HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 7• ! ••• b4TARIO Improvement 3 LIVESTOCK Committee A dairy cow is not worth keepingfunlea'S she, -prodttec6;000 paulds grmilk. Or over per year. Don't Onl3POri loVir proc14oing herd. Start now ' to weed out the poor ones. Breed the best ones to good hulia and feed properly—then vatch results. • • Does it pay?' i4lailc the fillCdelitattl dairy fanner. • BETTER B LLS AY 1,01 • ..•••0` W Pr.l..,0171'itY-. 411.09k01. :Pefaillae ••Iftnati in bald, • • 0 Peer on the ..citertie. "sorts wIth.7410. ' ••,.•fiil, wenttOitig, •exeo,:' .. If loy :were :Stra.84'19; .Unr. . , derstaod; ' For two renteinher *1.064014 51°0117. • . And on •the,-i/nris.-M.ak..--belio=oring Iiirthday- Greetings., • Tha,...Werlfre Chief Peut. was born Fehruary.$god,; 1.8t, arid the approach of Sir Robert baden,Pawell's 'birthday *ill cause. to arise freln :the hearts Of his many 'adintierit.:tiolingn Of grati- tude thathe..10,0t, Spared t� the World, to.. direct. and fostei, the' great bop's' great workwhichh has spreadthroughout the • Coograturaticus And "maaY Happy 1!'e - world, and of which he ia, the founder, turns" will be his also. Early Recirtmings.„„ • 'The evoletion Pf. the Boy Scout • gievenient interesting. its seed, ger- Initiated • in "Sentit. ;Africa, This 4s what. Sit•:Itoert Says 4.901.; 'I raised. the South.Afr.letei PonsishularY nfl on lines of my., own; the.,•pfinCiplegof Which' 'Ive're practleally.-thoSe t!if -.the 'Scout training applicable. to Mew,' The troop was made a emall unit in order , :that the 'Conimander phould be able to deal with each individual On per, eenal knoVedge of him. °Tbe.'humao • -tS 9 side Was appealed.•10 and. the men 1 • _ _ . • . ". •• were trusted on their boner to a very How Many communicable or infec, Women of to -morrow, tne eget- large degree in carrying, out "their , tiOus diseases can be avoided? • That •dren• of 'to -day 'learn the principles of duties. The hniform was the CoWboy isItqueStion Of interest,to everybody, hygiene, 'the men and women of 'to- hat.' ahirt, :green tieend shorts. • buitn the•cese.of children; it is eine-. Morrow will out them into practice. Bad na_x. vi,ed. tar-prn Ae*ncY- to. their in different lines of_iwOrk. ' --abeizt Ode way, to avoid -these OS" learn ing Of interest easek is. to keep away' from, people. health and Well-being., The reason is • "After returrild England;,- .1.004,, • who are 'sick and from 'places. Where that they have developed. set' habits, schemed some item.; for Scollinhgalads aa these i -diseases This •advice in and have got,. as it Were, into a rut training for heys. ,In: 190'7; '.. especially good. for •children .' ' If you from which they , cannot extricate trial. canto for Scout training, Bron • '-e0r0e :bear a Chi:d having one of these themselves, end when they are in this Sea Island, at I•hthrthe. bays Of -contagibinc diseases, you •may .be ex- rut,. their viewpoint ik narrowed and other,. sehoeis to experiment.on, and . posed to, breathing the. ,germa when their vision' clouded. They Cannot see its reitilt esceecied. my: expectations they, Are thrown out into the 'air by beyond their' Own limited .exp'-erienee, prOmpted. men to .go; On with. the the sick. child cOughinT .As 6 result, and therbeye the tendencY, to sfneer •i'nu d advice to shun the company Of ;all who of any OW efforts • to"preServe the From these beginnings the move - • MitipiZtON PrOVii041•...Iford of Ontario, , • ric,..sussiapn will hi, gia,d to answer et:mittens on Public 'Health mat - terse through thin.colunim AddroiSklm et.bpadlet Opedina: Crescent ; Termite. • cia4y-important---to-knowv-sornething--Grow-n-up rople-do-not-very--readily g a•ka--a.-wa . • . , . you May beeenie•steic..a so, so it Is' gee • at,,. or. try to minimize. the. importance, 114:• . • ..:• •••.• • ''.., . • -,. .. are Sick with any disease that Might" health of the individual Or, the Corn; merit grew so rapidly that 'sir, Robert -'•be• contagious • 'An far as school Ohl mn ni y. , . . , . found it. necessary to devote his whole dr-en...are Concerned 'there is *nether .••• So it iste the, child that We Pin our ',,tiriie to Its direction s. • • '• • point :to observe , Never borrow . a.':•faith.• , The elastic mind Of the. 'Child . , . • " uth:zsuelLartinles-'.:0:4Oneg • 'Slit,44thsvii_l4n•••:**'•. ..,-a4enfleil jim WhY,..1t.Appeols.. ., •. poricil;•. a Pen, or .4 'book; eta.., from is . receptive to good -infltiences and '';'' - -. ' ' . • another child,,, and also. never earrYto. sound teaching, and if guided • along ; , With 6.-view•to tnaking, the .stiblect .47413101.7t,a4a-174"0".aa-t• - : peris,'-etei, that --,-tinkY7hai7e13ein, InAlielleaSt to put them into practice all their. spirit in adventure, he. 'held. up -, mouths Of Others, ' Th •• school 'child through thelater,Years, :The Biblical :for liteir. :' ideal the, defogs '•ef -back, should also -reiriernber'to'l•VOid.Moist4: adage herds -true m:health:tikatterS as ' ivoddsnie-n, and knights, •adveliti4rers erii4 its: finger • in turn over #141 well as other.7.phaaes of" life, "Teach . • .4. .leaves et,* book, for on the pencil, the child'' the way he • should go and '..a.71'iliii:0:1!ir.6rs, 'an the heroes for theiti •; the pen the leaves of the book, Mi,Y When.' he is Ohl be Will not depart from follow These•were grouped getter- • be inindieds • and :thousands •of • germs it.". . '. ' •. - • ' ;. n n . - • . ally under Of 'Seeute. 'Iii • thSir • • . . : Which* may `di:reetly.e.or- indirectly find. . - --,---,-,4•L-,.--.• H '.• ' ' 'etinip life boat wei.k, pioneering, and ' • their way into the child's mouth. .. A, . , ,, Berms Bola . nature''study ,' one could find !all, the ' third precaution .is. to :never, Allow 1% ., The ,professor had been; :dining ,otit, . attractions for a boy- wliich". at the ' sick child to. op to school ' If you find and 'as, most Of the 'guests •Wek4e ardent gaMe.- time ,•would . be the medium of ••',that a child.ts ox seems sick,:: report fishermen; he .Ifed had to listen all .the. instructien. „pir.,4Obert.Worked It out. :this • fact to the teacher .: a Mice: If, evening te‘ stories • iii., the. size Of their • partiy. ;.frant ' hi.fi' P.W.n. experience ,iiil ‚youleafri that-„the.4'e ig•SickikeSS in the . "a , Of a :•child ':who.,. .L.roos'•,,,to...37Our,. . . pertly from the , general feeling :: ,or ,schoel;.itintiedittiely notify •the teacher; .'• He was extremely short sighted :picid, .w..jut,t,.a,s'• lacking .in :the. training Of , that he may :'•iend the Child- botike; .he.• as he Was crossing a field el:Chin -way the average school boy The 'deflmeney. „ cause the ..sick 'chi* May :spread con, home he egress, a.:acarecrew. with lay :. chiefly 'in, the direction • of char- .• • , '•tagiini through the school • • . '' .v. ' .• :arms. Videspread. •Memories ' of . 'the aster and general.' intelligence; skill tit • . • These precautions should 'Still more .0411" stories he '464 lipat4 that night handicraft ; ; . serVices. for • other and .. , . • . .ngoecitie,y be adhered to • When there ..floated •back :iii hint; and he • halted in •the State; physical development and 4 • . . 1 are:many eases of centagioundisease front 'i?;". the, scarecroW. ' • .'. • • • :. health' knowledge .." The activities and • in a inunicipalitY,: and when this out71, ...wy:. dear Ith','..!. ..1.0 ,exclahned, ' "t practices of ,Scouting ,Werci, therefore, , 'breakle known to the 8601 „author-. ities.. ,,The repaoyai Of a', siek child simply refuse to believe :ytitr; there .:framed as. far tie possible to develop• from school, 'even tit. the onset:of the •••• disease, is asound Means Of- pretisetiOn - in:thatit• reinoies.the• Source, ef. the ' •,.danger from the:school. „, • . . •' . . : ,In :order to wage a: suceeSiful fight' ,.• against all forms of ill -health and die, ,:eess, the 'education of the•Young, and 'especially. Of the children of' Scheol'a In health matters is irnperatitc. e .thild-ren: of • to -slay , will be, Men end .. • • . . • the charms.• • Of Madame Guillotine. and one the • 'inlileight 11041; ' •• . ' I When. murder minite hin,. ha lila arine. .. . . . , ' • •• '• ' 1 , • :1 . . D, v'eo in .Heaven a simple state, be .re,o"let Tiny TitTia• 1 -- .what T410%. hi -the Auest401.4 -we-114iially4fikt044ernInra, .3•19,W. 4A4 .one With • an original' title will :stand a good chance of be-,; .coming hest 'Seller if the nigger In- side the covers is eepally. gOod- 43tie word titres • are noCnitich in.: vegue te-da, illtbellgh Hilaire bellee, hot& called '647 recently. TWO novels, PtililiShed"sonae Years ago, , -goone-hetter-thab this,however.- One was call,ed "4" and the other •".I has been beaten b "9!' * • • Tnere , ere many three-lettex titles, sottle of the best known • heleg "'She," "New," ."Van.," and 'slim." • •' .the, shining' BABY'S 'WEI" .• 'comfort, spread. , BefOrt them viOlets blue and like. a •• bright jonnuflo, • snoWdraps,---eyery•• , • - hue hitt red. .-4-ilatharine Lee ,Dates ; 'in • Yetitit's .. • ;Companient • • " „ Yenicels. Still Qucen o t! ' • Venice ranks . high; among Italian cities in its.su.pplkef picturesque nick •PebruciTy. •;is. one Of , the, hardeat ' aiOntlie of. the year on little„ofieig:".;rit '• fa a• *MO' of geld, li'inatery days:pat' ^prevent . the- ';ii-tather:.talting her,baby I t. pitt; (or, the fresh' A f.• se.. ite6eBeark cto., • ; 1t:.. welfare.. '*- 'Pahy-1e rieneec14.0iltlY• ha8re. been intending to try Iffli.* inotnowbON4'youi.fotg.t.• fietnen 'The coinnierefal centre et the. World in the. Middle Ages, Venice, heti been "%known as "The bride 'of 'the Adriatic" and: the "Queen of 'ebe Adrf. •••••• a":"Tee"this "day tribute is ualdifi.ien-ii.e. with elaborate ceremonies to the Add. Vic, whale placid Waters • take thi 'place of Streets' and bear..: upon their bosom the traile•and life of the city. • Arenice is known also. as "The T City ' of St. .Mak,!' after :its, patron. -salt, • and as The. City of the bion,", '11•-• lusion.to the -great winged•lion in front of • the cathedral, holding In its pews, the gOspel of St Manic. . • " • ' • ; .• r" • ...,,, WORRIES' 11011F ,. 4 I : • 'confined to the home.' :MOS: jotted than not the "'rooras ire overheated and badly' • ventilated and the little. one catches' cold or grippe. What is neeciedti heel) the baby' will is a gen- tle laxative that will '•r.g4lato the stomach_ and, hOwels ; banish con ' hacligestion, and In this way'-. ' Hand a friend a Olin of paper and W,111 either prevent or: break up Colds' a pencil and able him to -write' On and grippe. Such .a laxative- is Baby'. _the. liaPer any number he likes. : araeTe• a6baiordititirt4tely yitruned a:17tesedeis74hBacteilaewwilrY.:iiega:s'lliAlt. Safe as they a• re guaranteed to Contain thoin:whtpaegricahniy. nle4bheartrimighabat .,ao. opiates or; neeeetics. They never tail to be of benefit to little give him the chefee of adding it to the number he wrote, subtracting1 may 13e, :ifirek, to either the neWhOrn • 'froin-thenumber he wrote . or: gt babe or the grOaking ,child. the. Tab- 'Inc it altogether. Ask him tel ne9srk' lets are aqui by mot:lidos, d4laas,, by right .hand neighbor Op Mention .. Williams' • Medicine Co.,. Brockville', Dr. • any number to H add He y mail at g5 ea0tEr.a. box from The Ont. ' • ' • ' ' • e- ORANGE PEKOE is extra feed. Try itt EASY TRICKS Ask Your Neighbor It Is. These That .ciuse Many At 16,rtakdOWillfif inealth. eVeri-venien-iit'ilie head :Of 7.Ek •.honrirtireetEditilY 'With le-waitte-F: 'to. her :household. affairs: They .mai- 'he 'too, Minh '14) hour after wards;•bet ltds..the seine little worries that break down. the. health of so many . Women; • Their effect may be noticed. In '•iierVotis headaches, appetite, ind.)gestien, paina in life side or back, and. a eallew comPlexien.; TO', those ••,efflieted •i this pilit.,.oy.'improyitit and Pur"Ifylog the blood,;)3ring.'speedyirelief.':Aineng thousands .cif:'Weak Wonieti who lieVe • tested.. and. proved ' the merits of this ..meditikne. is. Min. Ouptirire.liutt;.ilrUi- .•elleff,- *.Man., • who Saykk,:•-"4-,:•18... with prefenfid: thanka,:4hat:J.-;viiite to. tell. YOU • tt iittt , pr.: :Pink 'pills • • have'don tor me, • Before I begen..te.k- ing. these Olt. I was ••• Weak; And blood thin and 'watery, ...I was SO thin - 'petit I loolked'..like a skeleton.. -iwas. troubled With headaches 'and indiges thin; did net sleep, Well,,and.,Was ribby constipated....,.4L .de.cided try Dr, -Williams' pink: rills and 1C 606n- foUltdi • "dna -they...Wirei, jest. what' I ,boeded, Doder,... their. ••.Use: MY . aPpe- ate .rettirned,,,kny , toed.. digested ,pro- perly, god slept better at oight,, and. gained pn .ilesh•••ais strextgth:.• The ieS/Ult.' ,that neW. I. am; e Per-- feetly •healthY:Weniani and' there is no cleulit: that •due 'to: thegie, ofi: Dr., Willianni'...pink Pala' supply of which 1 'no always keep • ie • the house, and • Adviee ether wonteift...6.-dicthe never was a trout that length," these. attributes. • Ideals. ., '::•-ci...ii°rni•is half the'l'-14-t`40...1:it.e..- it.. -, Heiler as 'made the high ;Meal for IS not is 'liarc to earn *ritoneY,An..it.ji to spend it Well.--..,4,urgenli, „ • " •:-. the bey • The Scout •LavIr ..on . which : the ement, hinged was taken from. ... ... •• '. . ''....,........' ..H'---: ,..../,. ' • - . the e 'deld.,.the linights.:. When making .fittie,pies,' -put ;the ••• ' : , , .... _. gligef between 'two layers °T.:fruit and;'. • .. , - etr000 v Nan Vat intl. the jnice':Will not boil • ()Ver. .i... ' • : , . , ' '' was urPoSell kept small 'nunibers in ,order .:thati. the .SCotit- aster. : shettielia\T'e .' personal 1.1i,vi*r-' edge pr egelr. of his ..bayek,: this being the, oily: possible ,w,ay" for 'dieteloping ••::: ." the chareeter.:tit..tho :individual.. ' Tlie p,ati61 system . Was adopted. from that of.' the. ConstibultirY,, and for the 'game' teasOO.'.. .,,,,'..:,i,s..,e'.4.1.m.„: . • . .. . . , . .• .. ... • • „ ,. . A. • . , . . The aim. 'of othe movement., Wit'S. 'to , .. „ Mahe :goad 'citizens, .and for,this. fee - ion • it: was ..jiolgerunneceseary , to ,f,n. I . • troduce.,nalitap drill.: .,, • - , • .: And, so ' this,. Weederffil 'boy move- ment...of character training' and :Ott - SIM . deVefopMent• has, ,grown . and Spread. until 'today Bey.':.§,Ociuts,..are- tiMberect'llYtlis''riilliiMinWliti.':arere- .... •• ,CeiVing training Olidig the ' lines. orig-. in:ally laid 'down 'by ',Old 'great :chief. whose ' '‚birthday We • . celebrate'. Oita Month.' °Nd. Other Scheme' Of, welfare' 'wOrk, is Mori acceptobleje the -boys. .1heraielvett. '"i'hrettith loving: atictobeyr • ing '-'the:. S'etiet Law, and going, in • heartily for the- aetiVities of 'Sdeleting; , "beYs' are , helped ' . te': preserve aid de,. Velop,.ilie manly. qualities Which.' they ' themselves • admire, •• ThrOugh i taking part in the Varied program Of ACent- it; good habits.. Late feinted, ',good [ie.,: Baciations 'aro' enjoyed,. good coMindea. are &midi good health'iii promoted and goed:ohareeter 'is grown._ .7, •• ,- ' • • • The.'thentatnds.qt Scots .and .Cubs wttli , their; leaderg Ihredgheitt .. the wiloia Dominion Jain nit 'one in wishing The World's Chief 'Scent. Many 'hanpy returns' of, the 22nd, ' ''''. • " • . . -,••• . . • $1414,RISE ON . LAKE .L011.18E Py John L. .MtiOrolien • A red, tioirf rife tote above the skyl;n4! and !Its gluier. summit ghiste 'Si& IOW masa; apiirttlitur crystals. • ' ,• Peer Plckirios for A friend, says. the. Otitlook, sends us' the follOwing story as an ilinstratiOn of the characteristic acuteness • ef One 1 race and the preVerbial.eebnaMy of another , /. • • ' A 'Jew on the IhOk;with go Ieishitian at' New.. York, • Neticieg a large Ship making its ,.ray toward the east, the • Irishman tidied. the Other where the veasel Was botind for,- 1 ,. you catt get 'these pills throughany 'dealer. it 'medicine. -Pr by' Intiii,.at AO cets a front The 11ieditine- Brockyills• Ont.; Titre' Bred- f,sseUtial, . . . Baok. le,.the;Old :days; when Our anl, testate „paid 'no•.aftentiort big of 'live .stook,•-thenative.sttick, run•:, :iiing--61a-Ifirougheut; the..-conntrypro- :duped only' enough Milk" • for .061!. As time vierit one 'however,. ;men :discovered the • value of Milk as a feed fOr.. human •Oetistimption ',Red they began to. iSelect. 'e•diVii%.that. gave the 'largest , • Thus, •we that, tpt Many, -years eteck•-• Men have -studied' 'llerde:carafallY WeMing females:: that possessed high: producing • tmelitiet. These fernitles were, iirss .to Irel WhOse:dtintS:L.hact disPlayed -high pro:: duchig tendenntes. ••• • As.'tline; Advanced .breedera learned', : to- keep. recOrds ef..111I the milk' given; sa well,Cie 'tile' fced 'denim-med. '• 'The result, is that now vie, have; re eortio of. cows .giViag OV4 , a',year. 640'.peubils of st'•Year What ar,debt we 'owe, te 'those old ' • inier6vers. ,..our breeds', cannot repay thttn.' but We can continue to;.• enitY en the ,WOrk that .;they •so polity commenced. • • •• . „ • • ••, • , fa so doing we will add .greatlY. not • oiils te..ear;own intoine. but We will ,contribute,to the reVeritte Of Canada. • .7, 'No farmers can , afford. to neglect •'• 1'intht TuiSlh:en for the finish of the trie'k, In , •• he now• has and multiplY by. any • divide by ft. ,He is to take' the sum: ipslnebt.orfac9t. multiply by it or . Which the friend lOses• a little cif 'hil ; ':freedom Of .action. •He. is to minis out anY digit:in the product 'except- ' lug a cipher 'and,to•-mention to you ' • ,tite;AigitOi17041.14--ocrttrostrbot mecillately you- will tell him the number' he 'crossed out: ' . ." The secreti,is that. yeti • add the!: digits he' gives 'YOU and' subtract.: ...I:heir total from •the next multiple • . of AL. :The' remainder 'Will be the ntiniber struck out. • .-. • 6. • Othfl. 01:th seriee:te a scrapbook.) • letip, this out and, paste it, with, •Pairent. for articles advertised in this' colCion'shOuld, be' made With Do- ;vraFlilnl;:f atai20.4tm e4se Maoarie.eyb y,,0;tarist..-tt . Safe y • anti: Underatahd them..10,1 animals Human, • health and ' strength. are .406.111‘ 9••••,,, • eetib ' Felt Pretty Small,„, He. (ptimpetisly)-.-4PHoir do yOn...feel walking with big. chap like: me?" She -1 Pretty, small I • . The ..Coteous :Frogs. 7 suppose that for 'those who know Vstinct Phelps it Scribner's' Magazinci, eisonalitiea 'says Prot Lyon greatest ,When the teinnerature'drePs when to about 56 to 60 •degrees at Sight and 1 Was e child in fiartfOrd it*a a use •tpsomcleuw1.11inegr.ethbeetrawieeddnl.o$08f att • 1.74S pleasure to ▪ the beautiful'garden 2degrees ' of thathospitable gentleman -, Pithy dey. For'Every Ill-Mrnarcits"-Oniinent., • ........,....-.._ _ . •• .,- JeW,ell".• There., vats a ',little lake, and hi winter he distributed to the linSrs Of 'the • neighborhood free skating tickets, Which we highly appreciated. in:Stintiner evenings the, old gentle- in'an:*.ould; sit in' a chair 'VI the ..edge of the Pond and ring a.. Atllie mellow' tones the frogs-,,weeld come mit of, the lake ,and 'group: themselves •abont, Mr. vJeWell,offered „Wein hits" :of food, which ' they received' courteously : I had never discrhinin particularly- among frog; oat to, that Man eVery one' of those •frogs•was. Pour Polar ' bears; caught in the Arctic-Y-6-1ton last spring, are -now on their way to the neiv Zoo et -Auckland; eAfrato-Week journey hi stout packing: a ' "It is the greatest Mistake a woman', can Make to marry a 'matt, thinking Sheis going to ' reform° hititin said a 7...ondari garotter reCentry., • ' • an indiVidual,, and he named them ail, -The:-Iargeet-wtia:called Laura- Matilda are interested • In :obtainiag., LP- and RARE: Books . and .Waa:the. o*rter's favorite I have seen l',aufa:11rar tear • -her master's chair, take 'it hit -of bread. delicatelY frem, finger's, eat- it . and:then Wipe' her motith.'daintilf. •' , .011. 'CANADIAN., SUBJECT*. f3ind partictilars, to the. Wilson :Publishing •, Suppress a Moment's ,anger • • and.Company 73 West Adelaide Street. yop may prevent a life4iPle,.. 4.:Prrow. Toronto, Ontarto: „ , • . their:Ave% iteek. in' Those "daYS,' food prices :are soaring. ' • •• . The ; :bred Sires, • carefill selection feflialea. With.ecoritnietil feedings, 'to, gather with the keePleg Of io'Corchl are:: _ -.!."Tliat4slov4e141.41:44i.r..7e**=1_11.a: ..',Ieriaeatial-'-pronta--thatrtire4fitritfqz loaded with ilcotchmen, tied IC,I. Idin rannotoVeldolikend „prosper.; .bound lar-Sdottatid?'' • . „: ' ' • , f•.,,..liieate-leonderthegrishviairitek-ed -Chinese' doeters 'in Amer,. 11M Ito* lu� linaVi.the .1•:i•eitil lions beai, f)0, ure With 8erttehn1en.4,144bound fer 'Scot- land', . ';Becatice, yfit do bat see any' bulls following ftr replied ,the Te. ,1101160a are like the human beings that Inhabit.th'ent.‘-Vietor'Hugo. , • scribe :leaves ofeertitin -frees,' -grbund - clawe',of a 'hon, dried 'toads, beetleS . au a ..ennks,, and tier, hair,. , ' For First Ald-'•=1Villisrd's 4.:Iolnient; 1 1 1 Proved safe by ttiiMotis and prescribed byp1lyskIans for • Rlieuniatisin Colds . Headache Rain 'Neuralgia , Toothache e fills ago • A d*Octer received the,.14110WIPS 110,4 from a 'patient ;. • ,; • "Peer PPetere--Mie. Mdstard'.Pleor. tori iOu. prescribed for oyLtvriee,a,da* may Very Well,. Out bot ; can't eat *Die.than• naa. '-bark- has found quahtitleit , - Classified Advertisements , REMNANTS. BARGAIN PARCEL, $2. 6 LBS. • Patches, $2. McCreery, Chatham, Ontario, ' • FREE CA.TALOQUE: ASpBERRY ‘13USHAgi, pLAD- • Joke, Iris, 'Peony, Fancy Dahlias and: -Ratted -Rock: Eggs. The 'Wright Flinn; Brockville, ,Ont. inmAzs antra. ra•IIITED• ,ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN , and -light. sewing at hone; whole - or 'aPtte time; ..good pay; work sent any distance; ..charges paid. Send • stamp Per particnlart.'Nationtil Menu- facturmg Co., Montreal. • • • ;LADIES, ON.I.,Y---OUR BOOKLET% Ladies' Friend; mailed in girain, envelope, free. CASIER 2423, Moo. treal, ' EXCELLNT ', -forTrhountatistureitralgiTi-nW.' ache, and kindred •' . Rub 'it i W.„01i with the tips -of-, e 192Xerk An eneiny, to: pain,, • • Suffered Misery With ItchyEczema Cuticura ,HeAed c. r ai‘z,': ) ,1, .. , 1:1: ...a ::: ..i.tr. ,.,/-'9. .aratbeadhblt no:itiy;b, ,*0ke,:,rnhi ::in •ii'lye crwt;z:foees Illguac'5.::::resr.a.c.. and : • * ,;so, . were terrific. At (Miss .: awfuli. misery. .- • '.itehing 'and, burning , . otrer,two years. .At !Arai it appeared ' . in linall spots and 'In): 'N'yor.k.d iV:. s ,nbl4e,:zi:to;..iive. up.. 6.1i2;inI Welitaisa trvieaitthoeduatU:iadi:yriebde'dneifffitr.cu'It read anadvertisement, for 'Cutiamti .Soap arid Qiinnientjanddecided to. .tt tliern... After tite;firlit atTPIfentrOn. 'I felt relief. I continued the treat- ment ;for a. time: and now' I ica 'healed." (Signed) 'Nfleis‘V..'Wood; 386' City. tit& Me.i. M o atretr,l, qtiopec. : ':':! .,•: '. - I . Cuticula Soap, Oir tAtioi sod Tai - dun are ideal for,dally tolletlissio, iampl9r'Selb P.m btiosAgdraini Cluiscaiii "asthma; r. o. Mt, phaavel ,ettsgi_aga_p_gk..(2111thr_n_t 26 and RI': To.1.1#4,116. Mgr Try is, flew Sluivine.Stiek. Ended' by Taldg Lydia. E. Pinidutin's Vegetable CompoUnd !.‘ ii• • .raidliei., Sask.-••‘For two •or threw. days every.so -often r iwould have such.• ' pains in My back/and 'sides that I could • net , do anything-, c tAtistiot even lie . quietly in bed, and myrad ached, too:. I was this way shoji I 'three, years, but , was-worSe.after 1 with marrxed. I was on a.fartn with not a house nearer than • five miles and there WOO not 'a pertme,to advise ine;:as My folks live in Manitoba. - , My sister-in-law told Meabout Lydia. E. : Pinklittni;§ Vegetable. compound ' and' . told Me to try it. ' I tdel; her advice and. : . have been thankful'.Pr it ever since.. ' •: .Afthr taking tile ,Inedicine for three , 1 months I can say it has helped me a lo3. i and I sip doiog..i.linc:, 1 amglad to tee- 1 Ormileild• the Vegettt'ild Cetupourid .to''', . ': • o,there-., and yOu may 1 fmtlisii niy testi:,2`1 4(rnerlial, "7 -Mrs, /ISLES EALAII/WIt,Fusi-,• . • i her, Saskatchewan. h. ' ,'• ' , --; I Often "Sento slight trouble will ea4se w. . ': general'upset; of the system. . Bll.00 • ' nervousness, -painful timest ,. 4$7-41Pt191111'11'--V-1.Vber-ififf-t6itaiiditi- -7, :Itirrdieltfelorketearethr,014fereelometiltnetto. ..; .. ,7",-Women,ealadtheied:ehmild lave LyartiT E. Pinkluttit's Vegetable Cemponnd, e .' . ... Iteileple',d• .T,ohrf :4ii. daeperld-ab e medicine ,.)14g, 'S nds !of Wotnett andit \ la ..reasonle to expert; that it Will he* . this niedtchia, , . j..., .o ., • YOU. T y it today. Your druggist SOW ISSUE. No. 7'-25. " • '.p.acitttg0 \Vhich(:11-)tain,s• prOveii,csiiretoons,,i Handy "'Bayer"" bOXP13 , of "12 -,"tableti, • Also bottled M 24 dad 1.00.-,-Diuggiatit,. • Akstrts- la thh tra4e mark .(eisistered PialintaI inayst of Manoiteette, eteldeater or gaitestIcaoldt,(Aeetriktialieitie Ada', A "1 WhIle It I won 'known that. Atmiriti means Ilayer;tnandacture,„ to hatilit the alialie aaeleat imitattatia, thti•tatilet- of toyer oerdpoty will as atiMptil Vitt 'their tarierai trade tearz,„tha "PayerVross,.• • t. " • , • ".•'• •