HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-02, Page 2-.41-11PIP W , . I � I �—Iw
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If � ttt
0 Aw
'KNQWN' P&01?LE'
, *,, , - N4
Ot. oxpn 94�w, �Iri
orw, havi -1 tyneAr WQr tie
k1XV MwMrr
gnt -pret
ut? I . flo E boy , Lt
The nitite
f zaalously, into,tho"task Su", Worshipp.;r1l,,,
A M9.06rn
:%At least forty tboll4and. j)eople Are
from utte
of shving(the, 4
ttempt brad been t youe. Wltll:�a. 001,i' iqr. aayexi!,
e- ! 'r-, -
rthle, he�,;% To an , r I . I , .. I orbert Purkt"
we � I I I I- , d. , bu#�' , ' - "' "' !jnklebted- �tci, Sir .11
But I f , ,
criiptly, hAr4, *I ing,� ture, a., J04 of 011000 llfe,anci A thisir
unclmrtecl, ftimqiia - English. be
suet, get for the, unknPWA, pip
bit, by bit be, ho ram. healtli and . OrOWKth. to it IQ,
;3*0,1 lj0dS gteW. -rich again� The 441j, the.. hAzQ tile' oe, tring'! r r'' t1l'i
by of .0411505 o 11 . Q.,hos treated q!
. . . . . . ingg" wer,! re laced k.Quebee from, LiAke. of
1005ilsi , bx.,KS System,
81101ple buildl, �jh 'nortlie'" u
hi rt� j hn to Ily
Ae T, Fort*agep 44d the faim tbi I r I o Will pro
IX�., IV 1bgs.A
Lake MiStsSAtAt,-
-EA f iAtistio. t
TV ban fan y6itirs violp
A,nevqr-endinO.,source, o,
was On a :v t.rappekg r
and, p,.dspe�t He� ,t;
WVP on...,
ups: rom- 1%,�rl*ft,' methods Novisely:,,ah4 fifty-stith, btrth(v k,een APO—
ary �yj js�
4r,*10 vivroute-
1,kht j*oricierii: liilslji�b as, a .'coi- for in
ills, A -lip
f �ihilt at las, Out'the- outsider M4 t!10 Y!P'
A Qil.had et he wat
i1n. A&VO
0,1 1 .; 11 , bf the, woo p. - Now )i tb ci� d
Ate VW04C *omietuet
Ix h ie could find tionp, 'And -j:b:Fperjerk.q0d- '010% LS Lill up't.o; R q 141, �1141 1 igo , t�
U&P, !. ills fQrvro.lue P
his �wn,� happineso-� lie �etigogeci
rough JeT *0 .1 , -
-0. -was cen
0; JOE,
DW t 'S' CC
JU Pe,er"g,
red x.o. ot 't rM 'lei 60 h'soo ,6nb WOingj, -plyluj; guides., a d d
Oa d an h-�
_of this na tinguished
A girl, who. 4p I. algci. �bftr aiAd Lady J�ophldap who Als,
e tnp,'l . , f
1nie,,agQ as a, esigner�v
erself'Soinp. tj
For- *O� �ftdta �49. -S: ta 014
r' fth'e.Civadia k
rid jl�, termlnuq� OF
ed mother.
ter! to Gil'9 own �vddowi
QUP .. ep Ekn out
ttijil brjioc�, .01 aia
fia'terlor of.steanisnlp�
10th city nairp4a.ho,, Or,
ititil.,the'L farin 101 DV
96r p, le scellse flux 4)
granted a. pilot,$,
e'd hi nfothefy.r.
well. proovi, h ttrl
34 days, biLt
bad,.Telt he� r I : op so, PI
be..,takeh- �Sr
of hi$4jove'
re Ution,: against. de� ago, hnd.:hA's bieconle known 41;
R4VNE. bdaitks, I ther. Is. a' Tom ac
N t tile �Rbollnlfs sW.e ep
y. -)��OERT PAYSO :T9 Th aL weA mdiii-111-a wbilla. aviator..
en at lastall 06,Stacles p4its or� bad land
y Tom. Jac Isn!t l'odd thh
-told 'lays, igs controlled by'"
Gil i4d br follo7in othe�'Swali
-!eAjried'.;away. eicriptleil has enthe SoVth: -In Slid jo tali r I . 1. .
p, ft me t 6n:,
rd for ba� Th betwe
e could eutii into his fewal d'an jtInmry.0f theA. rip of gXi tic iind worry; He' 'a r f -ated In-
triprr.5,00 miles widO prepared f;py :pogsesslon oVa
ling toi
P R�,j.;, our and worn-out Years 'reaching ova See I 'b
again -when it WaS Se made* b'y A., WilieY, hefrom. N t a to Bri� Englan.d.and 1111 za, were decoi
nned';to I& to Kay's home oil th�, U U I ignS r Conceived y
i�g every- 'des
And tumblipg,to:'6eay,:T4i�r V.ersWr; our 119 ter
evening'of h, from a morith's zoology, Mp.Qi n tish �Columbla
cook tit h Brazil. ud Ar� VIS T Yr Mis Mackay.
ji "ran] )U Suite etiple'a by
rier Sit eye thing to'live, for, Gi ��Ard yc -or Atli her f 19 Winter- as- T
the long gAAM I yo rself end and t 24' he ba�e -js.pentl the resh milW�wil ther6 'is if it to ar school fri, fortunes' 10 a L rd rild Lady Rea4inF. reqbntly
iiii . , ii t 'but W.,u ty� to '40it''on
&I soriae*� �uq only� ybil"11,19t s brig Pq b ba
�h I to ishAre* hi on the
g A ;Ij,vo bad Vo
minu e.,
bt, have, -been genti4i. The in. Febriiary4 tliey� their yoyage, from
rive the Orsi f4hua
ty he w
same, quantity' of -ra *on. "Just bee use, YOT On, the ihoring of tll4z,� I tli6' re arrngd by her
ac i, it' r6ason� Wfl -should' man we
d �y you, M�lles ub 0
the 1, it 'I $to]
at the; b �k � 'S n . ney Was,ly :�wagofi,, 10 gan drift north, oping, in the.'..
11inked up,, Tear, h6d: work. with big hired d
j� le6wardly way. Thedv,;T b �Xpr,_-Ao old, ill 16we�r iipp6rqart..of oith �merfea for -the
-the: -bid Amblilori. v. G. rcums, anceS,
'ks, wh, e suppe
�Nid,-j &ILL shibiling-hi
thii�F fir*
Wr,-stiys:., best cha�i -to *V, wtr rapids.' E 7rl'r . r ii ek
frds gCto
Tie n " h r
d an
itch qu
k h ei,reum-
is,16 build up.your strengthand y.( ar" and yell 'Odding garments,
O�a pile f s at, camp Was m de at,the'Pemon a
ftairce.q., and ambolition: 1§57
Iles u short dIs-
hi That!s headlong a. ow w
-in .4
he health.�- - --3v __hq a rial. or rei th".arib-
by _Ari7, q. his,
Uch cr -and ,ped-:ar -the example Of
h been-left:-th . 4PA�-tli
scri the four glags6s bf,milk, nde a projeq�!Verrr t is A, deep. ap a Sllpn� by
`hitber%)Dr�got she long'with'the Test f -the, ADO 8. this bean Jamttica,'CuVa end h 3
t 111" j.r "No BottO111,:', yo�iig alritst, A.. rge Bizgell, w,O e
Ogg a., day, A on c ed'�Xas �d e F came through� Central America'. and jr. GeQ
rawings is
exhlbilon, of d the"Re. d
n act the julf. They- sperad ut ana",
(W "VA
A. aii --bafe He, 'it even. help qyj .:or. help us help t e houge. There the'two* loW*pbys -
tr"tme Piers to go U ath9roughly ds, he de- di6t and the tit. Yet you N� 'd aHe -had beep currie -enseless..Anto da y be
h herfore, to detour by the, il &bQut fern Gallery, L00011,
sit, theie, unhappy,iind ldt� ef. thbir psplped, -hiln. in Kay YOU. I -over" him Until the 6 ' g . man,
cianS had wrought th( �Lc:J L . .
5thy- Ri4r.poitaie wh.lPh crosses, a May.- l,a quiet,.dark y0un
yourself ?�g4t �Veiker- and �.Inre ws' edred. - / )� beginning P ight
was ting I coneusst, n. 1. � I. . 11 -d'ie-, started work
f d' chain There they:. tabs�: posiessiron'of the gra''y joyeS, hero f I I r " n o e f only wen'ty ii every da�. You-,. eed the� nice y then"dia r they of five changing lakelets..ft
'he', could read be-., d Then :-and on! buhani nune When he W". thir
n P. ki 'the AshuaPinur0itian by SW
WeS IWP� lk o - U at pu&y an, FAins ing., at jio o er a Nottirig
'iover that herwas aT-ilyzecl from the meadows,
"jlext..'followed' r . and late, lie had
ahe tlie,rest of P than nesting'. time. Thia feri,nale-46eps,' To, fing ea.'iy
t mountain s team. ,1bip1`down.,
4AE k,' -he -broke in il k pruee,4ra idi. tci few,. o ortunities
ge&� from' his sio, I P list: stra*-oplored-dress4hat she may
when G emer poling -jip�,tbe hite
my set] gifts' but tie ver gave U
t e to
Kay*,, niz AI)OVe fillS' tilt
t of Chhudiere, falls wher'e c
bed, it WpU44 haver,been 9" the g�ass,: lay, s4ia,,wrcolo�.ed
Ifni, hard W reco
X 9 r T y. I was'.LSO' 'iab -a him as Ilid'-Upstand' 9 being after the, Nvarj lie cain� to toWn is
' 11 h ry, ter
batch tlie.m W
an Y'lad WEL8 h tj -th' Oft gob
ei�dpty., t Ir IV vimnt '-iijo � a ",inglith, before! U ithout ilit, A. nrave &ffort.10
f f: e Ig tsh L a emen ar
tie pen a o
o a
�9 Q
f" the ;0- b1s, tletic,- MIP kty, -'� �'7'
A�dr beej� tat ind est to,
and, drai �ty 16,', 0"
succesi . L pa jfi.�pe,,22 sure. -
D rV �e
.,. ur _ be�id an, nest.,
ill* morn t
se Q an eas efli
ally this a It A s da se h -
n On One 2 Po�th
id A Fteal
;.,L L j Of eriih 9t jo extend.its'prov nee SO,
]I, . e c 'attractive's ee lise
oug, the"'1W Unkind, e.
y -and f
'feast'. il handed baelf -the glass to � Now. lie beache's Anti fa
pale, And his eyes's at surrou e a ows, ne the fir voinan. lawYeil
VV!L 3 1 A Up the "t rm��, pii�;hed has Op d tted cftclip aboy Y urit, iTe eT
d. iite�,! - d6r b,
KAY then, Ste ad Again a wil is fa
Spain. Her first r
with lh6m.'.,
st the�, b6 [I �70; *b6iffi she acted.
rookeid inilto tak 'ease tobli
Apo eonL a' as.,Whitt- and a S
in Npoleon's head lly is hands w-,- e lake,, ortagp.:Dur�'...e S�to C
t tze or6ft Rock- la�cQ a
I 'bad -,to' 'do S e an. . Nine miles UP 'not forinerly nest -
atone: H� had-Ileen ablo to take �a s an ing
a defenditt
d e -whio ten e, foot T L hey followe e few days al
He'la very. Top NAP: e A�p 0 s "aL child' is',t e ex, into. the
j�jy Oe in to t s uap ucbU ik�s where -they had' 8 ulls6lr -on a'charg,e::,,ot
g co
U ve �p t? .
Titfirlihk lik, a It ronf� this' gk6uh1d clear- r;�.Uppcise un
the, n A li 'f. bakd ti1rc),glas his' ta d-
v,,u re� s a neN homicide.
ovei the '66, ver t e.
beai. Oj establi
U11fts it : � Now this laiter� la o� % R
ace a r
or ere GOMpiiIiyr'13oSt` 0 77 r r
on!s i%.
a. nomeh
iisfcins,-�s bid enamon -R, eL l*ides your regular eAls.111 bi� 16gi'dkAgged' helpi0a, nd he�.%Pasi Hulls coast. RbkfF �.Th
n �gcowed. - -henr o S-Aht -th AN'EASY-TO-MAKE
was�a raMr,6ggwhip up in lyof mebAir Rst piete They, still r6membbr, howeveri at
1helped'viii ont?. � I IS �'T , . . ime
11,L big gententile' tb
to e into; a TW -grI 9 red mail ad at it Cinfiot bi jsIghted beyond b I r Mlieii r a aundei-ift.. -&hen
'them foraLe beG�e grievingL tb d With. d
r 011ie S .C;ames.p ay6
-'jjWght",' h 'A Vi� i�6" wali� 00 thundred wor s are...Ly no
jIf it Coat". gUes to t sum&er'4rrives the bto9d4 are re4re P:anning the' chil-dreni The.[- I was�
1, h P you -won stAry his co a' stones hroW, I
e grum'bled meaifi n0y... When- Afark Twain.
bad sent, os
gito'd supper iiiq- Wig. Tanner. t hastej Qf.r,tlle trip was ean b'Ein the��,-'tl for the southern, litt' e r6t-,
-;bOit 'AW, have d me pictured abd*6 oung, mAn a new ne camd out,a
to bi for:' f G11 *Eis stricken.' He the- 44,bf IAke'As uap,- t Od
Ore a La e, w en ninth day. at heInilgyation, begin's they" - do no go - ) 'L'exanip , 6� -a garment easy
-a Whims' IS a gj( '.In his a
surkelt of Ica gri - n 'sh6. turtir itch. in vogue.
t1 Soon was IP
v�hife' facei muchuanr and the:. ascent straight South, VIE d' tli�y aun er is -c, deser"ibes it t"
Wag r tlie� nearest
hataL'it. And lovei, .. Ali, its;tea ��ihr east
lifin. iii. her although h bng hus:
-h" JpS to ftt that ma e, lip A little bit ed,r to tNikab
Wee ago. a r/ bijography. he
"Doein it�,� L]q nt
ery d' & t 6 -�h tureSqueL �ri er 'bunip A -t
-t, and do`,�nbt-stop -Unt 1 V' sleeve�s�' -1i'ch�,miiy be Ion, ot Short,,
a - and Oil -had Uring my.'engag
ronier. for I commence 'Against the A t. L. co
d. 1atter a ��Lj b6n j:2y'. urn back-andibaCs o
b d A a 'th Y d ;, se"ven".years it- considera
n:� aciinj [isbhed ea6 other wi It, t� t D einei y6iir, jlilrty�
IM igger- ft n buttorts Me W
�ljht,of and. It fak6 �Only' 17/8 of ma
He 4 d The sdorLt ilm 1110AS17' StUff,' I� hate it w
a1h it. bad liany' p a amused tiem
-n s ng jrit�ensjty sine,� e Own the do teiial
g t
r ss, 4he He
better pleased ever wiW'thosLe raw eggs beaten 0 0 young ppo
orsd iha;n a gro'T 6t n
er 'I, dropout� S ia 'Gil's �on the s begin,! :follow, it',to'thr.,.
think liked ihilk.� 131it-Isfile I -L 5eries of'lake wide to make the r6niper t a one
e afe' d Next,cornes; a i 'i, se
e -sit egk� in, -st'from that'.of Kiiy -Leori- t-, Nikabaui I fo' ba'
im 'adjoine Ives in the. Lafigdoll -homes 6 ei
'a two
it's been Lek at me, �d le and QreA, r d game -.of' ver Hum,
Jolla In g with - Litt
� p�� I . forward - AS- 'it, Side farth n the Si;zes 1 2; ht 'with the
e'.S 4 ain u Son�iewhat to his Is- is 'ed go- child t"
�.jrj and. 4 years. Price. 20�'
jourdAln�g.ind- te Th cen s.. whi w s,brand Pew -'father. t a
s1pooke4fid:rdmped Itbe. fluffy. ea s of A four times a diyo" I With, t6re. wasn't d1i rininatirii to star,
r a cc a is' �nce.! fol
. kolwe prise, Gil f65n&on Xe"arSL e was cap e
)w or ken left',on arib, DO'. Ili* i convalece
his feet, I I �B
a- e 'Mr . s. at. the lar.
d of Which ing. hundreds very,pqput s that lay"at Oljrj/ ne'W Fa hion Book �o
LCh lake
�Iump bollie setited, -Tan.;, in rail W far
tly, Up,Rt 'h: �eli�'s leads 1 ago and' A.1thoUgI., it !L;:rt many.. s Y,-eS Showing bow to diesz sell wrot'',
at t,jy'f�Ut sh Plea th he-tAke over portage..de8 P -and'.eao �.per
ifil, - an d in
.1 66king eftec.tan` jet fbigiven, Kay� that Lafe on
t.' P, o fr e at
EL -L6 A -b Y IS t -5 across t
GWidid- _ngLr ng' -they stickto.� -rO, -and
-lt rimming, Y�ilk. A,� asked head -of -.-ho --the boys girls. he-ruleo--lyrg:e tie
the thlir WAS' jL'thr L ead f d r ee I per- feelin the net de nk',l:rke--A -t .0
ares, until lake. -apo . r aige; ca Clothes of:,of,paper, then in hand,
ineet'XiiN �Yeb- Which was lucky . 9 eur ea.0
Well aSL. t 'lied, La allt
aw qpl6kly Gil ghbilld be' ell I,& or'until'.so across., the, -.he ca Vlaaa�lty' OrN
or hii tired voice. The,, gi,j net f his, 6wh,'odi'sh t. wit.h,peucil
in Mlnard's"L7tnf.,4 for aackachd 'the ready scou'as gtne vy'a3
liig� ETelf�i�s For an angry.,
ight -of land botwe6n.the
4h Answer. She' -turned -r And., indi
ntjjW-aSk��j u or are hard.to '))U'Y, bu easy, c..jiled hh u1ju L
-fnd eaviiI ni t depths. weft I t Lis point onwaT -7 &11�tIT word s., Pro"m h
-no knd* sbe-, turne to
in ent--atran nt-co
Gil could made j.; k4, MF� r. p, A -m -tc
You-bave�-n&-1:right, to-,"-siaY�--such -K-- -ling Y, Cdrn
7JO-hide.%a. hot mist. ecor4 piquancy. Obatogamau
id One Bailey amount Of money spefit:�on -good ma- duringli6 minutes bv thLd ui
she blaieci !Me'.-so'oner I t t ains in
t in A"0 .1' lEinds and, L to he
t --. hous much of*,the U on- lin-,is, wi'l gilre woid,�
th had SPI 5 uthe No
rung Unbidden to her eyes, and. aroiind. th� -life the .better p ei� �Smirle:b t e-�t lake,
top time.. made no See of his.scorn
"for� the.,
4j out,. of contains I'lo At the preseni day one'is. quite fa t e Gil!. the naylgatiolrLof tbe,lab th is dif- the, 1`1 -go of. wbkii rT' jlrti,$,t not us e a letter ttat w 11;o n -
at his toneAndLat ill brave �yrin expression chidren thep Vil -.1i,g ado I for the helpless owne of the lioni4, L phrase to t.
er, esrsayeda T� or. isome' similar able tigs� Prica. book .10 'the. le�xt'word and lie 1hust no use, an
sum of si.,"
s a�re doffi�g,Ai Tanner 8tar-ed mor C"o th 6. t Wor t ..unless
'A' I . - I . tb I . . .1 - ,
116neitly I -'d= Here your nioth nor di � he,mask'his. CO I;� )tuous,,diS ficult even .,for experts. e fdurth� L to
Q or advice- as Obatogarnfill Adads atioh ca. ''I des':16tter in,
S eft'alone, Gil nts' the copy. acli 'copy-Ang u
health' Oely Ei&i b6i.. such orditir p6r a it ca
I '�ny documents. conveying; prope y. for five cents I t 0 (%i,lco In e text
d alfltKe- rest of u regprd.fo; tage. ft�r lake ! nal te considei t one' c6up-6w kbod h the letfef occrr (I th
thing w6-ean to build -up r, utte' iMSjbf unni g. of the,faim. to'a very �ar'rbw winding creek which r n
gSL ugama tion -with I �.L 4fic le t'l-'he' ni Gil gave. fo anneii, is"Ahe head -A recent �sea b ie' f,lanypatern
nd IL -h the u. At-
a Confused of. I -k ch, -Tell -.conn
and make thin ..$ick,unst cken !be PeL
at n � in, L is voice no. .-Uised. e pure a 0 what" you?N* b�en ai"id tired.6f mo 49 Ldfe had no.. pnergy P Ccd`ssiQII Of', ittles: through. some-:0'tha, bid- doe bout that' help ' YOU, : forga-t' YL longer,dis or �th.rough a.,-su U. tje, fl"8t
thro-hill. -'. And you,piy�'us. b -givig. She's as 'sick, pq� er to. c6mVat;,
j ier passing H0W,TO ORDER PATTERN
isr; -the� latter take. was s 'preserved in,the had.at that gani'e. The ten'iyord was
'to the pup Aiid by-wisbing HeTitt is". What'. in, -blazes is 'there thi�'d' gard bays and narrows njent d of the
the milk y thAi cares:-foi at doesn't But when lie found, that Llitle Was;, I four� ARailway n e your r1ma and:'taddress plain -
e t; ad 'in' the 'afttrnobn.. of t "e Oidiiancie,, Admiralty, .�and- ,California.'! Wheif th a gam'6,
left ine,�nd
n er
��tre' rn and . size - of s0ch-, b
-'.7. Du- *ere-Lde4d.11!!. )ut of the, v�hy?"` spending all hlig,, s intife� in,, Lands, Branch of the D tit, Of kyp giving. number
dowt think I'd ba'better 4 glith-a' y', 6oWpfeting 200 mi es otiliel epartme
I? he countered . I a . -I called o'everybp4y, egan to set down
;: ts es- seeking Kay L -19ciety apathy te 'ght oft,the s�-f -
iy shouldn't' As' though in akswei� to h, .- qu I jkay V�aS J,r OmIng, Within I , ior; rev,�aled'r q 'Pa t u"%#ant. Enclose 20c in -r mis'erably- '!What'use &m L to mv- t 1; - trip and, the Inter L nallit '.and t erns. as -ast
S. wnyzind-white collie .�log gave WAy'to impot.en rage. w'rap
Self.. Orr.' mayj>a, �-ZU don Pencil rnove-"�otn,"
be boos; 6 ' ' oo -unde- ow, (jISrtajjt-.rj -and 90 on,
e. ,ake. tca . re u. y o ouf'the�shcirteat w8rds,"irst,
to anyone else ou ed frorn r1he' ppreh vines at th Tanner, house �every day, n L hilig ini - 1, 1 ' ' ' ued� uud�r:jhe AU th. f r-each -4idmb, iLfi
think.it's n tc s and,. trying to er, fhe,,great lak A' ease' iss 1':,order to* Pn
t S'h noinitig and'.. th' pio ..Canada ea.
lugged. whife she* had bee ozipg. 8tre ll-� helping Mr Tahne, �pt., digging
h PorC Thits: edto It acidt'ess 'Your e iise.,they. could'.be,se (low Ing e,
I . . ChibairgAinau- was erbs-s S.fiorth ority of e yince 0 Upper b'
.jiight� and-Sit'here All- 'her dainty body fdie and aft, she make herself useuto -Gil,
Publishing 'C9,, de
In again every m do I 6me mincing up the step's and La:fe!s vigorousAf pondr�us.6urtshiP ned where the Xfirro-�s 1�ad:to�Mac- d the fbilowt'ng "for Wilso uIckly than -the. onger ones, When
across. 4 n 1836 contalne L / 1 1, 1
t1up -wai , 1 0 I and. du ring -'the term of fbirty years . at laide, St.,-To.ronto. Patie n t,
day, paalyzed fro s ngtfie�e,. ea S Ill& is al§o:called Bai Y he two millute -er, uptho Scores
-,wh t6 Tanni�ei; armchair.,.' Tau I kenz ie
ine hourly Uilder t ic, anguiihed, at
tentioo Ofte . I.L ., -, ar a y, Orn. - s --hete., like. a,. dead , mg w onr -I - �, �d - f lat-topped--moun,.h- y ren a o one V,- eturn wore:� in Orlie.*6ii , o
on. 06 �- laid oh4 o*hite' littk f6telid cripp e� u.,jong eur ron a. year f &'rest;d:th� world gqoj�SL bustling
and peere'd' 'up in tr6ubled Gil' found - biniself- increasing a om, e a -,Of nom na �ponsid,&raw.
arou�a- me -and- sound men are. do! wretcfied iA-mind, And b6dy. Th taln' at'its be, d. I The "u ual Item
S w a bar � �.tag-e.o, lake a p
-'work. that meant evo pity into' hi face. - histinc po
the, rythi the bitv there is tion. I it'. the - e1rl� days wa
ow her worshipped ,111AS-� d6red, n�umbneE konlciij,,. cros8ld . 9 t a- retalos Didnot, rang qd ;�Iotiig betw6exvt irty afid fifty.
'i seemed to kn ii ;S tlias passingj'and' he watershed
he corn",-, but. this is.,the irrst eas,e il,otid Tbompson- 00
king- tb4,' ition, wax:-, a
n appy-atid--s - -ais _e Aly -S Would
W. hat" I e t Ot 0 e, WoUlar
hideous -t-w-e`e`a - - 0
fifed he 4 a F silty NV6�
cle;V co 0 bim?� Roughly, the inan' ed.claily cleare . r to his 't Ofre "bar e9, ran
�ibly It �rajg 'b66atI8 ,Mrs.'Th 1w' )iier, score 'to. be . eximl "' d
t The tockbound.sh( e, bitrle� was more omps6n "'N, oflcoursernot!'JA& ne
cassic' h'ead� between hi The giant str4ngtfi'j�r which he had age sys etils. ken,'
yish. o t
-n- bab, �akonichi lake offer but a Slii his cc)0110�- labeied,: 'Not to'ber ta SheVEL# plaini otib.tful about gett ng
A�har�ied of: ibve�lpd �and bywbose 14' . he had drag V16 -an pepper in.t.
;N , tl��Omlhbp�, , . I I r. .
bu�st h4 -fought forr*- U S 0 ..... ..... that�ptizct- 'But whet) persuasion falled',
elf-�ontrol an ge Ahe farm ba from iuin to -pros- du6ement to Ian ' 6icept 013
foil fresh grip,. On -his,raek' 'net-,+ a�ce; 'yo' ive An Nk4red the queS7 d d S
ere'to liv-, 'for re tioni!" he toli-her, a catch in his voice. perity' hei I Wn se 'des' Peche'so, a Sent ce ermons. to,avll,we chased �er about theplao
from. t wa�si - do ' called 'Point"'' en
gione. His leg '%Vere.., which Is lisuie ii,you captured list, and� took. 6r 6coke AW&y
111; was j ust. askiriFmy'self if 'anyone Was bdAibt peaf�d; as Ills ehok6d b1tiff, :one of -tile ,an Have More�te
sujlK "Tbtre!s, every- Nollid cate ifj' wag out -of the by 'Force.''' She�14d'acbleVe&
game., po'%verleiss.. of motion or 'Oven of su tile camp. sltes4m was reached on� jbLe your work Well I
n on p6rtinj'hils hundred and eighty'�oidti 9 to r that Wig Wng. to i liA* -for',' --Yoidr it6theri. for A-nd' ongcomes the only hing Deschdibg Walc6nlchi u break the, chains only, one word, and
b, h - thinks -as Wuch of me now. niusc.0 at weig �,Whht profited. -7 F ins]
eighteenth day. reedom If yo
q le -$he a: only eart . that lake 'Alistissiiii Wa's atered And Tak, e" REAL Which'sbia had.sp�lled cA And she
n'otber that,Xnri a -crippla as'ghe did'wh�n` I hirin the' trhined eiiergy,'of hi's. upper, of your. own L
er.call., -This farfai-for a toric. Hud- have got Oven tha
* you. will confine your- t orie
nipany pos �.On' this la Mu �,w6rid houlastly,; she had' t. r Introdwee A:
loth Thank , r tile good Lord, �A'bodyj if paral: -to 'fetter i-twentle t t�he big never would
ind:� yzed legs 'We're tllL Influence If
This farm y94 brought, t,6 life was 801) B." ' CL' t ke4
nts to e fact9
thinj in-Ahis to' jjij�, toi�ver to' A.-ehair?-, son a AY 0 th r4
Joj ii the, one. t- ta
to. eeding't rou I you boost letter 0
'hid -been � nis.11if� �mbi- 11, ill LA-� boss I ng'71n. th'o text ten world th�t hi§n't* gotthe AebSe was reached.
word in to
'knb,%y when fieoi- JoN�n and., out, or, �r Was in chArge o it'tie Narrows, Abittiiush. ba�.'and Big get It.
to tion, Anothe more for the b 69 more aid, more 'Y611 b ve�*been act as if S so Narrw,;� Ole last camp wa�q� mkde'at &t
wa mkh)nk the cat now and w a�-Help in bad't4t.t0f a
"ffeflo ged'honve from the, 9WInTp.1' �floufjngiis ci,,�Iner*s ishes in regAt� 'd Pointe dos.Chasses , uv- SUI*Mer Home
e ill goo I ad dr.@tg I - ' d times R seurcef ul Sir H
'Mince seeme& to s-eb8C a el U In'teffips, in v -19w of the vast,, -to take)
Dmpli�, to. its rpanagemefit.L 1n his eaCr�aftil I pltlee cglle depen6bl' erbrt.
es d -Frlen'd - if. you
S M. Be Stud
. I 'r ' ' I A e, e iritaniOa.'
fof;wl PH
W - 'A. . words, -1 and ftiendly ca ha 'to include one
Ment reerj Gil,
to herself in his In mbltid 'o to MAke,tlj6ML. P pac ible to cogs tbe open 'lake in I
Fo� she - wagged Tier plumed tail"with, but on6 hatred, 04� of the -lake As' '.S (ad a- Herbert
expan, wo S
fro tin' rTree,
a That. hia,
rupch' igor ;and whimpited de*,i -d- VW big hulkln*� t -O�Vnipatby In tb�,-.c(jmrfiUn1'ty If Or. t
kht That had be I
h herefo�e, small can o e.4' t be here, yourself; MUSTARD in the SUP tile famous English'
uppyo, cousin e to YbUr,
YotL -d throat. Her p LAf * 119vitt. W eta nd'pi.,ty on 'remifided a' r6ader'&'anothe story�
far own in. er e A SL fa rL plies you t,�k r
cam -4 Itimberift up th her had Avoided him* for as Th�'return journey, c.6,mlnendl ng, o I n 'or ecigallY charketeris I tie, of Tree, which
ad p D'sclainitir,'him, ande,he could' -in 96 Mal fourth day Suin rh "i
at tb,v he twenty e
-a I and!,.- the well-kiadi-m fllu�trat6r, Harr ur�,
SL 'ne" a his. honie were vw .1 r
10 IVV Ilie �' 'i$61�21 placed both �aws o Gil' ild NToW fie and ai'of. (lac,le V9 a te 0 a the RIVjereL 'du beffl,jVhjL �h joins the: Canip.". 11q'in'hJs'b ok, 'Som" o an,
wWe6*?ie 10* the maji';�'s6rrowful the
for y
er* - e� kert6d h4' all. Onl � r&A tird
lasuno. . - . -tithidedy, Gil patted h h IS Tr'ue, Gil could ba,� eJ 11" 3 Ch
Ve- YOU tell r ii'Am6r da
Ad fie legsil,atitlicirity and �atwared,*the at eves r-traying, �Aerogs the bio MI Si Mrbert� 'Wag I
I' wn .tile re jalls, tile,'
jj� had ro id from: wor -an;tomeht made I mother, thus die gtaft I'Ag �Ojnf test I (a j!2r L - I y it4!-, dM 22 labop mo dldS Whiell no ldn'pr k
at y pAVateiy a fashjohabj'e� a4cN.
sente!rtij rect
�C%W I iriddi't Irl D51.1- nleitl rEind dolllijjatio�' �-t t bieb, im-as 111t, cbmlA'etely forko' hls� pro.
'and caic. To hh� mot ad -h cold
tyri it pursAr-anei 1�eft tho . 01 eA -an efficient a SAW
I 'faylev, the, f rh't N% he i n,i h tuntil fh vf had a rWed tot
. $ e im r
en 6 lies real aid.to'
e of 'the a?A pros_ tiv
mneAt tb'e 6f Itim to Nratiij 10. W -a S total.,
a`L.yea� and at the� mogt im n
-iork dragi " p�ri6d, ,,r,,,,i,,t
p c, y t, �vhi -less �work ha pQrta�t r
-ch. his tire lear,6 ly ubprelleifed.
Aug,h of the farm's wew t
t it -an L - . I
Sj C in to tile, large. .6LAsombly
a 6 shArp I n6Wrtb�;t
y bed, I
InVestrnent'. , in Cir" dwidel t a
oohrmigh. wIch, le wAs Working hiP, Ott
Um I home from halikffig Oil .1
ed the gricultural col,--ger f
Wa:ter-61Vowm',, "
'N fi&d. db�d;, the wal at dia back
isxiboe *nd U md
pract "aw U -had -,c6ri
Mer Tanner If, I .
farming altl , Vork,.01tt dott$r j 3rears edon ith dlq:may, Tllgti� he
-;�ht t
to Y�Uoj *In"A� ('814af:1L &A aititud of At Gil, for in-liStirnsf or� ta�ipg the,
I o", I -it �T m i�qt Wesf, udflmadeal I r�
Vo l�
And,- try t4a�h me hew to run the
tj r 4, per
y 0, 4 0, �j 0 0 bow
he bad" said, to, t�e,brs'y iK`finb 46d Vom A h,l he -vanished from thbbUllatb$
t, Ott 14ttsideir.
otenednot do jt- issue N";, A tirq