HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-02, Page 1$gm:rpTi ltpAit IN ADVANCE; ;0.04 ,opipwis.
'ONT.. l'HURI)Allf. APRIL 2nd.
• '
Keleher,: Ripley, Phone • 29,
• hight ,or, '
. • ....,DENTIST •
Dr MacLeod will Lucknow
2_D_R..PAEICEL.--*JSTEPPATH:, .at the
Cain House; Litteknowi: every Veit;
nesday ,afternoopi.' "•All:ehranie dins •
CAWS successfully 'trailed. Osteo-
pathy larnovea the physical' Causes
' Of . disease. Adjustment ..,of •the
spine is 1110r6 quickly secured and°
(with , fewer .treatments by Osteo-
pathy than by any other niethod,
Dr. W.' M. Connell
Physician and Surgeon,
Lucknow -
Hours 2-4• 7-8
Phone 861_
Dor. R. L. Treleaven, Luclinow-r
Over Decker's Store .4 Extraction
, either bygas .or local. Will be in
Dungannon every Thursday. •
Phone 53
Call Dr:. Neciton
Make \ iinpointinent
, In office everyday
• • ,
• I have added:to any Wall paper
'and Paint bUsiness a'. stock of Wall
Piper which may bey. seen at iii)!
: residenre env' J. Cameron.;
) 'ainter ' and ;Decorator-
• (1),ApEit HANGING
The undersigned is prepared to do
'hanging. Satisfaction guaran-
•-1,.eed--Philip S. 'Stewart 19-34f
FOR . SALE -•;.A. very comfortable
• dyvelling, in geod, condition. -Apply
to• Geo A. Siddall, " 11-9-c
prices paid at; .Blitzstein's Dry
•Goads Store.
ell anpreVed 100 -acre farms con-
venient to ^Lucicnew. Apply to geo.
A, Siddall, Lueltriow-
100 acres of good land -being Lot
• 13, Con. 6, ' Huron TOwnship-good
, buildiags-Ipermanent- water supply,
For terms. ,etc., apply to Mrs, Jessie
'MacKay; 1019 -22nd. St. Detroit; Mich
CA -R- FOR SALE -Chevrolet Tour-
ing -Apply to F: T. Armstrong.:
., Tenders will be received by: the
undersigned up to :April 10th; 1925,
for all or part of the cement work in
• connection with .the remedeling, of.
tlie*-Lucknow Public -*
Tenders forthebrick work of the
.new. additient to be ,inade • to the
Scheel • alsa wit': be received. tip to
the, 10th day of ,April 1925, --Plans
• arid speCification may: be ieen on
application to . D. C., Taylor,. Secy.
,•Lucknow. School •Board. °
roa • SALE -L-, Eggs -for hitching!
irom (Bred to lay)Plymeuth Barred
Boeeks, Alio Custom Hatching done
Orders. filled as received -Phillip
S. Stewart. f • • '
rERTILJZER--Car „cif Glued •Suie-*
gain fertilizer:new unloading :at the
•,, (1; N. Station, 'Brands suitable for
any crop, , Robertson . 94-0
• •
WANTED -A part , or • full time
'.agerit represent a...well. establish-
e'd Life rnsurarice Co Apply to The
:..i'..Seritinel Office. - 2-44.
LIOST-On,the 'road between Luck -
'now .ftad RipleyLa nitkle lense-holder
afid leaSe off nil autoniobile hung.
' E: .Hollyraan, Lucknow
White. Blossoms • 'Sweet Clover
• Seed:87.00 per but. ..
• : ' Laidlaw, Lot 28 Con: 2
0-4-0. ,• : Kinloss
• •
.INDIrt LucknoW a _Plata@ ton-
tairriag•s SUM of •mOney..110wner may
• have, same, ..on:payillg for thisadvt.
Ittektio* f ills,
14aveinek ,.(pnre Wianitciba) $5:05,
'..4epay (blended) $500
Made. 'Rite (psietryl':$4.71I'
, $1...,80 • -
1- 225
•. .
$ereen OP '00 pe tolt 01 it 40
ppeooiot Peva Oi iturs. qty, , ,II
0 !..9041. AND P,ENEEAL • 0
_ „,
' Pave' money by attending
agtZstein's.. 1.5 -Day Sale.
Yes. _All goods doici on,. Saturday
are at Cath prices.*Brown's...
Mrs*. John •Meinteah, apt'. eon
er of Paramount, ,,were visitorB in
Lucknow; during 411,0 week.
, Mise Elizabeth' Pit Fergus, 6lieat
the Week end., 'with. her nephew' air.
'tgeheit '
.Buy the best. Gingliama and gala-
-teas for 27c a yard - at Browrea,. 9
Saturday morning.
Mrs.. James Alton of 'Ashfield is
visiting With her son Charles W
Alton,' Toronto.
Read Brown's Ad, all about the
Unique Hour Sale. It. will,seve7you
.mOney. '" •
'. Bills are out Ballot' mg a dance
of the Pariah Hall; Dungannon, _on
the night of Easter 11atonday.--Fry-
. .
Mrs. Letting; of Chathana . and Mifv
MacKinnon , of Hensall 'Were , wee
end visitorliTof Mr.. and Mrs An
MatKinrion of town, Miss ‘,MacKin-'
non is a Slatet of Mrs:. ,MacKiniiOn.
' If you canuOt come at the hour
the goods are on sale, phone your or-
der during that hour, and goedis will
be held until 10 p.m. Sat.Brown's.
Mr,. Russ. tiohnsttin Who visited his
heine here the past month, ,returned
to• Ills home , at Minneapolis, .Minn:
on •Saturday. , .
..1......tt"Tra7rre...... -
eently mil with 'Silverwoods here,'
has gone to Kincardine where he is
handling etc& :for the Whyte Pack-
ing Co.
Men—At 9 o'clock Saturday .rnotn-
ing Brown's are putting on sale -100
$pia..18r5 of the bestquality overalls` for
The ‘Fire Co. are putting on' an-
other dance. in Carnegie Hall en the
evening of Easter Monday.' A 5 -piece'
orchestra 'Will furnish good musie#
It will Pay You to read Blitz4tein's
The , garage repair shops have.
been the 'busiest spots in town , the
past week. No sooner is the snow'
off the road's than everYbOdy, Wants
to get out his gas -wagon.
„ , •
The April meeting of the Women's
institute, being "Grandmothers Day"
will, be held at the Mime of ''' Mrs.
Robert Thursday April 9th
at 2.30 -Refreshments served; Visit-
ors always..welcome.
The weather man: . has /not ,;lieen
living quite ow to the proniise •of
the early:Part of March: Winter has
given a number of vigorous dying
kick.% in the, Ott week. '
An" unusual selling event is being
held. at lironrii's Store Saturday
,ApriI.4th:,See Ad., .
The Zion Dramatic -7 -Club will Pre-
sent the play, . 'The Peer • Married
Man," in -Cenimunity Hall St. Helens
an the evening of April, 7th. Adinisr
sion 35c and .25c.' .
You -can't afford to miss themanT
remarlcable„. bargains -Broiiii'a are
offering- on Sat April 4th; •
.The' show at the -Family Theatre
Monday' :night proved so popular
that the 'Management decided. to re-
peat it on Tuesday afternoon Rad
evening, -- °
•Mrs.• , H. Mann, of Clevelapd,
Ohio,. is visiting this week with her
'sister Mit.: Hetherington , of God.:
erich; and -at the home of her brother.
Mr. Thigh:McIntosh of Lucknow.
You cannot afford •to 'miss.. the
_many notable values Which are offer-
ed during % the 15 -Day Sale , at Blitz=
-steials;---See, Ad. tia Page
Mr. Diinean Mathieson of Toledo,
a former Lucknow hoar is spending
the week here on account of the ill-
ness of his mother, Ncirinati
Mathieson. , • •
Mrs l Prank 'Cole went ,to 'Detroit
Friday ,of last •week on account • 64
the death there Of her sister, Mrs.
Arnold who, died 'very, suddenly.
Arnold bas been a druggist iii:40e-
,troit for MaaY ,
Mr. Geddei, who has been
at his • hOirie here the past week as-
sisted? in the song.. service at ' the
Methodist and • Presbyteriant ehoteh-
es . on, Sunday. Mr. Geddes has deve-
loped vocal talent and for the
Past two years has been ccinstantlY
• • •
engaged in •theatrical Work filling
appeintri4nta with the. largest
theatres, 'in Ontario .,' Quebec aad
Michigan, • ,
' Cam, of Thanks- MTS. Krairmet
and" express sincere thanks
to the , friends • and neighbors for
their kifirineari to there at the tiine
of their.. recent bereavement. -
Card of -Tlianisa*:Tlie -3stnilY ef
the late Them* Ioliesten, Wish' to
thank friendeand neigh-
bors -for" their kindness rind.'
pathy the time :14.• their *cent
bereavement. •
• ,
After , April 10th; 1026 we are,
out ht .the priee of roilk
will got .14 tiokoto hitt tow dot.
and °rearm Ur buying Aieltets; you
T swat *to be «ow
so sit,twoht•vt. oic
*Monday of his week marked the
gOlden wedding anniversary f the
Slibiects Lit. Geog Spell an.
inarriage-'4'. M17* Mrs. Anus 41Ssti:. M, enzie 93; D. MaeKiarien: Awn. This heing an
illePettune 4ilne f'or 'Most of the Ninn‘'n 87, M. Wats°n 85:,. M. Brace
inelaljara of Oak.' family ta ,c9ple 8.0• A. Andrew 71,
home theY.,have. 'arranged -4(?‘.hOld, -E; BUswell',10;.; ,Q1ifford Webat,M•and
family ..re -union. during' the 'Coming ,Wak04.-ties, 70,,., W. Webster 63;
summer ....When .-the :happy eye* oi p...:Reect oan3,_
celebrated on the :,present • !Jr.; .XV---Sakieets, Gram.; Spell, Br.'
,ftity years: ago' will be. iriore fidly 'pje: ypti.W. Agar- 947:-
, • '../.' .• ,MaoP.044411.and Mary
• On,. Menday .ancL,:grqdm .Wilson 0,es) 44; V. Sheriff 70, S,.
Were the recipients:. 'of Mani .MeSS', 1144.c.t.e04 74 A. Laineron 7O C.
ages.coAveyini;•::60Wirataliiiiena 'And .1)E4ter- 85 je wi tt. V: Mill,'
.8frIciedn4s.%irptilirithaetd e'*,..;'1'"11:4'...ginar'er°k;904:411*.t14116is's6°;7'°'
ne or
driajw:el.s.'Mayvinyereberaeucteifivel4 bwhich t 14 inbre.exanisteacher
the :liduse the :appearance. of a gat-
den of. roses.. • ••' , •
To :make fifty Years agooppear a Sr. In- Ex.. 75%* Jack BrabsOn
little nearer, a 'lovely ',:wedding cake 90, Bruce Martin .90, Ada Watson 84,
adorned the table, decorated with 50 Men Murdoch 81, Carlyle Macintosh
tiny aighted candles' which told the 99. Phillips allenary .79,, Clarence'
',story of fifty, years• of happy 'wedded Greer.: 79, -Jessie. MacKenzie 79,. My-
l'fe • •' I.' : • -none ,Palmer 77; ' Jim Stewart ,76,
Mre_MacKinnon-wore-daring--the- -.Archie--1VlacMillim 7 . ' .
• r • J
V '. r
. Room III • I
-day and evening her wedding gown
and its antique beauty told that it
was of the ' very best. Its golden
fripge and lace trimming intide a
retty picture, and who say the
bride • agreed that she still beauti-
• In the evening the neighbors of
"The Hill" gathered ht the MacRiii,
non home by way of a• surprise
Party, to extend congratulation and
to present the happy .:couple with a
beautiful Cream-and-sagar. . set,' on
a silyer, tray, bouquet of carnaz
tient to the bride and s :box of cig-
ars to the groom, the _gifts being
companied • by the address reproduced
knowledged , the • gifts and the ad-
:cirest ;in a very, appitipriate manner.
• --A pleasant .evening -was spent with
-music,' games and a few. speeches. to
which one who. had -seen .Mrs.
Kinnonon on her wedding day, said'
that she was the Most . beautiful
bride" that had ever cOrne into
• The. guests .served lunch, following
Which they joined handt, and after the
old - Scotch. fashion sing appropriate
songs, among these being "Silver
Threads Among The ..Gold"and"Auld
Um* Syne."' •After 'wishing the
happy, couple Many:happy returns of
the day, the visitors dispersed leaving
Mr: and Mrs. MacKinnon a very well
pleased couple indeed, •
The Midrets
To- and Mrs. MacKinnon .
Dear: Friends,-- .
'On this year -golden wedding day,
We Wish a lot a things to say.
:The hill folk join in Wishing you,
Health- and happiness your journey
(through. •* •
For several pass it has been 'our
. privilege to enjoy Your genial. friend-
ship. During, those years young , and
old. alike have learned that there is
no better place to speed a pleasant
evening than in vein- hoine where
Scotch .Hospitality
supreme.. ,. . .
Recollecting • the pleasant years
made ; agreeable ,through,yOur ,L'ac-
quaintance, your friends herewith
present to .yon, these gifts With, the
hope: that you rnav hong to en- -
joy 'them and that this, golden- anni-
versary may, *bring showers at gold-
en days aiyI crown the remainder, of
your lives. .
And awhen your diamond jubilee
comes round, we all hope to be right
here again to Wish you well .riad we
:will have much more to tell:
From Your Neighbours on the Hill
' • '
• - •
Officers of the Rebekah -lodge or-
ganized: et: Lucknow lust week are as.
follows:, Noble Greed, Mrs. Temple
Clark; Vice Grand, .Mrs. Robt Fish-
* Recording Secretary, . Mrs.Thoin-
er; R _ ,
as Watson; 'Financial Secretary,
Mist Annie Johnston; , Treasurer,
Miss,. Alan_ McKay;,'„ -P.-6 , Mrs. B
Andrew; Chaplain.: MTS. W. L. Mac-
Kenzie; Warden, airs. Horace Aitch-
ison; Conductor, Mrt. Allies': Turner;
I. G. Mr/ E. Aitchison; 0; G., Mrs. J.
MacKenzie; R. " S. N. G. Mrs. Robt, o .
Johiiston; L. S. N. G. Mrs. W. Hen- Mr. R., Martin received word the
derson; R. „pi: v..o:, mi.s.3 E. M. Orr; other day 'Tram the West Of the ser -
L. S. V. G., Mist Jean Johnston; ,ious illness of his lirether-in4aar, Mr.
, lutledge. But lett .reporta say he is ,
Pianist, Mrs * A. D. MacKenzie.
' 40 ,..ery much , imprOved.., ' • *
Good10- Lorraine Ilrabson 74,
Atiaerla 14;, Artlitir'-Aadraw
73, Bertha Milne 71,, Stewart Mullin
70, Evelyn Nixon(69, Stella Stewart
68, Elwyn Pentland 68., Alex Smith
64, Harold Johnston 63, /'
Jr. III -Ex. 75%- Gladys Mac. -
Donald 91; Mary Macintosh 90,
Frances Thompson '90, Mei Mae-
!Cell/le 89, Donald. Henderson 86
Winifred Armstrong ,86,. Bill Web-
ster 82, Isabel MacMillan 19, George
Webster • 78, Laura, Webster 77,
Helen McLeod 76. ' • •
'Good 60%, -2 -Fred Stewart 73, Arm-
strong 'Wilson 71,, Pauline Reed 68,
, Roy Finlayson 68; Tem MacKenzie
-Nairlor, 57.,
• W.. F. Thompson; teacher
cpuitcp -NOTES
The. March meeting of the Y. W.
M. S. was held at the horne ef Mist
MeMorrap., The meeting. opened as.
usual with prayer, scripture 'reading.
aid singing. The topic was "Missien
Werk in North H.onan." Mist CarriCa
gave aji interesting , acCoUnt of the
Notk there. Miss McClure gave '
feiding .On. "Christianizing China."
alarjorie. and riVlar.y ,Douglas.
ributed a duet which all 'enjoyed:
Miss. Render:ion read extracts *frinn
i'rofessor Einsteins' account of the
returning of the .Jews to the Holy ,
Land.' and the re -building of Pales-
tine, which was of great interest- to
all. The collection Was special
Easter Offering and erne:anted. to
The Guild
. •
The programme at Guild ' -en Mon-
day evening, was in charge of. The.
Lookout Committee. Marlow '1VIcDou-
gall' read the, pripture :lesson: The
topic "An Ideal Guild Mei-Ober" Was
taken by Burns.. 'Character
rsuiCtt.leelg8 w:eie
bY -Rena, Car-
, 111Callum. Ada,
Watson' gave a reading. The music-
al part ,of the programaie consisted
of • an inkramental „ bY Miss McMor-
ran, a sole by Mary McIntosh; a
'duet by Bessie' and Jean Lane -and
an instrnMental by,-MalcOlm Watson.
The . `mestinLi'leoztLweek . be in.
charge of The PresIdetit. ,and,
Vice -
President *
Mr. .Alex Lockhart, the genile as-
sistant Wellington Hen-derson's
store joined the -henediett on Tues-
day of this ' week. The • bride was
Miss , Flessy 'Barger, daughter of
Mr. ' and Mrs. • Barger of ,Ashfield,
,' marriage took • Place at the
Manse, Lucknow, 'the Rey.' R. Mac.:
'Callum , officiating. Mr. • and 'Mrs.
-Lockhart will make their home in
toWn,. east on' Campbell street.!
Specials For Saturdiy
Sally Brian Cakes •
Dundee C4kes, Cream Puff
Rabberry Tartlets
Home Made; Wii6lo Wheat
and Raisin.Bread
'every TaesdaY in .D
every Office;
, . ot
Aritu, 9th.
- Baiter and Eggs .at Top. Prices
lloll*than's Bakery
Phone 36,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Earl Blake, of 'Ben-.
*tiler, spent the week -end . with
'friends 'here. , : •
• Mr.. and Mrt., Raymond Finnigan
visited.. with. the litter's ..parents at
Donnybrook' 'on 'Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs, .Wilfred „ Drennan
visited: with. Mr. Mrs. "4:SsiOs,
Drennan " on. Sunday. ;
Mrs.,. James Little aspent,' a.. YOV,'
:lays with her mother Mrs .A, ;me-
Miss Ruby McQuoid. �f Ludknow
spent, the week , Old at .,:ber hornet'.
here. .
Miss Ade Halm Was beine.,over the., .
week. end, • • ,
Mr. and ' Bert Treleaven,
Bea.triee" ?ad Ronald visited fieads
:01,•Dualgannea':•:en T,a9s4aY.!
Mr and 'Mrs Fere Finnigan of
'Dungannon; ,
We are ,sorry to report tbe, illness
of ars. A. ..1VIc-Queid',but :hope to see
her able to be around agaiw.soon '
v,•„*.*41,1/4v.*o.N. ,
• -;f4WHIolsr.SIAVORITE,S70.11...S.M.S.O.
. . .
Faniily., Theatre
Ad we have taken Over Family
Theatre for a couple Of Weeks we
are' 'showing 'Warner Bros.'
Picture" "
APRIL 4th and 5tk'
-Ine and see- delightful %Cern y
,Drama of a Bachelor's .ilfe.a
-Ailinissien 25 anal.5e.
.4ktiy loth- and 11th
a'Shooting of Dan' McGrew"
.*/ DangerOuri Dan 'McGrew ,
., This a airon'deriuk feature full
- Action
Special, ' 35c.And: 25c.
Good Cemedies• with ',both- Pictures
Watch for later Advertisements
. .
operatOi •
Mrs; George Stuart has returned.
'from a visit With, her aunt, : Mrs. Me-
.J.regor at -the. Lake. ' „
The stork left a little girl at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
,Donald on Menday-Congratulationt:-
airs irr"-Evetettifi:Echialren have
• ov over near Blyth to live with
.:4r, Welter Mason,
Mr. John Joynt' has engaged Mr.
Sniith of near Ripley. 'qr. and
Mrs. Sinith and. family have moved
into the_, house vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. Earl :Cranston who have moved
to Mr. JoYnt's red brick house..
.The, regular meeting of the Harris
‘c.aMiysSiaofterBriaonodh.will be held on :Sittnr-
., Mrs: Richard Martin is spending
/a few days with/ her father, Mr, Wm:
Weeds: . • .
. At the meethig of:the Women's
Institute on Thursday it was decided
to ask for a free: will offering for
he Arrnepian Fund. Anyone -wishing
o help with this good work kindlyeeave thfir contribution with the se,
cretary, Mrs: R. K. Miller before the
• next meeting..
Mist -DorOthy Webster- of , near
DungantiOn, Was ,a week' end' visitor
'at' her. home..
Senth Bruce Liberal- Associa-
--Hon will bold its annual meeting at
W•alkerton on, Thursday April 9th. at
2 O'clock in, the afternoon. Organiz-
ation, 'election of Officers' and other
butiness will come before the meet-
ing. Hon. Duncan Marshall andll be
present. '
• . :•••-••0•0`6-••-•
—e o
" IIE CONQUERING CROSS" Mitt Clara 'McGillivray is 'spend:
ng a few weeks in Kincardine. .
' This is the title of a beautiful Mr, S, Carnochan visited at Lang-
. Easter, pageant which will be pre- side last week. .. ' a
sented in the Town Hall en -the Oen- Mrs LA McIver apent it 'day with
. .
ing of Good Friday; April 10, by the Mrs. J. ltOss on the. Second; • re
Methodirst Sundasr 'Meal. 'In the :Coss who4has been in 'poor- health
Comae of the plean+. will be given . or some- time,. is getting along eice-
The tragram will iommence: at '8 Mri. Angus. Grahame . had very.
a one-ait play: " y, we are glad tosay • •
Mr. "II, .G. Moore., the Dominioa
Cki0C . The admission, • adults' 36c, '..uccessful 'quilting bee last week: :-
Childten under Mr. IL 'Woods of St; • Helens ..spent
• °Sunday. at R. A Martin's.
Mr. A, MCKiin and Billie Port-
Goverivient lecturer on horticulture
anal-, Mr: Wm. Hilary, Provincial Dir-
ector Of, the- Ontario Ho-Aim:Mural
,Society will give talks on • horticul-
ture, illustrated, hv lantern views, in,
the Carnegie Hall Lticknow on the
.evening • of Aprii •9tlic Mr, .MOOre.
onen 'of the best: authorities /ow liort-
icultUre hi. the DOminiort, and . a
..reat:. .'Proinised ta, all who., attend
the meetina- Iiiverybodt• is itivited, it
,of'..the lotal branch. ,of the herd.
nountry.-.4are inirtieularly..:4nvited ,to
• .
he present. •
• eous of Lutknow Were Visitors at:li
aliddleten'i' sugar bush hist Thum;
Parties Atvtio, excle*bicy,cies on the
,i. ..1t sere Warned. that this, iv
in Violation, of the village hY laWa Mrs. D,' Grahani spent day last
ingWill be prosecuted. week at 'Wm. McDeneld's On the
• . our h; .*
• -iittalliidrthe
Mad that hereafter parties. So offend-
--Sox....SOcial aria ;Daricegiveno.loytlie
`-. *-P24,6g4AN1Yelileirglie , •- , 1.3groalatInt: t 11,
• ''Irriprove your -flecks by .•intradtreing, :1)I)at n most enjoyable evening. •
some ef..my heavy, hardy, healthy .., . . .
egg,;.produceip.. All bred-to.laye Bar- Mrs, ...tt Martio is spending a few
-red Rock finales .0 to eleven 'pounds. lays in ,Se, Helens this week:
knits:lien White Leghorn, 'ffielea tin . Mrs; ,Angut • Graliaan • spent- a daY:
- • ••,
last Week with ,ber •piother Mrs'. Mt- .
* , • " :
aet eine and producers of large: eggqurchy. ,
r4tittO for hoolline: $5,00 -pot loo . When you hear ,the , iroga mush*.
And BO nutty locks 01 *ft d ,gteaaa
0, ASY:: 'Thick. a dar40111. to Monthorild;
68.0040011 • ' ' • 0,3 r - 'rtilitt his Aitile' te,, stiy,.. The roado ,
.,41os north, it MAO otio fee! that
Mit Mnt nj$011100•• $1000040 prlieS
111" In * 41'''' bm‘41/4 pro. i -11ildtoi'iindoit-10-witili-woloioor 44-0,--49 in- 6"4 0 -P1 -0-0.....P,.!..#114_1.
Wititillivits , itt, I ,iii01 .1110 iit".01-, ..,.
to seven. Bred to large bens,' YOU
ttoo.dLio,un Lucknow 3007,0e,t 11 f :e erett:vnIgIvinconl fel 0eiatl.0.
m.r,t e wes
tt2; Apri
II' 1" frindr
• .
The-i-erettiorii§ easily the finest we have ever
-shown. Ties, Straps and Oxfords yie with each -P'4
„other for first place in popularity. ,
Pricee range from $3.50, to. $7.00; which
surprisingly moderate Nvhen Style °and ualitY i§
We Have. Several 'Lines Specially
Pric.ccl For Friday and Saturday
Boys' Tan Box Kid; all sizes, Special Price
Men's Black and Tap Calf Oxfords, Regular
46.50, Special,Price $5.00. . All Sizes 6 to 11
Leather and \Kid, made by Murray Shoe Co. Classic
and Gracia. Specially Priced at .$2.49.
Men's Work Boots, ' Special Priced at $3.00,.
43.40 and $4.0011 These are, all made by reliable -
k manufacturers.
• We Carry A Fnll Line of Rubbelts
and Rubber Boots In Stock
Irsvell rnee's•
• V�ting On Church Union
The poll will bf'e held in the basement of
the Church, opening on...Thursday April 2nd, at
1.30 o'clock p.m. and remaining open until 4.30 •
p.m. on that date.
Other days the po
Friday, •
. Saturday,
• Thursday;
. „Good, Friday,
1,will be open aS folloWs:
'Days Of Voting
April 3rd,.
April 4t
April 6t
April St
--April 9t
April lot
SaturdaY, April 11t
Easter MondaY Apr, 13.f
April 14th,
,April 15th,
April 16th, '
.417730 'to 80.M
1.30 t�2-30 P.M.
7.30 to 8.30P.M.
1.30 to 2.30 p.m.
7.36 to 8.30 P.M.
1-.30 to 2.30 P.M.
' 10 to 11 A.M.
7.30 to 8 30 P.M.
1,30 to 2.30 P.M.
10 to 2.30 P:M.
.7.30 to 8.30 P.M.
1.30 th 2.30P.M.
7:30 to 8.30 P.M.
Do yOti Wisli this Congregation to enter the Uni-
on. Of Churches, on June TOtli, 1925, in tell -11s of the
United Church Of Canada Att., (14-15, George Y. (Can.)
• Cap. 100)?
DiRgctioNs • .
1.. arks,anX .under -above, „ show-,
ing your desire
2, DO NOT srONVIISRALLoT::3ytierftii6i=
d, 'fold.so•thatour answer ' may ',not be Seen
posit it personally in ths ballot box,
• 14
• • ,
. At the closing Of the poll on Friday April
p17;stith;titolle4gtointottlitottiounicw, asembie at 8,30 o'clock