HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-12, Page 2, •„ „ar•, 4, ' - t - • - 0 • ,. ister, and bre sho 441;.::!1'47,1t7ghn:11;;* handS, °Oh' tnel NeVer'tli,10,4 -44 •"441" A 4' tf" SECRETS OF THE* 'KREMLIN -ShoPinan-'wrou may have your ehOlee—PenhY Plain 01* tWO-1\ence . . . -ier coloree. ' ' • Solemn Small BoY--.."PeffitY Plain? Pleniel* Its better Valtle for . . , .. . „ . the MoneY."' • ' • ' • , „ • Hee*: • IrAeVer' *Old in ul Our., grocer sells. this Tr'YSALADA. , • : - 7=777."7"..".77777 ' -••• . * TOWEirRACI( TABLES. ' '• the Work that she did. Thus,b 'iv/a ,you n,•waodon, towel rack in four hours every afternoon, going -your attic? am. Sire .you have, •or, from house haase• t° house,e, . she earned `a -eY411:•-if''.,,t,-;14'in..•Yont bedroom along, •dellar (IitY. If sonle mother needed ide the. proverbial wash 'bowl and Piteher.:, you ‘wOuldn't••`mind subStitut-, rack in order to; inalip a .-.,verY ,usefht •'-:deeortttive' tabl.e„. for , , These" Old Tacks' Often vire made Of the: betititiful,:"..ivalriUt: new. mellowed - ."1.3.y. age; and,Whejr"Cligned With, a little •variiishrem�VOr it is a revelation to • find how fine that wood is. •',X01,ir2,•gon.*.me Carefully. and you • Seoric. Fan have„ 4.• charinlpg endtable„,:thit.V11)::•igrace ariy, living inein: Sawoff the three rungs.fleare#the 441..:A0W-that.7,00r„-.0,t.tpa,, , . hdaids hPi..4`li,41iitt:::tiv,*;4fialc4fg; Your rack inches. fT. 8 43 •• " 4. burhing, But give ynti haelt My candle's glow, instead, • ' • . , I elleat4Tal; eyouYap,cfscones,.thUt.'1 Might ad CHAPTER XXI-•-.:-(Cont'd,);. ' be such helP at the saWin, meeting, ya'TriklriM5c;:rali.."::::•c4rr0°.a little' time nAhid.. Yinsm" itiststit;r4firthaflirn-erl COpifricIst. bY, q!eriff DeralS CNN • ' ' d now shedoen cbm. at all and • - • k "Not uselesa; We need the floWera iTn ern - , rlen, " worltdt • •111.a.; • and the lurtterfliee. and the things that '"" e;xeases. aretam.e. • III. n!n• .„59_,„ 91 Vint, sandal§ berrowed .fcr 'my „Weary I; , igreAtIllffe • adOrn:'• , .1, wish • Jean. would give see ner 'she aIwaYs saYn sae Is Irr11 feet, ' ' • .Poor ip:full.• of eche**'the sPrt cf :wemen , table :1 , inithe'lioingothett- idiitwholesonstIont - laitfut• thiet4-10r. 010,w00:.*94!#A.k fectly Well, blit„T ein •°°t• at' eas.e ahent /And in .the ,ShipIding dnak. dralll'trom : .hergelf .Over .to ,Pleasnre for a little. llu —quite - practical 'S.01-14rnea• they ,. a're wPu;ci'OreP. hefdre'•''She m'a•d-el '-'.•;iirdr(li'. Warni:Witie.tind•sweei, - ,..", - •. -,, : : .. ? • ,,,,. .., r . , ' • .too; she,b(„is., a shrewd, head,--aladut of complaint: . ,, .. .. ; - • . • 1 helping etherS.' r tell her She Will 'do ' One aorning-,,When. P,assi.!1g, the 40Or Ree;, ..`how, t 'offer, t6aryPn' VOW.% .and, .it All in good.time hut. I w t'he' . t sfl. Jean“ w• Miss. Abbot polishing heti • .' "Ilageni`title.; 'ilPrget "he. woes. of the worl for a brns , kn -1--..-• She stePRed. 9 • s,a5! v.PrY:* Pale* wr tight through . he .' little arid,rejOice in her. youth." • , good Moraing.. . „ . • • • g . , • 1 • ni lit • 11 • I"Iknew," said Pamela. ".`I was 4."Are You keening well, Miss Ahh°t? I %VP:might through 1°nelY.11°Iir • by astonished to find how,„.reopongibie she There is se much illness about." • I • n'°°114uPPed' fingers felt for the, misery -in the warld• She "I'm in 'my usual; hank you,"• said I For Y°11r,.a.efight. . is determined to build' a heaven in Miss Abbot stiffly. ' • • • • heli's desPair It reminds one of Saint a s aft' 'ifs' or, 'flow' ers Theresa setting out 'in mY flanle' fills all your orange. lamps at ; twilight, het aiw holding her. littleu , yor4TwindOvi," said Jean. "Hew , do xy song Upon' Your: window Curtain „brother's hand to conVert, the Moors' 1 manage to keep . them so. fresh , bloWs,' her-help•-nrgentlyi she gavo,. an hour , . . Now P've-• stayed totY7-lorig„-and .koking, Ours get so mangy:. -/WaY. I And:where-my tearsfellon -YOUr •gar --- Or two in.the morning or the eyenillg, tired. You, arid. AUgusta ;will have •me chine, in for a Second and. Took • at) . ' • ;don trembles besfdes the afternoon Work, . I assassinated. . Thank yOLI, MY very .thern?" •• • .. .- Another rose. . , . , • SI.Lre0.4.01.'10S''.114Y,e.:49gIf4-4,Pf,X ercitied ,great. influenew on Werld."-.•at. fatrs, as vtltgpP4 the greWhi.df•the*Vi. tish.Empire:"•..T41.4 It IS net; generally •re,,klIged.hoW•••.ectii$Itler4.1)Ie.a Share one Pulgii4t•1:,°11.Sasa7,hnileelr,!14in.t4theeloadt•oEvnipoirm4 e•e.'StCegti:. gurOPPIIII liletory.' • : This Scottish Influence In Qoatineht . al affairs was for themost part uncif.•- fililCetati;n1t1.:,...W1440°heAwdbl'�f en:f4e4ricvei.d47t4O,17' . Jeer°their; native land; .;usually. r 117111°P1140S,'C.0"10CliN7rlid.°c44441,c1::$.11:'8IV .0 They even: penetratel to 11ussa,; 'WWII, in .those days; was -hardly' •te-:.• ,geeded; ri.S,•.Par('efk„vorOpo:14:tov, ' deed but for •hem, it is-,euito Possible!"• th.at•Peter the- Great w6eld.nevet have: • been born. s'r"".•'•• • • • A great, manY peePle IIfl iot b Emperor and L.over. , Peter's father, the'...Czar Arexis. haitoyiteh• frequently Visiledlae'hoUSe of' Attartioa Sleiguetevitch Metvieief, Who -wag las favorite counsellor.. In, en. . thos days Russlaa women were .itt:lot: ly .Corifined . to tho "teroni," ,or 13'f°tYcika%ueseflit..'ieffli":103in:".:°44;011?et, 1Ms°toritt "1„lie.;'esi)cet)aantirttlin•--.1.g1-...'in,„„oriontai conuirles men's ..part; of the housep,1,1Vt:hAterlitao.. . as' sacred as -the women's apartrrientd. Ilgdr*."R1dde"117 - : .. • •catrie they Jack brains of trieigii,' but ., 'in tlurteen months she earned three 'dear lady, for letting. mw come tose Miss. :Abhcit___Ale_O.1_,A,s' an, areth Prosper. hundred .and •fifty dollars. Her onlyyou,- •and for,L-teklling•Jne about your ,ctildly-th-lit-leal might conie in if .she •• ;•.-r.----7•.;,--.---L-'t, expenses were for need1,0%,, cotton and ,sono,-.--Bw4o. you, . , .... ., . liked, but •her. flowers were "tiling GREAT. INCREASE- . ,. . .. i hig thread, ire s. they make A surpiisingly beautiful itittle`, Walnut :_finer into frg, VkinF' and 4iIIII•4••wide? vel •7,;'••;,g, a ,gt*etrittA-07.-Y01,1r, ndat have, may: 0.4,st..0 ..; „tab , eay, "` • le" I e '• a ut , . A. STYL,Ill ."ENSEMBLE" _•-_-...L.--The--lot-of4he-cbuscieTti feifs-Pid•tan- , COSTIJM.E.'' thropist ;is not an easy pne. The kind but unthinking rich. „can strew their benefits about, careless 'Of their: effect .. on, the;reciPie• nts,.bUt the path of ilAr -1 • ' ., ‘,... earnest lover of, his fellows. is, thorny, ..., 31 .°.• "and difficult, •and dark ...with .disap-: porritnient. ' • . '-•-• .. ' g : . - • , ' t .N .Tex.jean in her iritiocerice , it had seemed that money was the one thing CHAPTER ,XXII.: • .1 A tI*41iiitli,9,ii4itttAirAWliCwoo-d. yea use •\844 '.Y$u 1. will• 1fin4 the. real* "irrOati 'satisfietorY,.. By. taking your :toll. hoards ',te 4 Pltinint mill You can. :have SOme of thein and:some' kidney shape, •;:whicli?Will7intake-the tableS:. more decorative. , • •• • . ' On the- Op one of 'these tables • I ;sank chased rasa ring a two inches, in diameter near each end, and by these ;it eau: be picked' up and moved alongside : father's grand- father's •easyy-,thir when they .are • sineltfng• or. -mother's when, she is „,,,Towel.kackS Make the:most attrac- tive; kind tif:davenport,end table's. You will..tind lifter putting them to these •varionS useilyou would not be without • them.. They are not onlY:dieorative but eitreinefy":nSefar. tin& you are pitting it. Service s.omethiOg that, long been idle ' , • , " • MONEY FROM MENDING. 'A ,schooli. girl *lie needed some eictra,--moneY -decided: that „ she could /make it by using the`traihing that she *la had in sewing. • Her grandmother had shown heft how to • de fine. mend- ing; ingi she Could Oath, so that thAstiches Were almost invisible, ."could set ' a patch by a thread" ariddo- ether Werk. She. equipped herself with a large sewing ' bag furnished with all the mending requisitea:, then She called on It was "the ,tidiest of kitelins_shs....._„----,..-,..--1N__,,, -.:. !..,--..-DitiNKING .,. extra. ' . , - • -enteredT-Eireffthing s ne that could ....The last few years have witnes a , . be made te,..'shil.le. A hearth -rug made tremendous ificre . ,In tea drinking.„ / by Miss Abbot's Mother lay, before the PrOdUction. has fallen - far, behind de- mand. Tea ,now costs .,,raore than at any time in the last 75 years': It may even teeth ''p...qo per pound, .for- the inlee is ,expected to rise, still further. When, such Profits are: being made by the'. tea plantations, Over productiO4 and a sudden drop in prices is, bound fireplace,, in which a mere handful ,of fire was bitrrithg." An arra-Chair with cheerful red. cushions stood beide the fire: • It was quite .comfortable, but Jean fe;t a baieneas. • There were no pots on the fire=ixothingseerned ba cooking for -dinner. , She admired thetowe,is'ari'd..got to come., It may 4,110 a year•Orlenger s ous net het -Tex - water and, when -to•••••-refirdit-r-,froin .,Can_foretell: watering, and then, seating herael , • • 'rt. chair with an assurance she was far her ,-,peerer .i.recwib---om-- , he, pictured teessary o, la 0 herself as a, so).* of fairy godmother going .frtnn house•. to liWiSe carrying sunshine and leaving.:,siiilles and 114'71 frorn•Lfeeling, ,she :proceeded to try to Pines's il?' her 'w4ke'' Ske. '50611' fc'inid make . Miss' Abbot talk.. .That lady that. her dreanis had been 1 rosy sciein- stood bolt upright , waiting for her -s',ions.--,Par_otherwiseLwai \the, reSuIt of, her efforts., ., , . :vtoisoittienrg,tow'agso,d.'ettrni.Teinaecinliotill.renmgaigno A . . ., "It's like. something m AfairY Ole; I . "Are • you 'Very 'b.1,3sy pnt• now?" she that she. is so often debarred from she -complained tio,'Pamela.. "YOU\ re. asked, "1. was wondering if you Could, playing with her .little 'friends on ,.. ac - given a fairy Palsee;',:h4t when you do.some sewing ternie? I'den't know count of bid colds, who011ing cough; try:0 go to it mountain of -glass are \---wtiher you ever 'pi out by the :day?" "- Pected;-*--Net-even-exper .what will .occur.'. • i Matvidief married a Hamilton, a fenl- intrieTineinher-or offemf-life' p-c-boisk--- ,oitazi,,.tuist fain.lal.6$"'N'Altilchn:othe e?:fLie____z4miihkiOist . ..... lady had brought thenianners ,pf her. 1 •,nativo land into her new home, -and .het,gueSts met the iv.omen....og het family on,exeotly the sanie terniS: as: 4 She bad been .entertaining at Dila- hulth instead' or in Moscow. : ' . The. Czar fehnd this little oasis of \ • , Western culture and Western freedom :very, •pleasant' eSPecially after he met 'the adopted daughter of the •Matyielefs , 'Nallialla ..Naryshkin.*, • This \ charming ..q,,ed,abie-ri" " •hremette•waS .the,..danghter 'ofa needY., • A List Straw. ' Emily is aged three. "She is an only child, and she has w•friendly, .tociable , - , , . dispesttion. She 4dores_playrnates,_ and. it has'beeiVa great grief to her: -Set •beffiire you and you you can't reach it'.1' • • to,” , said Miss 'Abbot.: . . '' :: YOU' 'Can't '. think, ..bOW 'different •• the f., :, /,, e.',acould.bring it ' you .here if.: you. 'PeckPle.nre ,tti.'-rne now. . The Very poor ', oinqiticaiiik,t,titidiiita_iynenarh.ylelnisnpiree:',w'..0.i.k-lii: s-fr whelp.. -1 thought. -1.1 could help .don't17 ••tieit ..me .aiii•IOnger• like a•:•friend to .n.i;W„.., pin ••ntry..7, • ,. , • .• ..... . • • • - l'Ia.;v1i.f°rniientdhlgy3t 'icwagny .••• tell.Tth'heei.j."Potlirr°,-11sbp116rsin tied .1 .h.'14p‘CS:illi61tWer'1t 0ni..... doesn't ;In'6•1trileeartAri '!.Y.OeUr: 'Oneg-whine.,' with an eye on my pocket, .It's ,Saturday ' rrioruig;..• and iyon.,11 .ahd where. I used to get.' w'elconling Want to ,get ''oii. with your -work." •.,.. Ismiles I :noW "only!get expectant grins: : •• itys.”......, • '.,r • .• • . . - . • ,• , , .. . . . . afraid, that 'I'll offer' them. help, that luciantly, rate to go. Miss Abbot had : Ther4;••WaS•a• silence, and ean re- .1V1 'hard's ..1.........,Inim, ant..finHe for the, Hale. 'And :the, high-spirited. . en.es• are 4,6 . • their tithe is spent -in smibbing Me ian7.11 turned her back and Was ,toeltingiritO 2 • , • lAriSwered. ,...,,i•ithe ire... • , •• .• . `'. , ' , ' .. : "'sr „. .Ellen (do -- 010 10 .ubtfully)"AM f the only ,..-,6•Pl.ti'sg•-nO Uthe getYP. tilig down about ' "Good Morning' Miss 'Abbot,: Thank gill, you' even: leVed.ri'.:).51. (ie.itr Partiela told 'her..., •"you're..ohlY. find-, you .0 inno • for letting •rne ". kilo* ''AhlPh• - (re ssar:ingv‘ify . • . ,, foie you, that it's the most difficult ML about the -flOwer,s." 'Then She ' 'saw; that you • are one i a; hundred.' 'Ileed, I -sey ing Whet theuSands have ,found ben thing in the world to:be wiseq charit-•- hoipseSAssbypt . lima trying--,-crYing. in a .More4,.... he4iless. -way • that made • .able,' ::.-YOU 'Avi11 .uever,4.-einoyo Moulin ,lean'S' heart ihe, ' She vientrto-:her • • tairis..... If you "can.,snidoth:a steil.:here and put'her band on her arin..•• "Won't , and ,there :for .people . and Make your • you tell • nie : what's wrong? -Do ' 'sit . .• • . . small corner: of the. world as Pleasant dOwn •here in:the:inn-chair.' T'ria sure ,binatiori-that,expresses barniony with ., . . , - • as poSSible,. You, do very Well."' ' ' ,. .1 yoU're. not 'well." '. . • ' • ..juSt:the, right contrast. The Coat may 'Jean ,agreed -with a sigh. ;"If 1..derA:- be finished the sherter.finish length . Miss Abbot. alloWedl herself. to "be ., ; by 'doing.- harm... :. 1 :haVa aw.ful,• led to the arm -chair. . Having once ., is, illustrated in the small. view, . The -, thoughts ..sometiriaes ' about the ' dire'sgiveh way she.'.wdo finding ' it no oddt . fronts may be buttoned to the heck, effects ,.nioncymay ' have on . the boys-- or rolled open as ifl:. the large view. Imatter td, regain control of herself.... . ort„ llithor , eSpecially, • ll' ailSi 'c.Lie it ,;;;- "Is • it that you aren't veil?' Jean The Dress is Asimple •one-pieee. ``slip.; .will change their lives: entirelY. It'S. a . aSited... ."I•knOw'it.',5 "a wretched busi- .- on". Model, With the. fulriess, caught in , sol.m . ., . .. . . . , , eniing thcought,".' and ,She laugh.: nets: trying to; go on . Working , whe' n' •, rows of upright plaits or. tuck. • ' ed inefully.: • •••• . • .• ; ,, . , - ... ..• tone •,i.s seOly." . • ' ,•• , • _ ..,Tean„p.lodsle'd_on_b_er:we'..1-;_doing.,W4Y,.„._ ...MieS. Abbet.shOok;her, head. "It's and knocked:her head agtiinst inanY far wore than that. '.I..have to refuse posti,, and blididered info pitfalls, and work for I can't see to do' it. I'M log- , ' perhapS' 'did more, good &NOearned ing, • rny *sight , and. : ..:• . and there. is more . grat itiide,. than he had any. 'nething before, mel -but -the ',Worts.- , . . idea of. • • . ..' . ' ' house,"' ',' • • ' • • ' ,r,, ri••,.:384rr size ' as . illuStrated in the,.„.„ . , .1 i aoesn't • .maltet• ' if - Via 'cheated Over end over. again in the. silence • large vie*, will require 2% yards a I'xn some••',._• t.,,C!iii.".of the night she „had..said those words the wool mixture ad •21;a 'yards. of: the n'i'ne...t)"-hille tilTieS if help the- hundredth "tlin Oi', she. oi:hd to hetsc,fi! she had seen Ahem writ. herself.' "Pair thing," ssId the re P1 ten in letters of fire': on the Walls •of . , . ents of:her bounty, in kindly 'tolerance, 'her little, room: they had seeme.d sear- .., "'she nieatni," weel, and .itlia - kindness ed into her brain,. but she had never . eil, help her awa' wit some d' her silley- Meant toi tell a soul, not even the.ann, . • • 500,3-4839. The-rnost popular style of the Season is here Piettired. Ireom- bine.s.in this initance.Ladies- Coat 5003 and -One-Piece Dress 4,839-4:•I Broad - loth, Cloth,:and a 'wool mixture in black And 'gray; are used tegether. One could have satin Or faille in two shades or th ,contrasting •celeei.. The smartness of the "ensemble" depends' ou,.the corn- ,suspected measles,.and what not. a new baby cousin arrived In her 'uncle's family., and Emily was enjoying the prospect of a speedy visit to the: little newcomer.. Her father casualty. remarked :that the baby had dimples, whereupon Emily appealed to, her mother :in a- tone of ,despair, znother, can't I go near her if she bas , . dinaples,?" • • • • • . • . . -^ qessomosir 7A. thirse-of7her-heighbots who harlyoung •Th' Coat ,Pattein is cut in 6 Sizes: ..children and asked whether she eotild 86, 38,4O; 42 44 irielea-hitat , help to de the ,family mending •The meagure. The 'Dress isIcutin 4.Sizes: -iffer :Was "gladly.Accepted 'by many of -16, 18 •-and 20 years for ,MiSses and the. Mothers. ' . 88, ao, 42 and 44 inches bust Measure . gr: the first' day ,she 'gave .her set,. for 'Ladies. To Make the Costume for • 'vices; . after that •'she' arranged to • eha'rge twenty-five:cents an hour for The Ritz,Ca:r1tori liotel, Atlantic y. America's Smartest ' Resort Hotel; . Famous for its Euro- pean' Atmosphere ' • ' • 4, Perfeet Cutisine ,, and Service. ' inglo rocnne from $500 'Datible rooms frole$8.00 European Plan Nev HYdllatrie and,• Electro Therapeutic DePartineht. , • GUSTAVE TOTT, l‘fantager • ; Pi e ooks of Real 'Merit • Vet l'oake "ritsIttaa"' 'and ''Sladel , St techea,am ,...,Toabts,-,128 PA. $1,:(10 Vest Vocket I.atv)•er . ,..,t310 pp. elo. 11.30 . lleat•Estate liducatdr, 200 " " g.00 Vobt l'oc4crt itobkiteopeH,110 " ''' 100 Art f Public Speaking 109 " " 1,00 I• 1.00 laid on teeelpt ot prle'li:NN!attstae- • COP gusEanteed, 1 -0.0.rlytivo vatalog Flt13 ,. ' . .,.. M. J. Carey & Co.. 143 W. 90th • St.. N.Y.. , '''.--strta°t-gioLvne-Yd.11•EVel;eLIVIm°4n1:- • : Have. sii•OW you ho* easy it is 0 oper- ate, • how: simple to. Witt in.--7distant-ra-dio---. stations. s' .If 'there is no Mardoni, • '.:Agency your town ' tell Your dealer ,to ,Writ -e4 OS and you. send'" •kour name for free. radio' booklet. "PD'". ' THE : , ..fikARC014/1 WIRELESS HalifaiC70:?..igtoT0Fr4d..CEnAAticlif!, Van- couver, St.John's; Nfid. 01•1113H0 hee:beanty • seenied to ..the ;Czar far ., .la love With ,her, and' she .With The crown te the Fairest. . :11atvielef; 'however, Was more;'alarni., 'bd than 'pleased -At ,the turn affairs had:: Lalferi,:_lii.had already „roanY crieMics, told he . feared'. the newi:jealougleS 'which, this niarriage woald provoke.. , In the :end he yierded.to •,:the Czar's but ho begged. that', in er- der to' proteCt'birrizfronr the „charges of intrigtie: and trickery '.Which :Might otherwise be Made 'against hirn,•Alpi:tis,..: • should fello* the •ancient custon' 'Russia.; and Natliaiia Shonici shuw her-, •self in the dormitery at the kreailin• The.ordeei Nathalia • had 'to face Vurts. or,i.&'•strange` mut! terrifying • to a•gently• iiii!rtitied 'Ateng ;with, onie dozens of other maidens, chnsen by a rigorps PVCCCSs. of selection frek.", arn0fg. the,..leVeliest In • all. ranks .of tc)eEr 'KAthe ckliraesiii's•siall'niT'!;Cto,ht6sect:}01w, and .1,nke het" .place in a. Special Suite • .of six rooms. set• aside for the purpose., ••• ...It was from these girls that. .the Czar would, make: Ida cbelee., .the ;one, 'on whom, the Rupp:Hal favor Mb would bOCCNTI first.a grand duthesS, and then • .C.zirina of 'the •Rlissians.; " Russia's ' "Gay' Sorcio.n."' • :On this occasion,' all' the ;ancient rites Were scruptilogsly Observed7 but the result:had; Of 'contso,.been decided': beforehand:', On January 167.14: : Alexis. aad Netball° 'were, niairied.; arid a little Over ,a year later Peter .tna., Great' *SS. horn. , • . . ' At that. time Russia 'counted • .1')•init• ,as •much 'World, affairs as China' AloeS to -day, but When Peter' died, §n- ary' 28th,, 1725, ihe Russian EraPire • , was force id be reckoned Wrinld• It have been Eliif 'a di-14liter of • the•,:Scottisb'houSe :Of Hainilion bad : net. =fried a Russian 'nobleman:, and ./ so. introduced into Russi,A4I3ese"'nforo • liberal marinete. „Which' ,enabled• ;the Czar Abaxis to meet•the•beautifni,gli.i, :whom mude enip:ress, and wHo -', • became the mother, of the great Tie- • • .•., „ .„. -broadcloth,. 54 inc i s wide with .3/4. . yard' of, contraSting • silk ,forfaeings on the Coat,,or, the Coat may be lined - I entirely, ,the lining to serve as a fac.; ing.: This will require 478 Yards. 1 TWO separate patterns ailed to ,. A', She gies' ps i ' s mJpist like tippence any address on receipt of 15c in.sito:rer rasyouor FOR EACH pattern, • by • the Wilson One !••mnan" anY rate,. b1es8ed her heart, though her stiff, Publishing CP,* 73 Wet Ade:aide St.; in Toronto. Allow two I'vecks for' receipt u11l#4604K.IiPs.t0441 401 utter a 'werd. of Patternof t thanks•, * Mary Abbot lived. in a - . - • • • . : • , SOlft 15c in silver for 'our ttp-to. neat cottage suiraundad.. by -a' neat 1 : 1 date Spring 'andSanmer 1025 Rook garden.. 'She "'us thcstimaker in a lif FaShionk. ' .• • '• • small way.; •and . had supported her very happy with her work •and her I . • ' • ' ' • • .' ,•rhether• 6;1' het; dentin. : -She hed. been . - • GpOw .11,ERSS TO SELIA, I height, tidy house and her garden and , •We make rntiney• from oar garden*, her friends; but for More than. a year. • . by 'growing comnion herbs and horse.:•; a Week fear had broOd0s1 over • her, radish -in it. 'Dry sage leaves also IierYsight, which was her living, was i sell well for use in preparing, meat.; going-. :. She saw nothing before her i En two Yesi's ".'llve..,h4.ve. se..:.d..!')P1-1:t*Si4.0.' but the sv0:1'l5ho4S-e-TI)e4th.'81f.Civ°11.14. I Werth from. feur_smali roWs. ' 'el have we'romdill but --this...,'cia'S- shame: r ' Dill, to• uge in,. preparing' pickles. is For Monthsshe, had fotight*i E cut, .; as 'vt148113: g'•°w•11.• ' §•"'8et raar:P1.1•11111 Is„iier eyes grew diminnr, letting .no I alSeil .SS. 11...r61$1.1 for °Koilp„.,q. 41.1(1 dtes-' knovr of the .air..,ttety that' gnawed ati .. 1 iiigs. Horseradish 1400t's Canher bought ' her Jii•ert. X& one. suspected.anything 1 from any stedhouse. 'Tin.; !(.-..isli Fellf•i' wrong. She was ah.vays neutly dress- „,.• •f•or •e••••;ge•ed liri.c.e- if put • •rn 5l bot-. :. r d - 'at - thureli; ,--t4he •-aiwayg-...hibil '..-ber•- 1...t..11.m.:eontai oi.n.*a4,c•-w..-46unceir,,-..=.-..---.-...-;:isoriall,....-.Vcatilib.iition-444..ady,•••...40.s....collf.e.t,4• , •,-„-,,?...: ' • .,:totok, ttr 1) 5t8k5 st.• :1 I we:1' „, seiri e._.0 ty, ..1.10/•,,,:hi.u..4f,. ,$.:4,nnl, Air:4lb_ ktOrii-Angi,,,,„,,• --1.„plailas.,,i4d.,40 .11.6".'1.1)4d °''''''' l'hiltit''''.0r,:and.r.-s-,"•,"slirtu,,,dideTitit*:•.,tregl•4 i'e want' to • .' "PrePlantPle*” ' • '' •' - '' ":•' ', tal"'Iiii ""sevring •:.imi*-.;, vtaille".'thought-•." 1 that •••klie nink'f: have rria,*.a r. a, compst,... 'i • 'PUTTY ,POlz 1.4.7.Agg:,/: ,-•vnzY 41.114 Ow IP t 'nee'd tY:.°..".i•r''s°41ard" ., , '. "tri 11,Itrew Miss -Abbot mr1 .. by gig it. . • A, wash pan pai.,', ora r gtnteware wrnew, , ..., • ,.-.10,e pad sat hehind her 'in •church all "-Talked/ bad:Y *is tS ilrti1ly rriMi fie ti tint. Sundays of ' her.: lilts; and* lied, Iiy- utingInitti, whieh • ivtts tillowed. to .orteit lotriiT4' the tidy ‘a.pritaiWid,6 of . ., dry before :.h.er pan .Nivii.A. piit iiita i•iei.,‘. ,A,;„, 1 ; ,,,, „ and .thought that she • : ,;- vice, again Soldering is • cliffienitx With `."' '61"8.11"t '''' t granite*a.re, Po 1 hop:this ,suggestion`Y8 441' exe.c4188t.86"118'eni"t•8f h'" 'may - 1 ow,•11,L„;!taikes.,Late:y' he td d h , notieee hep sPine other in,u,,„,..,„.r „ , ,. y , '''''' thin anti 1/11..co:Orea, arid 'Mrs, Macdon- ---R. it, ' , . ' 4. . _ . • ' '', ald-bad, ',said one day, Ait.,-,Viht.iltiel,•-if ode. oort rdot..,,,,mitii,I.dts Litofttnt, ., Mii,:s :Abbot 'is' all ,iiiht-; She tztd to For• Yoar 'Cooking • ._.'save„.viark,i--hteneY": time, tretible and fuel....-onarniakt your Cooking: better,' ••-• -* • •••• 0,111:01 4 •• ise, ark! ' ' „• 10. • 30e., ISSUF No, 10H2S. c01114 g 6, e Agion.ite••ithq,„. 4ik,pr Mat '; - A, they„.rwast bd ,t4 Laic •fat iyhy,thinrebritalaim wool. • Lux won't 4stink. . or: rT,tt:'W§Ttiltns— •i'Voii"tfatic coba ri Dal is s#c„foro , an f;I:ric that isgak in Li -n, oito pt.ro • 1tirIVA 1711 0 The security aftorded by the Provinee. of Ontario Savings ..0fice, together with facilities ..extended by every 'Post Office in Canada and other countries: make it possible for.everYone.to cleposititheir Savings in this institu- ,interest is allOwed, compounded hal&yearly, with full checking privileges • . - . The :confidence the rural comintinities .have shownin • this Savings Office is indicated hy the large increase in. de- posits, Which are now -over $20,000,066-: Alldeposits are stctnied bY:the &lire-re:sources' of the Province Of Ontario: . • - 4*-afteirP4Sest to tlottr. heareSt tranCh,'Wherelhey will,recaive banl chectiv,.0..presS order Or registered Jptter, and shOnid • Remittances should be Made by Post Oihce.-frioneY Order, prompt ,attention. rovinges.-oV n..aria $avrns Office fAtAtt. 13*PIOE't• 16. ti•O.EN'3,13•Afig, TORONTO 'torOnte Branch officeit. • ' ' GOA, bay, .an'il'AdelaTde Ste. . ,ear, University, and Dundee SUL " 61g Danforth Avenue, _ • , : 40-ther tfra.na•h" d't• . .7t•-•• 'Hamilton, iit; Catharines,, , tfi Mai-y.1S," Fieuili k e, . -.Brantford, , Woodsteck, Owen Sound, ' Ott a; tieafCrth, Walkerton.. ,... Newmarket; and Aylitief.. • 6 orme , • er did the Scottish:Influence stop heri:\ One of tiiiter'S earliest confh; (tants and:friends vras Patrick abrclon; ' Ia 'cousin '),:if,.', the thenpuke of Cdrdon. James Bruce,:and a soldier of 'fortune • ' named* OgilVr.lvilto other Scots. Wore I also c',osely. iissUelated With the. t:re•at ' . Czar. •- • , • . ' .A Spoktimaw9s Paradise.,. , 1,4TIM desr-terest,t; %Of' 1$cotland,' havo ,,n• 1 - i •- no* a serious rival In the Wdr)ded, , mountain .regions or the. North alit(' ' .'i Sonth islands. of New rAegfaitit. ' ,• ' ,. : i . Pefore ;1801 .,dedr' were ,111116ifISMIii ' New ri..eahtlifi, but.'in'..iiiiitt• yoAr riii,d i,s,tag •-and t,W.OY hiliciri 'from: 'painted: I.Park, in .liss,e,x,weye lei loose: in tire :„NelSOn 1"rovi110e.' Thep, in. -1876, 0 1.45SV ' unitnats were Iniliorted• - frtim the Dal. . . _ • biii610, '•forests In Irovfareltire • l'iiit. ' 4• o'• . • r' ''. * akte mti niig or ttte groat �1,go lrq, . ,-. the, nh:vsteal Ito% L.01.utent ot 1 10 i .. . doer in theti.• new hiti ome bag i.eti. no,. : -inervollottwL tilan 1110.1"0111, 14.; -:- ---- ...0,p..a.4.,...4..„:01A,it,..Anatifttg,,.;.viictatt,/11,011--;,-5.:::."± ,:11.1t*,011,111:itl-'4ibli1V,11:.1.111,.to,4,17.0.4",,,4„. ,. .. , Ind•sanc,e leStitters•:' 7-'01d:hes:Os 'have • ' - itieressed,=;iti -Size Anil: *1"*Yelglit.'nalill.'." there is ilOW.,liotiting•:th eqimi litalit':in...... • -Scritland-litiess ladcr4.::1".1,.0. ,oke -.:11,,.....: .terie deer heads' gO•nictlinek.. found ,i,:i... fiegt..hOgie ' 6' , : - '• . '' • , . . , • ' Always:wear' a', sini••••••it's .11ionting, , , . • .• Oreatness. denies only to thoso wlito y 1 .gtek hot flow. to avoi.1 Obsttic.ei; nit to ev,e1ePu1e..thern,....1t,pose‘,T.e.t., ,