HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-19, Page 1• 1• ?:t • 42:00 PER YAR IN ADVANCE; V.50 OTHER •••,\ ° I .1. 0 ''ilOPESSIC010,1' o • • . . • VETERINARY SURGEON...=4 Dn. • Ripley,. Phone ,20, •--',-14;ght day..7-4.1: • , DENTIST (N „IdacLead, will Visit Lucknow• every Tuesday in pr., Connell's Office, Olt.PARKElli.;./gTEOPATI4 at the House; 1414now, ,every. Wed,,, rnesdaY 'afternoon; ••All,chranic ()Steel.' Tathy 1,amoves _tile -Physical cause!' of disease. Adjustment of the • opine is more quickly seoured ;end- . . with fewer trcattnents by • Osteo; • Pathy than by any • other , method • • 13r, W. M. Connell : • I 'Physician and Surgeon . Lucknew, -• .* Konen 2-74 78 • E.Phoite_86 •"DENTIST. • OVer,;..DeCket's ttore:Kiettitttinsr :either by gas or loeal. Will be ir Dungannon every Thursday.. •• , Phone 64 • \DENTIST, -can- Dr. Newton Make appplittmelite . office everyday ' 0110, =E . EVERYEODYS COLUMN 0 ' 1 have added to, my , Wall • Papa; .. and •business. a •Stock pf Wal ').sper•- "which Waif be 'seen at inv rosiderire • a:`,ny time . -E. J. Cameron, P.ainter _mid Decorator • ••,L. • ' PAPER HANGING • . •The, undersigned is prepared to de, -wqr .lautoging: Satisfaction. elarau- rteed.::-7-•1iiilip 8. Stewart. ' • - •„FOR- SALE -:-Purebred Polled, Anglo. Bull, 16 months old. --Wilson . Woods' Litcknow:' Phone . •••12 on- 44. keneknow. • • , „ 'FOR SALE -64 . very Comfortablt. : dwelling, in good coodition.-ApplY. • to Geo A. "Siddalli• • • 11,94. YPR. SALE,.. -7 -.Eggs • for . hatchint, froth (tied to lay). Plymouth Barrer' Rocks; Also CuStoni,...flatching .done ' Orders 4 filled, as :Stewart:. , • . WANTED- MUSKRATS -- Highest prices- Oki at. ••filitr.;.steinks , • Dri Gods Store: . • ' FARM LAND' FOR SALE- 'Several ' well improved 100 -acre- farms eon. venient to. Luckno* Apply to ,Geo A •Siddall, Lucknow.. • • FARM FOR,' SALE OR RENT 100 acres , Of good land -being Lot 13, Con. 6, :Huron Township,-gOoO buildingSpertruinent water -supply. kor, terms etc., .,apply • to Mrs. Jessic MacKoy, 1019 -22nd St...Detroit, Miel 2-40 . •• • , „. ' FARMS FOR• SALE , • 90 „acres best soil-,.seedeci down -- concrete Underdrains: ideal barn; litre -carrier Land•.concrets . run - :sting, streanui .crossed by • cencrett „. :bridges, 13=faonied house., -(water' in. house andbarn), good fences, .good • :toil:di, daily naafi .and telephone coil-. „neetioris *mediate .p,i5ssessiOn .$7000 • Also; a 5.)/2 'ac. fruit and 'Vegetable k farnt, across-. the river ,from GOder. :kit.. Very desirable for poultry; beer and • etc. BUnning• water -new. stable garage and •hen hotisefi-roOmed .house with bath and water and geed .cel1ar--4osuai fruit trees includinge( numbei of peach trees., : Por qinek sale $1,500. -Mrs': -Hetherington, R. 4, Goderich?-1.9-3,6. • LtICKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH l92 SINGLE .031,I,ES, 5 CENTS. 0,4,10.-•0,0,-4,0--,0 :cHIIRCH NOTES., - .•,......._--- 1•41ICKNO, W'R44%11,, , §c.4.0.1:1#4. . ,ASHFIELD; NOTES. ,. . .pWr,7-11;1 • . .,......,..:,.., . • lops:. A LOCAL .• AND GENERAL 0. pRESBYTERIA.N. diniftdn, The, .,• „_____L__ ) - Ars: A' 'Cook of Paramount ie, vie, . ,. . , , . , .., 3.4t; jos; .1),ufnin • Ni"?.S ill.' IMI49n.,' .services or next Sabbath Will he eon”,• iting friends in Huron. '••• this 'week• • :./...• : •••,. .. jecti.."Burning; But Not co454mcd..".,, Comp..- Geom" e'Ptr97:AllgItel:a ,Fr Au t. i___ VIM Gee. ,Murray of, FOtaMennt wimtb-p:714A;:r.ivvqiiir IllyhiQxa.• •14,00n„004.04, o,„.,40,0.7.9„;!...0_49.,6 , ducted' by the pastor, .Mbining sob, 'Tests:. even •.in . Chemistry, Lat. ; The: '4ril. .number : of, the inOiOriar• w.00 ; 'was ,visiting :friends •in :Ifingar, Evening .• subject: -"The Place •Whete Anc; History', • ' ' , yleKithleT pow Store. .,,, . - II!,1,,,Le, ,tzlyiect',Qi.itto.ttisciona.tpite.ri$4044puepet,!4er, xtE;liii,s .13 Aciii: 0:10n .ii,F11;;I:,.';i1(..eligif.i.Cb.o..e:t,i2c,B4Ft,ier;s• nliOsultiiV;;ii,":1.2,.; , :jailmer arm:h. 0:usaii°, svt tli 0: nai t.:1•7t4oltvlilirirtt. I C. a:yinrteao.r0411.4• o,1,.. v r Missi ; : 4Agyteiat,p.r$wtoitr4b7,1147:40,1, mr.sl. • vices. ". ^ Review in: new on sale, at 15e .4c,ji at it. .,, 114.::,:iiri.,.0410.i.,,,wito. i4,E., vooi. in owe!. ..iatero_atiot ;tem; .9n -r: t•:,..ne , p.,6: •1•,..'4.• Annie, :`,KeEchabe,...*,1 111,1 C, I:7, f ; ' 0484 :her' :'‘eit4e17,77Mii.....,i.,F.Idoit-'. Hen,:-: Beef ling , kindly, :.,•tittoAcT * ifiq.otin.'a . •, •, , ble*qeenr4Lljyuitar,.1411Fuelr3liatO9..1!Of Miioniad4plet , Mist5 E.Y.01370 Mit.e4ell will' addresS Rub3i; Felte 1 • I 1 -II; Margaret.' Pe0.. q Xra."4•"`11414.4°.°11' Qf 1 'is 41e 71.71.44;'il''''..1g:4:?::;=;-'e-i14-16.141.1'4tge: lindd;I''11t:1:' ' Good board and eaniforiable, /4010. -.00Oceenien.'''Scheallunkae •••' en. ,FridiaY '2 1;:.4: II' 1 III; ' E•14' •I4ili.4 1 'IL i 'ii•• Prwata'1"ler .4" .tit • .•Tha. 'Sea!' 'eye:. .Moteli, 20th at . a o'Opek'.:411.2 'III''',.1*.7'••'1'.'4'" 1:j.11'4.-:ISPnri•ediL'• C;:"2,: ' -.111i13S Ell°0' 1\l'el:te•°°1(.1 • af• •Har°°•'''1..S• • .' The•ae.-:intei'ee..'„,ted,:..";.":"ii.'•...f.o•tin?-4....,'O . Po'hand.; - • .• thief' Qffieo. • '',.•'' .,--.... ' -• " ,19,34,- . 0. • , . . ,. , . . .- . . , , „ .. • , , . , , .• ,..-.. . fr grant i...sx01,,. be. ,..* .461)4N by the ..44.- Paltner.. If41.pgt'IPIt.,4;I,':/-::.•I/b• ' -tatile • ders" '',a,f.....Thirain9a24...*: •, '' - •: ' ' in, •• SC'. ,lielens, -011. :;'FiiileSv„ e:VerIni.' taniopa 100AiiQii. *0 in the SeCend de' 4,II.,. 1 III; .2 Q; •,...Lenn....Haekett '41.1eat .°1•Milis ''Sadie:' C4a1°"1:1"7ilatt',!•Oh.... ,Aitchestin have rettliiiee.. a . aptcial,.' .pntilie meeting. of.,..,,,. the r $, Ili, i. yt marjorie pailgiaa 1,4 .t, p;: " dorhiga.,,mtmh:sit.oevnsie.O.4, ' . .. .. , . .,. . from O.•visit „with, oi'erid.,§•".,•af Ohriiam,.. . .., Toronto ' the past \felt( menthe. :la , peeli.Ap., -A .good attendance .4. and a ••• 'Li 0,11'ilt7'ili. 11;1,1.414: (31: Ainiz; :!eaAiinxiLiaeri.e4.4c17; .n•.4:• ,71116,• spending. this week in., tONVO: . •:liberal' offering, will be •Inneli OPpre,. j?idzie:.;;Alton and Ver, were 'ilie guests . of ,M;.-• Ernest 'Gaunt had the MisfOr. . , 'Donald 3 I,'„Iaabelle, MacDonald 1 ,I, .:Mleda. Stanley • of• Pa.romo•unt • • ' ' •'1 1; IL' 1 ill,, -1. To; : 'bolo MaeGillivray. ,week. . . • • • thls: t:o,,susei.t. taoiii.i.riieee,i,v6ee.v.aer:a...ilt...;.osnti.:ttchheefa..e.:hnie . The.,, Rev. ,c, Langford totas *jat elated by the officers' and . members 144.3rth Bay last weel,o.'..as,..deleote tc. ,oFfitlr:.sPeca,ilyd.::.0Mtishs,;‘_34.witt),!.111: g. has, fboere; 3 ii 1 q.t. p.,,; .m.ary mae,Eonaia i... It, .,A•,oriting-in• the. bosh .reeently. . Ontario. ' . ; " •. number • of-Yeige and has an intimate' 1- C, 1 F; Lovell, ,-Nurdeeh• 'I V 1. II, ' ''-eitlii.'is,Itis:u'ikr011iilieleC• 9vAlegirti4rimg. BI°ttot;h•eliV2n1111. the Orange, Grand, Ledge of 'Western :knoWledge of the. Society's work • z; „Alkey sfiaeiciotoo 2. I;..„2.: .m...4„..eiin Bucking ant Of, Lothian, ;,,,,, . ../ . 't'' •Inillst.9:1t11.t4teW'ly rrilieldhieng' or the tab; M*r(i's-: . 2 C; 2. F.';'..jack MocNab .1 II, 1 C, 1. . Wo - Friends Of .'p.r. • ibiptod. : von - be •_-_. ' ' - •• • ' • ' • • . " -Mr-a gre•••''.-Aleit•.."‘HervseY-..-"e•ttd.---41.7....•.-K.•.„Millees , ; on Tlnit•sd.SY- -nftttr,•:' pleased to know that ho iv "..-m-rthe Tte-Lesame--:'--,- 7.'"---I—•.“''' !.. "s: ._ .. Stewart •••'--4-1;"--f II.,'• -•-•*1 • C; - Audrey •. ,. ...,• ... • . • ho.. have. been,. residents ' or. . noon, 11,dlar. tiab.••Roll, Call "Different • :•Tba• great story' ' !‘Be* ' P#1." 4: .gPentOr ;71.:I,. 1.: r..i.iAndowlhoThron .4"4 i 7.....wAy;t:towT57.1roeve:;.45±.7.1.. , . orni:•I'iat' acic.....,_„..,ano„., :,,vc..1...ewio.W.i..waniaiere6.giieviii:.,en by the Rev. C.: 1: II ' l'C '. 4' P. Campbell' Thoinnson Lothian .fs3i. 1••.` ' past aev°41 ' Ye°5 WaYs ' s.° Cooking :XeltV'' Subject in ili1140"ii, tS: f!.r.e... F.61)1:47ted..: Oilg • w..en, : Ciicuit, ,ciiiipieitailost..of the time, at • . ,,. 11:+the:-AShfield; :8•,..,C,,,,,,4,,.: '1:4!*_.;_....12.,21/2!.---in- -- - Av 1,j; 1.• in, rloved to Wingham where .,they ; will charge' ot..Mrs N.Vallace.N/iller ""Tnt.... this spring , , • -.'.. • - - .•, , ' ., . 1. C, •1,, IP;,•Irene Woods 2"-17r if, 1.—F,,-....reside.:Azi futtire.. . .. • ; .• . aiehing and .. „Decorating , the . Farm. Le a• ' Monday'night- M '• Coiens'• • F. .p•,.. McLean; 'teacher . „; Mr: and7Mr;..,.0.ndi.eW'llieCitil ".i..* 1-120-114re.'AVI-Ote-fr are".•11`14systoirter.. -7-..-Tite-Anople-sYrup,-har.test_ii..in.fhlt '41.endering,..sog •the story, illostrated 6y.. . ..,. • .. -: • ., .., •,.,,.. . • spent the.: Winter 'Months yuithngra..,. . 1/1?... Frank Tedd haa, gone to• ,Toi.... swing,. and • Weather 'condition!' ,E,ite lanter4 vie* 'was ,..very,•11ObiL'ali-oro.-----4--;-,---1.-, ..; '''' • .• . .M9COWs h'iother, Jas. •.I1ohnatene,... OntO taking his 'pride onirnal,'''404' said to be•,favorable ' ••• ; • ' .wae , a litrge,. attendance the Presby.-. • Have beeh .t•eli.kte4 in yOt-ti-iiiT'Llt.; Tit17-1§tiira-e-il-to,"-theit-- hinne-40..1J,•,Oi.......g....,,IiiirnerentL,:whieli._ia: being nut. on . canin, and: • see •diepley of.- Spring .•terian' ' genii* .neenie ,..hoving..;,:with-•, Geein":"; Let:, •Z6ol. ii..4d :,Obt4iitecl: the: alee. They ,'were\ . accentljented. h$' .. ',I h:e • . Goverotte.nt , . .. . Demonstration. Dresses - Coats : and Suits at, E. A. drawn their Meeting`, on. invitation foll,O,Nving :standing, '11,* • ..: • ,, ,••„,,,. ...,,ra.•F..,. .0: .Willianis... ' . .. . • :: : ,” 3"6"ioktri'am.,:, , • ,.'""7 ' .•'-'r- . . Palmer 0, Mar} .25tho the:Leagne. 'Mt,. Wilfrid...AdOerao.n. AitclieSori".' G.,. A 1.,I; 2 0; • Alter, 0..1 I; mak Uavnaid". of. paremount • hod,. . After; an_illness' .of enly ', h'' 'fc,4 , . . „ . , ... .o u ,led . the Choir, and . other nuii-;-•,' --byliree A.i.l.. II, 1 F; . 2, •It;.' , Calner6n the , Misfortune to break his le be:- ithys the deOth!'-occurredon itond•ay . . , 'Ile °ita..CaraPal'Y'•• 18 Pitting an. here Were i 'eel°. by,Mies. Mary A itr-, ,Ct L4. 1..;.,1•C.I?9:ttnit- '. W.. :• 2 Ci. 3 F ;. ttVeen the knee.' and ankle,While:•e4., s-:roin ..Pneun'itritia.. of Mr. .1tebert W..' •anether'•0' Of . their Ii6olat :":ditilPes •clifiton •and .4 solo k by •MyS•ok J. Wesley r'negiae,'," AI .:g... I.,.;- g.,Ii;• , Douglas ',:w.:'.2 •,ting wood. Mrs. Raynord..is -OleoTleen' •Orkt. Mr. Everett "..a men ..rtlb ; ..V.i4s : Friday .niklit .. of ;this :.week.7,-gOcid J°.Y.nti.-- • ' .ly 2 II, .1 ..C;• 'Finlayeeit, D. - I.. ,n, a . ... . . 'ilO6d fo,• bed a severe ittf,44 ereSpected f . 'Ow ' lilc,ed:by all wbO.'kneW. music and . :. ood"10rich, :•••• - • ''•• . — --.O.o,o '' , lir I F.; :HeaderSOn.. B.,. 3:1I.,- 2 III; - leaved a, --id ' , . a •alild.• TERA en or-•,•1-ffnr-Tit.,-..2.11-1.M. , '''''• ' ' " •:• if ••revin r, - --- '', - • .- '... Mit. ••• (Conductor) 'Geo. Aitchison ' visiting at 'the' home, Of the fOrmer's Hodgins A. . i II; : .1 „ 0, .: 1...i ty ; .,,,,,aens,. .. paraxi.riopo'..u. -.p. .0.. chw.,111 . how, ..en.• N..1 C;•••3 F.i. :Jamieson 111; 14, 1 ii...,A13-cik....8g6ial.' ;P"'ateli°411°ats '''' 41"id• ami soh, Alberti; of Nevi toronfo„ars 1 III .1 • JOhnston- G. 3 I, .1 II,: 1 at the ''Che'ese '!°:x;•thry'Vara-' 'parents, Mr. and P. F. Malcolm. Elipittrick 0. • t /,..,3 11, 1 .c; mount .On the, ;evening of Friday Lynch 1 1 C, 2 F, 1, le; maenenaid !tier. :27. F:uither particulars next M. 1 d,. 2:F; MacDonald • R. r`r.aelc.1.• Proceeds will ‘g°' to a Coin - 1 I, 1 II, 2 III; Meet/011gal) M. 2 A 2 II; 1 F; MacIver S. a ,T, 1 II, 1, C; inunity: Hall fund. • ,There s cOnsiderable sickness .,, MacKenzie G-. 1 1,..2 11, I ill, 1 F; just:new; throughout the ..township MacKinnon' M. 1 4,'.1 111, 2'C; -Mee; We regretto report - the- seriene i1 - Lean M. 1 C, 2^ F,. 1 a; 'MacNab J. nese of augh Ferguson of.Laurier 1 ILL. MacRae' J. 4 I, 1 III; . also .Tom McDonald . of -Lochalsh Who Martin E. $ C;" Percy W. i i,,1 II; is reported to have in 'attack •of 1 III; 1C, 1 ; F; Ritchie,4:„ 3:I, 1 II, pnentrionia- and Mr Toni Johns.ton.ef 1 III,' Stewart.J.- I; Stewart M. Laurier' is reported as -being' ".•:v.er11 2 I, 2 II, 1 'III; Thompson K.,.2 T, 2 poorly. We hope to be able to report II, 1 ;•.Turner F. :2 •F; W0045„.e...1. 1 a decided, improvement in all case0' meeting- :of the Literary Society was held on ,Tuesday afternoon, .•of: this week. The programme consisted. chiefly of Irish numbers, it being St. ,• Patrick's bair., The Meeting opened with the chorus "The Wearing Of the Green."' ,The chief nuinlier,- however was ,ah. address: On Irish Government by :Mr. •Wilfrid *Anderson, - which proved. Very interesting. Other nimi- bera Were, Papers on Irish Poets and - Prose Writers by . Edmund Collyer, Marion 'MaeDougill, and Lovell' Mut- • doeh; apreading by Rena: MaitiOnald „. on. -instrumental • hy Grant -MiteKen- zie,..a. duet by Beisie and. Jean Lane and an Irish chorus by 4,:boYs. A vote of:thanks Was tendered Mr. An derson, and ' the 'Meeting • closed by , singing: the, 'National Anthem. -Sec. , Orders for Syrup ,will be filled ir • ' order received.. Place your order now.. 7 • ." Isaac Andrew SEED'. BARLEY FOR SALE'-;-" Good 0,•. • A. C. 21. $1:00 per buehel, Bushel; R. 2, Holyrood,. 26-3.13.• • • ' AUCTION SALE • • -26. Head of Horses frOm 3 to' 7 ' yetirs old;,. well broke quiet Armaranteed %Kink 1/1eQUW• • lan'S' reed• Barn, `Lticknow,-, on Mon, Mar. 23rd.' Commencing ' at , 2 o'clock 'p.m TEitMS-6 credit •, with bank interest. Ingles rattOSOn . • tour ills The .DO.Millo drive , put on by ..th 7vOletes' Institute Tuesday night 4110 the Town Hall t� capacity and there. Was ••a .very enjoyable time Financially; too ' the affair was a sue - Mr. • Robert Keith, of •Teeswater who is Well kosit here and who hits • - leen in a serious condition for, soine, weeks due to .hardening of :.the, erten iei, waS token tii; London for:treat- ment:last Week., •Unfortunately there evidence. Of • imerovernent;,,, . Homoseekere Fares, to Western' (an - ads -These tickets are. now on ,,sale and, good for two. months 'cfrolp.. date Of iesue.with a special, extensionpri- vilege if one wishes to May longer.. For• tickets and full 'information, op- ., to :A, E. ,b1cItini Towir•••••.TiCket, trAgent, C. N. R., Ltreknow, Ont. 'Cameron, Murdoch &,'Co. .• have about completed Moving into the store • vacated' by Johnston • Bros, who have .Moved. one door. wept. Workmen are • busy making :the ne- •iessery'• alterations in ,:the western, eml, of the block 'for the Bank of' Commerce. Liar. Frank Macintosh; an employee Of the Luciinow• Table Co, had the :Miafortinie.,. to have his : left hand badly 'tilt and torn whileoperating a shaping machine 'Wednesday of lag. -Week. 'Although 'painful, it iinthought • the usefulness of the hand will not be. imparted, but he Will be off -*Orb • `for a few Weeks. • A CORRECTION ,.HavelOcIii -(pure Manitoba) St.25'. ' So* ,;.(bletided), $5.0 a-,, A , : ..: Made. Rite; (pastrY) .$41.75 wiidite$1...80: • . 9a,...nottig,2.5, ' Short i3 $1../5 . --- - - t.tati ,$t,its oireettnit ..citao ,$35.00,0* ton • . re,e)010010; .04 '.1SrS0 IPPintitIO 4. !oat 0 ; A4 Queettention.has' been directed to a mistake 'which Occurred Or ref ference Init. Week ,to the funeral •of the late Mrs. •Robert Mallinigh. This, Was. noe'the vvifei Of former ' Pre, prietor , of the Hotel-, at 1Dungannon, as,. we had stated. The, late. Mrs. Mal - lough •Allatf before her marriage, ,Miss -Isabel Cameron. Following her mar- riage the family lived •for ' some 'time Oh' a fttim *eat of Dungannon. • iARmpitsKtviyirx, ••=4•••=111•11••••••• , HORSES FROM: THE, WEST A few years ago •When train lo' ds of horses were " being • shipPad from , Ontario' to , Provinces who could have.belieied that by 1926 horses, raised in the west Would' be- shIPPed to Ontario, for sale: Yet such is the case. Last week a car- load of western Working ,horses...arrived in -LucknOvv. to be put "up at "•auction on . , , Monday of next Week. They are said to be good. horses too. In the early. days of Western settlement. it was thought that •• horses "could. not be raised on the. prairies, but that op. , peara to have been a false . conclu- sion, and 'whatever. difficulties were, in_the_Way appear to have been over- -come. Perhaps ir treisint-, tendencies keep- on, Settlers'.'inia3; be coming frOin Siskatchewa;i, to re- occupy the vacant 'farms of Western 'Ontario, • ' , • 'GIRL GUIDES-. -„;TIN BADGES ••• -The LucicnOvi'.6iil. Guides 7were- re. ten* entertained at a 'dinner party at- the totem Of MM... A. E. iyiegin1,- 'captain • • Of tho:logal coinpany.:. the Meal was prepared and served ..'bi, the .Colei.who: were desirous of ob7 ' taining..Dandestic ,Service and Cooks badgee. They had spent the day ,at *4; .m4i5inies : doing rentine duties of the• home,' as : a denionstrotien .of. their. ability. as homemakers. ' ',The nicely appointed dinner 'It,a-hie. tlieEenzia SPent. Su.nday- . evening was centred with' 'Yellow hytteinffi. aC-Kfril.°1-igh• 'k k!' .' ' ' . 6 . 10 :. . Mr, -.Eay; Botilding of .British Col. , t.' • fet.ai .10.14, ptp,•ci; .41,11,i3s..,..Th9 .. 613.17 iBiTo•bsi.a • ha:0, „engaged 1:Vith., Ackert '• A, ininiber from here, Attended the and the NOM'. Was deconited ,iwita . .4 Presentation for gr. Albert Dietrich . , . . • onioadod at, station,. neat *eek.. ter.. kistie,, 4,1 their 0.4ide of4the offorti . ,1.11t, Guthrie, 'Relit „ of- Teeswater on Monday evening lest oh...d had „a A ear , Of Clean 'bulk salt • will be mitue were urtaiiiiiti.us ,tha en.a.is. ,,,r,.. ,gitagiqg cOntoirtere can,,eecare' Of the girls and their captain Who '46if‘tared. a fill'e t,;a1:a. to Ackert 'Brim.' 17.°a1 °Ice ' ti:1116.. '• 't• on TtiesdaY. , • ';,...... , , ... • The, noble greys had o big run OV - supplies 0' 04 cti'lter. 04.: 4-4111 oir 'gives so • wittingly: of her time and .The ploy presented by .the, Kinloss ei, the- plains a week ago • last.VOn- Phone and. bitokorders.• • ••:-..' ,, :: .,' , talent. te.thia.apiendid work. - ' ..4 , /WW1 iitie Chib On Friday' night ' was •day '.:etening; but it takes Ted to ,tir-- Wilde for ' Milk• COWa .or .Ai'lliteillq, '''t •, ' •••• • ./194eifiakhle ,‘ :10r•ogtieltik.,:tobitte,-at,O.:.04'.6.7 $S2ted."7.5' meal:pc43:::: ,'i',•ivyThit4tietecnaa,pga..albldetitgasr6,14,,t.,bit,aoial,,Icf.014.t•iire'e5Ploti,:entasooslitveci.niga, , .,,,,,,silt,r,i,ilunein:d.u,iiiI4t1;n4d,;,-:Onit.l.iiv.it,.,ii•In.:.gdix.,a.t.ti. eitih:e:}1,,...;:iit: eitile: rye:: alarriee se itifit-e.lyttetvati.othe',),nhopne,rejaidyn, teli:e•Iihiitill.t men's Itietittite watt „bald in the This -8 itigh grade concentrate vat' Guides: • ' ' Ittoek.'",, A. R. NidaYikat, • 1 ......___....47...'; 0•04,;-.r..; _ ,, COUnciP:ChsiMber,- ..acentli With i !Me latila40411/. 1,'" :Ptisidenti Ott undereigned.,for the • pOsitiint of 411000.01 tOt• gal* ./101. oi• t-fisitukot •Totado.14,..00014,0,44, Olf•41-111411$.:,,W1WatioaliciA, appii-, zatiaot..i. roet tilty..nitzti-yilx4 hlitirel-6, koliiptst: eit: leliri :$9111:ltd1771:tiEd*ruidr4•4311i1°Iii.x*ln-tal".4hie' momENIs INSTITUTE :, • ' IteneTMiteDeitiSk!':•jekit-'gtetrart ivaitiiiie-,t-rtditir----vitkt-tba mtilt '44new, occupied' the oheir. 41, Rood 'Superintendent Or the Town- ., The'4,ititar. :••Maliting 'of . tht 'We' . . • ma' 1,C;ai.Olikel:got. :1.1bliquinee:iits.ry,..a.„0,0ie:upoole . ,... :tiaivitt:ininiemiel:e.,:n.4::im,,,,,:rs',...„ avi,...e:.. int,,a. ..,::,0", „waTalosgliaaine,4),34,1nliotvi„o4Y••'°•.,1Ot:einOCild°Innt'as4vtiointYL •.lean, Stewart, Myrtle- Paltner.. Applicatienti Will be: redeive4' 'hY VVEST WAWANOSH • • ArPLICATION • weather the crowd waS not as .i.s, large A., few-, from here' attended thc, itdtt,-ivitly , Mr. and Mrs ',Earl, Cul- r,s on ,previdds oeciiSiOns. Purpleitt:e1vt114:1:;i:veeri.. ,,eitivotelteroin,,n, . a:ceatt:it qio: art:1;4o' .cri:::ue, ielb!it ,;:i. iii : to7titui fteish:ge410:tehitaiilll'icsk8irt,p, :it ehto ,:inwilcY):",‘ r:i-vii7itele;e6itnsl:' .a.:it.b: i let. haiels •.,.. ,•lie';.''''"Sliin".,Orchestr.O.."!•• .., ' . , „ ,ing4CfliiiitTitelf,--TnitteditiOatIVlit . , litiettlIk 11 gr4P"rett411aS°041:' Aii0441;111'1:4144' 1140ati lieettl '"" .Fridey " =evening ' l'Ait thei" Stalincl!. . the.liter kidIter' plaYect aut last 'Mils 5,1l$ ' 400011 ..$141•If $04. iiii -SM. WWII iltili *Ill t . ;0 1114.04 . •. • ,o,y. , , . ' " .' • 444110SIO Ofii 1104 *eV ' eUr, 11.:"Prill 9 01;000040i t ' ' .•.«t° . 44....".(11.4 "MiSrit 4t4.*144" emphood :the jotttltey '*) . .. Tests- given IC ;1 n- • Hist°17, , . , , :, The • other daY h 'deg belonging to French,. :Art; ,Latin, Botany -".. ,. . . , On investigation .it was found . to John 'Forrisli .Came home • in • distress.. D. Anderson 21,I It 1 C ' 1 T. ,J '1147a. -icintlititei'Ta,.a vaLit,n14,antf...noi46ser,;c11.PTihnee Andrew 2 I, • 1. /II; J. Bowles ,1 Ce, 1 1_ F. 3,...(a);•. 0: Elitzetein” 2 l,. 1 II, 2 in these parts It il t a .n.,11;17t .biea,fParty4i9ar:l.' Campbell plte,..iltaxinil:h2e1,114•;,. 1,1,11'. ,r.Cci ainn,,...• -fifty years since one :was ken 'he* ochari: q,.. 2.. p. ; . R. Carruthers .2 1, before. They are. a.plow meting on- * it, t c: . E., Collyer 11;4. IL I. d,. Waal; ..ao there, as, considerable spec - 7 I, 1 II, i III, r C; M. liackftt 1 t., • ulatiOn'' ea tu. where • this •fellow , Was F;• A. Fisher 3 I, 2, III G. Fisher 4 'III; :2- C; -1,,.F; E.•'Harnilton 4. I,. .1., harboring all this time. The regular ...trionthli :meeting ,of Hodgkinsori. 2 1; 2 1.4: 1 III; E. Mac- the Paramount IL F. W. 0: was , held C; G. Hamilton" , . '‘, 5. 1; • - L. 14ein..,2 lo 1, c, ,. F:i. Margaret me_ .4ont,.tikattrifaiim, lecoolf: Mthrs;:pJrnecsiidgenetInmtorsi;h: Kinnon '2.1,. 1 C,.. Er, E. menniath •Ja1111.°s°"' not •• 13eiiig' Prsent:' 41r°' 3..1,. t /it, ..1.. .(,a):; F. maoinnos 2, tit; Grank. mcDhirmid, .took • the 'chair. .,;61:3:a.ryti.. 3Mapc,Ir2,,it.i..(s.a2; f,'I•wl,. IpIiiIinllerF;;',1 L. T i, iti:Ieyalnieagleatii.gal,;60Pre:aed. inwgitnhf thPasrau'n1.1•111'.7.., II; M. Pepper 0..ereeil, The -roll call was• an-. 1., .4 I, 1 P; W: Pe1:11)er' W. an - 2 1, 1: II, :-.2 X fr, „A., _Piarey 2 I„.,A II, .1 ailered by a quotation from 2 II, 1 C,. ./ a;,Shake- 111, 1 F;• E. Sills i.: •Speare-:•ori."--a 'recipe, ;after- *hick -the 15 . .; .'.. il: . Webster 1 lc '1 . , i. a; H. .web. buifiness -. part of the meeting took • ater 4 Tr, 2 F; • .N.• Wilson 1 /,... .im, place.. The. programme was made, of several Irictrisla selections, • ft ..2 C.; E. MacKenzie - 1 II, 4 F; ,*q. '0.0. Cameron i. d (Bot.) i A. ;Bowles 2 C humorous' .., reading by, Miss • Ellede Bot.„ C. Hist.; N.'Hodgins i C, 1 F. ;Stanley, a duet by Mrd.. J. IlliMilton. Bot. . C. Eist.; May MacKinnon 1 and MTS. R. Struthers ;And a list Of .- '•••• tiOnd n )egislation answered by III, 1, F. tot.; ;Art.; 'F. Turner. 1 I.I, 1 III. 1 F,•Bot. C. Hist, lArt.; M, MO. A. COlc.' A. “cammittes- *as ali MacDonald' 1 i„, C. , Hist.;.- G. Aitch, Ti‘in,te4.• ts:* Preljare., ti.la 13'i°irant, m° ison 1 III, Art.. A. HOdginii re Art. , for the next meeting Coilsisting, or J. Miteltae 1 III Preach. J..• MacNab lilies.*Elleh •1•C•etlhahlt Mise Ver" 1 1, Latiii. , „ • • • •. Hamilton and MISS 'tileda Stanley. • , —o -o -o----- • The hostess served lunch and - a • Act,: .62.? MOLI(110013 time\.•wai spent., The • neXt Meet.; ing to be held at the home of Mrs , , • , • Messrs. Jolla': Thornburn. and Iteee 'C'11* Irwin ° A°141 .14tIV . Secy. • • WESTFORD, NEWS Specials For Saturda Sally; Brown Cakes Bon I3ouche • oatmeal Cookies Russian Sandwich ame Made, Whole Wheat and ?aiSin Bread , Butter ,and "Eggs. at Top, Prices • Hollyrnate..- Bakery • Phone 50, . Luchno* Thti ilk More Of YOUr Yes • / • Do not put off , from dly to • •iloy; C,ctiig • to consult with There Win never be :a better' Cme than the present and the simple defeas now may be . coinplicated , by and .bY. • Think: more of your 'eyed. Thio, better of. 'ciur, eyes '• 1Jiii tooegle,ce thFm. Our Optical Deoartment is complets,, in every detail arid WIIITECIIURCH • Mrs. 'Win. Barbour visited few days with . Mr, and Mrs. liar*, Mc, Clenegnan at 'Belgrave loot week. ^ Miss Lona Rintotil �f . Ford...co •visited -a fen,- dayileit-week'at--the- home of. lien aunt ,David, Gillidi. RIYISTRONG Nyellpr:&,Optpmerist CIIURCH 'UNION-. , . „Myth last week: to the bedside . of. l'astif. .. .. vh:rrkejloovrtn,er • Atf;rs... -Jell, hien .. W1.10 , is., ,,, .1 ,tiEhOught.••• . I :had Said and Written : - •. .. . s 6.1i, Mrs.:a, rAir::: 0._ :iiia : f6i. a wa. er.,'. ca. -1,.I.ed. •c) .1.1.16:11i:treoect'rc:1:.6.. i-0.if'' St(414:alee.:1. :17x11:.:):07' es: 011F1 oe11.P:i;e bi'ul'a.17('Lli. u2b7- : Sea - end .with. her aunt Mrs..JaCk lien;lore. :01 -ft .• reihYtefian7-Church, ,: whin, ..'Misi• Irene ' M 001e spent th Weeqc 1.11:;37'1.17'.7p‘ 'cll.:V:1.110-917e •"(''.3!itaul.'icebA......1jin-Lnit°hne' 76 -3,b -r.2 Mks. • Geo. 'Gart011, \OliVe 'arid 'Will; MrS. Will "AtinatOrig ,ht- 1.4.10,1inew. ' '. . o.n4 ' • ' (The .'•.(ittt....: :,:published•-• below ...'ap. spent • the...week end •.•with.:Mr. • . • , • k Mr ' Inglis Patterson, of Alberta, :vete . is ,te, cammence next ,Monday • •• .. 'Marc N. 2nd. • Mtn: this determination::, is in?LucknOW. this week with a - .car•* I leest e° l'all"1"elled to der•ali on ' . . lead of fine horses. Ile ii • visiting: his •ai.l.ere°,4n)..ntg.°1• : {,,:;e:th'ics'I‘clirr;sli:l.tvhirio'..pq904:tsremial: uncle Mr.. Henry . Patterson- here. . • 'statementh, of the 1.1nued• Church of ...We are glad to report Mrs,' Mrir... . ‘''. ana°a • 611 :the two SuildYs. Pl'°.cell' - . ., . . , . . nig ih, is' v.ole 'to ,be taken across; t.he • ' ray , to he obis . to be,. itround, , again. • .the. taking ni,j by gr. trw.in : after•.her 'aeriOnelliness lust week. , of Ors , iriatter orv t•hese. • particular , . . • . . . :Mr.-W.M. J. Figher; made a busiri; dates.-.CRAneS • to mg 'as a posvible in- • ess trip to Clinton " IiiSt, ,We el and timatiOn. that 1. -•ani. not considered to •-•• • • • , • • ' ."1.3 dP.'#g 1nY intY. I -bow :to the • soft ,• 3.1;ataes„.",•13,ciatlilveers••:rifiliile1.-, .t.ot, purchased a Very fine' .driving .horset . . , , -,... .• imPeacIrment. I\ or iwili ,I. follo*.,th.:.., .- The Guilc.l.meeting for /text-. San, exaMele: of Well known , ehtirchirien - .cdaoym'Itit•tllte'bee in ,ehaige , of the...Leekent.,1121.iitd.v.troy, n:7 dou0 t Mr. Robert . Scobie. Whe ..hos been . /: 'a'nrlot be 'yininInclfill, that ,*. Ir - visiting with his brotheri.• Rev; JAS.,. 'win l'haS announced this . theme: after SCObie is .r,eturfLing, to his .ho!ne, .. In, "bmoaVitiligaiidreadni,apiil:t:toeltriiionf,..:1.1iivpnaen imn Meth- - the; West this week:. • . . ,• , • , •• , . ,. .,,-, • • • • •,.... -• :, • , • odis .• le.aders,,as 'Well as others,. to Miss Jean Kennedy .vislled. a day (...oni •,.together•_far 4oriferencel." in this - • iii:-Godericii- ...with , her ',sister' Afts. .hour of 'emergency :that touches , so: , Ilnwrieir.,. .aTriechsboortyrne.. t.tohistowoeretmk. • • •, • . • • . ' - teet nt ChristianitY. :Does .kr. ,Irwin lV Mr. ...h,.a.r. Ve thit,lnitii-;„itshegocicl name of dpv• Pro - cal of Mitie objection-,, lie.Rintoul is iidt .is well this Week.. abler? 'In reason he • should scarcely , Wiseteon efoh.epletge....177 of, On imp,roveincnb :iiiiiiii'•so. for ho' *.iiiell. knows ‘ithat /had pariything •I? ,,e the . tremendous .. . * •••• , ? ' •. ncin-iforieurrence, hOW shown, "by . Pres- , Mr,•"Jack .draig sold a ,..*drhOle' ''I'dytelrian .' . conlYeaatiori heen,„.. shown .., hers, on IgOadak• of this week. .:• •,. ' ' •', . '(.ContitmetlOn •,Pai1•:e 5)., ',' " ' • ' . . • • .111111.1111111i111!11.1111111110111111111111111V101111111101111111111111191410111111111111111111i1111rC11101r.:i;r4iv.qq..w":,.'1wINIVill'Ifl:!!!!rfOil;Yo.1111PrIVT.IIN1110111-111!r3 • .• •,7 F,‘ Lfl thediate Deliver :Fot.)..e4sh 177 etittitl. Ottra UC . • rt, e 411.1t1,i 1tP 14} •••