HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 6;••
014k m11110119 Or' uSeVe• Finer
tiny. japftal, GUnpowder or
,ounfg Aolt. for
• 'Aire";
4o ornq 1 4040
`44.'POPOrk of VIP 0.00,1144, .• eve 1'
•-11 legtgrinithiON'A'#.:••:'E.i! 1110,
where IWO' the hoys. t0,04Yr hor*aa•
01004 on the gate as: Ca* ht
tad me he *pia ,frourzg Jiut•
1P5 .3P4*ch.,•vmq ,obotTne • by.* likr.ga'
piece of toffee*nd Igoldiet make
out what he .84k);."• •
.ilfe *pal 3vaiting for Jock" said
Jean.. ",Did !bat he.- :Was
very clean, and that .hair .was
Sleeked down with hrillioUtbiets 4.1.1#7.
are Invi.44 to lolOg"'tletPr to: tea et
the giaa'W.0,s9.ilOi.', Ond are; 4agreat
spirits abut it, , They .tmerally hate
•going put, to 'tea, hut. jock. disceirered.
receutlY. 'Omit the Watsona had a fa,.
thor whP was asea PaPtaia, That: 44
ila$Abrau-SUch a hale round the twb
'ladies. that he cao?t, .heeP RY04.-ftem
them.' l'beY; have allowed -NA, to • go .
to.lhe attlesand runimage:ini the big
see -Chests which, he saYtio`aTi .11'90'k's •
fut.' Of treasures' like sestigeb 100 .1144
bows; of, Oral and:Chinese idols, It
AO* ,Miss "Wal4on.s Wen* have
"-thesP 'treasures' downstairs ag they
don't .Yoelt. genteel among the 'new
orututPnt:a dmired zn AalmPiat; •.:411
.thetreasUres are,Io'he i view to -day
(Jockhas great. hopes.of Perauedhlg
the. 'dear ]adisto give *bine one to
Sting home, what he cella a 'Chinese
ectatcher'4--it Certainly: 'sounds far
from genteel) ailka Aorgeoua spread'
as well -Jock Confided ,me ,that he
thought there Might :eYeii he sand-
wiches; and, Peter being; invited lias
filled M,her's Cup Of: IMPPineS_S• 0:the
'brim. • Se few poaikle We;e0ine• that
mit* year'. 'clteleopinny'plitili or nIWO-penoe'
singgi *oy-7-•!penny: 'plain, plea* *kw.
,the tittneOY,!(; : , •
oprIslit by Go.
.„, .
was odd *or ejPty, her, life:felt.
en 1t ought to feel ',She
the hor,s:heiPtie'her,,aMela
was next 4O'ari-she-*4.all' Manner of
schemes *•4104,i(i keep lie.17::thOugh*
*ettpiettl4 thelte *Agra great 'went
somewhere. Jean - owned t herself
that .-the,blank' had been there eyer
. He : 'woe .an •tild 'dear,: When
isel; mute .to think of it, it is illittle
ungrateful Of you, Jean, nof to *ant
to teute‘all:the.PleaSurne previcled for
the inhabitants of this earth. There
id. no Sense in uaeleSS extravagance
hilt there is a certain fitness an things
A' cottage is a delicious thing, bit it is
meant for the lucky .people with small
-eines' Lora Bidbcproiigh went' away. means; the big!houses -havi-their uses
• was :frightfully there it toe. That's why so Many rich pec•ple
' AhCi''Pxah•abb'''b3r:this:'`;:time hea• "halm diecOntOted faces. It's because
quite feigtAten l",ielia'd,•in-no.sga- to, then). ,2200 a -year anda cottage is
to...44,4isino....himasg.14., Java, some. 'paradise enow' and they are doomed
,t.o.:pas3 Ite•Ijine' to the many mansions and the man*
tOffi•••''''.4ike 'MAW boOka that men Servants." • " '
# d . •••
"I wish I conic! be there to hear the
• . # • • 4
itl'fine•coinpTai'V'Manners is a joy,",
Jean "MPS NrCoSh 'often
(_'Ibo,becontinned,),• -
le^44 '20s4.4.
mommilmommovommisommmoomo. •
to:R: ••••• -•••
' • t
". ExPerie
T4.4 ,,ccmpumption'. ,,tea, it. 1,s, 'esti-
Mated, 4ncteased thirty-niOe
niSinpounds.' -,7Thp price;..as. .a s.rdr
ad, it.'-i•rovingdancy--bilt h says, nodded.„There,s ma'ny a lan‘g glint sult; may, go to 81.00• per poand, but
•aaW"it. .114er 'h64ii-(..rebtilted. even then, tea is the cheaPest
her.•teidislOyilt • RiehaidrPI ntag nairriage,' and .I; dare satit's-„trUa-r1
• a e .
net's eyes, 'iaughing,4tel•-of kindne-si , on want .to he ungrate.41•,..r'elaele.
ttest=7elii.hanOt;.,;ita "wSs.iarst. it's about the worst sin one Can
Verhers`,•••"'Slie- ""i7illed'agant "•` attL110-L;:•':'')3:1-111-•
as ,She,..SOMed.10,•,teet ilise,teech a his .want to be stuffy either, but I think• jiand. aiid .heard his voice saying ,
N:gb, ,1•••was meant 'fel.- small.. ways.” ,
ennktiliih;'UrP.ito*going•:toeebt •qPikT ;lever mind.
AivitYr he "-Written to not g'rntg•otos 'Pyroenacphi'ansYinore. You
•ongrettgatei•Iter, the'fortune? '• ,He shall with your
• mtght have done.;:thet4 •••• was pnneiribering, 'Jean; your
of him desire to go to the 'Shakespeare Fes-
Joan- Weald '13; Stratford April:, Why no
• interested. Jean, whoe a,,rt„ leapt ,inatai:Ttilre? is a lovely nth'
• into her throat at the ..!noi#,,,,a.4,tuji.'4.e;ant to take you : Myse:•f; but .I• ps-
i:nen:0pr name. N.' 4 'P6ef'you would enjoy it mach better
Jean,. Looked quickly, hearing :a if . you 'went .with .the boys. .It would
• .step 011 the gravel. It was :be great : fun for you all, and take,yOu
,sallteriniin7:0;tnixiir over Pamela;;Z,. anthiopie efforts
der st. :1004, who vs wo4:. ‘swinging on and see, Ouifsd everything
• the -gate pet4g.-., .his •`elearly: • • 4
ani 'enctto 'see' ion ' Jean's seyes 1,4 with interest, and
' Pa ela Seeing the light in them; went
David hahlg the :iy,I,O.Oey nn. '
stuffy y po, you think I ;- • s -•• '
•Ition,s•• ••• - Everybody should shOula make e
• "What does David Want •you to:do-m...4e in ,"spring: it's the correct thing
• „
pelopt,,eikedh.,os„ she .thieiv eff -to do. Imagine starting on her
singing hirciS andycco:vslips •and 'green
neitt -and.knelt ise-forettin'fife"-teirvir-arin
lier hands,
"'10. eat your sapper in a room
, with Nur Titians on
-the -wall .-;L,
• And twenty. neked girl's To change
your p.a e.
. ' Jean' langhed. "Something like that,
,I 'suppose. Anyway he, wanth ainart
• parlor -Maid at, once, and a motorcar.
Also he:Wants me. to Weaj.' earrings,
Aid -talk slang and..wear the .newest
orf of clothes."' '
• new leaves, stepping at little inns
'Mr the night -lovely, -Jean ' ••
-Jean gave , a gteat sigh.• •
"LoVelY," • she eelmed. Lovely,
deed ,tee .,aws.y from hansekeeping
and pew. people and lineiVn paths for
a lAtle, and' into leafy:Wnrwick lanes
land the: rich Eneish country Which
she had never seen.• '
• 'And :thee Pamela went ."you
would come back appreciating p-riorsr
ford More thaw you, have sever'ilone,
Yottl./ Would conie back to Ted \and.
-lie: in, the2wOr1drabide from Water. •
• IISE YOUR: • '
WorneA•go not leek
often enough i.,.Those
andmade 'Frock of DOttedi
• Voile- , * 1,
• Simliljelty is the keynote of. thii
dainty"! frock, suitable . for all pc.
'lesions and cool as summer breeze.
Sleeveless .'one-piece slip -On . dress
with long,drooping shoulders falling
'In graceful folds ender. the aims:
PrettY, ;round neelt slightly gathered.:
Slashed at shoulders: and finished
withiicot •edgbagor rick -rack braid '
ener voiles -Or ,.glagharas aro
dres !.•11o, -1003 cut in. sizes 6 •to
tend{to beautify the Model,: Sum.
, ••
good or this 'becoming frock. Girlalti
!When guests come, espcially! ; My sheets and
pillow cases-are,so snovirwliite, and haye, that fresh,
• . Sweet of perfeCtl-cleanliness. , .
,"Ancl. I:change' them 'often, too, because they're
really, easy to wish --the :way I Wash them — with
Spnlight Soap. ‘.
—''he SUff1ilS
qui:ilay.search the dirt right out,
an4.1eave eyry singlethead sweet And clean. •Only'a light
• rubbing may perhaps he,'necessary at Wises, The. a. good°
rinse and everything is as spOtlessly White as your heart could -
'For clothes,- dishes' And g9feral.housework ihgays use
Sunlight. Every hit O'f',Suiilight\is:P4re.. cleansing soap, and
so it is really economical -and nikhow it does clea.n! Sun- ,
lii4e is so eas3ebn the hands;t60!7:1\ Lever .Erothers•Lipiited.;
the largest soap.firm in the World, makes,§unlight. ,
ro-eliSses , .: 1 hro.—gtre-71--2-7-relitiir
int the i O
. o , l'Irl rt. s78.111. 36 or 40••Inch materiel. . . :•i• ., •
who. are too busy, and those who are ' Pat ern mai ed to any address on
Q .
too In in between these two elgese.e receip :of 20c in silver,..by the .'W lson
there•js a Vett threng that leoki' but Publishing CO.; 13 ;Net Adelaid'e St.,
does not see To be well dressed one Toronto: Patt,... filostu - tied same da as
, „ • • , - - . • . . .
must have the sense to look, the cour- order is receiVed„ ..-. , .. :. .
sage.. to See, and the wisdom:to know . . . 111
just What to do about it.,:.. Stores are , Tell VS , Another. .
centres 'of temptation, and meet, We„ There was once pugilist who hated:
Men who buy halte• spent too 'little 114hIleftr ; ••' ' " •
',' . • ' ""'"..
ti i ,eb id in 'Ye i T • h h
0 s e.r g. ,tv• mirror is Thee as ce an Irls man wile de.
Your best friend at suck -A time. • It -ellnedll'ta. have a row. •• •
Will tell' you :the color: your hair, 'There was once ran thoagh-t.
*Yes., and :skin. It will 'tell you YOU waaPaid al he NNs.p• worth
belong to the "tall thins" ditheshort 'ThseTe *.a4.
feta," and Whether or not' you. stand a,akleg,. and. Who knoW.it, --
Correctly. 'More than that,: your mir-: There was eace.. laPer• who 4fie4
rot will telt you if yea. are " Well pro, !•43, ae.tja night aurae to his offeei7Ing.
'portioned.. It will tell you the length There .Piaa °nal:4 a post office assist
• ' " to • •
of your waist in:rrelatiort to the body .ant` sIT:ho, Said 'Please".and• "Thank
length Which is so' ireportant et the Ymk••
•present time: When these facts .haVe ere 'elte. once a man wlio •• • all'
beetf7revealeer before-thrrifiiffearlillHmm'el'aleaelY'eath-week.o bis lee
egk and the extrema linea'than She could spend. ' . •
in the 'world will not lure the ''N'ae °Pee in agu
: .• "" t With her husband' hated to aye
,woman.:to• make. a mistake in her mea- . •
'Selection.' • • the I St word, , •• .
•.• 2,Tliere ivea once ,a woman Who
to dress •end Said:she would be re
tenniitesand •A‘ras..,•• • ,*' •
, • .
. r e ny-p, n, are, yea going.to 'Ye (We Village Pump
Peel Tower' and. the. Ilop,etoint• Woo'ds ' ' • , . • -'------ • •, • • • .
be forced into being twopence colored' with a new •Understandii'i ' There' ,." Oh,, shucks, the pump s frozen ,-en
• But ,I, think ,yoa should get another nothing So ninkes you aPirecia:te 5- Ail.r: ag4lh! ' : sr'. ':',.. 4H's:•-• • .
inaidt you: have too much to de And home •
. .as leavilig'it. . '. -Bothei^! 'That's • 7-... ; - s --
,.Fo Sore Peet,--Alinard's L.Iniment, l•
, a.car,", would be a•great-linterest t0:37011. the bell: Visitors!" . ' ' A, • . , ,-.....-......._...._:„.....—
..., .
. Jock and 'Viktor waildloVe it too,: yoU ! , It, was only one Visitorewis .gl.
'.eonld so:t0Uring.dll round in it • 'Yon imt • ' •• , . •
. .. • • . . , .
- • • ' • : t • , • PEOORS•:
• ,rriust begin :,:to!see•the.World now. I' :, .,“Cenein Lewis'" erid..;fedn, "Where' ••'' • • •• - ••• . . , •
:think, _.perheps,-,DaVid is. right. it is. in tke.'world have you been?. 'Three ' ' Here is inetheds:of finishing flodra
, . rattier Stliffy to stick iii-Ithe-sarne place, -
whole- "months' -since...,40ini went ',away0Vhich is chap and ,irery satisfactoiy,
(evet), if that ,place ..js .Priersford) and never a ' word from .yOu7 , You for the Iongeic tife-Tfloor•is-aised, the
when the Whole wide world is waiting didn't crven'write to Mrs. Hope:" • , better the. fiaisli,fio shaved into a ,ket
,become,sIt 'requires
• .to be looked at . . I rememberer ,ns dear "NO," said ' Lewis, '"I'We'S .4..4;ther one bar of paraf:#:
'Old, pure in Switzerland .Who, when he •.b.usy4',•, • Ile greeted' Fiarnel a •and. • sat I tie: Place over. a fir, ;. and whori. Smolt-
,retii•ed..f.rein .his liVing at the age -Of ,down; - . : -. -:: '..:', . , ..,• .. -.. .-• • i Mg; .hot,, reify:we .fro *.IliF and pour
eighty, set "Off. to ses. the world. .1-/e s "Wer,sl'into"'-'the paraffin Seven:eighths of:.'n
e' you' soVOrY "1;:ttisy ' that"y
:told.the he did it .beoans.6 he was tjuite, emildn't write so inuch as :a post cul quart Pf 'kerosene. T,his r.,kes enough
:SIM When ha. entered " heren'a 'gate i And"'T don't' believe you know ,ffiat:I,ai, t? fin,sish'...tWO: floorS Of th? s average
the , first question God. W uld Apply to the.:Iloor. Iviu.s.t hot and
Pat to heiress'?"!". ' , ". .' • • ' '' ••••
hire Would be:.,'And what did yen think - ),,y.e'g, i, flee ' ' that,'' '
..,, 'rub in, ; Use u'hoine-inachi'sitab Made
. rd . but soniy, the c.. - . - • ' \, .
c•oto,. tightly around • a
i .. • ,
of ,My,Nir:or.lti?'" ax:4 'he Wanted to, beothr diiy.,;,',
It wa's a most ithexpectee4 ',wreP.P'eg'
in 4 position to : answat intelligentlY' ‘-v.• df• sit r 41 ; • • mop -stick:. In anfewboura 'ire over:the
h d t '
!.n a . was eag tt.3. o , hear; •.• • • , • \
: . .
floors with a pe:isher. Good ,ftir woad
• _ , . ,,• . :• ,, ttbOat it." • jean ,,looked at himand;
•, and line'ento
' 1•3411.00.,!1•
3.vondertrti if he Were well. • Ili§ Jong.] : .• ' , • • .
7••••••-• ., . . • • -. , - ..-•-.---- • • •
holidaydtcl not as•ettl• to have improved I., •• :io.: •• ,• . . •. • : •
i , ' s, .„ r., -I' •••••-• • • • ..• , . ' •
e OppOttaill les se.• orn
his gifirits; heWamore ebt•t
labe led.•A '
▪ minded than. usual and disappoin'ting.,
,...ly imintereste.&*, , • ,:- .
. '4 .dn
idn't kow ,y6p. wore. back..in •
, Pria1..q0.61;". he said, ,,addressiog Pam:,
. .. I c:5, "tin I met ou'brotheinLoi
nfteewea4wz„/ -
., , I. don, ., I stalled • on you„ just' new; Unit
•: ,iparents,„ oneaufrad mot .. ' I. igis4 pi:litigate slmt Me ovor. 10 e,"
&wren to,eare ibp zit. tieiht I .01s • 13iddY• anitising ititusi.k', wall16
pive 'meat vviigleylt.,` ',I' ' al ithooht .ihink. ckeenelit.;•37..1;7:;•.11. ' ,,, •
' ...- .......' ' , • •••' 1 Pamela' aSkeds, ,•*, •• .' : ,. :
' If,:ftentotres food partleleS ' ' i diticd with him one night:and he 'g'allii .
r the teeth: .Strengthens' ":, ed ',hr graftt,spirits. lla 'sc.:rasa_ io.'i....a
the ' Autnt, • combats •acid --; .1 v* -•v• Much in fel %test -• •••1•10:•Wepl4d tti
Ituduiftr, ' . : • • , • . , ..' 1., ., ......-,,, , , 1.' . '' ' . •1,. - ` .;,
, , .,,.ta.te me avat.t• a bit, ba-, 4:ye got, out
- Refres int: at . beneficial ! - of 1 ondon ways. I don't stem to know.
' Li' . ki ' ' ' . ' ' • .
, • 1, . . ,
.., what to., talk. about tothis act.v. orl....,
1 tration mid -.1' iyawri... l !in. • batter ' it..
t heinc.-Ot---avet:',.tw..,-)troonz'thii• sheop.".
I....mi.,s,.. NI' Cosh. came in •to. lay„ tlie,.. ten; 4
-"iiiIIII.i....Xii'-.4Alli..tni'lI'llit-i vi-tNirliPl'oi'''
• R82
..CoLp0.:THINQS .14M
Dealt !Inn 11 0 nte• dye.
"-•Ing .7anit . tinting. is.
•.guaran.teed• •,W• 1 t h
biliridnii D.Yes„ datt.
•• 'die iti pad water -to
tint , Soft, '' delicate
!lades, , or • boil • to
• d.-ee, rich. Permaaen.t
ea Airclvilf,reelit:
.. package entlin int -di,
:-;•.:(1t,oalli".''..1.1.stisil'hoodh',-"Illl's -isn t my,ttiolaio4ny woman' CA a dye
.. ., . ._ ,- ..,
i41,i, rtitd -i"tltenyinj ,ean .g.,0 over to .0-e.tin.t finierie; ,s..1.110.,, ..ribbarks,•skirte„
,i,...al ...viov...Nt-t.tit.P.O.teie,,D„.ann pay-- 0 u , iiaist,i;.• • ' d.resses. -.ceat , s.ieq lega''
• vvisit•••te Iter. :,.-yott.,,muertq, 'tnisi `the VP-. •.A.,oat.03.$-; araveileg, ",,e0yerings... hang -
f per .en..it4r of killing .tato ,birda- with i
legs, everything no*. • • .. • • •,,, ,
l'e -
ster,a;, .fleildes,.P'assel.:a!s qiup,,ia ,..„... nay •,•,!bitatotttl. .1.?Yea'"-,lie :, CLI10,i
". ril(yrird0 li
to idi4rt, ••6•64,, ynn Mayn't: kid -and tellttt, druggist whether
'.1tave another -.ehatteg ,of ' payijiie, a ''VlAlt , 0 6. mritelial, yob wiall.tdeOlOt Is Yi'oel'
• . .4 ••
0•1; N-rentO0Yr.li • r - - .: .. '; . *.. :Ot-filik,'',01,,wh.etlier .tc 1..k 1-1 n, co ton#
'Won; if , I may....!.:::-.... ,• of Cited * goods '•. \ •• ' \ ‘•
• •-
' •
188 NO.
.A •Ietube''' railway' is prepOted for
VeitiCe.,::It would, coyer:the' lengt • of
the City, A distsnce of eight Miles
!Brits nia; is regarded As. one , of the
.aeorge's famous Yacht, the
. • •
fastest achts afloat. • She car iei
.9;235 cubic feet of Canvas, whe in
full sUil.
• It' it 1 ap pc n's-
there is no Mar -
't Ohl Y.Agency in
your. :-town hve
your dealer'iwrite
• us, 'We want 'you' •
to have "a deinon-
stration in, your
, own home 'cif the
• Md rp.o niplione,,
master, 'radio :re-:,
ceiver. , This can
be arraiiged
\t h 6.0 .g h your
dealer...; Also.
send ,,yOnr: name
for. \f r e e 'radin
bookie. "Pa"
' •
The.' ,
o Marconi WiretPas:..
Co.TeL of- Can.,.
-• • , • Mentreal, .
Halifaa, orebto;...
•,vartoottver,, St .
John's, Nfld..
• ,,
ocomium.• .firmttortirtittatt.
•• The ,spirit of lair play. all.yays leads
a contestant to recognize his oppon-
ent's skill. • • •• *
• .
•,Minard'n Liolmerit-Fine.•for:the Heir. „•
Use Horn Spar ngly.. ,
Try to, drile with using the horn as
little as,poasible. .A`suddee nolge niay
stop pedestrians hitheir tied S rather.
. ••
than 'warning them, '
• •
• • •
- ;•-44-1-4.
' •
The security 1. Warded :by • the • Province Of 'Ontario
Savings. Office, together with the faCilitieS extended by
,everY Post Office in :Canada and other countries, make it
Poseible for'ev'erytitie to depoSit their savings in:this institu-
tion, Interest/ is allowed, Compounded' half -yearly, with TUB
checking pi
. fit
The tenfidefiee the rural conunnnities have shown in '
-this Savings Office is 'indicated by the "large increase' iii,ite,
posits, Which are now over $2,,0,000,000,* • , • ' , '
• Alt deposits are seoured .by the, entire tesonrces Of the
• Proyinie‘ef ,Oritarith ' • •L
•Remittances Shoild be-inade by PoSt.Otlice Money:order,
bank cheque, express order or regiatered 'letter, 'and Should
be addressed to your fiearest Branch, where they will receive .
prompt attention.. . • •••
Of ittoptt Savins
• • • .
4:1-l'EA0:-OFFiCE„:•,;416 O.PEEN'S -PARK,. montiNto
'Toronto anch.oftioes:. .
er, Elay ,and Adeialdo,Ste. • • Cdr.. University ang. Dundas Stfe.
• 510 banfOrth Avenue.'.. ,*
Other firanchei 'at .,
•, Hamilton, -"St. Catharines; • , • $t, Miry's, --Pentbrokki.
'Brantford, Wocitletook, ' Oviert,SbUnd, Ottawa,
Seatorth, • Walkerton,• • Newmarket and Aylmer,
•. .
• ' ' • • .
. • •
wAvisk RALEiqu
• irr,kus
1 , -
. ... ,
OPP fr. 'Pr AsOlialt.. is.:e*....
hiustibl ,...e.,,,,•tFitrroiini Fill ' .
.. . .., . .. ...... •.. , ,
ititt at 14ight.. •
. , ,. .
. •. •
,,..•whe pavements- of. ,clty. aireota,".Cil
.., • • #
'•te theniet* Of liorgett' hoofs. aOd tha,,
'whir .of antinaohl:10. Urea... "Trielded,!!' '.." •
..in' tribute, to the Island'a•tolphalt de-
PoSit,R.adio and .teleph000 7f1F03 t7,0.,.
veberate the,. refrain;. „Vvpit.the 'wijile '
bt, '•liotiSes .i.liiit.:, out .these. seunds,s, as.. '
Well as :. the eold,Wit.O" the' NiOritt-ta,.' ''.''.•
*PI prodUet of nos oporiloilanl',0 ,
`the,O,Otithet*coilhh,44.. ;, ••,,-....•,,.•.;,:;;,.4 :
' ,,,The. Mot southerly ,iplafid ...of ..the''
..*eet. IndiO"•and. the largest 0?
liritiiiilghtede in the Caribbean , with
the exception Of lanutica, lying near
the ;Venezuela .- count; Trinidad shIpa:
yeartylarge quantities of asphalt :40
Women.. • ', , , . •• . . • . • . •
..." OtipPlY„Oeerna, inexhaustible+
• , . .•
When Sir:Walter, figleigh, Stopped, ,•
on, the ,shcireg Of Trinidad to ',pay'. hie
: -
vessels. with 'Pitch ' from .. the fatnou0 :
lake,, 'he lxid•L:there....30.6.....ationgli'-of
.. -----,---....-.....„,..:...„.
thirefititanca for ail the vessels of the ,•
world for centuries lecorae,.ami 'even, •-.
the ademand • *Well' Modern Civilization,
bag put Upon the . saPply. has spercely:.,
uhangedAlietriith of...bisi.statemppt.•_.
., About. a. mite from thOshore, emir-. ,
IA: Brea,. 'the peculiar ..pheaomenon, -
which has -beei. yarloasly,lermed• an •
"in:feria:0 it"Stygien, pool," otia -t4e...
fountain. of .Etyx," -Is located. , • Had
Dante known of its, existence,. ft probz,',"
ably • Would 'have., Served,. te ;.13'•tin:itilqte • '‘.
.his Imagination to Still 'More; fantastia, .
illghts..lionreve,r, the lake about which ,
so many interesting st'oriesha.ve 'been..
,told ; doesnot, deserve its 6 ipPUtt4tiOn. '
A itian: Who. Conteinplated stileido'. in ,...
;its .---hitiniqteptlit-,-,avviiit-filk'of -e-,-:,-.-----
tioa liefor"e the r-ocie. itriiftect,"hini : in
..• . . . •. • .• . • . .. , "
above. hisknees. ; • .. . •• • ., ..-- - -- • •
; alit)" sensation .predueed by Walking
• over, its sarface• is inuell liken that. of!
',treading upon some great beast whose
•filzkab. Wes;hieneath the tent-4-,.-it•is Soft;
hloodwarm;'.and.:'tlie, w_rialtles Over AS,
surface .in the blindieg:11ght of the •,', ••
..atia Se eel ,•to, :rise'''. arid fill', •with his! y!
' breathing;and tbe.Water Which gathers • .
In the furrows 'suggesta, that the an1l,7,
Mal is perspiriiil.„ • :,. , .: - -, ; • . ,- '
...It is. said that lhenree. of the ,`pitei... 3.,
.bparing lakeIs 11.0..nereS. and no. One :
`knewS how 'green it, ig.,, There. IS' an.
al oat • uudanny feature ' connected\ •'
Wit the 'removal:AA :the asphalt from
The a ea. 1. Rails , and, sleepers . have ..
• been. h 'it eat iiito the 'lake and :each;
day •the laborera dig.up -chunks .of • the.
piteli; whieNn'eak Off With' dry, blue-
' ilint-like fra tUrea; eel 'throW,' them .
.intoqi, car whi h •runs on fails.. •Eneh,:
day.',.they:• :male .a• trough along,'tho.;„. 4.4
sides cf the ' track , 'ith. their:picks oe,o• ,
:when they: ' retina! qie,,he)Ft •MOrning .
the. troughs:Is. filled tgain levet. And • •
solid' 'for .thein to :dig up -74' ilrrovv
that Is ne,ver.-finiehed.,
. •
: Scarp ."Heal "...by Jill ht. .
• Like the Earning 13iii1i;:• the' lake
seems:'neVerto, be conSinned,:
•tite daughters of who'had to
'vetch water in a sieVo; the Men ae4r.
see the .results of tAeir..labors, At -
eight 'a, great: gtilli• lame across • the .
••horizon, and at dawn'. the Surface, -is .
levCisagaini, • • • ;
About' everi- three •days, / however, •
thO ,pitch swillews Up the fails and:" '
the 'sleepers and th'ey. Mist be raised/
and readjusted on the surfaCe, • A.
though tibeat 100;000 tons CC aSphelt, •
,ere being taken frein, the lake, 'each..
,Year„. Atte, little track .need.'never. he
'inoVed; the Iptieli :cotes. te, the
• •
The -subtle •Moveraents• Of 'this, quelir•I., •
pool -have Prodaced•seiadSPOOky" Of-
fect.S--'-lalands Wender ." like • •10nely, •
.010fatg frijol Shore SoniethieS • •
•'a -tree trunk ticksnp- Mit 0r•••i116:8ttr.face.
'.111,0 the arnui,!clothed In white' Saiiiiies.
which s .bore • "pceolbur,'! . Points,165 •
Warning finger and again is, drawn' ;# ••
bitett into the'Ciinmerlan depths. ••
One' writer Ole- e:ttlmated • that.•rat
least,10,90p,tun) teas of the mixturs.
have been Ouriied into ttspfialt
.durine the. ltge4 •InVitcli Lake, Wilielt •
known as tiev,)V0 ,Cduiciron arming
.the natives. ',About 44000;009 "tots 41„tve
•filveady. been ronioreir, and hy, 10110 the ,
stirtato cf!the• lake hail ;fallen Aileen
fact below its format' Oxice dur-
'nig its 111.,s1Ory the.;i',Isbotis lipid over-,
• fibNived -ha way
the sea'near'La Erta. Now. tee'
Supply IS' • 8.1,11Dpeti !Team Brighten, !,
which fairly reeks, orits stock intratle:• •
AqAtart' liotilderfOstlek• Ott Of :the
• Sand :along, the' shere !IVO mystertoUS
•,,blaeltsea worms, the.Pnel.of the piers
al e. caked; wilt pitch., the Paveraeuta
are 'of 'the 'Otto t.ho
i!bticlreh•• of • the !Island 'play Witi
:whose little. •bitte.k , fa t;oe'. ;lad;
„hddlcs aro otade,nr. pitch•,
• ciAtittibit., .ta'-)",o, id/and Pca...ks'• •
rhe faland 1 ira1l is ,fitautlf.ut te• .
•Sdrt, Its rods are ctieollent„ pied it is ••
-•shore lt g„reol,A••••••C-14•;„1•ortl•ctitig:r.ott
1111.4 'rYY40
biotin n e aka • -Whin gitiFe16114
nitnie,•..rise „nit:Of:the spa.p..k
'••• 1408: • At, the 'toot ,o1. those .11N OAS..
:•'te'rg., -the '•grOUP oltui1dfugs.:•,•acillelt:*
'fornis'.,the .caPital' city, Port .of SO.
6,,ratiter ito5leser10.1, • aindern tent:
••Which ItitifOgreWe tip Oh. the a at reit
folnl; of the old, Siiittileit .eity, . •