HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-26, Page 5• 1• (IN -'Place , ':� stands a cl A.rrrrec in 'the Ci of �vtontr�a . . monument to Sieur de,,Maisonneuve who, landing near chis spot in the year 1642, founded the settlement which is now the City, of Montreal.` Facing Place d'Arrnes stands: the $'ank of. Montreal? which opened nits'doors:. for business' a short distance' fromthe wine spot, overone hundred years ago. Ffom, the settlement' founded by 1Viaisoniieuve, civilize. • tion has ,spread to' the east • and west",uritit. today the Duriiiruon of Canada extends fromHalifax to Vancouver. Lil.e`wiSe the Bank of Montrealh`asgrawn, until after`over a ecntury of .steadyand conservative prokress, it to -day has ,13ranel six all, :of the cities and larger tciwns Canada,,wlth offices in the 'principal financial" centres of the world, and' correspondents.in'every country. " y' Capital Paid U $29,250,O�R0: Reseive .$27,250,400, Total -Assets $74$ 836;088 56, ', UICICN6W : elliNTIN1114 TihV ISD Yr E.BR 4R?, 0h 1026 .w rt 1. •. -i.l .r+' to sell " Corti�nunity "' Products -Bread and: Caked Tlie• agency for this fa-- p, mous.line c -E superior food ';produts offers a splendid. • : opportunity that will ad'd. ,prestige to: your local • trade .and bring you new ' business Local advertising is hart of the ;service'we prOvide'. ',suitable agents Write for particulars,., • ti 4artsissecr ,ot• 'a bagpipe Weits. fly fire, ,biought: .the. interes titre- news (if true)„ that, • ripest ',bagpipes. are .macle by EnglIsli:' men . and tot by Scotchmani, that , they: am aold all oner4lie.,,World, the, and that "Kerit beautiful mnsic'' can be ,Made on the instriiment:-ig oneo ill -lent is , tantalizing,. "If -one: •erdY • any one who: really did know. how? in publieT Scott thOught that 'music could, be ,Piayeethy=bagpipers agreed with him, a learned; tra- 1,4ho went te...Seotlarid express-' turned With .the deelaration'• that the farther, he 'We/ii litrOiSe. the music 'became:It is prebablY unjust to ask buYs' a' Piano ,he does not eXpect it to be a Prench 'horn., A bass Viol. is. not 'all aboec nor a clationet a. bass diUrn.• The bagpipe 'stands singularly and magnificontly alone. There is• BROWN'S BREAD • LIIVLITED "TORQ NTO THOUGHTS. ON, THIS AGE:; • We nave Lot, ...aoy people, in our ilere we are,, on pUpul- THS L A stNI) CW'a OSTS DEI AYS Sheriff Jermyn last week. tnscrib. ' ed the word "finis" to the law suit, 'of Boyle 'vs._ Ewald and the. Town of Wiartori, his ervices being'• redui sitioned to compete the matter, says the Wiarton• Echo. The: case, whieh. was tried at Walkerton, was, an action to ,recover damagesfor injuries. ,re- ceived when, Mrs, Boyle fell' on an ob stsuction of snow . on the sidewalk, Jat whiech as Mr. adrivewEvyalday , left:Minrs,•fronBoytle ofsued his ;, •?oth Ewald and the town of Wiarton; and judgement was given in. her favour for $504 against Ewald, which was the, full :amount she had, asked for, She got the money, but below we give the approximate ,outlay of the different litigantsx+involved in, the -ease: 71-?' G. Ewald, outlay for costs and, • °principal: -...;„„$1353 00 2.. Town -of Wiartenj outlay • afar costs........, 298.00 3:, Mrs. outlay for GostS:. ;', . : , . 150,00, rot -al outlay .. ;.18010(1 1 from London, where .he• was visiting PC • It will be noted that, the plaintiff,s det receipts were approximately, 1350, showing ,that for every ,dolfar ' collected it Cost 7$171 .to get it, Rather an inereating'. study, also cen- taining ' THIS CAT LIKED PILLS tHerald and Times', Walkerton) ' ,ALSonth Wattled who was seri- ously ill; received 'front a op "-do-ctor- stwenty,eight EARN which Was Abe wiSuld tke 'to successfully combat :the malady And put her 'On •her feet resented iS Powerful ;balls., and the at lonk intervals, apart . After suc- the other twenty-seyven, on the table and -left the roont.,onlY to return and ,•find the' cat perched on the table cover and assiduously devouring the last of the pillets. R,ealizing , the riuraber that it had ..asaimilated slit: antieipated _that, it' Would • need alL 41;0:444:414::Q.illit:i.fettini:vi‘.1-1::::111:71u:n6ie.°Lie:lildul .41 ynnly::Aype 1,A16111e6S flap paid indicate 'that putis was a the inti4s Li la' • wnere when.. ,tirnes..boOoi• they Jive like 'fighting., coas aria when: 'owl; days ,come' they tothing onzeartil that can. be. made 0. pi*aratfeeti'lartihyi.ilikt .ccho.se. sPice ie variety?, . Why should p...n.1',you , iiiuth real , poverty., or trrain vi* lope fact the purring raacal gave suCh indications 'of en- ing the feed that nothing here.: aiter that leeks: like a Pill. be .:4.6 shaken' the:,faith, of theiady in -roe n't be stnprised -learn 2he ;had de - Mended. a line Of treatinent•frow her physiCian that her cat Couldn't swal- summoned, Wallace's 'Scots.' te ,baLtie ,and otherWiSe.,‘ ,helned' build, ,'heroic hiStory, 1\l'et because It is: sweet •.(it. isn't); :Init'hecause, it is.• stirring and permanent place. jn .muSie; • which • people. 'feel . rich enough ' to n•iax 'indicate carbon in a Iii5Or or' envy.' heart. • ewer Defends 'nes illage .11111,111 that- it 'helps to proteet Mr. Chitiainan, Mrs.' Chinanian and all the little China - hien -Yes!' it's' a long try •ktutuiltie waters of the. St. Mai - to the interior Chinese village?. but there you 'are,, And it time tibout'thus, A hara/iSed chfor 'a 4 from hie native villsge 161 bact, from ths, hills, owe. dolito to • elite" MatiVriferi-,-4 tight 'as if by day on the'nleading Of -tone tof,,,the "giant- Canadian ,-Tak Chung Li drew cloger, and saw that7 at intervals along the shed in .which the stevedores were working 'flinch light tame, from little* datirt that growled softly in the breeze., trie lights are the invention Of the white races to born -the eyes 01 weer .ehstwinbcon Quebec The) , Acetic's of whieh ate shown below. On the ' left, " Off to ' Abe market town. Inset, C Partizil explanation, of the eneemons ;rico , ,Chinese men were' wbilang in the Li drew closer. If he--64Uld the • .secret it these bright. White lights wbat'an honor Would 'be filth , ;He -would pleee-therri/rourid lagei et night and na one could draw near Without the itneWle,dge his other head -Men of the dletriet, Canada Carbide inte.--carbiderl 'received an • order for , to, kens Kang,itn_receive.,:,ther, Ship!!! Empress' of 'itue.Sia, and rettirrilfl, safe from' . ilia marauding 'There 'you have -the edinieetion, .ap:inil.c.og Lilere was' .no 'real 'Poverty; CoMpions ,at Pttawa en boyhood. of, now .middida :aged people: this Tuesday include, an ,aPpropriation. of aPP4es,. and there. is no, -poVerty bor It is understood that a out half ..n Alice .Litiward island, Nobody ia That s ta . the secret :of T rO4S: Near than .lest. ,e there is a. stead - 'L -LoarOial atmosphere ;eat; ...arcs of the /country Might envy.; is, Of course, that are •few ac, .11 in dull periods, and ,farin' in- niewics, the burn" of the, hex not.,•have been • ',esti,: than we had and 11,01' of speridirt it. There a )1/rasa -contentment! than there we/ o be old-fashioned. • • • el Soy last week) ,,t.. tii_4,,id:::10. ::,;,,,,,,,_,:i...::4mice,.,• ,;.,,70;irratil: ili,..fe..or:-Lviiillc,e,e,k,s.,,lit,°o:ni,,..,.'; '- ' - ''''' - *- -''''1''''''ATt lil'e,' 'Al'iiei'li.0,ii-00147 '''';ce n4eighbOr • 'r:IWIti,;O.Cail'i.h".'ifil.n:fr.: tille°§I. dredging in the • harbor4.hasin ' and the widening of the. outer , entrance straCtion• work. and repairs.' The longest; telephone ' message ;O;111 Bell Telenhone,.Conipank Was tiansinitted _to a,„resident, Of town, di - lipids; night operater, states that nq rtfficulty wag experienced in hearing Los Angeles opetator ••'and the. that it seemed as, if it Were a local the' conversatienv • carried 'on. passed - through three thouSand Miles' of tel. • . 'things the •nickel. will 'not- buy grow -mote •and more nirinercnis; ' It used to pai: for multitude of re: of coffee,' Now it dime ,and 'a nickel are neeessary--the 'nickel being de-- c...raded to a "making change" place the economics et 'daily life. It renibids us -of „the long during. which' the 'silver ,quarter-§Was'•Oaid "to be the .itinallest Piece .of Meney,. in Street car tare, a -ham .earidwich a' schooner Of beer; a pieta of mince* •or. custard pie; , even a- bow of good .edvered parting with a eickel--.but no longer. , "Them hap - 71011, the •other hand, we are told :that dimes; And nielcels, breite':ht goods Valued at ' $215,000,000 in 6ne chain, of five-and-teo cent' Stores payment for one :article,. perhaps. old; 10-eent • stores are noW sell. ink articlea'for 25 and•50 cents. They husineas as 'the' buying ,power ef the dime and nickel Will eeme baek some 407 itrirrieeriate',Tecovq,y,lef AS ,cvety school teatilier knows P<I,1\t- AV?' • Feb, 91,h, to the proper Way td train- Children is • Ogles; a ' ttOnitif she :can. his daughter, Mrs: David Citor; 'Ne4tiler, PieVkilink.'' the carnival lewndie dritgo irte:/Mt °*P:hrdelacl);e73C, tgrhetn we: The enjciyalale and, entertaining 'llay•,"Safety First” was lint on in `he toWn hall Friday night. A good- arY 19th, The'' game • en'cled 'dis- astrously for the Ripley players -the •Acere being: f9,td, fe, in: favour of Nisie.y.' The day folloWing ,game. moat 'of ,the ,ItipleY'boys took a run .t.lown to Stratford to see a . hockey Telephene .Systeiri held ',their :annual Peb, 18th., The subseribere ark well, :meeting io the 'toWri hall, 41,01ey on ",he efficient :serviee .given.-": The 01 I.ioard.'consisting,; Of john; Mina, pres- ident and John Watson. anc:Dawson ltadley' directors was re:elected, Mr, !::e.iiiiirY-tlitteaartsYnnrer..7.2.8"..111)13.°1n't4d A. public -Meeting. waS-held. in the fire. halt p-Prioay night ' to ..dis'ePSs sending a„cleptitation tO Toronto With reference', to the 'propose& bill for the ineorpOratiOn of the Village. The three„ police trustees, Messrs. J, B. McLeod will: act aa the , deputation ,the provincial governMent. In be '.nnable'to go'tO-Toronto at the Mr- Ite . M. Treleaven linve' been. St, Andrew's PresbYterian Churebi held their annual .ineetiiig :on; Feb.. .19th. The affairs oft- the. chnrch are .in quite a satisfactory:'conlition,. the. •coritribLitioni :being, well kept up' ary offeririgs were in the neighbor- hood of $1200,, ,oiAtlook for .the , future is rather urisettled, ',Owing ',to the Church unieri-ouestion ..'and- the 'Net that a .final settlement ' had not 'vet ':"been made of the- affairs ' Of Knox and Haren .Churches which imited a few .years ago .to• form St. Andrew's. Bo -Weyer, .wider• ,'the able nnMance: Of the preSent pastor, Rev.. the congregation will be pifeted safely through the troubled Watera All You need 'to appreciate ihe ten, thousand a year. , 4... • NOTIO TO CREDITORS In the ,,;niatter , of the, estate of Alexander Phillips, late 6f the towri. ,of Kiploso in- the- • County .of , erions ',having anY claims' 'or de - :.ands /Against the late Alexandeit hillips who. died. on or'' about the 40)24, at the City of Stratfo,rd in 'the, Province ot Ontario are required tu iitY Post prepaiA or '0, deliver to he, tindereigried,•;' Ageot for ...lane 0.tate' and effecta, of the said Alex - ',older -Phillips, their tattles and 'ea- dithises and, full: particatare• in, -writ: of their elaims and'atatenients iheir 'aecounts and the nature ' of the -ocuritios,. ar4ri held by them, dub; ind take notice that , after the ..iistriblite the asseto of the said: de:. 7,egitv- ,unly to the: riet for aSsets--7.or Any- part thereof to •I;ee rieraoii Of -Whose ,claini "Oho shall: Dated Lueknow. this Oth kr-shElor the 'Said Jana itodgms and :Printed Afactrasi' Sizes. from •:16 ,A) years Your Selection For The GET.,,your SIZE No Exchanges or Realms Wben Sold al This Price ere He tried tb cross the railroad ,track, Before the rushing train; ' They put the pieces, in :a sack, One hundred British farM families ere dye to • reach. British C'obiinbia ear:IY next spring . Tbeie are the • tore -runners of 8,000 families that *are to come out to settle in Canada. on ,the land: Provincial and British „Government assistance is toeing given tirelY. in ice is. to be seen at,Qnebee:. It rePreients. one of the. latest or 2300 -type locomotives of 'the Cana- • . dian Pacific ;4 -airway, about one- . temp full size and. is perfect , brought to a fine art in the Ancient • •feattiro; of the. atonal banquet ; conveintion of Jim officials of • the Canadian Pacific Railway,.which- 'Was. the representatioti. in _the benr.L.:._ tluetting hall, of p full-sized logo.? , ' motive; of the ,latest • type , emerging • - • .; Angts Shops, Montreal; it was, in Arranged momeot, it emitted :steam , and , smoke; the .bell rang and' the , -Whistle ble111., headlight be- Indic:talons' of :a..„gre.,at season imnfigration are seen by Canadian Pacific officials in the • arrival''at •, `.St. John, ,during the week -end • 'paSsengera. 'aii'e)cird the Company's ;steamers. ikiciii•:-calit and INietogatna., The MOntealin had an board 1,5$4-' of thete, passotg,n.s, which Out of Vital pranction of 10,730,150 pounda of creamery but- ter in ip2s,, Manitoba. ' exported, 1G9. ,iShipmenti •-were mad, 'I Great* Britoin, New • York', Chi.. ,go, And' Montreal'. In••addYtion about 600 pounds of louttdf fat Were ship. ped to the United, States. In a sggech to the higher officers 'cif 'the Canadian' PacifieltailVray on ' the oceasion of the recent' conven. tion at Queliec,4Mr. E. W. Beatty, 'President, pointed out that' 50 Per -7-Ont. of the con:lap/137"a stack is, held - in Great Britain, , 21, per cent.- in United' States. It is., therefore, a eerperatfort absolutely controlled Within the- British -Empire,- and; -he --- added, that: control •is being appre.• "Onebeeta-nevv.'keltlfield!4-- -Rouyn township.4erth of the "DeS,..Q1linte 'augurate'd.' by the, taiirentide 'Air be ablo to cross the...fifty mile gap ' betweeri the :end df steel and,,tbe tWO-daYS to COVer, iri leas than aa tivir' in the flying boats tO be. Wad Vt 1.1