HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-19, Page 3+Al •••. , . • • .; INplAN NAmE,•sioNIFIEs1 4covNTRy WITHOUT TREE,..5,7 Investigations., by Topographi- cal Survey Reveal Unsuit- abilitY of, Name. "Barren 111.5.".. J There' bas been a growing interest' reeent years in the Vast little-ifiloWn stretches. a Northern. Canada which has extended -to the ()Pen Xfotintry • be- Yellet tilie. tiraberline, n narrative.S. • and repoltiS of travellera anti expldrers, ten 1.,ands." wince originated lit' / Surnames and Their. 'they • beite..been gtVen. 'the -nettle 7"Bar- fiJaO name Meaning, "a Country ONTA RIO I mpr ovement LIVESTOCK Committee .re Your Cows Poing Their Keep?. Listen Albert en the ..and Concession hi Grant • Township, ovrned a Scrub Bull in 1911. Hexlelivered t� the cheese factory. that year".14,228 pounds of Milk. He bought a, good Pure, Bred Sire and frofri the first cross propluccd 14 of his present cOws ancl•six of his, present"' milking heifers. :Prom the same number of cows as 19110ast Year he delivered 152,605 Pounds of milk. • Eiglit- years nf craning with a Five Bred Sire made a • • difference a 108,331 lbs, of milk bilis herd. ' • - '• Don't, keel) ImPrnStable 'Producerti.' BUY, A Goork .,"...--,. out treeP.IP : . The 'interpretation •ia iiiI,I. '‘• " .,,,, .f..,erftraate and anstinemernifiese ..ittitt- Jr,..,, ...c• • • .„,,, ''• '°.:11A.' 14...-4!4 '..•'' • . ' .'.' ?.' ': .1'14' PV:4411-Y'rP°4 *Abbey:- It ;'/ ":64' fY• at' , , . . . . , .. ...., , . ; • Ped.bY'. a •slte.rile' Seri 'or''..a. CliMatO'PrU;,'. v:4.,,,r.:it11::".ii.Gra. 'tin"; .,:4;r6.'.e.i. 7. ''' ilifaj'i'ol*r.:tli4e115:G..'firtfatilleinhsillioilledline.il'aiiniLiclY. irli':;"6tiirde.: . . hib.iting the growtii of yogoto,tion:. vile i 'Aarlire- . - . '7 •.. " . • • . - . • .. f Highlands. • . • ' :„....%.:,..„.. , - • , ivord ‘.4harren''' is an uncotriptonilsing".' (),urce''''Ll'olibtftil'• ' - • •' ' • . ..'' " :' ' . . .. . . , . _ .0ile. ACtturili• there fs. de areslying :. : Thefamily name of Graham' is (mei .. • ° . „ STA N.PORD; ".,.. '.... . . . . . . . . . . , 7 between the timegoine eeq, tide -water. frequently rnet.with, but not one easy Variations -Stanley,. Stanleieb, Stan - in iliff Arctic ocean and Iftuls,on, Bei to trace to is origie, It 15 deservedly - field, 'Stanton; Stainton, •Stenlavv. , of about,506,000.'spitere :riitlea or pearlessea as Scottish because it is the ' .Racia(OrIgIn-inalo-Sexon, • '. ' ;,'. • ' ".,ly one-aeventh, of the 'total; Of the De, ' name of one et the most: powerful Of .Source-Localliies. ". ,•. • 1 . Here, ia • another. group , ,fir ' Anglo - ,Saxon „ place .nenies! .tyliicli". haVe be - Mime ' fantili riiaMee.. , The : foregoing ,-. titclusive of ,all the "sten"; names, riationi;_ltftwever are by •no. means_ The • •extent .' Of ociuntry 'involved the Sense that 4t Is a closer aPprOAI ''x'3•• makes the. question an, imPortant I one ;nation ..Of the old:Gaelic .ferrif• ... ' ... •There are ' as Many . variations of . . . . • ' WOrthY of amides attention, , As an. .. Het thetigh :the, vas : 'jority Of the ,"stari"..in Eitglish. nettles it •Seems as approach • to...the subject a surve of 1 1 a r ,t_ji e . c lie._)„., tithAn,eare iathia,ILA. - , •• . ajjai. • ,.,1,p . . . available reeorde 'Might. be made .to name. r admitted .'e en in ,the Iligli7.,haps ?Mote, \, 0.040 there- ore ..pot, so determine if the nanielliterree Lancia" lands c. have cons otstiginally .front Many families bearing " . . . i ' is justified. ' •11 it is not found .te. he .seme Lowland snure . .'But what?" It's: The. "sta.n7!. or 4"Stein''' , in these ..-140tififidLi 'mare --Suitable' one.' shoal •. Mar :...or l'egatt raysterY. • .' ,.• .• , ' „ . 1..na..mea....hf` 'simply the AngterSexon.ifor . . .„ . . .. , be selected.. .• • • '' • • .: " ', .. •: le Clan treditien has - it that • the stone Thus.. the family name-,7or . . .:The interpretation . 'Or the -.Indian nam 'traces •:back to One.. "Gra.inus," Stanford ."-haig .: siniply been derived . . . ... name', :`4•Dezchiti4a!,'•• .•(no, trees). „ as I who. demolished the line , Of : defenses - from a place, which,. if • we were,. neni- 7ul?arreli Grotintle". Wee, Made ey Semi-.; built Undo'', the:Orders of the •Itontan ,ing . it , 'to -day; ,We'd' ProbahlY: ' call uel Hearne, who 'eanclizeted it 17.10-7,1'• Etepoter Antoninns, betWeen. the Clyde ,:"Stoneyrortl," • . ', .! , • ' . , ',. , . the 'fitSt .exploration into the , O,oniitty. l and ...11ie' Forth.. ..it. is, certairt :that Snell' ..'• .Stahleigly.aed. Stanley; *herr flie. • • .' Hie. course o alarge extent, iotreVer, ! a •wall dld exist and that it Was known latter IS net an •••!+.•iiglicized forni. of the ri IH Ilting.ShortilinA'OnW04, *IV4DO?Iggrin.ftirrlbsi-'0,9111441.47 is Li4 entetnall /4 ?laedern lite, it it 48,re ally .atleast 2,000. Teari3. War • correspondents: with Caesar's .6•Pnk,s7PragPS.Pd Ilia art, Wbich. was developed. abeut fiftY Years. ',before tectiwethers;p7- •••• Diecenee +Cannot be carbed everyone -et no le decent enough to do his part to safegnardAthers. And the ,commbn cold is easily the Woret. mal- ady' we have.. ;The average person bas eo C. cherr104,titah4e 'egrr4eal,a:Rdeeinr .ittr 1.4P:wa t;:rn anda4.as':brviC:trchahel. 4s; eadw otorYketahste'll''' ft:Pr:81:: i,trfeelsl;t3.914' orator. • One of icere's. • freed Men, days. Nationally the thing mcuats up Tullius Tiro,,evolvednn excellent sSy8- Into) treilleadens economic logs; :tent whielt was;4414gilt in the , Wearen Corataaty beingatt ached by hand. •additien, to .P."1"illnal7 10Pg" germs, 'Wbetlier:we are able th.71420111 aolng .to pie law couro,,, r:agnia;•,.pthbewilior'.107 Q'Teb'eoli.4,10413Sods largelY On our resistance. Plenty cent buildg in the centre of ancient rgu- Rome 'a noble With aCcoinpanied by igf eatThg; , ar exersthe arid lots Of fresh number . of slavegr-Or "notaries, " who these hel • ' • recorded •the evidence ot witnesses • • - the nhilesoplier Sertecla collected thern .:e and the speeches p1 great Men. New • • . Vv shorthand, characters Were added, and • ALWA• taken tiO*4 Nernatiel,. and, :after the A IN 7111 110. !.,oliapie'' of, the *Reif 'Empire: the Cnriatieng , employed ; shor and extensivelx ' • • ° . are tisingi, please sO "same good tea for 30 years. Try it! 1.14441111 TbIOPULO' Or`e!" t$' : The Indiana:1r TOcintliS their .131"4: YS MoOns. 'The. word "'We" meanb .• moon. ..; FflFE CATALOGUE Once, a tito'tlier Itas tthed-Baby".5-9•Wa.11.-11.1:"°31:17n"j:!;.11:•P4'7".-.7•We-ter.:1.!4" ”'1:11.6.1Thr•Cl' 14. ASPBERRY• 'BUSHES' GLiiilf-; .Tableth, ler her .1Ittie oneS She; us,e The;7!,);•101,,titi, -Ilia; Peony,' FA • Able. -to •keep Witli;the fasteet *else and as: Iopg there arf . opn• • -. • . , ' and Bared Rock. ,Eggs .• The:Wright 'sjenfetaekxeariSi,iptilerse,goe; ettia,srliYr isricei.;; 13003;bcife:•b•ionx• tghtpli;ebulyreisyoe*un w,ruaib-i•eili• 0)11, ' Tai;rit 'Brock 11 0 t.'" ' ' 'w;v4tnr.). , . '•and fpund' they were civet 5,000In num- ber. The,' farnetis Stoidleethres. were minion, in addition to the great filands,:. the Highland clans, the 'name or winch • cif the At•ctie and a portion df northern ' in daellePis "Na Grennittich,'' .:Tlins,oit Qllehee, • ' .. .. " -. . • . will be oliserted,' the Spelling 'of . . , -•.' ' IsNOme Justified.? ' • "Oreame"' is mcire nea,IYin , • fn the' are- hives of the'first. Church Conner's d 'harid\•ThoUsands' of alothers have be 4' 41'111- Maleti":"IL'Ilw7411-7g.e.e------.riiihYe QTON11 INDIAN RELICS. H. A. ellImportant $ t,CrprIsa hdeeiviolveladr Cuoc s di cenvinced through the actual use nwnn, in wii.le4 ine of the Tablets that tbere is nothing to to eggS. Mao called. Woca-cia,3*7e, • and YenWinckel, 1,369 LansdoWite .Pt:rfreedtlioni of• ethe. system in use. equal them; lit .banishing conitipatIon• one Wa-to.Taeper we •'•and indigeetion; breeking up cold:a v•moen when• the:stikas are, aTbhlee A• , • Toronto:',7 e e opin nt, too4 pla e in the • • • • P2.1.4ill swoenei een..tury under, ihe •p #, t and- siiiiple legvers 7: exPelling Worina'-'""-"" ' '' ' '': ' '' ' • ' ' POIng Without, e Sun.: . ght teachers, °and Many. crude at-. and prOmOting. that healthful refresh -1 1 1. May-.A,p-ju. pe. -W,!3 -7 -,,The Making: ..: :4ec-ent experim'euts,• yer'.t.un purpeen• . ing Aeep so necessary. to, the 'welfate--:*6°!1?"','• c-ju, ' . 7 '•t • "ThE . o thing hay that is green,wet, or ' ,---,.f..ei • ,tJune-Ws,e-ca-eg-we -'7'' i ' ot little otree, Aaong. .,the..thousends ' • - 1 • • '• • •• ,.• ' • . • lnoon When the strawberries are „ripe, , both, have .snn.wn that the farmer is 'Or 'mothers wilo pralse Bab''s • 0 • 'IN.S., Wno seys.:',•=1. ':;17always lieep We '.'llie-inoerf.-4hen- thegLehekeelter: ;11.13'---.Ca-na-.tiEr-we,••,-er • Waeu-lin 'whims of the 'Weathen fot .the'euccesit Tablets is Mrs. Alex. ,T. 'Perry, 'Ailan- -., 7' not necessarily : dependent UPOn* the: ' Boy,s own Tablets Id t4.e,•he•ese,a,,I•I ries .: tir,e• ripe',;'• or _''The Moen •w,h4n the .. eqUal-thent. 'rex. •the Minor: illa ' the , .t• . • , can.e_tiryouw ,,tilirdrtioi,_:_rni___Ii ,..7_., 13108,....114,.scu, pgttei.spit.-7:b. :t•S.41t-„tpo-gwine:-:::;:thai;:ees•t 911:fp-T.141,1:iileYni aetid4i110.:11:s4urzfri7:•sio.rtifaCiiila'. eedvgi.0.8_27airke.:.r.arldhvi:'..liniti.. krioVr'ef be •oth.e.r. mediCine that' ten ) geeeershed`theit feathers:",.' . • lets. are sod • by. 'medicine' %dealers or tempts were 'Made before • Pitinan'in„;.. trodueed•'',his :faritous system. in 127., 'Still .to"1-...be seen .in the National: ibyisa keries....0 wax -covered, stone tabletS.W.hloh,are'• probably the old'est reperdt of,the •stenographer's. art. • • • ha* rataaa=itelak.:aara-4. -aro, •=,,*.'zta =trar 71 . only! left this to ,inalre his •dash ,nortli "Rut. Whether the, Place, 'name . was de- $tanisiausf, Meant originally .-a,..gteney to tbe.CopPermineand. also whenap”::rive,dIromAne inan`ft nettle Or whether MeadoWland....: '•$tarnield. is: easily seen .',preachieg. Hii:flson Iltly •111,Ofeover, he the founder of the clan merely.caineas stoney• field. . The "'ten" in Staitten ... travelled :the. epon:e4antty..at...Intifavo,r;', tom,. that locality: IS a niatte:r *hien . is , the old,. Anglo Saxon . "tun ,"• from ' •able seaseirsi His _nettle of "Barren! has:. net been cleared' ,up, .. There, la. a .W.hich (Tr' word "toWe" has, come. It gretind?„",. thereforo:. maybe taken as ', word teat in :the ' Teutonic tongueS Meant an -enclosure. " • .. "' • !:i , . ,; .i :a. cateles traiiplation, Ta(her than . aliroin Which: a given ,name -might, have ririallk,:Stanlaw Comes .froin °state' description. Ilow:ver'the mune' did 1' been :derived that -iii- tittn. nitty...have .anenlavile,"-"lowe," or "lee,'" WhiCh,7tO carrY. an important idea" Sfrectin'g :tra..rheen...the source ef the clan •naine• It; 4•(3 ..kaglo-Sexon, 'signified. a email hill. ..ierthrough aid ,eanittry. by .deS cri bin g ' is "grinr.".• ''' Mit ...there •are al,So. 'tile i. ...Later •• at ' the. period ' When . family :its leek Pf timber -end fuel • ' " terms g' renfl',.and; !_trAutiiii"'. in the'eel.!. Inaairee•begairto forni.„ names of towns • , . , • . and:, places •snelt 'ea -peals Were 1 tthed to , designate • Pe'rebtis , who fOrtnerlY lived, in tbeinitest those liVed in . ':Re -Examination Began. • ' • . , . A re-exantination of the 'country has begun b the To g phical• S o ra u • : -ve.Y or. can'40,- „ The etiuntry se far exantined is not barren; •Its • vegetation is. restricted and it :his a'..severe. clfinate; with el- . • • . aggeraied -extreines but its hills %are, Well elethed In glititbS, Messes, • and„ •• . Dv NEWS FOR MAflCPEOP Now Known That This Trouble -MuSt,be TreatedThrough the Bloott 'T. ,e, .mest .a.,„' rheumatic :.sufferer,.cen.• hepe •fOr An rubbing Soinethirig 011 the' • conahnlition.le the •Past. few Ygis ,I•til'.6*;-• la ' •'.'sle";" . 414 'a hall a' •af, Mid-lio•ort; • Which'. is told by pointing to tender; aching joint:ls .a. little relief.. i3Ines the Kraft-ilitcLareti•Cheeie Coni,'... one's head.... •Nci lotion' or liniment ;'eVer did or ever PanY, Of Montreal,..intiOdUced. the; five ,.1‘i•lei."•.4sk.o.y.;186.1'..87ary. hen the inivn. is mit, e4inis;cd4e'.isMei.roe•o•?0•41taieth:ha,v.',..13,Tinoeocir.lieroactelet lioand box.. theNtaft,...Cemp'any w're• . that bad sPirite begin nibbling.' at it to; rid Of it Yon: must trelft: ik•tbrOtigh7tche :the Originators of th'e popular Unfelt-. im, out ffie,u,g4t, .tiod .eat; a,..ouiti'en. 'blood ; 1,,,Alip_docor._win%tenyoweitilat tvrapPed.cheese, :without rind Or laste;., each. day, until ,it is, all..gOne. : ,Then 'in.,77tne ,:five-: pound '-Wood, en . bcix,--eirt,.d, , has ,..i4e;a: the.. Great Spitif,• alio Will. not %elle* this is ,trne.. 1! you want/something! Waite •the original ".product the nad. spirits to go about: .;h0,:earih that:wilt go right o the. root of the 1 many in none have been able to in the''dark,. doing rniSchlet., ,inakeS,;,:a trouble,., in the, blood, take ..Dn .•Wil produce 'h chee§e.,617` the Same.t.thiferm. new mdon,and.Werles on., It every night :Ilairta'1•PInk Pills, Te whole ringside :quality ,and •fiaver because :the, Kraft. until'. it ie..full, a:hen • lie, goeS';:a.W7hy , :Historical recOrds, however, Indicate or •titis..ntedicitie is tq"Dirrify and en-• process ' is 'protected by. pateets:. The .1 tired, 'a,nd:' leaves jt. to Steep: .• .' • '''.' • a., Tentenie, origin Of the Clan n'aille+ rich the blood, Anil' when they do this •csaiPsaY does net make eitheae„ tblre-o .. No sooner'th: he gone to sleep:Allen through the Norman; for the first an- .th,em, at the. time, for • in that case the, ell. blood : .trodbles,,, including: rhetimitt: fere; ' it: is . tint" .c.On1Petirig'-'-with: .4a- the.bad,SpiritS Come ,Inick ancl_begin narrie,'Nitaa'ln the...reign of .King DaVid iffiest:ion, for tliere,IwoUld. be .•rieteasmi have proved pie''Yahie Of fir; Nvihlawitial -Pc,laite.:41:ailfalccthheeieses.". 'in.' Benitertittiontiell'rriculieli;tel! ..enTt'Aihri. ek....,.bidul3Jigria,tiZ;:;IO. ioc;..i.a. ''.11:; :alit: do . tism • illsapPear ' Alining. those'' h' . ,. „ , . . g e name would lose s va ue ,as:.an..iden- thentic record any bearin • at . • :'. l it .I. ' ' L,.;:iii .i.1•28i . when One: .f'Williairi ,de Why it sheuld be 'borne by one rest- 'Fink ', Pilla. Is Mrs: Annie Wright, 'ties, thus 'keeping the •cheese factories. all,theit, evil. deeds in. the dark.of..the Grallare'r was a. witness at the charter!: dent.'„nhy,.inore:thchi another , . • •WoolChesterAlte.'e, whe'eaYsf. ..71.*a.s, busy. and. adding to then, .7presperity nt den', and .1 they •th ink ' tha VA s • :A gOod, „ . . ., a sufferer.' .filoni •Fhenin.atisin ',tor; • stc and that ef-the ruiners,. Kraft..th'e.ese ' , . by mail' at 25c a 'box. front_ The- pr.- po., •Bros1.r,ville.0 • 'Ont. Over. Sisty Ways. to Serve • Cheese.•: • • That. canada will soon take its Plaee. imheeedtelenrdinlancienna.;d:;;; with the nations. that are "the largest ,sured..twelve,, w•hteh._,_.they ',pall ,,kh.e•••.!;Tost eons eritig s ea • y rik-Ttli • Ott' "The infain ivlien' the •riee iS laid up _th.ye n it by means Of a fart•Or blow-. • , er• Odin a farth tractor. • 10.• October--, -Welv'a:Ju,ne, or Wa.,zu- With .the air heated to a tomosra. • pe-we-"The,rieeldryingineen."' time, of • from thirty to degrees November-Ta7ke•nra-we'--"The, abovet.that•of the outside ittnloaphere, twenty-O.:ye-ton .staek of Wet, •&ren,,•• , ,•• • 12. December. -,- can be.cured.in eight ,hOurs.,. • lichenS, and in' its. valleys esPeciallY preceeding tewards\the 'coastal Plaine there are great stretcheg of paiture , land. Its animal life is abngdarit • • thirtign, strongly" migratory,. adapting it, • self thereby to tile conditions of abun • dant road at one seasen arid a.•oovere, .:•ehrnate' at ...anothoi.. ;;Tho: sguntry • pro-.. • v idea amPly .for'the •essential "requite. Tents •of /ire in. 'its'. aniMal.s. and: tfie . Waters • Of its. • lakes and rivers are. abundantly .stocked. With ,fliti. It has: • also been fouttr: •that 'the .gecilogieal sittiation., is • faiorable- for. •theobeenr- renc.e, of .ininerals. :•:, • , . Nature Hair Springs-..... , .-Does; one's.• hair ' really, 'stand On •OW' With fright?. . • '• . Each individual :hair baS a tinY • tinthele. at Its, root, •whieli, in:the or- :dinary Way'," keeps' the 'hair at and; .itt . ,Perntion. : -• ''Phe 8:enact:tip!' ef.. fright; howeVer; ' transluits. nieisage from. the brain to 'these initsclea,' result that they. pull:tight, ',Causing the feeling that; thehalte, are Standing belt ep:,. ',.• shertlthited animalei„;eipecially, • these' hair nuisele.A are eaelly'affected • .. The hair'stande on end at he alight- . est sign of danger, enabling the ani- tintia• to apneal. larger than. they. tea* are, • and thus--eoinetiniee;.•ift.' frighten their • ' • • . . A Laughing Plant • • A nat4ra1tst tecentlY'retUrned 'front- • .Arable. has deicribed t� learned so.? • :dew a plant celled the "laughing cad, The plant gets !name' from the, feet that 46A:one-eating, itg seed. • • give Way for smite intrintes• aftetwardtt ••to 1,ininioderste latigliter, .frecittently,. •• . 'endifieinnervOus•proatration..." • ' natiteri �f* the diStrlet in which ' the pant fiontisheS (fry the Weeds and grind then' bite • powder, which they keep; and ..olt. enitablenegatiOns nitee .td these' egaiiiPt: Whet* they have, •• ' 'real •fancted 'grieVafice: • • • . • ita overdose.:mak result in tempor- ary -less of :-'reason,,.follOWing' which:" the fella into deep' Eileen, .0:Wakening' • With..nernietnety •' Of' his • .' ' ••• • • • " • • .1tritable Ilithband (te7 :wife driving kneelc tt,Mill.:10- the tall Witha:clotlic_9, • " •• 7 'a •' , . 'Aier4137: inemerfilitg •:fitcts not help ,yOu 1/4•Yeti 7nitiat- analyze ...theni, 'meditate on them, weigh. thein • .riinto, food, digedid, T1 du avorag,'Whitie . , • . 'attiot.fetty-froe tons.. • .• • ,• We. see %a:great •deel in the' neWg- 'patiers•-nncl radio magazines noWadaYs- •abeutthe 'broadcasting that:11 neing, opridneted • on :AO* ' Wave -Amens 'entire Wave lengths. ••.' .". . Usually the first thing that..Ptizzles the beginner 'is tine- eneatiOn•of .wave length,. It Moat 'unfortunate •,.that w� ever- ,started referring :to :trans- • midsion ,ag dOne rif: certain wave •leregth.;'.we should frOtti.•,the Very. atart have Speken'erri-te'fie0en07-.: the7Olfz- days • We used • to thiek that .eite.rgy • Was sent tnrOugli, space in,the form.. of waves. T.he. latest ,yieW .of soteribe,•• lidWey'er„ fakes 'the' ,view • Point -that, it:ie. not it.seriee _of waves nut:: is r.ea.:11/ series • • of pulsations 'mien ..like.' pule.atiOns , ;going •throngit eur'nloed VO7Piela; fiet, • the - •most •advented Scientieta that the "'energy we receive dOeh not go, even in the form .ofpulffee.but lathe, form Of aCtiial•,inriniteSiznal partfcles: ,of 'matter. • .• '• Let tis " suppose that a !Ong line . of Men is passing a given •point. We'ite 'standingoe a StreetnOrner they go by• tingle' file.. ,Mea' *eking at a,' gOod,,striart pace Will cover about. ..feet One Min- iite, 'Let •us itasunie that, tietie :Men'. are ,Spaeed 'abeitt 'three feet apart, they are' 'Walking et,.ine..rafe of 356 „feet a Mitinto and about. three 'feet' _apart, .can; eaelly:. calculate :that there will: be, 110 men pass Ue.iti each. .minute. •''' . Thai 110 IS' the "riecpietiCY". Of WS'. parade.' ThoSpace betWeen the. me'n. IS analegOtta ..Weic• length: ' In the Preach ,'stem ef.-ineeSure- Ment; they,h aye -a. a tanderld Whieh theY cafl•the Meier and fill of their, hiea- :sureinentS meters or; in decimal diVisiona: or ,multIplication of the. metert.. The meter just trirle over three feet. • • • .. •• No.W. let• us' harry :one parade along:. We start with the parade 330 rect. a:minute. With a frequencyof 110 'no: keepspeeding and ipeeding, OP Uotil 'W.a. reach the-,tre.: niendetis ...Speed at Which radio. WeVeS'. traiieb Thia•tr ten great tei.he talked abatit• in minittea, ;atulo e Cut doViti Seeonds *crape in. one 'Single, • • ' hrit if. ITS' ileflifitelV Proved • that *awes go,7that 'feet .7' 4.; •''•-• • . One . handted'arid eighty -SIX. tithing, '-aed . per Second fe '5011;000,006„ meters, 'Maiming that: the 'Men are also Aravoiting. .this tremendOns. spoel•Of.10t0:00;"0:00-illetera'n ireeend, "•-ite-\ Will. find that ttikilfiti#00...iiien Will PaSe•ttatiVetY Seer:in& • •' ._ thud te-,go.upcmptoWlingand, stealing yearg, and during•,inest Of thet..timicl resir.aply.:1 Scientific..:blendirig-,Of ,thre ,iny life Was ,..One. ok 'inieety. :. .. I tried ',manufactured •eneeses. by . means of •, he. they Will not etart generally,. on the expeditiona. .,, ' ,. , • • .': . ' several. doctors and ..nianY remedies. patented Kraft •• process which ..:abso- [ ' ..: war path .41:1-1 the darh„.0..a Moon,. but .• 'reCoMmenderli. but :.never got •., more ! lilt ely controls the. II:aver. i i: - • .' • :.: ' _ „wait : so astp arrive - in the. hostile • than .temperary, • relief,' •The. trouble, ' '..• The . Compel -if.. has 'Jest :issifea,:•:a i S ' • This is .what.„ would. happen if • a. 1 Country, .whert the •Moon•Ia. fnil.. • ' • .. . eemed' to affect My whole sYsternand beautifal recipe becht showing over "56 Many Indians.:,tnink thn.moon, .1S S. • breadeasang • 'station ‘vrere „tranSmit-, I ..ivas, hadly. .rizridoWn .and.'sufferedl different Ways.. in '..weich- :cheese tney 1 '.'•- , ... ,.... • • , • . • • .. .. ' 'ting • on Wave length- of one ; meter.; 1 telltale; an.d, the sun . a, male, and that ' There ,wauld ne 300,000.,00(r' •separate' torn. e. daches. as ..,:welL . Emaily.,..1 be served...Many of the...dishes .. . ., 4i.e.: they are Married.. The mode. helps . was advised to.. try pi, Williams Pink illustrated , in natural •telers,. 'A ,oOPY.1 her hughand.,. : the sun, .•.te. light •tie .. •Px.itssS or energy Strike. par :receiving ?ills, and thtougn:these..1, reutid; cont..: maybe 'obtained; ,free,.: on Iviitingi ' to.] antenna ' evet•Y••,4cond.' ...,., .. . :' '7. ; . qie, ,world 'and,: when .ilie noon Is dark,: or ollireadcasting •nas . not yet' been Ilene Prete :. relief rind tOday...I 'feel:. like .a.! the. compa•ny ,in. Montreal,....niention ' '' ' does net shine „she .hae• gone to stay new person, .:il•ean..t.herefore..Strongl*., this Paper.; • •......... •.. :' •• '• . . ' ' nil ,suoli a very„loy..weve 'length: : 'But recoinmend. Du: ,Williares'; Pink 'Ping with her7 husband... ,.". • • ;" . -• '' ,s.cience,,will',some.'daY•do it. • ' :' ,, te•anyenesufferiag as I -did from,:this . t_Aare, aged six„...was. very fond' o . • Remit ... by Dominion ExPress-4lOtraY . ,The short-wave breadcastiag•that is.. Tip:Unite." • ..; ' • ' • ' :. . . ,Order. . • os, or •stolen. you get your on at the nresent.time is .rifostly stime7 ;:aattehding.' the movies„ ...‘Vh.11,e '• Robert ' •If I' t : . '''-'• : • . - ' '' 'Yen. din .':get these pills from ...anY *here in: tan -neighborhood - ..-tif--1.00. ge&fetir;'thonght this form_of_ente,-meneY back " •- '. • • • - .• ' ....medicine dealei „ or., by mailat a0 cents •tanunent,a great bore. , One day they.,. . , meters That rited.ne .that' there ., a hox,fl ont '1he Di. Williams Medicine ' Were %Overheard 'dioonsAini .their fav - • „.Nothing, in ' truth, has such alt4nd- 3;00,000 •Milses. • or energy', shot out .co.; 131.0kviii.o..oilt.. .- , , . , ... °rite' pastinies, 7Willifiin had advanced eney to :weaken not.,:enly•the powers .frOni 01k...transmitting, aerial ,eyerY • . - ....-...,.......,..-_-.- . . eeCond.: .. „ ... . • • .• .• . Many telling 'argernents, ancrWhile lie.' of, in ventiori,. but • the intellectual. pow - Cod trying to think Of one -more to ere in 'general,. as a habit a eAenSive , the Peribd „between:the. trine 'when • ‘• oneittipulSe strikes' ouranLonna an ' the time when the next one strikes:It 40-_,what,ie...linownas.'n....eycle,,., •I'liere.,:z, or 'we/ *wonid say..;,that• this ,broadcast- ing is' 4,6.04:060'.o7oLes. ;And, as, long contp"..ete his -triumph, flotwt 4temark- "and Varioui reading . ,without reflec- ed•disnainfully: "I don't carer tStinflay .tforr.--Dugald Stewart,• ' school's a lot Mere fun, and it .,only , - -_ • For Sore Throat •Uselyilnard'et.iniMent :as we'are terldng in terms ,ef Prendh ineaSuring.l.inIts, we use One of „their terms Which- is kilocycle.' and • this Merely moana,•1000 • • Therefore,. 3,004.000 .eyelei Wonid; be • pow 'hilocy•o14.., silt�,. the: speed -.400,000,000 rnetors-.. and the result whll be the wave length 011 wlilch,. the er'oadcastieg is. heing Youcan pee- 'from :nig ex;plaitation *Mos length lies. nettling What- eVer td de, with 'the; distance, . 'over 'which. • the'. ray': travels: The length .ia enrely,:a niattet t tnespeed at whkh therays travel and the itnm? her cif:Separate itnputhei Sent :oat every Secetid.,. • ' • It is not Worth while' tb. biiiid. a. re- oeiving set to get .these.. loW. wave iepgths.:Such • receivers aiemktretnely :difficult Or.buuid and. eitreinely, "Mtn-, eult to operate and; after you learn to. build and..Operate ttieni, yeti find' that the quoit)! Of lrananiission below 100. Metere is ..tidt bearlY' so' good as the quality 60 -..--the normal • wave lengths of the broadcasting stations. • • • ,, . . : •. • . • .„ InjunetiOriA4008t• itafoe'''. olt 4 &lathe' Label The. Ekehequer• COnri/Of •Canaii a ,.ren=• ieredj,idginorioaI'�bi'ary/16th'Iat. In levq..of the ..Shiade Jfea CoMpany, Other' tea final tettritining• theirs., Irani •thatAtheil."int,patitageelit',Balada...TotG, yho.,A14ttifii'#- 41eyed to destroy all, eopies and dengue. Date :Paint 148 'Yeare • The oldest fitite!Phlin in -the 'United States was ale 'Stiattisli mtSsroflary, Iiiiiipeed SOr. rain 114. • • , • . • Where. Mont.Seett.: cearacterized: by. 'bie . !`Yeit.,:rtery: noticeablerp the s Wel led beede.'„ct,1 • ' • ga Pin -fall 'A pin„ Was :dropped on a !leak by Dr, Crane DunniflthGcatirs.e Of. nth.. addrega at the de,dication, of .the.,new''' buildings -Of, the National „Acadmity ei • Sciences' and the National tiesetirth ; Councilln Washington. • '.WaS• perlising. the!nifthti signitleent and • :wigely. heard sir any..111 , history:. , Wititeuf being " warned" to Silence, , every •perstin • iti the,. domed, „whip -winged hall hcarCtlieviii ta it struck the 'WoodWoric,..Thetiseiids . Wireless ,listenerk, hundreds. Of •miles! nway.aled neard, 7 .....artifietal,- stone.. 'walls Tide the •sound clear,. distinct,. ,alid.Witbotit.those h6llo echos which .• .enaractetite •• old 11.1g1t-vaulted• ..ings. builct- P11L1 pin -fail sounded, gin , en- 's id-.1ti:eseciirrieegllIfklancPpithailtilletsh:6:1711g11 w . atliVOttitarea ta nada. ;. pica 40207; • :Square. • -miles • .1approxiinifeTy ,:•onet „quarter the .forest. • Less than. half of this' prirrics &f merehntbble Size (0 inehea dii- ineter) at thpresent tiine, and .otilY• ; about one-quarter. carriesalfUrma7t • teriaV (lb diameter), • inard's 1.$411trien't for Colds. • Ck oils will spread lf unchecked - gag M nerd's disinfects, relieves the pain, arid neals. • Always keep •Nlinarcra 'handy. , Itched:anciBurn.ediSea.leci 'Off;C:utipura freale.1, ' ‘.‘,.1 • Was affected, wttheczema• *hith broke Out on My .fice in s a'nd ihcd. and , burned and then -scaled off... It; tailed& • reueb discomfort.. lied' the trouble • two or three years. 1 began :Jailing Cuticura Soap and Oint., merit and they gave re- lief; and after usingihree cake i 'of Cutiotni Soap and one ,box *nisi 'Ointment' I Was. healed, in. about four months." (Signed), Mrs', :Fred SalisbUty., NOtton, Netv EittinsWicifc ,Augiist 23,1923. , . :T./Se Cuticum for everY,day,toilet TurpOses. Bathe with,Boap; soothe' with Ointment, dust With Talent -a.. 7Pemple Es;eli iree,,by Mall: •Address danaafin -Depot: ,";,01.!gcuick-P.-,0.:Sex.:201Ar Price • Sonp2oc. Oinbizent2.5and6Oc.,lalcom25c. 11111.h Try mar' new Shaving. Stickj RJOY GOOD HE Manitoba " Woman , flanks. Lydia E. Pinkkaoes - Vege- table Conipiniod r Crandafi, Manitoba,-:" When I *am a young giri at honie tud.Working 1 had • • . terrible pains, &moat Morethan 1 could bear,' and I was not regalarb'•• These troubles kept.me so tired all the time • that 1 had•no•strength and no ambition ' to:join.•in with my friends and ,have a good time. I was just tired and niiiierz • able alwaYS and life just, seemed as if it wasn't worth living. I saW'eannich in° the napers about Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable (ompound, and then I had a• friend who had taken it an&told me •about 1t 80,1 got some:, Every month after taking it I Ot stronger and 1 soon , it . Proved Sfe by niiiliQngf:a0d:,P-rescribed‘ hy.P1)Ysicians for sutieteverymonthStdpped the •pains and 'helpine'' other Ways.•'• -Head athe Colds Neuralgia • , aritis Bayero-tableis '"Ilegaillill -AS:7 n 474 , . - , 1 - E R , .A..0.0..,..':(..?iii.y , ',..1.3iit"..).''' :0,c.1‹,!lge. . • • , v,lith..•(.00.tain i;1.,c„;..c3iro.t.i.0-11.:S, Bandy. '173.ayt't ' hvis Of ',II. lablots. Also Lettios of t•I4-atftl-1.00-74).rite: -1.,sis, • - •Arrtil.lii tho tre4. fahrk (Nkt§totol in ennSdn1 of 13npqr ••Milhene!ill'e nt S ..iodetqh, .lic ailiter...atl,..,Satio.,tritktic....War.L‘ass.ittat,,AYItt, '...A,....$.,,AZ.fl.....:..,Itligt,L...,.:11;,1wILLzt,q,TAL.,...:., that: AivIrto .nwrite4, ItAytr pleViittn000 toir Algt iht, public totbi'm Ste!tetorie, ibi, TAblOtti. ' 4,0 litype •ClctiirpitAs'.wPt :be *tamped *Ill. tbeft gebOrtil ttitde wilt- ili.‘,. 7•Ilisftr. firoist.,7:.... . . TbenWlien fay babieeds were' 'Coming I was. • , „tired atittWornotit.theifiretthreernenthS • „ and ached badly.. Iloyek tlie'Vege.table.. ,Cornp�tmdrightalongandniust say it • made•ahoW-Worriati�f Me and able to do niy,*oett,- and itlbelped trie through Confiner:tient. YOU See I, ani a farmer's , • wifewithabihuse tO ""•ttifee•halliith have -told ever- BO. -" 7 • ftidti4:0;91rle1t :stwi 1.-ohntif-iti: the' Eiatl Iler birliY:Wall both • inc she was not feeling vety, we her , • beck adhea 'so lunch; 'arici,,tliat;nhe le -:going-te-teice.thename triedieinel took: • YOU can,nse niy letter And 1 hap° OnI - the will be Ile.ye by it..." J S.: .. .CranJalJ, rinftdba. . • ' 1St Lit No.7 11,-.-'25. • • • • 4 •