HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-19, Page 5i•
r••:' 7
• Plough
inancial Furrow
•time a pen ma& an -entry in your
bank -bo"Okit is, pkiughing i.,:financ#1
• id • money 'crop ifi
furrow: for you that a,
he fizrfr:Of interest
Open a Saving's ,Accountat our
neatest' branch. . You can bank ith
us. by MOI. On any matter of
„finance_consult_with. our inanags-as7:-
pit would witlit friend.
• stabliShed over'ICi0-yearb..
: •
its next meetin;• the „Town • Don't. .take any ' ;chance Sedure
; council.' will .pass ;a: by-law providing yorir anotof license . before you ' hap-
li'en° to run Out.yoor ear -With the olcl
:11,alf•-!YearlYn: nayprents •taxes
• 'beginning 'neat year: .Ratepayers:'Will one ,on and get' 14A;died-'
. 7130 cri7d1/77oon,ortuni ty oder 'Ear;d; frlii
of 'their taxes in...Juliana- calendar year • andshould be, On
get dis'corint at the rate ,eit 4 per
ent:-.Per doing.Citi
i34.44..,•, will. no doubt' appreciate net
*:fhaVing..,-to pay all theit. taxes lin One
,.bip lump at a timeof year when ceal..
:bills and' holiday :expenditures. Make
the, farnily... parse.
The new system. will 'ago SaVe the
tOricn, ; something in bank interest edthat the nudibera thereon May be
. which; has .beena big item , for some at all tunes plainly ,visib,le and the •
earS/paSt. • Not only -should; . halt- rile* thereof .shall ;not he obscured
ye 111 taxes prove a great'. :coriyen.-: by entire .' tires, ,bumper bars, • or • by.
ienee to the 7- public hut it means. Arly.. part of tht.rookot• Vehicle, at-'
placing the; tirranCirig 9f. the ' tacbmentS or the load carried,,,, After
, • .. ,
eil'i business on a. better basis.. Hew a:liming:a reasonable time for .mot -
Many; .htisineis men'weuld.,• think Of ..cnists to:ph:thin their ;• permits,:".' the
, .
a.rrying. on .all. Year withorit • collect- get: yrotira new before the. reasonable
Ing an account; and boarovt\. money tinie• eripires.
at:interest 'from „the honk to • earrY;
on ?'"'Sy 'Passing the .1),Y4aW 'ncivir., the
Conrail • Will he in. a.pesition• \to n- It isn't • the. money boys inherit
.,stitute half -early ta5.:es ,fer 'that makes fools Of theni..; , It is
, , ,
•Telescope° ,° • .
all ears • new.. °tiler , points'. • that
should receive d tie consideration
..fiom Motorists are, license plata is-
sued in .another province •in, Canada
are good for thirty daysfor .
aper -
son resident: in ,Ointario. Attention is
also drawn to • fact that number
nlates shall' • be kept free from. dirt
and obstructionand shall' be so afix-
• '
, -.41•ukonWen, 'Matto, Trophy
struck with 'the" fine 'qualities of.determ nation; courage and e a•
• &ranee displayed -4r the Veteran Balt0,2•WhO battled his way in record
tiine at the head: of twelve other dogs driven by Gunner kesson againzit
most adverse conditions iiitO Noinel Alaska, with dyptheria anti -toxin.
• Mrs, Prank Clarke.:of ,$heeUelteed BitY"I'• N.Y., offered an Anti4u. mflve!-
Vete his a trophy to be awarded to the best husky in the winning teem
In the Eciatereanternitional Dog Sled Darby, Tho trophy Was trtiardeet
• to yi*en, the loading deft le M. M00It0till teito:40yen ,to, victor, is
ooboo by St. Goddard ondfr th rt‘ntootiln Pap* comptor oolon
1141 la porpatIA Oftloy, otifo !go!•
049phy ;sob we •- „
▪ „TWA.1.44r4.,0,4-'
_ .14AMILINIOlst:
; by M.4bodiet eengregelJon, the
dal loodere: of the great Methodist
church wourd' ave taken Steps inside
:of ?.4 hours towards re-O4o1oring. a
Posityin and matter that wa0 •I01/1
1tkeIL POductiye of .soch Confu-
.41On and calamity; for, when old his-
toric congregations in the very' belli;
, of their,,,,befit, cteiwice ehd prosperity
• as Christian.agencka, are brought.
.bY the craelty of events • te fear the
'PoSiiihie bearding Am of 'the Sacred
hedolm4Z which liseals`v' enthtehiereigjois
and their f0thers'an4 Mothers :beforr
them, when this nightmare in life
'has come to pose as the result Of cc-
clesiastical prbeedure the word cal=
omity ja not ,too •.strong a word te
use in eeTiiieetitail,,therevOth;*
I alll in agreement with the• good
Words that • lyfr Irwin mar,- stieek
about this dOetrinal stateMent :;Barr;
.ing two 'dr' ...three minor blurs -, ..',tar
PerPetuation eflegakpetiods...it is an
eacellent' statement f vital 'Christian
belief; It bas. one seen:ins omon
but ee--.0.43'omlSSlonis cbilfrh011ilo all.
, the I 104erie. creeds ,.;of Chriatiandonii.
.inchrelirigo the Nicene and Athanasirin
45 Well as the 'Augsburkh. confession
and Thirty-nine Artiples, .here
make no mention of it. Suffice.' it tc
.say that at the present moment and.
in face of -the'oceania'dissent now be
ing . expressed, the 'doetrinal , ',state-
ment is about as valid a reason fp.
Presbyterian congregations going In..
to this United Church. of Canada. in:
-its 4ifogelit--arid, PrOepettkrifstatuS--at,
the Americany Constitution, with itT
classic tribute to ' Life, •Lih0rt, an
the Fiursuit of Happiness, is :a reason'
why Canada' and the 4Jnite4 States
-aliould-coniO-under-on e4tag-fort-hyd
We. rejOice that they are. equallY
good, and perhaps better friends un-.
der ,distinctive flags. , . ' • '
. referring • to this ,dociinient
as having been 4,fpreptirecr
the joint. Union „Committee. .Mr.
would' have. been welladviaeci
1.bad .he, used the word "ecimpiled"
• stead of "prepared." This latter term
'Might convey the impression that .the
abeye committee '; in their, ;blended
wisdom actually eVolved•thosei-21-oi'..
23 Articles' from the thpologiCal
sure house inside their own
a Matter of feet the main" eontri
a roil- prin , -was -o-itnpi,
Commas . serni-colons and •' • conjenc-
tiens: Ninety •Per cent, 'or more o,
thiS Creed is -taken .from; two •pre,'
• 0.2•-•••!
iterro oil tp,ttitin 44: `'.1•0144''
4,41)0114 041 ther0 'must ,b0 iiyer-,
.. eta, mg i;ozeitgleue el, supporting
Apinion before;it. wpm() be wise • 0,.1;
possible to venture on an organk
anion th.at, would, he real: •cir lasting.
ibie •
titan 49 years ago 1
:Jaye earrieo in Illy mind; this .excel-
.ent-i-Alivlce given by that greet lead -
of Birmingham., to Dr,
;Jewett, thexj. new in the ministry. It
was this; ,-.Never push a, • raCtica;
in church administraticin
ept 'with the •backing of a Vat3t.
4.1.ns was the expressed „lin,
eniSt • POsition for 10 'Pars, 'Ana .1
:ly existing g;un=cr:statement.i.1f.the Presby.
teriah ChurchNortn(1. ;
1 S.,) -
. end a,
similar ,etatement . by the :gliglisb
.Presbyterritn Chorch.• This - ed one'-
over -critical Mari to cheratterirO•thit
Canadian' ereeeras • "stolen,. goods;
and it ;induced ' still, another •brothea;
to ; eonaplain: ,tk graye'Ornission in:
1.this. Creed- that the quotation :Marks -
had been: left _Out. •
• Presuinahly. 'the' inferenee • Mr.:. Ir-
win means to be ;drawn frOm this
two-Sdnday exposition is:. Tikf a
• mark n the -balla. paper' td. enter'
We' United Church . of ' Canada. The
trotiblo. is, this ,• United Church of
Canada 'is at the same time the vety
'much disunited and. disuniting, Church.
Of :Canada, so that tho'vote .fOr Un
•ion. ia ILIo a 'Foie •for,..distinion: and
disruption, and the Voter iS.• power'
.less to help it. This United. -Chure.1';
*hien is 'be1ng,. • offered.,:te hi •to -day
1:1"Y• 'those' occupying the. seats -of the'
'Mighty at. Toronto,to certainly not ;
real article of 'Church Union?, and ne
One is sO' POignantly .aWaire tlik
as they are themselves. ' • .
' To, -day Church :Union leaders ..are
stern And 'relentless and even, into et. -
int towards unreadiness �r • 'refusal
to fall; into: line, With this • 'ill-fated
pian of theirs, Far. otheriwitie 'was ii
in. 1905; also ;in '1911; "Wee in 1915:
alircrhi'191117Then ,the non;Unionist.
miticl and • view • were,' . regarded 'With
sympathy_ and respect f and it was
then, .assinied that :both side a 'Were
equally...loyal to: the •Christian cause
in Canada', ' and that the •difference
between them Was ttis to the hest and,
wisest Method from eery point of
view . of ; proinotirig the Chriitiar,
cause. ." The Chtfich, Union. :contro
versy ,of .that 'day was as; to ,. the
•question ofmethod, andLitis-that-.
still if_neeple.:-conld cuiry-ibring then':
tties 'to- seelt so, •It 'would 'greatly'
help members • of the Presbyterian
Church - to -day in their thinking if
they would.' substitute . the' word nie-
thp.51.for principle, for at this. hour
.• alike.-
• are eleeliiy -concerned for. the King-
dom. of God in: this: country, and it 'is
this. thatgives. such •a tragic, eel -
or to the' Preierit situation:end,
Makes, it a thing for angels to:Weer,
Never in the history of any move-
ment, was it' metre, clearly 'agreed that
on ,•nO account , ehotild this •. organic
union be. consuhnnated Until add- nit,:
leis- there *az • :Stichmeasure . of
agreement and acquiescence • as tc
• make the Union . reality' that cora
be rejoiced M and not an 'ecclittstical
horror', •
compelling .silence e v,c
• around the family .beard in theus.
_ands of honks. Where. is the -rejek•
ing to -day? :Are' the Church. Unien
leaders in any • seventh Heaven: of
rapture? They are not; " inwardl' '
: they' :are very uncomfortable; nearl
all of them SaYing to their Own soils
that they Wished to ,God 'this thing
. had never gone along the course: ta-
ken;• and :if theiernen to -day Mere
diiientarigled from , this mystery .of
disorder, you could' neither beg,. woo.
persuad or cocree theiin'into,the, dll-
• anima:that is an iron in • their Own
Souls- anc1,11..ereator- of heartache: and
worse from end: to end of this land.
Herbert Spence. onye said that
tlferela rietiagedrinefe'bitter'thah
theory killed -by a fact, and if ever.
• man -was ,I;mtorifropte41;hr:t1iis' xery.
htedieVal interpretation of our Lord's
Prayer to unity,..Whiell is s.being glv
en by -the facts' a no digelesed.
In the revealing light of these
days it is easy to eee when.-,andhere the torpedo was 14(4.11140 is
„,tpr blowing our .congregations into
iind 'distraction, The ,
14g ittnity. ott -that,hour when
tho ram
Poittott 341004 to. the
01.4104111to 'grgititI ion• ',how
•• .nought pokr 'Reiiition. 5,0111
was rudely awakened put 9i
:hat dreapi •leas than two , .roontha.
Ago.. One..reasOri. Why, I Acquiesced. in
.,,ne decision of 1910 -was my behet
:het, the .1_,nion Qoonnittee •felt snre
,hat the whole- thuroh worild "gener-
• aequiesco, arid that. in .tbe.".Pverit.,
'stich acquiescence being. )withheld
;iicy:weuld resp,ectat otree
'demur Ue agi eed :and, Uri repeat-
conditiOir -*ofareaSonable ap-
t2roaclt, tO:•pracgc,4-,..unaniinitVi and.
;nat.' oh ,.no".tcoonnt • :wont(' they.
:cague..wi riddeApretid liSruptLOI
'•;heil or at any:lime. bi the tuture.
hat oondition . cannot he c-Aeparted,
;mom • excei4 by ,the. surre4le1. cif
;0:ed faith; and in my', judgment the
Inge tion-cOrhairreiice. that is swell. -
ng day by day nullifies ail legisia-
1,:p roe e and renders uncen.'
.tituiiorial ;•• the .ii United, ,Clniteb,-: Of-
,lar,iada Act. Whether o body SO cern,.
aS is the -Par4anient • 4al
1taWa-.1-'-w-11-1,-dec.,1ar,p4t AnceinsiatU-4., ''''Th•rmMaw-00147.-Whi5-18-troder,
knoW riot': but .befere the -"ioing.med.kal treatment in eiaspit.;.,'
. Jar. of 'Justice, l',herieve this: legis- al In: HaMiltori, is reported' to.be prof'
Latfi,e0erin,l.leanpts8psof_?rihtot_olia,. A lex4zaiiipben.
-Artise.inggiwonitly; •;
Jae to. Oahu .recognition and AU- .
itiority • wide ' .the • Situatien, created to,`"Detrokti. where he Is in the.„em.
one..Or.itW-0 niean ploy Of the 'Kelsey Wheel,
oy: the vete op •n.on-dorteurreike. T h 0 Ripley, OddfelleVS • Lodge,
44044 -,1i40.e I
Urge faith id- odclaation ior
;Ins sure .that tens of thOheandloof"
...7re5byter1ans throughont Canada
Unionist and ricno-Unionist %alike, ;are
'yearning and praying for recolteilia,
• tion and harniony and the reshaping
of administrative policy and. method '
threngh wise, friendly Christian con-
ference; with recrimination eet Out.
It is good me4 and good Women Who
are the victims of dislocated Tele- al
•HonshiP • and ManifoId bIundeiing."
Well-meaning folk, are • apking, '"But
what,eliOcan• they do; now that 'they
have " gene so far?" . The question is;
very much :in order, and 'the answer
is :at band.; Let a b., odY , of wise men
• down before Ohs. vote -changed
• situation, desiring and praYing to• do
`vhatis reMiOnable and right and fel'.
he solire in the. light of the Letrcly and
beat; Ahein eenfer and re-
• 44.>44.
Natio!, Joassegestiikaman
•rhey will aee the n4 step and all
the Suceeeding aext steps .that tnee.(1• .
to, he taken. The .problem to -day Ian
4 comParatiVIY
simply one, f ap-
nroached ih.the spirit of wisdom. arid
• leindriesi„ and . charity: .• • •
David- Lerner*. paid • flying
visit to London Monday. • „. • •
• Mr, Stephen Tont has ...returned
from a tint to Timmins. ' .
Nr. •Angus IlatheZon left on Wed,-
nesday for the ,Rainy River Distriet.
.:Perhapa it „may surprise, Mr. .Ti
o bp. told thet,4 Was a MethOdi7;two-if held ..t; jOthe Towqship
ugh 'official stan.ding, .pr. Sutheiland Hall o Filday night! ,The pro -
ho framed and _presented -id the gramirie. eintaisted of cards' and dine-
oint Union*.CenTinittee this ;declario. ing,..,and, an -enjoyable . evening was
Wag universally recognized' "4,,a.,,4- an, •, " •
tnthe Joiri't Uniop Cornmittee that: ,t; ,
• anion Of the ehtircli'es• to be real alic.Mrs motalerson., of top.
: . • ;
',siting: mast carry. the ...Consent ;Of don; :is yiettow., her Mother Mrs
he entne nienihership.",.. Dr. ',Chown M. }Poltd.a, • • ,
;;;;;vice an • inikential-niember. "of that Mrs John mixoo :O'n'tertaiood, •f.ev,,,
•-h tr-r"Wiri
the three negptiating, .; Y • -., • , •
structed ;that., the ...General:. ASSemblY. H• ' WdlehP' lia.°O.r of • lE.t.i1310/7
'oe ...informed .• as to this ',assurer* Methedist, :Chtirth, is .receiving: med-
• The NEW,Spring,VVash,fabrics areere
wanted• .-NvWs bed:adY ies, New Clhcsalv°erng
ita1:411.1, ne oitY1
care. to Mark thein so unttSually 'low that you
will find
Remark a‘bleValue-S.'
'hi Ever
urgcOne,ctiop You Will Fiil
NEW Linen Suitings
NEW French Voiles
NEV Beaded VoileS A
NEW Rainbow Crepes'._
. ,NEW Ratines
and the most wonderful values and-aSsort
N rnent of Scotch English and Canadian...Ging-,
DELIGHTED -.-To show you a I, 1 thfse.
' New and Pretty -Materials, -Uclusive patterns'
• . .;
Milii41111j1111111;i11111119211i111111111111! 1111111111110411114111111i*IIIIIIIIIIIIIIp1011111.11 iiii1141111111i111
. • • •
aaving 'been given •by thein, Whal- teal, treatmerit: „Victoria HosPital
aoo Mr. Irwin think of London: .iteV.. Walter Treleaven of
position of ,Dr: 'Chown .issuing, with s• .1,, • • 'y '••••• • m'a••
In'anii°;lsabsencesPPkYni."17.Hig •
othders and. on., their-. own.. thist
o e ge the measuie; of c, neri• s -
(put in extravagant tern -LA) reqntred, We regret to report , that iodr
;o make •unfori. Meal and lasting ane Richard "- Strinley;/ Ripley's TaMous
•efusing .toLday td • open liis: nioittli •
-the Matter. Surly a Man like. Dr.
JhOwn 'shOuld :be on sbeakitig terms
vith, his" own : agreepie tit, and. *et he
vote to join- the United,
-hurch of Canada was also a,„ vote monda .
aonagenarian, fell on the ice last
Saturday: and cricked ,two. ribs'. Mr.
.Stanley possesses. a vigorous consti-
tution in • spite pf . his • ninety odd
years and- Was able to be out again
y morning •. , • •
..;or real .union, 6ven With a consider., . .
able • 'nen-cencurrence, , mueh 44 ,T ..it Is., reported 'that - the 'City ,rioiry.
vvOiliti regret the.° holding back of .0 of af Torphto is contemplating es -
ouch mirtority, I. Would say , witheut. tablishinga:,, factory for, ,manufactur-
amothent's heSitatiep, Niche to go in.. ,;nE: Condenied Milk and kindred . pro -
out it is. 'net and cannot:be made s •.;•
ducts semeWhere in this .PAII of Orit-
vOte'for real ,anion, According ito any: , .,
cenception or definition Of such uri.... alio. The Ripley council have Written
km, held for: the leaf , 20 'Ybars. 'A Note thenn requesting tnerfr . to - Onsider
to jOirr' tliis United: Church is it it: 'Ripley; as the centre Of . splendid
to -day and as it portends for. the A/doing ,,coontry. . and Ii• . lie era!
coming days, Can, only be a •vote that
Lor settlernent •a ininiber of . PresbY.
long other...rittractiona„.
.w.111...gi,ve . the, . township , twenty-five
the Tovviiship of Huron., that • they
..kill• effectuate in . 'disiliation,
The Department , of Lands and
incl. incurable, all ever-. Canada. It 4 .,-; "
a. vete that cannot fail to involve un.; Forests have rnotified, the .council of
.fairnesi:to the; Ininistry of the Meth.. .1
,adist:.chur,ch, in as mileh ' it byinge .'
h .. ' 'll ' t d
'..erian minister* four or , per :cent- of: tie .. rentals ,ce„ ec e.
dred in okeeso of the Jnvitehruoili :fem. leases , to cottagers at -,,pru e
?resbyterian , churches 'going • in;• and Beach.' ". Thisarrangement issati
the Metliddist--minietrY is In lin0--f°2- ; factory to the council. . .. .
some very, unpleasant discoveries. . ..,....M.r....S., A -Amin -Visited .in Listo
. 1 also.thiO that the acceptance of : , ,•
• - ., , , .
'titis: • existing rent-agtinder. situation, 11 fen!: a. feW... days - this w.eeK.
,..w .an 'aftrrnatiye: vote will - tend to .. ' 'it1r. Norman . McLean; '7ho : h
ziVe a 'ial6ir fo -Home 'Missions, for been very°. seriously ill,•:•..fer .seyena
wp need: all.,o,ur "elm/Tiles in co-op7. er
' ti • ff -.t t t tl • & 'm 51.1:1' dr.ys; Wag ' taken • to .Winghain hosp'it
a ve e cn -0 otee , iis • a ., ' ' • - -....
,and,' therefore, we should insist 9n al Monday morning:. • .
an all-roinid official effort to heal , Mr 4 H Mociney:, has
this :dreadftil hurt,anckahusoololiPrlY-- 'a-triev,...-FerdtTudor Wan
r-tbeess:; As I :hav4, often sal ,
ond -priVaitelY,' everybody :At:. • "
this; world hos the 'criptteity inake • 'HURON TOWNSHIP, com..i.crt.
a feel 'of himselZ ' "a•id the Union"
Committee • baye :assuredly deMoni-
strated this eapacit;:,) showing them -
,,,eves'. to be VerY :human. I don',
hink. so' altv.:11 tl..o • less •of thein fo:1
it.; and :1 wOuld think far, more o
diem, 'if they wild hbw soiae, signi •
huinility and penitence.
• Within- thp. ltiat-lbree'VeekS' a
of higheit charaCter and; 'good sew; ;
told me What. had *been ,said to h:
his own kinsman,. One of : • on
Western • .$•,„norin.enden .2 1,
:ears .,has hod .390 fie'cls Xrule:
!large and care.' Speaking) of tit'
lelde; this '.Superinictident said. ,t1):
he. P1 a''eanelis
. i d .. 1;••
artiOniets, 'is just 'As acceptable • '
.he .people he has had to do .: wit':
and satisfies , ' every religions nee;
s well as does this chertie.o
,arganic union t‘and, effects .the same
•:caving bf ,,trieney.- Is it not a thous -
pities that the 1!,resbYterian
Church in Canada shouJ1 be. harass
ed 'and cloven and mai ated in hun
drods of; .lts cop, rogationsbecause
';here :is not a humble subinksion tc
aystern° of administration;•which is.
*di, in ; IneratiOn anywhere else on
till's • round glebe.? If this theory of;
'theirs ,is So Oscritial to the king -
•d o do. het theit
ion Committee • brethren
'llomselva. into' Peter 'the 416 -nag,
and go on a crusade to the peeplo.
Of the -Mitred St ate=
land, tr..; ' open ... talc,
•41:ow,..thein qmagic -way Anthe
new ',-1.Goldori''Agethey'.;[..bairo- Aeon-
1-roarningr;-about'V.,'Wthy mot, follow,
the gleam „andbe the path -finder.'
in other lands for' what tileY seem.tc
as an Article Of ,Paith?'
The union: We inosrieed te-day". is
the Viii6it-ena.,Ele.union of the Pres-,
liyteriPTI .Church itself, •For that.
,reut000Llier 'cleterminaliou I ;steed
it, Port Attlinr, On the flonr of tho
AasetablY, and units priV •I'Ov C611"
mOnded for tte .,cleing by fulir oigtY
„Fq1114$ X .tiA4 %UP •
. •
• ' Corincil.-'niet„ ptirsuent to ad501.071-,
ent, -on March 16th .With
Kay th the ehay 1Vienibers were tall
Pre.eent-.....Minates of"; hist- :meeting
• Were 'read, and's:dented; ; `". • ;
MOrgariEmmertow That .a
-derlte issued ;on thO:treristiter: in fa-
' y"or.7of., Donald Sri...a* 1', Tax coneetor
:fer• the year "1924:for' 4.:Salaro $lrfi '
'eaporisos. • Melt -din& .•;•,,, • •
Stritionai.:4, $2118 Total • •'
.T e acce.1 rr, 'o.
-'e.,'O'red, to be Midi' 1.:Ratte:41 Of
$19,25.. reaittrritien Of,,
clog 'toga $12.401' R. Marlyn, :Coal foi
ol:atisties; The World fr.,7.
1.1a11,0.1.33;* 11. H. Martyti. attending.
$4.75r :.%...motytt% treasilrer's'i
3ble end' expresa..$6.75; Rinle,;;11*."-
ara, light for hill; $2-.20;•
.ham, aticlitor'S! salary ' 'and- rent r.e•
"iont $20.00.1 .• J ,W. Patterson. •
difor's Salary $15,90,;.
• c,Rilatiterton-GeTddes; •That leave be
&rsnto intredike NO.. 718 to.
•atipOirit-a.,-trustee the..themOrial
' MeDotialcl-Geddes: That' .
`14e; 118 .• halting been read a :first‘•tiinp.
lo-ricWienit ;asonathrtTh
passed, signed and sealed.''
•'": That M.;'
“:ries tannAbAcalow ,
i624. Carrid, • •, •
Enirtterton--Marg,arri. 41. t;
'Reeve and Robt, Geddes, be '4)Po:hit"-
to attend 'Itocid Improyeinellt
meeting at Tees.vrAter. (Carried).
vf J. R Wte $1785 .tor jlB
toiottonts ete.'WeS `Ordored
Menens14.41c X 4 Y „ thet t 4'
cogatit asoi ;Irtaipoet. 014.0o. for
Sheep-- destroyed by ogo. ••Carried. ,H. thiMerton .$7. •$e
Ernmerton-Geddes:: Whereas; this . $27,25;..barried-.
ouracir iS advised the . the • Depart; • -Account of Robert ,Irwin for. $3100
• .ent of '. Lands :and ()rests' after .for 66 hotirs;Wbrk n ebnneetiOn.With
o consideration of.the representw his. rpci ' superintendent -
atiOns 'made. by this coutiCif to th was ordered •paid • '".
Tolw---tref-iaftiffe-a has deeided tn ergan--Ennterton Tk.ct the
ofer to ,thia inuniciPal tiy tweritY-fie geeye 'be authofizecr, to see ,
Me -
per cent of all rentals tellected MUrchy and:11.,''Ortint , with: Feference
time, td. Link ,115r* th Department Sale of §. ',4.,:part of Lot 16 don '
from thS..4arions lesi es et. late lo- 0. :Carriel °••
" • .
crited in that pirit'Of the 'municipal-
ity -known., as Bruce' each, •now
therefore- 'be it resediVed" that ...this
ooundil does hereby'. • express. its ap-
provaland copfirthatien of .the pro-
posal so made by th pepartment.
and that a copy of thd? resolution be
forwarded to the Minister of Lands:
And Forests ; Carried.
Eminerten-Geddes:: That an or-
der :for issued in. favor of
:Prank _Frin„,ston for stinnps furnished
,for'Alarn. Carried. ;
•McKai-411CDonald: That'the Clerk
priiinertori-OecIdea.; ••this; .".
'Couricif.. i!ei • .1)97 -ridjeuth to Ttieetagarn on.
usuai hour r° I;Rel.r'o'.1%.:14,APHei:
nl Gtb, /at the
and -,
. .
The following', •paragraiih referring
to 'Rev. D. T.. L. Mckerroll's Chtirdli
is from a recent copy of The:Daily .
Vietoria. Preebyteriaii Chitich held .
write the Toronto Trn ts Corpn. with „its March , coMmunion ser -vote :yester- • .
',eference ' t� the ainouiit of the trait clay...Morning, whigh.•wiS one. <it the
, .1 • .1
fund- ' held bY „them in connection. ,largeit in .the titre 9f the' church,. .
with West Shore IElec rie Ry, funds, • :the odihee being padked to the doors
and the rate of intereS they are ;•pre- T. :McKerr911 riispenied.:the •
pared to allow infuture of this fund. cominnnion..' Seventreiglit new 'mem- -
Carried. 1 hers°, were added -td -the- 1.'61115 being
McKay -Geddes r' That orders be reCeived bii.proleggion °Of faith: and
following par- 33 by' certificate. .,.1sUirie. of , these
on Township • It-ia--annotanced, came frpra neighbor-
eTrivish $1.65; ing Minorities. 77: "
issued in favor of. the.
tiesfor,. work :done
rpads.;.- Con, '2, Alex.
Walter . N.:7604.0n $5.70; Duncan Mc -
Lea $2.25; • Herb. Iltilripnrey $?.09;
Jas, .McTayish $3.00; Wip; Steele
W. J., Roasted $1.50; 'Celt 6, 1. A.
4•-••-:,:c x------
'free man haa a. right
tietie the courts !even after' he is sent
---tej'airfoi• '
McMurelly $175;' • Prank' Mitchell 1ol,hye;vaii,tsaafho
Aillitantisctt.lii)nrcloowiiii.eisi ..110ifset
MeDonald $7 50 v
'. Con.
.11...▪ ;John, Lawry $175; RAC 1VIcCosh like. •
T.. E., Pollock $2.12 D. S: McDonald
.$3.50; Con. 12, A. Pollock $2:25; taii;sh,ati.'1'el.a'dc?0-11'14iintelli.l. '6,fordriuo.gfstasrit,„;tire.e•i'wviito
.$160 ; RObt... Whittiread • .56; Sideline 'Lot... a Wan tS a
• .
• Win.% Robertson $2,85; :Sideline
25. D. C. 'McDonald $1.25. D H, Mc
bonald $2.50; Con A1inil Ritchie
. •
Snow ..shoyel overflowetli.
Our 'cif') witittir tic fun -arid oar. '•
Vegetable ,.#04 Fiower 1:
Seeds from your
LO.'0.4) .#.e.rc.hhnt.!
TT- .elitiy to Identify garden grown
IroM,Renilie's Seeds bythernagni=
„ .,fieettOe' of int fliariretti.i., and Jhet.
linkbiusnelia and •large. *irk... oft.
;vegetables.; 1;
• You, too, erutieetiretkete i,e4ent hyteit'rinii
ResrirdesVetetalsht sihd Feloiveeget,4 Si• .
Seeds ire hie* httluaditYhdvie bteo ittor:ouihly '
*bed cot gerrninetiert eina,have a
,f;-rep4!stIon,,:that--eitericle-Over•-h'idt•Lit 'eerittlik .
tor sirOduersis the livery !best ih h9th Yegetsbles
..-;..A'4•41il4.' .
cz,,,. :1,,--7.:;;;:rolt-r.„.0-•
-.... ti ,Igieheoisil:',:;:t;i:Vi`
:: rff0 lkiltIVO te
. <14 414444 \he
te....sets. 1 0 11100640 0 • ..k.:.
; iitort:•fAOLA,161;„ and 3,i1.RVIS• .t.e4etiv! •
If you • carinot obitiln gennta's Sidi loco ilyti
' ,1344se Write 14, givittg •'
Rennle's 414 Artnust•,•••the Most t6nviete
Ca(elptue-tree cio relue,m