HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-09, Page 1I , 2•003,PE1 XNAR IN 4DVANCF 2•50 yriimpirrOu LUCKNOW, .1130141.E$SION,Ak CARDS -• , r .VETERINARY SIJRGEON,- Dr. 4.. Keleher, Ripley, .Phone 29, 0104 or ,:doy,;44-.. PENTPT, Dr. ...MacLeod: will inait '• Tauckiiow everY Tuesdariz r), Office. -,•'DR. PARKER,"noSTEOP41,14 at ti2e , Cnin Dense, FaniknoW., every" Wed- nesday afternoon. Ali ehrenie.dis- • nenesenceessfnpy 'treated..10.40,0- •,',Mithy ,tainovea .tne ehysical cancan* of ' disease. . " Adjustment of the ' spine in more 'quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Osteo. • 'paths, than by any 'other method, Dr. W. M: Connell F'hysician and Surgeon Lucknon.° Hours 2-e-4 7-8 Phone 86 • . • DENTIST . Dr, R. L. 'Treleaven, Luckno,w-, ()yarn Decker's S to r e. ExtractiOn , either by gas or local. Will -be-in Dungannon every Thursd' hone 53 . DENTIST Call pi:: IlewtoU• • Make eprienitment - In office everyday., o EvERyBoriyis.-otesol—o. „1 haye ncleltdto my, . Wall Pane), an:1 benineei a stock. of Wal Panel; bhia.% may' be,/ seen at r113 i•esinenre :tee: J. 'Cameron Painter .end Decorator ""\ =1"-"•;-'77" FOR ' 'very comfortable • dwellien in gciod conditiori.-Apply. ' to Gee A.. Siddall. • • „ MUSKRATS -L.-Highest Prices .paid At ' B„:.:131itentein's Dr • ;Geode Store; ' • , „'• , •. . FARM t.,ANl) .FOR SALE.- Several • .welI improved 100 -acre faring con- nenient to Lucleturvin 'APply. to Geo • A. Siddall, Lucknow.... . • FOR 7SALE-Chevrolet Tour. .ieg-Apnlir to F. 'F. Armstrong. - - EGGS ANI) CHICKENS Inaprove your sfliacks. by introducing some, of, my heavy, hardy, healthi. -4,en•pnirrontice1 n--Ale-beedetoelay7,---Run-- • red Rock ..ninles 'up to eleven pounds. • Atistralian ,White Leghorn males ur- ' to seven. Bretrto large :hens. Yat vet size andproducers of large eggs Eggs • for hatching $5;00 per 100' -Bali. Chinks day-old to month-old free from.' disease. Reasonable 'pricecn request.: inione,611'',.r 42, Duncan 'Kennedy Whitechurch, Ont; • FOR SALE= Eggs .for • hatching froal (Bred to :lay) • Plyarlouth Barree Rocks: Also Custom Hatching dent' • Drakin. filled' AS ..fireceived.-Phillir S; Ste -inert. ' • /. . '19-3-tf • FOUND -:-On the 'street in Luckilow, • n fur 'choker. Owner 'may have eanin on -paying for -this notiCe. • • . , . :.WANTEDLA pant '1'or • 'full that(' Agent to represent a" well ..establish- ." ed. Life Insurance CO. Aprjy. to The Sentinel , Office, ' 2-4•-tf.• • . Whitt Blossoms Sweet Clover •Seed -$l .00 'per. ISus. • - J. Laidlaw, Lot 28, Con. 2 9 -4 -re ' Kinlogs Luelmow FlOur Mills Havelock (pure _Manitoba) $5.25 'Sepoy (blended) $5.06 ' Made Itite (pastry) $4.75 Wheat Peed Flour $2;25 Shorts ,$1.75 $1.75 Screening chop $35.90 per ton•. Special prices on large quantities. of • --o-o-o-e• - TOrDERS. POR',CONcitETE ' BRIDGES, • ' Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents,' Wilt be received by,thr undersigned ,• until Monday, noon; April lg. 1925, - -for . the Construetion Of four concrete bridges near :Teed- '. Water, °nen° ft, -two 80 ft. and one • Plats and specificatione may be: °D1 -"aintita•-••Offige-nif.khe undersigned; linnet or anf.teriderntien.lineq4; saril accepted. • " • G. E. Stephenson, truce- COtititY Engineer; 0.4-10 • • Walkerton,. Out, TiTeyo'nvo Iron gOO,, to 040 'Naomi. 000 On 010 glob's, • Th!ii eatinist, prnly live veleoneeo• • , • Miss P.heriele Irv• ing was hOmei," • ;KEEP YOUR CHICKENS IN fremaPetrP?t, for 'the week -end:. Mae • E,thel.ltobeXtsOrt Silent week -end wit)* friends at TnronPo.. Brewn's.'ater''sheowint an exterisive range . of foleil'S•" .11ate and Ties .2fne Easter: To,morreW being' 'GOO& Fridays"; and , a nubile holiday. business, places: be closed.. " 'Mr. D G. MacKenzie, returned - • • . • -....*.i.luniher„ of enelPlaints.bane ,been; Made to' the Village erinneil regerd- iihr-e-bilekena running at large. This. is gardentime and 'flower seed's and bulbii and the seeds • are being Planted.. ir,hq Horticultural Society. ,is (Mpg A great .dea;`.ot Work..taWards• beautifying the, thwn,. and all should. fielPo •A.C•• cirerYWdy ' knows n gardee ." .home on • Monday after, spending 'aIngrasiblee .ai is Week inToronto.• large. -By 'order of The 'Council. 't " • A supply of. Gnnh's -Sure-Gain Fertilizer now on'hand,O. S. .1:tribertspn'e,, LuelcnoW; , Mrs. 1VIeEvdri'whe spent the Win. ' ter' months down in Florida is back to her home in town.; • ' • Nothing better' for the land than Gunn' s Sure Gain Fertilizer. . Get yours from G. S. Robertson. , . Dance in The Town' Hall on Eas- ter Monday night, 5 -piece orchestra '-Good. lunch, Old Times Dances. Fryfogle's Orchestra n011. furnish -anusie--atna-dance-tirhe-giverriirthe- Parish Hall, Dungannon on Easter' Monday evening. •Mr. Alf. Arnintrong Ness nip from_ to spend the week:end with his parents, Mr. arid :Mrs. Win. Akin - strong. ' Mrs. :011ie Treleaven was' in Bras- , sels .for a few days 'of the past week and 'while there attended the funeral of • an old friend, 'Mi. W. II; Kerr. To-Morrovv evening; Apr. 19,/is the date .of the pnesentation. of, the fine Pageant e -:-"Thh* Conenering 'drons" Aie-ille-Mathodiet-Anneheihno . " Friends of :Mrs. Dr.t. pence' "will be pleased to lanon. that she is getting along well hallowing annnppendicitis _opetatimi. at Wirighann Hospital lest Saturday.: •.1.1 T h e 114. " T.,Wesley COsens, Messrs. W. E. Treleaven and . D. C, /Taylor attended the funeral of the late W. H; Kerr at Brussels on. ; Tuesday. . • ' Miss Alma Mik ay is spending a ....duple of Weeks 'in Windsor ; haying :one to ant' city • with her sister Mrs;„ Clair Agnew. who visited ° bete, • for a couple of weeks.. • . , 'Toronto p a p'e, s 'reported- the Jeath, at -Toronto. on 'Sunday lase of Mrs. Geo. Kerr whom some of our readere_will remember as a.' resident of Lucknow. 'Death wasdue .to- a stroke .of. paralysis. "Professor E. • Katz, the noted nye- sight specialist of Listowel, is com- ing; to the Cain House, LuCknow, Wednesday Aptil; 15; to, tent 'yefair eyes, ' and relieve Your' eye •,„..sight trouble. If you are dizzy, have head- ' ache, pain in ...the_teinples,Lin_comeal From eye strain; as Your eye is con- nected with . the nervous system., By properly attending to your eyes, this steain iseremoved and the trouble vanishes: Let . me, help you Don't • miss this chance, 'ground glasses $7. orth $1.2.00, two sighted :gins - nee in one, piece $10.00 , worth $16.00." , Keith -To Mr. and .Mrs. Duncan ,Keith, ;Coil. 4 west, Culross Tp,, on. Saturday, March 21st 1925, a son, •• Malcolm Gordnn. Smith- At. Wingham On April 1; 495, to Mr. and Mrs.' A. G. Smith • a (laughter. •• INMEMORIAN. LYnns-rnlovingihrieqUeoti„ of Jessie ;Crawford °•Cunnizighainn . Wife Of . jameOLyorie, who nestled • away April 8th, 1924; Quietly :and quickly Caine the call,- . A sudden death surprised Us, all, Dearer in , meinbrythan words. can' • tell • • • . • , ' The thoughts :Of Our 'dent one We lov- ed • ' Husband and family , 'INMEMORIAM. In 'fend' and loving rentembiaike of out darling liecitriee E. only :daughter Of Mr. :and 'Nits,. Armstrong,. London, Ont. w h o• • Passed' away April 18th • 1924. . Aged 2. Years, " „ One year has ,piiissed:- and stilt • we • nuas her, , • . • Friends 'May think the "WOUnd Inte, healed; • , , • . .11nt they..little 'letiono, the .seottOw Deep, Within our .hearts •conceitted• For to -day- we are no9t lonely -. ..'Without. Our little. &Attlee: dear Who .left behind her JoVed."...oneiv ; .,"..l000,ontourir-10ezahtenCO'Inte toe sweet, too ,pUrti ' and hino- cent • • • For a HAI:: on earth bel* Sti•eut Father took her nOMoir ' ,And we know 'ts better so. • No One.knOWS' hone, r.niih we • *tea her Netio tuft, tfli 'the hitter 9.• • We 11031,Offirod isilide,o0 lett of :1400 )144 'Aviv. beift, Ufa 114Met IOVintc Nvariti 404 10000 • Pumpkin .0'eeh Creek , From Pl."? • coritedy.0 willbe..Preeen!ed: by the. iouct,?g. People or Reid% Cern; ere, in thy Lochalsh: Club House, on the evening Of Tuesday, April 14th The • play will 'Commence at, 8;30 .otlQck sharp. ' • . • The play will • be followed .by 60x, Social and dance. Admission 2...5e •and 15c. Ladies with boxes free -Un- der auspiees of the U. F. SEEDliNG__ UM:MR-WAY- - number of farmers••in this Vic- inity got some grain sown 'last week and itbia week, being dry and .fine, no doubt, a good deal, of :Work Will he, done., The land is said. to ;be 'in 'good condition for .working. This is an early Start and as experience am' experiments have proved there's nothing like, early- seeding , . • The reads too are in unusually good ,condrtion for this time of the • • , year. On all the mnin tends one 'seer, the „good` effect, of the road drags , ILLgenejrraLAISO-4116 hOlitr.th province. ' . • o o- . METHODIST W.M.S. . . • • The , Annual meeting of the Wo- men's' Missionary Society. of • the Lueleriote Methodist Church was 'held - at thehome of Mrs. . John jeynt Tuesday , efterricion. Satisfactory Re- ports ..were ':presented. 'Tlie following officers were elected for the ensuing, year: -President, Mrs. T W. Cos - 009; 1st Vice President, Mrs, Smith; Recording "Secretary, inees. Greer: Corresponding •Secretary ,Jeynt;'Treasunen., Mrs. B. Staithers Stranger's Secretary, ,Mrs. John Button,' Superintendent Of Christian Stewardship, M r's. • S. Ratlinrelle. Mite Bon •Superintendent, Mies L APRIL 9th., 1925.4, SIWGLE COPIES,. 5 0K.SiTS, ,• • CRIMP' NQTE$ .- •Slt,„ o.,.Peteira_. - Clinrs-11--Goed-..Frida, 10i30 ii, rit, "Stirof.^:the UrCiss," . Easter, PaY-k..4.M. I -101Y ' Cern- . . . mullion, 11 a.m..' Holy • Gomiennien" And. sermon. 7 p.n. evening Prayer 'and agrarian' Specialmusic at 11 •and. .7'.,o'cleck service. ":„ .: • • ....Preel?Yterian .Churck; SPecinl 'ters!rvice,s. will lie', held next, Sen, lt,forning ', • Minfeeff'7-1'."Lone'e. Great Adyertttire. n•nd Its ReWarti,'!, Tvening.: ,t;:4 "The ',•;g1:04.e'. of .Thc:i4e0421feOtiqn,..,41 SPeeinls'. Anneie, bY. :ityec,hoi re You are invited to atteirelhfSe services The monthly meeting of the'W. M. S. of the Presbyterian ChurCh was held in theChar& April lst• Mrs • • . MacCallqpi took the deVOltionel, exer- cises, Mrs. Decker, very ablyex- plaipeen the "Bible Study." A solo by Mise M. AIIm was •very acceptable. The topic wastaken from „the * 4th Chapter. _of„.„ the 4 -:Study _•bstel.„ Jack• :Smite 'Tgave-g-splendidneadirig . '"Giving." It was decided' to; hold an "Easter :Theinkoffering" Wednesday' afternoon 'Aprilel5th. The omeeting :closed .with repeating the Lords Payer.' . • The ' SundaY School, Anniversery” service will be held .in the Methodist church pn Sunday eomniencing at 11 "a,'T.' An appropriate address will ;be 'given by Rev. T. Wesley Cosene and the Sunday schoolehoir, will •furnish Easter misic. In the evening the pastor . will preach a epeeial Easter , ernacittna nen the ne ten r 11 =rep der---ne excellent 'Easter prOgramine, • ' ' Int 'Epworth ;League The annual :meeting: of :the. League was held on Mesticlay evening' when reports .' were.. received frein .the kiefinenni pffirs'Yeene elected fon the Finning year. Officers elected." Were as. foilmna; . President, Miss L. Trelenvenn lst Vico Pres:: Mee. J. "Wealft ...19Ynt, 2nd ;Vice 'Pres. Miis G. Trelean'en; Srd. Vice Pres., A. Reid; Pianist, Uri,- Russ Robertson ;• Assistant Pianist, ,Mrs. Newton; Secretary,' M is s Lena ' :Robinson, 'Treasurer, S',..Reld. There will be no „meethig, of The teagtie next, .Monda32 evening, the Presbyterian Guild having invited; the Leagueto. -their Easter entertain:remit e MeLenn;' 'Supekintendent' of ',Heralds,' • Mrs, John Button. • • • . The 'Presbyterian, Guild ; , The..follo'wing Herald; were meeting` a the Guild M,onday ed -Japan •Mia: Bus•well. • Freneh t evening as in charge' of the Pres- ident and Vice Presideet. The Scrip... tire• lesson was rend"-hr-RR7-1VIc- Calluni. The Topic wasably, taken bY Min Mark. A .duet wes '•sung bieMar- iorie Douglas. and Annie: McDonald., Piano.instrumentale • were given, by 1VIareenret Geddes • and Grant Man" Kenzie. • Rena' ivreOehaid and , Alan 'Mnielnch each gave a reading. Next week the ,Vietpria MisSion Band will provide a 'special . programme Guild.. Work, .Mrs. G. Andrew ; Indian Work, Nnylore-Itahan Week, .Mrs R. .Robertson; ' Teinnerance • Mrs Irwin; ' Pianist; Mrs.' T. 8:- Reid. Ar: rairgentents ;were made for the Eas- ter Thankoffering meeting at which Mrs: -Dr.Thonipson who is hoineon .furlough • from China will ' be, the speaker. At. the close of the W. :M. .:S,:meeting the ellen' WEIS taken.. by the President of the Ladies' Aid Sol,' ,ceity.• The repnres. preeented,'indicat, ed a very successful year. .'• The following offieers Were elect..., ed: -president, Mrs. S. • Rathwell lat Vice President, ;Mrs, G: Andrew; Secretary, • Mrs, John • Bettarn ' Trea- surer, Mrs. Dr. G. A. Newton, --• -.,---r-070•0-r•••••= BRUSSELSPOST, EDITOR, DEAD W.. • H.eKerr, editor and proprietor of The .Bieissels Post died about' one •.P'eleck Monnay Itlernitvg. of this week Mi 'Kern had been in faihng health for almost a year and left fall had, :decided upon -jinni to California for the Winter, but vinien the time came be did not feel well' enough, to. +make the . trip and remained,- at, -htenee, From that. time he gradualle lest strength. • . • Last fall arrangements Were made. by whkh his son, who had the "Clinton. New Eran.011;n1d sell, Out that office and paper and go to Brussels to take ehatge otThe' Post Where as n Ind he had, aenisted• hie father. . .i, • The late. Mr:. Kerr had owned and edite,d The Pest for alniest 45 years.. He vita highly eiteemed in brussels and the stirrouhcling calm:try ;•aind' Wag. from the time he. came to the village netiyein church • and, municipal if fairs. Ile seryed for many year e • aa. Councillor andreeve, and for 15 years Was a member of' the Huron CrittPt3" Council, being warden in' 1908. 'lie is" sUrvived be. his Partner in life ivhern he 'married 42 yeanta ago find .12'n on „onr_Duesdity.titter,, hoon, service being held in the Meth,' -et'swhielt she'Vene long •44Prornisentianember, NTICE 0113,,MILK.A14..tD -CREAM After April 10th, li415. ttie iiihiClittf A cot in the price of •Milk and area*, **buying tiaketii yon MP, tit • g6 Pint tickets lino: (inn 4.61. 11W 'Pr0141' Xtfr Itltf.010 l*P1: '1;i3 *00- t 'tli 140 0 • o . • SOUTH KINLOSS"'"-e ,The regular monthly meetinn of •the W. M. • S. was held in the church on April lst; lgeetine. opened with Usual openinie exercises Min • John IVIaeleod had the . Scripture studn and enelained. very hilly 'pant' of the Srd Chapter Of. Phillipeans. ' Miss Mare _MacLean offered prayer.. Mrs: ;1 Hughes. was •appointed Delegate' to the W,. M. S. . Prditindial meetine in:London; The -program -consisted °f a IVtaii libiereige by Mrs. !Ninnies , Corahani, this Showed.,hew : •great work the Christian Church has to. do,. A geed, reading Which was enjoyed by' all wan given by IVIiii.'Greta,,Htid- ion. Miss N NicholsOn 'gave some 'facts of the 'work 'among the: Chinese and Hindues in Ceniida.. Meeting, closed with singing and player; The Easter' Thanksoffering ' meeting will he held in the „Church on Tuesclay April 14. Rev, Mrs. Harkness will address this ineethig. '1V1AFEKING , Mr.' and Mrs. Menary • of • Crewe visited Mr. .and. Mrs, , Herhi Curren, Sunday.. ' • Mr; Bert Reed and son of LuektlOW were ' visitors -at Mr, ."Tho. Ain .derSotns'Sfitoixay. • , Mr, and' Mrs. Peter: Lasenhy of London were goests of On; former's. father, Mr. John .Litsenhin....over_.the Weelc end. S. 13. Stothark and dnui:thtr Agnea";Tand hi trOther 41,,ti.a. M.. Stethers wlio has ;spent,. the '; Whiter wlth himAll were -,.tenri 'wednesitsy. atothoott, : ,• A number of 'formeial havebeen t'OOWing tot the -got' t*e-v.061tkii 100.4 not lioefseutrz The. tirelono, . , LUCI(NOW SCI1001. , ItEl'ORTS , _ •. ROOM • Sr. Clines, • Possible Marks . 373 Ex. -Cecil Arinatrong, gnsp. Stewart ppllyer 293; Milian Herne' 2$7, Fred, wino 230 •„ • • „ Q-400,-41fred. ArragttrOng '274,„ Jack. Wilson*, 272, Phly MacKenzie George ";JOYfit '268, Dongles Clerk , Frank MacKenzie: 251, 'Incibel Deenglaa, 34-h, 247 . Jan McMillan 240, .1no el'•;11cianiltdn,•, 238a, •,•Mergaret Baker,. 231; ,tlFfore Webster;227., • • • Ilair ' • Leonard McDonald , 206 Elliott Web., Sten. -199,' "Charlie, Palmer 196, Chris . tine Finley sem 189*, "GeOrge. WhitbY .176, Leonard Webster 175*,, Mandie Fisher178+, Aunrey, Henderson 157 Harry Sherwood 156. • -Below ., • Fair- Howard , Johnstone 101;; Rexford Ostrander 55. • ' • jr. ,Class Pessitile inarke, 855 Newton .331, Aligns Me. -crae 131, ',Jean McIntosh 301, Eileer •Jehnstime -.300; • Ellen- • Barns .-29.3neXien.: tor Barrett,. 289, Audrey' Horne: 278 Join Henderson. 274; Harold AllijjAG6 'Good- Kathleen Melntosh • 264, Winifred, : Aitchison 26 1, • Francee Arnistrenn- 257. • : Fair --Jack Button 2 10; ,..•212bY McKenzie 209, • Ruth Parker.: 19e*, Grape 'Websten 194, Marie! Solomon 189*, Norman Taylor 179. 'Below Fair -David Jewitt, • Willie_ McCrae, 'Mary . Webster,; barman Pentland, Merle Johnstone. 'These .marked were absent: a week or, Mare through .3eundie-, Leacher- Rooin 11 FosOble 41.0, , Honours 30$;• pass Sr. If- Rpir •Collyer 90%; 401; Herold Greer' 80%, 366. ka.e Mac - Mahon 363, Clark Finlayson• • :382, Dorothy Nixon.336 Wilson Arm- strong 332, ' Shirley' - Langford 75(n.. 824, Betty ,Brown 319e, Eldon Agar. 810 Winnifted Johnston 60% • 305 ,EvIlyn Reed. 303,' Rpszella MnIIin X,13 Erpie. Baker 297*, Kathleen :Feei•is• 296, Donalda. Douglas •gOo,' ,Clifford .Menery. 287, Jirnmie Henclersdn:,2n4 Marion Cousins 284, Marjorie Hee- dereen,'.282, • Bobby :•ThomPeon':, gsoi. Ada Burns 271, Melvin Johnstone 268, ,Cameron. Finlayson .265, Stewart Cameron 261, Kenneth tamer...in 257; Clare Johnstone 244*; David Horne 240, Chester' Bruce 235*, Phillia Cou- sins', .232*, Le,onard Irwin 217,' Har- old 'Button 173*. ', • '• • '` Posaible 361 HoziOura 226 Paas Jro.fie-yerna .Steward 22$, MacMillan .200, Jackie Fisher 187, iddie Whitby 185, J. C,'Durnin 152, Donald MacDonald 140*, Edna 'Agar -185*,-Meleni--Stanley 139*, Tom Mac• Donald 112, Christopher MacRae-. Those marked • n have missed, one or mere exeminatiens. •G. :Sherriff, teacher --e-o 0----• • ST HELENS. ,. Miss' Lila 'Humphrey. is ., visiting riendi'• •in ; Whitechureh and ,, East Wane:Amish: •Mrs. %John ,Hagget . and './vInitiand of Detroit; '-'n'tire 7:via:in-:lin- 7With ' Mr. and Mrs'. souter•Tayplor. . : , We are .pleased to '-r9SI:t t141,t Mr, Archie 'Aitchiatm,. who ' hin;'been ill the ,pciat Week With an acnteAttnek Of anpendicitis is iniPrOving, --".- ' , The death di' "Mr. An,4(tw Olasco \ occurred on Monday., Mr. Glas o whp 4ind been' ' ill -only a .few days,' " Wha a MuCh.., respected resident of the 9th n eoneessitin, and his . bere eed wife and family have the sympathy •if Many . friends., ' . - ' '' • • .-- 'I'', . „A tieef ring 'has- recently been :or- ganized •to ;commence May 21st With -4r, Webster of .g.sheelcl as butcher: There are still ohe,inilf and ten) third. shares available. anyone . desir- ing these please -notify the president. 'Mr. Frank Todd or the Seceetary, Mr. Wallace Miller, .. ..• ' ' . ' • -6-o-0-0-4. • • CULROSS CENTRE . 1 Mr Malcolm Pringle, for Many year; a resident of the 6th ences- sion of Culross,1 weft .of Teessvater, was • found,;dead in his, home on • Man. 31st.,..by a' neighter who . had; called to see hint Mr, Pringle hadben living, alone ,Since the. .1 death' ;Of his. brother Leellien ; seine years ago. He was the last sur - elver of a *tinily Which had cone in- -to-----ths,--bush,litithir-aarlyi days, ,i.two ltrothers and a•Sister passed away in recent.' 'years.. Mr, Pringle 'had not 'beenIeeling well for seine but ,_`• 'When pl-4 el' his neighbors wanted •.' hhn tol,nave the services of a 'deitiir e AsIfE4P111) NQTES '10neni- ie 'of Laurier 'fee ,few recently. Mr. and. Mrs. lanigs Struthers Moned last. emelt• their, new *menear Guelph.. Mri.1 Jack 'MiCInte..sh • of • Para; eleunt "viieed; with 'fielerreii in -.WiN,;.:; last week, ' •.. • ' • •'Man Par:U.. • 'n."1.0tilli IS anendinn. the Week, vvitli frierida • Ainancln MacLean, of Kin: .:ardine was a recent. guest 'of. Mrs Wiltpn Bell of Paramotint. • Mrs. •Will xempten; • of 1.4aukiez spent the .week end With. her mcithet Mrs. Jas.' MagDonald of Peranlount ',Mr. and Mrs Chas. .Conthm near Holyrood "epent the creek ene ' .)ith Mr. • and Mrs: MAX 'Raynarci Parainount., '• • „ • " • ---Deneee*unfornliae-lt-thartheneir te :be a Wedding Of: another . 6 :qiho was the guest O4 Ulee A. Wilk Lothian's • nopular- young woman, le '..he near future. • ". Jim -McKay returned :to • his liOnie • it Helmsdale, • Alberta, ;nfier. spend,. ing .the Whiter Months, With, his: nat., ;rits at. Ineinleek City. • Mrs. pensid osic and Mrs. Petel ildurchach returned : ,to their' hnnie ii Detroit ,after ,-visitipg nor ;e , cpuplc. of Weeks. at. the Cameron. , home a; • Lochalsh The Lechelah• U.: F. •''‘..1"„, 0: .nurnes hall • on • Tuesday evening the •14th . Lent...112e : 110We Corner:: Drainatn: Club :will ;nut Oir.their 'hemorode::'plcin .:"Mr. Slick Of Pumpkin Creek',„" This' will 'be' followed by a . Bon , Soela. which wiflf. be followed , by a.: danee. there isabUndent'veriein to suit the custe of everybody so .an :enjoyable assured. Everybody is vitef- eeme: ,Ladies bring binees. • Anether. old . And highly 7, eateeined, • resident of, Ashfield passed'71iway on Fridaynight the 3rd ,inst.. in the; pep son of :' Mrs. McLeod, widnw, Of 'the . iate Dynenn McLeod Of, I.Pntail in the. 90th ;Year of °.her age Deceased was one of the early .nioriedes of ;the toWnship having et -.)me to Aplifield .with , her parents, nrethen and slaters, 'When, quite a . Young girl, when the :township • was practicalnn.'unbrok-' en forest' For some .time due :to th infinnities- Ofokl age • she was cern -fined to.: her bed, but through it „she' ninintaiiied a nheerfuj spirit: ;neve] complainirignitee----husbarnt ceased' her several 'Years •ago also E daughter' Mrn....McKay of Sault St. Marie; She, is survinechr'be two • song and three daughters, John,''Murddeh and Mary' at home, Mrs, Dr. Sap. soh of Kintell, and Allen.... of • Cainlacitie, :Laninaton Co. The funer- al fl Teesday, lafternoon Was very' largely .at:i'ended. Mr. Hardie of Aeh- .field Presbyterian 'chinch' Of 4 which deceased was 'member ,Conilticting the services. • -o,o-o- FOURTH CON.' KINLOSS Meeting of -the Kaii•• :shear" U: F. W: 0. was •••lield,at the hpthei Of Mrs Tyndall Robinson on Thurs. Mar: .19. There wee .n large attendanee,...end a good program.: -rhe 'Roll • Call was, answered by "Something 'Irisii4I'f-after Whieln 'a° .sang°-.• by: four ladies. was ,epjoysd Min. W.. F,:1),InCHonald gene ;a' panel._ on Current,' Events which • was 'fel- 'lowed, by Cdanmunity Singing. .111isi Jean Macke,nzie gave' . 'spienclin Paper orn the "Irish Situation." ,n,ftq which Mrs, ban MacKinnon sang a .solo.. A:good paper on The All Round Wonian , was read by Mrs. Heghes The • Meeting closed with singing Ben Save The' Icing; after whien ' lunch CSS ,S,O,VCCI end a soeiel :hour spent The next meeting will be held on April 16 iat the home of .Mrs. D.an MbeIntyre .4th Con.. • ST AUGUSTINE " Verniers' here are all nuay it: aeed- ing: and the land is. ?neponteci io •fine. connitiOrn, • ...ea, „ illrieee of, Mr: FeiLunr.. We ere *s•orty to rePort the 'The. funeral of MY& 'Ned innelinY WAS held ...on,•Tt.teetleiy, .service heing if the -St.; Atiguntilie c,hirch the: funeral. 'of, •t`he late. :Andrew Glasgow " Will be on Wedhesilme "eldek,. • "--, • N: • • Mr. n tom De. iit-having, to attend the "fun,"! eg' .0 his mother." '., .Eitid,* Joiehh .irnytot.' of Tortirito• ,Were if; etttnd. the 'tullraI-of the at Mrs e ill'11.01.sti- gfeent 'Oil, tlio.'-toods in peiia1s For Saturday • Say- Brown Cakes • ,71)1.mdce' Cakes ,..CrqOxf Slices7 •2 . Pineapple Tarts*, Home .1VIade; W110.1e Wheat 'Raisin Bread- • Qt un .11)14cE ,. YOUR,: ORDER.•.EARLY: THIIRSDAV. ' 'APRIL . 9th. Butter anti Eggs:. at Top Prices liollyirtan's' 13akety, Pkoae 36, 1.eeknew . • . Mr. R. 1artns returned from •.,St. Helena "fuesdny evening, •. .11,1r 1\11"3.:-00I'Llett of Alliston - • „ . • •isited, the intter's 5nother, Robb Thursday. They are epenning few tveeke:at 1roiyrood duriig the ;Linens of their ..son.an-le-,,e • Dick. • • ''t 'Floweidele farmers are busy. Seed-„ ing. 'Dick Illartin sowed a entld . ,of oatS • Saturdny, • • Our rend • has . been innoh. improved b the iise • ,; if • ' 7.-Tvt-OSS- ' High gelid:61' Spent 'the:Needle-end; 'MAclarer's: " ' . „ • • W. F; MeDonaln has :just finished • imakiegg a ;nice sinnply. ; of '" Maple°. • • 'There allOuld be plenty :of eggs •for Easter a' 'some:of the lainners are 'gathering: in .-oVer ae,ven dozen a day. • • ., The FlOwerdale.`firMers Will. soon- ' • • , be 'spennine; ..thnin,Onenings fishing as the...Ash are coining up the rivar. Mr, "en .n:cdeakinsort and S.0111 joe. made :a• business' trip to ". 'Goderich ' 'Friday. o -o---:. •LANES The 'dehate 'in the 'Epworth Leaguer, . In; Hackett' S , Was \Tern inter- esting. The etibject "Resolved Itvhheit;:•:.,ii,vy, a. bte,'1).‘i,iel e. t•h, dLtocirioni °nue: • eurrptinclingsa' The atlininative• vas _nphein. by_lnie•;i I-Tedgins of, -Belfast: ' and Miss Sherwood the .negi- tive by Mr.eZinn Mrs. eo'. Lane; The affirmatiVenonnekn' o sion fellowed, • •••,. , • --.1:hat-StWilt:bir7 an: open ineetinen,nf the W. 3/1,1'0,...:,.ef /the A.Shfield, 'circuit ••'., In .Heekett's' ehtirch 4ondnieneeening;, An eddies *will he • .giv:da ..Mre. Thompson of Teronte Who . with Mr; Thompson is hisme :on.fttrieW frein China. and hear about .the • goon ,work • being.none by .our rine- sionaries in the' foreign •field. .• A ininnoen here art adend, afterrioen. ' ' The spring erops are going in beautifully. -Everybody ' at 'it. • . 0 • WIlITECIIURCH . • • ...Misses Eva 'Dolan and.,Mai7, Rob- ?ison cif spent . the week end . With tneir' Jean Scobie at the 'Manse,, ' Miss Visi,feetji StintlaY F1`0.3 Lecknow. • •;:yr: telt Phi 11l) • of Auburn. 'called • on friends .and relatives in' the vil, 1.11e On , Sundae*, e • • : •. • Ittie W. It.' Feriler sold a villuable ; horse inet seek MiSe Dolly )17'el)te,1', nuclei -low sront• weetz ;OM With her friencl ; Miss Annetta Fisher, Mr. ,' Mrs. ',Tart; 'of s rho . 'have Mr. (:)mow :Sherwood's. rerm, rented, re evoil• to it last week. NVe. Welcome "Mt, end Mrs. Hart to 111-1 ' . . Mi \Vill Ileare .1eft lest Satursten fdi, the. \neat' wilere . will Spend the sunn4r,• :••• " 130eil isitii frieficls; -.and 'iielatines here eturned to iit.tho ,NVCst asl‘t;r•ztetkiii, ,r:rite,..• t. h few , &eye wool; al. the 'hemp of • .MY.54 Antlrew 14',1 -sr nrrined lieele • r 1 he refused, Cernitnr, Mei, of Toecwatat.,decidea that in Inquest Thio vieele„1,A oo_IfIvotoro and ell*Sl were taken te Linklater's , ,nre, bnpr,' so it• looke thOu, o oor 0 as h oed. rs thi ttMatai as t Figtion ins; would e•riv this opooni. . •••• ' • „ , htivldnity 1 , lenclay frnm litee...Thetin'F•9".., • Itc'e.<11',t,i bruifNt'her lo • oronta when.c..1!„. will rem slit fey hilc tha iAkci.tronii114,t1t8,.. • Mr, aerie flaniclsen af Wroxeteti ailed :.:ne II -ere, oh '''ISiondsy;, The.' Stfiln tenethign. for Stitidal iglit Will be ehnege .01 -*Miss " . iiii.,.1.10tirY„ • ,