HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 3.,„
77, ••
, FiltiOrier -.7111,11.. Fidillolltt- ,.., •,' ...„ ir -"i.:" ...-
of the Freaoll Civil Smite. In Witiiin;Yeiiiig*rati gr.
, , ecamg.a,m -
, cp
r ::.,41 ... „;
. * 01
' 'At ow! TINH.,., 4920t°44.'frfqn. ti$4.oh,nlo. a ,ht; a Coat, ,
0.04 0,- 1? -air Pf .g.' love ot bie dee* bar, e - „prticilltitt44) ,$hitt:b$.. •,p7.i rifl A: .11:- 14;44:allas,. 4.441-.
:11414I• '011,40: illimoVerf. .01: AO 't..012.44.-
' .. ,_1.-1 .ainen• - '
prlo,tleavy . all BHT AccESSOH,,Y w
, antoniohilea, oonte ,i4;010.0.e.aa,,, .4,..v) taft:4040. bp Wei orPgtelte4tirl/047 i,011.1.4 0704/telle,0,?: TWA"9:....a4; itertien.ltnral.004e41;-
;• 4t MO :witei reeelved br.r4y$011044 -
' Nell equipped With' ,eneh ,artic'.ps* aslinit4i1 Of ,chatraf Ovie.are no.•cl,r4P0 T!!'1,110;111.7-'; 7.0ettite_?Lt4fT1 _6;?.:',•1774t,.!,.• 0!: . •Ari...14;104 Oa .Of '.0-.0...h._ig.4041( hifPO, ; 1.1-
1dligtil•tsp,- WI larnEei 'Vflndsliie.da, and the. car is 7 nelt., In 'feet rope .W11; V • : •
4'•'"U`4"14,0 49 Ill'''' . i •
00. 'cOvPr."i aide .ct‘rtir4iii, 4004.0oleter.:'141!1, N'ArraPPO. abMit" A We' Ii0 :13.4Pevi°r PI'llel'; 474#°,' 'bewaft; elikvgl-tegll.er ilvd-all• • • TTO.e. 0 term," ii9r0enitarg; allrl•Mai ' be readily- separatemit,Soule •Betdiii 'The, new v.-4*th' &mitfls. ap-.- tb' re-I-LuatuilaJf --R-9.-..-•Tho• u10.1.".114...04P03.44.1.130:-,0iPt: ..
, arid high; Then theta, is: usually a' to criinS, in very ennily :of . :PlukitlY °t P,t 440' Pille. , • - . - • "0,84, . 8:all-4'rlried'll.4 et•Plailtli .44 140 .SowO as •S•Poik'as'14.6e while 01- tberift-: ''''''Af-- e Gen ;14.111, tgrifit' i. .v9-10: ' 04 .441..:68 ,'";:•!, troord'p6: e4r. '04frpAtr7:41'tial*A14-ildciteit,1407.1"-Iti: : •
tool. outfit 'for Ake in keePii4 the car .Ploces, • An extra setof electark-light ..1:1e.. was t2ansterrakOrP.1.11010r°O.M00,. inY9lyPtl:.th4t'Or;49.PPPgitY .0_10:4; atibie4t :areheld over tta the :following -stpring ant 1.4 tram :the 'Inifreat,.,likat Pio f0,1-." the E9ra04, Arr:"mt. as. reaon fer*.fie. • .- .'
...iii---good-'condition-and-101!"-Makia.8-belbll'4141m-eXtrfk"490Le'filae-a13141---fld '40 t-PA- CO•kall0.7,-e*ol• .e.b.444!4, ,: 0.. rh:04i-mink_ilte4...e -shrubs, la_t, nde-putia:Apawmieesi,for...a._,..year-or-more,,. 1.9r1X,Iff7Tear-,-,i,--;.-:---.„_, . ., :.--,IllevIliffthe*O0 may in'OVO""to,--b-e-thar--- ," • -
,i1,0001. iii-liti-iiiiica` fii-.0.-0-ii,: Ihii,kowitow.b.:0:::::carrto:L,,,,; : ,,,„ ., ,•• ;.... -:: .• . 'iberr, quaiiieli. ' IiiicetlieTivi li..7e, tkere -.4O*4(117"oir:i$Ot.'oetii-',47.71;07e.Iiiieigo Ot tlie • stoltfliatten .m. the
,041.3, jocio.08 4 :us pump, la.ic, ore, In. the,. intereot, of Wfiari," no,,,Chartge•. '' 'Ity-entnall$4 l't AYA.4 10211Okiiie Qr .ifreposebling 'Wit a, knew-, the freezing, of 'seed to help c'ra• .ch, ihe. 18,•07140),I,64: , wort: hi:44,,t'br'lai3OOnsid- era- (410 ,foa.F.,,,,-"" dx.w.,..R.----"•' ty.'..(,86 ve. • •• ' ' -''
ierM aPP•1104' to 'ne care of newly ,propagated ettOcit f King Senefern first fie reign of
, • , fit repairthe. virairti.,00,1i.synaurti:tay:dft).0witreenoehlieic,atnol ia1:7,,t.ohre st4100wir .1 at , Lipt44'.43944.ttaY,;.0:ae"0.1774,1144;: .,(T""'";;97,e.,;'n(1.11, t'llh;14,,; .4,01,1 ),''a'i',0,yia': .. 4'°ftee,11,31,.°,71e1 ''ple,.'dp,67 , '. 3:.m.9ve4lae.iv.74., h,,/,'(;',4,'.1.'11:!t-I•11,47,tt.--r(),ii,-dtil'o:',, 0.;ict0y, mOtt.,Z,' :41401/11:044,* Per0;0!):1'., . ,, 43 f '"-Cw.., i4 1 te.14bac:•tbItQupOgr axe
ill:•t.0004011:40,14111.7.!3•rgaryet',' '• Pr i Aliao' fl, Gardiner. on , the •Ptlror • '•
grealia.. gun, .eerew diver magneto- magneto, when
ff, e, ;$1,1,,pori lies we're. § oa e . an(
'4' I.'4-11 ' •to t- 4 tb ' la iS , '$lb '...
, ., . ,, , ,,:$,:s: bo$ ce. pot by tba' Met tit:met aseotrtZlyniiii,13,41:' Sudee4y14g,eliewtratY'n::;;;1".°-:4327, • ..:irlig...o,li.etragt.,at‘prp:gioeirt.dt,e-zi:apro;helsri,g.' givoeci. Ono. ''rt, :hae'reled!;;,'1.•1.t.4.14nolitovi.9te''W:17:Qopf:O.ereedttitiicpti :Ilia% edrg ie,tfoot n'llie:4 ..
t.wesdi. .,41;...1.7z.vithts:isni.s.v04orcyti.ino: .bwtuk. ;!.47:1:elrecn4Cle:b.ttienr-b•eg.ngc7:ItiiSrt'Q'nqn,711,tIe.Y.L.:.wh:::110:tdili:' de,"•::P..• t:esfil.::111,1,y,'''sed'' :ft:111qt' the.. -."o.l.ioig, 111,4144,..kin.' daStib:bi..:bilYt:111';44,e;60-7.:1' ilb":71..1?*LicrIr(17.G.'.10ogle'.. dM.I.Othod,- Iiiii.H ie.., . , . , „ , . , ., ,.. . ._, .,
fall the ground should be '-inulehett and 1tito.rengh'eoltl, yci,:tia•la-ababitkt:ea,..," bliried. •at .7.414 Inn...„„'s!Mere. :OP' 0: Of VS,' ..
.. -, - - . . . , - . [Bumpern for and .aft are ,increasiitg. pinill.e;I:anede..n,ts'Hut;e1irbee. ;,,t;:plyLtLwriaa,. pea4s7.,x,ee„: , ype.rarp.:74.. oe .. 11 not come tyne• to with Eittaw or .4,e,,vee to give prot,tiou ..neeeoe-xy,-hi...the nozwery if the youn,g piiidi mew • • .• - •• $ e,
PiliSt he ireigkgatee4 bY. , daring the winter, 'Col4. tramee, Make 'Aruba •• are ' to Make ,geod"..grolit.h.l., ' Lir- Budge •exPressed 'the opilidon '
'''" After': this: One; can 'tontilder tne. • -•' • • •••• ; - - '' ' ... -.
' ' : ' rili:2071reuria:eltcYes. so*irci's: ' ''Iingli„t.. .lie- ic- _ .# ......
. , , , „action it. ,i,ade, Ilya innt ii."aued t,,(2,6: .Fe,fting, ,buddlitg, ':c.a' iting,e. or. Lloillef a,,goo'd ,bed. for oterting:)ieed'' , -: r. • .,... - .1•Sh.rti. tra',ShOuilti. ne' 'the' ahaft''made-,'4 ' "'Oil- ite. ilkirlyil '
nmuamderOus ,,additiOns:,.whicalt nay be Akk4-44,- 14,14v. d' 0.. .it .71.004. 'f:e•!'. ?4(1•,,. severe;„. as ' f.$$$7, the, sec, en, 14;,, 'jaw,. yeala Qthei,l-et 'th:Ct ile. 0,,, al iheilked. 0-':-,': , • ...., I., ' Borne, 'of, , the- everg, ....reen, .:4,.o.thru, be.. are i vain.' e Place.in”, 'the ....nt'rees..: „ y,' for :an, re ,rth' "eto..M.D: ia,that- 'Of .the' 'King% • Alse. ' •
. . e ,4 way! of .too,o,,... and dey els .. •
i ..50.vhieh., ..,00tee: totetioti. ien!ictor„:*eir.. t juatin' O• .: igolttO, ti interrupter points, mall :000.•gargodtY in til€1.:1°w'eAt 41'414 -el '• I't." '4 :119.t the PerPcl'ae et 0110"',0400 • grown from •Seecti in Oble.:••••Polinti7' Al I tion. three yoaiii3OS: .'00Y. -Will Wire, a he made • a ,d'O' mix- 1 n• b ecree ,tlifs, ,
, .,. , .. . . ,, 040, ,sep, ef _Igh$thip'' hrosha::, SeveraFM,a, llY',.. tile.. 'OoraMe- .Leet- , ,' ,te'' e,"4,1•re 'e -'1,0•.:..„19ta.Ll .til'e. ' .1Yr. eti1etl,.•....00.11."-.11.11„oug. „11.-': the ''ma. iPritY Of.,'.1.11. eni'lara'lln4tendericy to„apell, their.- fer-mHbY•',Orpwrl and the4..isco'yrry-off?'9..the toQmVont
ab•O.,.. •• These may "Mallid.0.• 0.'-„•;:oObie • extra " . ti ' .k.., idea' ' eloaned• :Etna, ad, the 3,10$4?..0.;w411, Icast-mmoted,' :40' met4044:;or-all tr1)9k•44 -4,Pftl.c$00.111a, Our ed•frO$ngiirOpeeu eetintrieg" where i• $ ' 'and '' t ,develOp ..• long'''• tap1.603 6$4.• '6 • • ' , - • • ' , • , -• . -:•• •• •
latripPilttEtaiiiiile- lo'it soelieV'on 'the •'''s -f-4•1' - 'P..' - -.1,7- ' '• : ' - then iminetlinial& rediteed : to. hia.foriti- abrabi,•:.but merelY „tO• draw iiittendi ' ''" '
• . ' d 'f r h If do7en valve• • - - • • • • • --. • - - • - :. .. . , - , , . „, . --7.. ,. _ r la ChOap and the-,...etiniate Mere [which Make theni.poqr"trarraPlantetts.,•,.. ”The lforld,'' he sald, -,"will 47enreiri0
;duabsi,,i$1.-ietl.40t.p.,:ltii:gtihnt-‘".17.0..stpormirtegterc,oavirrs-:,visapo;:-..)01-0---nin----i-a71-0. i.,--- „In- n -,n..1,-•• .1.,040:;•, izqt,iii,-. c,•,•11'..,,:*Sta.t.us.. ';','„'T• .-',', ,. ' .: ',.,,•• ::: ,;,:; ' I ' to •,the,IttOrO,„coliol104, Wale" and: to Cite 'fay:era:We: ,••••Vergrein eVIlin,gsi -riFi ,Nothing tee yet been, taid. regard:trig' • -ber.ther exelternerit caiiSed..ii tiat:dia,- :
;_ex'41Ti111":'.01: ' §'.131;")r-,''''';-8!'" those;'!}ii4r0'44414' d'utlek:: ilieff.'44t•lt •":1 ,Hit0 '.'th'e2.:•Preclii-ntrig:-,..:',Of7;iiiii".Varietigs. :1: --.."Of.; 'Po' -V13-14. :Pliiii ith- e :jOy 'Of .'fi-44-14T ggtitieci '..'•-•
, elal: lieelleb ;1141:40r,'..'intrror•:te"enable''foll1.410;f6'44;•";te'°!0.'70489,:rbt•oexd.0"fP•i:s.;)i5X1t.14.-3,-,. \ril'iat' k' ..-.1."---4--'11----':::.: -[::,-'0,W'r-filakeb R1,1;011:'er„ ...•• •iii.°1•4.°410,:' l'4,*•-'''',"f3e.&'' ' • '''... " ' ' (. ' ' ' 40i:14 •"•i'e' Y-41744:61)11./: le '41°M.P.'ett it. tale' elialibs.• e 'Ordinarily :these'.are.".the:rb:, zefiairs;,:and .cOuChes•.,Inialci •with' blue4'..;
the..driver Wage *hat 18 going on In.:.
ed can sci:elrys.,,bC035.:$4',44sorted waSh-i'; The rOaliheoirig ...Or an l'initer 'tithe, • fli .tbe• eaSei; it ar4ira1lpreinigat1oa 4011 bac net .been•dtelinfeeteci; SOW1O0,,sult" of crOSang tiro. varieties •Withila; -glazed porcelida. , '.B:tit' these :thinga ..'
• the. rear,: tilneseope, gasOlia6. gange,:::ara, ,a ,sp...641,0%,.. saft iron, *ire aod; a 4.1E14. is to be, rep,afred ,Crn cone platch 0.0110(1' le41$41,04 tA) P.408: ivhiell fife the seed thinlY lasaridi. soil and.:groW,I;the epecies-and Of:grioWlog theyseed •blInde,kpeople'tothe• fact that we ,tia'Ye ,"
P1001c,! radiator 'shield, hydrometer Lir-
roll Of friction tape; Once these mat_l lining or. brairo ;hood:, linIng. that Is' to '441;11ifer.'eorti, tily%aelC:14,00;"4:-."4.4nnede,4'.tsiii;mvIll'o'OrpMe jag the sOkultiias, 3;4114 .mtataimla lg.; ivihiCii',IS in•Odlited. • ',If. 'proper -preean: not recovered one histetical.fact from
..testing,:the battery, radio outfit, cigar . . a takCa•ItO:in4uro a:sub-' ;that tomb.; , ,i ; • ., ' • ••••-".•. " '; f '
c874..:". n7asenadenOild,lyd:01:4:4,,4711s:oatlwii; more ceinninn elfrok grown fivin eeedth° ,owhaetceil:•ditL.11131,11..ngelp.ottro...linite 'an extezcit••te'''•tioiia have been
. -4 - • ,,,... - .- - -.thin -of :the •Ha • nin. ••:' ':PrebahlY, 'the. 'thest.Oeiornerr. method ppm some- lieedlings:Which would cool-. POrtanee, but in Senoferir Wehave eels-
. . . . , „
lighters; foot warmers and 0.anp.rate.
-...., .... . ters' are attended to, the motorist 'elm be cleaned,
;•'•' iglit for ihnoneine, I,t, is ,easY, . hoiv,, free . hie. .p.o,i,ct from the details:, . _ ',1,;,3:1-atdoeolunittiddoewfnroanti.' :0 • . I eased:II trO..s. ' the' grower should et- "Tutankhabien Was.a, ting f i
are th.PTE.a.rberries,Iribirrninne.andcer,,
' ever,. toplOad up. the' betterY with toe -'-' •'• .., r.--. . ',.:.•.:. - , :..: • .,:„. ,____,:,._
, many devices whiCh -operate by elec- . more • convenlent„and. durable tliap an
Natur,ea Change 0.Clethes.- :.
. , . ' . :handle, This , WilIT-htittound, nanuiey., rthe , With la a p
which reontOi
seer/a-rot prodlicinghriibe, -lo-b,r7,ttiegk:bitie the, c-ractersOrthe'tWo. parents, 111.1nly, 'oap of the.: ruaisterThiiiideriCer-'-'7"
. g4Orted• iltiy...frittt A
:4 -Limpet •any plant coo be 6rOPagated In In -this way 'som;e 'superior .1M111441ia11li •PriPt, Who••may possdbiy• belbracketed,
,,. ...-. When it ,Conies. tO„,_tosols, one , ,. l'iniire„.4Mtist, be many, ,Jieopile ...Yaw .16riswe": aulistance.,:suph. a$4... sand .er
.,tr.kity"- ; It. is • neces.sory' to allow Mtg. ffriiit to ...i.liis,.....-may- , hoigh.••' '''''' ''. ,08."..bet.. 1 inay-be-prodused--4 -Ca.:May then be with: Userizeo-III-r-and ;Thoth
• • 't mes III;
, • • • • • - ,. .. ••••.. . . . • , emery,papet.
sliotild aim to have, 'Plenty'. 'fer Ordi- have actually fleeli. 0::.toad 'get na, Of • -N" . ' ....,• ,ferment irr"order that -the seed. ra • - N'r ' • ' • '
' ;le foundecrs of the empire
, .
--Ifferrettniterifents77--------. ' ' -uhrehini-and ed.' in -'8, :brand-new i ...:______
, ... • • • • •• • , .
.ter'methOde have Veen ;:devis d„ There Propagated asexually. • • " : .., ••• , • '
are• :various tipeo. of etittirigs ' the,. Most OcoaSionally new 'varieties' may or 'It
are 9...e.Akrd. a*sott,, fghiate4rOrit,...,.....bnihspeitir.or-,no.
wood' ettttingi. ..• - *. ., , ., . • ;,, , ' , :. :; parent. reisaeia • i. Abeetain. twIt 0..:e •
Hard 'Weed:, 1.eattinga.' ,•are , nanallY' bObearitig_greenieavea,ataY giliOlV
ta4p#:..ia.4ite,,,fail-;-f-rOm---welq:-,ripetrel:.or ptirple..colar. , :Vsuar,Ely 't.bese
•Weed- Ofilh•prevititis'eleasen'..i.growt$L. ports can .' can be 'Propagated, asexuallY
The Weed head, be cot' 'Into ' pieces -and 'will °erne tine. to t'lle type. There Which 10 ailed With concrete •'sad..ce-
from 5 to • '6 Eine4e4 111.1ong$4, $$$$Ialiy Is...seine. 'evieeitoP 'to. shOw'that, ,Va•ria..-',. :Arent )nstead. Qt:.0rd' in' all rh-bbie,' it 'le :
Wit:h three ci• I ;oUr 13ints.,,•on'ea:01`...There.,:40as can. he .prodluced bsy. graftin;g on , pecvis4iiepnrteaut iPraex3reiporT4.• bn.oc:!e,..; I.S...Sont. e.pn'...e.: ,. •
seeus. to bp into great difference "as tar. differeirt•'stolcha, but 'phis Is net:toile:yr..:
"a.a.:alitlity: to ixklt es' oon'Oi(rhed lietive,01 'ad to any".extent in.,the :productiaeu •ok . Among., the contents • of the' torah.'
cuttings Irk :oh .,are taken through a hortictilturafi shrubs. • - . . . identifle • is a great Marb e . sarco;
. .
bud and .the.• whieli. "lia•-$ie• ...their . first '," • . ' .; • s - ' . .: " -,pliagus• ..with,gold7deeciratedi., celuimas,.
bud ...farAheii •4I):.•.th.ste-tn. :although . •A ,•• ......1.• ,r.i: .. .,.' i..,.,, ..., ' N4tir ;.1) y:, , Upon - What seems •to be a
,.... ,•,„
,ti.41e7.8.•rol !...!4vc$1.• .'itir :'•1°*' 6:17 :Iiiehil". :').'4"17'.:01.1'1;kitce7t;a7';:latl:tilsaritt71.?"elain .*PaliaOt°,;'Plreettedellid,'Xitlikal•-°f'aliKeefi?ellelCilheufefiliii)',.':.
oi,:t4i.e,:81:70r =Tot, hil, oyeti.the „kv»e;:ctlir-• 1 :eTt'ri. 7...:.: 6,-0;O-p;1.,gof,:maa'70..initi'ittalg , i ' - , • '', .„ s'i! - • '' .
, . ,
loWer Old' :t', the stiek...- Callua.
spongy niateriaLlaidAdown by the ac '
Fs: a,. the large aniniall'ustially.'livc. toriger,
than the 'srciall es, but thik. lair 'is' .• Natural :Ileanuites.:Bulletin.'::
1..tirity• of; ceiltain'plant.:Cellein ,art:P'f- not veild'I.:41e9eg birds, 1 the'•'''Pa;riati f°
fart to, 'cias' . 'aver the :dui aid ii,,48..6414.i...t.,:r0,;diiiii:tne's'ance.,age.a.0.,the
I., . •
4:gni . this ca.b.s."that .rettit'S arise: , Cal- •eigle• •••• • • • • ' .';' ',...L.....' ' , " • •
.,'Cltsttinng'geS'a'n4pSildleiq*',dornei' dinbtribtillYsianagillo(''; 1:2•'55. 111‘141901.71.)11eeVne., °i1c21.3Vtt:!P•rt175'c'on' Y:4 rst9; r1')fie'vet
...iivtil'arrat' 't..rlit.:tri*ocit,Cr-hatitti.Wroillf.t'liab,,ii: eitpO.5h4., .ieie4d. tot "(,:,af... 3fri;l6fay.;e:4Tibtour.Otucl:n4.4b:.ew.0-O4i..tterngiblveeSe .4fe.L.
•not.'''SO-IikelY to ;:beedine eitiVe tde
, the cutting.: In ;flits Way the bade are ...°01Y •live ol4 '4* .7e4I•fr.:;:"A44' .h00-
benti,"kent 'in. CaptiVity'fOr.'fifteea ,ears
soon .i'hese cuttings; Inlay.'be !planted • wiale,'''the '.0.e.d!..11.48 bee•Ii. knalii'• •t8 :0'
iii, the .iiiit ,t4 :soon as ,this, 3r:- hays- rlcal. WO:, &TV' ' iears, ' .' A. turtle •• was kept,
lused, cr the: may be stoiv'd in Ocellat in captivity" for.. i5i-,$•;3Leara011'_d,L.the of interest • beirto- crelte4' ;n. it
•11('Is• a Piece Of Very'goOd fortune. •
:- Ls -For. .insta'Aee„-a ' good ISeteCtion,-::(1;•.::011,rii!cii Vi..ae reeilr 81"c$Wa der ----,--;----z__?„,..„..- - ...- ---- .1;77-7 . -..
-, tools will include •everYth;ng' that • ia a:Oath, Proaeetl te.S041:1-0i:h4s-"tila butt!' ; . '' • 'CitUss-TWORD--PIJZZLi&---- -thl.----4-11---'6"" -.161-vielfAl excavators From 00 4.,pae 1.-btielilais,: • ., : . , -
. . , 3 . ,
. likelyy-to- be meeded. While :on :tour.. 71.11/3' is' not.romarice„ hilt:plain fact:
1; IlOwever,...-suCh:OCCeaaerieS-Shoul¬lAll„,,rePtilesi shed ',.'h'614' .altin, 'Mit net • 9 - -ill.:
and,. With .a abaft ;;150; feet deep and
' •
•be allowed' to take uPin largo amount : :Until thoy have:•acquired ' 'tte tead'S
• of l'oem: • 'Tilei• should be capable of 'habit Of iwalaowing the old one. Tito
being packed. 'in Pad' a'' ' Small . place reascin this. 4' .C.herige .ttf oletlring, IS' not
that they :are potonstantly gottin'g•in witnessed. Mere often Is that reptiles
., the WILY,. ' °The.. SPePiai. tools: furnished . eek ' Privaq : for. • :the operation,. as
Illy. tlie•mani.ifacturerould:alWayk be ,,ttlliksit,it',:iif In PrOceaa' they are bandi-
carried ,along and ta en good care of,,P,cappea,:Alid.MIglit be, at the mercy of.
, as nothing,plae is Ills, -tO. Meet quite ail enetn.Y.-'' . -., . ' i •....'•:: '.: • .....
well the: neOds that ay arise. s. :•Pver.Y. bird,. too, ehango4- ito-ejething
3. 4
7-8b. ,
• Z9
• 9mat: y•
;s: uppor,:e,r • loait-orticen, Year.. The al: •':
featherii•-,IS den; with:opt -Mach ,.
te be an �u r after•you- eave
your garage for drive. To be eanght'
otit on the road. in.!.astorm iS not ',un-,
• common. Ii • Mich ,an oVent -mi.•Might
be faced With the necessity olontting'
on 'noir-Skid chains.. This means • in-!
• the first place that it its very desirable'
-- to. isuPPly your: car .Vvith such ehains..1
Though these are in gend. conditioi!
when leaving the garage, after ,ruri-;
ning .a over 'rough" roads' at a'
fair Speed,. some of the linics may wear'
through and begin 'to thrash *against
4 mud guards. This is anoying and
is- pt to be dainaging leg th%
:guarcla. This :means, in the second
• place; that it' is .desirable to bajry a
supply of links .and a chain tool- so
that the broken ends can be removed
end broken links can ha replaeed. .
Some motorists -.would not ,y9;itIF
forth :Without a fiilding Pail. Perhaps
- they have. had the distracting expe.ri-;
ence of climbing op a very long hill
to find the water the radiatdr.boilekl
away.' , While, the Cooling; systems ,for
automobile engines to -day • :gre' Very
efficient 'and:While it is only in ex-
' • ceptional/casee that, the :water will
boil out:of the radiater;'.yet when this.
'oectirs,the results fire: liable to be dis-
astrous. While -tire .troubles are less
and less in evidence they do occur Once
in a while.. To. jaek. tip,•a•-wheel to
change a Aire., on dirt and saritly roads
esneciall-y... is soniething most difficult
The Jack 'dinita into the loose sand or
, dint instead -of -lifting the car. If:yen
„ have handy a' block .of WoOd. an intl.!
thick and about 'itches wide and
a foot long •it Will be a ready solution
to .yeur: Problem. „ .
:It is :net easy to keep , the liand,s
"-Clean- -Wifile'•: -working -L-abetit
Grease and:, grime get. on the . ands
. and Oil 19 often,har.d to Thera -
fire manroWners carry a Small'bn •
Of Waste or rags. Then it IS desirable
te ' nave a 'thice-in-ane or similar tiro -
Valve tool .witlf 'Which it • is • p.OSsible: to
..rerneve.% the valve :plunger, e.eanUp
the threads in thd Valve' stem so that
the, „ranger may be properly seated,
and:tr,im the dainaged threads "on the
outside of the stem so that till. c
.v0;1' Screw down tight. The valve
'Stem may becomO battered in (bang*
• big a tire so as to p:rovent air bohig
*forced iiito the" ; • ••
• • .A4 ttir rope is another. ustf.U1 tteces'-,
sory. You may. 'need „it yearself. br • It
may be psed to'he;p:a, f elle* Moteirilit
r r atom
new ,rig -oat very short, time; re- .: •
-mewing eblor and texture 'according to
'Year peiiy, year:dog, :and 'Yoitr7e.--at,
also slied.theliNdothee and:grow, a new
inii.."4tv'eo.$10 wild , Both .
in fit and 'style nature makes ex,
nellent andefficient "clothier. .'ipiects
'in the, .•-lairval,,stage: • allS,o cast . their
eltins; and alwaysi "there io a neW one
undealreot.• ponie -„pihem4s4 00 the:.
The:L=464,10g Tunberj
Recently efildiaLreprasenting the
Ocininieci...Government • casne . to 13ri-
.14,4, 'itn:•'etdorN. his
pocket for 1.25,.'pleoa of..'s.qtrared
er: Of. unique strength and. record di-
inension„ to extraordinary en
.gineeting.arpecilltation: • ''•
To give .-- some.: idea or the srlz.e of
theale .tinibere the. total:.beard 'measure-
• meat of the '12‘pileees .approatheii.one
;xnillion feet :TheY'''yrktitit
Out:46feet. ; , ,
, A ear,eli...,Of 'their .11mita for; trePS to
produce these. lin.geL Sit:eke' ' be
Made by "proin4pent B. C. ogging•••firnas
and, theinie .no dOnht. bOt -that• .00
''`gOods'i.will.bcfound, and delivered. .•
: • ThOineident.ilinstrates:,the wander-
'onality Of
b'er 4stand.. • Only Lthe.:Ootiglae, :fir area
of the Paci6e Ceitat ;could 11,11 an.Order
ley itim.bera Strength, size and
Settudnese., .• .
At itho ea.meAline, tray • the 'tastily;
mOdern% equipnierit ",inotalle,d' by • the
.loggers wilt: enable ...fogs • for ..this
order to be yarded ..and transported,
Trona the.Weedsand onlY: thottp-tothe-
•tiiinnie;inaehtnoerhf ,tt,e'inanolocatiral:
permitliteit sa,Ving and SA:aering
, -
, Shocked thell3ishop.-5, •
A bishop wag' paying a visit•to
tail' pariah end ,decided to address the
"children. -of . the: SundapschOoL ; •
had. noticed' -many large, hilht.
about ,referring BiehOP'S vial-
tation,!.',:andnecerdingly..began his talk
by -asking tie' children the Meaning of
the' -word •
. replied a yeling,.urchln,
it s. it plague sent b Providen e '
40 •
Ottft INTERNAt loto*$.'„areotcare.
1---A great island .N..of Canada .1.r -Te -shot out ,
7A synagogne•ruler'whose'ilaugh- • 2 -,-To coeforni,
. ' ter. yvaa• reload from. the dead •11 -.:-Font . • •
" • 12-7410'0 ' • • • 4,--,Sufflx used adjective
_•.„.•13.7-A•clty In Venezuela • ' terniination ,
-16..--Soffix,"meariln4 'sof the nature eerie (famillir) • •
of; ;Ike • -.. : • • •• •
17A...Cape the coast Of' INOW,.7-A contalner
' • faundladd " • ' •
18-A tat?lbourine'
• ' 197 -An entrance oe::paSsage,(Mio," excursion by. any meant 'a
conveyance ; .. • \
' ' ; • ; city of east -central 'NOW,
" • 200ne,erthe.churettes,'("abbr.).''.York
'22-.4%olileved. • • • •
. meaning. qi•Oni,' out. or ::
• 25--Personar, pronoun • . °
26.-A kitchen •utensll • • • ,
28;.-Prepositlon •'
,SO.Close" to,- hy. • • •
• Woodland. delty„
, • 63-'-iderclIeSO, • • ••
86-A :wading .bird , •
311A, n. entrance way . • _.
, .40--,fulan'e• name (fartilliar)-• • •
• 41-Kindaf ship Colundiut satiedin
• 42 -Relative pronoun- , •
,:.-42=,,-Flber• of: 0,:,tropleal AmeriCan
' • •••••
464-;•A: laborer On a Mexican .tate
46 -Ago -(poet,)
48--porroW' or suffering (poet), '
weight .
.85-Prepositlen \ •
56.;: -.Part of verb•ute:be.,,..
.58,,4werniier •of daunt!!
• . ' (abbr.) • ,
60-1b. exlet ' -• . •
'6.1-•A. country. Of S. E. AsIC •
62 -An Implement for separatiii0
• • . grain :by beating • • '•
• 64---ExclattlatiOn Of regret
' 65-POifterisitie prOtiotin
70:. TO. ihnimon and gather ,
together , , ".
71-A :province. In teat. Canada • •
Red-kiight GIONied. •
,LittninOlfs'glOvez; are ,being a•vora by
rotor ,,drive$4 in, Perla. , A. red light
ohowhig on the hack 'of die Otitatreteb-
ed hand is svritchett,•on by bringing the ,
thitinh and .forolingor. tegether. • , • •
ivitin AND' JEFF
Fixed In npinlon
14--.-Unceeked• •
1•87• -To peruse . •
21-A•itnall•bed •
25 --Sanding at the bepinniner
213-A sfep, a dance
28-Llberty .
29-A Color
81---A city :of Ontario, Catia.da- . •
82-A City in Punjab provincOndia
34-;--Ftedued In value
66--A receptacle , •
39-ifiterleetIon . • .• .
44-Farrii peodact• •
457=. -Seed -case.
•47---.Possestilve pronatIn•. •
49 -,-,Cover of a receptacle ,
large, greuP of, 8atith African •
' tribes' '
51 --To 'utter heedlessly •
65, --To. vex":
58-;-A high 1M:imitate
•00 -...-Te tell tales-
:61-PUrpote" 74c:
kdistance' •
63 -Liquid (abbr.) ,
65-A cavity or reCeptacio
677-41 degres„(abbr.)
68 -Name Unknown (ars
• •
over winterin betties of mOlst sawdust• .' - • , . . • • , ' . , • • eve_ope • resource. e home paper
• spe.cimen. in miestion inay have' been , d ' - h h • '
b . • ri. ..un,-
Or•Isand , an set out in the:- spring, I ' . - ' - • ' ... __._ ..- cdhor ishould likewise he credited wrth
• 'Many of the cararrion sihrain.'suoh aa: The age' of birds is known best The a large amount of the local interest in
Deptzia, Wicgelia kiorsyttii • ycr houSehold cack lives 6ftsen to twenty • • ' • - "--
The, Natural .ReSourees 'Inteiligence
Service of the Departinent-of-flretlir7„.
terior . at Ottawa says:
The, iniluence,of the -.newspaper on
the development Of natural reSinireea •
.probably not as, genbrallY aPPreer-
ated :as - it should be by the public...7"
-N'estispaPers do a Vast amennt of pub-
ty work for their individual. loeal-
ities,:and,the spread of • this informa-
tion has been; in many cases, tlie`cauSe
„ a, 0 ran-
„ ,
gea and Spirea are propa'2-ated
by this metlioti.„
. • .
. Hardwood :cuttings are sdeiettines
. ruSed,*ropaiating evergreens ; more
particularly those t3,-Pe's Wh.,,,teh•ca,nuot
'4e grown trne to type from seed. Since
• evergreens are usnally:spw in rooting
the- heel end; tYPes cutting
are Often usied These 'consist. eg a
snia.ii %portion of the loteIn..alOok
with phe• en:(ting, the idea •being to tIc�r,
vides an extra supply of stored' food on
*Welt 'the cutting maY dray/. 'while it
•ii ,Ordinarily .eVev-
-green •cuttings.,aro ;set out in•
and given... •Witi•ter ,protection.,.. Cold
fiiameS ex,e' often tiset•for-tlif4 *urpose,
, Wood, cuttings•may be taken:in,
early stizittner 'from new 'rood. TheY:
theY we•re denounced :from, the. pulpit
are usual 1,y• Set In= a --D`rotag-gtiiig” bed•or ...t"wo,;.: t,..rad.Q..'talry, a
sand and • al7e kept' ahertere,d, froM, the they :Were 'the forbidden • t
sun\ and *Ind.:Until rotted. Tilts ;
ed IS -•uttiaky practise fn the green, 'calolsird of isirigjewoss fall Ty,lita"!*e
'house,' or in fraines:.. Ctifting.S. shouaid . . •
have. : lite;;,,tal-1,so.Inbeiyi In ti
g: is, used as a • niCana., cif pro- 11;•
.PD•Xattilg' ret•e .§ and sent() of the •11,-ouovria.ei.;';abr
,evergreezrz,,. •Nth most ,'elirubs, .1to • • •
ever, re8Iiitan„.pe, ;obtained more '•
an fekry 'by nap* ,chttings.,,
Which a 'form Of •••graiftin•
'used , Oases -bawthorna, 11111
(he „various tllis-of• fleW
any: typo -:,•,ri.sin.i$1) •
Ilse:fat, in the e
1S; eentionii
'• ,Aite
. tpwns and millages of Canatta, in that
Yeens.;'' the goose. and the eldenthick, he is keen to Aeohis lotalitY prosper-
-oa's and progressive,. Without a !local
pride this advaneerneritis not possible.
In Many of our smaller
ties there are Ccinditions that, v.vere
they', kno.ort, would he an inducement:
'for 'catital to become interested. 'Self -
:advertising is not o fault when ari-
plied to the ,irniirovepient of home Con-;-
ditions, Particularly .the development
of localnatural, resouilces At the re
cent eirmtial meeting :of the Dom*
:rand. :Surveyors AssociatiO
.4. Ok 'peePle. a Irtindred 'years terior; ,said 'that he "h
100 . years.; the swan,. 102 year; the
storseventy;. the. falcon, 102;. the
told.eit eagle,, 10•4; the rblitelthia•di eigh-
:Went the capark as-inueb.--aS tvienty:1'
four,: mud . the, pas •t 'about 20,0 years.
Of the Mammals,. the, horse • attains
forty ';to .sixty. yeari";' the, slicop,. twin-
ty;; thedeg: tweMY-eiglit;' the eat;
tyrentY.-two; anti .thc elephant aiid. the
yttlie1.001years'..„.... •
'The Potato on Ti
di.scoviir that potatc$es were good to • admiration for th
traat-ten •
Trijr28, attelnPt Was ma4e to:in- of Canada'
troduce potatoes Seotland, ' put this Mi
Charles Stewart, Minists
ad ofe-greates,t
vied, who we,re,ati.
itatUraP re.eurces ''' In '
. Stewart vies, butaying ,what
public .meri' are thinkiagall'• Tot
Who. are finial intereated are doing a ,
e work 'for Canada's adVancement that
ro ac entitles therri' to the greates,i credit.- .
d fever. . • . •
FloWer. • Fa'eCiltiati#g • litilds6n Eak;'
,.ts nOt'Present in the
.s shbatanc.6 • that iiss .:Get,i•iti,k, .n: al _is.
lairy ofgestetilly the bee. Ampttien: of many w ten t
• • • • .incr. vacation urge. 'comes...! This ig
• . ; very unsettling, probleni •,the Jives
, "Of': many winter shut -in -at •preient,
and the:, eyes lust naturally :.ttirstr,
the map searelt of'neW areas
• civilization,' With. its''Coneetilitents o'f
. trade and industry, , has .; not . deSpoil o
the works,of nature. "T„h . year, Pari;
ihckre 'a gideral
' to. the Iltidsen,130,:and serrouncr;
ing territery..for:new...exPeriencet. • '
The old spirit oreRpleratiOn•
' carried the early cliseeverqrs
adit into untintwn. prirts
the blood of thci• prosont generation,
and the f is of. hr&alcilfg. now.
• !'triti,s will not be s'Utidued. There are
401.••••- „.... .: • ;; eW POrtleM;P" of t'an ado, reinsining in
ace and.
er ng, Ont.,
. ad. 'is .1-1. •11en'arly
„nod. ..,o 1 almost
ase e Tare, stecis $.1:s it
, al of elate la). ' ' • \-4'
titer merbod .%iilelt, Is s am etlnies,
ed is mound lAyering \T11:1S 01)19.51:EAR:
of Pcti;tfug back the busil severely to
force Hip denforment . of ,-iiittnerthis
' young :shoots.' At the sAine 'Ilnie, soil
Is 1$0$1i$Cd up in tile .eciit re o 'the buOi.'
• ,
11115113.. 13131313
1211213 -1111011313111... 131213
13131111111113 Eguin
131.313 '
13E1E1 IN, 114141
GI a -Eau
"1111:1191351' 13111121Ilia.
11111113 1313 ..131111131i1
"goal 1E1
Ef. rausim;
131414,_0113 101 E
which nature, has not been distiirbed,
tiSher. •and one of these is the I-Ind•Pen Bay
nres,• Many i'atoo parties; wjU bo
fOunct, on the great- rivers entering tho
hey' this yea.f!,' many. new:. 0,ptitioliceA
„will bo rteortletb 'at..t:1 It is safe te say
. that ere the to.drin,sen.:5611 of 1925 ,
; • is paSt :714.U11 additlonai information
•1 Wi;.1 be a-c1eoveriitg .this. groat.
it -audits, §1.11"r0IIIIcliVg
A Nalse '...AsT '••
- IT, fyiviSr l'iAe
4 c- C..."-P`,Gz.::.reics1G, .
tzitorN.A.. 'tits.
. ------t----7
,';'• to
-.` : ;.' y• f ' l ,
. .
r 9
. '.' ----- 'ci..tc..areito, ocb
''.. ' . THING%
-AND. B----ELte.' ye ,mE,MkorC. • ' Pc' RFC-eT. CLI :ATE,
l.T.Iin'A SOMe" TRIP I f ' r":5jAii.6RAt Nbt
Al'Al.tiile40:•': Mt!!! SAN `.
DIEGO, -ThAT.'t TRE -.,-
X dti-e-SS:cf0(.1 MOSr 14-AOC-
IAAb A' 1301-1-`ilt1MC-
020Nt.': -''' '4,
...,,,,,,... ......,....
V '10001,-.1-; ri• :15 thaVT NoTteC-
itie: NiVA-Ad-' ot-1-111e.
\ .
.C.N..,, ait•Clc• E0-01"-
' ti-ka:\,bc:(50- . •
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i ,. . .,
..:., `•••••,.t
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-.1..:...--- . 2
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._ _ .,..„--
:. :5.\
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L•1 il
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-, - ,za14,03,1„eztr•-•3
. ,,
, , ; A
' \t.
:tor. .
; r
you.ng.‘otriall t•a's ritrobt.itig
$,$)$$ritry lam!, $.41$6: Was (11•08O0t1.
4 una.t'$.1>;' and tg,t4 firli rot Iboughts• far
i'refortultig tiTQ%%arid, ,t'vps'ettily
cable „al th 5.small, hare -legged. 'tit.:
thinsritying, a 'bird's' nest •Nri•itli eggs
' • -ntivti„s helliiitO. to ,Alon
-21 1' '" "" ; -
r_11 ply : a
, mtell• anti: toti th:it•
the•DOor Ino.the ti•foVing•
ter': th:o tosg Ot her' oig.4."" ':"701tt Shd
r'•"" 1 a
Then The, Yon ; 'Woman *Walked e,r4-a3r,
r•t, a.AllYiWeitt
vphi, • .4::