HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 2'UM
*led. The flavor is purely
ind frftgrant. Try. it.
ixed or Green 'Blends.
, ;
X 'helm • finished: pitting •up a
tot: beef; and my pride' ino,the
""49 -„leg„ re, W.„4of :shining tin canSisicarce-.
'• -.4 equal to mY aurPrise at how quickly'
and paailY. it .was all done.
'The malt who .8041 'lie my', tio•
canning outfit last fall. -told of atdp-'
1,11sed•Iiii's method of 'Malting
lash: ' The 'meat was Out 'into licit
squares' and sprinkledh flourmix-
ed With salt_and"pepper andbrowned
in hot at, Then. chOpPed• celery, on -
lees mid carrots. were added and the
Whole stirred frequently. To. this -was
added tornato :map and ,sthek. and. -the
Whole: a/loWed to sinimer 'forty-five
Ping, hi a chance mannor at the kerne,
minutes: After which it was, put into
. Of one of his clients and liel6if ieclue."-cads • 'fiealed and.: cooked • 'hotline any -confusion, wititing,-experimenting
St°1401/dttle0 ))ut ti-duet,thi; fact
thit, tho embryo. hi not tet PeifeetLY, •
lidtoinitfolgo lttild-f017I1.'Of-Poismi.:
znoingthreinsulg ts4cnTctes dittianaoPPeloatiratenoteieonorthtlit
the cOnnection lifetween Mother -and
,ehild weR•eiltablialiad and twin, thia
time on the'inother's aPpetite should
steadily improve, .q • •
therion:tirerthe.needepdii t!iet'rfaeggrAkoItoyn 'tot;
toed. The child is growingrapidly
during this period. ancithemother re-
quires about..one-fifth more• food„ than •
Shopinan-You maT haye• your ehRice-74ponn3 plaid .or,cp-peiica
celored.!' • • . •
Solemn. itimall 130Y-1r-"PeanY W. lietter Yale. for
the moneY,'' .
. , bli, Eit. r'' -"'" e
-/alrInall3Ou'cithontAhe7;aarne-elnolult-E— ,-= - '. ,.. , , i •
'as a man doing manual labor. ' s' [ • ,cHAFT. H XX.L..(,Cont.'d.) Her knitting lay oh her lap, a Pile
: , • , • IVIr. .Macdonald had nieved froin bis . new, boos.Stood ,on tlu, tlible beside
TOP' 4Cer' WATER PATH LIINCIL, 'chair in .the wind,* and' noW stood her, but her: hencle were Idly feldek;
•and She' did', not look at .the boOks, did
Pot even 'notice the sunshine; •her eyea
'were with . her heart, and, that Vas' far
'away. 4:crags .tha black dividink 'Sea•itr
•the .1aSt restingplaCes of her three,
.,,sonS. '-141Fild laddies, they had been, -
-never at 'rest, ;never Out,Pot'iiiischiefi
- r think a Scheel teacher 91 my ae'' 'With' (me, hand 'On 'the, -,Ionietelabel.f,
'qnaintence 4P SOI,Yed: the ',hot ,uneh, le*ing into: the fire, • 4,4p9' you , renlen17
problem verrrsatisfaeterilY. and • efil,ber„," hi. Said,: `that ,evening in Beth-
, cieatly: '; 'This •.echool., teacher' was, . gl 'any when Mary took a box of spiken-
Man,; ant as the 'school had no older ard, very coaly,.and arminted Ole fe0
'girl. &Pile he hit. Ui5Oil this Plan' of , Of Jesus, so that,;;the ,odor of •,tlie. oink,
providing:a warm, 'mach At noon. '• ' 1:.ima'elonet Judas
the lhotise.e.d?-.. ttuedbas-ag,tahnaati and% riavv,...4,a,,
Ile purchased a galvanized Wash quaitit 4.",iimi • in- the
, . _.
' boller.and a cold pack rack. This,. with ;was -a iohber--,Was inneli • concereedf grave,"....‘: • • t ... f• . , . • ' • . ....•,,,
. th brae e the iffaelcsmith welded,or, ,' OA,
. istolei 'colp4Eie4..06 ' eenTleVa e?'Pen- .might7have„ been, sold :,for;
about the Wiket.e. Be said that the he*I.".•'''''$11a.te"liehte greet!ile"''*itiii"witki.:,
tIline -hi*, l'her UsuarWhimsiela inige.t..:-...She, had;.;.
it+Ore-le.f4S-then f';'nk'dallara.: .:' •' •• 7. dred-pence•andliVenjo the,peetAnd r#CM*`-'re.,0'fiejed of,Nmole ;• 010 were.','
,.'briEnagat;:f..pagY,'saorf. one or ddrio.,Zeire....chilillit,.e: raahv+ a:, vs, r e. y4bbittitiee: ..vilibimi4.7iyaao. ui,i4 b., fp,rtiiii, ep_asr ,iihaoHatery at ease with e.IIii.: .ethe.r41'',
ye andsoold,elijOy tallting, or sitting tor,:' '
, • 4
family of three en,More, two pint jars have" -not' always., ,, ..'• ". . . .. geth:er in Silence., . •', ,„''' .
Pass it Oround
after every meat
GlIre the faintly
- the benefit•.,Of ats
oh* to (liggstIon.
• CICADS 'teeth too.
Keep -it • aiwa)Fs.
--the , ,119‘18e. 'r
Was 4gie,he,ow nifick7
• •
., . • - A New -"Mig, Strit"In."": ...
::I'Yet"; long! ago. ' 1%,i. Paderewalik Wee -
,playing to; himself .on.'b.oard a ateaMeri, .
l'ailtniikciinag13',alisiaie,ilgteerf;It'e4, laiilSo'7,34;ii'aelr"e7e/k"':.
. : . _ .
nn_Ors7 ,.1.1).!1,113327 1 riflionitd0,;:ii,r w:J) 11117071o:tit 01 ee;r1::41: 7.70.Pnril;:,:',. .
1 last.Chrictiaac as ..a. !Mail' .tillii8a in
IllbSawr4;teTp1.4;10dr.:a 4p idoirit")ecie f°06;4',.rheltIrte:4*ner44 .
ball. Hearing:of .01er plight, a Prectl,,-:.:.i,
:•cal, joker •wrote; :' • :•„' .
Is.* Man' earned PedeteWak .
wno plar's,.+the 4piano, but he;.,is out ef'
Work and Avould' like a lob Ithis• Win,- '
ter, ;11.e" livo.;a1•MergeS, ' near.. Latil.",.
Senne,„,0 - ... • ,,- . • .'...., • , •, „, '
.. The, Iliiial T'dained peohr,oweht w44
%fin:peril:4,4Y :written to by the eriminit,..
4 :tee, -end, a, sniall-sum, area:offered, .for:
, 'hie: seryieesk:. • But 'lf., the ,codunitemi
pb,a4ild.e.:r:e'uitisistrot ,...:b; ;47410'401. 4,;(1P,oliffiretv.,,atithio,-.,,:,.....,.
.' ,CiimhofteEi, and,the offer wee: deblined; .'
.03rAlshato7atter of tact; this was a hip, •
are . 'Isidro The 'bringing- of lea . and, .1.1e stoPPed, ahmintlY and want over 00, ,. titedoaytiltioiet;ffcoon.avterlsoant,ciohne'6oivai,slibmroielka ,tote'r'''941114:(14en",7. ' In ; PlaSg'?w., 'theY
c°4e4 IP. 174°14t47 PrRilibited* ': .. Sci *Ifs' : Writing -table and made. 'ati sine ' if M. 'Paderewalti had • started,
for the dance committee, .
plaCea•thd- boiler• and contents' on the hough le:2Were" lirrangiOgs PaPers• 1184 l'ecli'lwi,th J°°P. t° I'ldiPbt*It 4°4 'inintatt7:d 8t0+14:ichuthe' ivni°1-fue-lwejkinia..;IYOU.P.t?'7, .lena°111cO4saleti• .14)1;Liittyn.;Oilird 'Itvir have been cOendte"natt- .?
• Dnring Alid,firit •receas the teacher t ' ' ' '
, Glasgow on She:RAMC exPeditiona, and ,Tbay daiights. Jean by xeraarmag as ,
Ete+e, 'with: eneugh water te SubrnergaimPt'eseiin.titrY•h°,....liaidr ''°lAnne, ye'fte.b4°°.
Ispipingroete,td:13bati7 tritr ;1:,11 wieltieoet‘lit ...- .74Q'nir-YALWrils-tiwilig'e:' ;74PPi34.attilliislizif'said. his- "I,' could hardly poriaade her. te..e;to.treitt. in "thatr"' We bought al great .'• ' " Home' pelitics:. ,
wi e coickly. "I can't,have'made. much .. n„_
tors ' and explain...ea:: 'mohn:.is ajegur, `WhY'. 'get ctothes 'front. Parie if Isy,oli hadsadt;"-Iiirlh7;11:lharPtIV:::r4;'ettha:4withs5tr:;;j17oLT.1tin::11'anwoesmuarliir.iwsliiiftathkiiinaganil,71;teadrapYsst
Pninela- Said. . in argument , waS
of a. Mess." She turned to her- Ivisi-
lax. old 'alto .0eat, his wrigai.tahle; canrget, them iii7Priorsfordr She only:*.°110t"-wittr-s*h-enthusia's147-41 ill Politics, .but tady•••03inthia Asquith, 2
,don't_luipw,,,what-it_iaabotit• that hat, tii -partibulari7. olni, peg. not .,mereiy,, .,,.. • . . _ , .
e14-Vpoettiled4tlitng„iailit.,• +be..'SO-tidy",•inici ut-i; .gave 'fir to•TPle480:7444 but shwezt-S, -tentsjistyetido ti
pudding, etc, .. He ,haa, used this. hot , ,.f,.weil, caii,i ,uhdersan,d,,,,. aam b4:?: •wil:ad:iiASatiefilludgrgni;h4ireralttiloiny.:7Lfl,'...r:.s'7t.::-Iti..itro.. l,et:Cee
4,1. .'P tE. . ' ja: ui, :.t.: tilci-thitw'rl'ki tr. ill: eTwth!;10' knni cet;:lt,8:,:ilrhi:pehtn171):1-:i i.11'1:10.;7. C.tir1814e1 tj'f'111. ai- jei: . :11 11: :hi; le isi 4 s' 13: t.. : ? , . .. , . a, POollittel'Crifl -' . '''' . '
Oa acCourit:of tire, fact that Mr.. H. H.•
hretreo fartellioetro-la.
'Illail nian:-ninaa ThaPlcsglink'' Eaai 'ehrial?sallY1);;724r146 13ahn:4441111:e731211 174;
-.X4 oneof hildit..It's
wlieilia,i;;; . . )-'
-daY.,•it has beeh a TOinmin‘ous success, et;eatit" '7"ritl': ink' Ye.° eSer''Phsi''' 4 . (To •be continued., . -
"Is your husband •aLiberal or ,:ti „con-:.• .
burgh...is- Or -ciarn tiiwri' l'''d ' , . a hat.Tfter SUch 4 recomMeadation?". • •-._ • ._,..:_, - ...-•,'„:--L1--.4,----•--'-----,-,-:--4-7-' • '
. e-cren said, ."It's just tivel te elibg'it 'ebeui.•!';':- '. ' '777:- thoi.conateayiwouito.f . .: servatiVeiu , . • . ' ..,:. •.':'' ' •
!Veil," ' ,. aaja. -Ara:. , ..id:It'edifmaid.,: 'kin) stie4s. and eaStwinds. and. high .
as :good as haVitig YOur 'feet Under the , . 44,
•"Well-'," replied the iedy, “w,hon, he's :.
.vable at hanle ,.. . • • • , , .' changing:the. sUbjeet,' "4,1,. like 'Year idea
with a Liberal be's. a 1.;lheral, but when '
without treading -en ' a M.S.", but 'it's
.of 'helping nainiSter'a T. :',. I'Ve Often
he's .with a Conservative he's - a . Con=
.sersiative." • ., . ' , " ',.: ' .... .•'
"Yes, ..but what is . he . When . he'a. at ,
home?" asked -the 'questioner. . • • '
"Olif'"' said,. the lady; ,"wlien 'hes- at
111 ,...ed.to state 'which of 1114..1i -different fin) h.; lir or:dishwashing. Then, too, eaCli child
..spudp_pf_meat_he.,,,„wopwlike4er_Ain, 7 •v Ty • --.7-...„--Imaostlfi)orr-Itkolicoltw'sjOsbt-etWtehrat-thheonlikear'nhyrrnp
Al#17. Then, he Went on to • say, 0
irosst beef, withfirewn gravy. eerVed to: minutes , . A PRETTY FROCK FOR MANY
OCCASIONS wh'Ittebreer'arkiedednideLsiPcvelArlatkadtiodPissli:k'teleCk
, ,
boast .of AO such var- celery soup, creamed tomato soup,: rice
lety,1 gold :Servo to 'guest
any Of -04 sirhiin steak;
41to!..14.41iii'atraight,', and sinothered,in
Onions;:. perterhause,`Steak,,'With pan
roast beef -,stew; meat .
- rells1;,nOt,„to ention„soup.%
‘All;of the meat except that, for beer
,.steW.• was,. cooked' before , it, was put
- into:the
•, Meat Tolle:made from the round ere
a'real delicacy. .TheMeat is retIt','.ahout,
half at inch ieees Wide
,„I. have , a notebook Which I, call my itictil.hairIV:mh'I'lLitif'..e.io:y.4,,11:411.milr.i'geie.,..Vileitiiihsfe4i'd11:41:ti.jt' ...'‘ fl't'S iii.iirtetacieest)tila4:4'ett'saunse'';'t.:1•4tIfilie..
. , , a fine .place fer 7 all .thaV. ',. - '',', • .
. . . . . . • • .,
\\ , ter,4-4000tici4137.the,.mtnies. of all our 'cheque' to, pay a doitor'S. bill and 'easile .eS17ddseanici,g. liMpses'
fig:1ga ' il•-little':fOr ' ai, worn out wife riKi4.drefilwrig..ili'ih nAist7=these' are guest xAerm hook. Therein are. Writ- of the. Forth,' Holy-
TreaeiWta., . i'...oir Ida iti-,0:7;;; ,--Tieee-Er4six ---ssi,;..---r,-,-.t, or ‘ IT ,iiien imiLzelitik.)4_,_g_ t1CM ibid =PI . I • -,:rerryitli,,4mi,e-al.
, ,,Nothinti. in It. -
,212,,,,,,e.....slia, 1..-//•;:c. , Taiiiiiiiff•riiiii•-"tidifd-Mdfo7.i-3-i'-liii. We-. 11-v43'11,-Tre-3.; '
Ill: 4111-, flliee§.:.•01),a'ilit 'It':filice on each'
.. and .fiee!Y.CheRnett!ohlena .. cit,- beCon.
,.fried•i,'.:',pnrinkle.*th ,lialt.e4d.;peXTer
'ieee';Of •iil'eat. •:•.ROR....each.piee# up
•Nik.:Sear:::;tliese''Well In hot at, iiilif and tie .t114, Witli''4'et'riett:. '':, ' '', : ,...
-... ,f,r,tio.o .d,ayl-iriil.Ligehht, ii),Itp404...v.!i•ilegaiscisti.ocoliitik,oef.., ,,myjaind•thiainoinerit . that .I bud Ache.
, .'toifotti. foionddsoi,l'avir ills., .o
•• With this . list; it. is": a con1ParatiY. .take c. from people who bave only ' "..Oh einina Of 'then:. ca. O'.'h dl •SCO
eliiiy Inatterr to :make ont:a nienii . or
under each 'nameJ.+-have-Written--alist 'aliTi-14.4r1, 101:ner lidt.ttitlaet,,, ii'sa1/2?.(1' .717' r"a• c.•t' i''c' 4'1 .:714...::w‘fri:i.,,..,Ic's);la.Blaulit,"..S.'Grillinli-•tgHs°t-iftrPellit,h,b,i-ta'gt..x4,)-Ifi'lt--e-7,-.C4' '111h -i -s''. -.-:,:04;-.11;0'n,B:i...t.i.:1,,.td,t4,b,,iiitiit..e.l't:f11--..?•,:Hdesiol-pjt,irnca'ilils:leeP,pat.talt:Iiio.dic:yel:[,Bt'e,./.;;'.'nages.to,..ei.at.r!,!...
al.t;:e%*.faititii,„14iPaldr*. .thrs. Maedenakt. ',"1!ve 'got. several -in Fe°14*tbet. come from it.
to ittie: a, haliai,x But only: the very Edinburgh fri0t10;.. they arE?..Piaie.li'v-:
finiigb! to go on with .- --- Now,-f..o0- of their esies-for gentility. I.., e-. with sleeplessness 7"
;,,,i, , , .. • . .
1.16 Can :help.: You 'can't .in decency ii'g.'-ihe're'hum4h.'' ' '' ' ' '
devoured 43, ,:gootsioT:h,aeoy:oaarer ab
•'!,1 saY, Tom aro :Yon; ever. •trolibled,
. . • : --1-
• .„ • , . • .._,
• ' "I..kridiv„'' saicl Tern "if keil 'Nviii
'weans ''„IiiiiirthWisla,Ufte-r, ,theY'haire-haen,
.11144:Ione, ''vtrII:rliftP•1 4t 7 into quart , II' ifill , :quently. .,00,.the left side of the page
not. Se'
browning on ali odes.,;.: ',Atilil water and• a•
the.. guests , that " are doming: : It s' so • - . . - ! • '
, ,Iri• i.jrii4,.,e:iittrv.h9i!c11,•,,,ostuiti know
ir iiivatirt,.4,11iiiptsesiii.es.r*eitil,„070etall ga,atair,inei- rii .0.,. if ,Agho, iti. liithtlin,;it • MYaelfi'thOughl'rt:,neyer
allowii3O;i040:4::*..'tiiiiik • 0006'.
niOik'fif.4....i0,inii;1140 pack hot non
t4T 1 .iv•":i' '31'411 to 'tnife ''.'iattst.i. attained
floitw,,e.,ti!mir.i...bothlt 'Tsoilub,lbeerb.si,t;...1,4n: three hears.,,-,,‘ . , , , . , . -, ..,.,.... ,. ., . •
- ' 'Tani.' ' ' ' Some 'nightst-I doa•C•Sleen
•,..-tin'ean4,POiring the.: **troy iivei:;#: : *.
relisk,thah,.ene you hope „they, Will •hlY -'re*.ah'••and erah-aPPie'-'..iellY,': l!ili4 , "1 .pity'''you'.',then, live 'got :It'awftil
..,:., Or'ccitrae."-Y.011 .:14.1iO''..*.#10.1.e.- the 'like: : Looking. :at it froth' the '4U0Ste .11"esitomePeCt:vital.:,1 it 7°: u.:7:i1.1 tal..e. .tfol'iec,oildfiPaft,oltilea-a*dai;like°i.liogyeorlihieabiridttawit all;rObnat(.1:i*nl:v3ina..e rbge'..e,i1:,..t4anfPdint:tdk;rnebiliiin°11;.
•„...einS-14.::th:e4,01*A't '''t,4,1iesir two and , )
s• tandpoint, how delightful ' it is al- l'sl4in°
. 4927...7'. Trinted,'6hiifori, voile is. hero WaYs td:: find their .-. fa:6114'; ..dish,,ea. '.'i'/.1.teAsti., tillolii:ewftith,kie'i:mo.',17:ps:iii-aenhi' ..lic'eui.0.1...:'ecilti'oion.i.acee. se,if.tiklaiStit.dinIgiiii''h:t.,?!1.1.:,:iirr.!,hai:e:pt:iohehl4r:reaa'atvihtyeiti.i, „ne,k"uroc)mlliksrPnlin;itell altirralSaividit:17"'"!;ve .1i4t'd: It
awaiting therti4,-;-Mis.';,/. .w. it., . ',
* hair 4:914* ip:'14011.4-Wittet; Or :Sixty ' '
'Inhit4.°07-00:0 'OSA ..POUnde, 'prei..: ' - •
about, s'..f::: tionthe.;. ;but We .call it a
. 'Sire; ''.'''Wheri.. *'ean'ifinjehes.,Cooking,.-I•
,. . , .t7zio.tilaJelednthl'va,erinyk:tarniet_l'.-oeisfeblk/Inertya ...st. ncl, who , (lo. 'you'. dence” with out at ,baby." ,,.• : . ' * ' ./'. . • '
in,taffeta, crepe de chine orgeorgette.' *ell' tIndlieft '00. :no' ws. .c,0•14.yer ,It dependi,', said. the firs(
Tr'4*.eni-O*.'W,tel`,.,:tlie•.. eh*, and turn the portrayed. . Oa model is elSo pleasing
....cold -water Intieet ;Onto: 'lL , ' : , i'' '•
...',.,..40*jeekhie .0004. from ...the „itipip, the Dress may be developed without - - ' .'Sie4idair; .. ' .'• ', .. .. .• . • done . a' day's: work '. iheh as she 'has 03',..44. `t,e0. n'ght,„'feY'.instanee; 1 Wee: ' ‘lit9.14.3t. Needs Alertness
.3*.iptio.4.tihi aoitswelh-fkma:are:had•tha, the flounces and with king sleeves. ' . . The.'Petrolenip industry of Trinidad, ',done I think, l' Would , go'
, is. a iiirgeticing ,ChXiStiltil.:..iiiftf.:. lo'i,iii:do ,uti :.tn.,kiiir tieck. in ndvn,nie,,, :, .x.
,3' 1.; , Men sense ofthe other fellovr. NO • One
Don't .connt 'kid,: inneh on the. corn -
. .The Pattern is cut in ;4'Sizesi-.8, 10, alitrted nineteen yeEtri3-140,•110.3 lifitnin , ni,lci pretty..tWell. ,Pleased' - with . inY-' 'f'lle'rstic`rds..P•rettY genteel to.
-.hip ibone ',Went into nthe_ roasting .pan, ...
la and 14•. Years. To make' the Dress an.. increase from .348,814: gallons .. in 'got', . . ••• , " • . ... 1,',.• know - the , really,. genteel by ,the we • IS -100 Par Cent alert all 'the tiin • '
is 'In the large view, will reqp,ire:831, 1006 to 106;780,631 'gallons in 1923, 'The- "Yes," - Jean agreed. . ,„it•life •.is they ' say ,4.Geed..-bai2; The rest .of 'ne . ....
.'i4.-••••tlie-,;,aien:r 4, .: 40e. :. ' : These .r. Weill.
' ecited.'' into quart CaOi etiV0eAs:Viit4 .. „,„ -
„1;litoi.onieir itietit Juke, inict driooilite Yards 'of : 22-inelt, material for al 12- tetal•prdduction during this period of 'merely' 1,,..., ince of ,kaiiwig. jo.,,,,,e. she Who. pride,. ouseivek on ;not ,being pro-
., . , ,. . Yincial -'Say7-.;.YMi. may. have: noticed•-•,,-.
., and CoOked, in ,the-2.ctins. 'the . seine Year. size. If made -with long sleeves time has .been more than 688,000,000
. ...,: . . . , . .. „ .. ...
:Will • come I out . with ','bigh"; ' Marks.' . Did 1 '
yardsre, required,' 'If .made With- gallons.„ :Only, twice . has .'the Steady :youi 'give' he ..,,the:Miniatorel".: - ..: . I' f:Clee_d-ha-7-a•'. ". •; , • ' .• I ' ..
•' •The bones . were ...removed, ' from 'mit ,ifion,.,nee .;.a....xid: ,...wIth long sleeves '15 'increase :in, '.production been arrested, + -‘, , .1- Pamela, laughed, and said she had
7 ;.. „les, ins is, We left,. when: you' had . '
iiie•ii6:1:4&ii,..•fiiri. iye .80 ' .440 ., to ilk as. 7artAS: are required. „.... , ., . ,,.. . ' in:: 11..,'16, and 1919. ' „'. -. . .'•'. ... 'walked ,on to:the gate with: Mr; Mac- noticed the superior aceent.,of .Priors-
,..muc meatas possible into a can. '' An 2 '''Pattern ' mailed to any address:.on, .. The • exportation•,. of crude , and re, ..doriaid.• h was so absurdly grateful:.• , ' OBE&
'• of the bcinea viere'etiOked and the, stock 2- - f) '
lecein't f 15 • 'I ' - b the :W*1 • 'fined., oil in .133Q am:punted' lo S5 '
e in .si. ver,- y, , e • .1.0.1:1 - . ii,. . ., . .. . : - she ,Madeinc Cry._ ..,Irou' woiild hav 1 Jean on 1. were much interested .
- .' - ' • '. Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St. 457 gallons. ".. ' in.' the difference betWeen. Edinburgh: ' l
• ,
.. _
.' • ;•-hroWned,r Were.- laid': between ' the email of ',pattern.' ' • : ' , •'-..-111.-the shops in both places are •
are the concentrated..
• ..,,canned,' Slices ..,of • onions; nicely . .. ' • ,;•. ' thought ii lie had ever giVen 'her '
.;into two ..el sses,.. the givers and: the ' strength: of prime, fresh:
Tiq91.4.9, 2 Allow two weeks for 'receipt' ,
... • , . _ L., _ . and Glasgow shops.. li;Ot in, the. things . • i. ;gift before."
_takers..., Nothing so ,touches and pleas,. ''se!'ling."-Iihe 'Orli 'ill theY.Xdblblirgb •
Then.... Use theni.AO add .
. flavor :and tlutriinent to •
' "The World,":.*(0 . Jean, "ii. divided; they .
• 'itealis itS, they. -were' Packed int:O.-the , Send 15c; .in ,silver for :;oiii up to ..*::::',..:. i most ,exeeneniblit in the manner Of
; ' ;:'.'. : eki and.ahrprikee a .4giVer! as .te'lreceive 11°Ps a4.°•'llic! and obliging -the *al.- . soupa, settees,. gravY,. --
date. Fall-and,^Winter--192-4-4025.Rook ,
,•a. ,gift.• ' 'The 'Titakers1._pre' toe: ' :: stews, hash, meat.pies. -
. • .. . . with ,Standing on, their hindlegs' (like Peter • reached . shop-assistantsants i. in - Scotland,
• • Keep
• •
length of time. "as 'the meat rolls.
••• cans. Just a ,few of ,the sirloin steaks
ire'; Canned -this „way.
•, The others, including the tender 01,
'2 lets, were onlY Seisoned;with salt and
• pepper; „ The leg and scraps from the
'other 'cuts 'went Into beet Stew and
goulash; With the foriner, the meat
• was packed. cold, into the caml, the
crevices filled with belling water, sea-
soning added; and the cans then sealed
• .
and cooked in vvater for three
• --hours-.• • •••
IdealWittier Pic:waitron/id
Only 2 Doysfroth NewYork
Sailinge Tiviee Weekly
Luii4ng 14. Y. Wed. and flat.
• Via PitatIal, Twin -Screw,
Oil -Burning Steamers
' FON' Illuitioted Doak:Mei Write
34 Whitehall Street • New yorktity
or Any Local restrict Agent
„1 Atlantic City
_ ‘171. New Jersey
. America's ,Synart,est
Resort Hotel...
Famous foi!,: its ':Etiro-
paan Atmospriere.-
. . . . ,
Perfect Cuisine and
Se ce.
Single ).00niii from 35.00
•EUTODeanqietip '
„-Nem eHydr1atri4 and
Department, '
, • ' • , ' • -•
,,a,,. -:
bniy...01110.' hieteer. doSsn't • •seem .to ' have
' ' ''
Every..expectant,MOther.wislies ho r.tea..time.)loOking Wistfully for thehiekily-bUt quite Londedial!
child to be 'strong and well One of '', next bit of c' -!••--Y, ':;ito . be :Very- 'appi*ci .4 . . •...
the ...,,beat ways.' to d'o' this is.,tofeed t tive' of the biseuit of., the, -liniment!' • .,
. . . . .
' 7 ,. .•t
herself ... properlyBless meduring,' pregnancy •, 44 • 1, • • ' Illleaniym-
because .the child depends solely on 'ong the cypi.e Vsaid Pamela
:the mother ' for._ nourishment; during
the greatesegiiiwth period •• Of its ,lif
-the Months before birth'. '.; .:Buting ApTER,XXI.':
' . 'One day; Arline walked. -down to
this , period the. child is 4 dependent' on: , 4liopetoUni, to ltinch , with ' Nits:, Rope.
the . mother for + 'all ..the Materials, Of ' , ' Auguetii, had.gone aWay on .6, short '
which the body is, Made. . . ; • ' ' ' .,iisit and ' Pamela- had „promised' to
Scientific ' investigation •bas .-taught ; spend as nitieh, tirne....iis. posSible,with
some/useful' lessons on the influence of,.,'• -i. Aker.'incither. .' ' .. • .. .. • ' • . •"
the. parents' diet oktheoirepring. Rats ....: : 7. "Yon won't' be here,nnich longer," '
were fed' on °carefully, controlled dine •, •Mrs'. Hope. had „mid, ,' "SO ••tipend , as'
andthe•results noted .under different '; iniielf' Mine' With niees' yea.Can spire, -
types of feedirig.: The: conchisioria of 'and well talk. books and quote poetry,
these exPerinionte are Interesting The and," she had finished defiantly, '4"I'll'
diet ; of the . *herbefore Conception,.miseall ray rim is ' • if .. I feel in
had no faience ;on the young' The 'dined.' . - .
. . .
'mother's .food, however, did have. an .
' it was February•innwiand there -was
effeet, On the young she produced The • • a ,hitt, of spring in the air., , The:siia
healthiest littera of young -late were , . .; :Was shiningas if tilting to make tn:.'
born to the .niothera who were fed' tide- • 'fer 'the„ days: it hAa inieee(4 the. gte-A:
.qiiately,:. though a :.poor, deficient diet '. . 'shoots were pushing daringly ;fertli..
. had an effeet'woree on • the Mother , : ,and i 1111aVis ix,1„*. et holly.bisqb was chirpt.
ilian On the ofisnring.' When the moth- • .' '1 ingTiondly and cheerfully. .T67,,,.riiorroV.,::
el.'s food did not 4,upply •the. necessary • . .' they might .13( pitinged,:bacit into:
blinding Material, the, mother's tissties; ... : :ter; the green' things ni'ij d. and ills-
wero used UP to supply the need'cii s; ,'bduraged,'„the blids siletf but to7d1Y-,
the . Yining.). .0,11Y when ihere. was 1 it was spring; - . • ' • • .• '
suffer. .- • ,,":: ' .. 7 .; .:',. i'''' . ' ''' 'listening to. the' maxis' looking back' at-, SAPETy is ,.$4.TisEtIN,G.
:great lack of foAd, ' 'did, ,• the' • .Young . i Paniela.,.: lingered ' , by,' ,Tweedsk, •;,
These experiMents ,how that. Na- ‘•.; .•,the bridge 'Spanning the. -river; .111.,'
ture tries' to pretriote.norinal devel•op- '• . ' 'church' steePle li'ighagaitist filo pa'..)
tient of the offspring .even titider,iin-:, Avp -: ik(1.0 -81cyj' the littl.,,t0Whi„pe.iiffilg: it,' ; " 1;06.; opgNg., AN, A ceou NT ,
faverable conditions 3 it , rnaterials'•for 1 LhouseS.doWn.t0',,tlie. water's. edge... go; ..,.... ..
tho food they. Will; be drift as -far as ' .:1, Mit' soon the' larcbc: , wOuld. get .thc-Ir . " Ali, .htphie8 .deposited t bf`:Yoti- Ake .gtialiarl teed - tr
'the growth 01 (he baby are' lacking in -: . 1 Until, Woods were AEI bare. arid.brown ' I
esibla f id in the jnother:s:. &adv. ;AIM, .,i Periti.s, 'the beeches' '.0U (1 tiny- ' tha. Government Of., th 6 .-F.ince -of .-Ontliriti.'-and:
:scarcity,,,,w1,11, ,,ev•eiituallyr. affect,,h+thel•-•-
..baby.•..,.:.Milk 'Whieli • Contairia tine' •--di '
'if the 'diet be,deficimit in calcium and -
tho loSs„.,,' i'*ighi'---Of 4Ottrf‘4„It...-ttcOt '1,
Wile, Efiritilib'cli;s-Wa7:•tipoii tO7kOpPlii ''
inothe,r4s bones and, teetk are likely..tOtS„ ,
pliesphertis. for , bone. formation*: the'r •
-- 411:•'''':iirr'S..-4Iott.' et.v1.1%,,-si.. c•-•,--'--r.i
:.lea.cs al -living :green,. and the' Ce.an.
1 (line's bkigin tO-'poke.lhoir 'yellow, fleetly- -
' tbron4f,-tlie 11 J)( of la4 y. 1 rl. '
toun "VVoods. '.T1-.o.,,,„spring s'atIsTi'lle :1; , ..B.r.-arronctitt r.,,-,'t,or•roi,itoitorn el•';':4•Baki.-faitti,,,,,,*del'alite Streets, Corner
. . • . . , . • ., ... , . „.
l'i:A'N..:.'('.1.,::e4D61.,,,,,,llOPI:Fablithli.:14(:it'Aillh,ttidi'l.a..:41:".,:liPlittt:h.:3E:111;1:8ethi'i'il:Pe,A.:147.' fl: .TORONTO: .
,plio,overu...w.ill h6,tp.7tb,.*Ot66t. Abe , Speaking 0.intat.,. summer, , this' 'slik . University iiiii,"biiiittai. Streeisv540,,,Dapftifthr,,Avenne.:; ,•
plotikt.,,ii .,:;teedi. treril..-,,deetty... tiatiak, 'Wahl nan-pleeek dress Creation 31 '3 the' hOteg () the Th4tV.15- 414(1 tit :11'441`':-',''',
Aylmer Brantford Hamilton,.., •NeWmarketi, ,Ottawa, . bikeri , atitinii, •
Ilfdkilh'fidk,.. :' --' '. - '. - - :- - ',' - .1.Cattli,...:the .1e.iniiiine..0.0,.....:.tt ,feiittire.S;itel. 4 t..n."11.•:•07 'M emor, it fl, 4'' ...' •' . .
or,4 4aff6r, from stor•-1104i81-1%-lain.4s. ;nPron fleitneeend velVet area:tier,. ".:.. ii,,,i,l; v:p6,.1,.(,:•.'4; .f.:4 -).'r ..Iii -g' -':,i.13. iiii:‘'''tih, '. . Pembroke, :Seaferth,-0t, 'Catharines, St. 'mkrycii;-;----
, Walkerton, .WoOdfitodk.;... :• „ "..,„
.1-4.1,11.14 th_,,allsr,. 4,,,,z•
. toy mothj the.' Vide belt, backled'at 'the' eitle,..the ,,Estf-il: '%.*hP'.1.: • :111 ; .11(1,. ' imIA
5,..---Lionitedt Montreal
ISaid me. tree. '
"Cheese and Waysto 3eive IV!
dop Natne ,
i'nOlt A refs d d •
Savings Office
Depelit your saving "regularly ' with thea5rovhice
Ontario Savings 'Office.
4. •
GUATAVE 7:011'11,1Vritittger,,
1800E No. 7--125.
61.thi,4 Afeltile?i,i.is not it the Minard's Liniment for, the •Oi•Ippe,
It 18 one of -the 'snot-11611es' of. thiO,
• : op.' Calm r. . • .
, rid. :whereas '.'frequently' • '
ib k anxiously at the clock,I•the .Cleek
1Stho Most Prosaic and..orderly, ,ar-
tines. -This !theory seems"' Only cince,
to have been expressed a public -lit, ,.
teranee; and rtiaybe-Lord Darling,bo
was responsible for the Utterance;.baS
hiniself forgotten' 'it. He made
many years .ago, when he wa4-a very:
junior counsel'. ' • .
: lie was ,addressing.:.a .Jury at
Quarter 'Sesaione, :end :the . Ohairnia'a
presentlynternesed, ••
:"Mr. :he; said. .
"have 'Yen noticed ;:-...,,,tWpositin. ot?.f. the
hands' of,the • •
'• ‘sie;" •:replie4.;poilfne "pet,'
with. reSpeOt, 1:see, nothing to 'tense
ankletk. . They seem., to .me te:
be -
where they usually are at`this time of
the day." • • •
An U11C0/1$4.011,1; glUff. ,
In Nevada' in the early eiihties.' •
was the rule. for a man to "tote a gun." „
But Henry •Gillia wtia an exception; to, •
him, .underilied. though 'he was, a,guti -
was a 'nnisiinct.-, Only on rare:nem-
sinus :when .drove .the .mine
'board loaded,With the Weel4 clean-ap,
did becarry a six-shooter..
One day ,• when -he was about tb •
transpOrt ,mine' In the
'ConiStock 'Lode country to the nearest
railway etation a burly tramp asked
porMitsiOn • .tO, go along. $nspeeting,
gave the strana
ger, „lift:.
*All -went well for ;an hoar or so..The',
tramp , seemed preoccupied and .
turn. . hinMelf was net:er„talka.7.!...
After- Toss ing: nor( fnt ..the)desert:L.L.
the'-rbad • Climbed th,rough a ,rugged
• foothill country.- At a point where it., ;
•conie out on -ie face7of a precipice •
the' tranip glaneed,furtivelY in 'both' di.
• rections...
."Chit sof the' corner- Of My eye'," .
• in „telling of .the. eiperjenCe, '"I
'saw the 'stranger.'stettlthily-draW-a,big-
•Ciaap knife from his 'trousers'. pocketi:
Intently.he 'watched:Me while l'appear;
ed its be eccupied With.the reins, The:.
weather had been eold, 4o welled the '
laP robe'. well ovei%our knees. • •
"Driving With rny-left hand, I' fin4, .
denly reached, under the robe for int•
gun,, 'which 1 carried': under My 'left,
leg. As 'the titling) Opened: his. knit*
mtith its six-inch blade taind the
• hammer of- iiiYth
.Pletal :and hold e gut
c ose Jo his body., We exchange
yglances for what 'se.eined like a min
°We.. •At last his .eYeS dropped:
vously,fumblingin hie', pocket, he get
[otlta.ehunk of tobacco, tut off,a-preee...A11_,
and Offered it' Ail me, .1.1owered '71,1c•
. atm, and we reached,. the depot' with,
' pitt'farther trouble. lint word. had
been .ePoken;. ..•
(legvered. , the
• amounted. to about ,sixteed...,thopsand..
• dollars, .and told 'tho agent about the
tramp. •• Listening, he, absentlY,itoyed:,
• with-itY_,siX.rihooter.... • Suddenly -,h�
'broke' the' gtin, eiip.osing thecertridge.
Cliambera„.wAll Were enntYV".• .
../S. young Matron', shopping, asked
liTittber ;the 'price iirliainburier-Steek.'
:...'1.`a'0110-"itVo. 600 o:P.Ouncl,"Its ro.'
‘!nttt At 'the corner ,steroIt is oniy'
• 12 centa,""eald the ctistedier. •
• 'Veit- Why .didn't you 'bur ii,therel"..
!itteanse they haven't ant'
pound.); ' , '