HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-16, Page 5a
are a welconi
challenge to You:
SioneMiete a vagrant breeze rustles' diroutils orchards'
and grain Seld.v-etheetvhere nestling lakes are rippling
in laughter—somewherothere is happy hell,* and fr
dom—and yeti' can finn Aim am a motor toip in
9ntalle• • . •
• There is a.goild road to follow: You don't need. to stay'
on the'provincial.bighWaYs. The county roads in most
purts of the Province are hi line condition an,4101410.
• beauty spots you do not know. ,•
. Take a 'few yenr,det: take the family with
you,: .10 every.direction, you; Will 'see Wi:iiiderftil•scenery,.
,rivers.:ond. 1463-,.hille and Valleys-Ascautilid, fann
country and lielitiful towns.• , 7
Onta4ia'a higki.vart are tivelOirning- challenge to YOV.I.
and OtberrnotOri, .• Use them, but use them sanely.,
See the country as you go. =, Drive Moderately. You.
'cannot make anyspeedalthough ytotimEor break
speed hmits.• Your•Iask. driving. tears up the road mi..;
face which you and other Users Of the roads Must rePhilce
There is no magic about road repair work. It costs hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars.' a year, and ..the - money
•'comes Mit of yourpockeeancl those of your neighbours:
In your own interest you shoUld'be careful about need-
lessly doing. damage.• ••••
• ,
The Government is•certain Of the co•operation of itioat'
.`users of the roads by _driving at moderate speeds as prd-
• , law and this recpiest, should:understand that the enforce-
ment of the law will not. be relaxed in respeft.An •
advekismeiii issued by the Ontario Delmotmoot of Rig&
s, ways to secure the cooPerazjon of Motorists anCtrikk drivers.
Autoinobile Clubs, Qood Roads Associationsand akather publlc
spirited bodies, ia abating the abase of khe toads oftlie„PlatiiiKe:
The NON. gEO. S. HENRY, Minister; ". S. SQIJIRE, DePuty, Minister
. , „
• ,
Dungannon •
ancy, •Kleff- ,
rally. MeClure;, ary Parks:, Aerie
'Ryan; ..1Vkargartf Itiortin (A).
Ashfield ,
No; j:___Ipeithe't, 41p01 .(13);
Vensia, Tiorence •
No. 3---CollinsPir, .:(B); Mc-
Intyre, Pearl; bimpstin,•:. Arthur;-
- Thain, Kenneth.: ". •
No. 424,13ziown, Gannett .03l;
Gordon .03y; .McDonald, Jean
A); ...Robertson, Catharine (A);
oss, Christine. • .
NO. '5,--Anderscn, bav:d; Hunter,
Willie. .Ritchie Jean.
Na,•.:7=-L.Ilegan, Irene. ,
: No. 0--KYpatricit, Richard (b),.
No. "Sohn.; 1VIcAdain,.
' Iterbert. •
, . .
. No: 11Jo Alma. :
No. 12.--21VfeLean, Ewan,
NO. 13--4herWood,._ Earl.
-No. '15 -2 -Grant, Allen; McKenzie,
•Ai4rgaret "
, No: i7—McWhinney; Hugh; Pcir-
sdn; Lenna. • '
. •
' When Their Majesties King George
_and Queen. Wary paid tb,eir Official
yis#; to the. British Empire 'Exhibi,
:tioe at Wembley shortly after the
reopening they 'boarded. the Minia.
• into Canadian Pacific train and
'Made a trip areund "Treasure Is-
land" and expressed great' intelest,
.in,all they eaw.,
'During 1924 the 1,800 bee-keeiers.
of :Manitoba imarketed , 1,302.000
'poiia4s 'of honey,' valued at. $195,- •
.000, according to offigial returns by
the Provincial Apiarist.
Prof.. Allen, Provincial dee,:
.highit.Of.kiberta,'declareain,an. offi-
cial statement. that .slity-tWO'bilhlon
. tons. of coal, half of "ifillith • Is re-
eoverable,-Ihf'bene--ath' '"serfllee•
. , ,
• of Alberti : .
• "Sentiour,..Biekaa .Yiee,Preildent,
• of the -BacliusaroOka Company, of
Winnipeg, Oates, that the largest
producingOn1P- Milt in tlia world'. Will
hob' oierstiOn at Kenoira;'' Ont., bo
*ora sad' of 1925, ".
. •
It, la eetiMated that , Yatieenver!
will ....ship ,anprOxiinately,.215,000,000.
'.1?.1.18.beht of grain Of the 11024 crop..
Shipments already ;Utak' .21,188,000
bushels, Commitments for ; almost
. 1,000,000 additional ;bushels •haVe,
' 'bSen mid*
Th special; train enetiatecl brthe
.Ganadian Pacific ItailWay,and,knoWri •
:Rs The 'TransCanada Limited; Which •
;makes the journey acrosit the entire ..
;country in eighty,arglit? hour*/ re-
cently.' comnienced its Season, the •
• seventh .sinceits ineepthin..
Phone NO. 10- is at; Vour, Service
We S011 caTili- tire SJfCbeajjr Thin /The •C re dat • Store
OIL STOVES—The' "FlorenceAiitOinatic". oil Store is Just. the
thing for hot iveatVir. :ft is we"l built; wi,1 4a its .WOrt.qwck
ty 'am" s econamitai 011 iiii-v,Por sit. Milked tiMe We are giving,
Absolute:Yr FREE, with each .`florosticei? Oil Store 'purchased:
•. Copper floreri,'valued'at 0.00,
We also handle the "Now Pertaction" Oa. .404; which Well
. known .to eVery person.
SCREEN. DOORS AND SCREEN W1ND0WA ::-4;itty 18 the .4.1Site to
shut out the flital„irosi. will find per , steak of Screen Door*
and . Windows coniplete and the priCes 'resiseitab:e.'
PRESERVING RETTLES:,,,, We have a. :SPecini in an Aliiminian.
Preserving Kettle, the 'boot quitiWts-gsige and large:Capae..
itr 1611 .25.• . • '
We have' ntiamelled.PreServirig Kettles 'In all Slate.,
idAKETTLES POR OIL STOVES —We haVa Tin kettles
,sultah:e ,foi, this • purpose at 450.•:. • -
-.See Our,. Smnit Aiensinote Kettle* at '0.00 each',
'PeltePARTO GBEE/sValeck,.' ARSENATE 'pp
• . Tobugg.'
- •
..3111tURE:=TO prevent the hilght
St k-gh
u oc er , , Runs , a nts...ah
Varnishe4,00 Hand..
, • • .
astergudi:dinottrA1iTirayi.,00 Mand.
imtip.g Plumbing and 'Electric Wiring
. t
• Ale*, weeks egor,'We "uublititied an
account (4. thee, Cohit •;:ctrial 7fellowing
*auation by r.nrson.jrhs iore
. „
TII ditNOW 9E2N4T1.14,Sta kitttik44t3IJLY 16010 i9+251,
the ;.,,.(1,40 � t. tiav41104
the $pott
4.11.1,44t4i6.444 by, Wir0-
ienr fee frpni:the grOintd: "4 ipclai..
pii1;""ivriiither beateri• bnt .9!•••incl•
fr 4 in. to Om. thick in„pia•c.S.
.ginC4rdine• and 41.attke,* Tilcereitli a n".,„..achingirear-the u,SIE4t t:IYas'
,„contracitor.. At: the*: tithe', judge/Pent •an: inch, 'board •.4,1;iicwro4tokk t*e.
haci.;,bega .reserved,, but Judge •Eutb-• rce feet in 'length, "i.ialled te'thci west.
ZerlVjaennd. jnwdhl:eni'treig:% ti/I:i4'tctriage :as par04141c: -t3j1.14pe ;190f.fifitui'4tyl)."sitrifo°11tlitilsidw'sa.°suthWisleded an
fulrexplanation of his reasons ordinarY'larin •1‘nter..n, cloae .to peat'
awarding Irwin the full arpelint of his Ind oncgfuch height thatit w_as level
taicla4itnix-4Scirge0a0th0,„„w"hoitmliws9upli.faitt-ipagppineara on itshelar,nteeciatn*,,
culvert for,:the• Townshiii,Pt lciacar- lantern in plaee. of being 'red was the
dine 'had'. loft the P*0.: I'dthaui white varietrThe beightof
sfoleient proteetion.and that • Irwin the flanie:ivaiild,ohe above
qa.Y0i,Pg • en ;the: road • -iijt.b of a lanterkcarried-. by a mail on Zuni,'
caltation .danuWie• .)*; „ advance I int*, he im*
cover damages dinfinge0 fro1,0 Itietr9.10:5140. The waioiog: *.iiieP 4 thcif.,413•
panion•after night, drov0 into the Corning.•,now to the.paint.ift,y that , story..
. ' pieseecl,InC faVorablY;,:i'le admitted.
swe'liere quote ii.,ininther:•of para.'• .ceino'otho gave his speed at'a-
',Ketiop jury at Pia the:m*6'101f �r'his lbaa
April G. .16? ';•411(„Igint .tfir.9aViittion the next dadak; •Jriakes•
graph's from the'Sodge's'explartatien:' botit2p • miles an hour'SKineaVdine on itting „of the third division •IcoUrt 4r, Abile 'getting-rjair hill ont. of tri
reserved; O. toltloain• plaintiff;,41ainii for piEirsonal; aniage• or, dam ag-
St*#rt for both Itet6Pdiults- • ' es: 'for theqoas of the use Of 0e:oar.
The lietion is to recever. 029 He. 13.457.s be had' been •••traveiling, :at
ages for for injurie4 ' to the plaintiff's
autoznobio caused by Wing into in
excavation in a hight,tity, inade;by"; the
defendant, McCrea$10, Under a 'contract
with the township, to put in a Culvert
across the travelled read. Notice of
accident is iichnitted. Actionwascorn-
mence&in time „Airnitecl. A very con-
siderable ainount af •• evidence____w07.
,given •which Ldo: not propose to review
at length, I flao the facts as•followa:
.._;•• The ,ilaintiff. a farmer residing
near Ltickrrovv and on the day i in ques-
*ten; Sunday, lime 8th;,after a 'visit
to Kicarcline, was returning by what
is known as the south line.. While not
so good rparr as the 'Durham ,read -
and inueh narrower; the line is Open,
for_itraffic and it is conceded that the
twp. is responsible for Uplieep'of-the"
By contract in writing, the corpora.
-frortirMii-st irk -lien Of own :centen ,en • o
vezts,..'Some•.time before the tiP-t:idenT
the witneaatAlbert attiirg for
7.1t/feCreath tore:pat.40 otilvert
made • the.: exeivatiOn :for the new .cUi-
Vert,- helOW.
, . „. ,
the,. traveilett road and semel.lto 1.2
, feet; Wide.;; •Ee alsO•built a temporary
•hridge over the StreeM oi'depreasion
,inebnilt • 'deteii-` A'. The defOT"
the travelled rad :road at Westside .of
the.' excavatiati ".apPraicitivatel''28:16r.
.40 'feet from thewest side •and,Oa the;
south; 'side. '±- :1e -travelled ;.rOad. Remo
.30;feet •west . of :the eircatiatictii,
in to evidence, he planted,' t'w0. PoSit„
sealera, tiniherg(' a ff. and 10 by 12
Oak • two feet in • theround
„ , .
•;;;, ;
rady, •The en4Penion 11,4,31,4Jed
eOuneel sated that she.•%; in'NeW
'Ostaria'F!'" nrt. w4s. 4;11 riu,,n7
, •
Mg:After PlaintiF PreWled , He
but: it 'ff't .Prid• wentf for .ass"s,tance
:After futile eifcils to 'get:the car out
:•plaintiff.,. hired a man with a par to
take John :hen* ler. Which' he: bad ,t9
*thae". w$5itt°e•sa;";711We'''rnn9•Nt 4111:!;'.1-'11.:eae-ri:tkaragrP•
lithe' (of lAelt4PW' P0ree' iput Otiet ,
'.the, car opt and subsequent/4,i had it
repaired,., The bill for,' repairs,
54 1.4 .Will deal- "with' leteri-qcept to •
•ntlentien thatfit charges„..for • fixing,
• itt!akes •-on.. car plaintiff.4 and
Naylor both 'both, say that the brakes were
good '.VOIP'1",;1"..4. were -not touched a4'
:a .404. Of the o'acCident e .and thi
41i4170 .00114' not be Anade.;In ex
planation as -to and to 4:1:nylt tghPtt'::1111'0.gtt78:1411":"IPI''
that.• the,-brakes?•Were defeetiVe ther;
explain , , • . •
SayAbat the were re-ad,justed
in the Spring ,of' the -year ,anfttlle lob),
nrtrendere(l or paid anI the • sup-.
'Charge tit.' the 00i.bit. I'soe'rao:reasori•
tD.* discredit the. evidence : that thp,
brakes were SO fixed theEpring„In4
the ,aceount wOtild-inetxt-eTthar-sorne.
about 20; to .25 miles ;anikliour . • with vork. had been done on ,,;„;the brakes
lights lit. lit, .1 -le had never been before' as th9 the -accident. This;
625,weern• tthhis4togc.
,road. 0,..E.:thTwf
eilc4dr i-4/70. been item .85.40 4111"to.te Off the hill. 9th:
'erWise tslio not think it -.affects. ,,the
..!"oprae he Oink. have • :drivencarefully: decision. OS 1 am not prepared fa'. On
keaclied, the:" erest of the lfloward• "the evidence that..the. 'brakes wOro,
:siopo, to,' the Weer, of •• the excavation ,ftiet."defeCtive: hefOre the.•acident:
'end observedthe light of' the lantern,: tiie.....defenee is .tbat... the Plaintiff
slowed (lawn :to 210MileS. -Was. iliVing reckleSSIv• Or, . careleesly
and: preeleded-..that thelighted
tem': to hints there'
was andatiger: ahead, Ho: L'Isy$,•bs. The dcfendanta. Were 'bound. to..pf9-
thought 4. was. a ,inan with a latitbrii, vide Snell', warnings : Weald bring
Not uatir, he approxiniateij, .91'.11e'.tsi. Than, an•autparebi4.
'feet from..,0e, ceder rail did; he see it. Ut•frem 20 to 25 miles an hour; hell,
•He Says his lights did their 20 milea an hour, the Strot that ,dange::
bearna.of,light On the rail. The eircar" was ahead and: Sufficiently far ahead
valital and/Pile of ' clay Weie.hidri.eit ; to enable hini.to•StOp. The laPterntvas•
.the post to Which the •lantern••Wits. at- 'Placed. off; the. travelled.‘noad'`rather;
:ititaiteetkieedjc.eavAattf'641.4n,.....e,93,ie.nse;t7tshe.4...do4miv.,n4,34:tzigsepi: .than: in the centre it, the evident
intention being te..1.ight;the cletOurfOr'•
until -
•nediately; applied both lo•raires.•,' vvarning to fast .; travelling:raptor cars'
:thereiis in hand brake."There :nit': two the.. road W!ilile'net.:riecetaatioly: uidi
foOtoptdals,,the lefi in).10''olierating the scate tiUnger. .ca4, net Sea that it was
',clutch.- and furthei!.. •de ; 'hitteaionable for the plaintiff' t.
Mergenev brake, I alention, this. 'es it .Pose., his ...attention being 'riyetted :on
NVae abserVad he ••did" not 'shut 4)1'1 the, ,thea highway in front ..6,f him, that the:
as, ;the 'engirt° *VMS. :21,11i11livo• 'after light ••••WaS, ;beink'carrielt•by :a 'man itt.
it landed in.• the eireavationti • The '.,car the side' Of ,the. road:Its he sweariand-
•• • • .A
according.to. the.,plaultiff, . went ..ro• ns, I helieve he did. • ; red light w"Ould:
'the barrier,' inatinted• the ;thrown have given warning is the Usual
up on the West side of tha excav4ort sign :of .danger.' :•-•A''''red light at the
and .Was Just about:mit. 'quite stopped.;", of the ..rerpol WOuli:LhaVe :a•
The 'front wheels slid oWer.-theedge ',ming' to' Slow down:. '; Again. ',nc.
and the: car, 414' down Pail': Over en•di. question . 'of "i.the .liabilitok ',had'. a 'driver,
the back ;Of....the•car 'rating 6.h.-"thefar ..rtni: into :the ab,struCtiOn. approaching.
and t that aritple.waraing had --I
given. • • .
, .
.sida ef•the,'excavation, thnifortunat'- it from the, East,' The',1ight on • • the
elv not '"iailing upon, the occupants Of East side in the. Centre of the read
the car, the ,plaintiff. and •s, 'young 70,001a have, served • as a warning to
• ..
-here, Ardent, Aneers Seek uebees Fishing
0.4/4 1.401,Wrisit h exaw
n.ainaY of itagiere is probating
•'for the annual fiehing expedi,
• tione to the province of Quebec,
where innumerable rivers, stream -
lets and :brooks, as ;Well as lakes
of every 'size and shape,' are the
habitat of many gamy fish. Once
I QUehee, fisherman, always a
Quebec - fisherman. The opening
day. for ,the pUtimit of this sport
'fiiMaY fit,' and a4eek smiler' the
sportsmen ,started their northward
trek to he the first :one to land a
Brook' trout are particularly de-
aimd ami, the fisherman who
kooks, a large one of this fighting
species, is indeed , a proud person.
Ther e are numerous waters ,that
•-yield brook trout generously,
• pecially along the 160 miles Of the
diari Pacific. Railway that runs
'northwest' of Montreal into Alia
Laurentian ..111Ohntains. ••
cisTrObt can be taker, frail •-•thik
- pools of, streants"on either std. of
the raliway allv the way Irons 'St:
. Jerome to *Meat Lander at the
Aind of steel, and if one is ittiad-
ventUrous. sportsman, he Will delve
into the wild woodsand netters, be,
yowl, for tile natives are enthus-
iast!'" as to Lalso Dumouchel, 3
• *Os tq ths Asruz, tinitous tor its
47/04440. GREe4;t2ir FROW: 4...Puet/r///** .44k.51
red trout; Lake,' Thibault; a miles
east, that offers :geed pike' fish,
ing; tac. des Eeorees, 'which is 4'
miles, south; with one ' hotel and
two fishing, clubs, whose'. guest*
enjoy good sport catching
dere and .."Whitefidh", as loeally
termed, Lao dee Isles,. seven miles
south Of‘Mont Liturier, is a•charm-
ing: summer resort." This lake is
30 miles -in circumference and Con-
tains 27 Islands, many of ; them
bearing cottag4i. It 19 -neted for.
Its beautifulidenery.and the large
front'. that inhabit
-There are 27 Stations between
Bt. Jerome and Mont Laurier, ;and
a atop -Oft at . nearly' any one of
thein !Midi to excellent _fishing
grounds. Some -of -the rook 'popu-
lar 'points 'are St.:'Fainitin with lis
,surrounding waterst, St. Jovite,
With :the popular - Grey 'Rocks Inn
overlooking Lae. 'Onithett 'where
red trent are found, and ntrilereilii
adjacent waters yield Varlet§
species of the finny tribee. It IS
but s tws41410 449 front 1,4i.M.Or-.sble, rates, for vieittag
. —
cier station, to Mont Teemblant,
the highest peak in the. Lauren,
tians, and the lake. of the same,
name, which. is 10 miles long and
noted; Xer Its. big fish. Gray, or '
-lake' trent, up to 20 lbs, are cora.
Several fishermen's hotels pro.
vide aeconiinedationS for visitor*,
and Grey. .Rocks- maintains *
'Coinfortable ledge' for '; Abaft154
*ciente here ; , Lake Cochrane a 15
`minnte walk ,friall :the shore, of
Lee' Mercier,- oPPeelte_the-statiOn,— -
is -noted. for ltri'fine
• .Labelle, at •Mue,statitnt, -
IS the' Centre of a nude' •of dreamt
mail lakes that afford exceptional-
ly treut....fishirigr-arhile 23
milo,'further on, .116Mithigiie,.
withite.hig and ,littlalekes
aame :naMe.;, Voniter., pike weigh, ,
frig bp' to 58 lbs. . are caught here. ..
At. 'Varying' distances from thete
lakes aralecitted six fislilate class. , .
Every stop along the line lire,'
itedeiriiriodatione at • '
; •
one. approaching .1r3m, the west,.
The. bar, aeross. the itoi• .1; was llOt in-
. •
intended, it was AufnaientlY
ti, prevent a mettri'veltiele from
going through it. No warritng lan-
tern or sign !vae, placed at the top .9f
the rise, as Well it might. No sign oi
notice was give a - at the entranice tc
tht-hlock, the north :and, south road to
the est No indication ,whatever
was given of eek danger
untjl the
.these ethireuirnrs"tatric'efisf ignrivid7eW w".aa:
reaChed, •- by chap or night.' Under
'••he factthat there; is evidence ;...to
Which I gave effect, that '2(1 te25ortil-
,ss was erireeS0eal:ile rate .0f
speed- -to tre.i.rel and bearing..4in M•ind
that there was -only the distance . of
30 feet fioarthe lantern. to the edge
Of the excavation• I :atif•not,',..Preparei4
to hold " that the'. Iv:are:no. giVin vos.
Sufffeieni ' the contrary heli
;that the ',Warning: gfyen, jneOf..0C...
;Tent :after' daA. as: •hei'?...
7,there: •remaina. the question p!'
coatributoryi negligence: 'Much that
has alrea.111:14,en_said may be repeat-
ed. Vfinxi,-,the- Speed, -reaarorialtile,:- that -
he brakes were in good condition, and
that they were applied as soon as the
d5nandgetrhwt aathae/iprepciltr;ltiff I .difdprtrlhoe;
fact'. appreciate' that danger was
head until 5 feet kora the,rail;
ihd that he .did not act,nrirpasonabb
'a Maintaining .his 'speed less • some
leceleration going down the grade,aft
'r SCeng We...light Off the Aria tritc
ko his In feet I. Sin *of ()Oilierhat ':
the ',Plaintiff' 'Setes:f.,reitaenabl;
'throughout midi, that 'the cause of the
qiceideat was the failure of the; de.
McCreath to . 'give ' propel
, _ .
waIrtineic%IgIn‘ •Olint is'$120.O0, thc
alhicinitim „amount that/::c.an be mew;
ored in. the. Division Court. The r&
•Pair*bill pi:4in as coVering
repairs rendered' necessary by the 82.
. I • • • • • -
•, --,
'.116..,63 from which, must ••bededucted
-the-45A0-ehargetHor-fpfht-g—Irr es
leaving $111.23, to this fillip be addet
$5.00 'Paid for Plaintiff to convey hire
elf and companion home and • $6.00
the Charge of Naylor for going out,
and t'awing Car back to his garage al
Threknow.; 'These sums added 'to, the
V.11.25 exceed the S120, the amount
claimed,. the excess being Abandoned
'No chive is, Made for persenal• in-
juries, -nor -the, wrong ,.done• Plaintiff;
nor h any made flOr •another
!ender to thatch the new„$ne•added.by
Naylor In 'fine' the defendants
cane ,very cheaply„ There will be
judgement for. the .Plaintiff againet-
• IC
4vOrYldaY ,vveiaTO Plaoitig on our
Bargain ' Counters many 'different
lines of .$4,10nOr'croo4 .at ;await-
. ally LOW' OWES,'
YOU ,cannot realize the: value we
are i giving unleas yof.:,come,t0„ see
,the obargains and.set *here" we are
superior ,in .and
..in -
Price than .others •
We have *et ' placed 'ow bale.,.a
anOehr• 4...filds.,Of 'bilk; ...at :10fi 'a,
:•-,that contain. Waist or Dress
Lengths.: ...Thor are •of PusaywiI
. low, Vella 'Vella, Taffgta, Dueliese,
, in plain colors. ,
" Another -Bargain, is the -Spec'iai
Ginghams, at 15c. and 26c. per yd.
• Palm Beach Clotat 28c. ,a .yd.
An Odd Lot_Of *Oboe. at 25c. yd.
sii!ouorisWttek. • Shirts 13,2 of; ..1P4.9rHoett•
Wipather. 41 •
ligOdodu-L ainteallaoiff Vpnrdkeer.7elri•IdC,117a:140;.:
Ilrlourt n4o,ent 1,eainot,:OBUor;siS,A.aLt0.;,!,pt'iTcoulirS4
of 25 Per,. Cent'. • See:Iihem;at'
Afr: and Mrs. Reeser retnrnekt. to '
•Zarento;.TPeSday, morning
..• , • ,
Miss . 'Clivego)b,h,44 been suceesa-
fill in securing: Maple 'Leif; School.,.. •
W0 all wish her sucliesS ;in!her new
work.-, . . ,
• lisf4 cenerstulate "Robert Martin. th
both, defendants for $120.00 arid Costs , his•success,on the Entrance
• • , . •
including counsel• fee Of $25.00.. In ation. • ,
his connection I would say,. that the
ctioM 'Al Watt° • is home for his• •
an !might well have been brought. ac4tiopo..
into the County Court, a,ad. actual
rial lasted nearlsix ,mfss liess.Grjliini .visiting her '
ty-. .. •;•": .
'The defendister Mrs; W, F. ant••MeCreith had the as- .
$25.00 for time lost ori the .Mongla5.' •ch are bome from Detroit, • '
surance "to. put in .a,counter claim for Russel ;Breekenridge nn0` Dim-
... • ,
be n
g• in th
e excavation and the
sequen inability of his yvorkinen to
Proceed with the construction of, the
oulvert. 'view of the fat :that the
:plaintiff and.: his companion escaped
death. by' a narrow. Margin, • .might
well have caused .the defendant tore-,
frniu :Ire* making any such claim as
,this,•hoWeVer he has See fit to, ' not
his !counter claiin So it remains fe)
me to dismiss it..: I do riotiknow' of
'any extra costs being ineurre4, there-
b:„1..lnif. if sb the Plaintiff should have
spelt extramists is he may. have -been
,Pritsto hy.reason of the cOtinter claim ,
Th-$12OO9 judgemeiit and costs- 9
will be gya,b1e.in '14 da n.
Dated, Owen Sound, April .3(ith,1925.'
Sutherland, Judie
-are sporting new cars: ' •
' ,
• "IF"—(For the :Girls)
' (With apologieS: to Budci,s,., Kipling) '
• If you can dress. to Make ybtirstlf at-- iaccive'
let not make dress and haii'. your
chief delight. • "
If You can sviim and hike; be strong •
and 'actiVp; , • ' . •
oV:the gentier',gractS • lose not ••
sight; ,, • . '
,f you can dance withont a Craze•for
lancing, c- • , . •
Ittv..witbent,giying•Play to Strong a
' • • •
814'irile# • k,nllit Or tilt • Wretliille
%Vhich gang•are..',YOn With, tilt .Cen
S. O4n4.to‘rVeRiitoo.:Virrtieii,anoeh'o,
, PrOmetion 'Examinations
?ass 60; -60; ' fieriOrd '75. ' • .,.
716S;dblle'el 1 .tniCl' iTtrnFlif;
Gorden •'
r. 11to JI III: Christina lvic./Parlan
83L,N,e1;, 'fad 16; Vtrilloca ,anYtkin
76; Verna Smith '69; mYirtle. lkirQuiW
.Dick :Weathe'rhead .61; Ronald
14:Oster 48; •(0.);Calvin 'PttiViS
11 to Sr Dorothy •Miller; rtibi"
encc •I • , • ,
II; Eldon 'miller; .rioherta slnith;
.Them;; 'Walter MeIcarlanti; Gor-
'dop .Morniser4' •Goldwin.,PurVis :". ••
Sr. I: Dorothy 111.s.cbonald; Ruth .Me-'
Edith thitniti,Annid
Charles McDonald; David,Swati:
Jr. •11Ja,•1;.,,Gaynor;•,,Mtittgo. Maerar.:
Pr,: gordon.„,..iVfiller;
Xiithleen 1'honi;' Minnie Smith; Nor-
, Number- on roll ;21. Av. "441732:-
llitkingharn, Tcaeher...
:Igirdenet,outia. a peCuliarl•ser!
it %rep., pitees
With. , • • * '
v.,nloy the *love of friends ;without
Poinancing, ' • '
;are, for Inc weak, the friendless and
....kr41 not acquire, as welt, a priggish •
If you :can feel the tonch of silk and..
iatin ' •
Withoul despising eerie() and jean; ,Tf •
y:01,i ci Dly a .eaw '„ and uSe a.._
: . • , .
Can de .a man'swork When the need
Deem's.. . • •
Car: sing or play, • when Otsked, vith 7"
ont eX.eu.se or,.stamnier," .„
Can r St Ob6ve,unfriendly• sorittba. and
: • . '
If, 'you: can Makegood bread as well
•ts. fudge,, ' . •
(7an sew tyith,Skill an,d • have nof .eye
. for dust, ' • • . • .• .
yott can'be a friend, and hold' no •
'• • •
A.; 'girl trhorn,,:all' will lave •,. because.' :
:hey nm$t:, • '
you sometithe,should meet and l'aVe. •
anol her, •
knti Innko a' home: tVith fiiith and:
enslirinoct,.1 ' ' •'
And you its soutz.-4°. loyal, •wife and
You'll w. .pretty ncaily, to my
rhe.plan that'a. been, develPped- tho'
rh.o ages „• '
'inc • Win. the 'best ritat lifc-(iut have: ,
"-Yrs:VT.1)0 y Tno(Let.for-..the- „.
sa .
k: woman Whent the wor W
1 he '
„ . „
.In hoi t ten
.i,vondelf"...'-tootli•pieks woe , denotniced
,as a menace...to healthnta dentist'
eonventio'n' ;.
'Near''•Niome, Alaska .S1 It ,:eat-
siq to ,s a,on a•cake'of toe keptCOO1
mitil rescued.
. . '