The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-09, Page 64 said iGiI in L "Now get,:hack -to: your, Work., Those That's a wet se 'Boon Late, pousIed irresolute, thi6ri away, - Gi '; Q e iri JFAS slouched t vase into thb'dooryard, shrubbery an Wi slouched. backint6 his ebair, sick th miserable, aporehenoion, Nance' L &XMR 0 pla, :ed FTYt- fo, RS T her forepws. n� jed to Iapan UNTIR lick his broodino Old gir4" muttere,4� Tan per, his. He'll.get you, gild hi,il get, N 'In. 191 hunds o.' her bead II -11, 'g,�A, yop, be- ap eT iIIe sides'. I r p lor 4 minuto., ut hen be. beghf� in n In. :Y.liat m Ift, thinking it 'Over,. `9 40 times W d. Beeguse Qr,se than ever he'. di for, that reA,%p uever I've been 'able to be�t him. He'll nqv 0 orgIve f AII4 at -me the first t a.4 'Tr�y.s Hel won't -dare, do, apythiri E�. qs mapy. Con e Is �.p e,, inT 131vt'he'll 'do it.- killin awtteat, in Pay ftle' off. He �SCA o:06 ray reach.' 9 ad'a 4as feacbed, ill(,, 1)4sUlon. IV ..jar �the'�l sher is or jtoniq'4!..q. �ojy Ito s aqqp into the rest -of 'than',if lie, was, t4. pA Ze! 41e wo, a sil for h oulying co intrle-9 ;cif� In& almost. 49 pply Chair likO thiv-4-4nd*t be able,, to d gve my'obum 'A ; (11 AS 'Nance wbi- I 'i .., I I * I , .1 , . . I . . I. , , , , , I I e' -fit upon,the,, ,q4th X d"'s?f0Y� And pressed 0, her- heAd a# T,4king.. tj�q tettirris for the= f ainst airm Ca4a a exported all onlo-, Kay, or t )3Y ALPER SON on, tall4nk� if to somo to.'Afw-two wllfOi T PAY fqW-tIfe- rea; pres "But. hunian;. ��.they, can ro.ep, you, -to t gun, PI"', W, 0"* gjok t orth hasi. tPr; th P QmOvV4 ada "poried In all f,�,O$ )aj��f;plan has ileFik -PART I!,: Tqr'the World. Then' -some morning They're, a wil d as jpck 'rabbits, ou,,. T)lie Krot. BIX ihoiithq� 19" aww' the I Nance will'ilaVe iodrivethem for us., -1 be,found deacj'from, poison. So practically imp�ossible.t_O reparations plan olitical co find dt this.'season... ntiover��. It is as Mn freight itutoinob Iles hired ma� allee, on ox UggAcIal common Glib, I er rnatiqual ex, 'whWh wa' an tlie..Ilg- 'GilN; 'hq try,it, it'll take us "Wh I at are. you 3rves, --an into S., trifle, lilore th If Sim,and I two will Nap. wasa anink fool,,vh urs to get thero. Give ligg n9 t obpi thet ord Is crwe rmel Qr.A 0 �cotii "do. 'h pvt of thei laughiogly -from sense and -iauit, Th Aj d�* Ai�` iiresifgr t,,e lyreve0l -askod, K h and sfib.- w. ell Sim Tuns them, a !s mu, 6riment'in,good'.Will, It me effi6iept wo ' only illo kitAen door, .�,,Iy'jndicatod,inihefiri4t,-somi-gn, '1'* 'fal al io methods of Da-, standally'hf6er than for'February, of, 46' ev�r At his- aqa, ire, tip gilre a 401n, 4ie, gs for jbowwl� ling-. her," 1W. �40ner, r tri e 'ait till Was tell Tr, tient, ifiqu, -year e ex- port Of Seyniour Pa eusIn addition all' rker 0111.4er i try' and qu jet %dillipistra, nobil,pattvto KU him. The told You, ortod"sititol * h1. Ing And urging _o�_ w the"as, re. could .. that I wish yo -take Ming Gil, be.'no, hope f in. OlItfteight, 't gent Gaidral of Reparation Pay- jjon,­ ue im, carry,, IS , , Y. dill�.,Iet of r Ouse NVhPn:y tie ou-go,and or -Cbrrec I U in th� middle of �the day your' nients. Pro of .$4515,759, �6, iubtubtll ders, iss U here and IP46ts -of, evi In Germany and In .6t,4"pr count So. fat ve In spite of what the'future maY bold., On k her' for a, '6 "obru, 1,9231. 'Iri,thdicalendar . fT for them.' to take a mile hike; to the LITTLE GIRLS' ATTR'ACTIVE tieo. will, find little for, It, th '�verictjo-day, P I I I a da orted 11,772 No '-Lafe *is a neceO Pt4tiOn., el waoV thehi'to Btart'ifi esary, evi, im- ill" exclaimed. the y rL -fr . Sury y w but FT1Atbd-�iipb_and_v back iuiri. th"kiid. Ilim _41hem" 'ss t6 Win w;oie t� be till COO owed thO afternoon... Then a4 son!s _w4ritingm N aiii -oil' kn'oV1*you would." What silk' 48,883 passenger torrlobt.lwr wor t j22,0'80',2'32;.an'd'I?arts tQ.'tlie value�bf k' ­w -ere--' �ve.r p. such. a'crazy ida� jn�.y fi-ockS. e, d,tq- be.' What bas been: r join wo to c Our attrac ther;p on laiita �ds 'a climate $4,992,049.; .a total valge'of traipsin6.-' the. ig] 7' He must be endnied—for A! to,.13�-anh6iir.late'f6jrLiny5upperj head?',' Tabs �buttoning ACOOM-pHilied during-- this first �half 8 th#astorn X all theivay"to. the statibri b it ont4). the Jeft -side of. readink abbut fArria year Is., oix about like'1-hat of W4lBIiingt4Li'T)*C.,.JU 0 1 lest rs and back wit -thei at s* '0 C Oc th ie. whole,. 4 eans to on r ent He'aV urchase Yet .811. these mishap$: dog Irdlit hold ..a. 'pla)n pin6l in, Placei I k s b�qirjg -Poisoned hei�about�,It, hils-: -think, to the -h 'Th,' 15tabilizaticii Qf. - de in ur' fact,, It 'iq. u wered Gil,- laniely.� -And. I,Qh'red oil ress worn' by the olilei oirl. rency.bas been ahibyed; -but that I� Northern as aclimate abblit eaftsick.invalid.in Com- ' I ' ! an, i ote oqUiabIe, A strallit, f., an tire the o,.v th d Said 10 be nd Ne '614 �y re..g9mg. n W,Z 4. pAr1s6n with the�108S of ' kaj teonard.: be safer, for'a month,of The omittod ondregs jieu . lest, purchasers 01"freig qgping t ','o'clock" cor- N' night" a SI., ancer-Y Ian. ud. Ilk that.of Petrograd., Russia. was over at your ':by t O��ca,SV W her rected Gil, eakinj with whaZ" n.pt 6uretad inItaelf. The Gern bilee, ot *"'th h Ace, worn y --tlI4 littI6 nurr�w v�l- in I Gil. could not �,i6k her- t tw% if she tot. and f crlpV14. to bi 'd n wero .1 g year ."been b4III ther 4, plenty.o. Py href�r is IASP to Sish Ith'4k 'I a ho e omin e'jq 0 ilty o an f he �tou,4, T ose Ire India where she ould:ri't rei a cha. ce to enciennes Eaft Afried, a ance of ments 'are also: liegvy pure Iq ruh�around sib much." dl, that a so a, in, the: nature, snow- 'theTe�.arejna y: redeeming. e4z- _16 a'. physicaI' wieck order-, g sers In his cous ke "hirlidelf. His gol&n drems, L f "No- d es of the i�lm the Aie ganel ad down p6br KAY'L d cuffs on 'the:. 11 il nger cartbe'prin�': viiiheied an� ead,about hiM ail sljort:s, asse, T de with Aidused Isgust. ddyl� joingLf Sizes have a custom -of. elpal customers . are, Ne Zeid He hi -little 6 a�d 9� years. Siz 4 nd, wi, , , o Poh3oh a friendly' fiey. 7 tloii..und (Wilis nt,6 vast e6�rfomid swaddling. t eIr 'In -tan that and'fla re d' or 4 mbnth thjjtL*q.uldb whtch came Into inadd!, , A � Ndw Zealand' e,'on'l . "A 'f t i ig iief- up' 'h' pocket 'Australia, fln-CIndia. Soilth- Afi-ica 'lost, forever is chance of 'Ar :dog e;I. s yii years re he i --or er, qTe quil 1 -yards, true f: y wGMAn �to whom� res 2 yards 6fi,324�ch 'or is� he mockeC'..!Vel y f e as 6w: Ojt ij�, JaVoi force.% ot''Jinnitilse p Australia rgent na. bad' ever g)666' 'I'm' running is to her. a�=11 oTrice, N cents. .1 ­ - pa t a sh6ep go, -now f con c. as a ,i cal fit t Jy e braid And'! to by th4. le o I in tes YOU; s, b"r in e 00 llw Fashion, Book,'' with til is prO rnIfi'*:g- tiagedy t orA con Ains r6stilt 44 tli�'�properdb- b6autifully if.,noit'irMil, k Iarm:oii sho, 'and' Iiidl- buy upplem' t d n h. w- I h g* w oA hi lof cislom'on, the Alliewth'at' ered. , The biablegliv on tha�pjilio i eX .1181. M_ -Em -not, this, chaii'T". 51' 1 e e Gil, bow t Me Upiteldl ftte4 is'LILISO II!J1 v c Is, E� in Y IS o .dress i1c. h I L ZJ K M45: Ike niajox_�Bliie �11, they aro,'Iblb� id walk. lost: go d 't V a t a e., hi,. fool -orddrs,.: -1 know... ivhaivi... Mogt,ot the d 'You for q , hildrri--cloi nct ;or t e 4anr, While the �0, est to of yearn, morbidly to, die. t �t_ ae..O how e liminario 'have, boo -o- thi6a o e say* bq�fit r el d6 iind PlAig'Ving to. do. it whether yoh r.,a s ra a gill ot er: III e I not, k p e 5:. set his'toeth and,faced- th like It ti 'hor&� and and then Y, Onfuliyit-can with 'e, ty Yat h 'Pet ac er nd. individualft for the. SUCC y atphjr bet'i ht, 'ilt W n6w.11' ""411ant, certi w W ILLS VJLUL_ I.., IS IS" " L I I i black futu.' uniok folks 4.iq hard -to huy,�­b' aak lr3r epairie, uile' alhb" 'at- sort of talk hadbo-place tQ make. with hothdr 14"Da be only y 9,0 O'ili �patters, A spi, o all Of liiS�, te , the, sneering'L dominance SPeeC smooth1k wileg.1he r�al pine'lli. on) o e- a� is tBI le, is AI*Lys.i CI itty, a attaffie t pro ­ WO h no 4' amot; t ell 'On"' es; or'tbf6e--YdarirjIeti'c6,-' b * h W slipped, beyon'his control, it rdi,, Hewitt, kept bi§ -gruff *Vie mouth. of ai.mayt w.. 9'ixA' o-, ter.j4ln -,6 , -.mo,n`eY I-sp -at6iinpanjed` 'v ils guardian an e, AiDrtlons in now In his. -talk with' voice At't*6 lo�r-a'pitchLto penetiate, s, cut..on t ". o.; 'g ery, r in mAliner. as eou, one an Imply to axid'Voth, mu6t,be properly sallited. - th6,�'Judiisirial census or 19k It Caniq :hAd dollojust man,, could � now look on, as iV Possible' imp e .1iiies Iy or. �,O 'The c inery working. L Dur ng Illy bites fir6t ten I dustri, e n as Children,' t4e, Ilego. -wearing ei a 4hon a horse bites hL6'Sjm Tbu§ Ie 'sat to -day, gloom indoors and-.peil�iips,r�a I., an;' h OL a ng,ou across A Ray's eari, Bill or rSi f L a.S girl Inde�d, le Price of th� &,ok Men n t e -Mtthen. includ r' a", repid �'irludIng:.mo h Gil pbfod Lin to�' 6 ll ba, ut w en a came . t ri, e ere sh Aid'notaniwer.'at once. , s 'h I bites L he'.4 6� �4� 611. is smi ing h a`wat- humirning td�he 'the i0tilln: the ;,.and anSix* nt i -ba.vVe in 6 L'soi gives S she worke4 i she eemed waitifig fel on- 10 cents the� copy,� COPY L p iderab..Ie pi e 'S' has* e$;�turftm out e arat on 'paymenter,.. In his Jaw tip t st, and' his liaid-held tem' began fjnjje,L and,she- seemed "OnroaV d-isap- one coupon �&qd:f� the bebn Between ere was- 4lieer, eomlo'it'to him,A When lit, did r�flve cents iii the cas 'like -grindlug'L grain Th''i . per 141-to-ftay. Nqtdaring'toLtrij,$thjs'o�� pointed, that he h in t4 he �'tune'6f 'abui offect..Iiiing' IM aiid-Mt the iliunberoi.plAnts-enr is gag, or -s e said a ern, no g- r ny.patt' th silini'ad afi6n of th little collie, t o on, $i25,000 006. ibg. thoi preceding tre�u kept 'silence, his hands in ed*. n th iiihniifi -his. � He­hqd trained her clen6hinglil I" are going ifvd years � th ollections''. averite'd wheel, In facit' . 6nse i e tl' 'whe' a, crea'se.ii froiii,, ..15;! the Atiiount'of I n y an she had, boen'L,h' d th M of mother - all 195j000,000 tot e S a th6r L for. If L .. 1. . e. ls'v6kY.. capital, fro In 4going across', orne now�. dping! brilliant Hewitt to fresh jIl.; tein r he t. ii. Owe -tile arm, fin _,�hat, Is lof ftijirn ­ W *n to e vi lage in .,a .. e� -Tanner?s,.Bilence served to sting drive do itch 'six-i0lith' camel'�Ite -a 'n) iih a helper, oil minutis' h, 'pe period: 'Taken a I I st �termsi -the. little loft' of ' ' 11 "I, . L 1., .1 lie. nuinber. of. ernplokbeg e�gagif psed, iia it atinge Of the I -gairigto ake'her to U nd, -must gua,rd. puperior , i� �,.P�wes.pan, sAilite y 'from 6 big. -t 344 and the va ue hf. worl,�Ap. a:h�,r4ei th�ught: ho* Be for,the car, arh t. t �.w ich Gil 41ways had' felf Aughters' iiieetinj,.!� Ti Aeb4fly',.'evol at ilel's- ol;erat ly aEf a 'the LXi'ng?B. D be irlrmtated. ncemost of the h' iiie :cai in the d4 rej i d, to ot*� his-' 'A'. oil frpin $54,46.6,211 to' ,.Shlo, h d 011ce got �th c6d'p4ymentq the, prodticil to*at ed hinI !M 'going-: to tj 6011'L mrate.- ie were e hospitals, the', b,1tten,por§'()ps' 066 .1 -429,*. 0 'far from ordera and lo go far -afi,eld'in all flis. eyes fell'on Nanet-1. li cited', - amid li Wants At, the store and -bring �fier. lime:' ? and tb-gbiffid..up sheep.frowthe� :The d6g.was Do -ypu, �.rmlltical sitgrin.. -,e.ss � and'' finafi� Asualty 41e,,oU-b1ood,po%oning before nything'b6foner--we A ifteadtlyi Orlowltig M�'rk' standing'midway' be- :Oi� 46 You W I "on ei. hill grazing grodild's" aild.'drive' thotri *e�n -the' inen ' glar, td the., C lios .,of the halt d6cade:f med ci�g,:-worriedly alit anythbi Thero'.Is I -or�iii br;ng n the�c' from one to. &W6ther. VithL�a collie's t ately followint; rh;a-�.peatid. a�rket to the f6ld, ws, h [I- thei,6an'be iak6n t4 -a sur'' al unggr aw gyps bs are., not a jowed f fin or from the fartbest� Pastdie� at;f9lidlig, -strange. I sWhl- Sense, hgjomoqthness�'wlth to'd*elffn to;��io r o or adt.bilioblies. In. Call& pd- the D a''Or.1 M. re inthlon Is, idolitinua y time.' Naebbad made,-heisolf uW111 -loathed outaider,was orrehow-411 .0in- made than two. dairs, at i time Th I our 'later 'Gil Taiiner 11, 'L U : - Its_ -d ch bay ,,akihg *hi t,cy, are ---rborn ht V. Yet 4 r O� In A handred.wdys. Best .-of all, she,her Wbfshipped mastei-bilhappy. Yet, it' drive. -Out.bf the ya der e aw 6 s0 At6lbqA� natura r I'any- .10LA.; "lit tea' had L ad been. h; j6yAI.'rChUM.­ He 11 . I . I I . _. 1 th' D s plan I Jir�ctly eves a -dt.tack'had be4h made with �hi& hlotb4i 6econo' to on ramij WaV6.61 int6ruath thing 'tha :.not � ,ecurely chain6d.. Arnoil'g'tbe coiintrie� `oi er le Able to th-0- 3nal loanof'�2 eolin he an uni 4 f p�s to her gay maile -, .. t, ty,� illey wjll stoa-1 .14o�jj, to. f6j.lo h ggy PUP, upon G%"L.;She was At a I 6SS h6 Could - it of the' t rl'u�S of"fr6Sh' IA stiinxe'indeed it with $20 OOL . techains. L. GYpsy,elilldreft go hzk6d 'per. cap) in er s"ps as d hi Thew'Ve­eyed di'sapprov- ......... y cgr to- -mar, imming.pin g farm help4r_' And,,now "IT -hent. that 'ifigly the Uri -cold in 1-413 Fr0wthe,'first,,Na:ncia,.had r�duged aaa,'t ng polut!;L ermany no ev.6n in rdther sued Laf6hofly, 11jtt9'tiihe,to c4r�e inii1k,, with a � riaW egg.- bi%-itt6n �up. in, it,� ,weathe� I . 4' ho, 00hillit.; pu �M L about.; i- thipreo *ereL 50,M in fl itly. to -bbey. Lhf�l Hewitt or, to'do, a to, a show-doi too. Zhe's *hich,Bholiadleft On-tbIelckor table make. a Ier. 61'050,000000O.L. the iete 'Is. a, saying t'h 1 41: turno -at o40 MuC an,( :increase, d6nt h deadwodd.a�'yoq, ate. She ,(T4 be --t el of 45 OLo over of work -himo- Indeed, sh first year.��.- nel�Lei� has bu*t on 11 on 4ded,)' I nbsg, ;and. that Is , . I .. i .If ... :_ .. . prey nd d1hing is.'more'than ontiken,x(t oncii- an AVersidn 1W ihe won't.-Viork. She wofilt'r th�. i5Ii* a40 a rp4 y, n catM I' She nii& 06 M I op r secret Of 'hot todo6 Piri on: shares, here automatic. ., tjAs:, jdqsJ' ed t6 be, -c6n-� I 'When Ch'arlemaghe '.wag -�roWned for hi 1,. 94 banadian, aut m:jildutfty .16, Y u tinuous y expan's'lVe., , Its $21 9 9 Re III It 'of t e West�ln!St. .1"Oter's, in :. CoMmenemen 'fi - rLiry n. and 11in goin 't t 1 11, sharciJ Shp'had gone-'furthj�r.� In SomeLodd No rotten dog is going-t6'eat firs largoly_;',conce ne'd� w'ith'. thO' export -00 h6j as thus� ado ihe ruldr. As e ected t in e com- by t1lie t. id to have- dise6veted mille, That 'goe�%"Ior -hot, 4,0LI'every' -hiiuil young, people have. of I�rauc6, Hungary', Germ 'trade., 14n year ay� e a beenic o Swell, .8 W year' to $62**,000,000. By. .,been - gtandj ng -to say' far where- iable th2ii 1;ifO, wits iiow..-in charge of - the' pup'py�'too-'L They've kof to be rid '' ­ I " , any is tat! are aval Of 'k -Despite hii greatness, e exports ...farm. her 1ighly. ewell iat time, Wit.wor . s, erm4ny Will '66� aid, Spain. 30 ofo the' two'of'therfi.; And I�warnyou anlounted."L to per sei Cqjlies,'hgVe( done befo school or coiloge -Witli 4ts, beartng-the-full. but.den.'cominerisurit e I ­ ; . re alldI I'm going,to the neire r. '4bie: t6 I irn to rt!kku��'Ur get rid Of tbem.`)`� ; ga n cent. 6. her work-- Napoleon., was !attracted bj. Lafe's y'iJeet:cu�riient'qioets tli� dopth- aid witfi'tr apablt'� to,pay4 write; IIanL ljjj�porti$ a al her time th of he river of I CanaA In the last. tul, Ind d y duties. -Sh I Age'. h -to Gi rumbling ��oice. - Stilj� at an w en b�eld­ Upow this e. Gilbert near Chair, V, 4nd­his; iri'vAlid 9 year..Consiied �f 951 reight R�jltoftlo. -day.a graduating, -el as s as itibles :far,' HA Rittorrif and'th'e tie� ol -as- he�deehied tWwhole world, Iriendlyi, To so '105 adi 4', wakuln' note. is she could' I h rself. bil�s, *orth', $1438' 660�; g,344-' h6 .-Mad4. 4 Playful'diLih- at. tlose w4tils. on spite of alt eaorts, 0.6finany's baIan­ riie at Command,, A muddy boots. Roclation thiIojigh -.'the yoari Aqqm so got- automol 'Or $ -S, U of Vade on' thei"whble,' has reLmained vaueave him anAg6'Waftdfrofti, a t grim an Ing and so lntlihO thiti is ha:rd uilfavorab)e. Iir.heridicluinge 'of 6ods �a, t Ufe smil6d* in tleipaiio' bind' )tnoliil� part td 16. T, I . . I the.distAnce t -nicety., to jmagi6o',q Verance�'by, time of -Ib6* 1 7' Ithd ierVIC61L VitIr. the rest FL little" d Ft _Y_ the muted -c-orta Ll Of Scornfully 6100j ac,.one $24 81 one M,,t 10-Murrio ae -rrtpird tho wor AIT the: were;.a nim g,( I . I . D I D I an o the-play-seeki -TAIL D 15 �re-e. so mu -ch- open 46(intemot for. IP - . I Nance gat Atready,.He itt wu8 anticiphtin with have' Id's diameter "betiveen. has,"given.- Thig situation mu be cor- at E 'S 9 by -Oide'. L�n' th Years;henoe tho.one WboAn the p6r16d 'CONTIBUTLE TO SPORTS TYP entirely for asiernblini'la'Canada'for e,, tiny verandah, with =Telish � thot kick.,Which shbdldL t both c he -fluffy little body _n ',Q;r ry, 'bears 'i " 6 i, i"I"T trade etalking, -imagina" tutelag6 was:,iilarkd for, shlu" A distincti k Ve,'dom tb. and e;tpov.�-. m t 114ed agairist, the with a tire signi I n g' -the. new, ' Mb u l(t show 4L th6"house. tabl� beside it,.,LO4 came staftiping -A sWift tno�6'of Gil's,arm-aiinicted lalised. J[n;fgnifI'cii@nc6., an'il failure. od1i -Dutlng'the I Note first.the sttinni�g.effect -baliy* -stimulated.'. jett. few; st6ry n e Ij b 'ranit, se' %.lem inis'cens'eg-' . .... .. 19, Awkward,'. he' swung - Fbr­Gj1 had silatched up frow, the nothing waa :expected,1 hi B t Two,hlindre and, forty grAnl'e iiind.: 41ci6ss the 6ory9rd Ifrom' the :barns. his. notico. , Life�9.'foot Ming poised, The laughing7qtosk, of'illomjittle r Of. the'l�rgeL' i , -'. Not Ffrat In Np-ts., plid4d design, expres§-' m6hth-190'conlracts avq. pan von-, -B is found,. him- ing youtbfultiess'and daring'.. This is eluded *hicli will t6ndjo rodross the 0 nY, T t V frbill the Swiss ron� Be— WIfo CJUI�e- L—fib IS. -etonGlulp.-balanco, c 011— Od ia a 'had been i " "I dy buts.' 'ft ta his imothor t4, arrive, f6m' Pya'ir` T, -19 S ance k14.,of-hi� cousin; and iddhiggi JilarIc4 strotdhing: he diolfi, ogin flow him when" ak �.cbi 77 s in el ig� many o, rr, Of BeIgj.UjjI..ILi& --in which. Kay'I.AkmarA, was w6a to by "the 'inoxolk�ble. etible Y adapted Tor�sp6rtsi.weur with telegraph po ds,' College cat4.the Ifinit sending'thogo, ttiventy -weMq8 k�6p fresh' wild Ott do� I two sbi#4. and. 4 000 ;yn tleaM a orr the Milell good i d by t, ios46 eep--Ia.i4!. h,�ertdid ihe'raillwaj tru'Oko 0.6 um.d. aompare. vVitli tLfib -e I Ure war. rii'� Toaging out plait� at ets IIII'Muer U�. tidunce '4f6Wiit, "Sim and .1 Are start 'th of 'white and �,ellow* r obkots g e ato' Ili theoYpres 0 beside the, invalid chAl Ii, the gA, aivIce d tile d hes 411vo.to the fo'ce'bfiho Viench aday6-,; 4�ee and i'd.6 NoAms..' Jhset. ire- dredging ;the Soin and n it, 03', 1 n seven (I n heavy vage lig, for tthe. stiatiofi.: wI%h i ow. upward, !,If. -k YJid thd Ypi 'at t ie i" Gil plsedothe khew—If olii'.ag� uthe 6th'e�r trimmirig ldl;6; The blililding'&" bbadlig dock in th 1�,:,Out Loagile, Be Gebrge e 9. d., 'Invitation of.1116'111elgian ove' irnment, 0 in I t't'e' d �rnalbtaining ill I behind big h Herbort,­POmet ellnod'-'1118 plaits m9y'be, g tilt Congo. A I " L'L I.: Miriard'i 'Lin ht f 9 SidAll , wonder y as Jt Wace w iere (ho elder�­ stoue.tt� doll f I I � :, paitti4in- adka J6P -18 and 20 i sta or. I.taly, - ri inaterilil for �-Th IiiS PtlliftNei Mig'sion I Fio r . fouf fee6high, and d� Were tr�,Ino pats:'on to year -',requires 1 ait the S Gil had beeA Ataj ards Rumania wa g Ao. their 413IOVA, "flICIP6, have of _�6-jhch o� 40-Jn6h ninterial,!' efdw of Ili 'I tit. j 0. rltv..61! 320 words el t lo,!�tfh of his'.rutal I n to o r a n6 th to 1),,tra �teotloj skinve t iHewitt had. township,. V' Hat fir �ird-- V­iOr qmarty -titiloked lotite"' y n g. faci�6 ihat n nown'twith 'what iiicreX i1n\ o,�er, tlie' kfiglish, g re Often pathetfedily oager-t' this skirt 4ccuthey the crip. e U h th matc heInipettious; Ingenuous. youth ork, Thl.4 o lid V toli�-66 avardic-ek,ifi tbe7 pro. r r tought had been able'. t6 hurl: a nk 1, ce�'s 6f 'eadjuitni'diit t-111 bo b. a, T I c� .11ing- 'nl. - Jt, h4.� A ainful, Xd 41.ormanY has:he -bull to a fock, Thoto, tY and. e nt begild *1 n lj`om a of tile 'fu' learn for is4ed N�ith a shaped 6 lid the, �6fectw. forty 7 ho ddift nw'asi 6 I thOtniselv, It, is tiot'nn ovI -thaf this long-� s1peves , tire The tribli wet .8; 1' L- not bight :foot aarti $109 WhIci, vik�! 'Tile t.v -poujid vaseo, ung frotwthat -is to. WhAt'theYllearn I a por n prol'Irt< strafIgilt,cdo A furtha dash 6f*cq'w- ffil um, ; what they is:.addt.4 in 0 If" 'at tha� i�.hhtY t could r%ot fail to do .06ha; dillieliIe's llka� a hun 6 ribb�n'iyh .. a 'pr6xy b- IjIkIbo of neck with long streamcr'-t�,h-d8.,' 8NAis tr tfUl damage. gain by .-f,�. soon 111 th ore.� dISdftrdo(jL_ and forgpttall thing$.. SEALE N.ot,h Word did 011 speak. . Th 34 86' 118, 40, 42, 44 and', 46 yvas . nb nee(� f�r Words, , 1, , , I . TI Uffe drow, bust. Sid�� '�38' bUs'jL. r" T iIa(ltiates, pev'O'l L backj almost cring -iy,. :,hj.q tanildd, g a �qLiljreS U yar, :i, F vorking. in " ..,# .. . a pe j f Ace 1 to forget 0, nie!o of , 'rs,( of 36,iiic�h�'or 2% pii,,-�Is, '.of� R11' T 'thout a �Vlio_qoniel tine %Vt,,, to. tfiolll �Vfljj , n his 10149 tun r0an lnovejm toit.. n at a faifig out &,,Vasa Pass 1V giro"d hand', -he. eitirled -hit" Iifigois,abot:' book. They iyllf argue 'by j),_WVgt Iinfl ul �J'Oli'fo tjjL�, �,Jjl died at c"Oso range tha't after."CH� Inchl" 150, of infell�st to dvOT4. libme "'dras- a Then� its Iafe, W 1� ))Msib 0 'to" i'lilakor., Each- dop�f C "the ftitil P 11(�001rfi 1 *1 1 bhe nu - V ",virs tw.white ii6d siolayod by the' thoin, tind L t1loy %V*Jll Mj (ilrt� to fjjsa ' I , TvL p the b6whrof,�ue , gyi ' _11 � p- OUT 0 �enti in the. �ljr- dunib effort -M their grip... I Sld%vl '110111t, fil) aft- 01c"tioWl t 6 1011,.' The P �s, i I f 91d to dittsildn. solid 6das of the vase 'bl�guh, 0 1% 1 cha !,,o any pa-ti-arn. th t06, teddher Who dfj�g not- com WITAt his, und 'to, !Aag HE'Witt. s"tated a 116W T 0 0 t� 1) V�, R VS-TTb, clddnq� Tee illig., _RTF crackiing, v)dna tL bjdjf'_t6 it 'ryl` v ig jil mbor �n�j �1%0 J' k ­ The. heavy mopitacle-,� - crumpled itsAf lool MUC 'C 4 :­ osts little -"44 dkU�hA _'& , L 'Ill� of I t n ca �ft n d, i tIv%v,. t,tarns aB yott iva n t, Enelos�", �bc in " t I.Lq�pq Or L f ft�;'(Trr�t in a I'm You. 'M A6 dii tit mail' i h a tholl-Mild ct)�'fd 'h q,11", I(4&v,.. ?A all f1i at "k fill ed, '110hirld 06 Action lurked -the I aqr(. 61,10"Ita" 011den,, rilled t 10 ):rql, how, or twitnOwL, oil Relive 'to J life WRIA li�lld nrl�tll L40 !qi,,,jta to Won't t6the, Nvithin rc,66' oif in ta� 4et, N loon LF0tr.,en1. 0, my Ar -tl!* U I U. "neb,'fir lit Irbil post 1�wtr.ljjg tfl(rhanie 0 h IN' l"101 t 10f, PI a ee wag. lain tvil to' q havo. bocolll6i nninorl.11, like Woow'-. all'a - " , 1�. 1.1 ( . .11 o 11 o r I t I Or Mqii grew-11wi nuirt If,,; real 11"till", GI Is sn'tolge 01,10 to 11.1p, fact. t ­ A14 -Coftotiolt thero fl� I__ T.I. and hot. (o be, �Iu� (MCC�I)L'by his � tip tj-tICtj()Ij,3, eq! I On 0 f t 0 1) 0�1 1.1 Of tho ovi�'t RlISSIft is jtj�j pj.O'r UWIC ,Plac,d, potato�g in pot and covet, over Witht w a ter. f)g P a 'imir6elea Ware, It wines l6.." 4PfF, A 7, M Wheif 44ifqhud Arrifty Vft.,%6tor through oii- T�fxlg(po& r.re in ce) 10, Illyttl 1, No qCbf(jj,jg 'YA U I U. "neb,'fir lit Irbil post 1�wtr.ljjg tfl(rhanie 0 h IN' l"101 t 10f, PI a ee wag. lain tvil to' q havo. bocolll6i nninorl.11, like Woow'-. all'a - " , 1�. 1.1 ( . .11 o 11 o r I t I Or Mqii grew-11wi nuirt If,,; real 11"till", GI Is sn'tolge 01,10 to 11.1p, fact. t ­ A14 -Coftotiolt thero fl� I__ T.I. and hot. (o be, �Iu� (MCC�I)L'by his � tip tj-tICtj()Ij,3, eq! I On 0 f t 0 1) 0�1 1.1 Of tho ovi�'t RlISSIft is jtj�j pj.O'r A J! w 01y, -11" 4" :11�. tIK