vingliam--to'fakbe pas.- . WEDDING( RELf-S: • King."'-S14traeCeKte.n.STP407,ttiliallufi'eh.;„ Kit" ",•.hener, beailtifully', „decorated with t?cgie:cfOrd delphiniurns, Was' ihe 'eCOpe' of a very Pretty wedding ori Thurs- day,. July 1.6;, at 2.3 P'elec,k;. ' .when Marjorie " Louise, • younger daughter ..qf Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stunk, Kitche er,,,wan •united in marriage ta.: Steele C 11/acItetizie son 'f'Mr.••an Mie R..;•V ^ MaCKerizie • Luckfiow''On,: taon Rev. J;;;. 'Webb.'%filetett*. The bride who was given in 'Marriage by her 'father, Was charming in ivory crepe4iacked. , Satin • .trimmed with pearls and r.iiiiieetetrea.."•,She Were a enlbroidered tulle veil with a wroath shower bouquet of • butterfly . roses,' or- chids and lily of the valley. The bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Walker Little Elaine peintegnat of Stratferd; cousin of the bride, made a':verk,dain-' ..ty flower:giri. The gronm, was anp- POrted , by , his brother; Mr, Stuart MacKenzie. of ,Lucknow. Mrs;,. 11. J. Bentley, ,sister of tbo, bride,..played. •""the. wedding. Mu'sle, hile -during .the signing of the: register 'Mr: 'Albert, Pequegnitt of Stratford siang.'Messra W., G. MacKenzie and H. W..Alton. acted as Usher's. • After the cOreinimY a ,reception was held at the home of the bride's , parents, '30.* Frederick Street, where :I' 'dainty buffet eon was' served. .Later M. and Mrs. MacKeertiqrAt=t e' gian Biff,4-.MuskokreiLiber.-14to 'theTi letiitn.they will reside at 14. Merner Avenue; Kitchener. /. Ackert-Boulding "AT'I'EMPTED HOLD-UP AT KINTAIL STORE Robber Fruatrated JJy aeeer •Girl , Who Gets . His Car Number-44mn Man Arrested On Sunday. At '2;30 piiday afternoon of last week,.,A.'Car -stopped in.'fiOnt of Neil Mael)ohiild's • storein the Yd.- lage. of•A.,„youpg ,ma t d out .of' the ,gar and iWent:- into the sengers,, and a wrecititor train came up frona Palmerston to clear ' the track" during the night:The moriung train from Kincardine able to ,go through. , • ' , • • The engine hawling. the, train fr.am, Kincardine, gave out between Ripley and Lai:lag:W. and a freight engine was,. sent ham Wiaghlrn: .:o take ,itti plate.. Afl.er bitching on, this engine had to run 7oficicOrds and ,this per- haps' ',accounts for the• ,misliap. ,Thp ,dead engine .was left at Lucknow and 'the !might engine proceeded.,running. :tender foremost. . At .the 'Curve newt the:crosse.rag', the tender -left rails and' was followed by .the engule and • • BASEBALL The 13all 'game played . here 'last Thursday, between Kincardine and Lucknow league teams resulted in a •wiTITOrt- Ifelfonte-teitin;theTseerelYel-. ing 7-3 in 'favor of Lucknow. Th Lucknow team has bon in rat r hard luck this, season having su ered a series.of 'defeats, but the ti seems to have Wined. • On July e 9th the team played at Walke on, winning •a hard-fought battle er the County 8=-7. With this Town by a'seOre ' start in the right direction we shall look for better fortune hereafter.. -0-0-0- "The Loaf. Of The Day" . , Why Golden Crust is the bonnier bread. Now that the Holidays and large variety', nf, different,„ shaped loaves to meetyour needs. • „ Get . built up during'. vacation .time on Golden Crust Brown Bread and "Fruit Bread. ' , week -End 'Specials • - Honey Crearn.caktrs.-;Witli-delitiOnS: cannel Icing, Chocolate Cup Cakes, 'Cream Nut Rolls,tunch Cakes,. JunaT bles,'Wal-Da' Cakes: Reds' Domin• ion Bakery. -Phone )68, • 11..411101..tk.,Fariner;,, HO*About....fettili* • Why 'sign an order for fertilii, ermonths ahead, when you can get all the best brands any das, . , ,you're in town, after August 10? • .Get the quantity you want, of • the' kind •you want; when' you ' Want it from • • . GEO. S, ROBERTSON, Lucknow. Just. Arrived.4 eat O f "McNATIZ" Ilrap Shingles. - =''1MNair"4tjYejrcjuar- atitiee Label tori eadhhtinclii, Rock. Bottom Prices on li`Jtuilding Material Salad Planingifills LUCKNOW • The 21lnitpci Church, . Lucknow Was the: scene • ;Of a very prett.y. though vvquilieeztweddiuig on Wednesday, July 15i Mis5 Edith May, oniy daughter Of, mi. and •Mrs. Charles. g of Victoria B.C. was united in ar- riage to Mr, Harold Tennan _Acker( ,san of Mrs. Ackert and theIate John H. Ackert, Lucknow. T Chun."' was prettily decorated :w suinmerf flow- ers,' girl:Irienci of the bride. Rev. T. Wesley.' ns .. officiated: • ''.khe tbaiele was gi n in marriage by her :father. S wore a lovely ••frock of .sand. s" erepe with. rich •lace, and hat , 'match.. She eayried 'a,:Shourei bo uet of Ophelti.1. mses and valley lies. The Wedding music .Was Oar.. ed by We.; G. Newton, and ,cluring the ..signing ifif the 'register, Mrs: 4. Wesley. joynt sang .Del....prens--"C Promise 4Me." ',Pi:glowing :the. cete; mony a -daintY'luneheon was served at the hOnie of the '.groonyli ,niother, .•Mr. and 'Mrs. Ackert' left on .short motor trip.: After Spending; a ' "few 'Weeks in LuckneW, they .--eiipeet to make' their :hinne London, Ont. Out, of town guests Were: Mrs. Ransom, Mrs..' "Segord,• PatriCk. of Oakville, :. aunts and. cousild of the bride and Mrsi...Sbew-4pf4Lantil,- ton, aunt of the grooni, " ' • BogieL--HeMpten • . . The hdme„ of Mr: and Ildrs.. W. Keral*In Of 12th Con. Of Ailifield'was, the-oatio.vof a • PrettY weddingonSat- urday, July 18th, 1925,••• when- their sister Tabitha M. Ydiges.t dangliter of 'Mr: and Mrs. *m Kempton of. .1Hpley Alt 'became:the bride of. Har- old A.,„uogio,.soo Mr. ' and Mrs; ,WM. Bogie of Shepar,dton.-• At 4 o'clock . the ,hride gowned in coral: geergette crepe trimmed with gold lace and learryjng a shower bouquet' of hoses and lily of the valley enter*. ed ;te room Ath her father. ',chef', grins "Bridal March" was played by MiSS, Kathieen'Hill of •Lucknow, Ont, The 'Wide Was unattended... The cere- inony was conducted by Rev. 'R,. Mac. Dermid, Gederich, Ont., in. the "presence let iminediate relatives. • • During •khe sig:iitpg Of the" register Miss Hill, sang "13ecause.," A lunch- eon' was.served in the- dining !oda". which was dedorated with pink fn.id white. sweet peas. • The ‘ibride, and .gream left oh a -motor trip for points north. The .brie . travelling dn. blonde ensemble suit with - hat: to match. and storie-martiin fur: "the ,grocin's-. gift .to. the. bride was a white gold Wrist watch, •qAitpti.. PARTY itT IONLOUGH A'!GlirtiffirTrifit ;OX.. the Chureh.. Of...the..Aesefision. will. be held on the. Church •laWri,.�n Thursday, ;Talk ; , Xincardints, iipc ;Band iti 'Culress •Yeang Farinera-vs,'Eolyrood.' 'Acgood .program of: ioesi and nstu.1 ftletital niuSk, readings, etc: .Every body 'welOonle. Supper::from 6 to 41aock; Adinission, 35e and 10e, Butter Re. Mr, stoner; Rector Jo, Wan, iiltsgs W100 ibtd*Ovi: %ratio, • :atere where "Alice, the • ;dfitighter7of" Mr' 'MadDonald.•,Wasfin' charge. • • There was. omething ?bent . the eustarner. whic ,,nia40 the .think hins a tougA ara4er; and :she,. *be-. gannraking• observations. The stran- ger asked -al..; ges.aline and the; giri. filled his tank, at .the;apieibrie not- ing a3;),:1:!;!;!iecni o_traveiier the went into the store and ordered '",eats" and ,.other article's to the .value of about $8.00''' He thcn. tont one .of"the..par- eelS• ouit t the ca • :arid. before , re: .,turning,. started the. engine .of the evidently ;fo.r 4.: quick. get -away. W-hiie heas Out, ;Mho. MaeDeinald: took • all, the bank 'notes froin the, ell (amounting to .about $400): and hid 'them among. the :•gilbils, •The stran- ger returned nnl was 'presentod:with :Ihniss.tha'ficil.:!oofr.,ritahyoillggo,Odlies"..4hrewhadti khoutirthoilt: !Visa Mactionald,'. itd...dflenandecirli^! e-morrerirt.tr" . • was su . . , *Ili.. and -the 7giri giviflg one yell, Made a • dish ,for the door leading in- to the 'IrOuSe.. The: rabbet seeing the: game.:vas up, trabbWd a few • • Of his 7 :parcels,: and jumptng' into his ear,: -made Ott nt topspeed. • - • For a, Minute :"•the terrified'. girl, , . .eenid,. not tel!? ' what had -I,happened:. Thia,gaVe the robbera chance'to get away, .but: Mr:. MacDonald, •sinin. :got in tone} •With..;ProVincial Constable Weo.dsiciee at .Goderieh, to whoin he • reported•the.incident,' and gave the car • license number, :.'Woodsicles •a " one aaidthat the fellow: was -Charl- es • Erb, .of Tavistock; that the' .;car. had; 1,4;00:. stolen nt.. Baden, ' that .: Erb ' was Charged' with a ..inimber: of .thefts at•TetriatoCk,.(ind.,t44:1:0 had stolen' a car • at Mfldmiy;' whieh;:bOwevor he had .abandoned, later .stealing the one :it den. n:44.y' ;kb. ...Was' arrested ',on. the, Ot, Marrs Road by Detective Faulkner �f. Provine- ini fOiltie.. It. was ,a chance ; meeting.Faulkner had been traiiing Erb thro'Kitchener. -. Tara, Mildrnay und to Baden, near .•• On . Stinclay • .afternoon, Faulkner „Noes; driving on side:.road. a few • nuiies:from. „St. Paui, in,..the Vicinity :of Stratford.: .A..; car, passed; him .afi4 he noticed that the number was that of .car reported stolen from Bad- en: He turned about and gave. dheiee As.: he did ;,•,SO.', Erb set speed. He wai*.not.fast.pnough,/how.: Oyer, and after. the chase had 'coatiii- aeil.for, about 15 milea, the, pursuing, car was close upon him. ' :He atteipP-, ted to, turn into .the Huron Road. He was going too fast, and had .o siow down; and. as he did so, Patilkneee .earstruck his and Sent it into,: the: -ditch:,. •The: detective jumped:froin jnianaciiine, and. in a rnonucnt had. Erb "COvered". and ;under., arrest.;On being :searched-he,wes.. found t�. have a 'gun,' in his 00.zicet. • He, !Wit% taken to 'Stratford . Jail; where, he refused speak, 'further than to admit"' :that. ..,tele7t ear, he, wias driving; had been stn- . • HOLY1,096, ,Mrs Alex lif,o,Leatt, of L'Otheitine, . Sask. and 1Virs'Tyridill Itobirisoft.via;. .ited..at the ;hoint of mys.• pioroo. lasti , Week: •• Mr. and 'Md. E. Aekett inotoredto. Ethel.: Sunday . last, , Me and Mis Abner Ackert and'. Mr.' Rae Bonlding SpentSunday with Mr, .and"Mta, Amberley, , . , Dr. Hedge and Wife and Mt. .rlitOck- entritige,of Soodtisko 0. are visitork at the Purvis lienie,, also Mr,' J. Me - Dean& and,daughteri. Mrs: Garety.Of Itantao City, ' • Mrs.; }tarry Pier:e o Winnitieg 'visited at the. home of Mr,and Mrs: . • 'Pierce on Sunday,' , • .- Mr Wm Ii1ot4uf JXtton. 18 Vit ing his datughter Mrs A Ackert, -he Musses Thempton•Of Toronto nd „Mta. -Charlie :Thompson of T601. '-'4•ater cic iccent...311Si41kg "litIrV6' 110111e. ,-•=43.;0-6.---- • • 1O6.At. MAItIcETS 30c. -82c, $1.2.70, The Chief:Poinc of Hollyman's great' Is Its Quality, making a Wonderfully NutritiOus.Loaf Try Our Home Made, Raisin, Whole Wheat " and Walnut Bread! • OALS FOR SATURDA Unilee Cakes •trparn Puffs Pineapple Tarts" Swiss Rolis •Chelsea Buns Pies Highest Price.sTaid for Butter .an - • :HOLLYMAN'S BAKERY Phone 36 ucknow ST. "1-IEI,ENS , • , Mr, Niel Stuart of ,Chicago is a vizitor with his.Cousin Mr. J. B. Ruth- erfold 1rr H Rutherford visited over !ItesozLknow.ekoteeniiith:' Miss kh it, e, R13 ;3 il.-. Misi.• MariOn • McPtierSOri :of the, 'Soldier's.- HOrne, Kansas, IS 'spouting • , , hervacation wifh her, brother W. E:: . , !Pd IVIiM:Ssis'inMnicePhCeler4rbk11;and Kiss Nk.fittre . • , • 1 • . Of. Guelph have ,been holidaying' with the former' ' cous,ns • 4aigLalrs... ildlOiSib,Artd _et her-frien. citredWfrilre.m. M forhaw -tfew°a days.m 'visit with mi.„and Igrs. P.,Clark.Mr :.and Mrs; John Clark of Toronto ie7 :turned to Napier with then". i ;Mr. .Jehri. Phillip, his son-in-law ;Mr. Nelsen Scott with ; mrs: Scott and babe ...motored from • Yellow Grass„ ,• , Saskatchewan and are ,visiting the former's sister and.hrother' Mrs W Humphrey and, Mr. T.' Phillips, 'Mr, Phillips' +who' has not been hoine for fifteen years will attend the: ,School Re -union at Old . Fordyce in August. . . . Mr! and Mrs'.. John Neely of Chic- ago Mrs 'Seth • Neely and .Miss P. „Neely' ;lot Pert Huron "notified over; and spent the week-end.with•Mr. and. Mrs. D. Todd.. , • , home tt61.11 • Detroit, for a tWo-weeks' vacation! ' MiSs Graee, Storey of., Alma is. a visitor, With Mr.' and Mrs - J D An " ,dersOn and Other friends... • wttrrEcHuaqi Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Smith o El stow,' SaMeateheivan, *Lied With Mr. john, Aitcheson . and kr. Agar duiing the . : Miss Ethel An • Mr.. and Mrs;. Russel Reid of Brant. ford are :Visiting at'. his home here.' 0.1 Jamieson and son Havid. of Barrie arevisiting friends ,and relat- ives about Whitechurch. iays last.week With her grandparents Mr. and .Mrs: Ferguson of Culross: Born -On July 16th, 1925, to . andcoMnigrtsa.tAuilabteirotns*. alters, a, daughter. Miss .tiliVe • Farrier yiiited last, son in .Ashfield, Mr : slid Mrs. Fred,,Davids.on: es parbeur., and Mary Veit; and Mas- ter James, yWeir made .a busidess•triP. to Clinten -and Gederich, last Thura• .. MrsBarrie and dkughter Pearl of T,c4rOniO Are Visiting her ,sister: Mrs. 'Robt. Modienaglian. Messrs. Charlie Gillespie and .Sant lIntChisOn Anted friends in London ; en aMSnitvnaidsnai.tdYe. dMfrrs eajda;:i PT(I'vi7sert.et'in 'anond. Sul:0,118.Z'; forgot the Garden Party on. , Friday evening 'July 24th on the Man- • e :Eye St label oii ritidicisiltei'ec:aridufs s !ei fffi. of fai ::11:innae Ynoy, nor- mal,tuinnad1-. And the sad truth is that most ..eYesiare abnormal to some .extent. eyes mean'strained eyes. andesta:ained :eyes- anean. headaches and' ,other troubles, •Nothing but glasses. can inake abnormal eyes ro 'em..,-437.....hat. the -looked after, , OPTOMETRIgtm-' Lucknow, tint Family Theatre A. Reginald Barker ".`Broken Barriers--, • •Tlhe confliet of New Morals with; ' age -Old Conventions. A story.of a. typical'Americen,.produccd by the man who, produced "The 91d Nest,", "The .Storni," ."The Eternal Strug- gle," etc, He now comes to :hat with the biggest,,wallbp of them all 'LL.. -"Broken Barriers." Ten Stars one piettge. • • Friday and Saturday July 24th and 25th ..C91,nedY .413.1.A.bK MAGIC" Admission 25e. atid 15c. s'W---71-Iy7;JUnder the '.auspicen of the •'" f Y.91.114 P99019'.s §"15ele the P. • r S" • byter.fah Church., Sapper will be 'served f4ein. si,x[to..`eight' after which • 'a grackl,pigVani will' be liven, Ev- erybody -. 7- ticniers see Misses ,Lerna. McClefiaghali and. Verna. Barbour of GoderiCeare, yisit= Ing the6, silandparents,.. Mr,. and , MrsJas aibour. gy....AvnL. Simpson. and. ; daughter - Hazel Of Chicago. are 'vistiting .atthe tume, of Ati. Frank ileurV: ' Mr. and. Mra, Alex. purdon Visited • e few daYS last week 41436i:reit. .• ' • • Mu and Mra. Dmi6an ItennedY;•'111r4:, George and MISS Jean' Kennedy • ed On Sunday in Godgeeh. ,lis, Switzer and son,,, who have been Visiting relatives here,. returned .to their, home iii the West, last.Week;.. 'aolliminoolotisootiotionsiliFisolloriostorisortsintroop,,,Iiirii.orloolliit:loin :„. •:.ARRTYTE:W:THIS VVE10.0,KitH m406..Fkloong.. • and spruce Siding • LUMB/ER DEALERS Phone 1001 Lucknow A 1110010061111110111,101K0000401141101 1