HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-05, Page 311, • 'nee '41 4 1.• ."11.• , • SiVRIE.5,ABQP, ELL;KNOWN PEOPLE who use "Re those 'who like, tea , ,,, . . •„. ,. ..#74E. •,4r-f:.•4:6`.....,*.blinit, • . : 1111: grumbling. �f the eisiiports Pt $t, papre,Catlaodral is :not., as. many Red - We, agem to imagine, a:trouble, of re. - cent date. It ,has Indeet4. been krew- Mg !or 204 xears. • The: tratli,c en, the ' • ,,, . ... ...,... . ,.. etreeia and.tlie. tidei of the- Thansear,„ : which geese the .fPapd'ations i)..t the „..: • .T.hei: Real' OgAlaristil. ;-- - .041fice. ,to, ;1,mo:7-have both ,played Averyl4olx ' needs ,:everybody else," their part,. with time in the . Werlt- of .„.....hhid 'on ltd.r. the'etheraY, aod 1 ahl. • ralPPtion. ... • " ' : !bre the. spirit. Dr tleD2.!0..,,belrprhUlITIO ap• When oner•cOmea •to .consider •the gi- • planded the, •,sentiment, for • he is a gentle „weight • of • libel Atri•lceUret Slut c great believer in ItnitY.' ' : . ' '. partigularly of the Oapseoit seems a Once he was asked,. at. a 'greeting: Which do you consider the moat '56 ' mirPOI.e ilsPt the editice.',Iips 'pet tong, •:impertant 'factor in industrr,f,.01abeir Trx '..,it.1 • ..'..‘.(iftl,:acia'ei't!..11.11: 91tIlliki'!'41.4:11.i!e Qcorr4eic°te;t11.4Zeger.nelvvie\l'I',. • capital, or brains?" • '• • • t• • '.° . . , ..,. ,.....'to Bleak Pt the "doieee". of Ot. 'Poll's. ,• • t,...eterlialmeg 4eittliet1:: with. .144404 . . . . - e M No Money Made Wkthor Po , . . .. ., . . „ , .., . ... six.v41:411011.0r4, the: fOrerunner of the' the real a e. • , , • • „ . . „ , . . . for there.are rea4 throe----twoi'.. within • "which.ls..tbe';49,14t, .114.4Ortant , of .e. : : ' Stock., aPinet Old planeferte, intO.Alte, attIP Of 1.00; manyI), 4rris.,..„,4411.4)..P.11p,. 4.4i941•11..11117, three legged stool? ". ' - ' : ' - '‘ • the Handeraorne:. .Bei.thre this• instru;• '• One of hurchlit's„. • ,,,..„.,.,„. • • ., 'problems to day . that .require expert the.Iinidnight liourai '• - • ' : • . Breeders, Of fiver stock are .facth„ g. ment the;e1111,4•11andel'irreamed away I 1 ..hqe. -lit Ora aie- 4.1113.,e -X dome, seen :Ile', : . i; froM. !.„.104--detir-Orthi.' ehurch.. „ Outside „ ...,-- , , hasinessilikekendling„ '•• ... -... . ' •';''' .. .• 'A, ieir. .he 'Wes found •• and the toont ICIII-vititiqrg both gmn the'itc'°'-•.°t . ' 11:r° is °Pe' of ''Arr'''IVin4tcqi, ctillick ' The - .higit pegt of feed; -ialsor midi was closed and looked. against him, •st.4cliour.sc.,,ellpt,41d.ZrratT,, nthQtei,ertpeeriTyrit'itdeoinniei„eq: „ . . ., , , ;ill s latOst •f3tOrieS,;: Mr.:. Churgitill • was .. heavy 0 OVerbead, 0.7cAeriSek are matters just as;•:'p.reViously Other doors' '-' had . Co conChislen0 akd .Inentioned, al. lee- .1 ... .i,‘ ' waral4k..: his '4114ireitcli 'lever"( W. /tulip. tbe.average farmer rind Confronting' b ° locked ' o' his ' • . d ,. '• ..-.. 'f.: .' .. • ',..,- 0•,•:.• ..,K,....Hanciel,.bewe*er:.''trjuniplied 'ilf,the t ' ' n ' '' '!)!ruethli '.4.1)orni1C4e:' 7:f 7 .• tw..11.:Pa,h,i' 1:7.thill.4.*:07.,. . ' turey Wh-.0'°WaS• '4014114F.'''f01111.-'04 ;-11e': ',.. s‘i4ueep-xur. iaiirtere:;,,.huy'a, .'ai*eye, •,,e0... ,.f.I.tifs, was ..el.gict.„ t.i4,t peujii. ,),:igt.' delUe.s. Past..:the. cope do net ,hold then . Subiect ear, • •... • :„ • . .•,. • . „ 0 If ed the value. p - good- breedingt :he killect;oriSidden; ::‘,`.:'' . :',.. ' '. -. ' ',' 80"0 In: Pnottinn'. -, Tnq ;Innt°174-ernsg, "pnik :144e. ivito .boe,..beeP,'„rohsed hi live stock. 'Teeti11101ilets' fietn'these •''Beethdiren • One. of the greatest MaS.-. froin,. their Sleep on .boingd Rhin: by the,- „ Men are .,,, easily,-obtairiedt aid 'should:,ters of rileicicik, had a life that"waa be..: • : terrible cry of. *an overboard! •' „epn convince, the, moot ,skeptical that :the set with trials, but his ntornents the .• extrEt geed. „ fu1YeaiIitineaning,» said the lee, tprer.... ‘,'•• , •• "That's not right!" interpoSed it, lit- Ile.man .in the atilience. "1 heard it once, when I was not abOard •a. ship, And I realized it more than anybody." couldn't!".ohjedted the lee: • turer, ".1(Ou. might think 3ois but you. cOuldn'tt" Yes, 1 eould1" insisted the little by 1 . . • only way to beat, the labor. •ettnatiOn, ' times of •inspii•ation, nrust; 'have made , . •• . . • coat 'of feed; etc:, IS to keep 6143f Oise up for 411: he" .w.as• weed lcorendure, ., trninthls that''.are bred , W.. Produce, , . Once,. ' when. -passing. :411rough a either Milk or beet . .. . .:1 . • 'Street in .Vienne, he, heard; the sound ..,:rille ;Bur -rive.. oonduntedv, ,. t Prof of a :piano Coining from ,an upper 'Win: Leitch In the • different Cenntiee all ye (low:. ::Entering. the •honse and _tellOWto - .p rUS, Dg Dag the direction of the sound, , he , :pure bred° aires,In ether beef or dairy' found himself ••'on , the thredholcl of a. herds ; : mei. are . Making greater ; "in- i room .lit 0.4...hY.,-MoonheOne-thet-ivere Conjs. *itlt..-practicallY.,H-the,;--saralailt4.7P-Pon ablind girl' who. was play. qifeed Ling at the fitano.' • . '-' . • :„ i': ,Witlichtit g'Werd,:Beethoven tOok tile girl's .prace bethre,' the. ' itisiillniell•%, •Irioni that •hicident 'came pne Of the most fastens •: of; ' his .compoSitlema.L. "The''Moorilight. S•onath." ' ' '. • v, It is a •ilttle sad ' to think :Oat ''tlie narne.„ of ' tlic. blind, .01, As •.lost in; tee Whs "OVer . WUU . • board!" • .\uenttY Of , • • ••Conan Doyle's Bookshop. , „ jvhig under. average term °Con4itioreti,. SO. Arthur' &Mien Doyle ; creraer. Of. e can hardly diSeredit them.' ...Pherleek Holines i opening a• book Liberal feeding'of leerier:11V° stoPk, shop in' London, England, but .lovers it ;vas shown,.was net: as great -a 'fee-, •• of the fa:lad/es ;detective'h'exPloits 'Will tor, in inereasing the .1aWir ineonie.ae riot have: Bre' opportUnity of Pnrchas- wri; theme Of pure 'bred sires.. • • Ing •bun d• Volumes of stories:from. the • The Pure' bred Hire flea -back. Pt Win author., • Situated lin the • shadow ' of generations Of 1ancest9rs', that' were W.estrithister`Abbek`r 'the new VOW. siileeted:"'end- br ci.' With o sireCific pnr;' • Shim. win „handle 'nothing but ,pejtchic pose in, ileiv; and SPtritualnstm •works. but "•the butt,: veetor the production of mik Lyon Jells ns. In I Scribner's. tesil • • criono .7-717.4=61•, - ..ifirs%IhrOod so ''t at. : he •trarisinits.;.thern to.:•his effepiing,, even • • ' . • • , When we consider thal these ligures , were Obtained. „from actual' fariners, , A Poet With a "Mad .un. , . , ither the predgetion: ....,,Th.o.,rkaet Browning, '•Prof. Willitim , : • - •or••• • • r'n't Hie "Play. 7. wi 6,4E1 :a: grade female is • , • , '..0 ThOngli.:Lord Darling, famous The grade sire has baCk,..of °,11int ' tfsh ludge; is well known ai.a hilmor. 'generations: of .aaceiters'• that; llke ist. and teller of funnsr..storthe ..4/TOPSY'," • 'just' happened The • result Is that. you ...tam:. expect nothing, but aro Iiahle.to .get•-anythjug. "1-1aphasard...bit and .yinies • breeding-. operations...are the eauSes Of 'IcrVi•016.bdr 'incomes' and :financia1. failures. among toolt.the parts of theltitO and heroine Ontario farmers to day ' • • sp. :Wefe married. seenafterweirdS. The •ieniedy: lies 'the farmers' Set me.thinking-7-ftirioizsi " I • hands • • 1. "1 • , end I decided at for a good „Pere . bred sire, 'UE. •the - that .play -to:. go On being acted:Meant breed of . stock you are interested in; shMilderlig-ktca heavy respeitsibility,. and , have, made the knit. sten. tir-, )1! it " ' • ' I ward eueeess; ' •-' ' ;'•:'; • • • ' • •.•,. . • :never :Old. a funnier one. than (hat'con. • Cerning aplay he once wrote. • • •• "It was, nefforined twice only'," he, aajd, "and'. on both cieenalons young: inan.,:ancl. •yOung Women whO '1 •.. •Ma,stert. Of- Melody. . -----NotionatTrom-New-Noliels... • . . Is the most -romantic, as well art of living happily' the err of .flavr 16?/:•jna„ bkicon t4„, difiairee? .air the Most,faseinating of the...arts, . thlzigs bick.OVer'inusiCal history; (4).le :• it is 'Interesting to note that: many of -Wen • like to believe. that in -love 016r:cell the tune. Possibly they lflay,, the. new -tea -di that have been. broken towards ,the temples tOf melody. have But it is :the woman who gives the- b tructed there children.' • ..‘•."' ''-'' • :. • .:' ' ' ' ' : ;_ " : ':`,Moart. was n Coniireser'et eight, and 1 e Y : 'It is beter to .risk and waif. than lei the 'Inorrients slip by on6.by...orkoli. the works he wrote at that age lite to dak.". ' Beforelhia wonder-4ild of .-,tO tho- Pead'Pasb without making 14n,3 this , gi•eat efiort to attain to that Self -ex.". 06.11111iiiiicet:6173,1•17:17411:_ei...i'-:069;iiiilaCifi.:teiraeY'd.ii,Y°u1:pal ,. pr ession'''.wliicii: la An often the one key - to. haoi000f , . . , . der half an hour,' *lisle recorded..in.his • "Beginnings Mr..e. 411Waye 0the :best t•e'lle'r 8 'diary' ' ' ': The liveso,k the great conipe.ters.', the same town In Normand One One .day, ;... Part Of everk'jok.. .,The •beginning'of . have Ssomethifes • been hedged :thane 1Viilaandiurned...An-,Brovining-and-told- '. kwe' 'reiencle11111"4h°411167-a-g°°d.,:hi".' .y ' ,' - :Cnities, .liandel's father was .4 him that he was, behaving. outrageous. .'.11e.1., , '.a: day In bed, I work, a,. hobby, ,bait ek-stirgeon, Who' actually:•disliked 14 that 'AIMS' ThankeraY, lied nefer hatred, air . evening' eVef 'the- fireside, Sm g sin -these are hit nio.re: thrilling: at usic • ...This dislike' ,Was.'.carried JO Meek any fiazni, hao.nferelY:.re6eatect i ' k an extent that he Objected to hii hat. .shd 'hadheard " and wai now the beginning thoil"at. any other time." • '17' having 'any musical toy, • • . :.• heartbiolten: 'Browning wag Onitten _ "..LoVels..pue-Pf-llattlreseetiffitilaTife: '.° : Picture' that- ylouthfut,genittS; .ivhc4 •with contrition;; he inunedietely -start-. whole yeing was glowing with music', coinpelled to indulge l'ila artistic .taste l ,. , • : • ; . :: . • „a secret: . , • . ,. .. , ; • 0 ' ge:Was-lieltied".tureexiCouraged..bY, :some kindly arid. artistie soul, history. does not telt �f. *hem; who hero „a , .. • • • 411-1,s1-3-Llie :' . veleif7THe • could: ' never' speak' ,of • his .wife.:Witli Calinness:, TO Illuetrate`:hla feeling. about. iro, . oaks: Professor •pheillis, 1::ady' Ritchie; ' the ..daughter,of. ial .Thecke y, tald. me, this.' story. • : .! . There-, as ' 'a • ruiner ."-that .13kowning 'Was, goi gf tojtriarrY again, :and in 'his absence "she reentiOned le.- .'.The ;next day Browning heard „iof it . in : a: way that made; him ..stippese :she. had: orig. inated 'the. fable, '....Tilat.•night :they' .nset at a large, flinner,. and he Was:•as-, :signed.„ttf: take her -out, to: the dining rOonn -,...:She ' greeted him in; their.' ens - 'ternary friendly. *midi, took his ,nrrir . and then to her aniazeMent toinid• that. he would:not speaktO•her, bat allithst •sPiked 'her With his •elbow .e -Very time he .turned :toward h m. ..... • ' 'At flinher he, devoted '•Iihirself ex; etzSivelt_tojtheriad,onfand.„ If Anne Thaeketay•sPoke 'AP him he. „MadeAci,reply.':. 'When the ladies with. dre3v,.abe, asked ene.of them Whether, Robert Browning had gone 'mad.: ••... •:. ° "Why, ' don't you ltridw.?": Was the re- ply. • '"Ile beard. that 'YOu• started Story of a seabird niarria'ge,trid.be Will nevel• fOrgiVe.. yo.u.". ' :That' 'state' of. affairs COrttinued, itir naont14.. They •cenStantly, met at •din., aer'partiesc'hut: he ignored, her.- , In the 'following sunnher She,,,.'BroWning and his .moSt,i intimate' friend, the, Prenehrrian.Mnsand, Vere staying •...9n.e,takes 'it as*One onjOys 'champagne, beoatise •it mikes the dtt14 common-. .things..anPen.r. radiant' and • the exciting things -Mote -thirely and more. exciting still.":--PThe Return Jeirrney,": by, Itiolfard. king, , alinreorl-is a, ' thing One Ought nett° •'be 'cOnstious, of--ii.,'eught• to be ;:just ' .there,1 ready t� briar over -77 -it oughtn't' to . be . eattitated,"-Chris :ChtScoy,ne," by A. OE Benson, „, ••• •• -,:"Bome peoPle.gre like apsturtifiniS:. '• they eaturOt gto*,tvie.,11 unlessM poor O SOjLu• , , . ."Ailyone .or .a contemPlatiVe mind generally finds him of herself 'taking stoat Of his Or iier.lite:Itithefron a rail- jotirtiey', •• • HoWever shortthe journek, thinovemeiit, ,the irest.'frem_ the 'ideal of g.elitinge from 'the 'bine bed io.the brown,' Makes .fer Scrap, '14eaii;',‘" by. ' Geraldine Wane:: ; • ••.. •'!'The irony AG all :earthly paradiSeS the fact that they are sotdojn • , • revealed AS such elaelit Ads* pais: •-"""- .• •:. • ' • • .:"Speeelt is,. after all, *the:Crudest Of 4 O s11 'fokin4 :Ok:i.e.it•EqPteStiME. A (plea,: 'lien can be MoreilluMinatIng than' the '• niost.consideredf phiesp• is generallY inOe ehretient, than a:pare- graph."-PBesieged," by; .11i1da, Sharp: _ "ideal Winter PloSectround Only 2 Daysfrode RawYork • Sailings Tivice Wee ly • Lamina N, Ya..Wr.sl. and Sat?, Via Palatial, Twin -Screw., . 011 -Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and. :."FORT ST..GEORGE"/ Landing Flagmen/41;2okt Hamilton Dock For Illustrated Bdolch: FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitenetisteeet NesV VGA Cify. ' or Any Local ronriat Agent • • . . / ' * : A..ppsik of liltereat • onthe priiiiii, , • ,Failiouti. far' its turd- ...:13.oiVinbitt-AlaSkan: boirndary iS 'Mount ----- .13agot with -arr elevation of -1;105 -feet ---,-•:-Iie4riatn168Pheter,- L, /t, is in latitude' 50. deg., 'longitude 1:3S _ .. Perfect ''''.-euiiile . and' and is peinedy aceej•ling t� the . Service, : . - - ....::• - - ':.... erghteeiith r.eport.„„of„,„,the,geegranhie, : . 4 • -"'Slinfle''.iddiiiif!'fible-tr.oll- oarel et' ttiinada; after ;SIP Charlei agoto'BrifislrAmbassatlor,;to'ltittala ' , beublo.,,ZeitHnIt „,frOili 46.0 -,' etnegrad !in , -,;_•,./..laro,potta-.01att, . ' '.;lisnitreplestipotentieryte.. rf- 1.682', in cesiiieetion.:Nitk negotiattoiii: New liSr.diiittr.-..and • in refsitArd te: the. AlaSken`betindittl.:., ; , " Electra ..''Theralie4tio ..4 . .,„ • ...........:...i. , DepArtnicrit. ,• , - Wliell• we 'le& the .. society- ei. our . ---'fellew»inesi; we fai KC replge It 'tilat: o . . -.... ,,, ' .. -,...• . estillittla Withett. always 10414 by the . C4. -115TAVEH: TOT:l'.. I. Atlan„ag6t. ' '.. ishangoloabre ' - ' :..,:... ,.,„ io., .1!.."... t4-caritati ntic City atelNew Jersey M ma's Smartest ort • • )1 ed running at. firIt'slieedle the' OPpo.- Site end .Of. the town ' Where ' Miss. thae.yerar'46dge.d, He must...have.' ben tveurimiS ehe. was short for ; ort and -heaVY and. not used to . running. • 4g1 was sitting in the window of.the , second' Rory in a despondent Mood,' Lady- '" teftchle tOld -me, "when, •F :Saw 13rOWnhig innning,izioleritlY toward mk. lodging. I rushed' downstairsi and leapedinto' his arms; We' both • tried together and had a lovelytinie»' . • • • . Reeketi . At 4.0i w6a,1406 bt .offenilVe. And de fensive•Warfare has .been.' developed 'in the. forth. •of 'a "death, rocket" .designed to thrOitt .mit a Muting 'Shoiver • Of' tholtolt 'Meta miles 'above Ate eartles surface. •• ' . The inve'ntor 'is Mr, Efithat Welsh, Of Viortlt rerriby, 'Yorks, ' England, and his . • erinerlinents• with thetlinnir.SIZed roekets are said to haVe Proved, that and di'M ignite .any ',Object 'Within that .regidn,, 'The etperhilentay redacts, it is - ceniellibb to a ;how; t of five •-; • 'The rocket onta1ii ti destructive' charge ,di SeVCnflindre pe1Iet t i'o- guinting. ehargei S.,:''detonatc r, and a propelling' elitirge,: When it f te be sent • aloft, teas hi. a diagonal lamichirig craille,-;sontehrhat sithilar to. these: used for ordinary eiky-roCkets When the foie IS 'grated, the • propell; Ing charge! Sends the_....toCket:_sparing. out 6f 1t,s crado. .,Khereaftet, atregi- iar .: •interve1s",,.. it is- gliren 'fresh impetus by •the baillitig•!Of 'additional • charges. • rot _tile .ait defitise4galiestdia1ding: alretaft, the. inventor "SOS that bet- ..terfet :hot itre. =rockets' *Mild h 43 het 'nil: itriirdelik•Ahetorm of barrage, -The'. peltets,Iurn. themselves' out 80 thit. ' Little •ithrolgailes"Witli folding wings ; , MinUte .1ite idiettlly to ho.•:Put, on -the '• . and flying about and a Walt • When doubta rierSail you,. Clear your market, . • • • nalint-411,in1 trOgrekitively,--and '' act- aCcOnlirigiy.• 4 • ree,0061 Lielment. •• r••••••••••••••tk and ball count for very, little, Their Elflike St. Godard '17 -year-old -boy•mhsher,' Won, o 20•0•Mile • nontriijlng - ,. weight of 800 tens is easily stop race at Xfiej'as; fanitoba, two weeks ago,. is ; 'drive ,big' dogs le.the supported by the. Cene. international dog team derby at Onebed. The Outer . (tome, :made of lead, has " ' ,• • • to be kept, lo its Arne ,Curye by huge • • , 1)E. IIER. BABY• TWO Sons,,' I bale tWo sons,•Vife-- lug on these. piers. is fQ;000 tons- _ timbers. between Itself a,rid the cone; There..,are." eight arches', ,istipPor'te4 by ,eight piers. The 'total weight rest - 5,000 tons to‘each, plot • , • • • The 'cathedral Which IS Bir:' chile' . . ! . . . . itUbli'v, 2.-ivrewe musterpie.ue,. -required. ' ,/40thing MakeS • h. ,Mother .. Wore Seoo;peie.tiheidr,t.,Xit411t70.14Yiehat.,Sth„ ,EI:It:iiiiir.v*Icat' grateful then•A benefit 'ebuterrecl upon her , child. ' Mothers, everywhere Who wet: held in14•97.s. twenty keit* after have used Bab•Y's'fOirn,,Tablets for tbe,f04t.i.daticin, Nvari 1•410, ...•on.e. tufRi9n. thPlt •children speak in .enthuslatt40- ,4120dt .one-seventh • pf. , that ligure7-•-• Zepherin. Lavoie,. Three RiVens; Que.,. terms. nf thein., :Pen InstanCe,•. Mrs: • . i)911n4.e Was the total. cost .ii.: TO -day eg..14Q,000-is:- required :•for repairs..• • , iriteS.:".114by's,'-own„Tablets. are a . -,......-14,...,,,.,-..;__ • woriderftil Medicine or little' onesV ;They never:1'0M to ,:regulate ,the baby'S FOR TIRED:t •stonlich .enil:,beiWels, and' make .bim . plzunp and well 1 altfays keen a box 'NERVOUS. PEOPIE .• . •• ..',.IN.tos,..f..the.,....4.6,01the#to of Child- ::aodf adviseallTalli?lisloltill:etr4:sc.". lom.uci.:, ..,:111:e. :,icieuel.(1". • • hoed'ari6e Jii thriziach and bbWels, ' 1P-'•.-„I'._9.kr. On „Tablets.. •These Tablets -relieve opfitipatisin . end,. incligeationr, 'break no,„'"Colds and.':•sim,ine fairere. expel W•OrMe; e•llak feething paihs. and' pro- mote, irea•lthia2sleen, .••Thek.' are. guar! ' an tee d! tok.e. free .. ire m .1‘njurtotts drugs and.zere• safe" even for ,the .:youngest • and most delicate • child: •The Tabie,ti are sold. by Ined1Cthe dealers or by inailat: 26;0,4 ,bor- frora :The,...Bi-,..*11- liaMS'', Medicine Co.,' trnekviller, brit:. PLUMP • D WELL Fo n - 'jams' Pink Pills ; t , • Are you 'pale and •weak ; tired, Most . . of the time, oat of' breath On...alight exertion.? • , • 2. .0- • • ' 'Are:•yon..'nervcus, le your pleeidis-, tarbecl so that reit (idea not refresh Is your ,appetite: poor, your 'diges- tion wealeand do- you hairepainsafter eating?' ' • .•: • IIi yeri,taie.any'ei:Bieso synintOM-er yen need the help, Of such a 'reliable tonic; as !.' 1.1r. Read. what Mr.."Mr..,..W,. Franeffkil gaiy, .41ta.icsays of 9is 'tonic. "After returning from overseas," writes M. Francis; ivhple esyitein Was' in a . badly.' run. down condition, • I beedine .nervous, iirltable;: pale • and hist: • Weight ''. Of Cowin 1 wig given' tietti- 'tent :SO recommendecl:. many. tonics,. SOMe•of Which I. took,: but. with no 'air.; parent' result: At could:not hien' sleep . My Sister, who. hi n.gjand, „Wrote and urged Me to give 13s 'WO-. 'Hanle' 'Pink 'PINS a 'trial and •can scarediy: Say hi:INV.:eau am that, I topb. her acivice': My friend were surprised, at my complete, recovefyl„but 1 as- sured tlretn it was duo entirely t� Dr iqnk pine- nto 1 now niweys keeli be* 'on, hand', in lcase emer- geney." • •" . • . Tryon are ailing give: these 'pills a , fair trial and they .not 'disapboine you • Sold.--..bY.,41-1:-dealerk-.14701-edrcine or sent, by inail:at 50. cenie a box by 'writing, The I1ledicine . • • • ,•• • • . • . , • . Ou s4 (e is very pz:Cin'er.?".' • - "i•should sa,y forbeet- Unlit whiskeY-", are_AleLfoola • For .4'. their-Oa/loges and...sbirools „ • .•'• That:when'. nee real His perplet .thern; ;TiteY:••, Maim; enow • th ems elves to.ye , them, • --Burns; Wisdom. From:Araby. A .. • • ••may. Heaven:' bless . hint .pay s . hearty' laugh, iS 'Medicinal, A .Co- • 4parative'.1:augh, 'a ....langl,..altegether, hort );: promotes • god felloNvalnp.----Lymen God does not beye at the end. : , . , .• ...Abbott 0 " ' • ,• Death's first 'challenge tea woman is.4 grey 'hair. •.• • ...• • • ••••Hirste. edines of Satan" *Ito :slow... ness.:emnes:•of• God. 'Yon haire. great riches ifyou ab iron? desires. . • • •' : • ' ...At Aire narroW 'Pas:rake there' As no ;hfother and •no friend, •• , • ' • When • :You:Aire ,bitt an anvil, be, Pa- ti3Orit;.. When you ire,a .Iiamthej strike. 'At .11:fee , 'roasted° nthet• ' Men , cry:. "Take, take.------" butat the vinegar: "kr. teeth eche?! ., A,' man demanded • as. j fakor 'from God, the • swifter rising or morn; and.: ot the • dawn, he :hepatic :blind., " " ' • ,..Perfaotly ,Natural to, Them. 1-ict:-'-"Theres One •Ithing yea; girls are perfectly natural at," • • 'She -"What's that, PleaSa" „ first Wedding ceremony Official; .iy..*.perforrned,in....England.oz• Wales • by -W.Ol:114/lreeelltrY.0:419.KRIAce,;:at don regiSte:r office, Where Miss Dor- Ileldarzo registrar. •• • • " • (:).11'.1;•?1,,tiet.8an,A:04yewt Bringing tis to shame..',• • • , The: Ob.eardedbtiint,, and fights's:cross-the-Sea; '.•:••-„' The :other is.• a; little child Who, s ts. up • ori your -knee. , pile :le-fierce:end' beld, As.lhe wayward deep, , •-•• 11141.119. arras': 'Could, bold, Wiie, • Ilino lireagt could,, keep., He luti tried' .our 'hearts :for, may e , year, not. broken teem; 'fiehez• *IA111.111°6 on :that. Sits ap.en.S,odr knee • ..• ' One•naay In tight, Wife - Is he riot' eur..s:on 9 jJwit ,or.:t seh..waalyi..st.pr one Pray or thO, darb;' rough ieldle.,r..WhO •• acrOSS:;•tho'sea;• • Because yoUllive 'the little Shade, Who. '.smIles upon Yeuf • knee..... • 'One.scross the tenni, Wife 'Asi,speak,maY fall.; ,BittAhle one At home Wife • ' • v . „ Cannet •; • • . . They httit aro only on, and 'haw thank- ' • ,should. we be • ' .• ••• We. cannot • rose, the darling" son who • upon your trnee ! .0. • • • ' • • •LOrd...Buchanan2 •-•C't•••••-•-••-• • .:.' Lihtning Rinks. . •The MiSeibilities are*. :that ..a..-inan• • Eta' Tiding direetly under .a storm cloud wOuld be. astritek by.: lightning fifteen t imes-th-one-hundred -strokes -while-A, mititegrpund wcTuld:be itruelc. Only once .thzudrect stroltes., The' •:figtires, apply' ' Only' k the Man .is--,. ' Tbe 'Chance that -a thunder 'elond; Of a•-s„titlicienn t voltage ...to. cause. a 'charge -wilt -he, particular...01, ..jeat and thus the 1very slight' indeed,. • • iikelilio�d a Dontiailon,;-Epress Moneii0rder..• : Of, .ank particular . obieet • being Struck W*1.111 order.ing ,goods Malt send , 'lizve yol;e4u Moon- light' ?", lie .aslied the .young hind •.the. counter', • • , • •• •- The.YOling Lady: gave:11:4•e o stertrOd. .look and replied:'!!..a: piust..'have heel' thegirl at erther,edunter,•• Pre •only been', itere,a.weett.:•, ' • • For .First Alci--IViinard's • tTeo..o.o.d,,,.s.4,fe,12S7 Milli„ons' and. p..restribad by Th's -tFootliache • Jthatiluttisin• cians ,for `;14doot:'0.4.1.: whin ..0,,yrt s r•Ilayet"' • Also Vottlos of II -I 4 • 'A.Alidrre' Is the trail*, mark Weltered, In' C114:04,- 4:t ,oe fAtrtyl .84114ifp, ',Ai id, • k, -414i t manurnottire,,io aseIst 0.01C, .1.3sro ootosty, thor gentral trado . , •. • • f i • /- Mr - rafec o:rits , of 1•• tablett. zna 100-s--1..:Zryvists. •:••••?:o•-tin-f.zf. .14.0ric•fst.f WIt11,:•41' 14 '74'H tiAt 14. ;All 1,1•Arl 111o) Ttl.,44;t's••, ))!4$•;• • • assi44 avertisemints • REMNANTB, ARGAIN PARCEL. 42; . 5 LB3., _ Paithes, McCreerYA CilatboAt Ontario. • REE:'CATALOGUE, A$FEEEIW .BUSEES, GLAD - Ms; peony, Fancy Dahlias' " and Barred Rock Eggs. The "Wright • Farm, Erpckville, (int, • • '.WANTED TZ MN DRIED • .22". 'spvTwoop Heading Board!, dressed one oldo to 3fi" and BAWrieinted both edges. •• QuW..e .here. Reid Bros., .Botlk• vvell( Ont. " ' • .; • • Problerni.. • A pig'belonging •to. Engliskiarm-, Or Wee ,sod to. a dealer Wisp liv,k,eight away,-. The morning after th• .•ir ale the, pig reappeared .in:its 'si taifirg, escaped: from its -nevi :quarte during the rtig:ht.; ", • :: .. • • • • „The .11044 instinct'. is stronger ' e '1)W:than-in ' An Etheestheilar • to'..the above occurred ;.•.• 2 t7F.ipi1.4i14: Where a. pig traveled tour' teen ° to: its' Old beam:. !ter. • being sold in a local market. , Darwin ..belleved the ,pig capable developing' the sagacity of a dog. • 'For example, a.,sew13O19nging to. a' Eng! JISII,geme. keener; Was trained to hunt . .ge.me, at which 11,1recarne more expert than 'nips( pointers, The t.4.'nie, of thio, spfe'ad,..far - dee, and. • terepting offers werentede buy it; shciW. Oat' .pigs : .derys-were.often-uSed4aP7heaita-of•-brin:,-,0, - , -.den while there • is' •at learrt, one •Well , •Authentleated• instance of a Pig being . :employed. ter .rounding 'hp hats 'the :most' enriOuS nse. to which. - :the seecieS'haS.ever been Mit ,Wea. Up. • draw ,a, carriage' for ani'e Centrie'Vic- . • torian nobleinan., ...The i Herbarium : he Gardens , nentains rieitrly•4;00c0,090. of; drzej plants, fruits, and seeds', ,and'... ..the ecintain's :some. toxic Ara; •. . . umes. •• about' 30,000 spectmens. aro:: added to., the.-lierhar every year • tcoe. . rnatistn liert'Yting.•of 'Irlich•Bay,P;Itte„, , .Writes: hs' follow : .•• . • ..".I" Conid net* turn .over In bed at iiigl3t:' I tried, 4,6cterir and Sent 'off° :for medicines which dld .410 'no ' good, but' after using three hottfes of-Minerdfa m :rneumatisni: left me entirely, „and I 'heie never: felt, it since." .;• , AlWays ke'ep 114.114.. • at, • • . 1 M , -.Lin ment. ••:••••-•:' •" _A ,Eru Prid • tions.OriTSlaideiq; 'Neck licged 'and Buiiieci: My trouble began aritlired spot8! hreakiniHeut on iny shoulders; n k and face. ThOY ite,hed ,and burned causing 'I'm to scratch ,and fr ithte the affecte&Parit.... The crop - Ons sealed over and 'my,cletbing ggiv.yitted"them. My face was dise figured, pnd the trouble liePt getting ," I began:using_ Quticara....Boap and Ointment,,and after using three calc6i, 'of Cuddy*. Soap and one , and a .half boxes'of Cuticuia nient :I was:. completely. healed.", O (Bigned). Mist Pauline Mills, R. • F. D. 4, quaker City, Ohlo; June • .15, 1923. .* • •: Cuticurst Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are all'you need for every -day . toilet and nursery purposes. [ i .......,:r1y,o..................sinew vLS...,.........hat ng Stink. a p. so roe 5, all. Ad reso Canadian Depot: 'patients., I', 0,,Sox 2611 1, Montreal." - Pelee Soan25e."01ntntent 25 an.d50,c..TaloutoSie., • $filABLEAR t A , Lydia E. Pink:haul's Vegeta. Pie CacatCound. a Dependable Help -for :Mothers Port Greville, Note' SCo'tifi.--" I toeli k our medicine for a terrible pain in nay side and for Weahrtisi„andheadacheu. I * Seetied to Woittall over, too,- and iny feet and harldP vi;deq *th„6 'most. lain theinlotl;c.r, of fotir emidren end I acn. ntresits; iny habythe first one of four -1 .coula nurse. 1 took E. Pink,: ham's N9getable Cescp:ound bere the'. birth, 'ad you can s'e.e how much, it hied me, 1- cannot praise it toe • , highly for what ic has doneforme, I • . took all kind's of :inedicino,,hnt the Veg- • ' 'table Compound is tlie only one that .'• 'lies, helped me for any. lerigtli 'of tinle. recorrinzimd•it to ,any.one witfrtroriblee: Ikc'niin 'and You zna_y use zfly le tter for a .0 ., On narhltICtiLttYi. • port aroville;1..`111va otia,• lic fere and a fterehild.birtliihemothe.i: •Pifikharri'S Vegetable Compound it b1es8ing; 1.ninny lettere ete teeeived in.:g the same Sort Of' experience as is' 4 -given i5--i-letter.'-,Nist-,‘-etlY is ....methetchetiellted,,butlhoeo,-good results • ' No IiatmCu1 ,drugs used -in 414 preptiratton Of this medicine -just roott And 'herbs - and it can betaken m sifott , by -ihe nitre:111g utother. - , 11,8. Ottof:,every 100 -women ,reported bencilt train its use in a recent tanIntas • . , , 'afroMfg tfroinsn Usurs Of this medicine, .C, • , ,i SS ••••••ki A 6, •