HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-05, Page 1•••",
.00 :PER. YEAR*IN" AD.VANCE; 12.50* Q
. •
. .
'ETEimNARy st.mtQpw.-... Ds.
Keleher, 1111/10. Phan. ; 29;
tight "or day. -•-t.1
. , .
MacLeod will viiit Luc ow
'every-Tuesday.in De, Connell's 0
R4*•-.PARKEII,,°•.:iSTEOPATUAlt the
. Cain Aprite". 'Lucknowev,e0C11Yed-'
nesdaY afternoon., All Chronic. Oil-
cans , successfully ltkeated. Osten.'
, pad* iemoves ,the physical causes
of disease,. Adjustmentof the
• sPhie is more quickly gemmed and
• with fewer treatments by °stint-
- nathy than by any other Method
•• ' Dr. W. M. Connell, • ,
Physician and Sargeon
Hours: 2-4 7=-8
• • phone 86
• Dr. it. L. Treleaven, Lucknew-
Over Decker's Store. Extraction
either by as or local. Will bain
Dungannon every Thursday.
Phone 33
Call Dr. -Newton
Make innoiiitinent
• r
I _. •
EDyis ,,coLumiku o
1 have 'Added :14 •my Wall pane,
and Paint business ' a stock ' of Wal
Taper _which • meAr be seen at my.
'residente r fly time. -.-R. J. •Cameron
• Painter and Decorator d
1,44Ii.e.4 prices paid for all bads ol
raw . furs at • B. Blitistehint, „Pry
• Goodp•Store.
•,• FOR SALE -A .ty conifortabli
• dwelling, in good condition.. -.Apply
Lo Geo - A. Siddall. 11.9n
:Well improved 100 acre farms cell-
Venient to Lucknow.• Apply to .Geo
A. Siddall."LucknoW.' • "
WANTED4-Energetie Aim erOOd ie
To sell Life Insurance* Willas
sitto finance and secure business-
y,,to Box .51;., Owen Sound, Ont
FOR. SALE -,-Set- platform nooteE
. •
suitable for weighing live stock -4n-
formation at The Sentinel' °MO,
HOUSE. FOR SALE -L- Being the.
frame house on the newly procukee.
School site Must be removed b3.
April ;15'; 125. -Apply to D. C. Tay-
, .
lor, Sec'y„. School. Board. •
100 acres df good land -being Lot
13, " Con. 6,' Huron Township• -good
buildings---permanept water sripply.
For tends: etc., apply to Mrs. Jessit
MacKay, 1019. -22nd St.' Detroit, Micl
ES FOR SALE-Geod strong plant;
-81.00 per hundred. Orders-must;in
in before May lst,
5-3-p.' • M. Clifton, Lucknon
An auction .sale of farm stock be•
longing' to the estate of .the :lath
„ ?George Ross -will be held at Let' 38
• Con. .2, Kinloss Township on Friday
March 6th, commencing at on t
o'clock pm. .There is a team' of hor-
ses ,and a let 'well-bred cows and
young cattle. -John Purvis, Atm.
REPORTER to •,send news of new
buildings, fires, new business and
business removals, ,.Stationerv ..and
postage supplied., Interesting work
for snare time. Write now for part-
iculars2 MacLean Building Reports,
Ltd., 345 Adelaide St., w., Toronto. •
tfie -SALE—A store counter,
feet, a quantity of nbelving and.;
,nulriber Of small show cases ,11x1.1
13 in. also a steel, barrel' for oil," or
gasoline- Apply al Reid's •Bakery,
James Struthers, • three Mika west
of LuchnoW. , *having •"eold his " farm,
will liave an auction sale of his farm`
Ntock and itiiplerriente, on "March 12th
eommencing at One o'clock p.m.
'tete is a good lot of stuff on good
traveloeli Manitoba) $5.60
'Sol* (blended) $515
- • Made Rite (pastry) • $5,0
()Marie Wtieat $1,454 ;
'reed -Flour
.'iherts $1.43 to $14/8.
• }Iran $1•44 to $1.78
ooreonlol 400 03$40 '111 I/
jot. Oil 0,0 1011$ loOil g
t •
. 9-0-074 9.--0=-0
I .
I 4. • • '. I •
Ines .4.M. Forrester, of !Eimer
dine Wail the /Meet ..;f Mrs. MecCal-
lurit at the lganse. °Ver the week end
Mrs. Wheat, Smith, Mre?'; Arthur
Nolan, efl"fert: Erie,,and •Mre; Jelin
'MaeKirineit `,4, of Niitga4 •Vallo„ Ont.,
were guests over the yeek.,, end 'ef
the „Id•iseels; l'4,19c1Cinnothi.'Snation„St, '
Nark, whose borne is at
.arandBend is new it:Boleti-nit in
:sho'4uckitok$chool, taking the Plate
-Of Miss. Fowler who...repent:1y resign-
ed oh hoehont 0! her marriage to Mr.
flittOld' Treleaven.
: CarneroivMurdoc,h & Co. , have iitt
ranged or Ai large and 'Splendid dis
344Y..ef. , readytto.Wear•'• at
itheir titer, .on Tuesday, Mak.' 10th.
1lierifrelli4itin's a specialty' :Of 'mc-
clUeive giiiinents this season.', •
Afro.R�. Cangen, of ,. TprontO
.who. arate.heie the pest 'Month ,on,nc-
count/ ofA tfie ilhiesa Of her father..re-
turned • to 'Toronto on 'Tueeday..Mr.
Smith has so far •• recovered thathe
is, expected home` from the hospital
in about a week.
are serryi_to report th serious
'illness ".PeDr. MacLeod, • dentist of
Itipley who .visite 'here each Tuesday.
On Tuesday' Of hint' week he was
tehen•ill-iii-his Office and was "taken
Lo the
eIng red for. During': the week
e, developed nneinnenia :.rind- though
soniewhathetter' on TneSclaY of this
'week he took :jurri., for the • worse
again on Wednesday, ,
Card of .Thanks,. -Mi,' Tay-
lor and family Avish' to express their
dhanks • and , gratitude to the friends
And.neighbors for kindness and tura-
patby. shown diving the illness and
. •
at the death of ,husband and father.
• The sregular meeting of the Luck -
now Women's. Institute will be .held
ifl the Council Chamber On March 12
at 2.36. o'Cleick. 'Reif Gall answered
bynn.:Iriah•qricitation‘,. -
•At ,Guelph Feb. 9th, 1925, by the
Elev. H..E.! Abraham, George Hus:
„ton. of 'LliCketow,, to-Lilhan-ManndeTi;
inrighter of Mr. and Mtn. Wm:
Mitimder, Gnelph• • '
Lucknow., Lodge,1. O. Q. F. will
hold n.• soeial evening in the Lodge
Room on Friday Mar.' 6th. for; Odd -
fellows entitled to ,wear a collor.on.:
!A their wives, or lady friends and
thildren 'tinder: 187- Games will be
followed by old-time
• ,
There , )i -as , been.a good deal,. Of
lalk during the week about a num-
her of young :fellows of town.
vicinity .1/2vh,n; kaving procured a
quantity- of bootleg whiskey proceed-
ed to gettlioroughly drink On a re-
cent Sunday afternoon: As :the sniff
was bad some got so sick that they
requited the:attention. :,' of a I doctor,
and 4 little more *Mild have prepar-
ed thenifor the attentinn of the un-
dertaker. ,HoAvever, they, survived,.
and we underatand that five inform-
ations has :been laid' With Magistrate
.14cNah: Two Made: a Nifty get.erway.
from tenth "'While the others are re -
Pelted '„tobe making a settlement
Without going to Court,
If there's, any truth in the ' /Old
saw•aboutlithe • 'March lion and lamb
we mey ;Ionic forward with confidence
to fine" springlike weather about the
end of the .month and early April.
.Wasn't it cold? . Almost to the Min.
tite the, month • came in Wild and
woolly, giving ,tdi • d few of the eold.
est„ deka of the season. Unfortunate:,
ly the' einOW:which fell •41iii all blown
off the roads leaVng .them in. bad
condition for traffic. •
The many friends:
OlYti IdatLead Will *interested. ,,to•
Ittove thatc-ehe ' took .pas.Sege4M-'qhe
9. S. Reltance, leaving New„Ytirk,011
teb. 28, itika eratee., to the ,Weat'ln,
iieliednled to dock at Cuba,
Jam -
ales, the „Ainetrea CanaI,'
Trinidad,' .13arbedoe, ..Miirtinitpik. the
Vlrgln Islinitil.‘Perta Bef.,
rnuda. Tht-erislus Is boin* to* by.
604141104Closit, Ott Oi000lidloOlno
#4 '404011 1104*
''.4411101‘ 010010 01 .F$141"
• ',there Was a goodcrow and 'lets
of fun at,the carnival in lorie ithlk
Tfiealay: night. The ' attendance was
better than the one held in FelirnarY1,
and there ;were more aillSe•nernders
on • the ice. This 'Carnival ' like., the
.PreViolui 'pne was under management
'rif the Fire Company. '•
. • • •
" A liet of the prize-winnern follows:
Fancy Press7.1,4ad3r- , Misa Anclre'le
• '.SPen,Or, Silk 1T0.9e.
• FencYrt .Drees, Gent,- Jaelc7J9infaa,T1
. , ' Tie; ..: , ' - , ',.., ', '''.'' ' ''''•
-,iley Dress: '.„Girl'--7'l•Wiln'ifr*ed A?
, strong, Box. Chocalotes.
"Fancy, Dress Boy-ADouglai Clark,
.Bgt. . • 1, ' , • - . ' '---- •
comie's.". Lady -Agnes Howey, Box
• Cbacalotes
, • . .
C4thie'"'PeAtdrant MagiCenzie, Box
, Choeiloteg
Celnie MacHeiikieLBox
-----Powder; • . • • :
"Comic Boy -4.- Charlie ?Palmer, Ever-
- sharp Pencil
National Ceitutne- Jean.' Johnston,
'Box Chocaloteil • • ' •
Best Elide and' Tena
Blitzstein and Bob.*MaeCalhrel,
Silk Hose' • '
'Spec -Fred Gunnell,:. Hese. •
Farmer' s Cimple Mc-
Lorne.'WoOds, Silk • Hose
Ble0i Itace-;•Sid Decker Bet Cleats
W0111411'6 race -Miss: ,M. Orr, Bag
Relay Race•-•-•.- Stella.. Stewart, ' Jessie
MacKenzie.' `Het JeDonald
Bisohy•---,`om sp.
a Legged Race,-- Grant McKenzie,
Bill Henderson, Shoe Polish
Musical ;*chait's girlsL-Stella .•Stewart
Musical Chairs itoYs:4,-Chas. Webster,
Town Couple Race- Cameron; MC -
Miss Carruth, Tie. and
•Chocaloteti.' • - • - • ••('
•-• • • —oni-
efforts Were
T w o unsuccessful e
„ ,
made in the past Week. to Anin the
hindipmes ilver cup, ' whichsince the
..annual hensniel at Kincardine ;• a
eouple Of weeks ago, . has steed:in the
window • OfA . • E. "Meltim's. 'Drug
. This fine cup is a trophy put up 4.)Y
_MT„,::„.wm.,:_miteheil_of Kineardirie to
be Contested Or by "devotees of the
rorin gaine from season : to neason.
At the annual benspiel the trophy
was:. Won by a LricknOW rink of
widen Mr T S. Reid was 'skip, his
associates being; Ford Aitchison deP:
3rd, Donald 'Gall "(Bank: of
Coin -
window of:' A, E. MeKineS2 Drug
was a famous victory, • „
ant a • trophy has to be• defended
as Well,an'Wen, and at/On an,quartette
of KinCerdinites were On the Lnck.:
now ice in an 'effort.to win back the
Iost prize. They failed however, but
they had a glorious time..
On Monday • afternoon, t Mr.: S.
Crawford of Wingham"' with .:his kink
whigh:hag.beeri winning .laurels with
the stone andbroom came over to
lift the coveted priie. But it wiie'net
to be, .The, visitors ' Were, "down"
ionie ' 14' pointe`at the "close, snthe
eup reiliiiiiiic,23esidei'lli!..'Graiviord's
rink, Wingham 'sent over four ether
rinks,- so that, the ice was fay oc-
cupied and there Win a very: good
Belo* is given l the resolution Peg-
ged by the Village Council, Tuesday
'evening, having reference to Golden
Wedding anniversary , of Couneillor
Mullin and Mrs. Mullin: ' •
We the Reeve and your • fellow
councillors, in, session assembled,
hereby express and, extend to you,,
Mr. and hire. Robert our
hearty congratulations in this, the
Golden Anniversary Of your
riage, we rejoice to know, that after
so many years, you each enjoy the
best of health and our earnest wish
is that You'inay,, be geared to enjoy
many years of happiness and pas-
rfigs.4 in op, .Cotnici;1_ this 3rd
clay of March 1925., '
Chittleg • Baethlei••,-' Who.
been :01linder •ifin ,-40ettlee Lor
l'anme 4thnelle••'''Irecove#ngvalthough
Still °needing niedkal:ittentipn,,'
atileS Iftlaten.speiit a • few,
days ,:recently" in Huron '
A number'freitt.4itir burg ettended
the dine°. at: Williain. Shaelet'g ;lest
.Friday tight, ;when; :of entirile there
Wed, the. ulna) *004 tint.. •
, 011.1 Itsitotatiri returito
loots op Ottstihi *ttito
104 4c4.47414;-: 1/1
5. 4
• ,•- • .-.„,„„.• • • .
\,..T.,,t1Prt$01•10rp..1"19LA0cli: :1025....
Reeve JohnstOri, arrived home Sat-
urdaynight after attending the big
conventieri. j the intetests pf better
kiiacts,' held. at Toronto on Pebrtiery
25th,'26,th. and 27th: ' r,;.. •
Thia •Good- loids Association.. has
developed into quite',an , • iinpettont
-•organizatien, and its
,sOggestions. and adnicaare, largely
;Yellowed by. 't.the Provincial Highways
.ganiZed ' 34., years' .aic;.'*ith 'a ::m0nriberi,-;
141.1frOf-. only ' 7; ',ibis' ' yearIliere :were
present % no, less than, 7-0-0 delegates,! 4 L
:laze' Webster, "The best time ee,-
'all keenly intere ed in the metter .pf .'er had" Winnified Perrier and "The
road building: an4 repair. ' - • ' ' Tests of a Good , Time" Olive 'Ken-
." The eenventien was addressed bynedy. _After the, •discrigsion - period
many read 'experts and almost every i “Faith of ' our, -Young Folk" was
problem -of construction and finance nung and • ReV. T. Wesley' Cosens (lis -
missed the meeting.- A week •' fronr
next•M ricley evening, Mat. 16th„ the
social. Dept.ie arranged_for_o4.re-.
cital _._!`. ,en,Hpe! withcelOted°' Views
'hi,.,Ile .-Ci.-Wli
e Witt 'Cosens
•ing•. •' •
Epworth League
An. unusually interesting, Meeting
vas iii•charge of the Devotional De.
'Monday evening, The chair was oc-
cupied .by Mrs, G. ,Ostrander.:, After
the Opening hynni 2."The Lords Pray-
er was Lena Robinson read
the: ,ScriFfthre iessch and Margaret
,Webster gave am'aPpropriate • .tead.
•• •
The nbieet1 erdei:ssin.•Airs
you p011idder .*Ravhig • .4 0390
Time." -Threek,.niinnte• tAllte were', giv-,
, ••
en ',"The .definition of a good Vine"
as discussed:, •
We notice that our reeVe. Wag
ell. director, of the Ontario Good
Roads Association, a higlirrelomple,
tary aPpointment considering the
Very large number Over, 790)7-frern
which 'selecItioneri-wete made-- Mr.
Jolingfon had several interviews. with I: the
headsof the. IlighwAyfs, Dep. regard -1 charge
iiii:issiatance to LUcknow in connee.:1riwit :
tion• • with 'proposed improvements,Accom
aria also with the Hydro. Commission D. G.
regarding hydro mattere.,. • son ,
..The, Convention % fittingly brot giss F
' The Guild) , •
DeVoti nal Cominittee had
of the progra me Monday'
aeKenzie: The Sctipture
t Guild. • "WhatPrayer :Can
lish''', was well ken • by 'mtI.es-
'tp,a close kr: a banquef. al,.. the zie
Prince George -Hotel, at which Sir testi
Geo, Poster; Premier,: Ferguson, and i3Cf. co
W. E N. ,iSinclairwere speakers.
FATAL • Act4RENf AT, btrrRoq
• A Sad .fatality'oceurred at Detroit
on Wednesday of, last Week by which
.a Miran"' Township Young- man, best'
lie McGuire losthis lite. The unfort-
imate young man was engaged. os
switenirian in the Canadian National
Railways.- yard. Ow...Wednesday even-
ing, two 'ears had: broke n away
.st d p
• • •
a ted own a grade. McGuire and
another. :yard nian elimbed on to•:the-
,.cnre and setting the hand brakes •had
the cars •almost under, control, when
a switch engine- whieh had:, been
sent.. after the • cars. Caine up. The
e n g e driver misealentating the
speed; of the e ars;hit
them With Considerable 'force causing -
McGuire and his companion to tum -
hie to the ground:. McGuire' evidently
fell on_:.his liPacLaS,..4bisdeck was located, death being almogt. insten,
taneous., companion sustained
broken leg: • • • • ••• • .
'Following an inquest at which the
fatality • was - pronounced accidental',
the remains- were. brought , to the
hoine of his mother, Mrs: W. 3'. MC,..
Guire, the finierAlbeing on Friday of.
last week.: ' • A."._ • • •
The late Mr. McGuire is survived
by his Maher. and A number of
grown up btothero and sisters. Mr.
SeM..1VIcGtiire of: LiieknoW, :is an un-
cle. '
• Mrs. Wm. McGill , of , F'a,tainount
spent. theweek end the guest of
Miss ..Beekie .Canipbell of Luekno_w.-
' • -
• Mr. Andrew-Steiii---91Lanes sold
Jai lanai/ to :Mr: Tom Ferguson •of.
the 10. Gen. And purchased Mr: Jae:
Struther's farm on the. Ben/Wary.. ,
Mies Sara MacLean '•of Evanston,
. ,
is visiting at heinte for a short
. .
The Lantiet. 13, F. W. O. willhold
their /Mutual oyster ...aupper itt, the,
hotne .of Nei) G. McKitnzie on Wed-
nesday evening the 4th inst.. ;
"n' t
The I Intel' Wome s Institu e will
,nieet; itt the hone of Mts. Neil 'Mc-.
Donald on Thursday, 'March. 5th,,
Mrs. 'Brown and Mrs: _MeGnire Of*
Detroit / ere visiting W i th' ;their •
;mother Mrs:, Emily, Ensign of LOCh-
alab • • •
We ire glad to report that Ronald
Henderson: ,*of.'Parairionnt.; Who has
had an attack of. pneumonia is pro,
greasing, favorably towards recovery,
. Mts. Jas. Bradley :' and • Wilfred of
Lanrier, visited withfriends in
ley during last' week, .
,Miss Edith Gaunt. of LucknOw owas.
the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Sam Reid
o un 41.1 in, the week: •
• McDonald Of It
Mr, Murdock .uron
.Ileitderson• af Pareineunt during,. the;
iting, with, "friends in Varna, ._
• • ,„
• CitbWE'
.."A fatly, entitled; The Arizona COW
goy -will he given:- in the tohool.
!tense here; on 4.he evenink,of Mar
1.0th. The fility vitil be .teliowed by
• 110$ Sotslal, AdrnOsi0n; no; 14440e.
14$0.1' ••
s teed ,by Iieflen McDonald
rn. Reid, Mrs W L MacKen-
Winnifred. Douglas gave,' in,
g readings: The musicarntint
sisted of a solo by Winnifred
Aitche. nn„.and_a_Muniefithaeje,
• ...
'•if/71W1-igie and Miss Mae
. ,
The Y. W M." S meeting last
Thuisci y evening was :Well attended
athoug t he weatherwas very un-
favorab e. MtaMacKenzie gave a.
. •
very in eresting, paper on the topic
'Corea,' -telling of. the marvellous
the live
solo' by
cieted. •
son Are
the, Pro
he GoSpel hag wrought in
of , the people ef Corea. A
Mira. Clark was much apnre-
ur President, Miss liender-
ably fifled ,in the belente of
rarinne• Shereed an ''articie
. „
y Rev Hugh McMilIan, des-
ome 'conditions •in Formesa
. • .
and al s • an article about the•gre..tt
broadee ting station in "Chicago froM.
-which Unday services are • tO"br
breadeated. every Simday, reaching
even _to
. r-
eign Fi
26th il
home of
S. and
he •Missionaries .on the, Por-
Ids.jhe next meeting Mara,
be speeial- Easter ,Thanic-
and will -'be held, at' the
Mies MeMrian, ' •
ET.470";;;Ft'7w.:,mt; S.
arch meeting of the W. M;
aches '1Aid Of , the illethodist
Chntch . as dield at the home of Mrs.
Jno. Bu ton,' Avith•the President, Mrs.
'T. Wes' y Cos*, in tlieLetirliTTAI::
ter ging" ng.the•oxology and repent -
trig the'3rd Psalm:in Unison, several itenis of business Were :discussed:
Arrange tents,;,-. or- to secure Mrs.
wife of Dr. ThompsOn
Missiona y in China, now -on. fur-
lough to nddressiAshfield and Luck -
now ' A xilaries at" their' Annual
nieeting. in. April were among. these.
Items. A portion of the "Ste* Beek"
wits tak n by the Pres. pointing out
the home, . Mid Industrial conditions
ot • Chin,. and the - transformation
wrought by the powerof the Gospel,
through. the influenee. Of the Mission,
n excellent financial . state-
ment presented by the...Ti-calm.-
pi, -Mrs.. Aathwell,. of the •Lidies-Aid.
and the Cornmittee, decided tb
hold the Annual Congregational 'Ten
on Wed. Mai-ch.1 lth. Th0 niernlaeis
were int ted tthe home' Of MO.
Joh; Jo. nt for n434 meeting. Tea
was .served by the Hostesses, Mrs.
autton,. • Mrs. Stothets and Mrs.
puswell.• •
OniTx"IrgAns MARRIED •
Mr. 'and- ; Mrs.: Robert 'Mullin
town Were receiving' Congratulations
nn - Tuesday Of -.this. week
tied life on that date, Mr, :Mullin be-
a•hiehiber or the •Village
.4tight..pasSett n reso1utioi congratuk •
evcnt ift.the 'Sumner 'months, 'When.
weather• conditiON.- are Mere fairer'.
• Ahle:•thah - tiOW, •thi•'-,bride;
, .
and gitein of 50 'Yeare ago Intend
-holding a reception In eirimeritorr.
ittlen of the •difent.,‘ +rho:blot:laic was
'solenrnlzed at Teeiltvatet by the late, *:
Iteo, David Wardrobe.,
, ,
inoo le all yitht,tet ratst.'en .yeni
.0/14hbOnotbut don't nOttoot :to. too
401* il(t110004...‘ . T'•.;;
Mom IV
Sr., IV-.Subj. Gram; Coiup,,
IIiSt. Arith. , •
IC. MacKenzie. -93%, D. MacKinnon.,
m;watkciti 88, G, Webster and S.
JeWitt (ties). 87, M. McQuillin 86,
Boswell Andrew'. and R. .WaiL
"son, (ties)" 04; M. -Bruce 514 D. Reed
701 Agar 75, W. Webster 74; My.-
:nainnlo 09. s• ,
;Jr.' "Eit#iene;. Can. Hist
' •
MacDonald. and. V. Sheriff ties
31%, M. Wilson 76, ' S. 'MacLeod 69?
A.,. can -wren 60*, Chas. Webster 50?t,
M. Gamble, 42*, m.. 'Jewitt- 35*; D:
-Miller 31*; V. Miller '
Those maticed faijed on one ex-
am. •
K., MacDonald, teacher
. •
SpeOtak For_Saturday
. . . "
..1304 pc:Judie •Nut Tarts
Hpney ginger..13ieaA.
, .
Sally '''.13rown4They are de-
licious real hbinemade'64e§
Horne Made, Whole Mica
Raisin Bread . .
Butter-. and 'Eike if Top • Prices :Bakery
IP*Iinne 361 Lncknciw-
Ure ..cfrillr 1:925
When mailing allow '5c.‘
.for Postage
We 'do not charge for laic.=
. .
ing your affidavit • - '
Rooin III
gX. ErahS'on
94, Myrzionit Pelmet 92, ” Arthur An. -
drew 92, Bruce:Martin pm, Lorraine
Brabson' 87, -Ada Watson 86, Alan
Murdoch 82, Carlyle Macintosh 81,
Jia,Stewart ,79; Jessic MacKenzie 73
EIWy41 Pentland: 7.3, Phillip's' MenAry
:6 Clarence Greer 76 Bertha Milne
75, Archie MacMillan 75. .
, Good'. 6.0%- :Stewart Mullin /2,
Almeda Durnin 71,- Harold Johnston
70,'..;Eve1yu Nixon 70, stens, Stewart
68, Alex Smith 61. '" '
111=-7-Ex-ir-dir.Hvgri-iirt-6-0.3. 7
Alex Maelcenie'94, GledYs MacDon-
ald 92,, Donald Henderson 89, .Nyini
fred.Armstreng $9, :Willi/tin Webster
31, 'Margaret MacDonald ,79, ;tante
Webster 78,.•‘ Frances 4, Thompson 78,
Tom MaCKenzie 77; Roy Finlayson
— ,
Good -George Webster' "73, Isabel
MacMillan 71, Fred Stewart 70, Lbr-
een Naylor 69•••„: •
Fair-Patiline-Reed 58, Helen Mc
Lead , 58; Jessie Naylor 55; Ari
strong Wilson 52: *
W. F, Thoinioh, teacher
•;• Room II.
Possible' 565i Honours '426, 'Puss
' Sr. •fi Rove-. Roy 2Gollyer, 520,
80%-:- Clark EinlaysOn 490, Har-
old Greer 439; • ,Mae MaCMithini 41
Dorothy Nixon 459, Bobbid Thenipson"
458, Ada Burns .456.- •
75%,,,,Clare;•Jehnstene' 438, Shir-
ley Langford 438, Betty Brown 4;J7
60%--Wil4en Armstrong. 412; Ste-
wart Cameron. 416, •Phillis Cousins
394.. Eveleyn • Reed 392, „ Reezella .
iflj 389,- Donaldit 'Dotigas 386; Ernie
•Baker .380;v; .Eldon Agar 379;.: •'Ken-.
neth-..Camerow=-363,--Melvin- Johnstone
67, Winnifred johnst,one, 364, .Jim-
mie Henderson, 35.fP,' Cameron
layson 347*. .: • " ••
•Kathleen • .Ferris 343,' .Cheser
Bruce .328,, Clifford Menitiy„ 320; El:::
-nnie-tITSO-IbrniSri'-314 Marion Cousins -
:313, ' Leonard. Irwin .299, , Marjory
Henderson. 2.85, Harold Button .223.
233, Eddie Whitby 230;
Verna Steward 215*, Jackie Fisher
201/0, Edna Agar 201*, Melvin -Stan-
ley" 199*, J.. C. Duknin 192*„ Tom Mee.
Donald 140*. •
David Horne and Donald MacDon-
aid absent on account of sickness.
• Those marked thus t have nn.ssed
an examination,
•••••-/=• .11. G. Sherrift; teacher
• ' Room I
Sr. Clas-Ex.-Alfred Armstrong,
Cecil Arinstrong, - Stewart Celly,er.
Jack Wilson, 'Douglas Clark, 'Fred
Good -Isobel Douglas, Lillhtn
Horne, .Isobel lianniton,• Prank
Ke,nzie, .Denalda Thompson, Billy;
McKenzie, Christine Finlayson, Jean
McMillan George ;rout, • '
, • Fair„ -Leonard Webster,. Ale?c, Arc-
Makgaret ' Baker, g (1.-W i'h"
VV.hitley, Leonard McDonald, • Elliott,
Webster', ,Charlie Palmer, Aridrey.
Henderson, George Whitby, Harry
Sherwood Manila 'Fisher, Elora
Webster, •
BelowE Jur--,,,Howard . Johnstone,
Rexford, Ostrander.. „
Class Dic.,-.4ean'lldntogb-, An-
gus MedraeEunice Newthn,•.(Eileen.
:Jehnetone;;I:-....Winifited ...,Aitchisen;'14140,
Victor..iiititrett)..,tieS; ;Ruth PArice,.
Kathleen licintonfir ' '"AndreY ;Bine,
'Prances ,Arrhatrling', •-
Gpod.-•--Ellen Burls, •Muriel Solo-
mon, 130bby McKeniie, • (JOY tiender.,
son and.NOrintin laYlet,). ties, Grace'
Wehater., -
Pair- Jack Button, Harold AlIin
• BeroVt. Pair David Jewitt, • Willi
McCrae, Mot 3*,, ;Webster, Carmen
Pentland, Merle Jahnistonee. • ,
Mese marked * were Out 4.
or sore thi‘o4h 1011000 ,
• 1. Mird1e, isooliot
. . •
• , n ;the morri14.af Feb,. ,26th; ,a
wefl know n and :respected ',Citizen, .of
[LueknoW' passed to his
eternal re-
ttvard inthe • person of Mr, Joseph : •
:Taylor: Mr. Taylor wag, born at Vann
, , , . . .
near loionto 66yentaa3•0,. and •ni3Ov-.
'ed with his' parents to a ,fa.rin "on the -
boundary .West f laicknow! where he
spent his boyhood days, Ha Was 'altar- •
ried in .1890 to Misg:.Sarah' Tiffin of -
the township of Colborne and the -
hi:red on the -term west of Lucknow;
now °canned:by:Mr: Jack Henderson
until ,1§y,ears-ago when they inoveci
' Eight. ye/tr..; later . he bought . the
farm...South of • Lneknow, from fhe
late' Richavd Webster ' where c he re- ,
sided until'. about two and a • half •
years ago when he Moved into LUck-
"Although suffering from -Aneamin.'
'for\aerne tithe' he Avns Able: to ,be up
and arptind until •a. 'few" 'before
his . He Was .never known
corhpiaia and although' at times
sufferedfrOrn great Physical
weak -
nes s he manifested in a 'very marked
degree courage anc :. fortitude • and .."
thoughtfulness for: others, -"
,a husband, be was tiue ,and
riarthfol;:. asa father' he was tender
;and affectionate, ns -a citizen he was
popular; and as ,Christian he was •
consistent. He is survived by this .wife:„
..and one daughter,'•Miss-,Margaret at,
hoine ,and one, son, Ewart 7 On the
farm a1d--one brotherith. John Ta3T-
lOr of 'Galt. ; • "•
The f'unral :service waS held on, Sat4'
urdnY-, afternoon. at oneo'c1ock and
--.was--Conactedb. his -pastor Rev.. T.
Wesley _CoSens.,.,rissisted by:, Rey:- C.
Wesley De Witt Cosens', M. • A; 'B D.
Mister • of the Ashfield, 'circuit,, •,Avhen •
•a;'.1Orge number of sympathizing
friends drilf.neighborg paidtheir tri-
bute to his •
Th0:rialThdaTOrs , .W.P.
Reid, Mr, 'Wesley Henderson, Mr. Sit..
Q. Rathwell, Mr5 Joseph . •Hackett;' '
John Heim and Mr,,Sainuel MuC- •
chison .inteinient 'took . place 10,6,
'Greenhill cernetery.': '••• ••
Deepest Sym pithy :• is ed
xtende' to
bereaved', Nyile and tainiiy and aged
brother. . .
EA.! T, pr.
• The Ontario Forestry; Branch an.,
nounces:that it his, or rather had ill'''.
Jess in,an six million trees for destri-
"bution'to•pdrties who with to, plant
freCh y the DepArimnt,•un to 500;
It. is a... gplendid opporttinity end..
tn any Are taking ' advantage' of ' it, •
*We, notice that ont anplieations
•niuSt, bo... in b`e,f0Pe' A pill -.first •"at:lhe-
Year in %illicit the tree,2 are vanted;
The following. • Vtititi6t ,aan, be 81.1P.
phed4w,hite,„....Recl, • jnelcand ''ScOtplf"---
1- '
Pine; White: sprp_c'P White Ceoal•
" _ . o •
that; Whlt Ash,, Hard Maple, soti
-masido;-:Avalmit,e''13tiftet,:ii-ift; 'Carolina. ?
PoPiilarr•r; White
Tuesday of the death, 'at Edritonten,...• •
Mr, D. p, Yule, who for a number',
Of years was a teochor Lucknow
9ch0o1,:' Wliv...e.„ he greatly •endeared
himself to -the pupils f NI'. yes re 10-6.1
Mr. tile' WAS In faWng heal.(k. tor
note than a- yea,