HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-28, Page 1• • P: YEAR. .4,:l.YAN...CE;• $2:50 arHERNyi$a - 99.9'."997.9 ' ,I;MCIENOIAF, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 28th., 1925., • 1. • pilkTGI4., • • •COPIESIL. 0 PROF 'ESSIONAL PARDS DR. PARKER,;.., 9alo Heesei'Lt4noW, everY rlesilaY afternOon.. suezessfuilY treated.Osteo. -r•-•-r.-patity t _ omovea •tee Caugal , of &tease.. Adknitmeirt of the, spine is. more .qincic4. secured and with fewer treatments, by „Osteo- gaithY than by any • 'etherinethod• , Pennell . • rhy?icien and Surgeon •' Luck** • • Hours 2•-•4' • .. • ^ Phone' 2)1 DENTIST Dr, R L. Treleaven, Lucknow- Over Dee -frees S ter e. Extradtion either by gas or local. ' Will be •in Dungannon every Thursday. ' . phone 52 •17-'--4-••••• 1 DENTIST, -Call Dr. Newten •,Make aPpointment In• 'office' everydaY 21 ,•I 'o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN' 0, I ' •' 944 -o -p -o-4 I have added tb: m 'Wall Pa .er c 77' raper---whia • mav e e residenre env time. -R. eamerosi • Painter 'and Decorator; • EGGS. AND CHICKENS , .Ininrove your flocks by introdueing •, some of my heavy, hardy, ,healthy • egg -producers. All ,bred -to -ay. Bar- lett gook mates , up to eleven, pounds. .,..ustiodan White' Leghorn males to , to seven. Bred. to large hens:: 'Yen (Let size add producers of large eggs. , .1..;ggs for hatching .$5,0o., per 100: Baby:: Chicks day-old tor. smooth -old; :free, from, disease. Reasonable', prices Onl-,L,•=4miest. • ' r 42.. Duncan Kennedy, • . Whitechurch. Ont. ••••••••.4••••••Y•0•11•••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••10414 • Highest pikes paid for junk, horse hair, feathers, and poultry. -Don't sell before seeing' Alex i-Groskopfr. , • ' o R .Purebred Shorthorr • young and heifers: Yorkshire sows, bred, and younger pigs,, bacon type -Barred Rocks. and C. Whitt Leghorn eggs and Baby Chicks fron- • • heavy winter layers. ,Also agate): •for" Prairie 'State Incubators and •stove brooders. Write or phone. John • : Parrish & Sons, Lucknow R. 7 • 9-5-c Havelock (Pure Men.) $5.00 • 'Sepoy (blended) $4.75 . Made Rite :(pastry) $4.50' -Wheat $L40 Feed .Flour *2.3.0 , Shorts $1.60 ' Bran ••$I..60 • Screening Chop .$30,00 per .ton 'Miss ,Praneeli Cain wail home fro* Dutton fol.' the recent helidar. Miss glarjone Struthers of Van* eenver. -la:N.1041ex Um. Wm. Mac- Kenzie bf .tbvyn; . •: PO.E,is Jean MaeCalleffi was home from " HaMilten for the recent boll The: Rev Mr Cesens' has • been 18 'London, the. past. Week - attending Conference; - • 'Me. Caesar De. Loan, Of Trinity, College‘ Torento,, is- visiting at ,the, home of Mr. and 41re: M Mitchell.. ' Mr'," and--ItIrs,S.LA;L_Glennid,"of Del- hi spent the week -end' with7thelt Lnekruitv friends, - Mr, Robert MaeCalluna has,gone to Detroit where he expects to get • em- ployment. . • . . "Mr. and gra. George Aitchison ,motored to Hepworth to spend the recent7hOliday with Mrs. Aitchison's The -weather 'authorities ' at .Tor- onto. pronounced the recent 24th of .May, the coldest on record. "Towns which put on 'field 'snorts on. the 23tlt were out\of luck. -Mr...Jack,,,Smith,and-little.daughter, 'Misses Jennie and .Tena 'Bennett and , miss ,Marie 'Thompson Mitered from Toronto and iipent the' Week -end with Mrs. A.0 .'MacKenziaand Miss Idees, Mr Frank` Tyler who has • been assistant at . N. R. Station here the past -couple -Of • years-has--tilt81r transferred q..rotest where he takes a Similar `position. The change, how- ever, is.. in the way a promotion..- . Come to Ain's vacant store next Sat , • May 30th , for your Sunday Baking. A good assortment of. bak- ing and candy • will be offered by the B. of Methodist .chtirch Salk starts sharp at 3;80 o'clocic. Messrs. & Sen hilia secur- ed the,....contiliet, of installing the heating and !Plumbing work in .con- nection with the remodelling of the Lucknow School. Tenders were „received, ..from - • number of surrounding towns. , • , ...Levi Wesley,. the noted': Indian' Herbalist, of ,Ijarrlston, ,will be at the Cain IlOnse'on, Wednesday after-, noon, June 10tli; Special' invitation to all who suffer! with Rheumatism; Sciatica •or Stomach tmubles., Hun- dreds have been restored to. health .by Wesley's wonderful treatments. • “Keeps Frisk" Just as _good, three days ,after. its baked -that New 'Golden Crust Bread. got, at Acid!ii.__Mentr for Sater!- day--Zielicious .SpOnge Cakes, Van- illa Jems, Wine dropii, 'Cheese tarta, Fried cakes. d • . : di • • BORN Gardner -In Kinloss on .23, .19- 25, to Mr. and,Mrs. Mark Gardner, a son-Rois Alian The • Bruce Comity Soldiers' Re: . 7th Annual Celebration, will be held in:. ,Chesley, 'June 3rd. A ' big day of Sports, Horse Racing Baseball With teems' /rent Owen , Sound, Walkerton and Clnealey Ghia' :•.80#bali Matek in the early evening. Bruce Regirnental 'Band will furnish the , Music/ Palnier'S Midway Attrac- tions on the grounds all day. Grand display Of Fireworks in. the ,evening Under the supervision of Hand dc Experts ' of Hamilton, Marathon 'Re- - lay .Race for the Bank of COmMerce TrOphY open to the High' ,Sehoola of the , Something 'doing' every ' minute frOjO to .10 0, riled „Soldiers wearing • a, 110i- .te button:admitted to the 'grounds without_charge.. See largo •window • cards BABY CllitICS-0.' A. C. Strain- the lieht Arai* for, egg „prodtiction,..wil Stand forcing much' better than the lighter ' breeds. Our chickti." are ail 'hatched from our own •eggs from the Veil best stock. We are reducing mit prices for June to absolutely rock. • Ottoni..:_Chicka,$).4.00: per 100. : • ,'Atibarti**"Ont " • • , 0 • tuts in a in age con, Sista calling it a "sweetf! Of turn'. , . • The oho *fay 6 a o. limn. in- hy Mtn •eimple '4wocess,At. •`!.lint ferPell. en' Yeat About. out ,aaly usottd tow • phich mon 'nfoli,se siss. BREAD is the food that "stays by": because it's *--so flourishing --so delicious \ „.and.,.,the Big Food -value - , today. . read is the loaf for its beitof411 gavot and crisp goo*P4 Rollymanel I, Or.B4.1.0,s0okiss. • r--", • • - News lv,ott Bor Seente... PilVeriieods Factory. *mut *Miter/ KWh', !Oldie 'school Panthers,: SchOol, 110jai1iglAs • • cOot..oehoot:(2) • -Pablie:SchOol • • liEW: C. L. LANGFORDAOS TWO BROTHERS IN FEW DAYS Lest rely dOes. it Mae t� '‘o faMily to be. fie sorely ailictect-lay.Deatn:as •wes i the family Of the .Rev, a..Lonkfopt 1 "*fe4ar Of the Ang4Can..Chtirch here, last -week. On Wednesday Mr.. Roy 'Langford died after a brief Pnpss fine., Ptomaine "poisoning, , at his home iji'41.anthr, ,fienr • London, ' While the funeral •,stan abOut to leave the :,Isingford . horn°. on Fti- tlaY, Wordwas received by the r /anal' 'ily;thot .Mr; .ciec4r. toioatco'd, k•bro- thet orihe' deceased ' Was .dying ,41 the General ifosPital- ?of:,.''sttetto4 Oscar's home...was in St. Mares and tiunt_igh he had not been . feeling • SOFTBALL . .well .for a coup e-ofIkeeks-he-W-103_ Merfa Lealiae • •not thought, to be in denger, The pa• tate of Oscar' Si illness wai..not ender May ;28-4.107-,,Nortit:' v s :‘ Cont. ,stoed. by the doctors who lttended,.. . . school.,..._ ____.,...o.,_________::„, ..._ • him but his sickness had eintie - on *T;MaY'• 2,2=-4.1„5-Llililverweeds vS. F" ne-. shortlY7iffeir-lie-hard..„-drank----Wat.e.r.- from! a . water lap . Which .hed ' not , , _ ,1 , , - , May 29 -6.15 ---Bankers :VS* PU:blie:been Used for some Uoie, There AP- • peared t� be syniptema of poisoning June ' 1-6.15,7N or t-11-7-ve-411iiblio, '. ',Schoel • r ' • age, and was on a, -rawn--rnear-.Gran:' Jens -2-7'.-5-145't-South 'ire Panthers ', ': !ton; ,just.,acres,a the l'oati, from the June 4 -4.15. --Cont. selieiel vs. B7 Langford family' home. Ile leaves ,e Scouts - - ,. 4 , . •'. • • . wife and two children. ., --...... , . 141910435Vailliel ' _of4ge :,..hild a position as. bookkeeper ..\-Osear Langford who was 2,4 years June 4-.-6.15-South is, Factory May, 22:--4:15!-Cpiit.: • khool .42 -,v8: in St: 'Mar:Mk: He also :leaves• a- wife . . • • . Publie':Schoot -', .. and two young children.. 'June 1-.--4.1,5-Publie •schbol. vs. Cont The two brothers were laid to, rest' • school (I). • in Burr 'OncieteriN the .One (*.Friday jime 4-2:157,--Fiaahlights ys,.. Cent. and 04. 9thoi, on Monday. Their, mo- , , . ,.,.• ., • .•. , . thert three• brothers and four sisters' of ach • team .Js ,---flio_Lna.cri!.00 ,stanli-ogr---lell ,c.i...,,...,:,:_oze:74.1*'- ra. vivii""Le-20,vi; Herbe.:1,12i, Granton, Percy -67--r-a---Tii--,ro.,,,,,....04:70wwleo:;o7s:.:-AirelF,--OTet;It. .:'an'ITritPite for each a. 4 evipti: gpme of toielito; , re; jf.-D:-.--Birtne-,.-.40.&..Prs.;-- Mrs.---.D;..7phillips; Vice;•Pres.; td be played , by his di- 4.ier team. , .., 2!‘. erich; • Mrs,. S. Lingard,- -Stratierd.. 711— . Will allAhoie Who hive , not paid Kra. E. Elliott,...Winnipegrlifts. Ern; ' eir ..0e,. wildly nenniunleate With :est •Il _ lacklerr_L, St.o.M.0a01:4_;:.„-.7-...'' Dr. Johnston the; See.4teas. at once.' CHURCH NOTES Mr.JtoyLangf�rd 35 Years of , •Tr .:„ Bp sin ess,•coliege ''Xiie.Madeline Gaunt whe at- tending 'ham was home for. the hOlida3r, • • • , •• Mr, borne Firth, of Toronto, 11.41r, and !frat,' Chas. Firth. • "awl Mrs. ,Firth,, of•L'oncloir 'were visi$Ors :With mte. R. K. Miller -ono day this : mre. • Jervh: iMessrs. P. Moffat and ..jolin -14eKen4 of Moffat, . Mr. *isk.;.,coicioii,:•:one. Mrs, Hollnes 'St 'CaMPbelliille were week' end visitors With, Mrs; Metel*e. .• and • Loyd phaape riootin,ed on Friday to &Md.,: iiskir to Spend the week -end with their uncle Mr. Phillips --:-Miss--.7-Anna-Stuart-was;--hoMe-froni", Torente over the holiday. . The :S•acrement of the Lord's 'Sup- per will be observed in the Presby- terian: church next S.,:riday morninft Preparatory Friday morning it 10.30 When Rev Mr. Galan. of South Kinloss will preach: • . Miss Margeret .Itintoul of Toronto iiday et-her-,11-0Tific _ Tho W; M, S. of the Presbyterian einirch will gii,61,Un.,-evenink .Fri• day June 5, when Rey. II. Nerdy) Of Dungannon-7iiill give. an illustrated lecture On .'Vandyke, the Other Wise, Man." Other numbers .be given. The .Annual meeting Of the .Wo Men's ,Institnte Won: held at Mrs. 7-Ecii.---Them's-'-on-thinaday-litst. when IC Miller; •District officers, Mrs. Nay: -lot Mrs. Thorns Mia W. I. IVIiller• Auditors, Mrs. D. Todd,. Mrs. W. I. Millor..Pianist Mrs Wallace Committee,. Mrs. McFarlane, gr.& J. LSrph, Mrs. Cuni- Ming, Mrs. McGee; Miss M. C. Rnth- Ward, NiSS A. McKenzie, Miss ; • 'Oriant Delegates to ..Goderich .'DiS- trict Meeting, Mesdanies G. Webb, B -IsTayldr,- E. J{ Thoma, giaet. There will. he a meeting -Of' the cont- . niittee ThurSday Ovening. of ;this , . A very. enjoyable time was ot the...Rifle Range on Monday, the 25th, When about 45.,marksmen were present.' The mateh with. • Elwell 'xiirebster and .Harris ptirtion .as tain'a Was very interestine. Pardon's s'ide winning by 25 points. Vile total points .on each side being 868 and: 893.. The following are the eighteen highest scoresmade out of a.poasible 70. Wallace 62; Will Webster (50; Bettis Purdah: 00i . 'Saito 1Viiller, 59; George Webb 59; Elmer -Pirriltirl' 58; John Webster 58; Elwell Web- ster 57, JamesAithison57; J. John., Jos.sto Uflsto5r7 uAjr HughesnlInerAnderson n5: 4P.. W:41 i;1 In' 74; t I I I AdamWebb54 'WHITECHDRCIE• , Robinson 56; . Woods 56; Mr. and ' Mrs,. Russel Reid, of BOY BADLPittliTE'N ' Remit(' rerotetihe..ten4ear4ld eon of Mr. and Mrs. James Order rwai'.severly bitten by a' hoturd while at the home Of a neighbor on Satur- day last.. The hand -tree' enjoying 'nap in;the torn and as the !ad passed *oarbim iwan -.up snapped••at AiiO.410i4lieo,,iptiloektrOateh'inar-10) !nr; the'llPebetIrtehig bay.-••Was.'immediately taken to 'Lucknow . where - Dra Connell and Johnston 4dressed the •Wetinchi, tee stitches- .being necessarY.-. It. is diffi- cult to -understand. WhY People' should keep dog Of Such a Vicious temper about. One, offence:of this sort by any ,clOg' should ,he enough .to war- rant :,hie destruction. Limnua. DANCING HOURS Whigham. Teem . Council at their leet-Oession4assed-4-.444, coling: for each petty putting on: a . .dance in,:ttle 'town t� Paya, license fen ..of. st to the Corporation.. Its also stops all' dimes .at 1 Ole& '.The reps - of the _IL.Oeur_.heing ,introdueed was :because of- 'confider-Oleannoy ,- 1111C0 by rOvidvisOf.ai‘A'Oie'after.a recent . donee: citizens _complained that they were aroused 'froin.., their, COuld net, get, to • sleei'for :the dis- turbance. ,. . , • TWOHOMES BURNED • Two destnietive and cOstly., -fires oceurred 18 tfe:,northern4part of K41110S11., on WedneadaY ofilast Week. both; we understand, .due to faulty Chirnheyn; The,, .tresidence of Ben Montgomery caught 'fire shout noon :and 'before being discovered gained finch headway that the antes ' COuld not .be gotten Under ooOttai: ., A few 'hours • later the ,Stick resi- dence of Watson-SCettt near Purple Gtoye.,caught fire, Thin fire occurred in the attic and nithough a part 0f the roof was cut 'away in an effort to get at the fire7it'finallt,. got hn.. •yond control, 90, the interior and reef Of the building Wera:Complete- ly consumed. This was a :Very "Igood beam and the.losif 18 both Cases is tenons. - ' : -'• 8hint erain the -wee smii' hours and TEA illEE'rING AT 111,AKE'S , , the Ladies' MCI. of ChOreh, are giving"a tea intieting On June Ist. :Supper served Item 6 to, 8 O'clock. The program. will b� ilien by Coder- . to49.)).-141404-_•"2-14ri..-•*tzeOlOni004i-nar,V:,. -tonei,-14*--liattndere,7-SOPrinec Mtg. ,0111Ctiy, tn. tortainer, Mt. modiblie, ,oecompoilist It*it iorti *Muted _41_4' teal *Out'. 444104.01011- 25e. Mitircte- . to ;4 1.4.. :1.114 47.4440,..0 8101,1". 011114 '411011i 44 11 $101411,4 foot- 11:Ilk111" '1 0' i11' v1711'111'ir' SOAR The -congregation 'Of Kiwi Church, 'Kincardine which, by ,k large ,Majee- ity; Voted ;lotto enter the ,vUnited Church, hair . extended, i,call"-to the Rev., ;Mr. • McCnikagh of 4;ondon. t 2 They offer a St4iiend. 0,42000 a Year, • _ 'Rev. II "White of Ethel, Methodist .circuit. haaccepted- call 10"a..Con sgrelfatienal church, in \United ,States, Rev. F. 0. Overand; ,of Kincardine fernier 'firstor • if Knok churen hasreceived a tall, to the " United churelt at. Beentsville. Thia' .w formerly ,• the Presbyterian church,: but voted to enter Union. The Guild Meeting of the Pres- byterian Guildwas held on 'Tuesday .night of this week. Mr: M. Arm- strong president of the society :oc- cupied the 'chair. The, --,chief feature of the -program- was „an.Laddress by the Rey. Mr..- Scobie of Whitechurch This address' was, Most inspiring and enaursiging to -the young Lpeople. Mrs'. Decker ,read the Scripture les- son, and Mrs. Wm. - MacKenzie. and ,-Mrs,-igurdoch--seng... a solo "Light at Eventide" -4 • number which wa s very' much enjoyed' This will be the last' Meeting ...of the iGuild--until 'Sep- tember. The Rev. K.. A. Gollan preached his farewell sermon in South Kinloss last Sundey:. Mr::.:Gollan being , 18 favor of Church Union, and the Sonth Kinloss eofigregation.:_.ihaving, voted against entering the United Church, he had, resigned some, tine ego, the resignation to take effect by the tenth of June. Next Sunday be- ing, Anniversary at . .Seuth • Itirdoss,. the Rev. *t. Reld,',Who,preceded Mr. , Gollan , inthe pastorate,:,will preach. and on the „following Sunday Mt. Gollen.expeets to be at the General Assembly,: at Toronto. Although his 'pastorate in South Kinloss will ter- minate by June 10th, Mr, and Mrs Gollan will dentinue to occupy the Manse forsome time; :the, Beard of Managers having granted that priv- ilege until they require ,the residence for another minister. • S....KINLOSS ANNIVERSARY • . tAnniversary services , Will be held in Sohth Kinloss • 'Presbyterian Church next Sabbath. May. 3\10t,• at 11 lott,Nand 7p,m, The. preecher fer the day will hothe Rev .• J G.Rei4 of ESies; a former palitor., Everybody. welcdnie ' sidethlg ottlio 'Literate tiftildit' ,to Mr Siadome: Office On 'Thursday. 'evenina .of -this' week .„.(May 28) to. ,artange for the ,sendilifc Of delegates to the • Conveitztiott to 10- bold nt '.1,141.tiottoo •."1. *Pi " • ' eostetb.Pirsi ist; Itiogoopio,::cvmaer • in Ttv1.0 •. Brentford spent tho, 'Week -end ' with „ . the fornmrS parents here Mr.„.•aq: MV3. Fred,. -Stanley of Lucicnow spentj.the. week -end with. Mr . and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy: Miss -Nettie -Lott Of 'Bruss-els vis- ited0 e r the holidays at her .• hoine here Mr.. Gibson Gillespie Made a has- itleon trip to: Goderich on 7tiesdtly, ' Born -On. May lith 1925 " to Mr and Mrs'. Walter ,Mison"ot Westfield •twin , boys. .COngretulati , s. Yrs., Mason was forinerly •Ms Ethel CiOW. Mr. And Mrs. George. loticknOW, visited on Mond hortie. 'of Mr. Win:, Fishet. 'Mr. Charlie 'Henderson visited a, few days with lits friend Mr, Bruce Martin' at laticknOvv. ; • -.• Mise Lila IltnnplireY Of Si Helens is: visiting with friends and ,relatives here • . ,Mr. Carl Lott and Miss Agnes Shtell of kineardine •viSited over the week -end. it the, former's' home, .heie , MisseS. Annie .Arnigtrong and AIL ba FOX are Visiting relativea in Galt, , . Miss' }Igen* Thoma d St. Helens Visited.a few! days With Mri. David Mi..0.§Lida_MiQuoid • visited a few :daYSIeetWeeleticiaiOde idrel- 'fives at ,CroW-e. and ...attended the fonere.r.of the •late Mr.s Alhert":Mos: lies; of it the • .mt-, .George -SH-" mos. Jean Ken- netly%visited on 4nday .with their sister :14r8, tarry Tieliborie at God.. elicit. • vo, and Sm. Aiexz4 puttleln 4.4d elir wooc-oscl with trisodi, ' We are Sairy 10'." report 'Master Ronald Foster to lia e been WO, jr\,, bitten on the, fire by a og last Sot - "dal'', 'It 'rOnpired ten stitches. , to- ., , • . c•ose the wound, 'We. ' hOiNi f04 .4 3peedy improvement. We wore ve'rY. Pleased to • ,IniVe.. Mr - Earl Anderson of l3elgraVe.., occupy t h e Pulpit i n . the - Presbyterian ^bomb. last ,Sunday. ,Mr: -..'Ander8on, .48 been doing niisii!onary -.Woilc•am-. sang the fereiignersand returned :soh- Afora, 'St Sandi Laice•,:. Manitoba .- 1,AFEKING -_,............. • :Mr. Eltion„..TWamley Of Chatham,: sPent the holiday at hs home • The • Mafelcing • Beef -ring starts --next -r-viiik. Wednesday is distrilaut: 'W da ' • .• MisS Beryl -Johnston Was 14tome from Tordwick over , Sunday. , • ' Miss Frances Fittgerald of Can, 'field" afti,was•-hAinie--tor , the-holidey.-; •' and • Mrs; Joe Day. end.. gr. nd Mrs. Will Begley • of Hamilton inoterect up Saturday .,and • visited ov- er :the weett-endiwith_gt...._and-grs,... Herb. Curran and 'relatives -at -.Crewe. -Don't:, visa the tha-meetiig at B'elte's chinceli Monday June ist. 'See .Adv. for particulars.: Misses Olive Anderson and Grace lilidce were ,home ov- er Sunday. , • • Harvey, • Olive and Elsie' Anderson spent 'Sunday afternoon with .:Zion friendsOwing:: . "' • ' , • to the, pastor, Rev De Witt' _.-„Cd,s„e.u,s-2.7---:absericea•-t--Canference7 preaching, services ivere,, Withdrawn • on the: , Ashfield circuit Sunday but Sunday_.,schools. were held is •uspal.. Mr. • • and Mrs. n, Jas... Edwards are, spending. .a couple of .weeks with relatives at :Walkerton .and..Paisley. . . FOR SALE- Washstand • & hureair, White iron bed & 'springs, Wirefenc- ing,. Ice box, Range,. Coal or wood. Dim* table, extension; Bathroom. *linoleum, rag 9x12, quantity of lin- oleum. 'Copibination • books -ease • and deide, two rugs,. 9x25; Border lino- leum, • Brass-'hed & springs, Ward- rotre;..sinell chairs,. Go-cart, Kitchen basehOrner, white - bed & springs,. 'curtains, Dells, house, Pr crutches. -Apply The - adian Bank ..of:,,agronierce,. Luckn 1-6-75 f spqaiai sariurda _ -Creatil PiiffS .Chelsea Buns Cream Slices StawbOrry Tartlets 'Devil's -Fruit Cake Home Made Whole Wheat and Raisin **oil 'Butter and Eggs at -Top „Pricet! ollyman's Bake Phone .*5 -;Lucknow ASHFIEL,I) NOTES . Dr. and Mrs, :A. K. Sirnhp• and Stewart of Haniiltou visited for n. few- days at his old home at 'Lothian. Messrs; ',Richard, Herb, •, Clarence •' ..'inti_itee_llarger and they unele Mr: Peter Glazer of Toronto rnot�red up and spent ; sevcrab, 8aYs visiting at • : the home of their aunt Mrs Barger of ' tan McRae who tend, --ing , GSgoode ••:College -of -•Ltrivt-in, Tor -- Onto for the past/ season was 'home for a fen; 'days, ' •Miss ,Catharine ...viO4 of Fothwioh -spent-the--weekend wittr=her7Oients AmberleY.. • - • • • .Miss Bessie. Grant of 'Colborne Os= , ited with her ,parents and Mrs; Roly Grant ilemithik • Mr. Den Rose of Ilethlocir City' is hi--spending-a few days at the Soo with'; s father Who is • sick.. • s ' Mrs.. Roherf'Struthers.' and 0 . ,spent,the---holiday • With ,Mr: and Mrs. Rory Ceinnbell of ' Miss' Ellecla.; Irwin of. Toronto spent the week end with her perentS7', • . , Mr. end'. Mrs: • Toni IrWin, of , near '• 9 INMEMORIAM ,In lo -in g ireinery'. of; our dear, , ther Sarah Ensign, : who died three Years May 33th 1922 - "Deep inour hearts lies a picture of . a loved one laid to rest', \In ineiOrPi• frame we wiil keep -it. obedauSe'She was one of the best: . daughters; .Sons and Husband iberal ColisetvAtive:. Association . „ • • _ Of South Bruce Federal Ridhj • . " EN Meeting or the purpose Of Organization and other . important, Business. , • • 'Prominent Speakers will address the Meeting Ladies and Young People Cordially Invited Conveners Are Requested To See That Each Polling 0.• Subdivision Is Fully Represented M; 4 GOD SAVE THE KING .,..li.RANEY; .. ...G. I. 'TVARMINGTON,' president, ., " . Secretary. W..•, . ... • .... , , • ,. - clogelsominnesminsmippoprompixpoir:flilairditi.1.11111hrott, Itritilitiliirm- . • cAtr...‘1";;AV 1 ;,41,W4M-sIVI‘''‘‘V",:. :`','S,''.:*•,',WWW•7,',AtV:AX0`AMIC.V.AVIaIsi,v141:ardiar/J - g k.-- liERI3ALIST, H8R8 i' s ,. Are you Suffering from any -Disease? . A'•, • .., 40, •• Mr. Murfin,. the prof)tietor of the Canadian Herb 1-4 Garden, aild exPett in Herbs, will beat the t' gain flotise;\ Lucknow - ONE DAY ONLY — -, D,NSDAY,:..11j,NE. 3rd. -- ULTAT O ---1 • • ervouln-eao,0 alie,otnatish10;Xt la xi-de*avotipos, pfabttos, Vighes-Oisense•'•''StoelichAiVer-kitillet'Yr'Neffillig.$/itIOOd*OieSS? ure, Heart Tienbles1.1.:ConatiPtition and till Disease's. - There is an Herb:for every Disease OgI4E-M4Ert THE b.A.Tt 404clitteinAraxiitott*,:o4...vAtowAottasetAtow,04..., iS