HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-28, Page 5TRI tuanf' OW ; 1514e1111* ' ' ., MANY"2 r 192$4
• •
bank works COnstiacti4kand
coriservanvely: for the .nrcitectson of,
its deposit t_o_saintthp-cominunity un: whole; —
Eecaisse the. Bank', of Mentreal for Mare than'a century hu
indravored'to do this, ic liaS•come to be regarded through-
, our,ilie length and, f3readth Of 'the bonnnloti, as a sound, .
, There are hundred branches Of the Basikof Montreal,
Each •branth has the strength; stability, expeiience and
'services of the entire organization. Make the nearest branch
ypar banking headquarters: Talk' With the matiagee,„*....L.•-
x....._-,ntatters:cif-bankinvotrbirsine-ss. • Write to hits'',
„. llank Where Small 'Accounts. Are '•,rVeketiM"
at Arthur,. has been plaeed..on duty
on the provincial highway. frcirn that
village ;:to Kincardine Ile makes.; re-..
Vier trips over this highWay . bY
motor •cycle. He.. 'checks nn illegal-
SP!edekfr ears: and enforce e'
conditions . of the ,Motor ' Vehicles
Aet,,, on this section of 'the highway.
The Jnile-a:mintite drivers in.' this
vicinity, will do 'well to take'a warn-
Returning leaves Detroirl Thursday;June nth.
Thel.oniy boat trip from Goderich tO Detioit this seasdn. Child- -
red bet*Ciii and 12;. half 'fare ViSit Your Michigan friends
and see big busy Detroit. Adelightful trip over the' great inter- M
- national • highway of lakes and ',vets.,
Three lieurs On beautiful 'Lake IfUron 50c. • Childreh ..25c.
, Lest. Trip atiderielt Co` Detroit, FridaY, June ..1201;'.at'• 9.301
We have the,. filiest range of .
pring .Suit!ngs that pan 00 bought:
on the market. ''Blue Serge's; Chevi!.
10.1i0 ItrAtuporfpo:V4:.
a ogr Nex
Wakes .
lustillIcs sieve
The ft:Wowing, brief Sketch of
hyre Petiere, 18 especially,
inter,esting :knit now in. View of ,t1m
:f-OwIng Many. requests' '" haying
_give brief -synOPSis-- of the 'histOrY•
Of the Methodist, chiirch in. our
;lege. .Ai ,far as can be..gleined the
first preaching seryices held in .the
firet preaching services held in the
neighbOrhood were opened up in 18.
grandfather of our present' Rev. E
A Fear, of London. The service was
held. in the home of Mr, -Samuel
Pentland, 'who had. preViously ear -
(B 'Mrs Rd McWhinney)
••OP. Tuesday. 'May Ikh the gait -
last, .annual- -meeting,- prior to 'enter,
lidera :-Attendance,-.-Mis7 -Harkness
presided over. meeting: Reports re..
ceived from. the Secretailei of, the
various departments • showed encourz
aging, progreak: 'An intOreating :re-
port at th.e Provincial society Meet-
Lucknow, Mrs. B. M. johnson.presi-
Tied nn • a Class -meeting 'in his,: .sed audieueiatiuk.„-jler,-t,impreAtni;
er et thennd Concession of Ashfield
half -way \between Nile and Dungan-
non.. It was -then Connected as :a re-
' gular preaching point With Au.
burn, .Blyth, tBelgrave,-, and Other
points ,1 which have • long since dia:
appeared. If speee wauld permit
many +interesting Reins of Ipcal . in.
tereSt could; no. doubt; be gathered
pertaining. to the miniStry .of any
!and all of the 'minieters bereaftei
•-noted, but. mention of those whict
relate.to the progress of the -church
of the„,men—gould-not-lie—,se
'James Whiting (father of Rev
Richard. Whiting; •of Hamilten :Con.
of ta.horn repided at •NiTe; then 04
recognized hurl. of the7Circuit; AS' a
dpuhle circuit,. the folloWing• young
men serVed for end yeki: each: Revs
Thos. Cullen; J.: Jamiison, McCart-
as did also the following
perjed the .parsongge. was change('
to Dungannon,. and •Rev. Mr, •Vaswel
was, sent for a second term, 188.0_43
;followed br Rev.. John ,Ttarner, 1884,
bell, 1886-69,' under tvt.hom the fieli
was, divided into' Nile and Dungan
Potter, 1889-92; David .Reigers D. D
Francis Swann, ,1896-97;" Benjamii
Thqse •all served Under • the firs
'church .in Dungannon and' the firs
church iii Dungannon,' and' the pre.
100Y -op,. Whit' laid the. fOundation
for the -present new. church, 'wide?
was completed hr Rev: J. Bart ,
lett,i9.09-12. Re -was- followed' "by th
I. MeKelvey, 1915718; E. Stem'
.ender the anapices. of the 'Foreign
Mission beards of United StateS and
caneda held' in. Washington ,Jam 2t.
to Feh.:;2nd. this. year.. Folltiwing the
regular meeting a large .mAreber
the delegatee..withdrew and assent-,
bled iu St. peters Anglican church
ivhich was filled to capacity.
byterial •of Maitland, to Fork in Con=
nectio with the woman's MiSsion.
'TEISWAi" ER ;.#14B11 ANP
garage 4. bum:lose of C. Green, Mr,
Preen goo!. ooftho road Belling Poi44
with the ga,edga.,
It kg 40 that creditere' Of the gen•..
Flasenflug will receive -050 on the
dollar. Mr.', end Mrs. „Resenting. hav
•Mrs.. Ann MOVicar. et the pioneer
reeith anniversary. -et', her' birth on
May' 16th. 'Mrs. MeVicar is a., netive
MeKiggeh, and 'the f011e.Wing'''Yeai‘
they came to Canada 'and first Pett.
gen ,wes.•'at,Southapiptonc.at:he„..fitpt,,
the .4th. Con. east on,which"• he had-
; settled -as squatter,, Two deughterr
and three liens Were' tiorn to Mr. ane!
McKiggen, :one only Of whom'
:Thessalon. Mr, MeKiggart, Sr: ;died.
.in 1861; and .1071887 the 'widow -mar.
on the farm"' with her son Donald on.
oireo they' moved te Tees.
water, Donald ;lied. two. years Age
And the ...old 'lady bas since
:MCKar, Mrs. **Vicar ,enjoyed goo(
health , and *as act've, nntil 1.92C
When she had fi,....the misfortune
break her „hip; (since WhiCh- tiine abe•
haa . been ,confine'd the 'house. Re-
mind is stilt, active: and clear, and eh'.
takes an intelligent: interest in ctn.-
'rent sho• Was tho
One hundred and 'seVen...delegateS REGULAR SOFTBALL EVIMS •
answered the roll - representing
twelve.' auxiliaries eight answered. ,, , ,
from folk auxumries.
MM. (RevA "Perrie Wingliarn 2nd. Oenitac ruio hrilinoeth ,of the; ;Am! tear Ath
sels; , 3rd.. yiee.. pres, Mrs. Arkell, oe •otoeiony.- adopted,' by -the. Nat
Canada ,
` • 1.." The. rules of • regulatien base.:
TeeeWater; 4th ,Vice Zres. Mks. M. :Komi and: AMericanleagnes. annual,
51eKerizie;' Loelialsh; Corr.. Sec. Mrs. shall piveiii the: game of softbal?
Rules Of softball haVe come .
,Cari,"Wingham; ecor se,: Miss
2 Th bases shall be 50 feet
Mather, .Kir4eardine Treasurer .. Miss
Siinnson, Atole.swbrth; ;Supply 'see:
Oeo. Douglas; ;Imeknow; Mag.:
;thine See. Mrs, ,POrterfield, ..Wing -
'Min; Prees. See. McWhin-
Mrs ,11,1ccee;',+Winglieni; Library
iele auxiliary to 'held the annual
heeting 'Brussels :1926.
'A standing veteof thanks was
;iven to the •Reeter .and .alirdens of
St..' -peters Anglieari church' ?or the
Ierobto, spent the holiday with Mr.
„' Mins F. Yerne,e of Toront04, was
Mrs. S. and Or.1n Marris;
havereturned from an extended vis-
it to Port Arthur. •
Mr. lifton "Huston' of SeuthaniP--
ton, spent the -24th at" hte 1101Revillere.
NISS Dorothy :Jackson and Miss
Onnalda MeLeed, students at: Strat-
ford N'Ormal4S4hool, were borne • Over
Mr, Angus Marlyn Sr. is• in oalu.
met, Mich,attending-the funeral Of
Mr itederiek McDonald' of Iron-
SPeCtOr 'Of Continuatien schools; -Wee':
alSo. in •town tespeeting the' local in-,
• The-itipley Baseball teeth. journey-
ed -to teeswater. hist Thersday and
met a severe defeat at the .hande of
." Mr. " Frank grill accornpanire'b-V-
During the' eleetrical stOrM"FridaY
:ening,. the barn ori the farm form.
oCeupied,, by Sam -Scott, oW. the
4eyentli concession, was 'struck : by
A.. short dine. The honse',Vas set on
snarks „f rein the ,barh and fox,
•a time it appeared that itwould. alio
; destroyed which' would, hive
auily threatened the huge berp.'.oivn-•
gho ,had gathered and the -arrival
the Riplernre engine and fire,
tde,•averted the danger, the fire be-
ing biOnght'under "eontrol With con.
the af writing,. the sale IS not
to..i.ta 414.-lek,",,some maintaining that
AS little stronger 'than the ternper
1431C3)3374.15.t.' cani‘ maisc.7riRde;..r;Iblec•e. !I:pH:17:41ot'
girls. and- boys 16 years and'under. heliday-in PaisleY; ' .•.
2 feet•10 inches...king and nat More' leY'r :It ie reported that there 'will he
•than inches • .diaMeter ite; two •eandidates in the field, Mr..' J. B.
6, No spiked Shoes maY be worn
player 'except Ihe Catcher.. ' „Metered tO Teronto. this week. .
. 9. ,A dead ball'. shall. be . called e 4 : e
4411 _blit 'the batter,will hot take his r. and Mrs.' :CharleS:,-,Erowning
Base ruhners will return- to then ty of Southlimpton and Mr.
, bases ori a dead .hall.. • and 'Mks. Robert- McCread . of Her.:
bpen .the week -end tbe
• bases until the ball delivered by the
num, 1918-20, and- .Rev A. Waldel. The 1MenSerd" ExPrees.4 is 'Credited aitcher has. crossed the' hope* plate ' 'home of. Mr. -and Mrs Thosl--.7.11enry.
1920=23. The present . pastor' is Rev
With .tbe fed 'owing story of a domes-
• It is riot often that we- hear.' of •
eM killing. a dog but Mr, John Mill.
REFOVERING FsoPe: ACC!ppwr tolof stohoon ibiaeiNeviriunbenedreclieaaiteds ohuivE slleerhwo9model of -Mrs: Samuel'
Prenn the . Toronto Telegram' -we
shall be rescinded: • . Kiniough. visited -at Mrs. Et/lemon's
learn that. • MiisS Mary, MaoDougall, ; .A foul tip shall conie as. un- fOrmer home here. last week
that became so angry at her .pa
'Mike; .a fox terrier, that she" ended
his earthly; Career and ,made s him,
-Charge Tier the undertaker. It ap•
Peara that. Trixy gave birth to three
kittens and 'when the. offdpring :.had
-uit,,•-thejnotheii-tebk-thern oh an, e*
Mikebutted in and robbed the '
the kitten so badly that it vverit thi
way of all. flesh, On the, seeoricl
journey, Mike again made his. ap•
drepped the youngster, grabbed 'Mike
and never releaeed her hold until-kthr
terrier bed:giVen lip. the ghoat..,
cadek WW1. the procese of ;his passing
that' the 'owner did not realize that
one of his household 'pets had been
executed + in the desperate' :fend
staged by" the' '„two . lifelong Dalt—
TriXy and Mike. Trixy. is moo quite
ehesty • and is monarch af,all the'
.detirstena and parlor mats shod thc
,nlaccand the familyt.hits still the
.prcitectioil of A sturdy Wing and a,
who last c o r was. serious y. in- der the .haref hall rules.
Linder the luird.jbell ridei, • - • ' . MX. •and Mrs; Elmer •Aiten and-. fani-'
lCineardine, it; slowly retevering in 15.. Overthrows to first and thin'. Ay visited at the hdnie of Mr. and
St. Michaers..Hospital Soronto. She bases or paSsed ball entitle the run- Mrs. Beattie Qf Pine River,
has recovered . the power ' _sight i;aerns mloako:eitb. ase onlYi- ProViiiing; the). k_ e Aridereet
• •• irs A troop' TOwN the, home Of Mr, and Mrs.. jrwin
villa in total darkness She is also re-
covering -the use of' *her limbs, •She.
What •is it good town?
has no Memory whatever of the ace'. Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred 'Drennan' et
dent, nor doei she know how she 'got Thai ennimunity Vvhich, works And crawe vidited with friend's in." oui
into her present Condition and sur=
..thrivei, meets its :obligations and Of. bm.g. one. day ,last week,.
roundingif. Only " 'recently .,did .she .opportunity 'for ' workers 'to; •
learn that', Nelson Heidgkinson mho
Meet their. expenses 'and •"•thit away FLOWERDALE :
WW1 fifthe sat with" hero had been
some savings,
, itself and in Which other people have,
•That community 'which believes in • •
' ' la With her sister .Mrs. 'Chas,
Longhand • iS Safer. if. you' don't
.khow whether it'd ‘4i -e, or .“e -i" you
can Make a neutral wiggle. That COmmunity pesesses • A number of the FlOwerdaleladies
good 'Scheele, Chnrehes and nubile. iri- 'Ittended the U. F. W. 0, nieeting
-lf he tells,the ,ivorld hid wife is' stitutions designed for the social re. at the home Of MArwin 211d Con.
'keeping hini dOwn- it wpn't be long ligibus and ecenoinie • +Welfare of its last Thursday afternoon. •
,ibsfora She is keeping him up., •
'people. • Rev.. K.. A. Gollan preached life
• RacHealiani is'just' 'emOty .stom. That coannunity Which takes midi' farewell sernidn in South Kinloss,
ach yelling for. it Place .11t. the feed the appearance...of...Rd stieeta and last • Sunday niiiht, *Floweidalt mem,-
Writs Mad Oka M
sktapnons IMAM
boulevards' and creates a favorable bere of that church feel very- sorry
impreigion on the minds of visitors' to• loge him, • •
That cOmmitiiity whose citizens de. Miss, Mary B, DouglaS has been
*Mite ..of .pleasUre. to, theniselves.„And Warner Philityson' is , 'tonic
Observers.' • 'iteM Detroit. 0.0... is driving; a iiiee
. Vieit repeatedly ' Mia. Sunday at
.Nvheie they find ' "of ffiti-her' 11; Hodgkin -
people ..10 "ipehd. -pleasant '.hoUrs -ip ',Set .
That .v•hieh eVer has a 4. Carrick farmer 'who 'W :
)101111tiii,i011.0. Ant) enconrages tat- charged with Unlawfully feeding
.For 1VIen
Are of Ektra Va
up and, 'Qnitity
,sthartiy„Tailofed in the
Latest.StylesrMade Of Cool
Styles to suit toUng or El-
tdoe rsl r 1:5cM.eosoe, t n
Quality, range 'froth $18.0
260 Soft:Collars, All Sizes,
GtfYour Size andStyle at
.• Wedding hells' are ringing •in •Onr •
'funeral of: the into Mrs, .,Winteritein.
at,l3laeleliorse Friday afternoon:, •
Hedgins wile wen to
Bay City to vlsit his brother Geo ge
.whohno.ke. is sick there, hae retur ed
week -end with .Frarikie„. B. I-Ialdenby
Miss Greta Hodgdkinsen of Kin-
ough. spent Sunday in: bur burg,
" 'We "-are". Very sorry -to rePort the.
, hope she will be 'out "around • again
relatives ht Lucknow for a .feW days.
••,-, Mr. ThoniaS Jamieson visited his •
,catife to Mr.,,Milee. McMillan one,
Mr. M -Gardner formerly of •Zion,
is Wearing a broad sinile these daYs
its 'a hoy-LCengratulationa ' Mark:
bulywk to the beef ring at St. Au -
Mr. Bente; , Tayler purchased John
In the. Canadian egelaying eontest
at Ottawa ih , 1928-24, and the
2anadiati Omario contests 1924 -
White Leghorns as ' ;Winter. egg, pro,
:Wears 'Were- in. Ktst "When
Canadian, ditties With years, ef good
alter Rose