HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-26, Page 14 • $2,00 P1R YE4R ADVApCF4.4:t, 400 ..dragrtWilE: LUCK • I " 4", • 1 ' ' ' '; ' I o PROFESSIORAL. CARDS"''' o 0 IMPAX. AND GENERAL, o J , • ot..o.,2o.,,-o-0-7o--;o-o-,-:o.:-0-o '• VETERI ARY SIJRGEO, • W"1j, ,Keleher,;Rp1y, Phone.' 29; pr • ' PENTisT Dr „ . McLeod will visit LticknOw. every: Tuesday in -Dr, COnnell'a Office. It.BABK-Eft;',-..c•STE,OPATH; 'at the- • 'alp House, Lti,..ncnow, every Wed,, Pesday ;afternoon. All ,chfenic ssep--3ec.53bsefolkv'iteetedi-7;Clateko-r „Patin,. „11-no,VOs the phyaibal:toases of disease. AdJustruent, • of the ,!apine secured and With fewer treatments, by Osieo-• Dathy than by anY, other niethod. ' Dr, W. M. • Conliell - • PhY4iciall and Sariewl.l. ' .Lucknow • Phone 86' ' • ENT1ST Dr, R L Treleayen, •Lucknow Over; Decker's • S.t,� re. Extracti . either by kas or local. Will be .fitingnnnon , every f Thursday. . , Phone 1 . an: in 53 nuNnsr.. ' - • „Call Dr. Newton ,Make appointment ' In office everyday • ..MiSs Rena, Gordon .was nyer from. Detreit, to spend StintlaY with her mother an& siater.. ' Miss. Edna Pentland of •Duagann yisiting relatives en' Rosa St, il Weelc,f ,• ' • on. l :Friends' ot-.Mr Jiikeph•-tafler of •town. Will be, sorry to learn that,. he has been. qinte..-seriOnsly ill for the past ',Week .:. 'Mrs.' Wm. Johnston •of town whn was in the Winghain Hospital the Past feW, weeks, vvas able to yeturn io•ko:hon,s hist" Friday • • Mr, and Mrs::ceo .pentland at- tended the, funeral .o the:Z.latter's 'father Mr. ' Bennetf of Shetipardton on Saturday. laSt, , Messrs , F. 'T. Arrnstrong and • W. j.'Davison are . at Windsor this Wee -attending anieefiiiiiii-the7Grand dhaptor, A F & A. nt • Mr:. Stewart Wilson: who, will •• be remembered by a . few: old-timers, was here from. North 'Dakota; :Or a: few days last.,Week„, Mr. Wilson Went to Dakota in 4881, and has ' been in the: building business... , • Miss' Jessie Taylor . daughter ',Of • Mr . and Mrs...W. Naylor of .tewn Was taken to, Wingharit Hospital on NIOnday,and there underwent ati tt! r EVERYBODY'S .COLUMN., • 0, I have Odded to my Wall Pap l'aint business a', stock of 'W •;. I'aper whith may be seen at. n etn'detire ny Ji Camer Painter and Decorator ' er all ty' Highest •prices paid for all lands - at .B • Blitz§tein's D . Goods Store. of, ry • FOR ‘KAtg'...4 very: comfortab ly. to Geo: ' 11,9-e good' condition. -App - ' FARM LAND FOR SALE- 'Sever ,well IMP129t_ed......_1.00,•-acre -farmsco . to LucknoW. • Apply to Ge ' A, SiddalI, LticknoW• • WANTED....•Eriergetic man' Geed re, cord. To sell Life :Insurance. Will as- sist to. finance and secure busineS. ; Apply to, Box 51:0wen Sound, Ont. AUCTION SALE •"•AleX Gillies, Will have an auction sale or Youno; 'Cattle •and some ; implements at ,his farm; Lot (39, Con. J, Kinloss township,' on March 4th,.. cornmencing at 2 o'clock. The • tim ber on -31'2 acres of swamp land will also be offered for sale. • • John Purvis; aue. le al o, • ASIIFIELD , Applications for the position. • of read Superintendent for the Town-, ship 'of Ashfidld, will be recelted by the undersigned pp to noon on. Wed- ' iiesday Feb. 25.,•Salary $3.50 a day, ' C E: McDonagh Clerk, 'Clerk, Lticknow R. R. No: 3; •• Dwelling To Yent--.Corifortable - flat 'in The JoYnt Bleck --Hard arid soft Water. Possession after Feb. 21st, J.: W. Joynt, Phone 15 'FQR SALE„ --Set ' Platform.. ;Scales • snitable for • weighing ' live stock -In- formation at The Sentinel, Office • HOUSE. FOR SALE.- Being •the „. frame, house' on . the newly procured•` /reboot site, Must, . be removed by - •.'.April 15; 1925., -Apply to ph C. Tay- • -ler Sec'. 'School Board. : pAgm FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ace a 'of good landbeing Lot •• 13, 'don. 6, , "Inv% Township -good • buildings-vermanent , Water supply, • For tering etc., `apply to Mrs. Jessie • MacKay, 1019 -22nd, St,- Detroit, Mich •, 2-4-p • • T.nBERT ; RASPBERRY BUSH.. FOR *SALE -Good 'strong plants' -*1•00' per hundred, Orders Inust be in •before IVIay 1st,- •• • •, 111; Clifton, Lucknow AUCTION SALE ' ' " • An auction .sale of farm Stock be - kinking to thd estate -of the late (.4eorge hosS. will be. hed at Lot 38, Con.' .2,,` Kifileas Township on Friday arch .6t1r,••• cohnrienoing- at on e „ock p.m. There is a teain of hot. - .es ¼and -a lot- weltibred."-ctiwa- and koung cattle.-JOhn Purvis, Auc. . • fl1oc(pitiw.-r4iinitrogo $tx Reoy.(bleridedI $5„26 •••• ' - *de Rite. (Pastry)\ $5,00 ' Ontario' Wireat Veed Tient, 12;25 3ran $1.A15 to $1015 , "aereening chop 0540 pOr tell • tlpoelal prleei on large -quantities of f,k44' • . , . oratimi7 --r-appen rei -.reports :She Was getting • on • ' • , . . • • , The Rev :-• 3, IC, Fairful . who was Pastor for tlis 161 Battalion over- seas And who for some. hasi :been pastor'of the • Baptist .congre- gation at Walkerton "has been aP.-" ,,•peinted superintendent •• Of the Burn- ashPrison farm, ,neer :Sudbury. "Haney a4.a Food and the method at its Prodifiction"- will he the sub- ject, of an iIutrated lecture, by Ir. Alf. , Andrew' at the Family' :Theatre on the evening; of March ; 3rd. ,The ,eature Will be free to the nubile and all ;.interested inthe subject are Cordially' invited, . • • .,0T1-1UOSIDA*,` of:t1.44::71": 29th4 .192.5. ii 1.„ • oc,KET : ;04.1ftcH, ;g0TpS,. AnYOn'e having •-doubts • that Lurk- The Guild •' • PQW had: the beat team playing. beck- .'The Young MOte.s Bible Class took, eir in this district • w2,a1d•vbOV'e ' such the progroin,at Guild''MOnday night. doubt 'renloveil on .sceing. theti. de- the Scripture - seleetien was react, by feet that fast,•.tearn, 'et' all star play:. 'Kenneth. IVIurdie and the Rev.. Mr, ' -Goderieh, Seaford), and MacCallni.i gave an address: on ihe' Bayfield,... And to rnake "sure it Was • topie • of the evening. Elliott Burns. 110- fake : Oar boys vvon • by the- big, gate a' short, reading • and: font high ,score, ,',.To.,...Lticknow' fans , .•schoolstudents : cOntributed, a quart. surely was a treat to sed ho the dite• 'Other nunther'S' Were: ,A 1,11nne "teiun heudled tbis ,-aggregaii,efk•.' Solo by, `Aadrek $Pencer, avie]in e, „Psppcially::: as moi ..ef,...therrr are the ldction by Mr. 'MadKinrion; a solo by fastest ‘plaker'sgie. in ,the• Northern ;Lpar„ ;M"iss•'' i 4 c ", :and ",...,;.tt „.' ." ' • : -eornet: 400 „b" Loel.:-Mtirdoch. The • , :The' biggest • •ci•OW(1'...of :" the • seasou Dcvotioij. COnilhittse., Tii.11„„ have attended int g -it Was a well pleased charge of the, ineeting',rieXt ,Weelt: • crowd too ' as . they: saw, heeicey play, ed as it should- be, and there was no ill -feeling., held of Seaforth, the re- feree handled the gaine: to: the Satis, :faction of ail..LucknoW had Won. the group, ; not through . good luck as some say, but through ;goad playing, and Srat-443?--Off-'-in--th • . senior 'finals; The': standing of the tetti_in-the- -group' was As follows: Won ,Lost Goals for Against Lucknow 4 2 • 94 • 25 . Kincardine 3 . 3 25 • 23 . , 'Ripley, , 3 • 3 20 Wingham 2 4. 27 23 - . Notes Wirighain. defeated Ripley twice Kincardine defeated - Wingbarri Wing-hArn- defeated Ripley twiee .LucittieW defeated Kincardine twice This Looks . as though Luellhow• had , . . Pretty fair margin in ,.• group. ••••73:nvinipLFtwattitm4-071TPAItilzr one/goal leaf -Friday Pight,, • Ripley played at Paisley' Fridayht, fOr thc. hoWinan'Trerhy, Jut wa 4:144.ted by Paisley, 19. to'. 0. P Sley does : mit seem to be. tip to its, ns al •• strength this season as Listowel t put thein•-•,eirt4.tif' the North- ern .Leagne. running • in the "first • Cards, of Taylor and. family, 'of Latigside, wish to • zhank friends:.• and .neighbors for a niany IltindnesS, .chiting the illness n and . Subsequent : death, of a loving e wife and .rnother; the late Mrs: G Taylpr., ' • F round.' • , • As it fooks. as 'though the .• HOekey season Is over, for this.wn ter the inanaers' of • the Lucknow: team wish: ,te thank the:, ptiblic for the.: liberal .SupPOrt ',:nationage. Which . enabled them to eaPie' through With: a.. balance' -on :the , right, side . : ••• 'THE HIC1.11. SCHOOL LITERARY_ : •. meeing.i.of• the Liter4 ry ,Societir, was ',held,. on the • after,... 0011 of 194.. The nieeting: op- nebl. with' singing `'IVIarching „Thin' eorgia,". after which Norman :Wil bir :aye iriterestinr, talk On Cards. of thanits--MeSsrs. and D. g wither on the pregiam •was. • MacLennan wish,teAhank the 'n•anY n friends and ,reighbers • who Showed h belpftil kindness and sympathy .at t ."the ;time of ',the. "and. / depth !S . , 'of their sister,. Annie: • . t, . , .INMEMORIAM • 'D ' Watson -In loving memory of •our: • dear Wife . and mother who who , I died. -0.i 'on February 24, 1924 • 't Gone. from ns; hilt leaving utemeries .Death._ can pg-yer- take-awaY,-..,-vei - Memer„ieS that Till. always. linger .of • While- upon ' this. earth7we :stay. , la Jack Watson and ..fai•nily and Mrs, „ ' WOK? ' Thos. :mi., Thorrison;. the (Fuller Servibe in fitteknOw'arid will call shortly' .at your: horrid. and show you yen eomplete.„, line. of • Fuller BruSheS., Don't , 'forget ' the 'Free Handy Brush Which'he gives to each Lady lady. • rench. artists, e4id. Audrey: Spencer, ave "f'instrumental;"' The chief' ate on . the 'resolution: "Resolved hat 'Immigration f r . Europe. hould be :Anther .•ReStricted,,.:,.by. aw,'-‘the affirinative \tifil,, taken 43.Y: rent ..IVIeeKen ouglOS, ' and . the negative, • by 'Oor- don Johnsten trid Jean ' SteWart: Mi-. Rev.). K. , A. Gollan very .kindly -act - 'as, judge, „ and she 'decided' in favor • the egative hut explained ;Oat had we b only a narrow margin: he debate lwas followed :by a (part-, 1); students .studenre of -.Form yote• ; thanks ' *as tendered:tie. Mrs.. Golf,. n .for her serVices, and the , Meet- ' as. -closed 'by" the singing. The ational Anthein.. ' RACES Wiegt dooP . • ' P• he horce:racing. n Campbell Street (I,ucknow's " main street); -.Sunday night was good, Farmer's Trot and Free-F,„„or-All Five horses . • took Parti, and there' seemed. to be ninth ditNculty in deciding. the • win- ners., If 'ttro, street is in -good Shape next Sunday,' the exhibition likely Will be repeated, eornmeacing. at 9,14, sharp „ ” CO1VIING TO l'EST EYES .; And - to relieve • your , eyesight trouble, • Prof; •KatZ; the hilted • Cain lioes.0, Lacknow, Friday after,: itt knwii over. Ontario • for bis;• great -skill; -If you /eel dizzy or. suffer headache, pain in the temple or back ,,of the .nock, you should havo your eyes tested at once, for these .trOtt- bles. are 'Irevently caused by ,,eye trouble. dround glatites' for $/,$0' 'worth 010,00; and ftvoialitIst bliemee, fru; ter fi0i Worth ' LANGSIDE • / • . • We are staging a' real Haziest to doodnesS Sale, beginning Feb 27th• :Come One, Come : All .te, LarIgide ,Stere..--rE„; Scott :Generel Merchant -Langsicie., •• ; • , "THE POOR • MARRIED MAN" The. League • LANGs1PE' . A large number Of ' 'friends and: reletlYea were present . to; pay thOr ,1wli 4silrsehr Tayloretr914:wia.3s. held . on Monday ',afternoon at 2 ticlecic frorn her late residence,. Lot 30; COneeesion.4, Kinljtao. •TOWnship. in the Tiffin'S gerneterf, ' • The'vemorial •service; was con,• •:7.76;pastor, Cosens Of Lucknew. who spoke of the 'itieS, .Th Pall.:;'bearers 'Were:the follow:ing , neighbors: Joseph :Tiffin, Reuben Tiffin,:•.Victor Emerson, Thomas Ross, •..J'atnes-iVIcInnis and ,Heibert„ •Petti, The Epworth League Of, dr,. Meth -piece. .' • !"• ••,,•• • odist ,chtirch held a most successful - Mrs. .TaYley ***hese maiden name ,•4'1leeting on Feb. 16t14-4When a splend- was Lavetinia ,I3e11, .Was the 'dangh-' id programme was prepared by •the ter of the late Mr. and; Mrs. John Social.COmmitteeMr. Bob Andre*: Belland was born in the. Township -Presided-.and--rthe--,-"hesponsire" read-. Of Culroaa 68'Y'ara 40. • " ..ing was. 'led' by Palmer. il 'atrick,„•,_,Xonveriect-in.-youthr-She . :the "To- the lVlethediitchurch and Continued pic". •:follovVed by a piano atilO' • by a .:consistent ..MOMber until h e r Margaret Rivers; and a v. caland ,death, . •Vioi c1Peti, "Tears" of, , Chrtst" :Mrs, With, the 'exception' of '5 , years J, W. joyne• and Rev. C. W. De Witt spent 'in Teesvvater,, Mr:. and ' Cosens, ,A,..13ibld study from .1.4thi, Taylor. have spent their ,married life •Chapter of , St. Jelin , Was taken -UP in the Township „of° Kinloas. - 'which is a' yalliatle arc! • totiie, edu- Mrs. Taylor is survived byher cation of the LenguerS., .Deop regret husband, two sons," David Leslie' and ex ..waS . pressed ;at the' removal • of Georg„e „Wendell,. and . one ,daughter . Miss Margaret Rivers t Owen,. Illiss• Myra ',Jane; :all' at:horne and .bY" .sonnd and , in, reCokeition, of the Zile following brothers. and •sisters :dye part she took. in ChurcWilliani.B ell, .Wingham, s: sented the League . and Sunday sch .0] pre- ThoinPson, teoswater .1.1 • sense of liuMor added to her literary ran(-eHer• haPPY,:•nature, a d ,keen . and musical gifts . will. be greatly. . Missed. • Lenore Webster assiSted • by • Eliza•beth Alt o n, presented th•e address • an gift Mar. 16th the so - al Com..•.:Rave., arranged a 'recital AyithVievItc o:f..0"stel.itsIluyl Rai., C. W pew• -•. •-DEATII"'OF : KINCARDINE • GIRL " people • ,were • deeply ;:rrieved to learn of the delth”, f Miss Ttpoilnir;iiee : the, son.,•• The . sad .eyent . OcCull etd.!a• lair -.home in Victoria„ .. -B,• C., o l't.,ary 14\th, : The ,detais ot to hand.' Miss N`Vas .abo 40 rs ;St havin,:•: been :bb n on 2tid• ". ' of Bruce, ...wher . the, Pioneer "settlers 'The r':.oved to Xiocardin and. reSid On' Prinoess•stte t, and 'ITurb,3••• Terrace wheie Mr .:e • ho. had ,repreSented •North in :t'e• House of . Con mons; 13yay' February 10th, 1916. t'y aftey. the death Of' her ether -as • To'. n„; i :moved. to Toronto. where ho ttuiht schoo.L.lor,aLtirne.•... 1•,fiVe years age she went to -••• Vi 'B •:to -reside Miss Tolmie ;eXceedingly • pdpular young .and her. host of: friends here iiii(7-1114argaret Sell, Calgark, one brother, John and WO sisters '- Martha: and , Rebecca, . predecease(' her, ' MiS; •Taylor •enjoyed health:,:until reCently when she was strieken With „ a • paralytic . stroke froln which she did not rally.. ' We expect „ to 'meet our Sister in the land where, ever- song is victory and Where no Shadow ever „falls. 6 , • HOLYROOD We are g,lad ;to report that Mr M Charlie . Burta family are. out • of quarantine. • , Mrs. Bill Eadie spent a few days aSt week with her mother 'Mrs, Cul- bert . . • . Mr. 'Ernie Ackert was ill Terepto last week end, ••• . kisi Susie and Mr John Purvis - spent Sunday in Walkerton. • • Mr. and MrS..:Jini 'Haynes, visited sataietnihet..bonornue000f Haynes at • Mrs • Thos. Haryia has returned from a visit in Kincardine -Miss Beatrice .MacQuillan sPent toria""e. '"TiieTday evening with Miss. , grace Triompson: ' a8an Mise Gladys ColirelP visited the oman • borne of her' parents, Mr.. and Mrs-. ill be John Colwell, On Sunday. extremel- -sorry to learn Of her depth,. ,sbe leaves one ,brothgr ,. Willie Broome has enges'ed with ,coinMitorler i n Mr. Richard Baker for a •few Weeks. -c-har-ire of the Canadian exhibition, at We are sorry , to 'report that Mr. Voir biey. , Tohme, w vvas, George-Kraernar- ,s-at--,present:-very Canada. fer a„ few Weeks in sonnec- itl, We .hope fOr a speedy reccoVery, • eiui with his work, is on his Way A large number attended .the .S'oc- ,ba?lt to England; . The sad news of ial evening' at, the hall on Tuesday. his sister's death reach. him on ,The debate entitled "Resolve that board shin Sympathy will. be ex- there, is ' more pleasure in _anticipt tended to him in his bereavement. --t ation than; in realization" , was'. 'a k;ocai:edihn ReportPr. " success. The contests and games . :wPeerrtr elimpoyetdo bSyt Valentineryorie • 'ZION Th hos Bardayo of Sault ot. 13r7-e4n:lerirtunsableer:.aftiornolnnh.eor:a aotntentideeddathye. . „ Maiie, is V'isitino• his neiCe Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston spent J, Gardner :Of. Zien. „ • / Monday evenink at Joe Conley's .Miqs' Ada Helm ,,of Crewe spent • The Meeting of ,h,e HolYrood and the week end • with her parents at• . „ . • Ik • Be0a123i. W., M. S. vaa, held .at the horrid of Mrs. Ahner• Ackert . .on 'Wednesday, A paper wari given by krs..Fred Thortipson on Interceasion. A' solo, .by •Mias Daisy Ayles and n reading! by Miss Lillian Broome were Much appreciated, • Lunch • Was served by ,the hostess, . The: Man§ ;friends' of Mr. Alfred. Hein will be Sorry to hear thot, is not ecovering LIS quickly. as ,vve had hoped 'Or. He I'vas removed: te AS,EFIELD NOTES. '• , We , are Berry tort the illness Of Mr; Jimmy Ketchabow of Para- mount. ' • •E•lmer. ; Woheter Turner of 'Varna YiSited•witii;frienda• near .Lncknnw Anohg the week.. „ Mrs, Robt.• Pullen :and her; brother, Mr. Jim !McKay, Of Lochalsh 'visited With, friends •in Gotiericli dgring the' • • ' • . . • • • • , SillatE"PoPIE., 5 'PENTS., • A , SpeciAls. for....Saturday Cream.. puff.$ . ., Doughnuts ,.. Bon .130ii6:6,.. Dundee CakesHome, Made, Whole Wheat and Raisin Raisiniaisin Bread Week: • ,..-mrs;--Robt-, Struthers; ., Jean "•,and- 1377 :and Eggs. at TPP Prices .' , ..,, - „ • , •. . . , . 0 -an. Bakery Mary" Of 'ParatriOnnt,' ; Visited, - -with . ,philip 'steivart• ,.ot Lafehnow, . daring, the week ' ,..• ,,'.. • :, -- Phone,' 36.2' ' ' 0 Ltichnew The last • and .most 'interesting of he "gameparty series was .heldin the ' GoureY U. F.,. 0,,' hall F'riday.:eve Feb.. goo. , Five contestants for the 3Ocial trophy "which was, in thc. i:orni of a ".silver -cup" had the same 'icore; Thehigh card was Cut by 'I'. , • _ ,. J. 'Annan ;which- gives ' thim the ,rophy..-for'4his-' year.-------- - --- .,...,_4_, jpint-trieeting Of the Paramount J. F. 0. and U. F. W: O.. was held. in the school house On the 'evening of • • p . . Feb. 1.9th. The origin' off the meet- ing being a challenge -from' the:then eor the ladies to meet thetn; in a do - bate ' The subject • being "Resolve. Jiat: .home training has ' greater lovvera 'than out side influences," The affirmative wan uPbeld by.MPS,' Mc' Gill, Min. J. Hamilton and Mrs: R'..'• _.'r'-'7"' . '-----.;•---------- :Struthers and the negative by . Mr, B, ,Gilmore, • Mr. 'keNay, and Mr. X: McIntosh, The judges, Ntr,§. '. N. J. McKenzie, Mrs. 1. corigrarn;:.and• Mr. r. 0 I. v. Yqur. 1.923 AUTO LICENCES Froth VVirigharyi 'When mailing alloNN'?. 5c. for Postage We do not charge for tak- •ing' youe affidavit , ' . - -; favor Of the negative 'side. ,Other numbers on the prOgraiinne were in-. strumental music by Mrs..; Hogan and the MeNay acceinpanied -4 Mrs. G. . McDiarraid, and d„uette by the Mises Hog.ans," and MI'S; Hatilkit9n" and Mrs.. Struthers: " The 31nging of „ the -National Anthem brought a pleasant evening toe' ;4 A, . very. geed ' 'meeting• . the U. F, W. 0, Club was held it the 'home of Mrs.. Jtio, Neil McKenzie on .the 18th inst.; 27 . being .; present; .A ,geod program censisting, of..; music. and readings was provided.: .: At the suggestion Of the President Some helpful ideas on. "hOuie 'cleaning ..'`virere given in restionse to ' the, roll: call.. Next month the roll call:will be an- swered by giving Irish jokes.' 'Kiss. Hardie gave an instructive paper on „ f!First ,Aid." ,Miss \Mary It, Me Kenzie read an excellent' report from onr delegate Mrs. D. A, McLean on the -F. W: O. Convention. Read- ings • by Mrs. N. IIIKeeritie, Miss, M. Finlayson and • Miss Jessie A: McDonald. as well As • instrurrientals by Mrs • T McDonald and Mrs' M. 11 McKenzie McKenzie and a sole by Mrs. N. G.„ McKeniie were agreeable features of -the piny -1%-C 'Ime. The 'Club has de, Scided to have a box social and dance during. the Eater bolidairs the, place :and date. of which' be deermin7 ed later, The March rneeting•Lof the Club will be in the Lochalsh Loehalsh district. _ ST HELENS froMmi7sW:i4tingnhigeniClaainstpl,3Weelek-.‘"?. Miss Mabel Woods Was home h;rennci StratfOrd for the: Week,end.•.:: , Mrs. H. Rutherford • is a • yisiter /With her daughter, " Mrs. John Ben- nett, Port Albert, : • Cameron Detrait, is snending " A holiday with bis. Mather; Mrs W T and Mrs Jes. 1V.; of Lucknew ,were visitors with Mh. John Miller and -ether frienda here • . one day last week: • Mrs; W. ,J,' Humphrey ved last .veek .with her sister, Mrs. Fox of WhiteChurcli and her daughter Mrs. Walker, of East WawanOsh. , Miss M. Rutherford spent a few, days Of • laSt, Week in Lucknow, the gueSCof MissEthel Robertson. Miss Robertabn returned with- her and spent the week -end • here. . Vifhat plight have" been a More • ser- ious accident 'oecurred to Mr. Will Taylor -on' Tuesday When the eattle he .Was tying knocked .hint do -Vim dis- locating -and breaking' his. ankle‘i • • Mr: „ Went to Tor- ciet-,O.jen -,tiesaay to attend , ing 'Of the Fix•e -Under-, Writer's' Association as -delegate fram. -the --West " *aWanosh- Fire Insurance " GAMBLE • ,rfo • f•Air ABOUT.17e ON THE $. -• . ._ .., .: Sued -a sta:tement in .:-.A•espect, to ---...-the.---- '.. ''• estate' of • jos.. GaMble, ill bankruptcy,. .". 4;24-4925, • which in .as f011oWs, the . distributiOn to , be , made, Orr ..', March .44th, 1925: . '''' . • , DIVIDEND , . • hank Of Cornmei!Ce'::: .. 59:65 ' Bank...of. Montreal .. .30.83: " .t.),i Falkerie.r ' .. : .;.:-.. .,.. , . 32.66 ' ',L 'Agnew ..., .,-..„ . ;".: ::, .... .... 124,38.. .......: A, Hughes . ..., .. • . ....., . 42.32. "G• .13. roWn.T ..),... ., Stanley ".• - , ...-'• • ' 1.40 ,,.. E. E. Rityniond . . 6.77 ' E; • A. Paliner ....... . 3.46 ' ' D. •RobertiOri : ... • 1.20 • M. :Varson . : .... 84:84 • .. .11; .11,.:14itclidli .............„ .• .. .. ,2•80 f . itatirWell '6 Turner .. ,•• . 2,81 . .. ... :Came -ran & Mnrdoch .... 3.61 • '±', W. 8p.i#h . ...1'..7.. . ,. . . . 7 . .. 13.68 • ' .Cidrosi :Fire ,(o., . , .. -3.52 ' • 0: ,B: McLeod ..,; i..07 . • G. M. lVickenzie . , . :, .. 31,48 A. Ross .7,, ...... 14.83, ,Rne. & Ptit!tebus „..... • • •,•• 8,01 .'.., Mrs, J. Murray .. " 7,94.; 'John Purvis .... . ..... 65.62 ..• . A. E; ,Traplin ..... . , . , :0. '2.46- M.: Gamble ,..... . ••••••:::•••. . 259,64 . Dr,: W. A., T•isn .......... • 11.02 . „ W. J. ••McLean_,. -_-_-....-:-..„.•:-„,-i ,. 1:19 . • . .., $823.5.5, Paid Expenses In Cause Creditors Solicitor .. , $264,76, Trustee • . , 31.00 . . Official Referee . 10,00 • Inipto .4 .11"leetings , 16,00 Scilict . RE Discharge 25.0% Bank of Conunerce Costs . 195.15 ". -trustee -Costs: 1?1,vidend • Solicitors costs .Ciaims ',upon is made 04854:71 16.97'. " • $623•39 823.55 ••1446,94 are 'taxed: Amoiint Which Distribution in the, $ is • FOURTH CON. KINLOSS . We are all glad to speo,Derialil back on :. his '. ronte again, . , k I * ZOri• . ' • .. ,. ' • This play will be presented ..b:y. the . . . . . . .." Miss ',Hannah MsDeriald left • for , 'Zien Dramatic', Club in tlie hall Jas, E„.. 'Ritchie called on -Detreit last 'Week•-'- , 4i0a ati 00, ,aveniag„,...ofth,... ,fri•7;16S. At Mafeking :and 'Crewe one ' Mi Ss tl hi.' Lab 1..1.4iiid haW::'gene...to .27,t,1.1,. at .eiglit,..orelock: Full of Wit," .tlaY last' w,eel4 .. '; , ' humour ...and action.% . Two lion in.. Ir.: • gi'S.' ‘JOsepti.11ellyj anent' tt:. few good 'clean- • ' nintiseinen,t. . Admission ..,c,h1:•,s, last .week, witiCho mother Mrs. her, 'Slater • Mrs...'1;Ititrak. London telpend. a fow Weeks •:With 45C and 25c. '• ' ' ' - •_:. ' . -. Mrs.' Whitfield t4 Tel'Onto 18* ... Rebt. WebSter Of --.14 nekniivir, Who has• : ...•:' .. AUCTION SALE.' ing A jno. McLeod's on 'the sixth, .' ,hot" • heen#As. ''ivell, ea' .* her . friends . .. .. Mi' . Tena :McKinnon "•.0t. LiicknoW . , M'ark. Gardner haVing s•old ' hs .1"O',',Iii v!'sli... . • . .. • '. : .' - . . ' f.arnt, near Zion, Ashfiele poivriship, .... Mr, . Fred' •Ritehte :of Mon' . has is- visiting ‘itil N'irs', 11' 'MoDOugall's; fariristock 'and •linpisiitents• on ..Tties. wild: bily.'d . an motion: `sale,. ..ef :' Ill- biinr:,:li•ti the. farni., Occupied, by. Mark . T:hero-sins. o g6od ,attendanee, 'at, day .aatch• ,srd, .0innii.,1301.4...at,..pli + ' .1411 0. lq. ZfOn And Mark is having .. . the .. U.. 1', W• 0, 'meeting .iitthe . • Alio.. - &cloak iy.ai,;,..4.:see,E.itiatt..minti: ' e sslle :of. fariii.stoek and:.;.nt plernenti Guelph Hospiti& on:-Satttrdity.i. --- ' bir-,Mttrph ,.2i.d... . . the niet_ _ •,: Mis's .01iye...,1lobb ,•Vras, . np_...front _...,................__.. ....,, .honte-bf'. Miis, • R.:. Afortiii,-• - - - • • , !". AUCTION SALE- • Alek 'llarvdit *ill have', an anetion. . sCIrtti'liodii4ily.ib,„!.. i - e a E 9 e. ' to To Tor Onto ',last. --.5'1'.4)::.'''MAF7:1CIikiC4' ; '''. l.---. • . • Mutual .'''0".ni'iblii:,.:htil.i:., .tflitP:::111.c:F;Icl.;. ::CN:nvez°.fek.:;f4td:!•?O' i:TOr,.. . -.: Mrc..-Itiebard.--6Erdner r-,"-ShiPped ...' Anents,,,,at,his4atiW,,,L,Lot-Xotti,44:i, -sale-. bf his .farm, tAtOck and :. iillP......1)..f.04torget:Alie.:01a.Y.---bir-," the Zion --:-. Misses- -Cliive ..litidettsii-Lif4 7:61104 -,-• . Wit., IVIartin .;,IVIelniiis• 5-4,., •Detroit ' .AShfield On '...Menday, :„ March. ".•..2ntl.''' . tird.nlelAth's "t be ' Peer ' Married' Blake were ...hont ire& Goderiah , ,. . i '.:111.68!::Itnetee',''fi(ieir:ge*,. t.,4e'‘'':51'1:4'Y° ''t!il.I'.481.t'll.'t ' ',74ied:.hi.;21'?..43nOtksg; W?th'.71elerlf.7't?:'..ettit‘?'I'eket;111,11nlii:, ....'d11s:.';':::'''''.25O16.0......;c:-.:41.%70.6,;h1..'1...ttlie!.;7*,h4"kEsdlliillisS'Illiel:' .1;101.114'''''';it'sh•ii:''ive."'";'elehltti.e.'-'14i-"elthl' it ltel"'"' ‘1400 ,..,.,.,„„t._4.„.._.,7,..,„,r_._,,,..„4.,;,,,,;:41L0cL.::..,ictt,,i...,Ai.o.:z.,,Lcitt,lii_Ilbail:,,ot.,.Itip1/4y.:.ii, ,. , ---0 0-0- • iq '.'11. VV6I1 rittiPPed 0.tnly - InPittdiffg*ti itPithq% 0gidt:16.0.4 _th0,10171047;1'11, .othOrti.OWO _Ctlik_ttO,Tileglien--fit„.shkg}t. ,:i.,i„,k6,, "na-,:..„'i...--;pi.,,,:th,4,,,.e‘i.oniiii,.,v6 27 .itAna..itter • ,mr•s;', Aib6it. Alton : thls:: peos , .''' :11°,,,e. ,..C.!.....7,A;R:',1!:,!78:14c.t$1,:::5. , %, on I: e' 1 '‘. i* :ek: b: ‘, Nr. 6 ' . , ' ' . ' .:( 1 . rE, „yt. . ,g1:. 1 • t: i ' k: 141 I 1. (1 P. :1.::11. 1 - ' . .i 1-' , A .' . i .:'5- ' M8cfilTioa.nralgd.', 1,30'Ogg' i7.10tibator, The, farm', : with ..7,i•o•rt• e.h.o...ph. lagt, gurido, .4i., .4.14..,,, 461 fairimildings •tuld: 700' ol/1/10 trees !,i,kortozion't •r„..t.inds;:i„,„bilo ger,. :rie Warred ',reek „ber,ls,...ti: breed' ' e•OW'alie In 7211*(Halli' H . '.'''' .. ' . i) 11161161'" ' ' ' ' 1. .' - "APtlil 1St, • horeea .and.,IMPlements.• ei. • The :P•e'v•• '' • e .6..11 ,.°•sen.°0" - 6 :' ,"Mr8,,, Hugh ',Phillips iti' moving thl"s Apiii,' -Sept.' And.. Oct:, 90... Purebred ' - II' W. 1 .e. ' '.." f _Week to.-..tife7hairfelilie'.riieenfff''pui••• ...; chasea-4roin - Mr-,' "0; ::OherAftitlitl,. lel; , .. ..as,vv:dine!et„, 4. 4.:,..„..-:•....;..;*-4,vr :.:i• V.; r'i. ; "S.":."..: 'tit.i:tet 'if i . '. • ...1 '1 i V4' i'., '1''''61.4'. t, '25C,o(le• OM be Offered at::the ,close, ot: ,i,',.', ast,•': ,` ' ' , #1' • .1.11...1,11 i,4 e 4 41.'4.11144 tlit, 4..0, f . 1•1 1.11./Vir $41',i,.10..Of $40 ',end: tiiider, cash, N's'.'t.:rijr•ei'S .0-t.i'plill'ell'OlidUit -eini.:. .., cr amounts ,.,8 mos,' credit with durted. • .sorviCea . for his : lather' . In .. i, 1141,. .,:of0. Mrs: ..lohl1".001M itpeht, plio*titeleY, ..',1,` '... v• :::::::::: ",',1'...t,..:, ,18'ej-i°4(1, (layr,:''';:eliodn'tIVIly,t.%Vrilth.C4trliael'il:11.:•1.:CleStit611htteAt ' • ..., • l toorgo.t ,040, ,..4, ,f),01.1), .40,, totioy4ow, tothoolot•,00 .- . ' • .. ,•rtivlq witli,Xlifilt.i.tif 'filen, di '11u4kivitiat! t',..', ,•• ' • JO'1i il0i$ 'MtSt' 7ArMil ' X91).0tiala,„. •• / . ' ' .0 , ....t 0' A ;4 0J.