HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-09, Page 1I
2•003,PE1 XNAR IN 4DVANCF 2•50 yriimpirrOu
.1130141.E$SION,Ak CARDS
-• , r
4.. Keleher, Ripley, .Phone 29,
or ,:doy,;44-..
Dr. ...MacLeod: will inait '• Tauckiiow
everY Tuesdariz r), Office.
-,•'DR. PARKER,"noSTEOP41,14 at ti2e
, Cnin Dense, FaniknoW., every" Wed-
nesday afternoon. Ali ehrenie.dis-
• nenesenceessfnpy 'treated..10.40,0-
•,',Mithy ,tainovea .tne ehysical cancan*
of ' disease. . " Adjustment of the
' spine in more 'quickly secured and
with fewer treatments by Osteo.
• 'paths, than by any 'other method,
Dr. W. M: Connell
F'hysician and Surgeon
Hours 2-e-4 7-8
Phone 86
• .
Dr, R. L. 'Treleaven, Luckno,w-,
()yarn Decker's S to r e. ExtractiOn
, either by gas or local. Will -be-in
Dungannon every Thursd'
hone 53
Call pi:: IlewtoU•
• Make eprienitment -
In office everyday.,
o EvERyBoriyis.-otesol—o.
„1 haye ncleltdto my, . Wall Pane),
an:1 benineei a stock. of Wal
Panel; bhia.% may' be,/ seen at r113
i•esinenre :tee: J. 'Cameron
Painter .end Decorator
""\ =1"-"•;-'77"
FOR ' 'very comfortable
• dwellien in gciod conditiori.-Apply.
' to Gee A.. Siddall. • • „
MUSKRATS -L.-Highest
Prices .paid At ' B„:.:131itentein's Dr
• ;Geode Store; ' • , „'• , •. .
FARM t.,ANl) .FOR SALE.- Several
• .welI improved 100 -acre faring con-
nenient to Lucleturvin 'APply. to Geo
• A. Siddall, Lucknow.... .
FOR 7SALE-Chevrolet Tour.
.ieg-Apnlir to F. 'F. Armstrong.
Inaprove your sfliacks. by introducing
some, of, my heavy, hardy, healthi.
-4,en•pnirrontice1 n--Ale-beedetoelay7,---Run--
• red Rock ..ninles 'up to eleven pounds.
• Atistralian ,White Leghorn males ur-
' to seven. Bretrto large :hens. Yat
vet size andproducers of large eggs
Eggs • for hatching $5;00 per 100'
-Bali. Chinks day-old to month-old
free from.' disease. Reasonable 'pricecn request.:
inione,611'',.r 42, Duncan 'Kennedy
Whitechurch, Ont;
• FOR SALE= Eggs .for • hatching
froal (Bred to :lay) • Plyarlouth Barree
Rocks: Also Custom Hatching dent'
• Drakin. filled' AS ..fireceived.-Phillir
S; Ste -inert. ' • /. . '19-3-tf
• FOUND -:-On the 'street in Luckilow,
• n fur 'choker. Owner 'may have eanin
on -paying for -this notiCe.
. , .
:.WANTEDLA pant '1'or • 'full that('
Agent to represent a" well ..establish-
." ed. Life Insurance CO. Aprjy. to The
Sentinel , Office, ' 2-4•-tf.•
• .
Whitt Blossoms Sweet Clover
•Seed -$l .00 'per. ISus. • -
J. Laidlaw, Lot 28, Con. 2
9 -4 -re ' Kinlogs
Luelmow FlOur Mills
Havelock (pure _Manitoba) $5.25
'Sepoy (blended) $5.06 '
Made Itite (pastry) $4.75
Peed Flour $2;25
Shorts ,$1.75
Screening chop $35.90 per ton•.
Special prices on large quantities. of
• --o-o-o-e•
• '
Sealed tenders, plainly marked as
to contents,' Wilt be received by,thr
undersigned ,• until Monday, noon;
April lg. 1925, - -for . the Construetion
Of four concrete bridges near :Teed-
'. Water, °nen° ft, -two 80 ft. and one
• Plats and specificatione may be:
°D1 -"aintita•-••Offige-nif.khe undersigned;
linnet or anf.teriderntien.lineq4;
saril accepted. • " •
G. E. Stephenson,
truce- COtititY Engineer;
0.4-10 • • Walkerton,. Out,
TiTeyo'nvo Iron gOO,, to 040 'Naomi.
000 On 010 glob's, • Th!ii eatinist,
prnly live veleoneeo• •
Miss P.heriele Irv• ing was hOmei," • ;KEEP YOUR CHICKENS IN
fremaPetrP?t, for 'the week -end:.
Mae • E,thel.ltobeXtsOrt Silent
week -end wit)* friends at TnronPo..
Brewn's.'ater''sheowint an exterisive
range . of foleil'S•" .11ate and Ties .2fne
To,morreW being' 'GOO& Fridays"; and
, a nubile holiday. business, places:
be closed..
" 'Mr. D G. MacKenzie, returned
- • • . •
-....*.i.luniher„ of enelPlaints.bane ,been;
Made to' the Village erinneil regerd-
iihr-e-bilekena running at large. This.
is gardentime and 'flower seed's and
bulbii and the seeds • are being
Planted.. ir,hq Horticultural Society. ,is
(Mpg A great .dea;`.ot Work..taWards•
beautifying the, thwn,. and all should.
fielPo •A.C•• cirerYWdy ' knows n gardee
.home on • Monday after, spending 'aIngrasiblee .ai
is Week inToronto.• large. -By 'order of The 'Council.
't "
• A supply of. Gnnh's -Sure-Gain
Fertilizer now on'hand,O. S.
.1:tribertspn'e,, LuelcnoW;
Mrs. 1VIeEvdri'whe spent the Win.
' ter' months down in Florida is back
to her home in town.; • '
• Nothing better' for the land than
Gunn' s Sure Gain Fertilizer. . Get
yours from G. S. Robertson.
, .
Dance in The Town' Hall on Eas-
ter Monday night, 5 -piece orchestra
'-Good. lunch, Old Times Dances.
Fryfogle's Orchestra n011. furnish
Parish Hall, Dungannon on Easter'
Monday evening.
•Mr. Alf. Arnintrong Ness nip from_
to spend the week:end with
his parents, Mr. arid :Mrs. Win. Akin -
strong. '
Mrs. :011ie Treleaven was' in Bras-
sels .for a few days 'of the past week
and 'while there attended the funeral
of • an old friend, 'Mi. W. II; Kerr.
To-Morrovv evening; Apr. 19,/is the
date .of the pnesentation. of, the fine
Pageant e -:-"Thh* Conenering 'drons"
Aie-ille-Mathodiet-Anneheihno .
" Friends of :Mrs. Dr.t. pence' "will be
pleased to lanon. that she is getting
along well hallowing annnppendicitis
_opetatimi. at Wirighann Hospital lest
Saturday.: •.1.1
T h e 114. " T.,Wesley COsens,
Messrs. W. E. Treleaven and . D. C,
/Taylor attended the funeral of the
late W. H; Kerr at Brussels on.
Tuesday. . • '
Miss Alma Mik ay is spending a
....duple of Weeks 'in Windsor ; haying
:one to ant' city • with her sister
Mrs;„ Clair Agnew. who visited ° bete,
• for a couple of weeks.. •
. ,
'Toronto p a p'e, s 'reported- the
Jeath, at -Toronto. on 'Sunday lase of
Mrs. Geo. Kerr whom some of our
readere_will remember as a.' resident
of Lucknow. 'Death wasdue .to- a
stroke .of. paralysis.
"Professor E. • Katz, the noted nye-
sight specialist of Listowel, is com-
ing; to the Cain House, LuCknow,
Wednesday Aptil; 15; to, tent 'yefair
eyes, ' and relieve Your' eye •,„..sight
trouble. If you are dizzy, have head-
' ache, pain in ...the_teinples,Lin_comeal
From eye strain; as Your eye is con-
nected with . the nervous system., By
properly attending to your eyes, this
steain iseremoved and the trouble
vanishes: Let . me, help you Don't
miss this chance, 'ground glasses
$7. orth $1.2.00, two sighted :gins -
nee in one, piece $10.00 , worth
Keith -To Mr. and .Mrs. Duncan
,Keith, ;Coil. 4 west, Culross Tp,, on.
Saturday, March 21st 1925, a son,
Malcolm Gordnn.
Smith- At. Wingham On April 1;
495, to Mr. and Mrs.' A. G. Smith
• a (laughter. ••
LYnns-rnlovingihrieqUeoti„ of Jessie
;Crawford °•Cunnizighainn . Wife Of
. jameOLyorie, who nestled • away
April 8th, 1924;
Quietly :and quickly Caine the call,- .
A sudden death surprised Us, all,
Dearer in , meinbrythan words. can'
• tell • • • . • , '
The thoughts :Of Our 'dent one We lov-
ed •
' Husband and family
In 'fend' and loving rentembiaike
of out darling liecitriee E. only
:daughter Of Mr. :and 'Nits,.
Armstrong,. London, Ont. w h o•
• Passed' away April 18th • 1924.
. Aged 2. Years, " „
One year has ,piiissed:- and stilt • we
• nuas her, , • . •
Friends 'May think the "WOUnd Inte,
healed; • , , • .
.11nt they..little 'letiono, the .seottOw
Deep, Within our .hearts •conceitted• For to -day- we are no9t lonely -.
..'Without. Our little. &Attlee: dear
Who .left behind her JoVed."...oneiv ;
toe sweet, too ,pUrti
' and hino-
cent • •
For a HAI:: on earth bel*
Sti•eut Father took her nOMoir '
,And we know 'ts better so. •
No One.knOWS' hone, r.niih we • *tea her
Netio tuft, tfli 'the hitter 9.•
• We 11031,Offirod isilide,o0 lett of
:1400 )144 'Aviv. beift, Ufa 114Met
IOVintc Nvariti 404 10000
Pumpkin .0'eeh
Creek , From Pl."?
coritedy.0 willbe..Preeen!ed:
by the. iouct,?g. People or Reid% Cern;
ere, in thy Lochalsh: Club House, on
the evening Of Tuesday, April 14th
The • play will 'Commence at, 8;30
.otlQck sharp. ' •
• The play will • be followed .by
60x, Social and dance. Admission 2...5e
•and 15c. Ladies with boxes free -Un-
der auspiees of the U. F.
number of farmers••in this Vic-
inity got some grain sown 'last week
and itbia week, being dry and .fine, no
doubt, a good deal, of :Work Will he,
done., The land is said. to ;be 'in 'good
condition for .working. This is an
early Start and as experience am'
experiments have proved there's
nothing like, early- seeding , . •
The reads too are in unusually
good ,condrtion for this time of the
• • ,
year. On all the mnin tends one 'seer,
the „good` effect, of the road drags
ILLgenejrraLAISO-4116 hOlitr.th
province. '
. •
o o- .
. .
• •
The , Annual meeting of the Wo-
men's' Missionary Society. of • the
Lueleriote Methodist Church was 'held -
at thehome of Mrs. . John jeynt
Tuesday , efterricion. Satisfactory Re-
ports ..were ':presented. 'Tlie following
officers were elected for the ensuing,
year: -President, Mrs. T W. Cos -
009; 1st Vice President, Mrs, Smith;
Recording "Secretary, inees. Greer:
Corresponding •Secretary
,Jeynt;'Treasunen., Mrs. B. Staithers
Stranger's Secretary, ,Mrs. John
Button,' Superintendent Of Christian
Stewardship, M r's. • S. Ratlinrelle.
Mite Bon •Superintendent, Mies L
APRIL 9th., 1925.4,
.- •Slt,„ o.,.Peteira_. - Clinrs-11--Goed-..Frida,
10i30 ii, rit, "Stirof.^:the UrCiss,"
. Easter, PaY-k..4.M. I -101Y ' Cern-
. . .
mullion, 11 a.m..' Holy • Gomiennien"
And. sermon. 7 p.n. evening Prayer
'and agrarian' Specialmusic at 11 •and.
.7'.,o'cleck service.
":„ .: •
• ....Preel?Yterian .Churck; SPecinl
'ters!rvice,s. will lie', held next, Sen,
lt,forning ', • Minfeeff'7-1'."Lone'e.
Great Adyertttire. n•nd Its ReWarti,'!,
Tvening.: ,t;:4 "The ',•;g1:04.e'. of
SPeeinls'. Anneie, bY. :ityec,hoi re You
are invited to atteirelhfSe services
The monthly meeting of the'W. M.
S. of the Presbyterian ChurCh was
held in theChar& April lst• Mrs
• • .
MacCallqpi took the deVOltionel, exer-
cises, Mrs. Decker, very ablyex-
plaipeen the "Bible Study." A solo by
Mise M. AIIm was •very acceptable.
The topic wastaken from „the * 4th
Chapter. _of„.„ the 4 -:Study _•bstel.„ Jack•
:Smite 'Tgave-g-splendidneadirig .
'"Giving." It was decided' to; hold an
"Easter :Theinkoffering" Wednesday'
afternoon 'Aprilel5th. The omeeting
:closed .with repeating the Lords
Payer.' .
• The ' SundaY School, Anniversery”
service will be held .in the Methodist
church pn Sunday eomniencing at 11
"a,'T.' An appropriate address will ;be
'given by Rev. T. Wesley Cosene and
the Sunday schoolehoir, will •furnish
Easter misic. In the evening the
pastor . will preach a epeeial Easter
ernacittna nen the ne ten r 11 =rep der---ne
excellent 'Easter prOgramine, • ' '
Int 'Epworth ;League
The annual :meeting: of :the. League
was held on Mesticlay evening' when
reports .' were.. received frein .the
kiefinenni pffirs'Yeene
elected fon the Finning year. Officers
elected." Were as. foilmna; . President,
Miss L. Trelenvenn lst Vico Pres::
Mee. J. "Wealft ...19Ynt, 2nd ;Vice 'Pres.
Miis G. Trelean'en; Srd. Vice Pres., A.
Reid; Pianist, Uri,- Russ Robertson ;•
Assistant Pianist, ,Mrs. Newton;
Secretary,' M is s Lena ' :Robinson,
'Treasurer, S',..Reld. There will
be no „meethig, of The teagtie next,
.Monda32 evening, the Presbyterian
Guild having invited; the Leagueto.
-their Easter entertain:remit e
MeLenn;' 'Supekintendent' of ',Heralds,' •
Mrs, John Button. • • • . The 'Presbyterian, Guild ;
The..follo'wing Herald; were meeting` a the Guild M,onday
ed -Japan •Mia: Bus•well. • Freneh t evening as in charge' of the Pres-
ident and Vice Presideet. The Scrip...
tire• lesson was rend"-hr-RR7-1VIc-
Calluni. The Topic wasably, taken bY
Min Mark. A .duet wes '•sung bieMar-
iorie Douglas. and Annie: McDonald.,
Piano.instrumentale • were given, by
1VIareenret Geddes • and Grant Man"
Kenzie. • Rena' ivreOehaid and , Alan
'Mnielnch each gave a reading. Next
week the ,Vietpria MisSion Band will
provide a 'special . programme
Work, .Mrs. G. Andrew ; Indian Work,
Nnylore-Itahan Week, .Mrs
R. .Robertson; ' Teinnerance • Mrs
Irwin; ' Pianist; Mrs.' T. 8:- Reid. Ar:
rairgentents ;were made for the Eas-
ter Thankoffering meeting at which
Mrs: -Dr.Thonipson who is hoineon
.furlough • from China will ' be, the
speaker. At. the close of the W. :M.
.:S,:meeting the ellen' WEIS taken.. by
the President of the Ladies' Aid Sol,'
,ceity.• The repnres. preeented,'indicat,
ed a very successful year. .'•
The following offieers Were elect...,
ed: -president, Mrs. S. • Rathwell
lat Vice President, ;Mrs, G: Andrew;
Secretary, • Mrs, John • Bettarn ' Trea-
surer, Mrs. Dr. G. A. Newton,
--• -.,---r-070•0-r•••••=
W.. • H.eKerr, editor and proprietor
of The .Bieissels Post died about' one
•.P'eleck Monnay Itlernitvg. of this week
Mi 'Kern had been in faihng health
for almost a year and left fall had,
:decided upon -jinni to California for
the Winter, but vinien the time came
be did not feel well' enough, to. +make
the . trip and remained,- at, -htenee,
From that. time he gradualle lest
strength. • .
Last fall arrangements Were made.
by whkh his son, who had the "Clinton.
New Eran.011;n1d sell, Out that office
and paper and go to Brussels to take
ehatge otThe' Post Where as n Ind he
had, aenisted• hie father. . .i,
• The late. Mr:. Kerr had owned and
edite,d The Pest for alniest 45 years..
He vita highly eiteemed in brussels
and the stirrouhcling calm:try ;•aind' Wag.
from the time he. came to the village
netiyein church • and, municipal if
fairs. Ile seryed for many year e • aa.
Councillor andreeve, and for 15 years
Was a member of' the Huron CrittPt3"
Council, being warden in' 1908. 'lie is"
sUrvived be. his Partner in life ivhern
he 'married 42 yeanta ago find .12'n on
hoon, service being held in the Meth,'
-et'swhielt she'Vene long
After April 10th, li415. ttie
iiihiClittf A cot in the price of •Milk
and area*, **buying tiaketii yon
MP, tit • g6 Pint tickets lino: (inn 4.61.
11W 'Pr0141' Xtfr Itltf.010 l*P1: '1;i3 *00-
t 'tli 140 0
• o . •
,The regular monthly meetinn of
•the W. M. • S. was held in the church
on April lst; lgeetine. opened with
Usual openinie exercises Min • John
IVIaeleod had the . Scripture studn
and enelained. very hilly 'pant' of the
Srd Chapter Of. Phillipeans. ' Miss
Mare _MacLean offered prayer.. Mrs:
;1 Hughes. was •appointed Delegate'
to the W,. M. S. . Prditindial meetine
in:London; The -program -consisted
°f a IVtaii libiereige by Mrs. !Ninnies ,
Corahani, this Showed.,hew : •great
work the Christian Church has to. do,.
A geed, reading Which was enjoyed
by' all wan given by IVIiii.'Greta,,Htid-
ion. Miss N NicholsOn 'gave some
'facts of the 'work 'among the: Chinese
and Hindues in Ceniida.. Meeting,
closed with singing and player; The
Easter' Thanksoffering ' meeting will
he held in the „Church on Tuesclay
April 14. Rev, Mrs. Harkness will
address this ineethig.
Mr.' and Mrs. Menary • of
• Crewe visited Mr. .and. Mrs, , Herhi
Curren, Sunday.. ' •
Mr; Bert Reed and son of LuektlOW
were ' visitors -at Mr, ."Tho. Ain
.derSotns'Sfitoixay. • ,
Mr, and' Mrs. Peter: Lasenhy of
London were goests of On; former's.
father, Mr. John .Litsenhin....over_.the
Weelc end.
S. 13. Stothark and dnui:thtr
Agnea";Tand hi trOther 41,,ti.a. M..
Stethers wlio has ;spent,. the '; Whiter
wlth himAll were -,.tenri
'wednesitsy. atothoott, :
,• A number of 'formeial havebeen
t'OOWing tot the -got' t*e-v.061tkii 100.4 not lioefseutrz The. tirelono,
. ,
_ •. ROOM
• Sr. Clines, • Possible Marks . 373
Ex. -Cecil Arinatrong, gnsp. Stewart
ppllyer 293; Milian Herne' 2$7, Fred,
wino 230 •„
• • „
Q-400,-41fred. ArragttrOng '274,„ Jack.
Wilson*, 272, Phly MacKenzie
George ";JOYfit '268, Dongles Clerk
, Frank MacKenzie: 251, 'Incibel
Deenglaa, 34-h, 247 .
Jan McMillan 240, .1no el'•;11cianiltdn,•,
238a, •,•Mergaret Baker,. 231; ,tlFfore
Webster;227., • •
• Ilair '
• Leonard McDonald , 206 Elliott Web.,
Sten. -199,' "Charlie, Palmer 196, Chris .
tine Finley sem 189*, "GeOrge. WhitbY
.176, Leonard Webster 175*,, Mandie
Fisher178+, Aunrey, Henderson 157
Harry Sherwood 156. •
-Below ., • Fair- Howard , Johnstone
101;; Rexford Ostrander 55. • '
• jr. ,Class Pessitile inarke, 855
Newton .331, Aligns Me.
-crae 131, ',Jean McIntosh 301, Eileer
•Jehnstime -.300; • Ellen- • Barns .-29.3neXien.:
tor Barrett,. 289, Audrey' Horne: 278
Join Henderson. 274; Harold AllijjAG6
'Good- Kathleen Melntosh • 264,
Winifred, : Aitchison 26 1, • Francee
Arnistrenn- 257. • :
Fair --Jack Button 2 10; ,..•212bY
McKenzie 209, • Ruth Parker.: 19e*,
Grape 'Websten 194, Marie! Solomon
189*, Norman Taylor 179.
'Below Fair -David Jewitt, • Willie_
McCrae, 'Mary . Webster,; barman
Pentland, Merle Johnstone.
'These .marked were absent: a
week or, Mare through
.3eundie-, Leacher-
Rooin 11
FosOble 41.0, , Honours 30$;• pass
Sr. If- Rpir •Collyer 90%; 401;
Herold Greer' 80%, 366. ka.e Mac -
Mahon 363, Clark Finlayson• • :382,
Dorothy Nixon.336 Wilson Arm-
strong 332, ' Shirley' - Langford 75(n..
824, Betty ,Brown 319e, Eldon Agar.
810 Winnifted Johnston 60% • 305
,EvIlyn Reed. 303,' Rpszella MnIIin X,13
Erpie. Baker 297*, Kathleen :Feei•is•
296, Donalda. Douglas •gOo,' ,Clifford
.Menery. 287, Jirnmie Henclersdn:,2n4
Marion Cousins 284, Marjorie Hee-
dereen,'.282, • Bobby :•ThomPeon':, gsoi.
Ada Burns 271, Melvin Johnstone
268, ,Cameron. Finlayson .265, Stewart
Cameron 261, Kenneth tamer...in 257;
Clare Johnstone 244*; David Horne
240, Chester' Bruce 235*, Phillia Cou-
sins', .232*, Le,onard Irwin 217,' Har-
old 'Button 173*. ', • '• • '`
Posaible 361 HoziOura 226 Paas
Jro.fie-yerna .Steward 22$,
MacMillan .200, Jackie Fisher 187,
iddie Whitby 185, J. C,'Durnin 152,
Donald MacDonald 140*, Edna 'Agar
-185*,-Meleni--Stanley 139*, Tom Mac•
Donald 112, Christopher MacRae-.
Those marked • n have missed, one
or mere exeminatiens.
•G. :Sherriff, teacher
--e-o 0----• •
,. Miss' Lila 'Humphrey. is ., visiting
riendi'• •in ; Whitechureh and ,, East
•Mrs. %John ,Hagget . and './vInitiand
of Detroit; '-'n'tire 7:via:in-:lin- 7With ' Mr.
and Mrs'. souter•Tayplor. . :
, We are .pleased to '-r9SI:t t141,t Mr,
Archie 'Aitchiatm,. who ' hin;'been ill
the ,pciat Week With an acnteAttnek
Of anpendicitis is iniPrOving, --".-
' , The death di' "Mr. An,4(tw Olasco
occurred on Monday., Mr. Glas o whp
4ind been' ' ill -only a .few days,' " Wha
a MuCh.., respected resident of the
9th n eoneessitin, and his . bere eed
wife and family have the sympathy
•if Many . friends., ' . - ' '' • • .-- 'I'', .
„A tieef ring 'has- recently been :or-
ganized •to ;commence May 21st With
-4r, Webster of .g.sheelcl as butcher:
There are still ohe,inilf and ten)
third. shares available. anyone . desir-
ing these please -notify the president.
'Mr. Frank Todd or the Seceetary,
Mr. Wallace Miller, .. ..• ' ' . '
• -6-o-0-0-4. •
Mr Malcolm Pringle, for Many
year; a resident of the 6th ences-
sion of Culross,1 weft .of
Teessvater, was • found,;dead in his,
home on • Man. 31st.,..by a' neighter
who . had; called to see hint Mr,
Pringle hadben living, alone ,Since
the. .1 death' ;Of his. brother Leellien ;
seine years ago. He was the last sur -
elver of a *tinily Which had cone in-
-to-----ths,--bush,litithir-aarlyi days, ,i.two
ltrothers and a•Sister passed away in
recent.' 'years.. Mr, Pringle 'had not
'beenIeeling well for seine but ,_`•
'When pl-4 el' his neighbors wanted •.'
hhn tol,nave the services of a 'deitiir e
'of Laurier 'fee ,few recently.
Mr. and. Mrs. lanigs Struthers
Moned last. emelt• their, new *menear Guelph..
Mri.1 Jack 'MiCInte..sh • of • Para;
eleunt "viieed; with 'fielerreii in -.WiN,;.:;
last week, '
•.. • '
•'Man Par:U.. •
'n."1.0tilli IS anendinn. the Week, vvitli
frierida •
Ainancln MacLean, of Kin:
.:ardine was a recent. guest 'of. Mrs
Wiltpn Bell of Paramotint.
• Mrs. •Will xempten; • of 1.4aukiez
spent the .week end With. her mcithet
Mrs. Jas.' MagDonald of Peranlount
',Mr. and Mrs Chas. .Conthm
near Holyrood "epent the creek ene
' .)ith Mr. • and Mrs: MAX 'Raynarci
Parainount., '• • „ • " •
te :be a Wedding Of: another . 6
:qiho was the guest O4 Ulee A. Wilk
Lothian's • nopular- young woman, le
'..he near future. • ".
Jim -McKay returned :to • his liOnie
• it Helmsdale, • Alberta, ;nfier. spend,.
ing .the Whiter Months, With, his: nat.,
;rits at. Ineinleek City.
• Mrs. pensid osic and Mrs. Petel
ildurchach returned : ,to their' hnnie ii
Detroit ,after ,-visitipg nor ;e , cpuplc.
of Weeks. at. the Cameron. , home a;
• Lochalsh
The Lechelah• U.: F. •''‘..1"„, 0: .nurnes
hall • on • Tuesday evening the •14th
. Lent...112e : 110We Corner:: Drainatn:
Club :will ;nut Oir.their 'hemorode::'plcin
.:"Mr. Slick Of Pumpkin Creek',„" This'
will 'be' followed by a . Bon , Soela.
which wiflf. be followed , by a.: danee.
there isabUndent'veriein to suit the
custe of everybody so .an :enjoyable
assured. Everybody is vitef-
eeme: ,Ladies bring binees. •
Anether. old . And highly 7, eateeined,
• resident of, Ashfield passed'71iway on
Fridaynight the 3rd ,inst.. in the; pep
son of :' Mrs. McLeod, widnw, Of 'the .
iate Dynenn McLeod Of, I.Pntail in
the. 90th ;Year of °.her age Deceased
was one of the early .nioriedes of ;the
toWnship having et -.)me to Aplifield
.with , her parents, nrethen and slaters,
'When, quite a . Young girl, when the
:township • was practicalnn.'unbrok-'
en forest' For some .time due :to th
infinnities- Ofokl age • she was cern
-fined to.: her bed, but through it „she'
ninintaiiied a nheerfuj spirit: ;neve]
ceased' her several 'Years •ago also E
daughter' Mrn....McKay of Sault St.
Marie; She, is survinechr'be two • song
and three daughters, John,''Murddeh
and Mary' at home, Mrs, Dr. Sap.
soh of Kintell, and Allen.... of
• Cainlacitie, :Laninaton Co. The funer-
al fl Teesday, lafternoon Was very'
largely .at:i'ended. Mr. Hardie of Aeh-
.field Presbyterian 'chinch' Of 4 which
deceased was 'member ,Conilticting
the services.
• -o,o-o-
Meeting of -the Kaii••
:shear" U: F. W: 0. was •••lield,at the
hpthei Of Mrs Tyndall Robinson on
Thurs. Mar: .19. There wee .n large
attendanee,...end a good program.:
-rhe 'Roll • Call was, answered by
"Something 'Irisii4I'f-after Whieln 'a°
.sang°-.• by: four ladies. was ,epjoysd
Min. W.. F,:1),InCHonald gene ;a' panel._
on Current,' Events which • was 'fel-
'lowed, by Cdanmunity Singing. .111isi
Jean Macke,nzie gave' . 'spienclin
Paper orn the "Irish Situation." ,n,ftq
which Mrs, ban MacKinnon sang a
.solo.. A:good paper on The All Round
Wonian , was read by Mrs. Heghes
The • Meeting closed with singing Ben
Save The' Icing; after whien ' lunch
CSS ,S,O,VCCI end a soeiel :hour spent
The next meeting will be held on
April 16 iat the home of .Mrs. D.an
MbeIntyre .4th Con..
Verniers' here are all nuay it: aeed-
ing: and the land is. ?neponteci io •fine.
connitiOrn, • ...ea, „
illrieee of, Mr: FeiLunr..
We ere *s•orty to rePort the
'The. funeral of MY& 'Ned innelinY
WAS held ...on,•Tt.teetleiy, .service heing
if the -St.; Atiguntilie c,hirch
the: funeral. 'of, •t`he late. :Andrew
Glasgow " Will be on Wedhesilme
"eldek,. • "--, • N: •
• Mr. n tom De.
iit-having, to attend the "fun,"!
eg' .0 his mother."
'., .Eitid,* Joiehh .irnytot.' of
Tortirito• ,Were if; etttnd. the 'tullraI-of the at Mrs e
gfeent 'Oil, tlio.'-toods in
peiia1s For Saturday
• Say- Brown Cakes
• ,71)1.mdce' Cakes
,..CrqOxf Slices7 •2
. Pineapple Tarts*,
Home .1VIade; W110.1e Wheat
'Raisin Bread- •
Qt un
.11)14cE ,. YOUR,: ORDER.•.EARLY:
' 'APRIL . 9th.
Butter anti Eggs:. at Top Prices
liollyirtan's' 13akety,
Pkoae 36, 1.eeknew
. • .
Mr. R. 1artns returned from •.,St.
Helena "fuesdny evening, •.
.11,1r 1\11"3.:-00I'Llett of Alliston
- •
„ .
•isited, the intter's 5nother,
Robb Thursday. They are epenning
few tveeke:at 1roiyrood duriig the
;Linens of their ..son.an-le-,,e • Dick.
• • ''t
'Floweidele farmers are busy. Seed-„
ing. 'Dick Illartin sowed a entld . ,of
oatS • Saturdny, • •
Our rend • has . been innoh. improved
b the iise • ,; if • '
7.-Tvt-OSS- '
High gelid:61' Spent 'the:Needle-end;
'MAclarer's: " ' .
• W. F; MeDonaln has :just finished
• imakiegg a ;nice sinnply. ; of '" Maple°.
• • 'There allOuld be plenty :of eggs •for
Easter a' 'some:of the lainners are
'gathering: in .-oVer ae,ven dozen a day. • •
., The FlOwerdale.`firMers Will. soon- ' • •
, be 'spennine; ..thnin,Onenings fishing
as the...Ash are coining up the rivar.
Mr, "en .n:cdeakinsort and S.0111 joe.
made :a• business' trip to ". 'Goderich '
o -o---:.
The 'dehate 'in the 'Epworth Leaguer, .
In; Hackett' S , Was \Tern inter-
esting. The etibject "Resolved
Itvhheit;:•:.,ii,vy, a. bte,'1).‘i,iel e. t•h, dLtocirioni °nue: •
eurrptinclingsa' The atlininative• vas
_nphein. by_lnie•;i I-Tedgins of, -Belfast: '
and Miss Sherwood the .negi-
tive by Mr.eZinn Mrs. eo'. Lane;
The affirmatiVenonnekn' o
sion fellowed, • •••,. , •
--.1:hat-StWilt:bir7 an: open ineetinen,nf
the W. 3/1,1'0,...:,.ef /the A.Shfield, 'circuit ••'.,
In .Heekett's' ehtirch 4ondnieneeening;,
An eddies *will he • .giv:da ..Mre.
Thompson of Teronte Who . with Mr;
Thompson is hisme :on.fttrieW frein
China. and hear about .the •
goon ,work • being.none by .our rine-
sionaries in the' foreign •field.
.• A ininnoen here art adend,
afterrioen. '
' The spring erops are going in
beautifully. -Everybody ' at 'it.
• . 0 •
. • •
...Misses Eva 'Dolan and.,Mai7,
?ison cif spent . the week
end . With tneir' Jean
Scobie at the 'Manse,, '
Miss Visi,feetji StintlaY
F1`0.3 Lecknow. •
•;:yr: telt Phi 11l) • of Auburn. 'called •
on friends .and relatives in' the vil,
1.11e On , Sundae*, e • • : •. •
Ittie W. It.' Feriler sold a villuable ;
horse inet seek
MiSe Dolly )17'el)te,1', nuclei -low
sront• weetz ;OM With her friencl ;
Miss Annetta Fisher,
Mr. ,' Mrs. ',Tart; 'of s
rho . 'have Mr. (:)mow :Sherwood's.
rerm, rented, re evoil• to it last week.
NVe. Welcome "Mt, end Mrs. Hart to
111-1 ' . .
Mi \Vill Ileare .1eft lest Satursten
fdi, the. \neat' wilere . will Spend
the sunn4r,• :••• "
isitii frieficls; -.and 'iielatines here
eturned to iit.tho ,NVCst
asl‘t;r•ztetkiii, ,r:rite,..• t. h
few , &eye wool; al. the 'hemp of •
.MY.54 Antlrew 14',1 -sr nrrined lieele
• r
he refused, Cernitnr, Mei, of
Toecwatat.,decidea that in Inquest
Thio vieele„1,A oo_IfIvotoro and ell*Sl were taken te Linklater's
, ,nre, bnpr,' so it•
looke thOu, o oor 0
as h oed. rs thi ttMatai as t
Figtion ins; would e•riv this opooni. .
' • „ ,
htivldnity 1 ,
lenclay frnm
litee...Thetin'F•9".., • Itc'e.<11',t,i bruifNt'her lo
oronta when.c..1!„. will rem slit fey
hilc tha iAkci.tronii114,t1t8,..
• Mr, aerie flaniclsen af Wroxeteti
ailed :.:ne II -ere, oh '''ISiondsy;,
The.' Stfiln tenethign. for Stitidal
iglit Will be ehnege .01 -*Miss "
iiii.,.1.10tirY„ •