The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-09, Page 2LAND OF F:7\:"AN4EiJIN' I'.11./RES *ANT' AHTOISTS, • 'Nova Seoti.t.1 is ,the' lireYinee dOWn.enthusitist aewell as mall heat 'sail- ti.za sea, thOOnd of EvanaYlbop;$,Ig Ufld canoeing. , . the Attest discovered part of No* And all of these thingt, the yisitor ' may enjoy In, a MVO') summer cit. . . Anketi.„. • It is fait:Ions for it- historic., mato; long days of sunshine and the forts, its -PintUrnaiine flshing'villages; ' 'incomparable ht, f this "1" wick valleys and a hundred' miles' tude. There is no excessive heat. and Of ;Apple orchards; for , literally' a the nights are cool everywhere. Itl*aanct lakes and Streams. In one • , of the finest -Stimitter climates in' the:. B.4„1,,LAD OF A 01\1•FATHWI'l *corldi‘tht :Ostler finds golf and: , „ ISIOTORL,T. fishing„huntin,4 yachting and. surf If' .your car is weak and whee'4Y--- /aathing,anti-:the superb highways of; • . though it u,Sed to be se breezy, 111. storied' an"romantic coast. ' Thelte. If you're having trditble climbing are nearly l'aFe• thousand *ilea of Atte!. • little bilis' . • • , " • '111°F)..0'clirds, 444 44` following°We' enrItUretim sPutivia an.4 the I the cosset, ..whighhas a tale''Of- priva- • • differentia Matters, • teer and pirate, phantom frigate and :And,You.denol (bre repair it. -.-for katled :treasure to*,,'*WerY the' , cdohtkin tOurist motor Carni* the If. yOU'Ve'. tiled Yetir lett to trade it1. -ter may find accommodations; and the dealers all 'upbraid it, Nova ':Sdotte has the oldest' Eifrot. ; And deny it haOhe,,Valne that you ,vetin settlement on the continent north , • '• • ' • '„ of'the'Aulf of Mekico..„ In its riting&• (-.)ri a_ night that makes you shiver fortresses, the student may; retracej take it down beside the river, four centuries of Ainericarn history.; ' -Kiss It fondly, push it and let it liere is Fort Anne and Fort Edward i ; .Sink. and•Beausejour, and the"desolation of • *tried masonry which was Lou- 1 Why, you ask me,hesitating, do- I bonig-Louis the. XIV's "most splen-' favor perpetrating • ' did city" -the mightiest stronghold of Such a crit' as this, advising it be • ,French Power inthe New World. Here sunk? "'"' • : . are the descendants of the, Highland You remaik:• "You hadn't oughter • co who were "out" for , prince , shove the -car into ;the 'water Charlie, in who. subsequently --While-there'S'-•any-chancw-of selling found refuge firthig7Nevir-Scotlen4 ' 't_terjunkl" • f and: still speak :their 7ancient • Gaelic But a gat is Wor-lhii-elkibriding•-witen. its useful, life is ending,,,- , None of the waters in Nova Scotia When Its will to take the hill on are preserved. • Countless ' rivers, ' high' has ceased; co, brooks' and lakets',11roY'Vle trout and Would 'You' ittn4 a friend", I 'wonder. Gainvgn through a lout season. There . have him torn oar.t.; asunder? Is moose and 'deer hunting in ,season; , • You'd rather drown him first, to 'and the best of; duck and %grouse shoot"- ing; and, yachting for. the blue,Ivater .r 'snjt ',the 'least.'.' ••=4--11arald S. Osborne. •••%, The carillon: tower, •Oritaining;'23 iiers; at .Siintoe, Ont., Which Was aa-.:. Veiled recently as a MeniOrial'tO.the fallen dead of $orfollt•countii. The total: cost of $30,000 Was tallied. entirely by individual and corporate SubsCription.. . . theseetnity. council giving;1;00.0.. .... The Missing Wild Man. The Chinook Talk:. , . : • , . - . . .. • - .Scorn Fear.- . ... •what4thion.,x40-44Js..to.,..tlie...:,,trat- Don't, let. fear Clutch at you ..with.cavi- ..11Citera ;of. the Chinese' ports ' the ?Chi- , • - ., art4and: ' • .' ; , ; . i•'. ,, . .. •• • .. , nook jhrgon is,.aloot the Pacific •coast With head .held, high,.,..'inarch proodly• -.Circus mei !,st•tii always looking for . ' : .. of Ganada. and 'Vie' nOrth-W,esterri •;,' ,''.dovin 4.04 lanai '... '.-..,'• ''' - novelties to reciatt that more or less ' , • 'state's' • ' ' ' . ' ' '. • ,..irou'll,ie a hero -it you Will .he: elle: amusing ' collection • of. "freaks," genii- ' . • • • , . a Writer in 'Ad- ,•Smaildieeds,or.big heroically dorie 1 .e filthitinratad*olli7-"w11", le.11-4787"eatOt' Igatit,g-c venture; . wat...a rea y .. n use ' w en. VriVin-yornYltniglitrobal • . ." " ' the ".Side slip*X7 one:morning; says iVir." Lewis • • • • • . . . , . • .• . .. . , 4.' and Clark *idled the 'Columbia,: ,, ' And your strength•will•grow• •' • ' .:Gil Robinson In :his liotik Old Wagon' . in ..1865. '::'4ietor'ii.''''.4Onts •along,.ttle .wikii every *isle, and With, every blowi Show Days, the. Most .rentarkable-loOk- northweet COaiit and the British---trad,' You strike At ,dreaki and :elf. dread's. i ing:•stisniinan•:ni humanity i• had.. even ., kindred knaves. .: ':' ... ... • •-• ' :.: 'O'Vet your head success's banner .w,dVes' If. you but keep it. flying! ' . ''. ' ; .' ." Don't lay Own .:'" .4, :'''' -; ' < •,, .1, ' • .y4pur weapons..- ..bentt'''• let ,craVenti - ..,,-. . . drown With craven doithts • the. battle -cry Of -nt:06!7'''.' , , '', • •.' .' • .. _..,a, k.. I'm 1 t• : LU e • an,,,like::Topsy. With every. mile. spreads ont,,La wider The '&1k:4...walked:alive*, 'pleased' at . _ "just rowed" .'. ' • ' ' - .,- ' • the'. idea, Of breaking. into the areas .. • . • . • . • ' ' ••:' - - ....•••'•: • .scope• •• .• .• • • , . . _.: - while In. its abilitYa to assimilate words. it...1 work and itsefulneas for valiant WO'S. game, ',..About one, elclock..I Was- -. rivals .pigiish.....It. •drew terse sxpies, ' then strAggin. :ap,,--;--,sn't/l you 'scale Signs, 'ficim,' the dialects Of '. Ifie• 'tribes o' . ', ' .. those hiiii.'f. • • :, : • .., •. •that ..s0o.k6 it. : A *teat I noinliet Of •its. 'Which Ase'betere 'Ijitiui. scorn -to feel. words were .formed • by ononnittitoeia.; ,1. ' '• .''dismay: : • '',. , . ' : . ' ' that la,: bj, the sounds the itenienther. ,',41liekeet:".night. proceeds . . . . . , . , . . . . -thing. spoken of. Thus , tiktik means!. '.. dawn's day!". . ; ..••• : • .1 '!'•'...• .".how. to pick Men' aind„'haols ., hew . to i '. "Page ,latill .11V!.: I .eallea. .. . ...,. . • • • • . . • ...,.,- .,., . . fel-..a. watch; 'tuni-tinia meant- the'"heatt i ,. . . --Lillian••Gard. . treat there, for then there will he'anch,l. , .A.'gentIeataulY , appearing Yqttig ' beating' tum-vratah. is.arapidSi,W.A7Wa. t. • .. , • . • - _ . .„...7.7...... . . • ,iiowth. and expansion that. -there. will low, with short 'hair.' and a ...•Clean7eft.......40.....4 . anota9a gray-haired. , Join'a 'team which "You're .not the , Wild.l1/lano on, .., t... betiOts'iotlirettiodqus-60Pre-°• 714'-b"nt'"Ntr-t•,. • • ' ate, c.,Inn• 4, , • •.. . • ; y ,f.. •guess that... . • ' • '. ..' ••• -• .... - • - . .' • . • • • • • • • • • alltffieelre-bat".SrOmWt. ' , ., '.• '' • . '. ' • . •••• ' ,kneartrhovrlo-play--the-businessAgame..._erti . .., . , .. .., _ From , the • French Canadian .•Voy., . The . genial but ' overdne, . hoarder' . . . . ageure--the-Jargon,-dewnstairs. .. • . . ;.. ' 1 and. successfully,and Whotie4:'.-"Oh, Yes: I tinq he grinned: • . .'sguare.y, ..• • :.. .... • .. ., . •,, ' ',. • enough, drew Many of its 'expressions ' • "Good. Morning; :Mrs,. Menalian,". he captain sees tti• it that lila team wor. k.- • ..` But -1 protested, where are .your I ' ' ' ' - • mi.... .. . :,.. .that: relate ,, to love -Making, 2.drinking, Calied, tint Cheerily.; .'.`Did Ytiu" over 'see, er's get freedom to develop into star whiskers and. long hair...., , : . : . . , Singing,: dancing and the like., 'Thus: .anytiiing., so; unsettled fthe -Weather ' playets.. ., .• . . . . ., • •. • :.•;;....... , .: , , . lie , said, . still grinning, .• I.. • •. b 1 t ki,..s. . .. , „ .. .13eebee' from . a set', means .9. ...., , . we are having these days?" . . ' . '...i.a.---•,--6-,---L.----.. '.. • : . spent the 'dollar you :gave ,me for ..a .. ‘• • 'Henry VIII.' was, the firt.. men .to ..,. - ,shave and hair Mit. .. ... , ,, „ •., , .. • . ; itilioptl,. fro* •la.lionteille Means a hot- ! 'Veil; •there!s., your 'beard . bill,"1,11 ; ''' ' • ' "tie or Iffie• contents thereof; naahsle, landlady infotrfied...hinipolitett, • ... . lei down hard: tennie•coUrt , .. He had thavedawaY.his value to .. froinnierci, means thanks; malieli amt.' :... .• • ..,_ . _. • . • . • C. :ope,..aceortling to one authority, • , • .. , , - - ' ' , tense • Conte fi•OM the French- Words . Tin? "iikeleleS,. stringed instruments •Out of every ton '"Hibleastild by the , , . . • • ' ' • . • ' '' ' ' .' • - .:L' • like .guitars, • are ',slit ' introduced as British and . Foreign . , n .Bible Society , in . • • - • ' .. • ' ' ''') ' ".._. " . • ' - meaning :is marry and to'.'dance . - • ,. '. '.- - Might Spoil Them. Enaigh..furnislied.stntid,Pecaliar ox -,".1.. Book Agent -"Have 'YOU. Any child:. handles . for.. parasols his summer. ' ' ,1-924, roughly "four Were • sold' in China: , • . • . - • ,„.. . • . preisions. • • Oleman ..:-front "old • inan,"-, roll, in school?" • - ' ' • . ,....... , . • . • 7. rattinsverti-ottt---It•Wahta---aini•-liab....-„-pirtot:' are -recognisable coins; , waunkaick ; .....1,gent-YOU're just the Mari. Why Means ',fever, '.'stick.,Itoi,se,' ,'a ftinie not buy them an encyclopedia?" dwelling;nose inehn.s. • promontory; I "pariner--,7"Wail; it Might be all right .. AMericand 'arc, Bosional;.,Engliihinen 'for' the. girla.:-Lbot, ,hy ;':guril,' the ,boy are Kincheitchl-King ,George;..::.::',: ' 1..ain't no better than me -7 -and 1, had In. ' • 'Pelton writ the name of a crazy than want. to school when I was- a boy."- • . , -.._ , • - • . , 1 SointiOn',,Of Iiist,Week'S untele:; [ who lived tit' Astoria. Ss inika Pelton, • ,: • , •,. • • , _ ' • means "You are \et -ask:" ' ..-. • , ' •. ' ' - ' • • • • " - ' 2--Tbe.inhhilitY, „of, the, coast tribes: to „ . , . •, .. . . , .. : . • pronounce r., f and nasal n.7 --in ails re- spect ps:' in •pthsts they'? resemble the Chinese -gives ' a Coriolis "twist to some .1., -..H., nglisit:-Worda; -LieeLandLglease" and ' catnip", for rice and grease . and coffee, sound ,like the talk of :.an -Oriental epoitee Ina lumber camp, ,EXhibit1on-.430fore-aa*After.. .1hltrft wati gratis on her decks "six VTOSS-Oagailninj ft, boy whose arm lathes Jong 'when we atr1ve4 at. Cal. 11114 been inlltretIc in a tramcar .acci- gotta!" • clentt. .4614* Piricenhead-thert gl.Bat, the Pest sytorla Pit' iertrain•'13: • . • Siiiitlialted ',WM.:. ‘'Wett.14 you •mind hook :4s of A•ceetain,transport efileer •showing the jury how high: you VOA ,titiriag, the. war. • A cynical commen- , lift your arm ltinen the accident?"- The tato,: on war othcers once ohserved and te-day the People of kAlled4',., Tied r.' . . „ , . , "Now, show: us •hoW 'high you could, .get -..a. thing done, and" afterwards to. to, Partihnlat•IY tileSe Who have been Mit leaders ..in government, _finance,. agri- boY raised It. to the shoulder; ••• ' I that theiv.ftet. idea seemed to he nto it bofore, the accident." •vp went flua 04t whether it Was a thing • wooh. culture and • indtistrY; 'may Well ,feek. the: bOY.'73, arm, well above ,the' hi ad! tiging2",Sit, gortrani'a tranSp6rt Officer proud, of ,pe'vtiA:ld:yosition Canada IS • . tord. Birkenhead's ' insight, into the -wets, of thiii.type, ''. .1 • ., , : . taltiag,,' , . ' ; '; ' • • ,. : . . bergt mentality had 'the., tramway • r A 'Mather; of .moterloars' had to he Canada's natgral. resoPreWAre. ''' ' ' eoniPanY their Ottee•. • "' . " . . shiPped in a steamet•that•was already.: COMinginergasinglY:fuii:°rtaut as one • . . . .94eF's,0151.,illhvee,...mYoestpottqr0,04eetil.--nglfeot'i .)...e.„. peered. down aorogyin4..::','1..0%;0t:ihkett's;ti.tip• arriohind(19:.' Troogyl-ci!,w,..ovopfrootkt%'.4..fitewl\t"inLiri(lidlianSttriy.4.•deAeolny.,•• ..-o,ent•honke Is 4.1 -paw pown,!k...In whioh. and:cried :• ' , ' • ' . . - • • . •-• ., .., .phasiset the fact that, in the SeVeral; -4011,7 I'Sir BertraM... Hayes:, ' K, .b,lidl. .13.; DrS.0.; . ! "Take that 'thing' :oat,. ad' there y,'•ill classifications into W.. hich ' our trade ' • It.N,13,0•• eh.att. about his fortyrfive , years ..)m plenty of rOote.t', .: • „ .• a returnsate alvalea;;the.'pi'imarY. an41,: Pf'sgea,life,".). ,• . ' ' ':::, :"...!,- .. ,.. '.. "you:caret, taka•I'l.lat ont, "sir,'" re. .ha0c". sources- 'or' slAPP)Y .are -'01P lim•Cis'o • ship -the after H‘e: , , 4 0 Iuretiredm. 1i 0 44 tl 4` ot yo: end •1y ' 9 Cii fil' alast' i s; 1., a . year,rg6s t ! pliedtunnel." xlot, the .7,,,kb, i.!. ,°,.01.7.'1'.'..:.'..: 71.14t.'S,-;tp.3.tel-stots,iishrrehre:ts.,7,vtiro);-ri.411h1r.titi4vnelo..petild .fal:.;:ild..T.' galestic4-7 and ht .has Only 1 .„2,'"'I'''., 1101).!•t" niti'n. 'What • -it" .1,Slake ' it "POt0iIttial WaterPOWer•S:-,..akt..tPrillier MeV'', had one Collision In that .time...Eve!,i. otitr, was iiis'rSpry .:' . :- . 0,• J,•, , : ': ''oF.s.." in ,:the"-: industry, . ;ft, enStita0 ' :the:: ,Iyhtill;Jta,',.diCiePaislei).19.0°Ilist.n'itti, .1‘,IY'de4etas'irIligie::....kwi;;;411..t,,:iratii: i,•.it.°$.?,1.:1;c:"0111,1,..t,t6.tt:p:i'::Otht.:.F.L:snlvo..11:(0.44:ls.e:a:11010.41.ii„',Its4t.:Ii!ii.;tho''etlii:"q4.0tliteleP.;"-flPirp:ililittib‘i:9A.::In7i:t.O411:111').1\virialli:%iC'oitt.1142clekt7.411::(1,1.5:::., The other ,Ship was a" German sub- tiintiel, he Agreed' that reommusi lie .. •^BUt wha' Of the'‘'Canadian• „people.. ,marine, yoli see, a whiah• no rammed found the . cars elSewbere. 't, I While all due •credit. ran.c,zt be .g'riren to _ (luring" 'tli •war ; •-•!"-rfltra gave hint ---his- . • • ' : ' T'o.ri,i- •fily. 1,677,0.6.t`. ... . • our natural. resources, .we must admit D,S:0,4-Ds .netl. Submarine, Official.. ' ' ' • * 1: • Bir liertittra tel.'s., an amusing' Story "Well; •TPtulity, ' what de 'Yen ...th.! irk Of . thetlt•ntselhtt 't ‘I-ofiiteentli 4ealintresttora.11. 1.1°4' They . they' are no*. The tailors did pretty I dropped hirii as bard as I le' co u it, 'i ess witness to tii.:nii.b0;illve;tat4t.pi.;v:olalo: t,1 ,ttielorirwo :sit on : tin.odti ,, ayi;y1 when•thips and discipline wera.not as , pa. , year new bouncing' brother.?" • "Something's the matter with hint, Biographies of 'early'e:cploters all'hear .,.. .of an American. packet ship In the days on the -Hoot; but he wouldn't bounce." well as they lied,. which meant they NainridfResourcesB. . „ The Natural Resources • Intelligence Service of the Department'of the jo, terinr ,Ottawa SaY14:-7- • .1 Can MIA pa July 1$t' again celebtated her coining into being as a Confedera- tion. Great progress has been made in the 08 years•eiSeO this great' event. _ , - -........... .. .., , : ,., : " • ; era at NOotka, had been handicapped seen came to the front dem-- and asked , for a Job. His hair Was it least a.torst 1Y the fact that fa°teen.langaageS as , . different from one *tiothet as English • an& a half long, and his whiskers leciii- ed like:a hayetack'aitera'e 1 ,/,/ •_ifi from Arabic • Were spoken . b th :,,,,,a8 •iffiniedliitelY: hired asYCa?-4e. ' a •I j * Y e ,wireak. natives. • . , '.;,.. ,,,• ,-• .,* .. .,' .'„ ; ,AU4.glien:A OHM -Ito bind' the bargain: ' 'Ilia 6ilino°k*Ili°e°t'"*Iltell /was ' the simplest, furnished the ,iraiiwiii. of "We'll call. you the `Wild Man .of Yon:k- ' ars,' ''' If teld ,:iiim. • • , . • the jargon and'aise. a .few•dozen or its . . 1 ----- John- Price, conduCtor. of the. famous. Ithitnney United Choir: of 'South Wales which by.porhpaand sang before' the• King and, Queen at 'Windsor '•Castle. ',Tackle e Bigger moo. , the.,Oidealiciv., the ticket taker call - Do lidt be afraid Of tackling the now 'oil. to Yee :.• bells,' he'. yelled , and...bigger thing: -• In making a" change. "here's, a man who • elaimi he .is the abate .no pains to make Sure' that you !Wild' ken of 'Tenkers!.and he wants -Are' hooking ilit'vrith boss who }mime , to get in •for nothing • ; . TM" nettling .at alt beyond making theii Stior`i faces'with eye4 far aParare ship MD; ad the third Mats, deScribing said to be the nbaraeperisve type 0f Pacific cOast'ill, 1801" tbll o'f the • - '6;4 outntoppings.on,the „hanks Of the ' the 'voYege, ,obserVeffi; • , • ' ....'people with 'musical talent, South Saskatchewan. -river, which he: t • -•-.--',..-of--his--t""riii-from-the,,Iludson. • Bay to CROSS:WORD7P UZZLE' • followed on. his return triP•;,' the fish; binks-ealha attracting' fishermen' front •Europe centuries before the birth of Canada It remained, howeVer, for the early pioneers and; those nib% followed their ..footatens to malt' , these ,natiltal 01.ifedi valuable; : .Wbile not inany degree underesti-' • mating the value Of Or natural re- sources in the uPbuildina,.. of out couri= :- try, let us alsoremenibcr the ohl1ga.:. Woo we are .ondOr to the voyageur, the trapper, the prodpetor, the. him, 3 5 7 . 9 • 3T. tIM 55 GO MIlitlirOMIATIONWUNINCAM• . , . • , SIJ0GHSTII51sIS.:SaHj0.1•3tlbL0L8H01S.StW0H-D.-Ptk•Z , • ....,ti:uis!ve pho.tegraph.or Lic tuL1a C oltlelen(e ia.ntrl at mu egiting or: .the Prottleol, oOtitiwing• gas warfare to Wbich.27 -nations agreed. -- • .. MUTT...,!6iND JEFF -L. -BY Bud Fisher. , . la/ht'..lohnny :Hates: • • "bo'you,.iikagOine to school, sonny'?" the stranger',.1.1Mitired of ieVen-year. old jo,hnny; •,• ,,,,, • . , "On, SW', was the .railty... "1: like going,weti enough,:and'I like, coin- " .ing back, toe. What I hate is staying c6olied up there betWeen ." • MMOMO DOW MOUUM OMM 111510MOUU VINO G2101613C2 • MGM 0121131301 !I 121 IgralgEMZI .ES 1313121 G:101313 12121211 131511251 'OW S11-. filt2111111101111 1311212 ME MEM UgfAIGI al MUMS 112111113111 . 131:101212 C1131114 ISIEC1130 G.1 riuri 11013 fi MEMO 1:1051' EilnceEIZEINI CIMICI1110/ 41111011 MN "P bern , • '. fiirmer,' the, civil engineei-,- and othp!„. ' . iturdY'buthiMible,and; in many eases,! . linknewn. heroes , 'Midi:- by -their- dgeds:',: daring,. suffering, privation and • " hardship,. carved CIA Or the forest •and prairie the fOimdatiOn'on which stateS-.. ;-mon and' financiers :afterWards I ed thie Country of (Mrs.', These early 4ioneers', are gone, few arc' , even membered; bin their work terniiins, "Canadians -of tO4.14y,,:iii looking 41.)zici:- Wards,, should, dp• honor,, even though ,Onich overdue,, to the brave Men who • • Opened u this .Canada of ours., • Canadians are -proud .of 'their con!): :' try; proud of- its record .in peace,' and . In -War, contented' and happy; and' eager that others sharii this condition, with 'them;.. " They are .•determined. however; . that :those whO Share this- • appre-- . eiste its tiiany. adliatitatfes and -be pre-: pared to adapt themselves to their e,onati.....antLita_conditions. Canada has still much pioneering 'work ;fo be: -ne-iir-oveiirlIne of itc,Lf'vity, the -field , is large •amid workers are needed, but ,thestandard already at hy• her npeto•pnleee.. ded at ' the :expe _ lowering. . Year of.Ainsterdanitife , , Exhibition Marks 650th' Start out by filling in the words of which you kel reasonabli sure. These will Eli:re you a.clue to other words crossing them!. • and they in turn to, still others. •A litter..belongs in each whits . space, words starling at the Manbered sOttarea-and running:either herizontalty liothr HORIZONTAL • (II -That. Is, here present • 10-Hobgeblin. 15r•AffirreatIve • - 16 -Lack of eautio'n .,19•7-Doniestla anIMS!.., • • ' • 21. --Container 22 -Perpetual , • 4 -Spawn -of -oyster- - • • • 2813o.lsheitlet, '2.3•TO place ••wrongly 31*.71mniovahla, 32 -To :ferbfd. • 334•Anseet. ,..; • . 35 -Unit of. work, 36i -To ,droti. back '2774 -Matted • 7 39 -Bank employee range' O '!,ProPf. ' ' '`' ; 48-=i-lIghWayL' • 47rali;i•att,Ve 415"* ka,.:•rsgret. .50-AboVe,, • 51 -.Speck' 52-4,finvoy • 55.-.,A fetish dr c tin 57-1•A race. Or straln\k01,4 58 -Ejaculation Ef.f-,-A red • ' ed,.*:Once.more VERTItAL- 1 ....-Pungent :root ' ; • ,2 -Part of verb mtii, tiani 2 -Flavored ••• ••••• 4-rA tree .7.;7 -African anImal 11)14 ' 8 --That Is (abbr.) - 9.L.Most secure ' '12-S Weiflns erfeet animal 17,4•Deface, !lg-To, gall out .23-txcueable • ' , 24 -One Who utters melodious - • sOilnds 25 -Placed for future consideration .• .27 -Servant' 294 -Market • 30 -i7 -Period of tirne 32:-Tti eYist- .34-LatIn phrase Meaning !lot/ ,.. example" v (abbr.) ; -377-To roll In mire •• • 38=4-±gxeksa1ve' stialnn • • • -40.-:-Parasitro insect. fault • 42 -Married woman• ' 43-A color 4 ' 47--LIkewlse 451--,-CDoelelleibnee degree (alibt.)., 53Part of Clrc1e 64-Edged8S eitool 8(chem'.,sy.m...): 59-PrbnoUn Very Discouraging, to Say. the Least,' ,,.. - ---- I .1 SAVe-,D A LAD`t'S.b0c7 VRe • SGNG kit..t.b "M-.stetzhAv Arai ; L'17i'^i sfic' 64" l''‘''' 14-:° .'"h. • ' X DtSCOVe D Stie'S•71:{6.. . DUCHeS; OF OLATBU,SH: Atot• stS1&INVitCr.i ME 'Tb cALL: (-So Z!e..1 Dok.t.fro,G 'Lic, ADM:: A taivri ToNtc .0A) 'MY BEAN ANI:i i\ ,t:RAGRA1Vr.,PrefUtNe'' ON (0..1/4/ oloTlie'S.(i/ILL'Iltoosr C -AY P.c•12SoNALi-fY : kit"DOUBLq I,' LL CALA- .1-ke;fe L°: t4 -ms; Dt.t.cteus op,ora. • • . ol I ' .•,.k., ! - " , NI ''' t-,ty' JO - ., 1 Ilic.02?„. f: :. ..,e'..- vtisp,6' . , ''r, . • a - ‘..., . ' Ott c , .. . . • 'fi , • 'llf,t.fil-81)S,A-L• 0 . . rt. t. beiUtild.. SO( ' NINE. III 1 .. RIG14-co. ••• -., ' JEF ,.,,, L'LL 13*T YOW MO', , TAKE.f4 A BATH . THIS YAik. ... ••14‘) .SOAEL,C.TeRkiaLE: • • • ,i . ., rt « .)....sr• 01 .....•••"jir , V ,, „,•• • 146,112g, . , . -"'' • , 0 . • ' .1' e ., .. I .&fk'. •saw• - - . ' SNIFF' .....- • I ' , , 01)0,, -, .. , • .:,.. • tk ,. I, ° • -. . r JOIL I • k t: , i. ,r7/..#4.-.1.,‘,,. ' ' ' / i 1 N , • • •,....... ',..,:f. i' • •:--- . - 4- • itl 'i4 •• • z "- e'er-Fr/icy , ,', , .., ' or . .:t Rind f, • . / ' • %7, .. .,....".N- '4. ! - -'--.-. II i ,,-. • -4.e4. . -, .•. ..„ „,,„ ' .; V... .. .1, „ ., tt* t r,..rett,• by- .i. c. -Amoy. InT..:',1 dant v ./1„ i . s .14 •:Z. % r .1,q '614( ,.. • ,vt,''0; . • i§" I f .4 p * •• • • A $;:.• • $ •• - 1.; 0".1 ' '':'4.' , . ...,.. • .1 . .,, II. Nu r., ...4......„, '4.) • i 11:r " , , ''' 4.t, iii.'''' q .1 i ';‘,.. .;s ..,4 , - ,4, i';',„,j'aL.,•4,,,,,d,g,,,,f,./__, J.,,,,x,,.,,w:•;:,,i s' r.,a,...ak'''',;;;&.,m, ' .0.i:. . ', lid • ' ' ' ..., ,-.• f. v .....„ , ,. , - . • . : . , risr4/4, . ' " • ,._ 4..... ;-- , 'W.': ' of 'Holland, is this year Commertiorat-:. ing the 650th year'of its'eXiSterice by .-. an'exhibition in the Ri'floqUusepin.ancl-.. ttehie,fenTindoiccitiiitilen9ts411:arivanbt13:j3Ivitek's4losi • 'art will be Shown;'•111tiitrating, the city's great artistic vast, y,arietts Public and private 6:111pctions in Hol-,' land are Contributing W'o-ks of special interest' and a ritunblir are being sent '• frbni abroad. Americans -Will rep- resented bY- ihe fartidtis "Standard: Bearer- of Antsterciain,". r.oW the pro- perty of Sir Joseph Davee'n, and pos-,- ' • . The 'Claudius • Civi:FA,".', Rern- brandt, 'once in the Ani:...ter,darn Town Hall and now in the Pub;ic ClallerY•at, Stockholm, will :be placed in the int: mediate' vicinity of tln, "Nightwatch" ahd. "The? Sjaitiles, of :the Draplers." • ,Pronri the collection .'of lArd. 1%,-eakh ' 'Will be Sent the„aelf-pdri ta it of the elder Rembrandt and n4xt'te*it will oe pieced the, "Pertralt Of Young Man,. • from the •Hoppe,,0,100b011 in. . • • , . • t The eshibitien• wi:1 be open, from July ,8 to Septeinbcr, Score One for the,tu1.1, •A firiner had an Trish,lati•in hit em. ploy suys the Teller, and, hearing that ' .the ptevions lay he 'hall been attacked by it bull, the farnier.went to find him, .• Piit."'t he said, I heard you'u. had an encounter with a bull yester. .day," Who catno off best" Pat seratetisd his bead Sul! gyinno(r., "Sure, YOhr o' t, "it vas '11 (68$ 1111.;" • •.' " alligator takes .si"--,ty year'S to ' ; )ic-ornefu1lr gtOwri. - " 1hr, 6 tmiCe , betv:I.:en mrsever: !thee and Stiniiej is 'the *dittinetion _tldi%5eu 't_'itrQmg'-v111.-11-Ptt,I.t.#.tfo.r.g • --. 'won't,. ' , ooTY • reiemb% ehohOtter ,aplioatao 'and: onnrar,•- torw••:tatt, aro tiltely,:to. h,rivio: the same ;sorts of ditorise .dtic iii inbOrn defect or. weaknotimi