HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-02, Page 3r
Not §104...,Put •Wot`4uit�;.We�t
Yo . Y ed the 11,01p o Pr,
Williams"Pink ?ills, ,
.. , passln.
Itewlehfoel��1"eak, tle of winter many
h Pressed, and'easlly
•tired.: No, particular, 41,sea9e, but the
>,ystetn•laeka . tone. You 'find yourself
law -spirited, ad, often uvabl
to sou_nd• soePati�it, .All this
result• of indoor confinement of
the winter mgnths, nal ',Wows, that: the
blood, has, becouie,a; thin :;,and'watery.
Rio!: ,rich, r'eci blood is what you need
o pit*you right,•and there is no other,
m ci e'^e
•edl n , n a ,give. ;you this 'new"biood:
ea `surely and as site. edily as •Dr, . Wil
liain& Pink•Pilis,..T i.ew WoOd ives
tevery Part, a, the bod3',and quickly
improve the general h;cult1t, I)igeS=,
tion.IS toned up; yen have a^betterf, ap-. `
petite, nerves ore :'sttven ti A ,and. ;,.
.. B'rak� ed . >.
sleep is sound and:refi'esliing
• The va1ue.'of °D1.' Williams'^Pink
Pills when- the system is rtie down" is.
• shown, by the experfenoe of Mr:, ! Vii-
liani 'Mitchell,,' R.R. No; 'l .Bedford,
' 1' E.I.,: who says:-' A few months ago
• 1 ,touud myself in a hadly;run down
condition. .-10°appetite Has poor,•'I
' led
was .easily tired and did not sl ap :-well,, i•`
1tr° .
several so-called tonics, Uut slid
. ' net.getanyi e . Th
1 i iefea L;deGi,ded. to ,.
• "give Dr
.•. W
if. ler/is''Pink- Pilis
a, trial
- and soon found that, Ihadgotte ' "right
, Medicine.. Gradua1y "My ;Strength, Coo . back the dlltited_f l .
;.. { "x@-..m)fyi �.,, ✓��: ,.:m
." :. . <:p Cw..:.:.,..:..:....:.
?>:M;•`.ti^i ::,a>":
appeared.: and afte�uaing' the p3Jls"-for •;
about`•a:..nth,•I< could. eat, h artily , •
and was. as. strong ,and active s,•ever
I h v PrisciLla.1?ean, •blie movie star wit. was atzpointed`masterofange`StYee�t
a e .been.. I eau },.tilt c1.t,eerful�ly re• .
,. •' Station :for. one, lhoiir, upon. the. termination :et her ', rsonal a earance in.
con�.mend Dr.. Williams � Pink Pills- as. � , . -
Toront t f . `po . e
an.tinsurpassed tattle,"• a thought. after;.tnspe,cting a • Trans ,Canada ticket that; her 'education,
' •%Yo can •et:Dr. ilii would not co lete~until' site' lied 'Used ...T.on g . �'V; .tam!s• , i?lnk Pills .. • e . , n?•P' ... d u ed up' just• such- a one.. •. T'he Canadian
'from any'' dealer,: Inedicin • byllockies and Vi;etoria-f ," 1
.m e, or.• or me, s e aid.
.-email at ,:50 _ce'nts• ai.Uox-from The Dr: :.`�,
Willlan i'--
,'--_,__ ; B - .
k 1. ;
Ignorance l•
In the motion-picture'!Robin Hoed,"
• arian_desires
sage ` o, , e Earr of Huntington, and,
chooses •Littie'•'John:.to act s�s�h.er:'mes.
stinger:. • She: presents John, : with ''a
scroll which •is protected: by what
s•eems.. to b'e; ,a black 'case.'or tube.:
As.h •boatel It ever, a s�mail,boy in.
:, the au' ice `asked' ,lits mother 'what
it war.:
"That's::a flashlight" 'she answer'ed.
Jilt loud voice.
' "Don't show your ignorance,' Ma• ry,”
said her husiiatdr • 'They diin'tih'8ve
•ffashl•ights in those days.-Thet's a :they -
mos bottle.", . •
`Tt's far: better to pe homesick away;
from home than. to be home',
,New.'Branswiok: Grown 'and GOvernr•
• Irish Debblers'and:Green Mountains:
•PrOvincial• Beard -01-Health, Ontarke.:
'tees thrtingh this column. Addreet it Spndinalienime,
thorOughlY enjoy geed health, exceases of all kinds in eatint and
we• must ' observe the•simple, rules .of drinking and chew,our l'oed thorough-
SufAcient exercise'. to keep the2body.stolnitc of pert ot the work of 'dikes;
active. eating the right kinds of food tion;for proPerly mastidated foods are
in pro-ppt.00p.ortion#,,,using.plenty of More easily aseinailatO by the, stem -
the I.tter remark I mean that Water1 We Must also make it a point to'
should be' taken 14,,frequent-,inteivals,,I get enough eleeP:',anck to avoid all
Certainly a .,elas,s Or two first „thing unnecessary worry. :Toe rnanY
in the morning and between meals live what might•ht called a dissipated
throughout the day. It is better not'existenee,.that is they burn the mid -
to drink any ,fluidS at.meeltime,•ad thelnight oil, staying up :late at nights
gastric' juice is, therebY: diluted and ' and through the strest.Of business Hs -
results in delnYed digestion, l!ng.fairlrearly in the'morning after that every time I •wished, a Whih, I
For• Sonie reaion• or other, there insufficient rest. This eleads td nervt. :Could have. the wish r wished." '
seems to be a tendency en eVerybodet.ansneas..ind whieh in tittle
Scouts- Dine•Township- Council - •-
The m'etnbere•; of . the Etobicoke
Townadiip .Connell, mheade1 by '.Reeve
T. A. C. T1ero-of ,Islington, were' the
guests of :the Parklestda (Long Branch)
Ttoop of Boy'Sconts' mi Saturday even-
ing. March `9th. q`he. Council has been,
very.helpful to -.the 13or;Scouts during
the. past ,year and the boys took this
rattier unIque� Way to show the•!r. ap-
preciatiop, purifig, thOkevening Scout-
inaster• `u.•P. Pollard of the Troop r'a-:
ceived a; beautiful,k, w..hich
woos Presented to the Troop by 11Zrr Ci'.
L.oty •and '1.113 falnil:y.
blot `the Same: °••
First-class Scout "Say, didn't •.,1
meet you';