HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-16, Page 1r °
ytil.g IN ADVANCE; $2.50 ciTNERWISp
LOCICDPW•IMIT.11 THO1SD4T, leth., 11095,
. !-4.-4010ftri_130,1Y1, -Phone ?,$)
t. Ot'edtlyet't
* •
Dr . ,MacLeed will elide. leteknOW
*eery TuesdaY in Dr. Conneltee:Qfitce.
..pfirPARKgRi'es4TEOPATO, at the ,
Cain Home Lee:know every Wed-
nesday afternoon; All eh'reale dis-
eases succesefultY ttested. • Ofited-
pathy eemoves the physical cans.*
Of •disease. ,Aeljnetnebet of the.
apine is more quickly eeeured and
With fewer treatmeeta by gate°.
Pithy than by any other _method,
•Dr, W. M. '00001
Physician and, SUrgeon
Hours -2-4--. ..
Phone 86
• 'tr. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow—
Over Decker's 8 t o r e. Extraction -
either by gas or local. Wfil be in
Deism:Innen every Thereday,
Fborie 5e
• A
Call Dr ., -Newton
Make a ointment'.
have added to niy Wall • Papei
and 1-etint business a stock of Wall
}'per • which may be seen, at nil
resideare ray J. (..:afrieton,
Painter and Decorator •
ALEe--A yery cOmfortithle
d*011inge in •gocid.
to Geo A. • Siddit11.- 11-8-d
wit;Nrrgri— MUSKRATS ee.Itighest
• prices: paid at. "B,' :Bliteetehhi ' Dry
.G'oods Store.
..FARM „LAND FOR SALE-;e.:Seieral
e well improved 100 -acre farina 'con -
evident to 'Lucknose ,Apply to; .Gete,
A, Siddall,:Luchnow.•
'..CAR FOR •TSALEe-•-thevrolee Tour-
' tnge-Apple to'F. T. Annetteng.. .
IiiiiroVe, your flecks by introducing
seine. of neY'heivy; hardy, healthy,
egg-produders. All bredeto-lay, „Bar-
red Rock malesupto eleven, pounds.
' A.ustradee White 'Leghorn, males' up
-Co seven: :Bred to large hens. You
get size • and .producers Of large eggs.
Eggs for hatching $5:00 per 100.
Baby Chicks day-old to month-old,
, free from disease. Reasonable .prices
on request.' , , • •
PhOae 611 r42. ' Diemen 'Kennedy,
Whitechurch; Ont..
000011 000,100/000.0.A.
FOR7-giAW:'0iii- or - hatching -
from (Bred. to. ley) l'Iymouth Barred
..Rocks. Also. Custom Hatching done ,
• Orders - filled . as received —Phillip
- Stewart:
• .0:010.ertk.Oaneghe '0•40glit.•
One of tlioae.• popelat 7 Ii0M41.tateht.'
Sffairet' .
Mrs. Shell of. Toronto is seendieg
the Week With her daughter Mrs. Dr.
Johnston. • •
• e
Reed 'Cameron .'Atrdech ofe
Ade re speetat , shelving: • o'f -radi.eq
spring coati ee?.eve • .
E aiid LiIIIe. McLean
ore' sP•I'i#ing • o*:4(e0c, with fiiends
at Dunganeneli.‘ ;; • • , •••-
A .BPPI)ii. of GUlui'e
Robert:86a%, 'Lugeneer.
e Mr. and Mee. Elmer. Johnston
eeeet. Sunday , with Mee aid Mrs;
Com Kerrie of rapier. '
Mr. .1;A.Glennie, of Delhi, . took
'advantage of the reeent holiday to
,risit his Liacknow friends. ' •
Mrs, R. D. Cameron wetted for
I.ew daye lest week 'with her. on E.
e), Cameron of Walkerton:
Miss -belle- aried-ekolitere TOM 'And.
.ers'on of Londe:: are spending a few
'eayi3 With Lucknow:friendse
' 'Nothing • better for the land than
Ann's, Sure Gain Fertilizer, Get
"eiourefreen G. S. Robertson.
Mee: and lelre; A.'E. Milison .epent
.he Easter Week -end -at Milton with
,e4r. and Mrs. Ernie Milison;
Visit Cameron "Murdoch & Co.'s
;tor s Friday. end Saturday. Special
'ehoWing of ladies' spring poets.
ee't.Mr.andrIcrieeee -nereqem-h*-t#eint&
-wo children, of Burlington ,are visit -
ng Mr. Leckhaitei neither lir town.
Mr. Fred Gunnell, of the Bank of
Jemireercee.staff was visiting friends
n *Nelistedt fer the Easter eatiteon.
Dr. MacLeod has se far recovered
„etereehie ilineee 'theehe was able to
'so to his home at Lochalsh Ofl
eriday • .
:Now s your -chalice to purchase
he valuable bargains Which are sq.d
in for Two Dees only at B. Blitz-
, :
Mr. Fred- Ackert of •Ingerskil With
is 'Wife and •son • and daughter mot -
nett up. on 'Sunday to see. Me; John
• Ackert.
..-Mrs. Likes and daughter, Audrey,
)f, Toronto are visiting the;,former's
esters, Misses Bell and Ethel' Roe
3erteoll.' „,„
only Two More Dees- and the Big
;ale will be over ite B. Ofitzeteinee,
now is your ehance to purchase
:be bargains.
Welter HOirt, motor -
up .Kingsville spend ; the
eeelt with their sonand to visit
LOST—On the road ,between Lick -
now and Kincardine a• fur firior mat
1 Finder ,kindly report to J. -Devi-
see, undertaker, Leicknew, •
, VAsy. calcits— s, C. White Leg:
419415,. May -hatched, 18c :'eacbee M.
R. 2, 'Lecknow, 'Phone r
• / •
.FOR 'number of pigs, 5
months old. Information, .at . The
•.Senthiel Office. .7104-c.
ee-eee-4e eeereeeee
Mee in loving inemary our
ing lit le aore ,, Gorden
• Abner Moore, who died on April
15th 1,924.
1-1 like a,faded floviet Was lying,
einet and still, ,
SW.eet 'bright eyes -were dioeitig„
his !little hands evoke Atilt
When ,on that ' tight the Saviour
time froth among iloweree.
came '•ta gather a the oitthti•.:.
he gathered. Inas.- • :•
. offel-, the little Iiildreri tete#hie
• onto Inc forarich is the leingdOrn,
- „
Mother and Gran'
IlavoIocic.(Pute 'Manitoba). $4.0,0
epOy .(hlentled) 'ThOrsdaY Air!) Pt4,
eucknow , friends: ,
Miss ' Kelleet, deaconess, is
town this Week in the interests of
he Teact, Secietye; Missioe to .Seil-
ere—a eel* worthy cause.
: • :
. The Rev R. MaeCallum was in
oronto Monday and Tuesday repre-
leritieg the local Library at the Ont..
trio Library 'Association. • •
- -Acting Upon•,•thee, old adage: "Bet,
.:or late than never," Yennig
eae invested in a car, purchasing
Centeloe's Ford Seden.
. Mr. Jim Scrimgeour withebie-wife.
and .children metered over, ,frpm•_Mil-
verton and are speeding the 'week
with Mee., 'Scrimgeour of town.
Mr. Angus MacDonald of G eral
Motors, Detroit visited over the week
Cid. With ,his. cousin, K. D. MacKenzie
and 'other 'relations about Lucknow.
. dance and Box Sotial
iyn in the Hall at Ilelereecl on thc.
evening of Friday Apr. .17.. Admits'.
si n is 59c. Ladies With Ilexes free.
, • e
Mr.eeitd Mrs, V. Whitley and child-
ren kr( on Tnesday,morning for the
West where Mr. Whitley willeoper-'
tete .hie. farm near • Weyburn '•this
Dr. -atild Mrs,, Woode, Mrs: Tarlton
and -Min Rebecca Woods 4vvere, over
:toil Detroit during the Week visit.
ing and Mee.' Met Weeds and at
IL; R. MeQuillin's, •
. . .
• Fnends of Mid mese n,
Thonipitifi Win • be Plemied to' know
that their ' little • son who has been
seriously.' ill the peat Week isemak-
ng -eioneeePeng,Xe00,,t_OF..1104recovery
'The ahoo!
wog 44, z..,440:15 .tuttalitri wIh
to eXpretit- thole heartfelt Ilyntpethy
to their. teaelteil' eon-.
grard *liege .mtittier Pitsied awa 0n
de Rite '6113t17) $4,00'• BORN •
Wheat 0.25,
Peed Flour $2.00
• .
Will. all tOse interested in the
formation of at sp0-13k11 League fal
'LlOcnoNY kindly. ineet, in the ,.C:Otind
Chamber on Friday evening, .April 17
ate7 o'cleck ahem: Everybody wel-
• eneetiegeto:see,cieganize the 13.,5Y.
Scouts will he hew., tn the, Crienei
chaelherepe,'PiOai'afeereieen AlVki
1,7:th4' 4 o'clock; ; Ail eceuti kindly
IMeniiee-01 ..4‘.."LangPer:dere'
, • '
, Grandniothets' 'pay • Was 'obeerved
hy the' local Wrimens' Institute at the,
April meeting which WAS heldattee
honie of Mr. maiiin on Thursday 01'
last. week. In the absene,e
President; Mrs. IC'eA..Gollan ocetrpiee
• ,
etheeeeshair. 9eits_a lergeenumbee , of
Yisitors' were 'present; 'Those taking
:part in the pregrein were: .,Mrs. ' T.
Reid a. yeiteting; Mrs, Greet a -reading
Mrs; Cesens a reading; end Mrs. Go:.
a solo. Mrs; Fraser won the -prize,.
as the crandinether having the great-
est 'number of ..gramichildree 1.--thcre
being 56 grandchildren and 20 great,.
grandchildren.' The grandmothers see%
hibited.4. flambee' of interesting cur-
ios articles ; and inetrumente ef bygone days.. ••• •
•Lieekno,vies fitepreeection pewot
Plant eery rieari3r1fell e prey to the
pend it :designed to Combat when fire:
of teekeewn destroyed the reef
and much 'other woociweek of the
pewee house : .
Mr. Bell,. the' charge, was
At other work down town, and the
fire made :coneide,rablei progress 'be-
fore being discovered. The destruct-
ion Would have ,been ninth greater but
for the. prompt :action of Victor Dee-
' kiln. Who in spite of. the, intense heat
rushed into the engine iomit and. by
'turning eiti, the steam • got the pumie
A' ntiinb.er of the Fire Company
were goon . on the scene, and had 3,
streams• water • playing on the,
flanies which were seen gotten -under'
eontrol Ferttinately , neither the
gine nor boiler were damaged ,so that.
the plant is as 'effective ase ever. it
was case of .,the fire fiend .tackling
111117 -enemy at his own heuee and -get-
pitig the 'worst 'of, ft.:,
, The .conceit to be. given :ueder aus-
pices of the Lucknew Ilorticeitural
Societe, first tninetnieed, ,ier Friday
"evening oe.ethiseweek,;• will. be given
on .Thursday evening, of this week.
(April 15th.) It was found •necessary
to change the, date after the Pesters
were printed,' and some-ofe-them 'bed
been •' distributed. . /The, wrong date' is•
also on the ,Itickets. ',Don't.' let this
nustend..st0.0, .,orrect_ditS-lis-thp-
;.6th; not the 17 as .• it is. oh, the,
;Meng. With the best lode' telerite-
there's, a geed 'deal of .it: ' about
just: now—will;be-Mie, -Van-W-Ycle Of
Winghain (forinerlY Mribel;
tild)‘'Who• alWaei very :•-ntertein-
iega's"ah.'elocutioniete The programi
will. commence at 8 o'clock; tit,;k4s'
are 35t. Seats be -reserved • at
McKhe's • •
he Easter vacation .ebedeva the
"pas Week evree narked by the, usual
honeeterning thoSe.'Whe haire gone'
teit ,iebe the 'world. Among those
Wile were home, or who are. spentliee
the week. here, we Mite the',follow-
ingt Jim Spence ..from LOchiloit;, N,.
Miss jean MecCellttin, .Hamilton
Mies. Freda Aitehesen; Weston; Wil-
fred `Miirdaele Terarito; A. A •
Newton) 'Detroit; HaroldeBurns,.Lis,-
,towele Miss Martha Maegalluie, Lone,
don; Geo. :, Douglas, ptratfortil. Miss
Dorothy Douglas, • Rockwood; , $te6.)
MacKenzie, • Vtefieneri Mies Mable
McClure, Niagara Falle;" Herb Gee-,
ham, Toronto; Wee Vianees.
Toronto; Mi s Verne McQuilhin
ChiptieWit; Mitts • Clara ,McQUillin
tont Erancis Spence, "Trcscok
Agar; Detre) •• Lake;„- lee; 'Basta;
Wreetaieri Vise' RathWelli-
-Oshawa; Toronto;.
Mr. and, Mrs'. Geq,*......tteigt and. dau-
ghter Mary,' Seaforth; Miss • Doan
Geddet, • Menet Vereilt1 Miss AlIcla
:Mitchell, !lath; 'tteettrfee and.. $ean'
Lan, Teeetvaterl lkfiv and *te.
• .c$110. Alti• 141:01 S! 00400 ;Ohnilt01$ 4114 0111drelli :TOri
D 16%90100 0041 41/t°'
'EthOtte $t•Off
"Orion IWO
*)10100414-41,00-:$00 icti014.„„H.
, .
, k sgstcam COPIES 1 OVIITS. 4
• ,
The Yofiegeby the cOngregatiOn'of.
the Lneke0W,Preabeteriae. cheeen as
to .whethereit ebelleeetezethe United
htieett of Canada Will be, entpleted-
etoolegeroyi-freleleY .7e-i'ienifig at. 830
e'el.Oek, iminedietele 'after :which flee'
ballots :wilt be eetuitedf -end, the re.
stilt ,aniioencetl. ' • ""
Th palee.ant.preseeted •ly,,the Sun,
aay,`‘sclioof ,or
1' °
t Teeert, /ast Friday , even-
'1•0*..PrOveet'n:• 49t.iieh'ifel affair.: and ere
every 'way, e ;•.eueeeep, The honue
and ,,driPS• eby ebee • little 'folk wek'e.
pretty • and higblye entertained. ' The
ball was well ;filled line an apprecia;
Mee H. .1. Moore, elerticultural•Lee-
Liver Wvefi Ineteuctive Addreee,
1A99e wlio gave .11
ture in the: TOWnHeilviiere lest
Thursday evening Is, an enthusiast
on flower culturee'and, he has the
;happy 'faettiti. of inspieinge othere,
leer ek aeet t4e rgood e anU, • he fee,here;special7K4suenbi
4cletk •diliasYte17;:e.cbili..jechlentr!" ey'lliii°Idte.er'4-
.waielect 'fee the lecterer is net only
,an enthusiast,- he is ;-well 'informed
and experienced in all that .pertains
to 'hortieulturee and landscape' gar.
Live audience, ' • -•
dening, •• . •
There was quite a large atelience As e young man Me, Moore spent
in the Preebyterian church on -Mon- :tbree yogi's iri .the &vat 'Gardense' at
day eeening when. the Victerie. elle.' 'Kew, England, following which be
iion Band, enclCr the direetien ef came to this .country. where he be-
:qrs.V. L. meeReneee nee aligs he cenie steierinteedent, .rie Victoria
Aitclueon peeeented varied and
exvorphr Da. gram etici. as only
little folk Can give. lqaster. Carlyle
'Macintosh ,gave a ellen ,Opening ad-
dress. whiah Wes. followed by: choree.
-es' drills _arid -readings. The Rethed`
let League end the young •• people's
socieeiee. Whetechurch, ,and See
Helens were ite:ited And all .Wei.e
well .fi;epresented: in the attdiencee
Iteeord congregation's meeked 'the
services in St Peter's ','clperch on
Easter •Dey, At both 'thee8 •o!elte:k
arid '11, - services the number
of • coirimenicants 'were grater than
orreany p .• --Seardereereehee-
• Park at Niagara Falis. He put in ten
years in • that park during, ;which
time . it was converted from, •a wi m-7
ness to a .plad4 of beaety. He heat
present, employed .by the Ontario?
Goveleinent as letterer and instruc-
tor Oii ,hortitulture,"and his eeevices
are available for any town or sisse-
ciation in the, province which ina
.undertake work along the line of
;paarrldi•:en,i-1117..proven.ieee scape
• We understand that .11.1r. MoCer.
k t L for a day •
wi • ) C U
Will • ViMti.:110fie who
desire te beautif ' stirrofindings
an make 'suggestions as t.hTiWthL
vicescape done to advantage. the thwr under the direction .,expqrienep :With Ins
and • enthusiasnt his' ad
of m4 G. Smith rPrIdei'ed. 4PP"- vice .should lie of the rgreatelt 'ildvan-
,Cenunutilon et he ehoir ekneeling sarig home, surroundings as en grew
At-theeeee'reere seriice the, • iholdn Ontario is suggestid by the
fact at Mr. • Moore has engage -
h take11
the, anthein "GO s Loved tl
ebeir tendered most. aeceptable-the
for every day. and. evening un -
anthem, el) Saviour of the World," eL • •
tij June- 15e and there are :some 50
14inedeehl‘.1):8: 1.6111Ple Clark I. sail.°. 1.‘ t It ewouIe e impossible to 'gtvt.
, . .
effectively 'theesolo • "I am that Ile 'epplicatione •,fe- the Waiting Hsi.
.• . •••' . • .• 1, •
priate music. At the moeeing service .tage. TT , . • - •
dilring the edminiStration • :of thc, ,
That the 'Movement. fOr beautifying
• A crimmemorationeserviee of the
eiglith miniveeeary• ,ef ' yilny ' • 'Ridge
will beebeld Sunday evening nekk' at
7..30-, Jern:„ hi ,. St: Paiel'e chi:Wit, - Due-
gannon. The Rev. : E. :Heys . Who • Will
-rifi ceSA--The-inusi-6e1-1) ortion-will-iir--
asked ,eo, attend' and,' Meet; in Orange
'by:Mr.' Ge.McKenzie Dueiganne e .and
'ill: memoey of fallen- eonetadee „leille
be Observed. All eioervice -Men ere,
thine "The'ebhallenge of Their Sace
chide aril eXesoldiee • choir, and •Solcie
Mr. 'Feed Staeley' Lecke:ewe. ' A 'per--
iiiCof.ewO• nenutee with :beyeeedeliaide-,
ecriduce . the service taking as 411$
Everyb.ody invited. '
. ., .. ........,.....__, , • • ., • , , . .
leall,.' at .7e P.m. •• Dress, leecerationse
. 7 LUC' le:Neel.'1,V1•170°";•I ..:UO•OI,.1 '
,•_.........____ — ,,
Voris it
' Ireeeeebeen tested in Atitle; .
A8rlitgeheGeoanP1G.''''allu0te71hY.:;.:.'telewles' 'A,. 1
III; e., 6,,,•I.11; Cameron G. 2' F. 1. a;
Cheatnne W. 4 : F; . Douglas ikil.;, 1 • ii
adii, 2 :CI, Denglae W. I I,' 1, II; ‘e
C. .1 F; Finlayson .D:,2• F; Hendee_
Son B. '1•1,)., li; 1 ;III', i. C;.11enderel
'serillel• .1. III, 1, a, a Fe: Hodgins A.
1',ei; i ii; • Hodeine .„..N. 3 F; , • Jarel-
.eeon.'M .2. V, 1:,I; Joh:islet:. G. 3 I, .1
.Ce Kilpatrick' G. 1 I. 1 IL, C; ty-
-nch . le 3. F; Mactieneld • R. 2-1, t. C;
,IVIeeDonald M. 1 1,..2 C; "Meeeyer 'S.
1: l,, 2' IL, 1 0; MacKenzie G. ' t. L. i.
114 4,C, 1 F.; MacKineoe'M; 2.C, .1.
F; MeeLeen M". 3 F; :Macitee Jei I,
2. li; •Martin Ee l.', I, 1 F; , Petce W.
4 F; :Ritchie J. 2' II,: e Ile, 1. C;,
1Stewert J. :1 I, 1 II; I III,' i Ce
Stewart .M. -1, F,. 2' •III, 1 C; 'Thome:
Weiii.' K. 1 IL i III, '1.C., I lee Turner
, F.:, 1 ki 1. In; ,Felce Re, lett '
Subtecte litet., Let;
D Andersmi°1 1, 3 F. J. Andrew 1
IJ, -1 III, 1 e"; J. Bowles 1 0, 3 P;
tilit4;sein '2
.t,oft .II, 2.11; ce)ni)-
r; iL 1-
,11f,, 1 04 1 Ei W. Carnechan 1 C.
Ontruthers 1 1, 2 ITT. 1 F,t4„,
clollyee 1. t, a V; A. Pishtir 1 ITV 2
YTI, 1(!;,. G..1i;ishor'-‘1II„ 2 ITT, 1 V;
1_'„a; 13. Itaniiltoe.
4. I; -Irani-11ton 1:1;'TIVHeileekiiteetV
`1;14-',21I10171Ter trzuaiiatt
• 'Margaret •MeeKienon 1 I, a,
E. mo..)600 Mae -
reties, ,2 F; D. MacTnies r 11,
2, I, 1 III, 1 C;• W. Papner'-ilft
Udieghe'rei, A:1,Pe01,1v6Y1,
111$ 0 $r, Es Xaexioyeie
—F.10, MCL4Uf Fin.
even a, good synoisis of •Mr. Moore's
address. The only way to 'get, it is
to hear filmeelle' has a' iiestedeal to
e 1
he speaks rapidly; ',. ' ' ' • ,
.ay 1i1 the time,ae his dial:es:1i and,
. Ile told of. how to ,prepare the
ground where .it, is not alread suit-
able; hew to 'Ilene prune air roteet.
the plants in . Winter, and • how te
cembit .the .•peets to which many
are_ liable:- . 1 : , e '
•flOwers and shrubs ••especililly 'rosee
The latter balf ,of his lecture was
illus,trated by nneey beautifully co
to fou: i'poitiler,
:04 tte.cb!
of cut
e free,
' This
lered pictures .e, and •:views, eac
being, the subjeee-Of' froi.,*- one
minutes. talk. Ile gave. *Ink
'inferination about the 'Care .
plants in 'Winter. For. winter
'Hon he :receniniended ;a nitfich
'Sire* which would Perielt t
eeSsage of air to the..plents
. could be 'rex:weed in the spring and
.manure worked into ,the sop. ,
' Mr: S. teitheeell• perejdent of th(
,Ocitl Horticurat 'Society presided at
be meeting:, Before Mr. Moore com-
niencWhis 'address several 'musical'
numbers Were given—solos . by Mies
Mable Alliii • end 1)3; :.ilit4( C, meron,
Geddes, both, 'being heartily applaud-
ed. A vote . of thanks . to. Mr.„ Moort•
Was proposed by .Dr.,:.N1Wton ahe
Mr,, D. C. Taylor, and was 'vete
heartilY".giVen. by the. audience.
• Mr, Jelin .McNae., wag i up: •trere
'Seeforth to Spend e feet days with
his sister' 'Mrs. S. Corn enan, and
friends iatParalTIOUrito .
., 'Wsi OR.ye 'Robb'. is, 1101110 . from
Stratford Normal to Spe ii. the ,as-
ter Holidays at her ,home.
Mr. and Mrs.., Ghee. Stepliensen.
-and. Betty Of Detroit; „spent Easter
Monday with Mr; a'nd Mrs Bete
Brackenridge on theeFetitth.
. Mt: 'and Mrs, R, Martin spent.
riliMrsday . beeping with; , Mr. and
Mrs. Wine Matten. en • ili Itciendate
A. nuither from here attended the
ln%ahtl:liee. Dane!. in towni, •Monday
' Miss F. Muclverl'ot Lions Head is
home for . elie 'teeter 'Vii ation. .,
• 114,r, and Mrs. Win, Rob
b* piled eri
Holyrood' friends lest Week,
txee. T. ,R.Oe.ele.athye1,e,iii'th:,who
hashiye::il:the listtwo
port„ ' ,:,,li, ,
Wingluircir ilesineeee=toliefte .spent:„the.,
•Aveek 1.'e11(1, with Mrs, it: MiadIeton. . „.
The. rain Men., eieirte did a greet
deat of geed to the Celerity. , Being
lier`le;Y-th"tiiditv-4rettrm ow-a4f•-"-!:',....1eLe'......,tit.e.t..et.s..
110,..R00iiii *Dow' of Lenttside'
niSrutidattyi!iriii.:1?an . M. OF tenOnfi: ,
,Mr, $.0iiiihl ii spottigivi 00 01,,
W.1114t1404 .,...,/.4 '• .
TVO are-sOrry06 iePart•the death ef
Elie* , Wienifredee, Hunter, eldest
--(height r----14-Mr.7,-40471dill.-7-deorge
Hunter Of .••Asiefield. She Ilia been
, sick' forabout .ttvo, weeks, and on ,
Tiieeatier Of thie-week was -operated on
zx the Winghene Hospital for appen-
dieltie, • She "Paine through the oper-
eh.t editlIot have: strength to
stand the strain-2'94'4er xiiiiteni,•:an4'
.paesed'aivay;a0P14- hours• later. . She
%wee,'" aged . eleven'. 'years -740', one
morith and was he second In th•ii fem.
, Wee ii.,:br thee iiieineoldo .ina-it: slate)
*eouegee. The ,funeral welt be bele
this (Thursday) afternoon, when r
.3p..ryiee.'" ill be held in Zion Methodist
,Cherele . Mr: and Mrs e Hunter hall'
the, symPathy Of 'the'' comMunity :ir
'heir 'sail bereateraent; '
---,...4 0.0.--
- The community -*est of "Ilolyiredd
st eveek'.1)Y the 'death of Mrs. •Wm:
Congram Octurred .some time
that forenoon. She .was as well
as usual in the ,meening and , did he:
house work but at neon she was
round dead in. a. bed up stairs, 'Where
she evidently lay- demi) to rest:
'Mrs.! •Congram, ,Wee 'almost fie
• • e , • e
leers of age and: had the appear.
visiting With his •itarente • at
arice Ofea strong and healthy' peeson,
Before her marriage she was Misp
MarY. Ann Scott. , •
" The funeral which was to Green-
litt , • „ ,
satt4.44a4; e I
ecials.For 'Situp&
Pal Paitries
CrAwn Slices
BOache .
oine Made Whole Wheat
and, Raisin -Prgad,
attir iind'Eggif at •Top Price°.
Miss Lizzie Stewart, of Whig**
:s spending A few days .1st her '1100241'..
in'11114iieschlisrehe'e 'Weeds ..o.f.'St. Helens, •
is the guest efeMiss Isabel McDonald
tdiarehh-Uhider-be-erthe '
• . .
visited with `:friends •
Paranionnt ''during the , week.
•Miss. 'Irene McDonald ;cyan h�me
4nni Detroit visiting' awith her :par.
dries' couple of daYs,.
t• Easter.r aMrs. IC;n1;:eilinTibelt and
. , ,
:hild of
Detroit spent a couple Ptlays ..;
;Lothian. last iva
GeOrge.. Robertson of .14lieltnew' •
'the.- We.With
. , week „ °.
We are glad to . report Dr.
McLeod, who , With -• •
• • . . • •
pi:thee:Ionia has Bo fat ocomedto bee,
able to return to Untie at Lochal-
-. Mr. and Mrs. Dune. McLennan of
near Kintail spent the week -end
.-with Mr. and Mrs EldO'n -Henderson.
of Paramount.
Max' :RA174141.'4 PareanoUnt'
Lanes. • visited •, with. Mr. and.,Mrs.
, . • ,.
. •
' ,Datr. and e Mrs. Walter „ of.
e week.
Mr. and Mrs.
Paramount spentJ....aLt.d:now,eirsthAttt
on.of. •
and Mrs Jas. McGregor of White- ,
. ... •
'The.,folloWing.puedla and teachers
, „
are spending e their, .:Easeer vacation .
at .their respective homes in Ashfield
Mies Jean : Long of London. Normal
,itterold Collinson of 'cs0t04 Bueineese,
• • •• • •.
College,: Misses- Anna; Bessie —and
The 'Many friend's if Mrs' Duncan 'McKenzie , Of ',Token -to, , MISS
MacLeod KintaiI were .surprised to Margaret •Me*Tain of Varna, Miss
of her 'elidden death, which oc- Lizzie Stewart of Wingaini bigness
curred on Friday night Apr, 3r4 1025 'Cifilige)e.Miii Of;
Mrs. :MacLeod had been about in her Conn, Malcolm Of Mnit"-
tiSual •-• health ell the... previous • ••koka and, Charlie McGregor of Wet,
arid was not •complainingef
111 when the end came with. stardiek
sedeleeness. on • . Friday ,night sheet
11 O'eleeki ' when she. , passed 'Peace: -
fully away; • ,\
ee The late Mrs. MacLeod whose
:minden name ,•:was .Mergeree • Mac-
Donald was borne in Inverness shire
Scoeiand about 88 Year's ego When
a little,•girfalieett 7 $?eitS of -age- she
oeine, with her Parente and 'faMiler. to
Canada in .1844 and , settled on. thi.
...feret at • Kintail, on which she died
All 4he','School'•she 'attended was one
condected. by, Mr,. Neil* in Gedeeich.
When a young 'Women she ,inarried
the late Dunan MiteLeod who pre-
deceased her 9,• -yrs ego,. She !Oates'
to Imperil her less: three 'ions, ,IOhn,
'Murdoch and Donald, and three, clau-.
ghteeee efeey, who has so carefully
eared for her mother in her declin-
Mg Yeeee, Mrs.' Win: Allan of Cain-
leeliie ,end Sionson • of
kintail, • One daughter Mtee 'Denten'
MacKay • of Sault Se. Marie died 8
ere,. sgo.•• 12. grand, 'children' itedenee
• .geeategtendchild, ,survive •
MrseeMecLeed. lyai a .weinari of Mies ',Rene and 'Matiter• Tom .Atidee
quiet e and', unassuming . disposition, ersOri of London Ittafe».
eni°eiplfatti,(.1 bQuft4:11WiliethhairaelwOrricirti.n4),:efmtithche'- king: relatives. -, E; 'tlet
teed ring and etirling value. Hers izispeMisserJ.rilSte::piter
wee most beautiful eliarectere a bridge
woriesin Whom tericeole- was to eebeire ,t.CiSonitfi;It" Beryl eld;.Wiles,Foietgerail,do.i-.o1 Ddt
lied love,WOrean' of the Old type ofJohnston
Scotch 'pincers who edttied imbed' With; MiSies7 Anderson 'ad
Kintell. and in the early Grace Blake of GedeiV,'„ J. Fin -
(lays and • eXetted a strong lay, Shaeltitton fromVia han4 Pal
fon all 'these • higher :qualities -, of mer and Ohve ititnatikk...and ,Aliee
jieart ayid life which go • t:40.1iltlsternlilce: de- ,S.heltie7.,1464.. i'tritherIsti'..°wkiih°0*;vh: As • 'been ,
eotioe to duty in all thinga, IMSPit. visitinir h'C'e- son` Mri
ility hi, a iteeked degree, and a .strict
• trttegrjtere!eef chaaloter, Ia. alL things
were some '.!`hi iiiiirkeifeehaeacter--;
nettle ::•friends „eittaiiirre
.the bereaved 'Members of the
theli,sineere,' eSfhinathy in thelees •
they 'Mee inietinied in the 'death 40f:-
•'11 'Christian Mather, The tineral was
toXttdiititda!, Tieheenitotesto%*01:40$
1)y her ptict,o: ,t10..IttiN 4,0, *Nis
# .4044W ritOtittOrtkII:$14041* •
Was very 'largely attended. by sor-
eoeving.friends and .neighbors.
_o •
Mee. 'S:roudit.igEeSnIeD.OfNi.ftlie early resi-
dents ofA shfield, ust -wen of .Luck-
noWdied at the home ,of her Son -in -
maw, • Thomas' Blair, Kincardine o on
April: .10, at the geed Old age of 82
eears, and ten Months: . •
The funeral on Sunday -Afternoon'
to Greenhill' „Cemetery wag , very
largely attended by the neighbors of
by-geme days from the; Boundary
and. the „12th Conessitin. -Mrs, Stroud
was one of the fine old ladies.• of
pioneer days. Before her marriage
eilyhomewas-Mibeingss Martha
south Of God%..0.0.4,...rieh: " •
Those who spent the Raster
days at home:: Miss Myrtle Webster,
'of London, .at her hoirie near ;Ludo
now; • Mise Dorothy Pickering of
winghami at her • bonne he- Para-
mount, Mr:* Duni; McRae, of Wink)
ham; at his home. in Lochalsh; Was'
Margaret McLeod; Of ;Lerma; at her
home ten Lochalsh; MieeeJessie'
Buckhighain of: . St: Helens, e at her
luerne in Laurier;Miss Selena :Grant, -
of Stratfordat:herhome in Hemlock
eity; eft, unc. of -1) eLenn mil-
plieei at his lionee-iii Laurier, Mise
Bessie Grant :Of; Colborne •at Neter
home in • Henileck. city; Mies Jean
Long of London, at her twine in •
Heploeh lgiSe Liebe' Greek of -
Geelerichat her home in ellembecke
city; Miss Murray of Laurier at her
home in Ripley, Miss christena Mc-
Nitaurieip' Te,ronto ,at her home in
in Clinte4'returned lienie last week-.,
Mye, M. Craig Of' tioneybreoke
Whe':hlii,"sPeilt-the -Winter -enionths
withelier--elaugheer.4ii wgFxsintay;
returned shorn° 'late. week. .
—Notiet-, -zit ;MLitt ..AXIJ
.AfterApril 10th. 1020 We are
.titaltieg„.eieatit.,:in eprideenfeemIIk
:and ereanu By buying .ticketa you
will get . 2/1 Obit tickets tarlini
tsr rroeb Deity 'Sutter win,bs told
00" Sutokor Mit eirniittko(