The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-11, Page 8L 7VHNOW MITI" ,eBTo‘a'.' 'ne , Shirts: $2.50.. $,00 71 .25 1. ntario Fancy Silk J3eige, with .' Darker , Cross Bar $125• per pair Press, ether {To. wear a beautiful Cream Pre Th Month O. Pune .Ys, _e. ; a i t st .,... •the two-piece ty .e Qr stra gh ..Y Of P P ne Piece. There could be nothing nicer, for a (ro-ck of this type than our rich • .am Flan'delaine,+'5:6 incheswide at $2 00 per y •, r• e ilei-�- The- ht�t weather. �'aI of thhe 7D "dies t t `r k R n rids our 1 r. . a ha in 'all• the leading' altOire—Dress ts`t re7eoolest-thin to=wear} ` Beaittifu'L` .ARe ` s . shades'and many Patterns. At One Price; 75c. per yd; 5 Oh 1 ` for Cooler UNDERWEAR.: Ladies' Vests. n erwear-- made of that, • �°�� *�' Bloomers, Combination Suits, : all , • , ire ite. S ]ring Needle Knit 11/Iatenah.ofprices, 25, 35 A wonderful range 5a•' 6Q : 7 85 90. and M•: • tt t e $:1.5 nee iiece ►s ee i rri nab ons; step-in�numb y 1 dere, 'in Bar' or• Stripe; -• r Ir .. :e •'rw e •; • lir n �. amen YQ and . ; � sleeve a osle slmi with n . D ength, at $1'.50 and $2.00 persuit. • iso ti briggan•CoMbinations,�.�With s hor...'t sleeve and akl e:length'.: o.T w' same material, at$200 per 'suit : • ' In :Young' `Mens Style, at Suit rade Summer' ,S t �� Fang etter: �- -- �_ _ � :ab a for:�Summer Wear.'.. . • t, o1�o�r�-lnost-suit i , . and Q. - ;. � 1 is at �c$20,00 t,S� a air 1 at 0.00. This, is a y. uixnJ:.i ther. „or Another ship- rail!' he e from the English,Fac4 y p traw .I is •. , ti ready for your 9• merit. of Straw,��• Hats is: here, a y Special i�at 2 0 e our$. .Se ect�lP ttlkrd eeial-� Men's Rubber Sole Outink Shoes,;... while .,.�„ Reduced to . $1.5u° the y a .:1 st er pair. .. P • 4Instt :Wit; IO2t, 11 Special Values in.. Ladies,' and . Children's Sulnmer "Underwear, Prices to suit all. • Men's Summer Weight Work Shirts, Overallsand and. Work Pants., ' or the, Tune ° Bride we have 3 of'the Finest Semi - Porcelain Open ;,Stock Dinner . •,. Y Sets to ,choose' ffot i ••::at Prices lower than. before: , air Seats from 25 . Also Brass Tacks,;. in Dairy Pails no v ifl Stock est Quality +Corn•Straw Brooms• ,>6 s variety •5c ani _ ;0 • :or 10 is at Your Service Phone No.�' We ° Sailor Cash—We Sell 'Cheaper Than The •,Credit Store easonab °ecessities `. Below are listed a few of the many: articles required at this time of year --Prices Right:-- q IVO. 9 Galvanized Coil Spring Wire 4 Point 6. Barb Wire Galvanized Fence Staples! Woven FencingHog Fence Bed.Border: Flower Flow • Poultry Fence• • •• . Rose Bush Ciimter Garden Makes •.Garden -Cultivators •, Sherwin Williams Paint ' SherWill-Lac for Floors and Furniture 1Vluresco--The Ideal Wall Finish ,We have splendid: Lawn Mowers, and the Prices are, reasonable. Ask for a quart of our "Utility" Varnish: • It is wonderful .value at., $1.00 -:Good for 'any purpose. • , m.1V'iu'rdie 8�1 Son !Mine and Plaster on hand. Fresh Cement. on hand • We do` ElectricyW4ring 5..mma um The -•mernee• on--Wednesday,_3_line._,24th _eriC _Arnold; -:W. bels-end--Mrs`:-=Jim Tewin- _eolitinue::.:poi 'thiec duyw-Graifttnar viere-tallers at': Lhe home" of �`thu r Wr t ng • attd . '"Geograiih `are ;.. thd,.,; sister .Mrs4 It.;.Matti* loot ._Satutdny. nubreets d.or the.T,xet trayi�- Arith a Mr. nand •Mrs ISottglas .Grahan •knetie rid L^iteriituie for "tike second" spent°u' tray at the 1ibiYle of: `'Vii. 1•.�. McDonald the, first of'`tlie week ri , . C'ompoz.alon .;spelling ,and, . ry d ,► • Charlie •Strathdce' ,cut'a ince pule. 1istory An the ,last 'day' Loweri of . w6ati inti Lw •MacIver, •last Satin sehoal exnmirlationt start on Jude 23rdr' and' end• on June 26th, l7or thea: A- creat-rilajii .hit€'': tire.. .f'lowerdale y a .middle• school 1110• •tests• 'begin -K on-, w. ,. June. 21Lnd, iihd extend ,.to duly .7th., tai e b,`eaQen ed le oliu su`ndayf 'the`' 'with lib su ie St dbo Avtitten an Elie g6thr and 2` • of the\'upperload1 g pei)pte fibril Itis ecara Mrs yN ni'1idi.04 a en srbl ut►0 22b o th�a�h 'd Jai " $t day. iitterngint: at, Z. iia kfnso DEPARTMENT EXAMS it FLUWERDALE Entrance exmi►jnations tom- Strawberries:are ripening, 5.55555 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN' MAW RARE YOU A GRADUTATE•NURSSE? The University offers four courses ior- nurses. One five•; year coursefor, the degreeof B.Sc. (in N'ursing), i.e., tvs o years in Artsand three years in Nursing add Public 'Health. Three one year courses for graduate nurses lead- Ing•to thecertificate. in Public Healtlf, (C p H,N.) • certificate • of Instructor•' in Nursing '-�N (C.I•A..);, and certificate in .Hospital; Administration •The• E 'P 1;. N. course: is� recoguixed.as the best courso. of •.. its kind. The othercourses are P. ' new butthe . standards will be equally te gh. roe additional is- #o•raution s N.;..1);R f?EttIL, P10., Registrar,• boxidoe,, cra.ap:• •w w' u • Mme': ea: s • F YALUABT-Ei ZION AG :'S`ALE A ORT F•..� , M. I FARGIV84 ItINLOSS TOWN, TY: • •. '.���,: �'•1�,::;RR,UCE; ;CQUN , ,.. Mrs.: Jno.:Grant and. °little: son �nf R ' r former ' r isiti a TInder=and: by vof the power's home here ; . icinity took of sale • eontained; in a. certain mart A nunilier •from this v' gage e whichwill be produced at the in the M'aon'light'God'erich--on- . time .of sale, there 'will,be offered for. sale by. Public Auction' • on Wednes- day, aline 1.7th,,1925 at' half past' one o'clock, afternoon, :at Cain Hotel in Lucknow Village, 'by John Purvis, 'Auctioneer, ;the following' • property, nainelY;. . in ..t lie ' 'e .;TVilELvE Lot . ilunib r EIGHTH Concession . of Km .rloss Township in Bruce' County, Contain- ing 100 acres more,on Iesa. • There are on..the; premises 'a, good _i3rS� 'Se • h_e • ;, • • tx..-,-•wit-• . _3KO�t.Orj' CIC, -11.2 cellar; •Frame barn .;40 ft x,,60; ft. 'on en�ent and • stoaze 'foundation,' with., �cm lendi -stablin ...; underneath same, d g - sp, , Frame stied about 40 ft square; --ren-• plement shed 20 ft. x ,30. ft.,. 'also. twj•�, good• wells and: a stream of wat-. er •runnin.g through "• the farm. The 1an pis' all cleared;'' and about FORTY' Acres are:: iri grass. / ° . he: 'lint" - aid " u 1'E:RMSi'•:�en per :cent'oft p ,r se ' one, o'.'be paid down .at. 50 55, Monday eve.. Mr. Fred Ritchie had the unusual' .experience on Sunday morning, of 'a; cal from one of those rare visitors. • 04 We -are 'ready fgr you, with a'Wel1-ASSorted Stock • ' of • "Fleet ' Foot Shoes for all kinds of sport: 'a If y'ouBowl or play Tennis or Soft•Ball, come in and • over our line suitable; for these sports. . We are 14 look 4 sure we cap pleassg. you. • .• . ..;.•.•. ' :.c. ” O: hildre•ns Play. Shoe., s._.. Children,like:owear--.FleetFoo _fo. P1 ay ,.ry► e. N. :� •hoes 'they are light and •give excellent weal 3�• 4 While •� deer. ••' native. r h to.our section, a a ve_d, he • ?as engaged `in milking the deer vtm g, appeared iri~_tlie field at no. `great ' .- . , t- tance from his house` and after • a:: plunge i the lar a pond...near ' ing p: g n g p >� Zion.,church dissappeared in •'the der (•' leetiort-ef-, 11 Gardner's swamp,; Messrs. .Rob ' Andrew, 'Wi11.-Ritohie- •and Gordon Ritchie are takingint 'the. excursion to ,Detroit vela •;Greyhound`.; Mr. 'and Mrs.. Geo, .Saunders and. •cha ,mo..Y. time,1of'sale,: balance to +b'e paid with in twenty::days when 'possession will -be-given For -further• particulars and con ditions pf sale apply, to—John Purvis H•olyrszod;' Ont, or ' J.'' A •Morton Yenclor's So11eitor, Wingham, of June. A! D..19,.26,; x •11,e6c . PORDYCE A :.• Mr. -and. Mrs R. ,Irwin .:of Belfast visited; • at Thomas ,,' Jamieson's on (Sunday . "' IVIr. D, Martin who was horne for a few days las returned bo"London John and Harry" Champion and C, Leaver visited . at , Lucknow on Sun, day last Mr.: and Mrs Roy McQuil an , of Toronto' ',visited'.at . Mr. , Edward Haines. last :week. Mr: and 14Irs W ;Norman visited at Mr. ;Peter Leaver's ' isited • Mr.'. and M'rs W. Laidlaw v� ' relatives near Auburn recently• Patriclr O'Mal"y n%ade the trip ' Uo Detroit by the. exeursiori',steamer* Greyhound,•. and a number from this vicinity took :illi ,• the moonlight ex cursien Monday night. Dated. at -Windham .•.'this' • 2nd:day 'RAPID CITY family' spent. Sunday at Mr. Jas. Rit chie's . '. The 'Stork paid 'a visit' to our.'' burg' Monday ,marring leaving 'a little girl with,. Mr: and ': Mrs . 'Jacob .Hunter= Congratulations. • Mr.' E.liott 1Vlller cement' 01.1 tractir and his gang of men;, have coinpleted 'the barn wall 40 •by 60. for; M1; W :E.' Henderson, Mr and .Mrs.. !C. E. McDonagh, .of Zion, Mr. ;John and Harry Ch§,mpion' and* Mr: Charles ;Lever of ,Fordyce spent Sunday, with Mrs;d Mark Gard ner of Rapid, City.. , Sr.'.Robert McNall of.Rapid City made 'a...business .trip to "Li§towel last Saturday '•`• We are 'glad too' report that Mrs. .Rod.'McRae .and. Mrs.: Robert" Mc_' Nal lwho have been sick are on the' wa,r, to .recovery:• Oritest' The • Silver Medal• Judging C. open 'to, young imen • who never coni .. peted in an inter county contest t at the Prov:; or.: Royal Winter, 'Firs, he''d •; in . Tceswater ,on June 4th; this, •very •pretty silver 'medalwas won by, Mr: Frank Miller hof Rapid City Mout_ of. a ':,lass .of,. over eight competitors on judging•,Beef Cattle for ;export., _ ;r. �' 'decid m "e uickl he. just tikes what the clerk offers to avoid being da. nuisance , • Hard'•work alone doesn't .. cause; breakdowns-„. 'You never 'yet saw. a broken :down tongue: EDUCATIONAL' 'CON•VENTION:. • The fifth'Annual' Convention of the, Bruce County :Educational ':Associa- tion will be `held in the , Town Hall, Tp: Introduce Our. 'New' ` . „ _ • Super -Keen Blade 'We4 Offer old elated ilet Hutotrop azor ... ... a .. 'VV' i, purchase :of $,,,.1.9.0 package of the new super.keen'iilet AutoStrop - Blades at . McKi 's' Drug Stowe ' huektiow . a. . model �''. • ne � gym. Have you. �seen � SPORT>X, , thew. o• • , Ha , Ladies? it in. Shoe or;Ladies.. We carry rf_ in ande�al'Summe• � • Tan and, Patent.Leather. f. Quality. • - `• -- • •hoe o •S . • _ �._.__.._ , alwaysshoe in. stock in Oxfords and. p :fie have- this shoe _good appear- ' for �' ... aP standsP `High Shoes. Astoria •� anc�e and loug wear. a� hwell u rner• tr,. ETOR"�SEo g . UCKNOW BI:G SD w w ` O ., �:. 'ate; � ..�'. ..w ,`yp., �,\�'• �\� S.�•�`:�aOQ�.aQ�\yr.���w1Q�����\�AW. s., a, \O q • Paisley,, qin„Friday afternoon, June 19. A good„ program has ..been prepay ed. Hon. J'. 'S, ' Martin, Minister of, Agriculture' Will; givean address. The question of Township: School Boards trio be open for discussion.' Mr. A. E. Smith, Principal..of Wiarton Pub tic 'S'cihool,•'will: give an• illustrated .:' address, cn Medical and Dental_;.In : spection Come early so that' there may be :ample time for all the :pro-•• gram and for .discussion, .too” . ` Thee. Convention opens' at 1.30„ 4 "Hatchway'' No -Button ,'- UJnderwear F'or•.`Men 'or Sale `Onl t This'.Store'. peclat; Selling' Of Men's Straw Hats Satuiday -June 13th 'AI UT' CA. EF! ECTI • .01.1. D.O N T .HAV TO' ARCO E WE INSIST' THAT EVERY .WEARER MUST Fl. ,ED Children's` _ .:Ribbed_ is'Socks ti _ •. C+�lelored �_ '•Tops_,60c • - ��a; Pair.- Sze. ,„6,11,2 - to 9 0 Linolem s • - and',ioole um Rugs also Curtain . Goods y P