HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 5• frigel"P`RefellreleePolonlormelaineecirin- 10* MOW fr•it Early in. the history of the Bank of Montreal its officers realized that: to -should serve with equal readiness and ability all classes of Customers in every department of banking. At each office ofthe Banksmall accounts are welcome; and the same painstaking • • • attention is given to every CtiStOMer. ILUck'nd'w Branch: T. a:REID; .Manager ' Established • over 100 years • • Alelt 14$11.01,1 • • (Coslitfillittd P.;*.4.°1- '1), • 7 gook, word s Mr; Iririn, May speak. Does ••kicak some. words that are k good be implyr.uethat Mr.' Irwin will fi Referring to Xt.' Larkin'S' state. mentS regarding the Basis of .Union His criticism of it is that semethint- is omitted. He is in agreement then with those 'who issued w 41ainat1heChuriqemphasis trYarIot;ling9n t:igsinileiria:but on tfsnai1itIt9gh soitgh.to„ithat4e,et.th:eotian8among Antis and and their Most capable iew7 Yeri, had to go Outside the Basis Or • charge of heresy. • ^ - This Dectrinal, Basis hasbeen be, fore the Public for years.- It Dr. Lai. kin knows QS a 7Vitaldoctrinal point that is not in the Basis,Why has he net made it Icnown,... It, would, 'surely, be the crowning service of, his life tt, lead the Presbyterian M° tb dist Anc. Congregational churches; truth.-11,eby has be not '-done-so? 4"Tt- him, that , knoVirtithIo de good, :and ,doeth• it not, to him it is sinc". • ' "A 'vote for: unien is -a vote'. fel disunion." Se far as the indiViduie voter is concerned this is not so Prayerfully, conscientiously be vote for Union. It is • Dr. Larkin and his !llt that make the :disunion. . - "Never in the history of an movement was i t more Clear13 agreed that on no !account shoulc. , this union be Consummated tmtil an(' Unless there was such 1.)neasure el agreement' • aird'alitestence-asH-tt-, make the Union a reality, that conk ,rejoiced in and not an 'eecieshtet` .ial horror." Welt we • all heard about the young Man convicted ofmurder lug his father. When the ledge :ask ed if. he 'had anything to say. Avh' sentence ,. should net be passed. He hoped the judge Would bat lenient be .! Cause he was an orphan. If the min: ister at Seaforth. would 'take his eyes. eoffswthheereUn4whorror'on.coinitee‘hatbe nel: look tensified„ . • . • • Out after- the • tenth 'of • June. the Union' will be a reality, and will, :kc rejoiced in.: About the agreement re• ferred ' to in the, above"., quotation Who Made it ?.:Who were the'. partier. . verr-pu • re----rtgreesson, I know of has had tWol.p4rties to it. When Union •Wits the SettIed4Poliey 'of the Church why did not bOthpartie. to the agreement Seek the.unaniMitj that was' desired., , ,.The Anti -Unionists, were •the first to organize,. and. did sq to cipliese tht policy ;of the •Church, Was, , this agreement just, an instance: Of 'the Anti -Unionists` getting a; concesSion from the unsuspecting Unionists false- pretence*? • If there • was an, agreement both.: parties %tire, eclualls respeinsible±_,Or ivas ' it just a catch to get the Unionists to agree to de nothing; and let the Antis • Work at, hard as 'they liked?' .Personally would %like to nee. a Copy, of this . agreement. '• • "Mr.. Irwin would have, 'been wel: advised. to :Use the word: compiled' instead of prepared, etc„"' , „ It is a'.safe guess that the com- mittee on Church Union ' prepared the Basis of Union • as. Dr..•Larkin'pe.- :pares,. his Serinon. Does .the minister :at. Seaforthnot poisesa',any lexicons, comnientaries, diCtiOnarieS concord- ance.? Has rid library? - Does he not' subscribe for any magazine as the "British Weekly" or the ."Expository Times?" .Are the souls in Seaforth fed. solely . from "the , theological' treasure 'honed inside his own head?" It Mai be so., Then We •cannot won- der.at' them . voting • Anti -Union. . If a Minister has net •the' mind to use the garnered 'wisdom % Of paSt, ages„., whit can You expect? For myself I believe' the Union. Committee. both Compiled and. prepared 'the Basis :Of Union. They Were Med of Wisdom, men of ,th highest ' scholarship, men4fvision men • of faith. ' Larkin says • the "reason I acquiesced in- the decision of 1916 was -my belief that the 'whole Union Committee felt sure that the whole Church , would generally': ae,. quiesce." . ' • - • How the Union Conunittee feel sure of Minds :like' 'Pr., Larkin's, when' he was not sure Of it himself. fCommittee ;leaning on Dr. Larkini, teei' hywere leaning on a reed that broke and pierced their hind: Had they not reason to believe he was sincere? New %that, he has proved a false„ prop, he. Seeks to be- little men Whothought he was worthy • .confidenee. • - "A vote, will be. a,,,vote-for',disrap- tion.". It the cat' does not 'like the fur - stroked the wrong •way. it dies'the, Lar- kin can partly iviiegepoaft;rning around. Dr:Ler-. heal the disruption by turning around: qt was universally recognized in the joint: 'committee etc." ' , How many • members of 'the Congregational ChurCh are remaikr, 'int out of Union? Ho* many: in thc' Presbyterian- church? How many in the, 'Methodist Church?,Dr, Lar- kin seems to forget that when 'this was said ' it Was in the Joint. Cen-. ,mittee. -*hat are the Anti -Unionists in number as compared' to, member- ship•of the United Church?, For all practical, purposes, of union,, the con- curring, membership „„„quite • suffi- cient, The 'writer in 'your :„paper wants to. know why the .1•Initintsta don't- make pilgrimages to other lands_ to: tell Of • what 'we •have here. ...The' aneWeris simply thisi, Theleaders of Union, are Christian men' anci, they. believe .in teaching by example as well' as b precept And When Union ' is OS.' RE$EMBER:',. ' '7When"a Man has garnered glory, ''WOn a ,fame Serene. arist. Some- one .afway's ...has. that will make him :Wilt , .ery. .When ,VOtes, en.:ode immortal; :or. ; briVenta. , \a 'dinner. horn, sinneorre; 'With*. senile , . , chortle, 'utters words of biting scorn, • "I,•reinember,7 says, the; kicker', when he 'played a Cheaper. ' and'. •`:'•stirelyt Melees: me 'snicker. When. I con., ternii.fate Now,:.thea. hail himss a' *Tirnidt; tella truth - Or-4-wofhe-.Hwerit .ner • back, in Punktown-by-the-SIeugh. • 416.-x. 'for him the. welkia :.rattles; . yet "knew en a flak. when 'the Chet.: Seized his' Chattels , and the bail- iffs•:,hail their' saY. I revall .when: be . „.. .woiking.., in the: town department store but he had na:•:head.for clerk- ing, and they fired him from the door. I remember When his father, gathered junk, about the 'town, and it grieves, me, all this pother, o'er: his latter-day renown," Oh; -the winnerS earn their winnings by their. qualit-' • • . , qualit- ies of brain: of their rise from' cheap beginnings tn.the heights we'd attain;;: and all fair end 'honest parties praise, then for ' the real they've shopn,\ bit the Sed -old jell.' 'des smarties wring their withered hands and groan.. Bitter are the g-rouches'±Wailtrigs. they dif-ilpen ,the grass ; they • remember all the 4f...fling's' of the„big men as' they ease'. Having.. gehtect no fame or.' wen no :prize in any race, they rem. ember all the freekles on the passing Caesar's. face -Walt Meson • • .. • ,• . .• • ' • • itys to use. Mit -ITE FLO011' FINIS Arothini like it for Ilardwva FlOos=4 It wears like Iron Write to Head Office, Montre0" for Fre, Vooldet • HOME . PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY .."*" RAE & PORTEOUS, ./LITCKNOW - for our New Creamery' *OGEE- S* PRICES PAID Special39 " .1V 2' C 06 C sige lioPtlitafw.n , . • : SHIP , "ODIRECT. PROM :TARN TO FACTORY), • AND RECEIVE:MORE MONEY :117\rii.e.,OrLOUr Shipping •SWift Cautaaidiall Co. Or060.1001,004 •e7. 1.111.1110M7r. .7".179rur,". en•"•7•4•••"•••••:,••••-•• ••• • • ....' .44UO.W. .1.4141:10t viciNITY• `pt".40i.osse 1010iVik tier.ter caticiiism st'are3 "There ar% aati**.ai 'In the siod he.iiu; 'aria Air„. A, kinn, of HanoVer, vieited at oeee three. arc, one God, the saint the 401no of W.' A. iguir last week. • substance., .,equal "in Power ana mys,, W. -Lane spent >larY." Can Pr. Larkin distinguish ,, ,., L. .0 three persons in, the God 4.1eacn °Uhult,Y: #13•.""Plo •lovnlatuIP. cannot;: The UnitY that cicalae:• Mm, A. Mair 'and:children are .,nayed for was one in, which, • there visiting in Detroit and 'Sarnia:' .veld be no. distmpisbab.e differ- Mr. W. •C. ,Sinith who has been jaceit, That -W as unckeritand serce sl 11 o 'ti ' ed y i„ , or s.me Me. PaPs * darcus Dods and Dr. Larkin not withatendingi• ft -A theory killed by it .10.4y:0.4111.1. WedneSley',2„nRilingt 401." The theory of church union is Pauline -McInnes of Teronte lot killedbya' fact. In every Pres- was helm over the week -end •-qtariaa Qeagregatlea that tht .11ir Reiss Mart n is ownv. a V • • i''ig,°ifulefaa'Yeertsi; oi.f n.wi:Ork.eiras •Mis S. -- . n" su''ffei Care torrmil::::E.:Vh SemPrsillo y y • n , • r-Ne\sv Weaves, New Co.lorings, in fact every ent Vote in Ontario the -writer , Dunean Munn tient to, ram, !' „„ „ , „,, , „ . to admit -the Anti,-TUnienis 're getting' Come brick and stone:. , ilton' this week .to visit his 'wife yrho n . stones. .by .ht "Mr0,. toavid PO.; of, 1.:,ondon;,. 'spent '''‘iteg•has knowl•edg"f the 1.naj.or: business' trip to' Regina, Sask.• . $., etc, are, generally speak. • wanted shade, ankt we have taken exceptional from an attack a Illness. . • "•----• • - • t the, 1.4nionistii.. are getting the Hamilton liospital;-.:/', spiritual honse.: ' Y. a few days -With 'ller Parents' on Calf:, , • `,0A. ':theorY' „, act. It last, week, . kaY • haVe cheeky ,wofinded ..(not „ D .m D . ,e .,ona..d.. entertained, a y uii-iepretentation, but, not, by ieW- friends tat: "ateille'on tea'.,on^"Friyn- . • • • „ • . • , day' last t • NormanMr , Mete a 0S3 10iiSly' ill in' Winghen hospital, le I. holding hid, own at latest rePorte• • A special 'collection will be taken ' 37aortli• in St:' Andrew's :-Congrege-: - 'Milan Was ,uot killed, .;nel /minded, "but, ..perhaps le k ,ttle by a 'man in Seaforth, who fee•' wenty years :gave , assent, the: leard -an ,Anti -Union. f•i• mehre.tl 'fleelit 0 rw.: ho..11 yo 'so jet.flo t an roo ei tt h ..seful ;to engage in 'disciission, Ii he last four :years it has, 'been. Oak. hat. the people had, not the autliar- y to. vote the Chureb.. into Vrilen se Presbyteries a ' net the poFer 00nel:al Asia ly had not fin Jouter,, and -ab -out -.7ene--yerte4go-tln :)onainion • Parliathent • had' not.tlu ;ewer:to lies*, the act. I undeistant ' here is e legal actien 'et the present line to declare the Dominion Act . . re. Vires. , At the insistence of Ur( ,nionista fire etingregetions were •iven the-'.PiVilege of Voting o4. . these very people who said: tit( eembers .Of .the Church had n t the 'ewer to vete' turned' face and •ergee_ 'vote: in every ecingregatidn: Thede ieople who tamed a cry aborit statt, aterference have twice gone to' the aw :courts have presented .a 13111 be'. , 'ore: the • Ontario 'legislature Mach. • unsuccessful, attempt .to. have at • .niendment ,made' to' the„eet..by tin ranaJt -oudo. with w :a•y. one, thing, tet day and do' the ep. , melte to-niorrow:?, , . ' The United' Chili -eh of Canada, out.,, the ...sectrem Of ma Ontario, it bey:ond the-„bighest e.xpe.itct She ' a. the IC91, • e IR -.:posses ion •rentier. points where "heroism •. an aCrifice are. dernanded- Sind is in to'appeal the :youth , Jur land ler devotIon and.. service as ;erhaps no other church in • all • ..diristendoin. is, Her doctrinal basis s,:sound,..• AS Di' Ephriain: Scott' said.. _It la full, siiniilet Scriptural.. :re few" Presbyterians Who can' find' my siibstantial • difference:, 'between: .t , and the • shorter eateclusm . or the, afternoon at the lame of her .onfession of Faith:''' . rb. Grown. • .. • Charlie Strathdee. :unloading 'a' The:United Church' it ScriPtnral ler doctrine, ,Sarie in her adminis- . ;ration, especially of her .1n( Tishoeio:rn3. • a r.A.: of fertilizer .statiee: mogramine''' Safe ' as regards' the :rhis week .• . ' • stei in the United •church must • have ,led the Mission ,•Band . Meeting sit.. number from „in Flow. e.rditle atten-, .;eaching, from her Pulpith. , alit scholarship. ..standink as :set to be.' a Child' Of God hrhatein the Bests.: He must heliOve )71 :School 'Amite, • Friday. The de- bate Was fine. and : Miss Mitchell ;nusts:•' have . :Christian religions Field See of 'W. M. S. gave a Won- ixnerience. • What' e"hance! is there' derful talk on her .work. • . . . • Ion to pay Off a debt Of 'seven hum, - nciVr ?Wed by the church, a , 1. 0.; • Mr. Angus :‘Munn, 'arid :sons Dun - an, Robert and 'Jack-. attended -the * funeral Mr. Muhies sister, the "We regret to.,report., that' Mr. jelin ,Welsii aecidentally/ fell • down 'the' • 'mat stairWay in the block Where he *sides and is -confined 'to bed .1:yr 'uries 'resulting *rem the -fall Rev, M. Barker of Kincardine ()e- nvied the, pnliiit in the _.hrettiodist ?flhurch Sunday: Rev. Mr. Willans is Mderstood to 1:)e progressing falter - to recoveey in. Victoria' HaePita•t , •endon. , The maple syrup ,season id now :vith ns. A .great. • many • Riplelltes ng• their, supply of syrup. by their 11111. efforts, and of the avail- ble maple trees alOng. the streets nd in, numerous priVate grounds . decorated with 'a spile and pail. ' . :FLOWEiPai:LE: We are sorry to report ;die serious fillets of Mr: , We: he will Coen be .restered to his Isual„ health.; Mrs.' . sPent.',-,:Sat- o, an unconverted maw eygr getting . .. 'ntO the, Ministry of the United, .`'IoTivnee 'd!'eall'e"YladDieVi"oltPhoek 'II 7Fr. of the ." 0! ler constituency, the ,calihre of h*eif. meeting' at T.' Robinson Thursday: C'hurch ?) ' SaCcessful-the :'..area ' cinders,the extent of • hti.*.resources. 'Mr: and , Mrs, .. I,- MacIver spent evidences this. ' ' .,• Monday, • evening at the 'home 0 . People . are being ,aslecl to :vote ,.....'"Eurd'och Matheson.. on • the tith. , Con. '3gainst Church.' Union. It is not new Mr. William Robb is, busy making .r;question/, of Union. or no-, Union. 'Union ' is a Certainty. When Yeti. vote seine Inikovemelits :on . his hoyise, - ?or' Union you know where you are • . FlOwerdaIe members .,,o?,if C St An. reing and ''arliai you are getting: It drew'S church Ripley are ,sorry. to 'a clearly set forth in ' the Basis. If hear of - the resignation of. Pr. :el vote against Church. 'Union, yeti. Bia• rkpeas. ' . l'o out into independence, and ye) ... • . are Colleted to vote .. thus , in order ; M. re. 3,... 'Coiling' and . Retie were "hat some time later you, May vote 14.,ripley. !callers ',..Monday .efternoen. •• into a PresbYterian church yet to be ' . ., T. _'...:_,!...-.0....0-2.0-1- . formed. But. who 7.kliewa anYtbing,`.. 1 - kbout it.' -What debt Will it have? th VVhat, doctrine will it, have? 'What PuLunp§,,CpURE edria•. of 'organization, other. then P Wood tutting and s • Ytup .piaking is eresbytery? (No one knows anything theorder (if tlie dak-- ,„ . • • - About it .Except that. a committee is, 7 IMPS •' Nora' Johnston spen_t... the Working �n' it,. and it will be so. fixed 'hat Such a thing as union . cannot tyee, k end at her home near •White - 'Ake "lace. :This :committee has been, -hurcb. ' ., -. . .. liorkin•g • Since last 'October; have • 3kr... and Mrs. ' DaVid- vBeett- iiiid they. nothing .to* issue Yet ? I am yen; p 1 1- ' 4- 1, mspidous of a :Church that has tc ann.y oave„ Moved, to their arm e - York ,, in the "dark., k vote against cently owned by Mr,. *alter lois. inion is a vote for stagnation. A • Jo,hn Scott and Wilfred IvIcKafiue 'rote for Union is a vote for pro, have returned home. :after' Spending • . • tress: You know -where you are, go- 4 -he , winter' Ain the lumber camps. In tig: A vote against Union' is a itfmr Slew Oiltarfm. tri 'the clark:' "There is wOrk te de • ar jesps, yOs gloriout worlc toMrs Albert •Gc!hle and 4ughthr to establish hi this Canada; we Marie. are Visiting friends' near_li, on - ^all, ours •it Christian communitY vbere there shall be neither, Greek, "xi.; ,and mrs, tnikt Holy. lor Jew, Barbarian. -nor . Scythian, • : rood, visited at .the %name'. of oar. 'aria Send nor free; hilt Where au 'are. One, 'VI h " D ld' it last rt Christ. ' rs..`T os. c ena .s One • ay • Readers 'will You help? week ' • Chas. pumming The Jolly Time Club, 'reel a the The Manse • • home ,of Mr. and Mrs. "deo, Richard - 4E. linens,. March 19, 1025. -A good Irish Programme wag yen- . KINLOSS the remainder of the evenin,4 was • , son's, Friday. evening 'of last week. dered by rnernbeiS .'of the 'club and • spot -it in games. and dancing,,: A. Stanley !' and Mr's.. *alter Annie IVIcKirinon of Detroit kaake Were Sunday visitors' with is visiting at .,the home Of her par - Miss Linde Powell,: • entd Mr, and Mrs; 3011n„ Meliinnan; &thee the Nell Tuesda: 4th night of :last week !wits largely will -not. be .neees-. garx to goo for the , eyee of -::the lended-nd• there was '.the -;Usual' good` Christian World. are ,unOn Canada.- time,- • • - • - • . ' when' they -tee it .• deinOnlitratedi• ,:aveottple, leave8Mal keti , raDen:17.1i55rhicel•ti, illti:trt:etiitastiitiotiofs,stosths, iegotrint: • 'Other' ' and squatter's rightsi lea _a_tact.t, ; are willing, to adopt a nod, • thing- •1/4. ervie. Age.: 11a tO Mr.'Ralph 111.14 ' --iSpeht a few days reeeittly Sao • Motitton, at Kitigart sr ‘,„;•",'„ i)idite,"00 not. know, want pratatiOa , unity itlifauritol .•40 ao F,O(4t tif°1414". *WOlit 'affi whiggitItti $V401. 11."44 0 into Pt, OP 'Pk; • I '010114111e4,1 devici lot taisi isiontifis oxinfoos s _me Small fare just west elf' Tees- -Wiref-helon'gin-g-to-ilte,estatelif; 'late Alex' A. MaeKentie ' • at :oPetieni'Shturday, lest `wes bought LANES',, There was a yaw 000(1 atterKlarlee at the, N. entertainment •In .11aeketed church Wed: evn1ng Allithifoyedi the redital and. ,pletures Thoroortii Laitgie tiervlee on wals proOsble. •i).#0,110 tlotio *la 001044 As - Remarkable Values., = In Every Li • ut , Will Yitids,, E Olen Swings; NEW French 'Voiles NEWIN:TEBeeReadinYbooll.‘e: Crepes'.. W gatmes; and the most wonderful :values and assort- ment of Scotch English and,Canadian Ging- hams.. • • , . • --4-134EtrOTITED--11 o 'shovir.Y-61.1411-tirese Nevit. and Pretty Materials, .Exqi.isivp',Patterns HERE. . • ' ••°,7‘...• ject diseussed wad "Wealth and fey.' • ..:We are •sorry til.4 More do • cond..' tr., erljaythose, serviees. There is a • debate being prepared on "inheritaric; 'and ,being prepared' which „vill be giV,en in the near future.. . Mrs. Daniel' Alton 4s visiting -her laughter ' 'Mrs,' P. Graham,, , Pert Mr, and Mrs.* Wim Webster 'spent a .feW days, recently with Mrs...W. •••Mr. ...and Mrs. 'Thos. Ferguson Spent d few ,daysin •GoderiCh '.. last Mr., and Mrs. tine. Mullin made a 'trip. to Goderiell this: week.: -Mrg. Win. BeltbAin visited , friends in Stratfard for.'a few days.- reeentlY. MI): and Mrs: Rolston SPents a feW,, devil lately: 'with their daughter,' :Mrs r• •Camphell. .q0DESICH'. The"Goderich Elevator and Tran- sit Co have won • impOrtant. de- cision in the Divitional Ceurt at, Os- goOde Nall. The • Northern •;Grain Company, , Of Winnipeg stied the :Ele- vatorCoinpriny ler -$7,9634-144wilue_ of wifeat jotered by, • Northern Company with the Elevator .. Coral, pa,ny,whieh grain .the:EleVator Cent.: pany delivered to the ,Peerless,.Cereal. Mills,Liinited, at WoOdstoek; on in- structions'. by the Peerlest • peOple the 'Go rib Elevator, ConinanY. The, Peerless- -ComPany'wentzAtat-liqiiidet, tion 'arid 'the miettion arose. Who shall pay the loss? • Mr, Justice PO, dell fOund in: favor of the Northern' Grain Company,' but last week the DiVidional , Court, With Mr., justice Hodgins' dissenting, allowed the* peal and -dismissed the: actiog, "Se. far, • the Northern Crain: CoMpany Must bear the loSs; and •,collect, if it: can, fr6rii:' the. Peerless :liquidator, . • IwhTellttelei•alto:leelev-(t•illricaati'Plnrn3''sorabsrit' see' that the grain has 'keen paid for before • it is shippeiT from the eleva. The First'. Divisional Court at slpsgs°d,:e holda that, if the man who t.the grain tells the elevator company to take instructions from a third party to •deliVer out that grain,'. and the elevator Company 'acts on those.,instructiOUS, it 'owes no duty in 1Cw to , the Owner , of the grain' for the: owne'es, protectiOn...hs to the . • purchase :plice oi, the goods., , Gertrude Hodge, who for. some years. lieS been ',a "member, of the '',Oollegiate Institute Staff, as as- sistant, teacher of English: and Nis- ' • tory, has tendered ler resignation: asking that it take effect at Easter It is undeteteod that Miss Hodge, intends to go. te'Tpronte to be with, her Sl4ter-in-law, -Titre has been seri7 year.her last AliIsi bims idn: se siHllidgene's dilearlhheorf'' • : .• WAS A GOAT FARMER • Many of our .readers will be inter, -esthd AnTicnoWnig that' the late Rennie, , the :fciunder of 'the, ' • known Seed HOU,se:::: that . bears his . • name' was ,superintenclent,:in -.the late Of the :Ontario' AgrieulturaL Col.' lege' -at •Callbge • 'from • , which "some'of . Canada's forepiost fariners • ind stoelsnen . graflu- --wc--T1106."are -doubitrats ninny.agril7 cillturitts:. in this vicinity who .repre,, ember Mr. Rennie. at a lecturer in. Agricultdre • •' whose ..knowledge. 'o farming Mid Q,aiieldian...`farming 'eon- ditions .'vs 'second to:one in :the De -- minion of' Canada:: ' , • • x..x r,- • Some. children 'havegoed :time and seine are -. not permitted to :be 'noisy,, iterin k's: Glover . and '1'imothy. ar`e' Sawn.: 'by the Most : Critical Farmers Everywhere t.TR Cl�.er and Timothy Seeds Are gotta/ in. Districts supplying Seed that ,is best 'suited, • • ,• to our' Canaldian climate, and -the. eciormotie • ' toddle in the deo4nd fot Rennie's ScCcl is due . three outstanding featute4:-.. • , 'Purity, Quality 'UndIjigli eitnirta 1100 • . • Ws highly rgeortintettri Our grades of of the • • • • lollominkosrlelires:, , • Ateriine's Brands Wor'thim Grown • 14iinies BritIcts• of Niaistuotli Red dove0-67.-- AlkNiAliern Grown ' lleacid# of Meal Cloini,"•, • „Ati.,;(141, t46.0..grow.0,1„,. -7-11,iiinfi's 'Brands' of' Alsike ulover;^4. • • • • An'Onthrio Crown ' ' • Rennies.Orstids of Sniht s„..• -,Rennfc-terkninf$kif.lriiitiOthse•',*it,*;... ••••" • A41,:Neitheni Grown, Oidei• Renntet CtOoei and. fromisourloiallitoicri.or 'THE •' . , • LIMITED REN*14IE C°14PA" V1,0*.l.:40gONT.1) If iiht 'innnOt obtain lotollY,• ideas* • ' 'yolk sii gluing youtDealies'aitdres,if • Beanie Sited Annust-the rrio$t complete.: Ximedie4„fted Cotaiolut-.4rce on tag utak., ••••