HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-23, Page 1e • , . • ' 1 1 1 1 • $2 00 1I4 :OAR, IN Apii'ANGE; $2.4.orft1Osp •, , , ••• 411101.4%1001^ r A.0.01L, 23r4, 1925, . • C cOPiE.S, 5GENTS.' 4 PROFESSIONALI CARDS 0 1 * . . . . • VETKILIKARY SURGEON.-- Dr.. ,itiPleks_ThonsgOi wr daye-4.f. • , R.•PARlipItt';'‘og/TEOl'ATH, at the • Cain HoUsoi.1.‘nnknowAr:every •.a, nesdaY..afternecia. • All .• di- aes treated, , Oriteo; '''VathY 101ifovea, the•••01).Yffieffi *Ogee. 'of. disease .A.diustniant o tbet• . ,apine is. More auickir•secured„ind - .with • fewer,. treatments'. by ()stern• ,' nathytban. by any other method, •• , • • Dr. W. M. Connell • Physician gad Surgeon ' Locknow - :Hours 2-4 ,t ' 7-8 • • Phone'86 ••••Rev.' A. C, Stewart ' Action! , CHURCH NOTES • anent a day' last week with his sister .. • - • Mrs. H. J. ChConnt., -DENTIST • 1)r. 11, L Tneleavenuelt•now-•• Over • Decker's Store. Extraction either by gas or local. ' Will be' in Dungannon every 'Ibursday, • t • fi Phone .53 ,DENTIST • • ' Call Dr. Newton Make appointment. • ' • ,In office everyday • 'Miss Lorna cantlibe!t•lat on Wed- )1eEldkeInfi•rninn to visit friends •ii TOrOkto: • .4 ." . Mrs. Percy Harris and little !ion and .daughter of Wingboos:. visited _With friends in Lucknow the past' week, .••• • ' „ 7. •, Greakoph;'Who. has been in TororitO- during.. the 'Winter has re*,"' terned 'and is. again. in the, lank l*iiinePa• . • •''• M ' f r7sf' roo, r..' „Pence' as PO at reCovr itedfrontthe etcent iiperation that she was. able' to come home from the hospital on timidity.: 'Mrs, A. •Meston of Vancouver, B. C, Miss Esther Lyon of Lonclesboro, , • and MISS Jean Spindler 'of 'Toronto are visiting with,.,Mr and Mrs. John Spindler. •• • ' •• Miss Bessie Chesnut whe has -spent- the L 1)ast-winteinnvith2.re1atives, . school there, spent 'Easter week. with her parents, on the .6th Kinloss. • ' Bills are out 'announcing.bOX Social anddance at the Parish Hall Dungannon Friday evening of this week, Apr; 24. The Harris Quartette will ,furnish • music: 7„ Mr, John Hackett has sold ;:the residence'. bought ' last fall ,frina 'Mr. Darrow, .to Min,, J. S. MacKetizie-,of 'town who gets posseeien'• the •fiist ' :1 have added to .Papel -, and Paint - bushieSs, a stock of Wall Paper which. inav be ,.:Seen at, • resiaenre r•ny tinie.-.-4.• J. Cameron; Painter and Decorator I" FOR. SALE, --A very .Comfortable' dweinag, in gOod' to Geo •A:•Sicidalf. •114-c FAI9ktolpiA*D* FOR. SALE- Several wclV100-ace farms ..con- , venieit.,to Loam*. Apply to Gee, Siddail.-Lucknoyv. • . EGS AND aigeKENs Pnprove Your flocks by introducing some of mi heavy, hardy, • healthy :". eng-promieets..All bred -to -nay; Bar-. . • red Reek !males 'up' to eleven' pounds. Austin:Ian: White Leghorn, Males up • to 'Seven', Bred to large hens. You get size and producers of large eggs. •'.1,:ggs--„for„-hatching____$5.00 per 100, Baby Chicks day-old to "Anon -01..4)1d, 'free from disease. Reasonable prices on request... • . Priene 611 r 42. Duncan Kennedy, ' . • . • :Whitechtirdn; Ont. . • FOR; SALE Eggs for hatching , from (Bred to lay) Plymouth Barrea '. Reeks. Also Custom Hatching done Orders 'filled as received. --Phillip •S.,'Stewart. •" • 19 -3 -ti • • , .BA131(•-CHICKS- S, C. White Leg- ; .horns, May hatched 18c each- M.' Clifton, IL 2, Lucknow, Phone 70 _ ; --,K4shyterien:'!Goild . • ,• pre$ranline. at Guild thia weak 'Oa in 'charge Of the. Devotion- al Committee, The Seri.Pthre:sles0Oil NYS-rend by Mrs. M. MacKenzie, Annie *Crieoaht *ad', Kenneth" Muir,' die gave reodinga. The topic.. -q,TO. • •coinicionct•,hifinenee" vas taken DenglaO.., The.. '•inasiCal' niembets, ' were' aoloa by • ...1Mrs. J W. 'JOYnt .and-Aiii44114ri .'W.j4hesoo; an , , . „ (resale • iltIcitenx,19: and s.arectiona by tlie Orchestra.,., •The programrne etinani-iftea'will talt0tite. meeting ..tteat.,:,14eeicy; Church • .The Luelcnok. Methodist chuXeb will 'automatically 'enter the ":0nited. 0,inirch.' Of 'Canticle, i June 104. Special inoilg0al. services will be vi - ranged for for ...end • 011 department.,8 Of the church' will b�: re -organized. and re -officered, according to the •eonstit•-' ution_of the Basis," of Union. ,• ' • • ,•yOpRTg CON. KINLOSS., , ;The hO.Orke :of Mr.. R. ThOMP801 04' the Fourth had .a 1.111)..r0W,. eacalie 'froni head *de0tr9Yett ..by fire Tne*- 41436. moping: Vortinirtelii, the wind was '-faverable and neighbors , were :.prenVtly on hand, and: soon had, the iiieronder control.' - • 11"` 't Inn 1-1 -es/11 ay , e t -ere was a Jorge, at .: the •U.; F. V„ 0. •rneetingit the ''honle,„of .• : 115tivefal,.ei•the ..fai•rneta haVe 13,ut..-SuC1er • " "0' • ' Mr. A. ".)Detr it.onald of ,. visit- ed at •the. hone Of mr, .Angn's .Donald 011.• the VOart14100 week., Mrs. Fraser of 1.4icknow,- Spent .a ,day lest week with. her datintiter, Niro. Tyndel IlobinSeir • . '.„.•,_ Mt, and Mrs. George Bel of Tees-: waiter viSited' with Mrs. D. Morrison one. day last: week, ,, , ,• „ ,iIiss Beatrice Macintosh of Tor., , . Dotigald during the Easter vricatioo. • Miss Hannah .McD•Onald, of Detten is".herne:for the summer ta:ionths • • Mr: IL .j.Ohnson of Lastowel. is :bus- ily engaged .these. days in drillThg a: Weil for Mr., 1."ymial. Robinson.. • .A 'number froM,..liere. took intilc. box sa,cial en,d dance it Lochalsh last, Tuesday. night.... The play'l. was, 'yery . • , inucti enjoerr .ny an present: • r . y Harvey -31cDerigal, our school, teacher SPent.a. few,days in, ;Toronto •duriti . the; 'Easter yaeatica:. • • - -ed seeding andhave • nothing to do' ,Methodist Church • " : 7 • The paston..will Preach the Annual •Sernion'to the Independent 'Order of Oddiellows, Sundayat11 •a.nti, At the evening, service • by • special re-; ; quest he will re produce ReV. 'Dr, CenwelPs • famous lecture on "Acres of Diamonds" Presbyterian 'Church • The services of next' Sabbath be conducted by the. Pastor "Special Anniversary Services Will :be held •;ori, , vends of Mr:Al . i i. wi pleased to know that ife. is ecover- ing froin'a. seveke attaek ot7inflarn- niatiOninone of hi. eye. He Was Wirighairi Hospital' the 'past week andergoing treatment' Cards of ',Thanks -Mr. , and. MO; „George ',Hunter and farnily wish to . , thank 'the kind friends and neigh -- bort i.vbo were :Orr 'thoughtful aod, sympathetic .at the time of their recent bereavement. ' •• IlinheOt'tride for'all-kinds • of junk,- .• horsehair and feathers. . DoriVsell before seeing- . , A. GrOskopf; flicknoW. , •. , , criow_aog • Dave ':McDenald' will have ait;miction •`• saie: Of 22. choice Cows .at the -Cain Mouse 'Barn' .Lucknow,, . on May -.2ria 'eCamiencing. at 2 o'clock. , '..• • • • John. *Purvis, Auc. •• ' Grass, For Cattle/By The Month •Gond grass,,, good. fences. Alamilanee water.and salt Supplied _ , -John McRae, Phone 62A.13, • 23n4 -p, FERTILIZEkn-Car of Gin's., Sure - in fertilizer now unloading. at •the C•N. It...Station; B,rands suitable for anv •0P. • G. S. ilohertson. 97 -4L -c • GRASS FARM FOR It,PNT 160 acs'ofl the 12th Conrot ,AS117' • t•O Albel ToWle;-LiicknOW 30,--4-p • •• LI 1 ekil(Y97 elock (pure Marfiteba)",,$ ,60. SeP°Y (blended) $4.40 Stry) $4.00 • •. -Made Rite (pa , Wheat $1.25 s." ",• Feed Flour $2.00, • • • ,•••--shOrth $1150,- „ • Bran.$1.59 • • * , ctOi 43211)0-.4pel:ton. 41.:•rnetiher good' way to cultiva,te:the Virthe of '0,Stjence1ato ,lend algriend ten lbegitining. Vernaif Monkey of hint; Fittilitn• bri e' t rig Metve ti tion for'glarg good . thtr whole t • • a 110 doelet'00.111. tOpertea' tali! 1.2001 hilt Oil ip,rger P AY° or n At 'Belgrave- on April 1.7th to Mr. and M's B J. MeCiellgharn a non- . -o - • 1 0. 0. F. NOTICE : itacknow Oddfellows' will , attend iivine service ' as, a lodge , at the Methodist church on, Sunday April :?.6„,at ,11: o'clock. 'Members will meet ;n the Hall-at-10:30-o'cloclo.--Arisiting brothers and Rebektilis cordially in- , • NOTICE 40 REBEKAHS - Members ' of iJew el Rebekah edge LucknovK are •requested • to neetat the Lodge Room at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday April' 26 to attend tliVino 3ervice at the Methodist , Church at 11 o'clock. Visitors welcome:--Seey , Residents of Lucknow_ ate roquir-, • to .have alfl garbage ..and efuse -.cleared away fiord their lanes, back .lards- and out housesnot late, than. May 15.: • ' • "-By Order of The Board of Health ••Ddilbtleaff Mari WitS Man it the vitt. ••' wet • 1, • , fessor W. Manson, D D. of 4 Knox College, Toronto will bethe:special preacher,„,.: Ypw. are' cordially ' invited to attend -next Sabbath and also ,ette: Anniversary services. Epworth League '.The 'Meeting- Of the League. held •Monday evening ' was in .charge the. Missionary' committee.. • T h e Scripture lesson Yias read by: Lena Robinson A !cry interesting/ paper on the Missionary Cooventidn 'held at Washington was .giienoby Mrs. ,CoSins. 3171s s. Winni.fred' Farrier n appke, on one quarter of the Earth's population in Need. This was, follOw- ed a solo by Miss G. Treigayen. ,reading was given; by,;Willieronm- -Ala Agar; MrS. John Outten gave ,pNaepwetronon.AnDdIrir.orlittoitici duet .followed by •'a Message on• In- dia - • by Miss .11ozol Webster, lAra... -Rathwell. gave a paper on Christian Stewardstip. 1ii-e--11Weting elesod-- . with the.... 0i$pail 'tenedictiO, ,Thes rextJrneotiug WO be in charge Of the social eaininittee,• ' : ' APPRECIATION Dradley•L-Barger.; A quiet • wedding was solemnized at the Methodist Parsonage by Rev., T. Wealey;„Cosens • on Tuesday even- ing • April 14th , 'when Miss Pearl Barger daughter of • Mr. and • Mrs, John Barger. Of the Township of Ashfield become the wife of Mr: ,Wil* -frit' Wadley of Hilton • Township, Mr. and Mrs, Bradley, will reside at 'Arnberley. ,• i • • 0-4-0.40-1 ' SOFT HALL LEAGUE 7 A soft. bell league' was organized in • Lticknoyz - lest Friday evening. The ,Officers 'dented Were: President, Rey, C...12, 'Langford; Vice Pres.,' MacLean .irihnitenei Sec.-Treaa., Dr. W. V:, Johnston; • Membership Com- initteet. A. Turner • T. 5, Reid, itobt, Rad. :The 'nfeiriberAip fee was plaed at 25c. ' Mernberit'hin is ?pen to 'ail who wish to join in the. , • - • T ' CURIOUS HOBBY.' W learn ,frOlni The, , TedsWatet NeWis at the late Ataleohrilringlet• a wealthy bachelor i:WhO died a: few' 'Weeks -go s his lionise in .GtilroffS*. 44anently 'boa 'inade sort -of hobby of 'saving suebCopper. One.tent Piec- es als came into his possession; On lOoking-'-through effects hie r 'lends found a iolleetien of look of hee Wm" The number war itt first: • IT to,,eXpreeS imy grateful • tireCiatiOir the • nice gift presented. to me by the Ceinicilof the Village, of Licknow in consideration of my services in, lighting the fire at • the Power ,House. I felt. that I was mere- ly doing -Ay duty a citizen. of the. village,. but the *appreciated, none the less. • , . Victor' Durnin •• (Note- In reference to the above may f40 stated' that Mr. Dinnin ren- dered the town very yaivable. service during • ,the fire last week at "the power hob -Se, The interior Of the bu- ilding r#Seinbled teal"firy furnace, when Mr; Dothiri,4,•closely, fallcinted by Mra.,Bell arrived aethe plant, . and Dwain' at no small risk to himself, Went into the engine room to turn Orr the, .steani and start the phnips. ile Was able. to go in only taking ati-1 vantag,e of the eomparitively cool air at .the ,floor by. crawling. on his hands. and knees.: Had he not taken' this risk no 'water would have been loan.. 'Able for fighting'the•fire, and the plant -doubtless wotld-havo been do.' 'stroyed tt,nd the tcr.-.-n lea without 'Aye protcc'ton; In renegiittiOn of his good Work Oorah.tii. the inn; eveoing ,nresonted hint with an Oak and leather LI.JCKNOW"PRgSBYTPRIAN, I . CKV,R0K VOTKD AGINST. e•-• •' CHURCH "UNION • . , The ,Congregation Will Be Divided The,: vete n•the :iinestion as to -whether the LubknOWresbterian 'congrevation • should eater Ike . UnitT , s;redthurch Which 'temp ,into :existence on ..,Itine,.1.0th was completed ,Oni,Fri'. .day of i‘t',1oe'ic ao4 1$;vhoii .ti.e bal! tecs.*Wene- lc:Minted. it Wass found that the yote stood. more than two -to -one 4gailiat ',Cntering, ''...• the • iiiiiiin.f ' There "were 266 hauli.a cast. Of these tilt& were . sPoited, . 180 .' were marked againat union, and 83 for union 'giv- ing a majority of 97 against..", There 'Were 326 names on, :the membership roll and, 't :was' estim , , . ated• that ;about 300-: were avoilable, §0 ' that , only . 34 .tefrained fromvet- ing-,. en,Ayere prevented by . absenee ••,.or illness. The ' annoimeement,2nval -receqed-7-in-silerice--and-theTt-rheeting- WAs cli4Missed by the pastor pro- nouncing •the.:henediction.. . . ; , : le On 'Inesday; evening of this wee, a' ineeting of • those favoring , Union was held in the'. basement of the .,:church, • 60"..bning present, This meet Mg we's called.' for the Purpose of , , xiisCpssing the • situation . arising as a 'result ' .of • the vete and of . deter- niiiii:ig . the ..ca rse •to be. :taken •hy the minori7..,ty hi6h favored unken. Mr. D, G. 1VracRenzie;. one of the elders ofL..i.h.a,::.......chnr,eh....47,aelioSen_ ,chairman, °and . the .proceedings . 'were. •iargely in' the: way of, geheiai diS- cuSsion., '1:here...was ,remarkable un-, ar7iinity• in the .view that 'these who believed in the' union of the churches • " • • - . . . • " ••should juin with the union congregation i.v•lien it .emaciii into exiStance and the 'ifopew e exProoacti that all with this 'present Tibiae financially to June ' 1.0'ila•'just as e were inipearling ring element ' had , tg-cirtire-"Va-rrntrna-, o. the-libm&bf - Mts. Den Machityte 011 Thrhri April A good ,number; were* 'present' and the .program given, was enjoyed.. by all. The Meeting • Opened with • ingiug,•"The -Mettle, Leaf," : folirwed •,by•.the' Lord's; prayer in :Unison, The; rell:tall was answered ny.• House,:. hOld,:liint • whit.% .WaSfollowed by cominunity singing. After the busin- es over, .7.1VIits. ...Annie Hughes • read ."The Current tVents":...prepay-• „ed ..Mrs: Rod' biacljeugall, , ;11‘147,,,, 'Graham gave a reading. :Which', nitak' ;enjoyed bY all. . Ara'. s..,•oarnochav- goVe a very, instinctive: address on "Gardening," ; a. 'duett by MTS.. M. Ir- win : and ' Miss Norma Nicholson was thenenjeyed . after which- Mts. A. SutherfaiiV read • 'an excellent paper. entitled '"COr• Duty as Canadian cit:, izerts.'t The. • meeting then ...closed singiog •the Natioop . Anthem. The next meetipg'*willbe. held at. the _hon e a Mrs. ,a1; ,Irwiti• 2nd Con. ;On Thurs. May' 21st.".. • • - "•• . ' • • ' '• -0•-• "SOFT BALL" Vite- haVe, ptiblished•a•"-nuinber Of notices ..regarding the Organitation, Of soft iball teethe in LitekiieW. • The ganteopPears he'a baseball tenet down to fit the skill and endurance :.ef, the bueiheaS man: who is in the shOnr-er office .cinueb!ef,Ilift,4le1111, WO. needs ; Wale • 7 and entertaining exercise. large :.sOft iihert'a* light bat ire used and the ;:bitie tuns, are short:' :the . :differ i•Ortieokhat , .Of the mote 'strenuous fgaint. At.r. said to be VerY .,popular where taken up and is 'May, •ed•••••147., wOntan arid Oilcan, ns inert 'and boisi tact 4t appears to. be • ;•,1 , • . , • . • Miss Pearl Conran' spent the Easter.diolidays at her home here. -Miss Mary „ Cook of Belfast visited with', Mrs, E., Ackert last tweek, • , 'Mr. and Mrs. :Fred Thompson vis- ited in Toronto: lait,,iVeek„ Mts. Gamble 'and. s,‘familyvisited With •Mr. and. Mrs. White during .Dister week, 'Mise:Margaret. Baker is at pres--.. ent visiting her sister Mrs. 'Fiske at Palmerston. • . • Mr. and Mrs. Fred AQ.kert and: . family Wete Easter , visiterS, at the home 'of lit; A.. Ackert.' ' ;Mr, Gordon Statter'S acconippied MisSei „A".rinie Staaor 3, ata Maiv Hodgins ; Motored to Loudon last wee.k. • .. • • • , • .4pite' a .loige otowd, attended the Box ,Social and Dance at the oh Friday evening *and repert , a ',good . ...A number of the ladies attended the mkaaiboary quiltiug at the lionse 01 kis:. Walter Iteidgin on Wednes. .day last. • • • We are glad to see Mr, Richard lliotNarotind again. It will rem- Ornbel.red that he mai, •seriously hurt while working. hi. the buSh some should continue church, '.'nnd lti suPpOrt- unti though no :chafi The non,cOncu sent a• largely, signed inYitatien assuring the Of: :eordial: •weiconte to remain , with theni. (the non-eomurrants) . This, however, Jid,..not meet w`th favorable. Connid- *nration-in 'fact no word in its fav- or was stioken. • Mr. R:' L). 'Cai ieron • submitted Writteo staterne, t of lotention and asked thosewho desired to 'de so to Sign it; stating 7n as nothing bin eXacse psti igohne. d o, by Mittee : includiiiji was 'appointed..t - -x x WESTFoRb,.N.KW$ , Mr,: Vern Hodgnis of Clarideboit'd viCited our burg a ieW days last , Miss Ntable. spent fent' lays last. week visiting Miss Gladyit. Hedging' of :,LueariOwt ;mtgs.. Agnes Murray it Itialting her Sister. Mice': Archie lgoeRinfiaii.ltear Langside., ' : A.....,inimber„ from ;here took in the 'box sOciaPand dance. at Iiiireradale .on Wednesday :,ovening 'last ;and had .0, very 'CNOYlible 'tune.. • • " ata Mrs • Joh Lockhart cemetery. , 6 , Burlington 'Who . were,' oPeochog 't e will grea ly •miss,dt14, incolinet, :;:nce,-.my7,:t.-:•e-Tio are tql;n•-i;Tg.. holidays with relatives here have re- home '010 the church turned to their c lieme, : • Imonity, but her • mentory t)%t!tt Her Sweet Fr1end-4 thou- - • -,A ittid lasting...To the bereave p r ght I Stlel e bathing' , • low:ever that there ing about It I present t b:rc othmhi or. hree. men. and, women look 'after the in - terests of the nion' element until 'June 10th. A' resolution Omitted expressing. pproval of the course pursued pre-' ..eekling the vote by. the pastor, Rev. R. ^1ViacCalluna, and expressing regret that a fornne4; otori the RevD. T. L. McKerrol, .should have seen fit to send a message to LucknOW con- , ::raLuita.ino; -Lae „. . .lot yielding ta ohloroform,". • w. coney. , cOogrocalioO .church auiori; • • • . corried:, " -o-o- IfARY - • • - • • Winnifre41 Hunter A very pron short in .ecnder gel. of ,death ca 'fred •Hunter 'da • ising wai cut years when the ao- ie. far little Milli. • ughter of -• Mi.' and iVIts. Geo. Hunter of Aslifield at the Winghani; General H.ospital on Tues - a 7. April ..14th ---1:95 :FolloWing• the prevailing sore thrOat, cornplicaticins. arose Which' rieeesSitated an dlr. ation.' The: strain was too great and , , the :little life ebbed out the following ing day. • „ ' During • the ',sickhess, she, exhibited i patience seldom found in a ihild of eleven s'umpiers. , • t • • • 'the funeral . service was :held ) in Zion .,charili on Thursday April 16th at 2.30 The •huiltling was crowdea*ivvilh sympathetic ; and sot- roWing friends and loved ones,.niany being unable to gain an entrapee ASHPIELD NOTES . . Miss Moilon_jaalieffen', of Para- mount visited witth..Ifearler .1rwn4a .44r114' the rP44. week. • • . •Bain Stewart of o. is at, his borne in • .Lnehalsh • :for: th‘ :met retfaths.... • , Miss 'Catharine • IShie .0.4‘7•*4•tinb4SY.• ,visited Wjt.h. her, sister ' :114S• , grailt McDiarinid of.:Parginpunt. .Mrand geltil:1: • Raynard of 'Phromotnit;..viOted with friend at ;Auburn during: the Week: . • Mr: and ;Mr6.,;. Tobt..•,1-kapiilten of: 'D.OtrOit motored up last' '',Saturday and. Will remain:Tor few 4. -rays visit- ing twith friends. ' • • • Miss ylVitarjorie: (Douglas of Luck - now Wei -the. • guest of her friend Miss 'Annie McDonald, of Paramount during. the -,week. • .miss MarY.. McIntosh of infeltnOn`• ' spent ,the Easter holidays !with Mr. .01 DaVii ,Whe 'Ilea spent ' .he• winter month's • with her brother ' Arthar. .has returned to her 'lime 'Parainount. • •. ocials For Saturday Puff -Pastries Dundee Cakes cream *slices . Bon I3ouche Koine Made, Whole Wheat." and- Raisin Br,ead, Butter an! ' Eke' at TopiPtiFes, H9113.rman's 134kerY 'phone 564 44cknoi, , LuCknow v Family Theatre Faibair' AND ,SATIJIIDAY APBIL 24th. !d25th..: .• COOGAN. IN • • . • • - " "A BOY of Flandere ".•••..",* .f Raynard Paramount daring the week. ' -'4,+ • • ..Mistes . Myrtle Webster and., Win- nifred MiS4. Lizzie , Altqn 'Of .Mr. and Mrs, Lorne •Webster, ert Webster and Miss Daley Sea - )all were guests Of. Mr. and Mrs.' • • • WINTER'S "COME -BACK"- • , _ 'GQ0D COMEDY , GOOD Slid* ON MONDAY . during fhe • The pastor. Rest C. W, De Witt cosena. empliatized,„%the truth that the' life,. though shert; .not withont_ ;message • an d impri nt for , • , ...0 'of sficli is the kiogdOni ,Or . The floral offerings were beautiful vbeing a. visible tribute Of Jove' and *respect,. ' * ' ,The‘-romains 'Were laid- -te 'rest, in snow -storm at this time Of the • year,, or even a month is ,• arold .Ferguson, •or Lanes, 7 durino, ' . •:• •,• • - • ' . •• ••iirdaY • .night and on '• Sunday when 1, ; Marrieti-LIn ,Laelcnew •ort, 'rueedaY ; do veiling the .14th inst.• at the Meth- a get and'' snow came down t° 4 • the ecorripanime f vivid lightning ',dist parsonage, Rev. Mr. Cozen's officiating, Pearl, the youngest ;den- . ghter of Mr.- and .Mrs. John Barger, of Lothian \ to Mr-, Wilfred. Bredley. of ' We eeend hearty con-: gratulations and best wishes. The young . couple will make their horde at Amberley. • • • , Mr. Etabt. Millen Met with a 'pain: ful, accident:one. day hist, week„ He was Working with. a colt 'Which hap- pened to get the ting of the 'bit on the other 'horses haree. In •releasing it 'Mr." Millen .4,.finget •eang'n't . be - and' heavy 'thunder. This section got , • : off easy with only few inches of the ' • , ' belated snow. At Toronto six i.nehea • ' * • " of I anew fell. while Midland and orit. lie . teportecLi8 ' inches, and Lindsay „ • eleven., inches, '• Old' Ontario is now . • • • ; thoroughly aicristenad • (la advance ' •• Fel-norm/1, beer) and moral' '. wea- ther put vegetatieri onethe jiiinp., ' • '• The .statin '•heying • been; preceded . • by about three, weeks of dry and cool, -weatherj seeding by the, farm- ers is well adiratieed,'"perhaps never . • '• • erk severing the finger at the hist operations and thil'i-v-iOk will see the .• 'V; ween the 'ring and thohame; when was farther on at this time of the • le colt gbt• *frightened and began to year: Many had already completed ' . . qt.. oint. -. 2. . • . ...„. - 'bulk of the: Work done. Fall wheat ' • The regular Monthly ' rideeting.•••of has 'crime through in good condition ' he Paramorait U. F. W. O. was irld s that props are getting away' to a . • _Aiprt.ihl...1,e 4hth°In•••_.ThP aef.„:11tilleetainCg.-laoirpeirierwil-with-in (rn 7)(4 :Stbl'ir-t.,"4 ' . '''. '.•;•••••' a . . • . . : he usual efiercises; the roll 'be- . WIll'fECHUIttH ' '• ' • ;ansiVeied 'by:* • Eai.ter.,•Verse. , ' . . " •• iflsr programing wa , a e 13 of a .41,:aeitrabiiid.6reiqeitt*;::oMnsFs:twjearse',Wgive:nstebrs; an' instrumental 1.•::T Mrs Giant Re - h * u • m. Simpson of Alberta is visiting . her sister Mrs, Frank Henry. ' •We are witty to repOrtoMrLJoSeph Gaunt td‘be suffering from, an attack ' • • Paii:e3n-d'iliC°p°akperashwd'ere°agriaveni‘incyAllmie41 ....of rheumatism. We hope , for a ...).0HdetiRdee,arscioi:tngenoit:,," yTahuoiAntflhuaeinaccete,ro!, • spmeerd.Y. and Mrs and fa:ni, • rid by Mr's Ketchabayi on "The In- of London. EnglancVere visiting with a nence of ,Musie in,the Home.", Sev- '111r,•apd Mrs, Duncan Kennedy; • • • . . fl rat' bulletins 'whk1r, the club receiv- ' The stork.,called 'recently at the • d Were answered by Mrs, .•McAuley, hoine .of. Mr. and Mts. Ale* Qgilitie, • ; • rs P. Robertson, 'and Mts: Page. at Toronto 'and left a fine baby•girl. he Meeting .Cleied---Witli\- coinnnity --ad-rigrathlations, Mrs.". Ogilvie • inging After' which the hostess aer- .forirerly Mies' Ada ,Clubb. , • ed lunch: The net nieeting:\to be miss Roby Kennedy: is visiting .•• eId at the home of Mni. A, Cook on ..kriends i•Ajekaavi.: • .;: -Thcte .ct,t:fS'utnideayL°Ard:tilsu2P6-., May 12th.-r-,See'y. • - .'W• optertainhig„a- ,sper -Will be observed -An. the ,Presby -L tvaegldgae the LParecohvaeidsilall..:iigina(mf.stuhet Pre ,..atory service. will be held on. • • •. 'ess. This Was..very.gratifying to the Fridaylevening at 7.00'; o'clock 'when „ ffic9te in chaYge, they having slmr'' ,•Rev.: of South Kinloss ' .e ed ,rto efforts to iriake, it so. There will take t} service, • • ,1 • Win ' Alex Kennedy and Iliz. bride formally, Miss Helen.. Bird, • cif Windsor, are visitingfriends arid latives around here. ' We are .sorry to. report' Miss Myra ,• -Taylor to be seriously We hope for a speedy recovery,. • .•Messrs. • Charlie and Gibson G'lle pie motored to -Detroit on sSurclity where . their are, Visiting foer a few • Mr, Lester Falconer and Miss,:vel. • was • a large crowd present , and • • though the play ''filirani Slick ftom Pumpkin Creek," by : the iteeds Corners Dramatic had-•• al - presented, an several 1:tohelsaerdiy.ptyl;,.yb,IonenaC.Iditioi the artists other: places its reception iti Lochal- h again 'proclaimed its general pep. those 'taking. part. were Miss. Margaret :MacLennan a solo !and encore, Mr, Alex Mcblay, a solo; Mr: Mack 'McDona!d, tiPler, a sole; and 16ssrs D'.. Cardice, P. Courtney and A. McDonald selectiOns• on the ma graoka, of coir000, wore ,united in holy bonds of matrimony at tha Misses wtit.hweMisrhs,-.. yr.G.micMeenDziretmailliti, Manse here by Rev. Mr. On . •••• M. 'McDonald .piano, accompanists, wenneSday April. ,,t5thk, Then; inany , ,• Fellowing: the ,programme the One- friends around Wis.11. them „, a tioning of the' boxes was 'Most' abit Jong and prospe'rous imarried life. efitpateliedby Mt. ''D.. Luck- 111rGavin Davidson, Mr .• and now after which the:thne as ".11i°Y:': Robert '..McLaughlin. of, Wroxeter *0-, .7.: • kable spent. daneinK until an na-iTY ited hitt Thursday • he home of hour. The next •regular meeting of! 'r. W-. J. 'Fisher. , ' • , . 414e ni.414644.e. 0. will/ he held 171ert 40$9. 411a:0111.11:al 4Wrn'. -*Clairg " tairth. We are SOiTr. -r6port the heavy nt. ihq 1)f keivali' Lail: " .by .••,fire; of Atiiithewil 'of •,* sOcIal and. dance at I/OltrOOd Fri- the 'brother 'and ister- and 441 ft 'IV • 'ores 'Seen ke it ,,oeg a 'day ettening .last an4 hail a usual tits family', circle, the sYmPatilY to IlLe t 4,41)11391 10. oorroo 4' t '151.7.;AViiightwo..6fi Saturday 'Apri1.1.8th.; _ Adair „is, daughter. pf bTa. Martin of* the Whitechunch loet , atrty, The dnild, Sunda. , night' ' be An. charge of MLR 1 d fti and exeraisci rothor ' oortnnnni •' is 04004044 •, fienera* beoutse neithor pow cht. .Chriatina I • Ili) 14 v , 2.• •° it. '01 • ' 1 , . , • • r • V • ir • . , . • ' . . 14' ,..,• ':•• ,. •--,7,s-'"-n'''''w-r.n4,r.....:777,W7at:t.‘.e1.7...,.7',-.7.,... It'-',„,,,..., -;7.......'"• ','.. *;. .,.,••,, ,. ,,.._•,..;:p . 1 ,;t,.•,z.4.4,,,.,'-',...;:*,!*'AO'..A• _._, . tntt.1:••.!‘,?....;.:,,N.4 , • . . . . , . ,„ ," ');,„• „