The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-09, Page 37rw- 4"- 7- 7; 4� 477:1 7 :7; Th W iv* T(> tho It 05 'i5OY.,S! YOUR OPP TQNITY paft* Q -e STOMACH- TR .*I*, Jho,; "yogo'"mco Of t4q,�liqrs *06� It N W., Pett, gems' 14. ;qe #$a 4t irpeen, r qW Th Cfntgrlo. Agrict;itprgl C9JIqge offers. y94�,qnl�eou;sitlon than wilt fit of.tho,=,yof, the . rnl.��A.:t:,:% .. :, , . . c , y te ',bual nese rofegoonalAife. 'A -w ourred. A ou for pr;1416il 40o-ofl pir, p n Vork - ben this.lucident,op, gone. DUE` I, IN -0-0-D, w 4o;i4on ztrep A 1) ominent New 'York daily wat adver ta, 1,44� U a farrrier Oft., Th0,',yqars,9f youth &�m.oh�rt r edt4o tFon to. Is a.1144!rpe i Corn ic the'Q.A.q.pn�Septernber 18th., a ris t a , , be JOOJE i1ping lie 'plPAC4�r'o, �Iepuions, O�e of The motorman wea e h e h a s, 04tt In- ;"4TF9oM only $5.50 fee for the fit:�t yppr only $20. Bo;ro hl w To �tb it., Uo!Wly Djii;4p !k#rs When tho piiiiosopw; certa TURign, W, -0 waii, ie.11,titled. e B6;L�,ten -equipped V lidl qugsts" the UndepjrjibIQ irepu.ta,tiom of wee -acrpJarni; fIre -ilve'.otock, rnodqrn,,welI R., 70Q U -no& oul. The mJn1st6r deltveredLtiie ter- BWO is, h Ric APO Red., desprij.41ye of pil p0einpP, gn 'ttention t Weji� for Co,110jile. r Mon, but to, g chagrin g felt th4.t nds it;. Aniliow,be Iving. condition*, lie beat. be Could - go h it the way; lieflAgil Thin bipoll Isl oliq,'bf the Most cqiiq� bAP 119 Chance of --pay$pq, a palend. d r rks Ime at litai �b� intended. ;Under a curious cQ441-raiiit mO,0­'cr4q' ;&-f, 0, REYNOL4P,. M.Ap A.- M... PQ� -S.A� ffER,. B 0 JUS�4 e9capg.'eq 101 his CQ4" I he added twa gentelices the oetd, feeWitliv alieption. very qUWUIY�. Tbib President' ce, W. gh�pd,s that furnish yan -T feeling, as lf,.they Ner�,q It Uit the d1gestiWe tluf4s ve �JSSI the C QN.TARIQ AG.R.1,004., VRAIw QL4.90 , 9 not GUEL . H. Q.N.T��LRIQ,� Q4 wQreL 046" Tbe sente 'C "Ite. _e diraiar r "activity,' the, 11oib myselt� I d. 044. R ar lobed In, .1.4e:j� 71 Ice nd inelifiLber yQji call 'alway�, bo�.d op a lit. 061tach, museleli 404 4 fidencea of the,'old'opplbro*� driver 4144, hat is there is a'.1pso pt 4prV*. e, In th of,418; ")IPA Ues, The conflu t or often tI, longer. V, og, never know. f9rc d� state, ot -health-' n6thJnj;;,.Lw 0 rNy a ticket- ip� ver� waitlug for YOU', rQuild thl A L �soh fr6ni the.ffebreWL Nd �digestion spec, Qy in re liad a r, into ag4jpst. ext,'cor- L bis e or. a. xnember . of quickly restore the, gp 'family or'the dppottmclit Of .4 GMr ar., -PANIZER: W "TED 0 ryc.�Iv­ PA atjot. .,,�d.4, -4, t 4--p4aftat -_ - pm A few days it Ormai 000 th4ii gdod, rtp 4 rl"o-plum -XTUACT lio—trot A -nian of. h1gli chaigo .;401 iteo ig 4cmes. yracts briliht, inli" 'f �add­ , L M A 1, Is-, and 14 n ev er4 f AA ed ter Dgt* Qrdrin, r� -rpni a ilia4 who ha'd hoa -or, r Jha 0 W.. Dn WJ�1119, 4,ct-4ire6LIy.;­t6.� toll md all­gbotit �L,, They' 'Were on"11le.i1i'A :said that'# the 'time ary calleation was, r6siilng w room- 9.11114 01,� 9man sales orpiLfzir JnL OWA, h t -NI& �*, oil the blood, making it ripli i2d TO, lie' ph'. Pink: 1.119 in -, - for 9 4 ful bf s�bo6 'n,'an -said! to 'y"c"t PArly 004�04,"04i`0 $40 4 wtak., Cm _V2 .4)OfM 'thing" legal hdilserg; th 114L' r he 'All -of knowrthL6'�erb which had L _put. had finfshe4� e _�betterL I wl h life, v ,. r bechuse lie fejt,Jh,4t lIfe; and this enric Ftliens go 2 )leased, thah When �pome GE.W ;IQQ, 00, Af -,vrx 'OE 'I lie -and:ail' hed lied blood, st On, wi'jl. h 6�144.�!�tc`comrrfit woA -nice -point wvg ubliiitted, and alwayl tbau art,, 01, waah, stimillatei tk(l mus- k, nery�s,,, 6 ays,: 'I iarn, Al ;: q 'hii, F PL 41, bf ', iveta' P;o ).�nsel's-'opinloh . J' 40, tfiat,,-ve'�]�)s in 61�1 rujilolig yo.u. kPOW .-sal0de. on the m6rnIngL u �,kpl .-N S %HON -RdD-" -a&ilngs. M. his, do �BOH*k �to ililAk of What �jj lands �414t-�-'sjLpply t o p�aed '14 ltu g and 1� _hoWever,, , e- a .4;eon. t EMI -LiE A 0 1 pis fon,, ad ad I We ; was follqod�- t O't 0: l4iids.- This bY an 71mprov h n that. way.;. --I' l6v'esf N cases.where t ei wn., To, th�e L lRdWard. wf6AfwOrt# tOatty,, ole, of, the (11 nguls ed.grAdtlateisl�pt­thq. te, an WHY a 9oO 'thq­vJJ9'6t tbP..IRW8 rPg*ixraIfi9.,l�pdlqrd. loyep.; �pr alk th64,Walkek a en nd, 4b� mail�4,p hISrr . , _ I I . � 1, 11 , . . ,''is, I qy ..a q receive -hondrary. d6geoes je W L. Ip, 0 4 t d' ihe`pe�ice -pro4to,. Was. L the aL lks� -huf do 1now that t4a, V a* n* y, a, hap i 14"' b I , T )Iood r cb nt' atif jdd.for to see e e ar t'.dn ev 011 "YOU U( rally tUr -the-gu a,.. a vPC Hq teeiv egree. Of "tprox 1; a w., a a, V, ev 1i -lied t I rou Ug.11OUE.. the. wtole sy9t6in All `x�ay,for U. I cold' and i dtil S, fori le h 1, 0 d*o,;,:, sue, YO4 gr 'the not dis,� B1. U t the illeb-re'w�,,.p ntouched Y�Ou'Ve --got to. ),be honored, -was P44ltle� flw4,r4 % aunciers, �Ae- 0 13 O)N7 Clift 9 sentQnces seemed, Hureau. , Lift 3, ro u6e� U, d .-ss ygu,..an hat yoi.,,,v anip or,,pa. ic 6 t Vo Call , LLrii vj&orous. htpi. -e',se JQIIY,�.well i0c tho*.�dejree qt.�Doctor'.Or Scie"npe, arrafij�Vtfteir ve oth6i, �wa d,t I , , , 6 k I i�� V iy - thatV P G grip h m,. -7,-11�emem er you. U ?tre L) r, ..round., He, Is, y thou -c insWid of� Irritobjo and, -listless.% -If ailing iyAic and wlsbs your best,,; li�itoj�aph 'I,.. W. Beitty'is,shown at,the,left in t .9, v �,hys'hbld on ge�r,.You never JrL the e p -r—e g_�,�a or" aeK;ree, w ro sfi t ­e way! to limow N�,'bat is Nva-Iti f' 19'new a -ere Ca en. is add g Of' the, djstr 160k at llfe.'�, sentbnce� painLs and,, symptolin:s, In essdr deiree. they W T icae two oSay ong.' rm Iiid, S, ofAndigo'si1on, yoil 8110al-d advi id p6lifiCal,exIierts With in up d �4e 1s. at..yo.ui- ilia-ved him. �J-le a n&JghbQ and say, ')TO.0 Ar .;,,Aa�t pf Take' ineand. bind %A take Pink'Pills -and proff'sidd. knowle'dge of both subje s.. Onjed e r and "i"6und the next- corner"' li� 144 hit.with.feArai; by. the better' 6111di-tion 1,4 Though they all think -of yotjj-�,elf'�and .9ay. "I u.' Auld �goid 'my he, th which they to oi:dinary folk wer ll:, y efich 6i,r little'. flinle, q ev nelghbo�', after all. Ill but your b, o 4 to, (lit3covered a chalice to make life *or always rei �ive th�'best- into nam God.: U'i es 7,- Tuese., p 11 I's, 'arq all, de leis tioi ses�ed, "-there., d werjo m0, With'tears akit -is, such I 'cide4nts ha I '(11eY pOS­ yourself, That jb�the.%�t�y to w4 feel the tr#th'6f the linds: o 'An.ieri-, M edicine'.Pr'you. can get liem by inei s to ts -wheii. their. patience, sub R f The Dr. T A Onr 'WINTE mAll, at 50 cents - bo'x fr' -jai, -this Y�4 —W nte strU4-k. by the* ill' b' e lift re ation N-a-rTaffR Wrri 0 e Medicine' 00.;. rockvil.le,, can orneiToniffil top at, Trafal'"Al, a ',ght iliat hP Could .4rt Leod. Xa�an tht on oaci g.1n---!En9J1ih not liest u-ndl: he fo —&-,He oi qji'are tred, half a dozen qif�s;.tiofis. pit' ali Orl Rough how,'theni, hdw ri—Nors6- t 'I a no'�r ON 1 te Racial Orlol . My, e.............. ...... him: whether It real- 9600ic—A' g 'Iven nalne. �'Iy. �Vpo. tru e 6iat ebre V%bll, "are. 40i �3 H C ff, na S QPP her,Atillfei, UM '.at -the., app t's hard, to kftd�w whethef to class 'c6nidiated. n' W* W Y. Fle, 0 Gras h, ers a$, F064 $;.iie /isaid - sendi'bg If yd I arOnt �mciu, f out y 0. ee g 9kr sipth4t the oi�jginbtthis fainil' li�hland otit, nanie as SCO Y E veryone kow� thi't--Eii :6ach lils, horse tilie� hill "That's the y nalpe tills k a scWar,and put, Ill$ 6lestion'; e tue, Of Ne lson on. th I Oft" Is onVe niahte;rxith..the Ps4, 10rwegiali or� Irish a -e*'. verb gra$$hop6er� andeattheiii dth 'great connected sta: Ma - said the schoIai;,- Hebi !!LIPyd%,�-'.fc_r*wIiOse berw holn(i King re�l 1.4 tjoig .'tell On season of the r, yo wf1l' e'*rang,' seriselijs'bach blid o them. ug�ated', as you-'iay. Why do' �J here on We right,; % , , ­ r r , ' , y L '.t' i Is colfij tin s It tsult. 11 U h. 'OU 'fpundAion. furlh'er on we 1 Beginning as. t old Norse 'the o j� et t , old'him *h ently laid the-� that they�proWth b 40 Garrick you ask?" RioSt oth�_ amous' '.s t Tlie'ati,6 I jid, N� . ryidbani's bpwk.,er�- the name, trace s ',babk to the nAine','pl !"Leoid," it.beb ime,thwnhine, Mali had 41d 'lie Iflie 0 Bqittsh tw.' the, f natd�iilj belleveff,' tha to t gellvool. Child- li�anll cl#ns, Macl trance to t a, and an icentuib ren. 4kitutions, 'fro a very in g1iii, grs. inflar Inigerefg wel4lt ' A. ibirtbenth od" -s the front t 0. 1_1 9' '. and,' st t It, 19�' Of e ould., be" at n be- el� ng. -C, ner -and i��_ too, urs!!, an ners;. . 0 oeo the mqdt �nd Was" brour, n bo t,.nicecl-back to a c0ual ga'h al* able food -foi- is akeii t b'ee M Lea efis!'!_­� oil 1't ca lie'Alhainbr 14wid It the spelling .-t t p of il:6, Hippiird ofii� -,' ar bit 11'g�&r up; r aimed. he., O;V� . r X a a Q64 , I xcl I of ffiel shJp d "Vi �ht gg'Ck to, Se' s. h'ofar , W.Jr tit ra6.1ij fit 9 and in one and � firth�r 0. C, 6 [i's Pi e we or word v n ner. 4mak,it cleai.? 'land in 't at,, orm , -I t ho "a' aptaililil,w nd alked :1110i or .�:p cynelli he.q uffering 'from a h ebr ye� 4 P 9 oua tin es 68 Th e ]i6r oW 's ab ti than.two -hun idd rago!.Ett a co prbv#1 thi.8 pasage fi-opi, 'Oeneiai when go, by Me !'Le ',wa Qn,ot.,Olale -to vei:iince has t b'd urre to ilto-ibat-' fee, ioui3e b Il'i Gre -D a ere wine the, 14� -or Q hav, -rful-a y )admags',lipok Th e CrOss k* iilfwa merc surname, er v ako. us,, the sit king .:of Oat . I ij.ng n a, or! f ra rds7 TpttenhamXourt ad we�shiiLll ii�.e rst degcrlptiye�of theirL 5� ., .. I h y a at fi 'earlk�. J#r at es rt, ex P.,& Dist eil',q. beieiv v P. t t Oo� dc nd In, Tower Street,* anq after,*iii: lal fba L t, I the Christian - e Y. . . . . . FO R i 1........ t le -ket� W`I) Pilling ?')'-it ihai.-pei� Iveis UgL 'Mlnard'ljr� ad OWL en n s to hillst not be. Ta"rna le a nd,,ng ni�c a W the 6peak r Was U�, n& 0 Lhd�. His Psi be i mc rf.ligo r confus with.the -true grasslixypperr: e a r b1s ou'arej.j ort mans'. t.to_the Cobden Statue. H�jgier p 11 quote a k I 116 p p e'r is "goon. eatmg real foot 1� lhe,. Skibn ancdkry traced. 110 -on Imineyblent de'' *rltqrs tw he - Norman' a TI, , J , - - the Ade, rou si fire. th Britannia, and laide, f Or ji�en t olis� to Haro he miglitvt I d 'the hick; Who, preinfum, for bvc,,,y Injagipable. f6iiiii. of Ot f n or afn tongue - . It* the latter 'risk. fro ' the foundering of -an d' , L I., .. I . 1, � , ., , thor wjji�ere we stop an go no4ui . r. And," , '­negleet tiie:prefix adopting the :king of Ahe, Nor?,e en.Lr. ILDOUt the time kled, It is daten atter. th 'with a th7� llthls� is. de, 8 mp"y in cean, Kres i. or 'p e o -the feet,. the win !a' a nd. th' il�Ad hdve _�UaLn' Wora . i 0. hIS!r Sxon pipeciii, pr the Normans invided Englan e n, the he'6,a ' '', , " . h r L rit- bills, and thein!s. flie lors"j. and I!m" 0 b gs ilivariab y. bring; .'b" X�r - , ' §teW.. else us*e: the, SAxon � e4u'lvdlent. nut T r te-4w. PIS "t I's bf6if�d or p or bloom fng driver, iind I!ve g6ttln6' 'Iety has -.been, X116, divided I dei idmoired th:.\�. 63 N6�ma��FrenCjj. Was tL eased yearn ngs,: me"d Ili the,foin oLme4t and 6W you ing'..'' nibera'.". Und4twrl'ting -ed and se�v� 11p . 0 he predominant -As 1ounded, Matle6 s,' OU cr F PAINIV. ned IGbster fOrr clans. -AmembOrs",. and .4 Alann�al �s'� cribells." b6jjS..L tOlLgUe,*'Jn those 'days; 'and - It -was Nit 'clioos6 to chli thein's, t `b eareif you get to,oille, piopfe After' bUld4drie-d"in the sun pfetty� n I gh fim; I Ch 40out. It' Out "t�ey geeo6 S"'groUnd. to pow 'erp C ma be! the bulk..of s 'T - e of the t6, f4tt6r. classes, most all urnames .6x�e� of these is known aelic as 0 on -do'! h y. .8$' WhatLI, tary as r an�, or "'Sjol To o au Nor Those 49, a L I r-�e�-, j,. London:-merchaute Ili. a laiige Qy. of' Were.; becoming: fier,4, Ili4iC4 0`1 P6606 11Ailio., pOLA'S stirred Into made Jinto.46ugh 'jj� Well While to.be. ficins. of the �ptople.-fii6madiv.6 Tithe so and, th r mati p othbr,... y. poor. �u . I or- spect a fai\, or b. n 4tter With thitu:� ibeir'callfugs, ,:Or peculiarities, q 11" .(Thurkildsn), .... in n Th man who - Is: alwa ' ys ell * o 'Lloyd's Ong z ne'OVer� salt e ong. .0 BABY's-® 0011'r 6hur6 :Str9et, -ati lke" eat that the Norman�. -fii­zngla�d egili to Jish they'gre* r . as. th verv,s eferreq- ed' nto Fell e, y g.rqss- e H -theluselyes as- Of s- And.jhe. Macle Of raise c oudg'LLot' in 6 a d� that, pecgliai lending - Lewis? .;A: --HOME I ndi, bl. 'g, e ls�trY , s eJthb'r 4ir1Pd'or*att6'i1be'InLg roas te E 00 gs, 'Ulezep hopp&g, ich,'Are IN I T gjlrd nglishme & or Hari�, E -4n a"ixie, btlildin, TI �Ih beau.1iful them rip SwL and niar r e th 0� ilg Rg I ALWAYS. Jhbre :quir6, Und si4 aPA?p on luck e ilepstrt-' I larie bet*ee conducted, by a separat Nheap n' t r their Those. �wb,6',aJWa3*s1'x of.JmgUe§ which re.A�It6d in mOdern'' ft6 d6feat the Bj,'ttle of W 0 -e6ds -of ill -h ave n'thlug depend. ujg4dq no lay�rs. of'jjje 'The Negroe gu. g6 quite. diffeient -he* Ma'el t from: either th; 4aion'or 'the iiiedieval :Harr s ed D lie - iiO ment., lrhp�spacfous neW roi Engli�h a.' lin . a. rtain 'of t 0 co, a mothe has: b se naby W�jw being, 6''mdt4 Ili Lead6rhalf Oireet 11. . eat th cooked- irr that Way 0 rth of Ireland,: _tWO_C .16 pronounce 1AIrtLp e7 ell en6y was day. vvu- -1eeps a suppi sfire, T, Ili' .. in i n I ap i�-.to%bd thb- -did final V. in therr':narli hn for - r;hfb 'a --------- - 3' D� hind; fo� t no -i 6 vin�'s I ere bill y I ood; Itoroagli far :,ponn,oetdd &k.lson(e :meat'ttiat Ahotld �,Iiav:e Aria on q ier,th i s cl g to. ter i,Winter p6, I . ft som form in urname or.,Ms�c;ure.�, n -LamV. WhJ'ch thd 9 has gi v 1 lig - cl eor, Chiiles blodd, lie sett e;gragsfioppe,T.s. e iiginally, thert were' thIs form';tfie,- name turned-fo. Galld-- a qual h9ro...in keeping ell well" I 'i� SU No6odjr lose� hytbink by polliOn 11T.h6 wlv!� - of, the proph ets,' rV v;ed­..bougJl.6 s ut..thorough V., many_p�,op e .8. efn o when. The -T ab le it are a mild -b e e the bql�els P� t t ehl a seveiat varia�ioR�,' Way in the. sevente6ntfi:celf.tir . it �an I yov son h k' of grasbo ve ivfilch reg1iJtLt firmL*An thtttrs himself that lie When, hoppe a. W s -sbared- th6m-.�'Wlth ay In the. fariguai mo; the sto Understands a.,%-Qm4b hP..i1`Idtt0r9 as, as, in. _Tf Ur �01d--G�tes.- ("n �j tne. moon is a a. Ind gest on, 77� se -"Thb alit OJuhr, o e day when he .9 muse,.an mour them, e grass -'-:Atrd7tr-eknV1e at4rij. iken: th.e- . ay the sUn and rude -tJjbPSL,in both olds' and simple feve d Ii bii,"x. thilik ilidy''' 'd a aser s Still' MaYeS, tl�w,�Xnpow. tiiing. asier.. Contcern n t ii D MiLf QPDers or food: was - perawitted, re-, Mrs. $91usle. Pelletier, S P bs,arei, hing :It , .. - , " r , r . un1ga, - as (1111 t.i. 6 and, the klnllfk�lrdde.� . I . . I . � The bid gat 8 ourage,. -al 'On- the: A m4diev ied: :',I should'ilke to, iavb,, a asket- write 11 h ve u ed by!s Own Fo i;' b t sU footsfej) 11 the' Aew Other `.hand,' ich.l. y rehifernber'nu. b ie sun -used tp., b fift 6fthein. tp, eat! Tabl-6ts' the past' tiWyeafs ,arid, am writer: say4,tl e ca led' i"6-. They th Tq."b L "Prorn all4biA 'testimony I e thi--in ining are 'tile, labof)3 'of'. tbo rly I minor Pitt , es P&. t li6 aborigines. hever without them in the lic e.little, hand$, thdt,opendd s -�but it fik:cha fleut th�t'b'v the'grace 'And Ilt'ile iebi at' Tlenge gu;�C-Ll e�l Fr 0:4 t Sk o-r-th !Ameri6- 0 have always. given,. t e great"t"Patis-. I I .. I .. : I . L plipe Jd the men Pet and'gretee str�tgth,to.pu si S... ie'll, 11�ppers, NN Pile given t, Th, sali r I I q man for fQ.Vd.'0 'that 'Wd11t.`,.tbrQUg and . I A qu es t -befor(4 aredried and' 1� rJft bf, the �1111, n. the Council the pipe gladly liecomi awne co a Ilig 'them ll hiothers of 'Iit*tiP - �nesr.," Maint :is. aiwys­p'asqedirbund, follow the thIsa his it g6�p� 8 are y, !.medic de %Forev�t, far h The, Tablet! sold b It)aily use d6ur t. apart. 'kh f� in ai� en a ters. 'Ras ith tqudhe�f: of' cuticVraoilm The' N4tcliez 'lived iinddr a J�dbic -of:bti' an. Over. eighty cent. in tile royal family, child por The Dr,"Willioms' Mbdi- ikhe libt tdars 'thtA fell- on. tTem id I red '..V'dI1 do red � of if the timb'�r- a' -bok from land y e Passion, Ig erftr;­or la td.preventpore-coggingri 'Incas in. on h Do-' -q?, bar tit '.the sun; IlkeLr_ Ine nrockvil e, Ort.. Th� �h th at, the facb,df the and.clap% flifough. pr6 on' IaC U e minj a nmentg, and rainbows s wooh. their glo b hep(#, pirnpits, ro of 1)rnin ab;* 61tino The'love W mlses - !; . r -it (3 n Peru., oto6d e he. ti n .6j� n r; of Cu tUre. bUtL for -ralik file,' [to 'the jUn W osed. of, allpp 1, �. : . I . .. I I : �f- the the timbe 'a-L.'alib' en- an othee unw olesotil co as pre6 wistful st.aTs. hf� Islan s eiriough,'tbitt. *6� ake bapft, people., In %,MexI tirel�1'underL,JJdeU8dS't6 .��t overrdo­ t,*Ci:il,thiwair—"yop,,t1 d 'I" c 11 ae. tidris i3f the:�s minent oVer'a.11. the -uther gods. forr � W rs -have leaid� only or.,'Ii.ap 41n. 'the vt.-IoVe� 6 Ust SiW4 four, 1P lnli�Lbited, alL 'right. 16�rld itich, r.00 11V an e �flnito areas 4' n annual Bile f.other'days i 'ties$ a-ild ebrew qd tiooks.,there t, - are d6luncfatjons� of- sijn w6fthipj for 9PUnfil"Z-bift'an a' royalty on ne. tim. Depot: "Stmhouse, LIA. montresa.f Price, Boap wake ayspr1ifig of� courage ih 96d. 0111tillent 25 and fiftiMalcuM 250 JIM, CUtl patOtpAlfem,as ti" 'J' 6 iartg; It;. ljl�onolig er cut Is charge& The" 116.61ge§ are I ��Otlyer Oqe. '*TliAni( I ii� 3f. we Stkk 29 the hea:tben, all aiound iiiid;aA6 b giate,� are n nMI Heaven' fearful iation, ll� i .1 til a. Oile vallby mist torthe most part, renewa� �annually, Py eniember -much. kindle, some, of tb, it a,chrilized country�. 16 that ',Iuim'Ina­ry,.. �Lnd And th r A rightto :a . I I or pour,some few pure rora M1 e,-9 r oy-erv: rightto, beauty ell s sery _rpatclp 'jell t d vdi*1641 19 otjrud.ea,-,aj2d.jo.ra.e�l�ILM, . WI!, D'.', Go lter-theL _d. . .... .. the worship o clearly s.6t Sorig itor'Seivig Eden phl'�jlotts in '�Chlld�bm" to I r g smpose u ch e'; uistiow. forth:bY the'. WAtings of eli Coilematr glaci;r' at' 1 1 N'S* BAG K f he still of aity a are even he head, Ong by one one- I y �orie, ed deemed. exp ent The d1rdetr4venue y le d ro'�lrn gove nmm. 'd Qky river north��S*i fif Mt' -Robson, 'EV,6r to tefederA n rr adio Mil W4?.EU -1 01111� L L. ftmountg—to -4i�rmoreL 8 'the history of the P Volit which 10 1 S' Till IJhe a garni6it it, f thot IND., -40-E ar oIkk-s' 6nov�,ned !.or weren't p -the oll,j)an. i h6u�gravh is 10 annually o P n The, gla'dier i ame6 'Arid laid away. f li lie. you.- er,,Dr. A. ir le 0 .repeated �* With the rRillOV.. W boll 4j600,'000 Is'spent In. 'rotectfo4 _sfortp� hr�, EMS., Pro wbeing a t -p kdeiel­63d mi ifies of,me ilf aft P. coldn! -'�Jhe begifining I In oth.-Ina,tAnces, a few A fid administration.; e, my 1, g i'dr'b , tidihi in me. cirriage still' fessor of'Zeol6ky: in A6 V,niver9i y flild tht)-Ixork,of the last bo tie ','Ended by T�kink tyclhi L of the wOrl4wi,6n6*1ibd tried One- by .6ne tile dhyi,90 the-thinki" . just b how A would go. oilt e �y down ('11 o. A ley'; inkha V4getabl Unfeling but support thr( e, 'with a to., 6 e I of Tronto' W.Ifi.6 travers d tbig'region An n 'fil and,of t! mbe� who'd in 1907 lone bL, pa The 1btai st' r Jri,CaiQa� black of! 1�0 TIii4fi-41th it 6aaden,f6ar of,cheapen- �. ;' y ru n;, sti Asa t ti now?" :)d supp(ked by the aUtD; 0 �Olupli'*'Sit'L492,00 rni puswol inp'oiind Ing- themselves,' -they refu4ed 6�� hii e in Uon fetA bbard measui of, saw ma- (Tolle inobile JaLvic, .13c Careful nt to p� snything' to r do With ihO flAitt. Irilidlly'. polt1lat INA -welgliffig Abdbt, fifty,fodi- tons 'And life 1i e 'and idiri hfid UAe!D f P(jW�j. to ply to?) �'ljitl�h lo th Jackp torsed fejl�� from the. L SICY on the -City! of[ they began, that eve� 'liey ebuilil. 'er For '6v or:-thtee wbM 'fitel�vo&d, .�ostbj ,j �,Cauhda posies�e8,. liftlinum water- L�nd' L last J�Jyj Fusill ays every gc bae such 826 million, oUbje teetr on po*er. r I es. our int. f is, shape or dc it, d often'! *fitild Withstand their w- invention'. and alloWed" el� of 246, th da' th cc's 0 f canh n oW elahns'fo be the W'efithil in th6 -fibur 'hour I ., -POAVor Alstk� -y- 'ill painsin my.bac and sld�;s that I could 108i94 mi a A - 6 Cucf�ei' twenty orge. L IJIMdLht ln-thd%'HoUoet: Iclidst,6untl th(v -spi not udd.,, 11)UH11i a ri to,'go tb. the greater AfUl tit the ing do' anythio g -- could, iiiot even. 10 dief led I oe,'of the rial, they are in i tf 41 bed, my hetid ached; buidd from eoast - 'for ocast-at adVR1l- ingbanj I Pa'a the Uie y. ii, 1� . 1 . -AW tho'Piaikib; Cq 0 'was this waV about 6tce years, but M tAgeOUS �0013 the elift. f n� �: L , . s MOMS liin& on&Fs� , In a somewhat.hiasitant ifli t ''o pregnant: act, Jua8t nd AV6ft ellov Was,wot ith �Otja.houg 7 1A dut�k,'afidin, the *e married. Col-UM14; but,'Orit Ina �T bu th that. d 1, n ' rer than lColumbia has 70 per. rent of"the saW `moU's',r'Ps;er�e6 of coal and ot'hel, fuet. five milts and thilre Wab not a pir$on to they ate dOltIg 'It' Melbao e makillig Use of, muterial:*ih'th Dominion, that, sh .'and aIs6J1adPrew8kI and me -a lird in as fily fpll� 'd and. a number of powerr s ly y the f, ftrazl' -Englgn f6ldine about 14di -power t' I took hei advioe and - wit �r t M d, W to try. tbeli), on this slae of the tlantfic; that during the, pAst, teli eArs the do-. ,Pinkliani's Vdget'616L C6Miloild d WANT. ItHURNING '9-36,000 11bVisd-pc bii�n thankful for*iCover sinee� 111 L -X froth 1, iwer t6 3,570, Sentetii& Se M AN V .85 fter tldri medi�* ho nearl. er vent., oney"--Cait on- :rV ar lot A 0 and. th, fttCr_POwer:, (levelop6d �Ontht, I Can k -V t is. heiperd me f I a ain d i . I , m gladr t6 roe- 't m o i n �., i r.p. C'011ege' f 6 'he. Ca ]lot .1,000 of the I;o ulati'pli froni 252 t E A- -M d p )n e-nd,ld egcUble Cotripoun a,, power, to 387- ay ptiblish my --C.an buy ttrt, masterly ec'o'. *hi4ili fri, 'tNTL� JBUPpIy tiijUIL and thY During these past ten vea!'s, N'V11116 ho cannot ap0t0c a; 0 'd-tifly by e j 0'r- _tt c arge 10 p6pulatloft Increage1 gO. lyil, nee _Call �p, fA why tit lk, 6 tro�ble w money- orders, which tax), be cashod fli C llse�,oi pbwc�, per Ilefifa of tile PopU-, o i t L llic�uq6 FL that be. CaftficyFebJoy, if) ji SUL hregonci,ll Upset :of the SyStcM.L' ch er a, booiC, U h ot p �Illptolris as nL -ro blitiiiLih Cream". in"' get it read.. 14, top Orico, bhJUt]t Was repotte�l the Si; irr6gulari ty, bnblca��e d herdach4o efo,rll 6, a n___ no "or —can money alUot, 60� fife'& bFtd d suIld a'honte, but -od ilidlcaU n ir -In, 6e, Ir, Win atl,; ectl6n, but Irat foi ](124,' Th,�s� ltle;a occu i 'P S Thie; medicine, IlAs C laore to win Diiblla tonAdVli6� ki'nd in their treatinetif it U) P u ll C �,M U y _UfttI �qA tv III �H 16ilm v,�.. ijr�r reterflCen—ftad TOMJIL6. aft. Shipi W JOCA ouni npank of ofittea ,,,A iyqar I IiAhk6r, ed f6t 1924 an bitibed to 1.2,883 P that have a to"M� Valuo<f fit JL6 niiill(os bV i1104118 Of" TiftDrL light �*�lished. for over thirty y V1. i�