HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-26, Page 1•
$;QO Pit YEAR IN'ADYA•14.ON'; $2 50 OtAgli$W.SN'
.14;x4Now.‘ ONT., 14fuRspAll, *A00.11(.$0*,t 19204.
I• ' " 1.‘
J. Keleher; Alpley,' :Phone 29,
eight or'
•' •
Dr. MacLeod will visiCi.tichao*
every,ThesdaY in Dr:Cenuell'o-Offiee..
PAR_Ii&14;STEOPATII at the
. All -ehrOniO,'4187-
. cases sucessfully; treated., 'Ostee-
, pathy loinoves the pliyaical causes:
ef disease. Adjustment Of the
spine is more quickly secured and
with fewer treatments by Oste0-
pathy than by .any Other method.
' Dr, W. M. :Connell ...
Physician and Surgeon ;
'" • Lifeknow
Bourg' 2-4 , 7=8 '
phone 86
• bErgils.T
„Over. Decker's Store. FiXtraetion
either by gas or local ' Will he in
Onagarinon every Thursday.'
• Call Dr. Newton
Make appointment
In office.. everyday
0- P.
1 have • added to 'Pape.
an,1 '1 -amt husinesa, a stoek of. Wal.
L'aPer Which. "may • be.. seen' at inieadnre y
n y., tune 'canieron:
• )-'airiter and Decorator " •
• ( • •,PAPElt. ',RANGING ..
undersigned prepared to do
paper hanging. Satisfaction ‘gliaran.•
teed.-Ibiiip S. Stewart .
FOR SALELA „,very comfortable
- dwelling, in gOottOpondition,=APPIY
2to.-Geo A. Siddalil '
prices 'paid' at 13.: Blitiatem's .Dry
'Goods Store.,L , ,
. „
.r.Artm -LAND FOR ,SALE- Several
-Well improved 100 -acre farms, eon-
veeient to Lucknow. Apply to Geo
A. Stdriall; Lucknow.
100 acres, of geed: land, -•being Lot
la, Con. 6,, Huron ToWoiship.,•-goed
Imildings-:--aermanent Water supply..
For term,- etc, apply to Mrs.' Jessie
lviacKay, 41.019 -22nd St. Detroit. Micl
*CAR FOR SALE -7 -Chevrolet Tour.
irig-'=-ApPry to F. T. Armstrong.'
LOST -On the street in Lucknow, a•
gauntlet. loinder please leave at glin•t
lientinel Office. • •
:.Orders for Syrup • will be filled int
der received. Place Your order now,
Geed' O. N. C., 21 $1.00 'Der -bushel.
E.: Bushel R 2, liolyrood.
Victor Whitley have 'an auction• -sale at his residence, Lucknow,. en
Saturday, Mar. 28. Commending ,at
2 o'clock. Everything Will be Sold at
the proprietor is going West,
, Elliott Miller; Atm
Tenders will be received ,by the
undersigned up to April 10th, 1925,
for all or part of the cement Work in
connection with the remodeling of
the Lucknow. Public School.
Tenders for. the brick work of the
new additions to be Made tto the• ,
Ohool also wil",:be received up to
he 10th day of April 1925-Plaaety
and specificatio' may be seen or:
aPplication to . D. C. Taylor, Secy
• 1,ucknow School Board. W
• • Applications will be receiVed by
1he.undersignecl for the. position of
Road Superintendent for the..Town-
OM, Of West Wawanesh, 411
catiOn‘ min& be•in, before March ,27th
425, ,Remuneration, 30o' per hour.
Minix) Phillips; R. 2 LiicktioW; Clerk
25-4-e. •
Lticknow Flour 1Y1111s,
IIaveIOclC(pure Manitoba) $0.20'
-rSepey (blended'Sg.80Made Rite •(pa8ti'y) ..,,. •
" Wheat -11107'
0641 Flout .$2,21,1
.therts 8145'
Dian , „.
SereSiicilg chop $85.00 per telt "•.T1t01$1: $s 10 lot, of"4 W01 41•11,
1P00101-011'000.,# 1040.'•000n0t400 'Of i4SO" *kik
Pt,* , •
6111nteli fiNTIOT1 ER; .
0 LOCATA. AND GE1g..ERAI. 04. ,,,,u,Ack.ric::7: eittatiozatelri:vaheti4r,c,hot,wthaps
;held ' at the. Church On. WednesdayMr. and ,gre, Price Naylor moved
. to. Toronto „on, Tuesdayaf:.thia '14cole; n*ht'Gf 144 week. This meeting was
Sam maentanrid was . ever for the purp.ose making arr4Ute*:
men,ts for the taking of the,vete en
from Detroit for, a few. days this
'dhiirell was decided not to
week. •' m 5" chirlie 'Beyd an-cornmencea when the 4.470uti 'rug '
until April. 2Ildq'
ttqr re ,Viciting. :fern •foW ; &We
meeting will be
with Mrs, ; Alex' MricDiarPild.., • • • r.elqmPd, and. will eointilepce;
Mi... Caineron Geddea who .has been rn an • °4';.°14-*1)41q.e-
'for the,..pinit,•;',.Othiple ofrnonths• `.1!!4. inSPcset,!°116;.! Otea.,a4 ;hears.
Michigan cities ia 'Spending ,
dering'whieh, the Pell Will be 'opoir
' week at his home here,,
are 'given,
Mr. Robert Brown received la mes-
sage from FM:We B, C. on Monday The Guild
stating that Ms illgther wan serious- The Social. and Literary Com,
ly ill and not likely .to recever,
mittees had 'charge of the Program
'Mrs* Jas. A. Glenoie .has come.- uP at Guild this week,. Jessie:MaKenzie
frorn `Delhi to spend, a ,,couple of 'readthe Scripture lesson; The 'topic'
weeks' with her Lucknow . friends.
'She is the 'guest of Mrs'. Gorclon. "How •and. What to. Read" ,nrrs' well
taken by Mr. A. D. MacKenzie. Mrs.
See our wallpapers -Prices from
1,0c to $1.00 per roll.' Quality and pThompson gave an Irish reeding.
Other..readings were given by . Helen
.2atterne---gfaci=ittlimants' cheail.4--Johnston,1=413essie-lanei.-gariOn7Mor
- Dr;:- Spence's -Drug -Store: Dougall ad Stevurt ..Cameron. The
Albeit Cook 'jest west Of Luckno7 niusical 'numbers werean'Irish, solo
reliorts. having just delivered' to •by Miss Atha an instrumental by
iliomaa ;MacMillan, of ' Seaforth • ri Miss memerran anda cornet Bpi°
four-yeer-old.suilding weighing 1810
lbs. MacMillan bought the horse to
by 'Lovell Murdoch. The PrOgrUuniie
• match one of his prize show home. for next week will be In, Charge of
,mias McNiece who „implied eor ao. the. Lookout Conirnittee,
res of land 11/4 mile south of Kinloss
village has Sold the property to gr: LIJCKNOW HAS REBEK,All
Gladstone Tolton, of near Walkerton- 1.0DGE •
taillPp ranch.
• The Methodist Sunday :School is
preparing to present, an Easter pag-
eant. "The Conquering Cross," ' on
theevening of Geed Friday. The
. .
. entertainment will be .given in the
Town Hall.
Jim Garland;sometimes styled the
**run king" of ;Bruce ` 'haw -2,400
Laple trees • tapped this season,
while a neighbor, Arthur Johnston,
aas 1*600 Yielding sap. Their farms
are located between' Cargill and
See Lillian Gish in the , "White
Sister" at the Familf Theatre, ion -
Jay, March 30th. A motion Picture
sense ion that will linger long inthe
memory Of all Who are fortunate en -
ugh to see it Admission 35e and 25
Mr, Wm. Smith arrived home
from. Wingham Hospital on Saturday
kf last week. Considering 'Mr.
lmith's age and the serious nature
of the operation - he underwent, his
ecovery is ' remarkable and very
gratifying to his°,,frienild.
- •
Douglas Bros.. have bought the big
oarn which for years has been in
zonnection With the Cain House
hotel, They get possession April,:lat
and will.:use the property as a livery
And feed ban.
,Mr. Will Douglas has also bought
from the AliinEstate the residence
-across--the---street,---froes .the • , di*
barn; now occupied by R. :Webster
and family. •
• . .
Three men are at work this week
valueing Lucknow real' estate for
purposes of asseasment. Thevalua-
tors are Messrs; D. Q. Taylor, Ws J.
Spindler and R. T. Douglas. Mr.
Douglas is .also assessor for the cur-
rent yeitr. •,
---- •
In 'ming anetnory of my dear Wife
'Catharine Leach, • .who passed away
,Ilarch 29th 1921.
A 'precious One from 'us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A placeis macant, in our borne,
•Which never ean be filled,
3od in His wisdom has recalled,
The boon His love had given;
,And though the bodx, slumbers here
• . The Send it safe -in Heaven,., '
Husband; Brothers and Sisters.
Pickering -TO leVirig • memory of
Chriateria E. Murray,
of *tames It Pickering; „..Who passed
away March 24th 1924,' ,
thou art' gone, butstill are living,
, In the hearts of those that stay,
cLoving and kind in all her ways,
-, -*Upright And Stlat to the end of her
SitmererillitIrho in bfilirt and 'Mind;
"A-betititifUl niernom.left :behind..
and'brothere. ' • :
• itrni:Iteehli,Y:tet -11,ICOn.: it; Ash,
field v.1il heVe an 'Vette:, 00.1C of his
farm' %teat end' iniplemente en Vier,
81, terattonaint •iit One 014100k P.m.
Mrs* qesrge, Stewart of St. Helens
.fs. isiting with her aunt Mrs, MOO
MeGregor'•at Kintail.„ • I
• Paramoniit• U. Y. O. Club will, hold
a . Box Social Entertainment . and
dance at the Cheese Factory Para..'
Mount, . on the ,evening of Friday
Mar. 27. Proceeds will g6'to ' Admission
free.Ladies with boxes 1
.and Mrs. Eldon. Henderson of
Paramount are receivingt.,Carigratul-
:ation from -:a hot of • friends on thearrival of n fine baby boy.:
• The regular'aneettriecif=the U. F.
W. 0..Union 'Club was held at the.
home, of :Mrs; D. A. McDonald, Lech -
• on March the 18th. Including
the visitors there were thirty in at-
tendance. With kre. J. A. McRae
presiding a geed prograroine consis-
ting of raupic readings and discus-
sions on topics of general. _interest -
was provided, At the conclusion 01
the programme re,freslimeats. ; were
served: Thenext:meeting is to be;
held at •the home of Mrs; K. MeIvor,
• 0bitnarr--Death. called away.. on
Saturday' afternoon the 21st inst. bn.e
Of Ashfield's most respect:41 citizens
In the person of Thomas Johnston'. of
Leerier. Mr. Johnston was born' in
Dorchester 65, Years age And when 9
'years of age", he With, his parents;
.brothers and sisters moved :to Aeh,.
field Where he his resided ever since.:
A little over five Years 'ago he suffer-
ed a stroke of 'Paralysis , which, al-
though :he was -a ,
left hit) an invalid. 1C;few .frriontha
ago he had another .,stroke
preyed fatal. He was a 'maw of.,,pow-
erful physique; a kind .father and a,
geed neighbor. His wife A -deceased
him twenty four t years : ago, also a
Cons':fifteen years ago.. He is survived
by one, son and two daughters, David
-Mamie 'arid 'Sadie, elf at. honie. The
funeral .. on . Tuesday 'afternoon. ,was
largely attended, Rev. :.gr. 'Hardie
conducting the services. The reinctins•
were interred in Kincardine
tery, 'the Canadian Order of Forest-
ers of which :Order -deceased was 'a
member 'having charge, of the burial.
The .bereaved .family have the heart-
felt sYnniathy of the ' entire coin,
• On ,Monday evening ;of this week
a large nurither of friends and, neigh-
bors gathered at the botneof
and Mrs. • Jas. 'Struthers . to. spend a
social evening with them; before
11,,.:.. ,removal to their. neW lieme"
, There -was evidence o nmeli
, •
tivity about the. local I. 0:
lodge room• on .Tuesday' ;afternoon,
and evening, the '00ligien .being the.
organization of .a Rellkair.. lodge.
The .idea seemedke .. to ta,with the.
ladies of Lucknow and vicinity,- and'.
the rim:organization got' aWay. to a
good start with .about 40. members, '
Mrs. Mann,. piesident of the,. 'Reb-
ekah •Association . of ..Ontario `. was
here to direetithe Work of organiz-
ation; :a task in which .she. was ably
assisted 'by Mrs. Taylor, a past.pre
.siderit who Imre acted as recordings
secretary.. •
The Rebekah 'lodge; at .Kincardine
sent over a degree teain' which -be-
ing versed in the wink, did ex-
Cellent -serViee. during' *the Initiatory
ceremonies. ' The teani .was accorn-
panied by a score. of, visiting :mein-
,•• -
During.the 'evening. 'the organizers
and the visitors were treated to a
banquet by the . tucknov
Which proved a -Very enjoyabh3 asifair.
In the course -of the- evening :,.1)1rs.
Mann was presented ..with beauti-
ful bouquet of roses, ...and Mrs; 'Tay-
lor with a` bouquet itak carnations, in
recognition e
their - cellent /AT":
The marriage' of Mies Annie Mil-
dred 1,,,c'F own of Luoknow;., Ont.daughter of the 'late Mr. and Mrs.
James Brown to Mr. Charles Wilbert
TWaniley son of gr.. and Mrs. R.
Twamley was "solemnized • at, the
hoine of Mr. • and Mrs. ' Mc,
Dopald'Kinloss,,00,Mar. 21, the. Rev.
Robert MaeCallum ; officiating. •.,The
room was prettily decorated '-with
spring flowers; and the ,cereMony
took place under antarch of ever: -
greens. The, bride wore a . dainty
gown •of white 'silk georgette with
Pearl ' and silver trimmings; And
Wore a bandeau of orange blodpoins
and she carried a lovely bouquet. of
Phyeliet roses and of the valley
The Wedding march was played by
Miss Laura Savage Of .Deingannon;
comfit*, of the groom. The. groom's
gift to the bride was a platinum bar
pin,. and to the organist a gold pen.
After congratulations a .dainty lun-
cheon was served the•dining .room
the bride's -girl .friends i :acting as
waiters. About 50' friends Of. the
bride and grocnn were Present The
.happy couple left on the 2.30 train
for Detroit, where, they will ,reside
at 59045 St, The bride. travelleein
a navy blue amt.• with a French
blouse, suede shdect and Sand hat..
. •
ar Guelph'. During the *ening Mr,
Struthers was presented with an :un-,.
holstered leather reeker and 'Mrs.
Struthers 'with' a cabinet of •silver as
a token of the -esteem of a hcisi: Of
-partuneunt• friends, ' , who:. deefilyiTe-
grertheir removal fromthei Midst,
but whose best wishes go With ,thein
. for healthandprosPerity-inT-their
new home following the address:
. Mr, and 1VIrs.lanies Struthers
Dear, Friends:-
As you are about to remove from
our mids0 vie as neighbors 114\4 Met
together; together to give eipression
to Our appreciation of yoUhalriends
and neighbors In . the Past we have
found you lielpfol and agreeable in
tle day' school, the Sluiday school;
the Club and all that, pertains to the
social life of the conamimity.
Your kind. greeting and ,:your 80-
Ciel hospitality in your own 'hone
wit always he IT Meniory.to
those •ef.nslwho are left..behilid.:,
We express our regrets that you
are leaving us and!Ure hope that in
your nevi..home you will have Plea -
eat& .s,urrOundings and all that goes.
te.make lite glad and 'joyful and as
u token of our 'esteeni and geed will
we ,ask you to accept. this chair and
cabinet Of silver as a token of • our
esteem and 'geed will. ..•
Signed' in behalf of conunittee
A. Ketchabaw
John Henderson
'Monday: '*eSeriing enjoyed tbate
tteSOIVect that n -131.riiiiieith-COnite is
More Advantageon0- to than a
vzourse,lp Doineetio •Selence.!,' The
Affirotative Was Upheld, by :Mr, Jas.
Ramage, rOst Lena -1;4401n' and Mt..
Lorne Webni_and the negative . by
Mt. WIIio Wetithi..ge, Dente Weeds;
and Mr. Stanisy Toki. Thc,nestitive,
Mr Richard 'Elliott...a,'fainier
near „here Sneered Serious
IOS whileat work in the hUsh..' 'On.
'Friday. of last week. He was bit on
the head by the, liinh elqi. 'tree, the
blew. being .of. such force is to ritt;
. der him ,tinconscions,, A condition 11'
I Which he 000)1)10'1er .seVeral.
At !eat 'reports he tvta4 iiflprOviflg
and Is likely to rceovcr.
•Georget*.Kriettee xh� for. Seine
-yearn has readier& el,
Ilblyreed ti:Way Ofl 'Friday of
• htat, week, Mr. 'E r a e rn et' was
in., his 72nd year ..ehd' hild•,, net
enjoyed good health „ifoni t
inontlisi The hninediateatise of
death, however; was ''Perelytic
stroke: Wilthi nuffereft,'.
before thf end' eanieilhs floosa.ot.
'IT -.AV
lA M 0
DiAMONDS. .• .
, .
veiYhodris not a 'Inditf of
Diads. Modi‘peovie have
•tet 'ISAY SO,"becanse "'most ,Peolile ain't Up
Dientend Values. '
We Wish' to 'remind 'ilase
interested that every Dia- '
• mond we have in Stock hoe
passed a Most careful exanii‘'
nation at our .hands; 'which
2imakea• buying 'here absolutely •
' safe for the person who knows ,
• little' sheet Diann:aids,' .
We liaie just received.,som
beautiful • n
*bite Gold. These are priced
at --$40.00 and ,L5o..00. Dia-
monds are Blue White, a dere•
.eription here is impossible.
. .
wEsTvOato -1
'A illitnber from here ,t;S,o4. in the
play in the -1101YroOd hall en.
evening last,.
Mr; Wilbert' Haldenby Kincar-
Tine the week end* the home
if his „parents here, ,
The IL F. a and Libraiy. meeting
*ea held at Westford 'Scheel house
Friday eveping:last. :quite if
Ier were'Prose/4 , splendid pro-
gram and everyone enjoyed them-
aelveS;„;* "'
Mr. and Mrs: James Hodgins .spent
Sunday' at the horne`ofMr; and Mrs
F. C. HaldenbY'e.' '
A •number from her attended' the
funeral. of the late •Dick Cascanette
at Riveisdale, on 'FridaY' morning
last, -
Specials . For .Siturdi
Sally Brown Cakes
Bon I3ouche
•° Oatmeal Cookies
Russian Sanclwieli.,..
Home Made, Whole Wheat
.-,and,Raisin- Bread:
*14'6; at Top Friceb:
eiyi' 36, bLuckiie*‘
The oldh•timers weren't better .cen,
vereationalists. They 90, more. gar,i
releris liquor
• , 4.
Ladies' Latest Sprfng COt.S.
And IVien's Sul4.
?TheWoman and The Law
The Family Theatre
Admission 25c: and 15c.
Tax Extra
• ‘.`The White Sister"
, •
LILLIAN GISH cores her most
distinguished trium h• this grip-
_ping_.story_bY MARION CRAW -
Italy, amid the
hically describ-
!xdi ttehlli otnah we teehr4iutnWIP
ating flood. A
entire city
'memory of all
nough to see it.
, ONLY •
MARCH' .30th
8:00 O'clock •
Admission 35e. and 25c„
FORD. Filnied in
exact locale so gra
ed bv the mithor,
, ing.,Sceoes that ma
of yistivius and 'in
ed 'mit by. a devas
mOtien picture, sen
• linger long in the
who are fortunate
ON .1i1ONliA
Rev. C..Cumming Replies to Dr;
' Larkin,
. (Advertisement)
:011ie Editor of The Sentinel:
n )our issue of "last week I notice
lengthy, article • on the ,sithiect of
...htirch Union:: written by F. 11...
-Why Pr, Larkin, "7' of Seaford);
publish; an article in The Luck,
„low , 'Sentinel one can
Only SarmIse.'„ If; it:, to try and. make,
..;Ongregations' like St. Helen's,Whielt
:oted Union feel that they. have .made,
a mistake, • or ,is it for some other
perpose't,- • .., •
Dr. Larkin was in ,SYMpathy.,Witli
• the ,Union up till two:menthe •before
airiting, He reminds...me of :some, of
Gitleon's •recruits. GO,od , volunteers
Antii they saw the opposition then
'they "beat" it for limne, Evidently
has reached hi:am safe,
and now. he is shouting from the up -
stair window saying, m effect "Don't
:JO ar01110g. but talk let the Antis
have-, it their way."
have no i114.111 again -et ...Dk.• • I.
'wish hini ,CVery cornfort:and blessing.
I bnly sorry that he had not a
little mere of the perseverance of
•:he saints and less Of the meri-fear,
ipg .. • •
/he 'article "COnVeyetheiMpreatiii.'n
-bat nthe.=:ttod..tkvc..147,48 constrained to
because bisbrOther ammeter itif
the' itletliediat across the tor,
was going to 'explain t� his
the Church Vide)). situation as he
(the' 'Methodist ',Minister) ,SaW IL
Vas Dr. Larkin afraid,. seine people
Seiforth and now In Lucknow and,
vicinity " -might •get information from
, ;nother -point of ' Why deer
hi seek to eireameeribi trutir
gv%bY. 11 re 14 74 ‘dh 0 t O' Cem040
ifs t oron, friss, mu Mott sy WWI 0 0 t • , • (Cont1644.4
11011 049i 4010 PitSut Olrlfl
rOISS. • Russian
Giiighms and Silks
1 7,0744,40Itiswa..,vstvAT„, ,M\VAt, ats4r4M*4
• Vating On ChurchUnion
Presbyterian Church Lucknow
The poll Will be held in the basement of
the Church, opening on Thursday April 2nd, at
1.30 o'clock pail. and remaining open until 4.30
p.m. on that date.
Other days the poll will be open as follows:
Days Of_ Voting
April 3rd,
April 4th,
-April 6th, °
April 7th,
Wednesday, —April 8th;
Thursday, April 9th,
Good Friday, Apri110th,
. •
Satuyday, April `11th,
Easter Moniay Apr. .13th,
Tuesd April 14th,
Welin sday!, - April 15th,
Thursday, h April '16th,
Friday, ' 'April ,17th, •
' • ' •
Ha $iye--hirfrity agraiii-pRabvitift e
7.30 to 8.30 P.M..
1.30 to 2.30 P.M.
7:30 to 8.30 P.M.
1.30 to 2.30
7 -.30 -to
-1.30 to 2.30 P.M.
14,to 11 A.M.
7.30 to 8 30 P.M.
1.30 to 2.30 P.M.
10 to AM.
7.30fto 8.30 P.M.
1.30 to 2.30 P.M:
7,30 to 8:30 P.M.
1.30 to 2.30 P.M.
7.30, to 8.30 -P.M.
Do, you wish this congregation to enter the Uni-
on of Churches on June 10th, 1925, in terxns of the
United -Church of Canada Act (14-15, George V. (Can;)
Cap:' 100)? •
' -Mark-an: X.iitider 'Yes: Or- -a,bove;
111.g•Your,c1.00-rti, ,
1001itTUSIGIcTFITS'BAMOTe:, When 'tharli- •
ed, " fold So that yoilinanSWer,:ipay: not be seep arid 46:7, .
POoltit persOtially in, thS,ballot bolt.
• 'theclosing of the Poll :on Friday, April
. .
iltitrthe-cOrtgregation.wiltaSseintilejit 830 o'clock
to heor the result. .