The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-11, Page 7 pm 7"� '. :.
7 il 7. T 1�7— IF y
`Thelit0o C9
Root4, t e W
Oop *r4:.At,4,e46claf functions willbe
nVen 411 7.
we Pre -
The little 'PAd infer- *44*011v '0
r V M4 Oba, Premier You, hay t OAed,,
0 nowhere ing
On .2. ,;o �,y
N the road for you and me, rnd go th� Canadian 9 or 04skatcheyk it and prom ::7.
W not ,1q9wb0f0 yolix f
A The Ifttle� road: to nowhere Weekly do G Rom,
149misp9pom A§opcJa _reenfleld ot A
n Will
lWade That d: its anpip.g.1go A Ity
FrOT y 1-bxPr. hol ilve
e. the sea,
Betw Of WinPIP09,1 The C.W,N.A. hag,,WItb,-,
% . eenz the sea a ie-wom—
.g � tion
p4 bestil
VqU444" in (ts,gr nd mountalng,
ppat.expanp%eg, with In its'quembership, over Boo Weekly The, Wind, Is, e
epn too widely separated,'and eq W a birds the silence. brf -4, ;1 .1 . 1.
riefvs neqqje
Dly heart I Tlie little, road to powhore paper p.djtors, Includilig,'we4ly,
'41 could jer; rain
trentend0iii distitpeep frequently to
"su rdn� 'TO, 4' road we long 4 tthe,� Yuh
ado evety jitrson' Who is' dow a to
t e
Wiling- needles, o
be pov6rpd, has been 4ese qd' by' and 4N f -ral
.,rj� , e
1"'lleilth -to glire Dr., - Wt vovn�land, . very sm'It fititelies
f1l4m.O!, TInk so that e
Moto One Oronautical Ali iPto the'llifti
-dierity 1"ills'atrtal 'T'bVfj, writes X n; tIon will �:4*0 OPTQ0en ! a. meeting
90I.Qrparth; in,
Phat lies besi
ak Point,'?
ftdl ba4t; I 'little, T ie Pipgs. 'Assoclatio M _7% MEW
AS thootoo.kall fjphere:oi t,14' il]Ali�e I -eami " . 140n- In
e aeroplaiie.; AlIt 'ell, 0., rs. Louie The I whore;
The, DQMI n has r c
ii� I - . , . _.. . , ae 4sti NO onq -is
bout. a year., ago I was a T *�y 0' f qo4v_e
Ilized , thii 116;
a :OK ad, to nowhere the 0
sInpe the war, DACil Practical: h, the wind
Suffer ng from,, A run,:1 Tfl,44' le,�ft us to, a dyegm, In
0&0., two three
Wanum erpt' Igh, dowu 1859. by, weekly xi�ewspope
4044ttigp�qf'the 1hr, Weak k
nippverished -blood., Tp 1k.N!h0,re. a dreai.n ;x*4� t, men, has
"lilt 6� 01 0-11-W. 4
no things
ealisij my" A UPAM we Vq.'904911.1; In, vain,
had .4ystem 4ad I 4B 0", 7
:13r ttalned men all _v
Available at Any, little q�xjer(Ionr-;,%,ouId Ing ml;,SVhAyQ fi
JR, 0 1 1 , -
greater 0. Wear Oth,6r spi:inj -,,ORANG PEKOE
Re conclusion, oi hostilities. , Aylation fogs tcp. ti6 -oad,
mblb AIIA'A j4rt t�, The, T The
OWIUgL 'to a part each
:Of silketig
c6uld '.q pluin. A ry"
-an weep A-rponi p4qt. ne;kd an.
reen the. 'feet wljhb�t being
pli4ses, of the Dominion's or".j�alk fifty
eqotio;-Ale life, gnd�.p !'.0ne, and -two, 44d,
peratlonsare Tboll I began taking Dr. Wl'--! t runs 1) 14�0. a.
ast Then QVeLiy'blr0bqS� Out ;Wit A. high, O'bj; of f. n(I. lnQunf41hs
ried It "req, PlIIS i be., mj4'
o' Ilie
Ila 0' Plnk' nd �af ter taking Only I�Mf; T�rnj '144 oe
NAA'S - T 'AID fliMency Subtly to Tl C
t Aadr. to wh�
ina,s N ng color froi,-the grotind The, red-bou , nd: Book of
'Of W I E
na aki sit, rp'ojeof caq wilk. and run with t stop- w sounctless-txr-th
'Oil e a; -Elves,
d all the, f all,
ithout ik taiity.or a of illilig, for 0. Y Wb: s erg" H,
4 34Q'ho�ri 6t. flying -time ndo-.g (Itlaty
9 took up 0,
single fa 1) 119.1 ever Is, not
-'for the 11
eado�of. titlips,, an
reath as peevlQljgly� Dr. '(NO, g;,Ief,,or'h cate!'gfirb' that Spring -an- n
dent ilvbIviiii Iate ban renjArIb8 to'any JVln�"V'jlS'WjIl *Ca. Y TY. cisco B.A R 14 found, sweet - f I"
be.'my.,, W.' T116 1itle rpad to -noW-htire, r.ond.,
W us sew ith q, bl�illdl ,pre,pea,c' 4XI needles of
aQcordln$' to NVII a�jpu ey!g!Sta
�,a�, flyin ifutiiiti jf ev�r!: ni, ;V. U
prqLvCq.1b.._. ois. -ana, I Shall .4-1 find�. ple t-
,red. Ou.t�:j
111 -to! out11%,
p1lolitiler'. t ar,- oo, earne 'est., BOt W
ap hOjjr e.too,grlm an cold,.. -9, a r.
Cloth of CA
9 . Overy-ilay 'ji,6eding a: tonic. 1. . . , Cl Ilei situated QnAthe. lts,:16aves stir In th
d coasi of Icivil eiteltitrus a that of 'the he Andes
Thqre are many, trouble 30utfi merica, t From. the. loved
a e to Too full of Petty warfar6_,,'
it L�ej In, In,,
'r ak ea
For a14 the spr c cea rea
ter d Of
ffid 0 51(1..
lies were for air force tr 'In ings, of futurlty��
veroome y a. fair u Wil. -on th� north'to Wit
wn dur, se of, Dr..L of.:P.eru en our b
Ain -o' B t we.'Il be young ior e ndary reaths bleLA4.
L . tof be b 'the ou
r 1 two,' flights.,40c. Go; holliame 0 iams, Pink,pilis The �pje,nilsolbii of . Because so well we kn the ibuthern oxfremity Of HOW'ShAll,we read O'trle d?.-.
the conti
Ing OPerationsi with th Ow —Haxel Hall. ii�nt is. One'd t
.9 Militia forces', I thli-mediclue It and, Purify The Jttje road to 4), lip the hea Cs
WltV, _th L to enrtL noivbei h m sf Dioaceful'and
Joint. operations,
C .0 the.�bloqd; And- when thjLrt"is one, all T e.. road all *rise 3'countrl6s of the Wbrld. Its, Hb*.shali we'faj� t6
alaa r*gtesslve
Who ly, in.,
i1,940 fi' e e yn-Day-leg Area 19 apPr6xi itel' $00,000 �quare -�-41eorge__ Sterling
mile or, so
OO'd health 'returns y (0 KE Ing less than the, Pro.
ours were flown GIVE
Appear; _NFIDE.
with oth
er. ban get these -of
!'Clo.vern inent pills. :throng, -Onta _-hgs' roughly, T6ndirfeet.
epartments. :Y0 r
in -niedicine-"or by-m.all at,,B6 con a- a itan
est r 'Million.inhab
OrAfjQns In Poi b -b lung lady
op, I a t% Or, a the work of, :h piny 4ealei 6 t'Bbrn Butteifly Qfte'ri
08 r
UNG dungT
The'' P,
ork. Ox Y'WrItIng The Dr. NOT. Wa em,
nion 140d.
I of Domi
PpVu S rifiC
"The:PbrestriM Iainted �Latfy bgtterfly U u
ranch4a uBjug the, air 9,4P Brotk.vJIIe,.Ont.` coast line is 0 '2,60or'.1nile Ion
g. _tALQbj'r_Of-jO�e_O
e__p -0 A r WeCkjy ,News- ommon 41th p -Y -be-
-th JIJL: 0 r ed _f6r-t an I a pb dla;- Cw-bo
red ' �R L.�Ltx�_xei_ove-r- .
m6' In is Q'f. her - g6ous, coloOii. Hor.hus" I�r�sfdbzlt, Idanadi n child-hoOd 'shquld be tioh
v nqe�s AlbOta, aud go Minit4bi'lu, Of 60"0;0*.' IS:A modern,well.�' aWe us
C4164itiei of air. hand' t ' likes* Papers. Assocfaticin,'1924-25,* proptletor kept. in' a; e f k, -CatChfn9,.,cAttle,..a*
every It 1110.,where.1heie is 'n
abyor-wiing child:. Oft6fi. it is Attria, tiV
of Wa Hty, universally recognlied
V. oo migratory &IghtS aud
�024, work or fl�e:,foj6atrr c6o ding 1:6� -A iLrehes. Ikeirtigii e. horses P t S
P"Poi-cur'o eB ileceS,11S. VL
Ing 1,360 flying 'hours Was tra an0iiiali �rese,
,a r6l. In b p an
carried arding ry c e and ubrious �'Oh in'd"eed!
4r�r. -to give,66 NOW, may I' ask wh�t,
on,,, ver. thre.- millio ' n the�*halr -and 'ekin.have been these'. butterflie Jljr-l'gr little.,:one. Something -Place, ...of -reofince. Valparaiso; the ou u*
acres:or f0fost.1 by ea.t nambibra :bekn. meeting
]Professor lav, e, been known to mak , e overy�,year (tigqjIly TOI; allAy,te
er lbsepit Bare I Joprnyp the,.:Month' 'to'bivak uIJ a v6r; �oi SO for bait?"
sour s. d1nabY-`and - banish the Irr4ta-
eepiftig op.The opplefi. h vei-200000
it Alb ta w6l�le covered 'twice rof t' He tells, of. June) for %6�:yearg; and Prthelpi bee, a pqpPl4tiou Of
dafly'bylo est h Ir is me :is k 0 po
PAtrof duriln,g� the. sea. I 'IS t at,h4 11 - ftom `I�uikey to; ngiiud.
rely'.skiii whic as th6.CW.j4
grown tom0IO&ijt 'at' accompa I
n OsAhe cutting of
son 64 -fire zArd: f In It -en hile hasWIii
In Manitoba 6rty harde ams,., 'c let did..ttadItions which brorugjtt:go-mauy� tooth. Experl'onced, e toPographicaj and
Wa of 'the Egyptian Aliziistrk of�,'Agrlcul. 'iie ed)tors. tow . econ . om c, rangc. 'The adhthor . u - se I
in Illon' acres And Instead o 9! ru bb�ed -a yj.. as out0anding' w r keep
were, llitiler: 6bser .9 bein Vation a
i happens jas be�,pi 9tudying th ets on -ban fo ;lqh -
BiLby,s wn Tabi
t, t out Tho Purposes statloil� 4 Vic orl.a. Beach k.1 wi th the, ordinary surfadb of r ear in -afid! year' tions,; ralfty,11leaylly ferosted,.,dre ex-
oung mot erg,L
a a, stidke tile 1:'Ai4ted dy. for- s - h- 'can: feel, and Not*AY-Uouse out In tubular form eve' years, Pr A 0 e sso ral' 6gr�l f and In Some' �as�s th elation 'in litoldli tremely.l) r.-eg-que,; Thexentral z EYE.
a.,�box� of'the Tablets reaQy-,,i
It a re, conventLio
eatures R.'r-very.fertile.s
ifferent parts ;of 1 Or enterg6nal
es, TheJabletal.
ST 6
fir �Iitlfig th I wlich cQ16m gav all account of his Work, jij� no 14, d.
t e;h4jr *is oil and'
e sarne.rso
gear that whicW cptlsue, of The:b4ttortly q' 'IlAi pr UNNINADU IND
0e trAns6drtea to the scene coldrs'.the� on try oved, of, fmmenso� value. a,groiperious. Agriol:
M Id, but thoi dtuial
An- of this species,' lre'.,bellevbs. _�Or 9411 C6 r�ugh 'iax�t��e th" =MF.NDib.6;�OWIWDIL�uGo'isiri&.O"ICIA NRB rQK j4VA"
h-js av eleVa�6ea
0 CBS"' than' 410,oba; in east Argeqiaiis
�sbutlt `_� b n' iiefdA4 aneouver, Hal aZ. Seri reg on of the north,. an,
of Ilres by - skin, for. *the ski il', of I ate lit the past, tou� -years,, rivefition's' -t- griping, an, �1?,Saxon, in marked contrast, is
tb.' Ozig.Ilne tely Iree 1ibih. opla tee
onj�. the' 'air totj'9Tto_._ oM410S'be aboolit
were -hi,
0 _O"ther_,.�ar
POP.ap Acal quivij 1 wit a pie -bald .4ol, qr ter-' 11p, - -wa. ma 6 t. hrough by. all Aruigi 0 . sit
CAFShoW_ ia Mi its or b� -Malf are located,- .
dre, of le 3,0'Qo England. g, lum, F.rkn I
Arnew feat, Flitg, P -that -miles from. 'arge sea C..
Jokeir ;fed 11146 ikin, th d' ce'andAlig.Unirted Kingdom. it -box iroinThe-D ni�lned� on a .1 ng
In:4924'Was e fishery pr�otecti6nj a r, remained bartl-colo'h§d y he -The Odl�q'rs an�j. their' ladies �wb Williami' Medlbln'e -A
19ha'ved f h I They leave' �e. egert Carl' in' t
rockville, Ont chlei a rapil prcgross', in -ja
tish Coll! t 6ves
;,ork Oil - th ylqith spring and arrive In the vicinity.- of ther .'and othe Inardla daily. -AAlso 4i . �Mbia,'! L . e� places Were pu ng
P the "ill, -th --------- r act vItICs "Chil is6ves
Southern she �ks
Fes Of. e Mediterranean I 'A.
n,,w4re, -; - fr bu Ion'
under that th of ade anion e re,' 'up and d appear.,
er toos,undertakiD reveal v6lum
at. Ot er,s
for he' Department,or the'colored, 'usually abqit A FIr 30idiir-Web..'S �ublles 'of �Oli . erfea n s.' hr,r gricultitre merely,the-1afr Veil om -- ----------
co"66tion' roof'S'se"60' undeirLtho,,okinl ey appear to 11Y'41ir6ugh 'Syrla.�aud Th.. oWit t Inve a, spider's web, is re
Oe. x
markab e.-- 14 it.
One, col)
IStho�zame,' 'Turkey, tO'-ihb JB�lk * ftesi'gild from. perj �iool,: dfied: '0,6ep gkl�s, eat 16
Ite, p ne, blister rust., li, rit�lgh_ Co� .4u.sia on y trip �av6
-given E04 m
I I I - . j r; o1j' aAlgiCii they' ''crow one, !Itif..any an! raX, Et'Trip' Itis the I
umbla;. preventive pa -role n thb .1pa. Oz. �pr the inilbuild lentila; barley, b�
�t 1, 'Color$ Nkr 4
black, efit, 'and thfs,:plgme�t sbuthbru -he manufacl 7 i,
f6r:111ije De��tm,6nt,'Of C'us- wp.j, also, T arel oi this �Montlal Melt iron ore Chil1.the
By thei m .4
oM e - nP .. wheil an apple, o ore har�y,,.1ILIdtS Englan IS' '.V6spoir .'to� th life
a;: 6 piitrdr.'�ud�pfi ( ' be.-. to d '' *' I &I
9 ograpi for Older's U,:por- sepIld Argest"prod f copper fit
potato IS: zeached- _lr4te-l-iii--Mg-y:�-br-ibarly-lix4u the Niflo"I`ftxksbj -,Cut -14 -half-'ajid-e form� A Berle factions.1ij,. Wo ly ountry"
Pope o: the al . ft Which the rld,.andAh4 bf th
A6t clear; how6ter, ",W t So
C r oto- 'or later, and h noishaie. uch,ty.pi- w�rId brodueg.L natu
&jr tb' Is, 'a:week L e
L bran atIon Al nitrate of,.
exhits. between the Colo e of., sberid.the,summer. he em
trahqp6ftj%jjo of rin ac`�jdns', 4'eAerid on the: soda, an lfi*aluable fe
g mitt Pafhted'Lad*;AhosC4hIcfi arigizi �tirdcture f the nC_ Mee can urre'10' the Iiiipbrts
r. zer.
lei for the 'diffe nimals',', in
a t of rently,hb6d a r :,Z.. 1 4
..en rvous *s.
1n:'gjjk, y ng whitp,�Aimala rt cou�htry, have bebfil -1ndia6 affairs the dese 'to lm Slid ver
d ome seen in not on4he' inheiliande' 6t Iji. of Chile p.- Iceland fit .1tify'. some 4,0 mileg, train Can
.0.0 tOlftentlY accitift-ed,fiab-4 In
Work. Laid 00 fLr. 1995'�. ar ThOria are two
sort$ Of i4itte� anint their 6ti;ting A.1pild
Th- of "work"' a 8, "An -the .6as- t In. thiw vorner,-oll: -its -,�eb* Is Of 1686 -than o ' ne MJIIIQ
ak f 'i
6 ros etches' atiMulated -,to rush out And htta6k afi 0 IIRCA� Yel i922, dan�ida pdrehas
t&be. Onder- 1�hether In c L n, dollars. n
f *hIte 'L !§ing"greit. Stf
yal 67anadian Ir 40 . W -h rabbits with P19- of watei.the t- r i
con inue 11ying all ennieShedL Iniect bY",the f r9m Chfl:6� to 'the, extent of" $20j471;
M101 be the � xhlbltz e 0 -while gollinkA 6 the
Foice 1925 , agiin' e !. Imented eyes) and. alblitoor *h1ch are r 'it on floating inas�eq � �th
X1 a r� e, in e,watei
de�olilo ' f Pig rl't'otreolorjug Motiter). threads.' t ti
most. exterigive If on were -to- Qrossda Pure. Whlte� r�b 'rk It has not.'ryet Leon dote�mi]ii6a. ..Xeitfier ing. fLo
ever ufidertaken; 6inPkIBIng b. per- t at' Is used t6'rsh';i-ke it web iii. the foIrlowing year CL, a. -is It.1nown, so fur., 4S Williams* no pur-
,t 'I Itwith a.pure blit th 6
ifous't6' be' carried n aj�*of theL e same waj for. 4 certain: tiqie, chiseas� fiom-Ch *e�,e-'$2h06 IL
S 016 to 4�certitlll, whether return,
hrgir' generation' �Wobld all! be wa' �galeis*
a ,black jourihe Ito that 'eQuiltrY.01,71.5..
proviiiees With th I I L. " On, 6itbA:oceasfoi1 -
xCCPtlon of W. ile it.L ite; Y, a -made.� - that. it runs ',6ilt eurv-e'ys,,' It thoroughbied,'r- t iT fork It is Ive a] Csnada!a, lmp6rt�_
Prince 9dwhrd Island. orfixiiig, an, jls.t1ht lie Ias s, 1,
S eoVe were t
crosstA'Wt4&nLalblljOtfi �fi -tL, ro P
Dul mW
ng -,approximately 80j,060.:js U r iefiAt-refral�g1.r d to $97,95 h l� her 'eljorit quilre miles 1� he black. s genera :D filln.g., olit'it, 0�hI6 ftin i'..i
will be :made I belf rw a ecfaeC t.y. for
net on 'with t�,B, A ly would, iii 1n...Paraguay and* Parts A- AW capli�ltk'to
bra learn It Sbo`W9' t
torogr4pilikal surveys 4'13�razil:,a
pch of the,
Oy Saylea to thiCextent, ntelligent' in ili hour' *c1prb.
:PteiX Mility white egrets,
Department of'the" nan& Tr -yrer'
'Spanish ,"garza blnba 'for ,Manager ..L....L'.. das of the Cana- -attack 'the fork qal� 'the. -t br,goi it will:
tibn to All I " - rat]6'between Coun es:,
aph-Y, 'work ed. wsP Assoc atio again.
8 rvqy"Purpose aft Weellrly.Ne TWfertlld 1ri;,tory of 0.
considerable ork" hile has been
for- '11
Tregt 't sa
gn "Or rofltjng� by -6 '.an'."suredL opnn.1h. fh
a at Toronto, e a4tof $Pfl)LnIng 4*web a there
I the loilg; White wing'-feaifie Ith head 6flice
:will,bd, don;, In the. rs er I ec CA In the
Photbgraphlilz nd
Which grow "out'at sliows,*-no si
-'Canadlah, historic Bites, hilst the for., ic�ompkny, th -are, tOL -be - -p peri -
X e r,ppliolio
ed t Winnipe",
esPegially encd., 4f ii6ver. Spring -more qui6jcjj 'Or Cot fires patro, aiqas 6r -thiLdetection rb enter :to Such Canadfifi expota AS Mktlshr.�
-a ant 1 0 ws gainat kill. -t6h
aces,, ie son, p
ext(P3ded:1- ol fisheries protection evn,,;, any one 'and �6v lt V�ft
While,th& are'.no Ia. 0 n a series of,bet et
been -'c6rigld6rg�jy Ing t16 "who t,dOes ;so- I' ouPine and other lum er, Comfort With
o" f' rest4ties'. his r.1 C6 I it in bJ A j.' e, the Clt� of. W
8!'.a :.peg, Board of Trade other eivi er Pape:r. of ` all hnd,, ue.w�siri4e, .11,
poor sortgmdu, It Is- t, e femaICs I_eg., L , 6� SIX
Proea. There Ore, well -split nk
work Lon that bod ness .�jesslons the an UllConsp ow
t4e. norihd�wljrlils f* ni Ma pa�er;, ' sheeii ai.W .bar iron, rallroa
It Columbia' the`.$us. 'of
liave th6
plumes, -,And kill I fig,her'mak tin act, -that CO Ab�qllt, -A)PtOr �6ats, tub.& d
Coast will also yb CnIarged thlo es..�on�ilon fnblud6�' i0m a er goo a,
Th a ddlicattly�,Apedfcqte'd anti
gs. tarve con ri ul;ion to'4 E.
0 - soeikeia 011:,iarlo er. macRiiiery, b g' Stick 0 uces
et 'Nerves.,? o us. - publ septic
Yr -n Add] ' ilon to,this-work; bj thd ted- W he whole inest. :fledghi 1 �evbellent mnerlenc6 hydxaujf�
e,ri G, ting dejithi in 'thus aff b r d s no: dittv., by: w1i ealerium carbide, A Pr d
t ing subjects. Pliominent speak. i,rr 'It' ral gri- creanty J'aiting.'lather enpk�jing teP
gep S.aro'
add tional flyin, fy what A: herd of 4ry a nd oDid'r in a y �b ra.fl t
ve prin .Ih the. cement
orp�ratlo4g carr od on, by the varl U. u -maciinery, �r der-&6�d to i1iiieWtfi
coad'-machiher I out any
being, sent out of Wishington these Y,
white lead, va a CS, 0 Iron
'f e
OuS �rdvinces aving, full bolittol, paints! irritation�, even.twite dally.'It kaVe
dy0, SMO�th
W fch Com- wirCofdr.�f&rxii's,�-'a.sbestoi- canne'd-sal, d fresh, �'6nd
their hatuft! tesourcregg, "Yes" their' Pfese'nco. akgeS rOd makes abiVing IeSL with 1'the� am "Sure..cutict#a
Slim n.'. e eee and o er. P prig all xcept4ou i the Ma Td %is an- i er-S ng coltgr6osieh so r lre� -had - to, =1 aft, hivi
three Pialrje.Prdiln,66. Th king the.�'nebesga`ty, Jit-ves'tigations, _ : 11 -1. 1 1 �.
faj . . ' '
..0 �btltarelo,
AG, sources, Caiiadfa P16 Sub Free b ee L
arrl F'�ANKLIN.
e. Province be sent Awity
ftwarie, c U1 RE. manu
Price,,. n.
ti'06id��Ste`adman, Franklyn, H611- Varlations—Ma' flV Depot:
r ' L � . .: I L "L . r L, .1p ma,ntin- d solitid 'La, .1, . ..., I . -
and ex�kndfng ts t for. year Sa0citk-of the FiD yre4 and ' "I t:bl. ajotCgentellrend
rogra It an. t, a"
6"purc ased four:. a critl Orlafn�4rish,' trade, of. -a
ha h)
Additional ilyfil' The: sa 6i the 101 IS M*OS R arger.figur
g, mlnd German.
Won -
machines, brinen$; et up 69urcd--rA: alven name,'
.4 n In o- -deiful,�a�d. th�'ie wit havo,stiidf6d '66 '86urce--A t1ttq
or did,
y every. Irish Surria me,
IAtlVg Ola.
Tra nsp t _i 1ts,clanning. ri ox6' MIJY, names in
like;d6j Here. Is �4 giroup of 'ra Like virivall e, e9gefitial fat
e of Maguire, was at fljrstthe:-
or at on to' Outlying.bistricts,
:Wlikh 1 0
and bats; �eeL troubled witho fleas, n are traed er a4e OMO ote a b 6uld likewise b� m and di6eilso. carrying a '-d transinlitin cg --
Ate the PAC I ties bf fileo'L
the) Inn r tin tas. I n
lotion' becomes iulib fail! pectillaritfes of the Social skiein name bf a 6t4nj to
the,;gl'OW JI& "J),Aft Aviation Able hoy gather Sxtoolith-con-tury there vv a
dy , in the h2jd �e� in
mouthful its 11, Was:6kgal.ilzo& tb r6ughout, north- 'a - a still - in oo_0 �W
Ming -to, 1)) ec6iio the Cell PUrOpr4'§ In ihat 4c CO � llitlllf6�bj� clis6' Anh -low! y - Wit lk am. untWa clan syS.
the days of te�ldijj 0' 4190 akee Sed
OlqpMent 'of t e -Dominion. Poo 'd
I I . . qhj� month fo: VA ImIlar to. that of the;.�Cot-
nearest stre 2 "Ph 'HOUSE W' ORK
'in MAY, au&. s tem
nly This'. st bulic of th� common _pIdL
litualij.' 4.11. 'refalftergr tish: III' q of 61
.1924,, a! commoi*6141', flying corpok4t on I�ft abovo the surface of the �v )re V n stinal dIf
of course, ( In 'fact the High. , L
S&I'least, will 'be Avo
comirionced operations lnko� the. -newly ater. in iial
J,n P,arj Ided li6'Apa i1iitu'rally t"O -Sick a Yeat. Got
of 'the hobfilo;' virtilgiij �J�v lq�d'rbjan a-Ystem is.but a i6*vei-op ent %luge on tk,6 es of the blAh or an
Que. ' ' ' ' ' . -V- aw d6 Voll kil6M�.,
opened m)iiliigQd 01! �&tiiet.n Of he Irish t C16A fifial
in 08;, 1 The great mjdd 6 clasg" of'to4 Sys em, �rojjght.' to, the a m L' ' nmalrSte
u an,or th M am
Indedesolblo yet,bxcopt' and when th,6 fox
bee the S isatisfied Adh Americii9,11. fr� Ly4ia', L P
'day With then but'it.odaijefte handful Highiands JJYthef�v jnkh�
that they,ba*e 6pens bULt adbils.And (jettler's 40 J?rOprIetor—�IDOn1t- yon, sCe* ehie6ding I5166e'of the table C6
his m6ti'th and thdL mogs flo of free !let of the, nbility he,north of Ireland.., how 'fJI14 r F yj Pipound, ats away, lets T
n Ild. s to PilY-too.mud - or a thing
Operated to th4,0� tfrt Satjs� eetI. . Ill Of
tion. It Ing habitatloilg;:
0 -entitled'to hold an
tact Oii of oil illrou n ffoodom froni_hLig Ing Ill tA
While th to egajng� the baulf; hi p yet wh I d -in Ong le most poWdr6l,:of ihe
- I e L I ap y I .. 4. Fly larvae bkeed
thbit own right. Their ran' n6lent-Ir h-claus hild on ke!
tormentors. ks Included a 6 which fur'- For 9viry 111�Mlnardls L md"t" L 0 Cie bodf0s' W ateyer qr an" mg 'S
e sum r Fill h
I'6f the uu. ihe thd eltleaL,and"tbo niSlied many .13106miligton Lydia
ker8, jilaft an d even I hfib�L -hro! presenf and oft!bn liarb6y'thos aM,.S V
ams Wiere What -814 Wa�itd. po
!r�Jght;'And at Cbln���arty. .,0Wnerg,.of m6steidg'afid mrg;e terms der' whom the.. JAsh k1h9d e 'Or- Pinki e ei�bie Com Und for
c PcIlislon oif'-summer fly the country" .. I fUl.r fiCjV0US
0 Y have become pi c le,, 8190 for
M rs,, Ta b b lie old -lady wsAinirdly frit,P66ting 9J`dwn flies. k headaches and sieepleisfieSS
Ing es ablish, n Service, ' Im
�"Dott You� -husband ob Onited. Iwa sort,'Of 6 ph -e tot aain's and backa
ed A W game le�ct, tL o catt?" Of -Aftily 3,606 years ess, sic
Ankly�" were the,0114a' The ue;of, Jbe M.rS. OrS.'I .,,.,A, - rti. the Stock ot'81)ecta,cles. 5� dult flies ,a .1 was. troubl6d in this way 1or over
the desIguations, of li b 41l . r I ligiktinkon W.
1,49 Pft8f Couple year 1104. IaXg6jy 110 'say$ 'a; ertalried, It ;HOW illueli flyeL the she asked,. r feet And iff, thtj
St r food dis.
ro do 9, nearly �A8 ca el uj) �dn.tllot' r, and a. fiiend told tn� r fib
C so eal
atus under *11 by mid, *a$ Calk fin, the ninth;centu '9 a.0 Ird. 4
tliat,l f the.nelghbor. ch th-ese wealt i.� 6ut,fhe
Cod all tho dkd In �Ite
ry. se et. I I a ketitbliKornplound And induced jii6 t�
r . nCt'
onized thia goalliag oPei-4ilon oand A half, mad!
oWfo 31 hood. Stai -and Ifavot 't6a?" d1ges fatilto ddle, A'gVs I the ;'A ollAr I must-, gay I havo recelve
bftL the to St, WheXo 6. DigeaB6 or ca
It Chalted 'f thi's clan, lo, great benefit fioin. i't And t6L
U dlibid a nin b 6r do
Were RnbWn In England, rrfVC 'in
fdorably e'WA ry illim, how. Mur 1, without the �Sae.? 'flies for- -'MybOusOworknow. 'Ire6ommifid,th
btalned a: itiffidetit Ali
T�rftlng *6reldf he 'knew ibiout WC; ber of f6llo*org� to establioll it der th hehas, nexpedited -work,
a h- Atth V UM C iip.ound rn,�,801f alid, am. J'
URNI n, 6 keg 11ttld dfiter- 7'.' Plies deposit, fron t C oil . e
and cuptol 8, a clari. of Bit eck, f4-thelr�Cree& -m i I ing for you to idse this letter �a ;j
and reduced 'tho*b.sW rdg of the butt. WEL of'hlg own day ad fe bt, sp
commercial flying company Was, In-' �t ce.
y t
lip, to leAve 'no doubt his o*p,' In torn rig,66 olall'n .111 by "I at Is t ho, base only�,worth ffvo Mefi the 0 k CoStantly Y,
inon o Ahtiapb)is Coun
ntb ?;okthelt s nd- ' r . .1 . rey �ilj, .
to that W -.6, Person of Importance prefixifit e e are t N
t n I ..and
Do y6u know, that i' aricebnt cativa
r o owera of.10 t;ie coljl� n
In, a percullar os( 6 i 6.4, Ala iinl,k firmly
$,-Flies 'Can flY, ior nillog. sd
In atnotig wome , Irs of the Ve
IULSIV6,� 'A t AS thtriffi nd 'ydjL not a liffiAtion liad '91A(l 11 use
e6ebdtated haot year, tkstin�onil. Mrs.,
Well, 64 �ve getablo Wfth'Ahe pos. to,lichr It; It's 9,,A offigle case of I test
mehib of the if6blifty. '000 rL
thdoat 0 1 L waftt.11 Compotind'over Wj -plies were rei
'He in stisivO� ago Of the name, #,boro open
Thp.'I�o$� 'Prevall, may' start ceived, To the
inner of. the oessive cago of IlOdhfi mid, plcing A nickel on.the c U:860h, HaVe yotl
We suV#Ijr� c�nj and ay exprd$4 fiet, t Inivie
country r" wa all ebidenile sVreaji d: by tAkinj this- medi
cbario'K daily li�. exprobs "squitojo, though ther latier. I des (for the 9 "VIldbLit, W6 ounter, by fifes. C
8, pay deii upthe case an,
lgna-' guo� In its I fle �Ine?lj 08 por.goj�tdjeplie
-THig- me ans t At 98 bilt-of every 100
lno�uey Qrdera, which fiij -� _- -- --r __ :
rbet, w o
r r er, 'fil
�0111_celitlifles; gaspe'(1, r,. to tli,,,- a,l � tim ronscioi1q, -VI health
-teach6r-had4'been�lectiitftig-hig 11' L :-the. 0 -tit -A, Oon-:'� d n4lfe in 6ttef
'TO 6bt�jjj' e
fe nob ne bees, oh anions proverbs, p price, es rfp�lVd.'af I If clan, nali thoy -bave�,rkiven!;'thiig,,,�iftdidine.
tr ajUdjjr
Com ......................
6i of Can -�an-k!k4ili��,' an 'theni - ------ Teceiving e what.that proverb ineans?" Buitok irat. the naine t116 to, 'fell - - - - - - - - - - - Meh64 th-3 lftO Women suflfbringfrk,ni tlj0,tr6UbI6 go,
49*06d; the 'brIghtedi 4 ermany;, �W 10 dalfsm was pronaj'inced t b' now vott, ll6n't ItTl 0w, Why cothMon'to,.thoirstex should lis -ten t�)�,
n B . Ph�augpd les�� rapidly. Into the� modern called, is' a 6 '*oY' in 'in coni iftn)i linlit did it,",, t Say who have ox
Mid bAt.-6thr woML
1p -akdor# and Whore*siirii'm4 be, niod- :6A 14 dkm a d h
Oan jiCltion 13011dy t duarnp iurrerin
orn develo ati on �j46d relief. Give this Colhe 906ral untfl two or tlltbo, cen. Within the.'.L1nglf`S9 Idngft#g It About h Of' the U&
�Ile ¬ �Wnd b.01iij oh 46 old sitoallL.-
Pot 'rotrifides�-Ilead, Office 'T - tiftleg After they -did Iti. Eli �the W111 ie n lip,
onto 10;�� Cori Of toa"19, by, the. V W qhaAde-an6at on'66.
old: Bank of 96' (If . r a : * ch 1141 oe6ufred tj 'L , .- . . III .
ranklWl or drug stords.,
tvs not %Ar local banker, Was know� ha beconib al�Pv
stea man F S6
04t hurts, n
.9 Eotabl shod, tot :dir- tbirty YeA iking p"llgiiShl P .7 Wo
okg" you, -0
't".0 to ISSR,
R ED 0