The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-07, Page 1• X in M'1 14. $2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; t2',60 OTHEE,WISE... .UCKNQW,/QNT., THURSDAY. MAY 7th. G,. ........... 0-L0-0-0=-0 4 •0 1 . 0 PROFESSIONAL • CARDS 0 Y TEIUNAILY'. S. URGED .*- 'Dr• . Keleher Ripley; Phne' 29, eight or day tat. PARKER. ,;STEOPATH. at `ths ''Gain .LLcknow,every Wed neaday afternoon •_ All' ohreaie.dis- eases ' successfully ? treated..1, .Osteo• Dr, :Balfour, : -bae been treating" himself to a new Dodge • Sedan. Ms.•C elv}n Reed Lias exchanged his i t Maxwejl touring car for a: aplend- Maxweli Sedan. Drop;nto Reid's I�ee. Cream, Parlgt andvea haFruit Sundae . pr Ice. Cream Soda. This week Lueknow. tnere)ftnts close ti eir4etoxes • Thursday;;•, after- noon for'the first time thus •season <Miss dean •Iial;lenby-. of ,Westford, to hY,ialruaea d h k tl l it • nathy idmove4 e p a. c is spen ink t e wee wiz Yer s a e . of-' disease Arjustn*cflt Ot the Mrs. J I. Andoran.. "o,f rnuon,_ spine is>�mors quickly secured•and with tower oiibnentaother •by Ostmetheo od. ;' nathv than by . any Physician 'and Surgeon Lueknow Boort 2-4 7-8 PhOne 96 • Dr:: Johnston s iattending,the: Medical Convention in, Toronto and .will ; not . be in his office on May. 7th We Would respeetfully remind the weatherman who is .sending.- those anow flurries that this is May and • SOFT -BALI: SCBEDU Mgens' Teams ,1925 May 7 2.30-Norti vs:; South -,-.441V-"Bankers vs,. Continu- ation school May 11-6.16 5ilverwoods 'vs, Pan' 'the:r0., May.14-2.30--North *v°s. Bankers ;Scouts. vs. Pao •tory. ' „ 615 -South vs. `.Cont school May' 18--.4.151-- tfblic� `s. e h.o o Cont, School May 13-6 15 -;Public • sc b, 0:0 I •,Y s. • • Pantbers May 21-2.30—Bankers v South MaY'22-6.15—Silverwoods vs. BOY Over 'Decker"s t or e. Extraction either by gas Or loeal. be in Dinigannon every Thursday. ' Phone 53 DENTIST: , Call Dr.:Newton • TeWnshiP hoe bought. the lot at the on it) Mr. Wesley • Henderson of the - boundary, West has bought the Nor- man ,Mathielson, property, and, we understand, 'will come to reside' in r. John Barbour of Saskatoen is Mr. Archie .Borbour. He came east. to 'attend the funeral of lits- sister. the nevit-Chey?elet Coupe, the 1925 mode ,being "a very: niee-leoking ,machine. He,,, disposed •••. of his 'Ford sedan z short time ago. . ..The, regular Meeting of the men's Institute mill 'be held. nt'the home ox...Xra. Allan Turner on Frt.* tion pf effitters-,-Refreshinerita served 'have ,added to My Wall: PaPer aid Paint Mildness a stock of Wall 'Piper which may , seen EGGS AND CoicKuisis Improve Your' flocks by intirodueing rheavY, hardy, healthy red :Reek Malea up to eleven Penn& Anatradan ,White Leghorn males up ' "get size and produCers 'of large eggs. Egg° for hatching '85.00 per 3.uo. , phone .611 r 42. Duncan KennedY.. FOR SALE— Eggs for hatching 'from (Bred to lay) Plymouth Barred Rocks. -Also: Custom - Hatching done Ordera' filled received. --Phillip • FERTILIZER—Car Of Gun's Sure - gain fertilizer now unloadiog at the C. N. R,Station, Brands suitable for AUCTION SALE ,Ifenneth 1VlacDenald, Lot 2. Con 4, Kinloss' wia lave an anction sale of farm' Stock • and implements ;on Tuesday May• 12. commencing at One , -o'clock— coats and lot of Yount) . cattle in good condition; alsO:a lot of 'unk, horst Highest price hair. feathers! a sell 'before seeing' FOR SALE -7 -House and Jot: fraine Jamea., Burns, 14-4-0 ',Purebred- 4horthpros old, duet° freshen in Maw and june. Made Rite' (Pastry) 64..00 Wheat $146 feed flOir $2,00 . Screening chop $32.09 pee ton.' ay. ,..297.6.1„57:3chanookiere • Fac - Public • Ate•ef. Roe* Walkerton -114e dent ef Church work among the non - Angle; Saxon pepelatien• Handlten ,children will MoVe ,Ifitnailton ;May 1.1th. -The .seiary • boliab-.; the.. Burgesal came, .:1000A40.74.:.• I - Ap1.4EpBy. s An Earnest And korceful Preacher) And Ova* MisSed,, `t6:Walkertion• seven. years ago ‘and the 'lletliodist$•.ohilrch resigned' follOwing the 'v,Ote,,of the and. complunit•y•‘;dilte 'Vas tho.,4eatb of the., Rey,' Robert MacCalluni Church. He had. always stron,gly fa; representing the eon" kregation and 'Pailig. •SunciaY afternoon Aim men congregation on .ehterrng the United give n majority against, ' Lodge, of 'Which Mr.'Maccalluns was , were made. pie; renutins will Arrive , 3. is here by the aOon train, on Wednes- great•worker among. young men talc- • ,gains.... He is, a splendid timpire for clay' Of last ,week, :in; his -antoniohile ister, of the Presbyterian .,Church here, -which' occurred at. Ailsa Craig last Sunday morning. To many of his intimate, friends at Lucknow the in- formation that he.* -as dead, was to thein the first intimation that he was not a4,4well .and active as ever.-.Deatlt, was due to pneumonia .w.hich devc- Vored union but .the .congregotion five representing the': docal Masonic , ,a, member, "motored to Ailsa Craig 'The Rev. 11. A, Nellei•man who fel where arrangementii for the funeral sometime bas been pastor of , the ine un.,pctive,part. in field sports and Mr. MaCCallum had left on Moo - Bruce towa in, that canacity giving Hamilton and London; at Bel., unfailing ,satisfaction. gi:ave and at Ailsa Cridg on the, way. He had. intended tO leave Mrs. 111i.c- The Y. W.•It S.. Callum with friends at the latter Placv ontil ,his :return. from London.. • The. April meetiog • of the' Y. "'W. Which developecL„durinc• the 'day an( . Aitchison On the evening...0 at Aliso; Craig he took 4 severe . m. s. ,ivas hem at the home .af He had been, . suffering frOm a cold The Rev. Mr,. Wiley, and Mill; NI: ley, of • Ailta,Craig are with Mrs. MacChflum and family it the -Manse and Mrs.. Wiley that the late Mr. "The talk of "the town"—That new GolderfaCrust and 'Golden Brown Bread got at ./R•eid's Dominion Bak- ery, Phone. 68--•Weelt _end 'speeiels: Sponge> cakes; Jelly, Smits, Date ,Tul- leys, kried cakes, Tea biscuits and WHERE A1(E- THE POLICE' Our policernen, .these . quiet "directors Of traffie, •,nre slow in Coin: big out, thts year., With the- autonuo! pr.e, .almost• in. frill swing they' ought fo be • On the job. •They ,are troublelanne tO the chap who is in an awfnl-nrry it the ,Street corneys erted itrithin the past 'week would hive been if the traffic cops 14ol•been on. the; Joh- An- taw-ne have ,theitt aWkward -• and • danger. ous ':•interseetions,-.7"dangerous„- •' we mean; ler high-apeed- traffie. GODERICH On .Monday Police Mi4istrate .41. Reid.-- handed • out . penalties of '9200,and Costs in the,cases of Sam Scotto of Kincardine, and' Harold' 'erich, On charges of violating the 0. ,:the' latter ,casei• Inspector Pellow: vinited the hotel: en Sunday night''and is••naid to Save ?met WW1 -- toner leavini. a, back roonti. with twa glasses', containing 'a Small amount of whiskey. The inspector Mao re• Torte& finding -in •the room; a. freshly DANGEICOP GASOLINE This is the catellit of A rOla ceinedy, to be preselfted iiii,Methaitit'eliiireh--• at -:0rewer-: by- -,- the youpg people %f nthe ,Dungankstm. u'onday fiat' 'rut oornti.m7,1_ 0111'. Min". the boekkeeper _wink .? Which there will not be a nev, work. she wits 1.0441, - buried Abut telc . Mir .giVen. by',Miss Elizabeth Henderson ,tWo. little girls faVereil, the Society. 1,iVith.solos....Wirinifrecl Aitchison sang 'and Mary sting. "If wei.e June 16-15.00—Factory vs. Pantleti BC school: , June 18=-4.16.LCent. school vs. ' theirs. --4.15—Senth ye: Boy Scents June 22-6.1fi,,,--Factory v s, North June 2a -6.1.5—S euth vs. Public Ladies'. Tema , school 2 May,•18-6,15--Public school Public school June 1-415—COnt. school 1 vs, • Public school - June 4—.615—ToWn vs, Cont. school •June 8-615—Public school vs , Town v s. :With iigaabline on TuOiday, of • *last .wealt..14, Wee using.' the liquid, to , clean .greaae :off the door near the ofllee,sJand, owes rubbing it 10th a mop. Vie friCtion 'evidently caused and _With:1110e. As the re, in ,volie:fi,ipt- :-blew4a Urge plate:ease ea Roar and invaded the Office 'where' 1 vs June 11-4.15—Cent schoof 'MONDAY ' NIGHT'S CONCERT The concert :given- in the Town, Hall MoridaY night wit..4-• under 8.11S-, pices of the Lueltnow ',Sports; Club,. the talent being the Abell ConeeA Company Wingham. 'The' Hall was fairly well ahd the' crowd Was Well entertained, „With a varied pro. gr4m; The': first mart conshited of oguew end dances; and the second "That Itascal• Pat" In this Mr. Bert Abell• took the leading Pert of "The Rascal" and was. easily.. the: star sc- at •S, resourceful and witty, In - who Were -on fighting iernis got- Into, nuntr took the topie. and, gave an interest - mg paper .on Central India -21396,- 0(10 souls in ' Central India . ir heathen darkness-,Misa Lib: Murdie read the life stery of a Hindu eon - vert -as told by the Missionary,. Rev. amounted to 44.80. Sr; jack Bralison '9 Phillips 1Vienaly 86, 'Edith. Smith 8 -Clarence Greer 877-7-MYnona Pali 80; Lorraine: Bralson '79', Eyel3;n, 86, Ada Watson 80, Arthor Andre NiicOn 19, Stella -Stewart 78, Bru e Martin 77, •gari Murdoch, 76, Carlyle MacInt9411 75, Bertha Milne /5 Alex Smith 70; Almedii Durnin Jim Stewart 68, 'Elwyn Pentland :6 Harald Johnston 67! SteWart tor. ish s maste with eac baritone v ice,. and Mist,. Sato Map Lean, soprano, contribUted _Solos, • Mr. .11,1tss, Kerley"' Maylor. !Wise Bessie Abell ivith knovin *.en-' prisIded at ..the the, directinn. .of the Presbytery 'of Maitland; follOwing which Old Light charge'ef 'die 'funeral. (We . go to press 'too. early to ..give further ay. vived by. his ' Wife, :three. daughters and two •sons—all now young, women: and pining Men:: -loan is teaching ;in HiMilton,• Martha' has a' Position Londen,, Margaret Is teadhing As, late as. Satin:19.3w., afternoon' the Wag' any danger.: Late Saturday night hewever he, began, to sink, and ,iii the early morning of Sunday .,members 4, of the :family who were here (all but the eldest daughter) were called to go to Ailsa Craig at once., They got awaY about.- six o'clack' and arrived shertly 'before the -end came. but while their father 'was still consciona and able te ,sPeak to them, The congregation here had -made- ,all preparations ler the holding of' the annual anniversary services, and 'many .received the saddening inferm- ation Of their. minister's death OnlY when they arrived at the church., The. ReV. Prof. Manson, of f KnoX Toronte had' been secured to preach ,at ,the services but. rWith the newS of. Mr; MacCallum's death qs, Archie .MacMillan 86, Mary Macintosh ,83, Alei Mae. - Kenzie -82, ;Frances Thornpsoo 78, Helen McLeod. 76, Pauline Reed 76..4. Winifred 'Arnistriing, 74,,' Isabel Ma -e• • Milian:74 Fred Stewart, .71, Latirxi mai be said -that Mr. atac• a• minister. being but little •Over .yelira.o.age. As 'a preacher he was forcefal and earnest always Putting his full strength into the.','deliverY pf his sermons. :His •earlyi years ,Nvere spent in • Malmo*, Scotland where for a .tirnele' worked as carpenter.. As a Young limn he '. ex- Perienced coliversksn' after which he decided to enter the. ministry. • came In this conntry and graduated from McGill University, Montreal. LucknOW was •Second regular charge, as a Presbyterian ,minister,t having been for four Years in Tara, He came to Lucknow in the spring Dinican who had accepted a call to Sault Ste Marie. IA *as a strong advocate of temperance and.. prohik. ition, and was favorable to Church pedals For Saturday Maderia Cakes Bon 'Touche Sally Browns Layer Cakes CreamSlices Chelsea Thms.. and Raisin Bread Butter, end Eggs It , Top .trieea S (Barred Reeks,' 0:414C GREATLY REDT.JCED PRICES Chicks. and, Hitch- ing Eggs; from ,hens orhigh, pro - greatly reduced 'prices Eight-weirold Chicks. 31.00 100%. I.,ive delivery of' Chicks: 80% fertility of eggs: guaranteed.. Place:Your Order Now. LI.14:JCA PB LL • 4,41 ;Phone: Blyth 10724 MAITLAND SPECIALTY FARM_ A. Geom. Liter I. Chem. F, 41g; Geoin. II lit !Jet, A. III, Fr, Comp: III, Fri The congregation, hoi.vever, met in NeedlesS to sok: the bereaved_fam. the church and: Prof., 'Manson cOn- iiY Pave tue oeep sYmpathy of the PRESBYTERIAN ,CHURCI1'..: — ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The anniversar,y services of Luck- noW Preshyterimi. church, arranged for laso &Oder' Were greatly upset by the death of. the Rev. R; Mr. ,MacCalluni 'had. arranged - With: the 'Rev. Prof, Manson of Knox Col, lege to collie and preach thespe. Webster 70, George. Webster 69, pial .serVices and he. had,come accord - 'Tom MacKenzie 68,; • Roy FinlaysOn ing arrangeMent., As elsewhere 67, Jessie Naylor 66, Arinstro NaWor 62, lVfariaret_ MacDonald ai,t1 -tlie;teet.,,' hands' And- toOf Ont, like* . A d atRi. asbeduled 'to, h.0 priven.,!St-. l'Ir°o1,7,41e1, %.001b.rt wauld liaSe 1104,0 Intrahad ,italv'ttr.tvh 01.bUt. 'Itie:tii.t41‘1000446:140to,w,thaloi yllteutleshieri Asmodnie; 11".;n'o;14/101:4;144,11•1;04tsrseilictrsoiliiii,soloih :_ilisii":04144:oloroitlitattobsoi:ssitiros,704. „ipove.,:olion•44001, the ovAn, toil ! 0 pop. got • • 'junior Plasi Possible Marks 27 227, Andrey Horne 219, Ellen .Burris 213, Itathieen McIntosh 212 Eile Johnston •212. .130, Muriel' SoloMon 187; Victor Bar-, rett 178, MOS. McRae 167; entirely'different form from that ar-• ranged fer, Prof, Manson, in -Stead of giving his intended address spoke to the saddened cengregation. Methodist %Church to hol4 , the.. even::` ing service in their Church, n: privil- ege whieh Wai cheerfully 'granted. In the evening the Methodist Chtuth .rwas peeked . to caoacity. The Rev. 'Mr. Cosens cooducted, the service and Prof. Manson Preached the,,ser, mow the 'Rev: Mr. •Gollan, of South. Fair _0.08 )_ Orsee Webster 166; ;Rinless and ._Reit. De Wit• Cosens of 164; Norman Taylor 161', Rutli Par - Senior ClaSa• possible marks • Lillian; Horne '211, George Joni 210. Good '060)--Isoher Herni;ion. 208;" Stewart' CollYer 206,- •,Leonard ster 204,.., Alfred. 'A'rmstrong 198, Douglas, Clark • 194 "ifenardiT'lhonip- • Ashfield also taking brief parts: 'Prof, Manson , took• his theme, "Jesus The Light of 'The World," giving an address , Marked throtigh- spiring pentiment, Prof:- ManSon has .a -fine presenee, a Most pleasing ,voice and. delivery and one feels that 'it is well that. such,as'llie IS ...teacher in otie of the 'great Collegea of 'the country. 'Ile is a.grailuate- GlaagoW 'LUCKNOW'; MIDDLE SCHOOL . TESTS Iliat, t; Phys F, Chem F, Geom Greorn...III, Lit. o. A: KetchaimwA. Hist V, PhYe, P, ne • -b . The ,Methotlist choir' which Jead in :J. Lane— A. ••Hidt, • nits. C: otulerson 140; Wobsier 189, neighbors fer-their',-kind- Mol5Onaid 182: George Whitby , tier detthi , tOecniti 40, ,COInti. C., - "Corns COmp,, Lot: .03nm loft Onirt CI Tr..A, Niagara district, with the' encooroge- , :inept Of -thp 'Dfpaitmerit of Agricul- ture, will obServe "inossorn Week," - May 17 te 24th. 'Its a clever. and ed through the district so ,that it, .May be seeii to best advantage,qt is ture't that it 'would be • 'well to en4 this way' get the People of different districts , to know more about the camidian awl' Ontario conteats 1924 - White f..eghorns as .Winter egg pre-, ing yOur baby chicks-, why not bny :Canadian :chicks. 'with Yeara of 'good ,teputation back of -them, When they ciiii be secured at practically the same cesto as Anierican• chicks, Leg= necesaral for You ttr: :place-. your: Walter. •