HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 4ttairwelir,
. Stilt
It Is Oree te order Tear: DTI*, Coltivatekap Dlgea,
aa liarraWa' fat ?Trig otie,f.. BriSs• nlAT.
01/.70.110.' Ca11-Wiet awar what ga0,4 valus ** •
veyou on es� Modern, *
Clover and Timothy
.We can Bupp1y-tC. fkolrOxistent „iSuAatt. ' G*edits• in'
Sviseti, AlisismS,th• 'AllikerGiinities• and Ontario Variegate!'
1104 VievSe Seed.
• I.
LIKIRte. vr
nese 74
Phalle ,;56.
1,41C1C0.0.4. and Wi*trAhL
Via *gest and Mast CassPletW
in tie moilleantiful deals,*
•to chose* from, in
Marlie, Scotch, 'Swedish as
sew 'Graaitea '
We snake a 'specialty of "Eamile
traits *ad iHte,
-- •
Neatly, •Carefolb lid -
dig ys Ode&
owie O. TA.. No. 428.meetall
inibreYeom. every alkali. 'Ate.-
.-the month at; 8 o'clOck.,jm
34."Parlter: Seey.Wm.
ow• sinall the
The ,value to you o
YOUR telephone in-
' creases as rapidly at °
-" the -value of - a' corner .
' storeinthebusysection
of a, big city—and for
• the same reason—if
youmake tliemost of it.
gaeh Year more than
50,000 new telephones
• in -Ontario -and Quebee_
are'added to the army ,
of . those you can -do
•, buelnesS with.
Your telephonealso en-
:ables you to talk with
„Upwards of 125,000
in these two provinces.
Coat a jam* .las than te,o its
araisiat outlay
• The ,Presbytery of laitlaed 'Met in
Winhani Mail utb. C. N'OeXCen-
calleirthe. attention' to the fact
that Mr. 14011)1414: kinieng'h;
had'Met with a ieritiva accident .ind,
the Clerk , was instructed to Convey, to
bun the:.sePtithlgs'.01 the court.,
Bev..W.' Bradley .resigned the
aharge of BOoa Church, Teesviater,
On account of failing heidth, and *ill
go' on, the Wged and infirm ministers'
fund. Several, members of the:court
eanreased mid. at Mr. Bradle3r's re-.
tiim, . •
eatand -Hardie, •and .
Harlmeils Were appointed a, comMittee
, ourse-we--iimstrementber-that-
to-urate-, a siceseie repoiation oe • ' -
phteed.on the rdinutea,regarding Mr,"
•Brodie "Y's. worth antrworli.
a,oieren4 testiered hie re.signa-
tioo of the pastorate of Knox Church -
Kineirdini, and requested that it take
wet igOittio
e rthw'ctli. The re -s n was
aaeePted- ile .arni become associate
"Peace, Of; the, Atetliedi,st, client' in the
taint natiriTunel Mr.:Overend is
WIk.olist.an4 his caRlirgation voted
eoricoacUrrence, A • C. of,
Pa$1bihed even! 'Oared** Mirth*
I.,delca9fil, Ontario; "
hfaalCehaiE. PrOPria,tar. 6
AO Editor .
• TH,tiitsk.4tx, sup,91, 20tho.94,
- ,B9r..a.R1141$. ;.
, 'Ste* .eraninal:itatietice show*
. that, there afein. that *fitrY" *bent
One, aill14a1 'attiYe. eTiintin,1101- That ie
one',04ive..eriniinal:to, every 1).,(). per-
sons in the.'cesetry;,
aosunte, 41..eue. who depends
al3en criMaas 1i .cJiiCf
, source of :liedlihoed. ',On.' an ;average
!there :ire, .tvio....bandreilhetwood of
'.:iheae.'erimin.ah.l. the jails ;k0.: Peri'
BetWeen, the theft ,.eont
ititteit' We aiini 1,r;ionittl;
t:lost Whentink theta: doWn *4140
caring for pereent;,
. _
:•-e*e that ,'re ceekr:Cted- the edetWif.
•Country didlars °annually'.
,e -about. on seventh' . of tkei,wealth
PfoanetiOn,".' 6f the ceentre.:,7This is
three' vines . tie Mech 'as, "it; ' costa to
•:car' On the nation'ul• governinent„
and seven times as MeCh 'isYe*-
"Pended on the POW' sehoelti.' -
T.keaS are OPPailling ..figereair137ut';
'the.. country is big, -and that . there.
,are More.: lisePla :the United
'States , than in' any Other • einintry
other than Chile and "Buseia.:
. Inthe.eity a:11e*, Torir.. 4040 in
the iast flee.: years ten. thee:Mid hoeti
between :the, ages 611.16. and'21 have
been held le, the yuls;:, and in Brook-
lyn, Perhaps' the foreign ele-
ment is 'greater or the pohce' more
vigiletie; 'the ',number:reecho • well
over 1.3,500, The Pcdice court Judges
that '.genertilly, " these- • Young
people are hanietied crimuuds before
the a e of, . twenty. ,B !hardened;
they attend tectinimitt crime When it
•seeme.'an advantage, and. to defy3lie
iaws ntid, the ialige,
tendered hie resignation' of
his ehaige, but ai the congregation
had :vattic,i,....been, cited-, the emit' gave
and clerk' with filar' elders • •to issue
the:casein the near fetuze. Mr.
Smith bee AiniOniet inio.,bis congreg-
ation vetelinnion, but .he felt that
his going ght heel .the. breach, so
for Iltesahe, of the Work he 'Wearwill-
ing lo delta the charge in hope that,
the congregation rnight remain to-
gether. He will -take -4 Mission field;
Steong reetthitiom..,e,ere.,hitrodueed.
and. tanien - . on the, pretent, tetnper-
`Mtge-issue . and on the, race track
gainbling.' The forreer will be sent stead' °Lebnatisag"talo ematamrXtohte..ya family
to the local' Legislature told the' latter with
for advice and 'proteeticie, they ' be -
tame • members �f • "gangs' often -
With law-difying, leaders. in /these
"eiecimstarices'. theY soon learn to
leek upon ;the police and the courts
as their natural enemies;
With it 'View to Offsetting.. this ten-
dency to crime, Publie spirited cit-
izens are organizini A SoCietY.which,
they call "the • Kriightkood of
YOUth." . It 'appears to be :Somewhat
• after the ?itemof the 'Bey Scents:.
Members, are petupon good behavior
by keeping , a record Of their doily,
di...sings, end' reporting t� their chiefs.
It be hoped that the organie..aticin Will
• pre* n good coanter attraction to
42.e _Lcriminal % „orgaidzetimis int'o
which the stunt -bred - boys nataralb"
drift if left to ;their awn: resources. '
InVestigitiOn goes to Ship/ that
these young criminals • have had
'little of what is cafled honte life.'
They. Were born in tenement hats or
in ,hoVels, where there was no ream
for 'home life. They ate and slept,
.there for a ;few years „but they' lived
on the, streets. On . the streets; 'in-
• to the Dominion Government,. •
' The ••following commissioners were
elected to represent. the Presbytery
at, the Coming General- Assembly:
Dr. D. Perrie of. • Wiegham; James
Seale, of Whitechurch; F. C. OVer-
,end; .9f Kincardine; and K.
Saab .Hinloss, ministers, and the
following elders: Mesita, R. P. Cani-
eran, Lucknowt D.'S McDonald, Of
'Kincardine; , John E. Bled; of Pine
• River; and JaMes 'McIntosh of White;
J.:.P. McLoOd. of Brussels,
moderator of the .charges of, Cran7
brook andEthel, was authorized • to
procure stated supply for that ‘ charge
till lane
C. Caniming, of St; , Helens,
' and R.D. Cameron were appointed to
serve on the eyned Committee on .bills
and overtures, and K. A. Goilan Was
• nominated for membership on., the:
assembly's cimunittee on bili S and
The next regular Meeting ot. the
'court wilhi be in iiiicktioivi on -the
• third: Tuesday in
,AT ionic* REFUGE
:•':'Georte.1•Tertee.na a• 'fitiffier iiving
• testr'.-Kinoortline, ,gotrilto a Peoliof
/ the. lake t�VYL It •eiipeire that-or'
leell• of hey :to. e Kinete;'
;dilate: 4ect ,riot being ,able to :oetlect
;thii par for It • he itelpe4 • himself • to
.a. set :of bereigt he. totted in'" the •
5to.ble,:tiiereby.'7,..064xiog to balahee.
• lies!3 hdd a oxnp1aint agaiilef N�-
tiett'he iatini
• MagiStratel . 1st
• Ov4ng te tho., defiridatit'A iievously
•goo thatoetet .hhd • tho eireof.
•.stancee',13f 'Biti.ah let
.14Orniki, Off on tItigpertded. leittette
-heti he w„eg aSked to lia57 a .ot
fitej :pet $50f.tit'
the 4-
*-Tatin4 reableat iecenily ierefe
ta Oeily Star att.fallaWaz
this, 'weelea
Pening; R04.4,,Ofiiaul:air car is ad,
"Vertiaad"at ft325.
OW* n * fitreet car1 Sew the
.adYertieententef the " Seine iii:Oter
!: Or*, 4.)cicnvilifi that ere-Waa
--an,.7--ageneirAen .$te
thought r twoula Osil i and see'. it.
Ver7 '' Wee 'sad'would,. have.P
but to nir
• saYlAise 1 ftlana ;the ''. Pries. *1,293,
• disk. Wheels,. which , were included
• in the 'Ueited Stites price : as
.ateeflard egniPmetit, $25, extra, or,
about 60, per' °:eent
abeietheig, advertised -price in the
United State. '
• .`,Vegaili,7 I 'notice in the -,press
. 0'14 thie le, One of +-4o cis that ]S
Oanada,:. and
if Opztbe case --it znist(1i'eet the
i*Polltiee of tie 1M4ed States
priee Om.
•• pete ;for the. export. trade. What. 1
cannot understand is, .first, the
. treMendeus advance • In "price.as
. compered with that advertised in
"the Peat; seetnid, that..while, it 0!Pl
be exported. from Canada com-
petition with 'Utilted :States price,
• Canadian"have,-,to, ipey about 60'
per cent iiboye the, Price. elicited in
• ..theUnited, State. r always , aup-
• Posed that the pretection'dety was
... given:. se as to •encourage manu-
factures to meet. ;tile ,eoetpetition
of other,'" emintrieS . but i this
' caae Seeecia as. H:they were talc=',
04 47410e41atiA ilit- to- whit
flie, Misr •
Th4 -0Pd. not yet, bet: therehas
leteresting development a
° Mr, jarvia' al/pealed. ,insit the
• Of.-44,01eglgOredith ba..texe
wliew be and solitiy,bact ?Ivan Ari90;
and the *Coil* .of A•pipeal, hes
the -sentence Are -
posed bylostiee leferedita,
'taken the tber.-hties"
09aliihave, been' levied, SeParetele
losfeed of 14:dotty; and it thought the
'areountof. the • Ails., too large,- It
, therefore . env the. 'ailment:1n half;
• making it three hundred 'thoesand,
dollars.' Of this. FectiCed- Sem
eaart." ruled. that Mr: dervis houid
par 'twO.handied thousand and Mr.
Sadtii: one hundred thous.iiind,„
i(1;lo ,.t.4.1.,y!so tyhee4a, i,n
i '
„Terra was thonght to he :'a very;
'00llers' hot 'hecontends that, he '
not Able" to'; pay the soo,:inkooied;.ue
'however ').44s. already paid $140,000,
and has just460,000 ,mOre to :Pay ih
order to get his liberty. Perluips the.
'severest:VOW :to Jarvis is the losS,:a
his'bmiineas and:his.. Social standing
As for Smith,. he --e0,11 not likely be
able to pay is •hundred -thousand
dollar fine and "will have to 'remain
1B1acksrnith shotis • Wire onefio be
'in the dast cent of protection, .fetind in almost every . cross-roads
freight, rates • .'and . everything. else •vtllage; today their number is small
camliined,"Yand 'further, that While and decreasing annually, owlng lar -
they .could afford to 'export . and .geIY to the way 2notore are repladeg
horses on the roads , ‘Another 'indi-
meeti the competition of the United
States cOnipanie.s they were et4ion of the- "extent to which this
ing• Canadians .to Pay the differ:. once iptehrtahti trade has fallen' off
enee ' of, neerly $500' on,•an $825 is ;seen in:pthe decision of the United
• States. • Steel Corporatien to drop
anufacture o hrsesh�s, The
fraud and t14 Lolly' of the protection; Aalerlean teel ler a
• • sidam *Of the steel corporation, has
ist sestem-.-a, systenr now ahnost
oo.d toe• machinery stock o'n, hand
11. Ilversat: ' "."-.' : ' • • „,...... ''' ''' and good- will Of its horseshoe ,. de -
in SuPport; of protective tariffs it pi4trieent to ' Clifea lir : It li
is, argued that they are necessary in been using only 18.,0011 tons, of steel
artier to rejig national revetme. But a year for horseshoes and therefore
'when one huge- a. oar of the type ie- s"going to ;me its .herseshoe plant
feried to„in the letter; paying for it fo more profitable business •
• --o-ceo-'---,..-
$500, more than he would have ... to. .
• Pev for it in Detroit; or aeveland rABSUitti V4LUES ' •
' bill the Object a. which is to ab-
olish the garnisheeing ' „e .Wage -
:earner's wages for the payeient of a
-debt leConsidered ;Ont-
ario Legislature at the present -ses-
sion. The. bill Wiil be. ititeedeced by,
W. F. Wilson, conservatiye member:
for. Windsor, and apparently will,
get ,friendly . consideration by . the
Attorney ,.generel' and the ...govern-
the extra sspo dots ' not go :to the • .
geveinmeet., alt.,' It goes to the• it .,said. diet' A prittsh Guinea
Canadian manufacturer, and it Ought postage stamp issued „in 1856 and
to be very good•encoeragement in- sold then for end -cent, is nt., valued
• .fleed2'If .tlie,"$56O.Weati towards. paY-, At .$34$9q,' 7.114t 1.,si a niinib r, of' fodi'
ing off. the war debt it • wouldn't be stinip Collection are willing to pay°.
"%lite se bed; but, a ,buyer ddesn't like that .price for it :
to. see it go' into' the pocket of a Man the stamp, or cedi:se, is absolutely'
or O..conipone 'richer than himself: . worthless -not worth ,ae" a thing. to:
It is the same 'way vzith farm .asect even the original .Peice of
plementa.. ' Canadian 'fiirmers have on'e cent It is said to be the mile
long, been forced pay to,. Canadian ,sianip ,of. the kind. • in exiitance,
minufaCturers.. , substantial Sim on 'hence the competition among
every Mil:dement they bought more lectors for , possee.sioe. -Seitiebecly
than the y need to ,Payte a Will lose reeney on this: stamp seine'
'United States irtiannfaCturee; while day when .the :fad for :rare' stamps.
at the same Vane' the Canadian,Men„,. dies out The fool collector: who paid
'ufecterers , :were • suicessfully .cont • $32,500' for the viOribless. l'ittle bit 'ot.
.peting. with. all comers in the export papee would be ; Out that Much if the
tirade.). And the goiernment didn't stamb were destraYed "t
get * cent of the extra. anitunt',the •the world would, be none•!the: poorer.
farmer ,had. to pay 'either. im- There is a great • deal ef ponsenSe
. I ,
• If the nuinher '6f:inmates received
at the 'House:Of Refuge iiiny index
ot.c.mulitiena in. the County't we 'can
vie* that times are not 80 bad after
all. No new applicant for admig"
sion been -received since leg
FalI. 0.nly the death has occurred
since tip* Years, but the roll now.
datin to 45; which is three below the
average total for the past three
,years. there are now fOrtygivet Old
• people at the Refuge. of 'Which the
,men outnumber , •the women I* pt.
actly two .,to one. 'A new feature at
theltefege is radio Concerts . WhiCh
are being Put on by :Sept., .RUsgel
Wiles for the enteitainnient , Of the
Old folks; Mr; Wiles' having recently
inVested in radio,which 'is giving
good Service 'and which the inmates.
enjoy 'eery. tench. .
. . .
Charles Preetink. .resident of,
Morrie 'TOwnship near EfelgraVe died
Jn Whigitain .1lbspital on .TueScht$1...af.
lesti.week. Proctor Jima ..-bien
4.o hospital to, Undergo .
.atand. •, •She . passed, aWey. *Omit• ,
r,eeoeering,fteim the ailaithetiC, 814.
io'tiltvived by het histiniit; two sons
andhn daughter The :Setif ae
Clayton Preetoe teaching 04661' at
tott eti," hsei.e. The
• seithtit, 01 • Vitit. • .1040Issi• Aort Of
. • •
It is diffitult to Say .., yrhether ,this -
would' bee goed or bad move for the
Wage earners. It would .tend to elim-
inate the Credit etrstein, and , in that
way would be good, At the :present
*tier. ' 110SPY Wage earners or -their
wives run '• accounts it the grocery
and 'meat shops' with the understand-
ing that the account will be 'paid at
the end of the 'Week or /north as the
•ense inay be, When the wage-earner
gets his 1)11Y, .. _,
' When the • _Merchant is.'.no .' loriger
'able to seize the wages •chie'his de-
linquent customer* he -jilt -illal.re to be
.more Careful in . extending ...creaiti
and infact meet insist on cash pay-
ments, Which would, be. a 'good thisg
Lor all concerned.•
''• SOrne '. wtiteto •'�n • thiii matter:- of
credit . and all the'. aVils* it ' entails'
have go1:\e 1!0' far; as to re,comment
the aboli len of alt. -laws for the col•J
leetion of A, :,9111d, ' as applied. te
the retait trade,, .it Might not be a
bad neOee. - -
-, • • ,,... --,...."-O.6-0-''.--,-.. .--,..., ,.
- ,NeVii; tell a reign-ea:WY` tole -Wen'
,leemptitty./ '. Thete,..'may,,be.,:,ar:, 1 *Stitils
:b04Y,..Preseno.., . „ "`-` ' .
i .4'What- we,Aieeeis 'better 'instill:qt.'
tien," Said the bald man as. he began
to 'SUVA. ' ' .4 '
, ,
• Of eetirse: OA Wiiiin't ' for the 'eld
fti,,.°11'.146°4 IN' ititet, but it ' io, gni
4001141,,irlferfr.voitit ligieT '..
TV LICL& elements were iMPorted • the govern- about, the collecti6 of 'rare thiPg§,
generally Canadian farmers bought For letters or book reannsceitSte implements made made in Canada and the ten by. fainoes men., Nearly al7ays,,,
differenee between Canadian and U. they are articles ..witheut
any re-il
S. prices went to help Make Cana: 'value; and/tare . desired. only, as ..e.•-
dian. millionaiiree. And then the . pot.- ps• • , • '
impesed. mitt.: -preserve. -
, •
merit did get the duty collected, but ;We'read, af 'large slims ,being
• ..4.11:” 910.
Tbursclay, Friday and Satur4ay
.001.5.ini4t Tea Pot, Welded spOtit,
2 -Inch Rd' Seani1ss Roater
3-PieceSau Pan. Set,•
Lipped Preserving •
°2 -Qt. Colonial Percolator
5 -Qt. Colonial Tea Kettld, welded spout
6-Qt.,Potato Pot, lock, ligt
..'104nek, Round:. Steel, Co:A-band
Watch Our Window
Alsp we ta.r.try''thp.:Famon8•,:o.anCkY.
-.:IncnhatOr§,.•ancl...13toOders:: •
Phone 6
Iumbing TipLernithiit
• • -
:Mr.: and Mrs. Alf. Sherwood and.
'daughter. yiSit6d With..friendsr. at
'Courey's. Corners ,one day jest *eat.
Mr: and: :Mrs: AyWill'Lane,.ef 1.1ipleT
visited' at 'the 'home of Mri-. David
the system, and the , imanufactuters
who Are enriched by it winder' why
farming is unpoptilar:' •
. .
, But it, seeinkidle toargue against
it syitein of gntective tariffs. The
average.viethe cannot see ' Past the
bogy of the eountey being ."swarnped
with foreign• geode" So we shall
just have ''td get 'along as , well as
we can in sptte of -therobbery. One
• class does, not appear to'he hTiy. more
fait than the'o her: Bairyinen. • for
example,. havej induced the goyern,
•:tient to stop'importation and manu-
facturing .of 91emnargerine, because
'it• cOmpeted With their . bitter•,
• Reades will rertietribetthat a few'
. Months' age' Messrs, Ampliee Jarvis,
:Tertinto, •and.:,Peter Smith, . Of
tratford, were .Cotivicted.a,conSpir,
ing,.tO defraud the. prclvitice of YOnt,
and, ef hiving taken tnopey or
theaisierVes' whith. preperly. b'eloziged
, .
tothe :province,. Beth were giveniJ,
tel•riniand they,. .Were Cientded' to
:fety fine' of ilk hundred u( thousand
dellers.- It :Was net clear to , the ouh.;
lie whether this lopoilt that each, Or
• the two., together. Shinild.PitY..'thie
that the hie ;cis' -levied
thatLeither,...' one ,eoirtliefaecs -,,togetheit
laiglit''pay it,'The ,Seritetiee'. further"
-preeided that the. men 'ishetild re.thein
in .ptitme until the fine was isefai: •
„,.,the:toignittide.4t-the„--lint; antithe
bet. that anan nftlie aOgial and
bott,-!.10' standing 0 Jar*
Oheetd he. Viet •io‘;;4411
p'bflt'is0t4tio404- 'Woo trair
Haeketl on Sun
'Mr. and, Mrs.
ow days last
the] - d4ugliter'
of Port Aliiert:
• week -end •• with
day. ,
,Alton •spent , •
Week At the. home: Of
Mrs.': Percy ,..Graham
,., • .
liadkett • .,-.sieo.f the
friends. at Liicknow.•
• A ceinplete thirty
toUrNis, being arranged frern Toroi•-.,u
to the North Pacific Coast 'spe:•:1:11
train . leaving Toronto via anadan
National .RallwayS Jul th next.'
WestbOund, the party will %ABS.
-through same of the most impiii•tant
Cities' of Western
Pegi , Saskatoon,, tdrnotiton, •stoPPine,
creir. at Jaspcee National 'ark, thence,
Prince Rupert and': via Canadian
National Pacific' Coast . Steariers
through•.the, w.onderful 'scenic seas of
the North Pacifie Coastto Vancouver
returning via Portland,: 'Yellowstone
• National Park; Salt Lake City:arid
Estes 'National Park through,
gp, 'thence hackto Torent,o.• ,
The Tour is being' arranged under
the direction of Mr:.A EBrySorr,
prfncipal 03:Sileertitern:.-SdhOol;*
Torontoad !Me. Martin Kerr
• ,
ipaI of the Earl Kitchener :School,
Ilarnilien bot von inforoitttion ragy
. ,
be secured front Mr; Bryson, :44 S11-
. vertliorn Avenee, TorOnte,
•254311.57,, also" from Mr. Kerr; , 4 Beelah
Ave,, 'Regent 8424
:benefit, of, Teachete ,in the ,,Pi4e,„tinee.
Of ofite'ri6,the Toile ii'open to
,ers 'general .Public- arid, 'ehY,
wha.ifire tO jOill the $1-twifl
• • .."."•id.
.#4i4otglit...i.i,.94:,..tel':•ild• het
•• • ,
. • •-••••• ••• -r 'r ' tv't .4, •.4
• •
• .
s easy as
9\a,s to
. • .
.,...,... , _ : ...,...,...-.....
--._----I-L---- -,--7,-:- --:-----7----:-;., -
.7_------:-......- _-,_-:,---4-„---.-_-;-:--
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eauti u Dui:ttble, T;Conoiniett,
Bectuoftil bccae i embraces the •exquisite 'natural •
, grains of hatd'ods, and ,displays them . from .•
pdriehed4surface ithoUt artificial cdloririd •
' Durable because t . toughness of the wood and
the excellence of the keepthe traffic on the.
surface, incriiing:' On th •'wac -only/never .w'eating
the 'flooring.
bcoause it ' co s less than any other
• 'flooring, first; 144 and all thetd,
• . .
• •
Cheaper Than rpets
, 410uarter Cut White Oak • • • •• • • • •
•% 'No. t Plain Ile& Oak • • .4
•% No. 2'..:Plaie :Red Oa : • ; •
d ;v1.ire c.