HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-26, Page 8This. Sale IS lit, to be u a we ex ecti. ,,would be, a Real' Success« - Every day' pf the week °pea, are here .uruhasin a Satisfactory'' ' Bargain. ° Our ever Arte" IS fust ohYn Olde u1 �ShowingBroadcloth. . arinen s"'' l s S des $3.0 Each $4�,eS.Plain Shades, � Q • Sl in : Shades _- $2.25 Each �"ia Bloomers, ROM Shades, $2 QO a Pr. Made l adweight`E l" Broadcloth 's e a r of:good �n x h a oth:` PR. : ,, an nr , l �: , , � ga.e 1� . , , i � 9pe ; Y �;� , g_ s B del. m . Curtain + pods a nd Chintz r t?►pen'orderMarquisette, Cream Shade, reduced to,39c.' Colored Border,Dotted Muslin wide width reduced to 35c. 'Chintz, 36 inches wide,; reduced to , 24c Per Yd. Bxtra eavy. Ve ghtF Chintz, Special at.: ' 35c4 'Per ..'., ... ,.. a�i1tt:..., , .., D .I,.... T'.. «T.... are Misses' ,Dresses, `ma+r�e with pleated'skirt and neatly trimmed top, uced to '$3,95 Each: Ladies' Flannel Dresses, neat fitting'style, at $4.95 few Styi"e Flannel Dresses, properlytrimmed, a fi ; winter Coat Special, at $1.7.95' 'the Ladies' ear Departinent has SpecialV-alues to. offer, abut in small entities only, , Don't delay as these Bargains will,be picked; up, = '' • GoOds eavy,.!:•.bers Ghat;`>nith wns in 'oron'to asf► vgeek n Pcie at'e to the Terre 1 , A man ,k),F; the :ua ne of Ia Na lor,. who was en aged in: eutting ergnce C rtveirtiop a Bpenit. an ice uf,, at Chegl for . Soho to nearby hare • for 1 plank saVr' a • +ftgrnoon with h Ugh*: an 'nearby' on a shelf and, being pleased in-. tratta o'n , h way ,home, with the smell of rt. he looka drink ri Alex cam p : of Detroit of the; contents` with :a view to_warrri� visited at Mrs. John' Thtimpson's'lest ng. up. Shortiy�af terwards'.be `went Frim r •a °„ to "a Chinese restaurant,to"'.have, din Mr. Gea, Buckkingham,;� who' has ner, but3.11e drink hada Very bad. been, spending: the winter with,, his effect on his, stomach: and he became • nephew. 10ft last week to !'Very sick and apparently: drunk '"A visit in Kiacaxdrne axrd Rini ...h fore constable was ,ea4. c i{i andj NaY1or retuning to his home" in the,'Vilest. i later `appeareii,'in Point to aaarlver. to a, charge of, being dlr}ink°, in 'a.' -public', place, .Enquiry ' as ; to Where he got' the- 114We led -to tha'.,dis ve}'y • that:, the 'lhOttle he dram , 'frQXn,' Oeteined Mrs D, hompsoiu spent a$',,e;r#oon with Mrs. 'Chas., St"rathdee, Miss. Olive Robb:' of 'Stratford+: Nor-. mat, wee, home for t#e veek�eid� Miss' Mary McLeod , visited. at MacIver's ' Thursday „The 'iJ F; W 0 Met :St tie hp4ne of D; Martin Thursday : As, it •'w4s, a dad' an .roads good a .la.rge, crowd• of ladies ;were pr,.ese.rt y' Tile meeting" opened'; rby". ."•the.: Maple Leaf. and, r.epeat;tig the L'ord's P'royer,-, The business '.part of the meeting wns eo}iducted by the Pres} 1Virs. Allister Hughe4 aid Sec . Jean McKenzie A.. -very.,, good pro. gram • :was given;consisting of a paper by Mrs D 1Vlelntyre Readings_ by: Annie .Iiughess4and ..Mary„ McLeod end`a • duet by 111,04 • W . Robb and Mrs, R, Martin A flower contest 7,14: then 'given which caused "niueh :anivaemei t' :and-was-,enjoyedn-by all; Community singing ire„; r which:: all took; part was ,also a ••feature'• of the• program., ' Thenext. meeting 'will he .' held at the.'1iome .o! Mrs. T. ;itobhi- son :Mar, X19 '• • -u-a-Q--•' .WHIW . ,F(I CH 'w. Miss Etta 1VicQuoid' of : Crewe spent the' week end with Miss Ida: McQuoid; .” esSes *ill be held -Tuesday, no e ium ()resift rosley prod Up goes production! Down go the .Everytody wants the Trirdyn--.5- . volume —3 -tube economy! Transc nti., nental tanges. ,Rea1 selectivity. The se for • the makers can !upplk diem! din; present allotment, is diiappearing tuck. . • It was the greatest value in Canada at 100! • *Mu rdie 40 oft, the .frthit _of. the. Olelveo, ed ' When no* 'and waked ,lightly Once •a, week after Washingl., w nen basing- ash aiWays Due tno nen with , waked • riaper, to' Yeti -tan lift it out, afforward and 00t ilitio141` idiot) 40 rwaah, ison is, Visiting •friends. end • Dr.t and Mrs,. Balfour,' of Liicicnow, visited en •Suaday.' the hoine Of • We aie sorry to report- the death stroke f�r .•• past feW Weeks and .shortly.. befaie •hii, death 'had taken 'another,. She. „wai irk .her 68th year ••• !of KizAloss. 'she. leaves ..to mourn' her 'less, %her. huabsadi 'two ions and One :;innnitY is' extended to thena in. their held On Monday to Tiffin's: temetett. Miss, Elizabeth \ CoOlt,er .of ViSiting' her aunt Mrs, John Craig • IIILIuIIIIHIINII(�II�jIIIHIUUIII�IHIIIIHIINUld811111(IHIjp111llIIINNIGI;11tIH�lIII�IIIfipII�CIIgLiIIIIIIHillgllllllllliltllllllllHIIIIIlINl111tIIIiIIIIl1InlIIIIIIIIICII�J1;tIIilltllillilil�IillHlllil(HlNltli ..�.5�AY.t1tn1Y1111 a inixture'of s.,Yweet`niter,•alcoliol and >,winerbeing a uneiiin : lire owner" had' rocur • •for is o'w A the P ed h e s cused-hada ' pt.ett :bad time of" ' it, convicted , of -drunliehnessi..so• he, was • •Chanee' to • try. the Case crier • again When •a makes,;a it ,take:, he Nampa, it loninductiOn. he, caupe ,nobody knowS' What that take -400E1; NIGHT!!' • .relatives • , T. ,Harold stewart•has, purchased the Property.recglitlii•N:viteefe-4 .by Alfr„; ,Making, preparaticins. for.. Conducting. ,a restaurant.' An, ice houSe has been Shipped late; :and .where he, with his family will in.. futUre reeide: -Mr. and Mrs, Begley and family. ere •,.'remaining . here: until next•.week. We are Sorry Mr. Alphonsis 3/array entertained to lose 'a faiiiily lila\ this from, thp' the :U.. "0.:at• his home last Friday Coinniunity; 'as they have always teen, evenini and eVeriolie had a real: 'A number from here attended „Mr. .Weiler's sale in iiyorniosa last Tues - A ‘number froin. here .tOok in" tile play 'at Kinipss Vedneaday, even, Mrs:. Archie , 'McKinnon end -Jim% •of Langside, visited at the home- of .durray'S recently, Mester Currie., Armstrong. of Tees - water ia Visiting hiS grand parents Our burg Was, 'Well represented at the ..dence at Riversdele' Monday who.' the, welfare' of the town L 9 • _„ , • and. diatridt so 'flinch at heart not. ',THE WEST •SHORE RAILWAY withstanding the diecouragem,ents • met With froin time to.titnei• 'followink paragraPh iron) .the Kincardine Review's • report • 'of the Mr. :Jack Hutchison and family occtoOed .by Mr, Robt,..Mowbray,. The •Guild meeting on,, Sunday.: was taken by Misa -.lean Kennedy.' The meeting next , Sunday will be in charge, of Rev'. Mr. •Scobie . We are sorry to report Mr.' John hope :for a spe,edy improvement, Mrs. Begley bath been a valued. mem, lift: of , Erskine church .choir and Led* ies', Aid and the. 'children haver.;heen faithful and tegUlar attendants et Sunday school end,. at the • Mission. Band. Our beet•Avishes to their new'home and Sphere of life, Much •diaappoiptinerit was eakpresS- ed shy ' the. ladies ' of Dungannon . at their inability (owing • to the condi- tion of. the roads), to accept the kind invitation ' received from t*e Board of Governors 7(if the, AleXandra Mar-, -ine and General Hospital of Goderich to attend the 'opening CereniOny in connettion w#h the 'new ,. hospital, Which' took place' on, Wednesday , af- ternoon this, week. •A ''birthday" gat,' 11... tht tom: of a donation ref sent however, :togetherwith-a note of rgratulai len, nigh the .ac qnnpiisli- inent of their risk; Which. has seen F.., 0: dance last- Fp sy , ni ht,. nd , 4 e- Toronto' Genera' •Trusts•••Cor- •tit hitl hioe hoe. , . , .itie , aecerding tr.., the, *mount: °, of • . • ,1' ' • , • their guarantees: When the bonds, week.end at hdr, the indebtedness vill be Wiped 11aralerinan Were fhill'Cl0y. VidtOril I. rawer by 04 104u0 of dOkentfttOg or Valig======110140010="100044041=000.01000mmene.m.............. • • hot :37.,pur share of ;he other Kirsch curtain-ROds, Cedar Oil POlish Curtairt;Sciim.s arid -Chintz an StO IiIED AT BRUCE REFUGE 'year's, . resilient Of Teeswater and -.vicinity:died -at the. 'Bruce .pefug at 'Walkerton en Jan. 28, in her...68th Year..,4 She had been ailing tor savor, .al'• weeks, erysipelas... The. -re: mains :Were buried. it ,Walkerton. .17,77.73 One thint that makes a girl: ssy., "" erre' the calm', asehranee that lie • •. mmeaskalsonommismocw...onewskte, 54 -Inch All-WOol Nvy Serge 'heavy Weight for, Boys wear: Special $1.25,a y 44-Inc,hspNedavar 98acn,,asyrdo,7 Albwool totapy. Serge, .for Ladial Dresies-, Etc. tern. Special $1.35 a 70 -Inch Snowy. White. Damask Tabling, : 'good' strong thread'ancVnic,e" Patterns.. This cloth',Will extra good wear. Trtip Splendid width' Makegit ,yety 40;InCh Factory Cotton,Here is a cotton' you can use frit' Cas6s., Sheets 'and. */ and. evety -Purpose that deinands• a -strong reliable cloth nice round even.. thread, free' from specks Special Price.25c yd ' ' '-NOTE--Our cottons have all be.n bought at the neW loWer prices and we certain; - „Iy have soine.Extra Valttes: All C:ottOnS honght in. 20: -Yard • lengths -:are 'NEW CURTAIN: Ow: is ihe. tiine .make your selectiOns,fonthase, new curtains, Bea_utiful range, of New Nett'just opened lip, :af 49„60, 75, and 90c."a yd; Special to any person bUying curtain Material this month; we. will' Sell that 50,inch. Madras, worth regular $1.25 for 79C., yd:,, Colors ROSe, Brown and 'NEW GINGI-IAMS7-That,_goOd , English, Gin•gham that sold last year at 45c. . yard,. we are . pleasod announte that .we have a number of pieces'whieli7 are sellthg at 35c. a, yd. Colors are absolutely guaranteed in the:wash.. a length- of tO%.,veling,,_ of.that 39c. quality we .have, andttfter using it for sik -months and yOu dori!t say it was the beSt toweling, you eVer had.;' -we will Wide, Made Ain Scotland 'Of the best. qualt.y *limn, Plain White or White. 72 -Bleached Sheeting, a deperidable'quahty that will „give yeatis of satisfactory ' weak, plain brAwilled.- :Special Pricethis month at 75c. a Yd.' ..HeaVy Linen, Finish, Plain Pillow Cotton --This sure is, a 'opecial Value, 40 inches - • wide, one . of the best cotton values' we have been able to'offer ,for years, The quantity is limited.. , Special Price 45c,. a yd. ' . ' * MORE REDUCTIONS-- , • • e are'now able to offer that good English Romper Cloth, sold 'last year at 50c: . a yard; at;406. a yd , Plain Navy or NaVy 'with Whitettripe. This -Cloth. ' - beingaosolutely fast color,' is suitable -for' .inany-purpo§e,-Frotise: Dresses, Men's Shirts, Children'S Rompers, Etc. " ,Width,is '30 incbos; and again We . call your attention to the ,price, now. Selling 40c: a yd. . ' - ., We still have a Cjiiantity. of that Natural,POngee • Silk. for Curtains; Underwear; -11 Still Bros Yarn one •