HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-19, Page 71 • • ,••,..6 . • • e ee BEEWIESTIlig ANE SPEW - e rieetVelights+y• fReper.:, for very lair I ,.v.;.• SOWING. ,°' ., • ,it.petls. . '' .. ., '" -• , Seed Teeting-It' is a geed Plan to: Watering -The Sea e*ehe1ild Pew be , tese alleeeds. before sowing; fora crepe thoroughly but carefully watered SO • This can be done by ctninting Out any at net to rinse the seed:free:it the ROO- '- given : number of seeds, not lees , thee A. Watettng•can having a 'dile ePrinit- , 20 or., .20,,:of,.„ each kind, and • sewing ler may be: usedrer a. 'piece of Wee' lonr- them in send or sandy soil in a.; temp- lap , (backing) the ,exact 014e. of the erettite of tibeet 69 to 60 degrees P.', tepid° of the hex, . nettee • be .spread or ,A ertiali,.Piee'e of .4t„tmp:'..euttpu'Qr elesely over. the • surface of the soil. A: canton flannel may be speea,d. Out on Water can 'without 'a srirtnic:04 Or .4 an ordinarydinner plate and theseeda Pitcher or a jug may he.used for ap- • laced singly • and- separately on the ,P1Y,ing the water if hurlite.iteneed, and 0,14110 or cotton.. Over this :spread only Moderate care Used in the•ppern- another piece of damp icottOn or 'flan- 'time Be :tete and .a1ieW the 'Water to , nel•afut then. Place an inverted 'dinner Beak well into t,he Poll before reineving • plateover all. -.The aell or material the latirlaP; The burlip limy be -used eaSed Pheuld ' be kept dente enough to . at •each watering until :vrQw,th. Steil'', e aid ,gerrnieatien: gxeMine the reeds ' A eight sprinkleef fine, dry send 'over -'and keep .. CleSe 'Watch as -.o: dite7ind. -the'.:etttrAW. after 'tb-4--firtn-y4iering . percentage of •gerininationes,'Ill •snleet''.. will hell) ..t° - P•re,rlf ITIY•ttli•klial • or ',Ing feed for testing; seleet, te lair -eve ''.`clitiening off" ' as it is termedThis ' -040 of -1.itege and of smelt 4)4 -Ani.. "damping- off" is a fungus diseiete-ie- • petfeet: eeicie. as. Well., SO: thiti„a""feir 'doced4mainly ,4. a= tee" close, , Mimi* -,-beetten be' Made.,:;• -,':,,.• :,',. A' ,, • ,,, ' ' 10flir.Eitill6$1*.tek,11fgi,ifilOellt, VOitil 4'7, . ,o t o er,ee--...eeeeeee 7 RUARY Good Citizenship Rom. 13. 1-14 Golden Text - Thou - shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. - Rom. 13: 9. .ANAZiala- part of , th!)., tharrfOrk 7a1 "The i. PinaGA711* 4centispeet Ter iePeeiai Opheramens tfies Ohri.ft,tlitt 4P.rEPT 'TOP, CML VowEa, . , the. t7theof, 111. ;11i. 7:e.42i74:1v000Lift:91.414• °0-1107,11,1:. degitilidauLanWscolit;awoveYnywn.sui:,:isafl:.hoolirrto e n itt h e r :eye 1416 8 ey; 0. convi nrtvrns,, baSto ut one thipg we re s that he • prof! gate. passlone, or even, .quarrel- a let. of ,teeeteeee iiviyko; through the INTSenunTitiel-e•St.. Peal cleYetee. the . some . and envious! There: should beair ese •avs - 7 closing chapters Of Romans to. a Bete, no plate 'for . such undisciplined con, t7";,:e7• d it:NeU ew-ealtv. lave to djItZiis tii forth of the conduct required of duct -in Christian live* " Christiaris as the., result of faith .in V. 14. No!' Tlie,'Chrietjan, must til."ght142: 6011440 theUghtsetholighte the eRedeenier.i. • What should be the study daily to acquire, or put on, the which educate. and thoughts whteli in, • 'spirit 'governing all our dealings ,with character of the LereleJesus Christ spire, in feet,thotights an most any our fellow -men? , Rt.; P441 ePealFs: of himself. If he does this, striving to pleatof life.' . this generally,. in Chap.. ,12, ' wutp be like 'Cluiest; the eXpeleive, power of ' which recall our Saviour's Mac in tkko ri.ew-Offection, In him will.eueeeee, the 'erinen • eri ' the Mount. • . fully: drive out tbe other pravingS. 13, Which forme Otieeeesoe 4,9,044e:the which have their Mir:lower' aptistle tures to the duties of. the natures:: • • • " Christian Ss #itizeri ,. 'reeinher; a . • • „ Some of oUr PaYnhelogOta. prof-' sional and amateur, , haV.4 ,Made statement that thoughts • aro trane- mitted even though they are not ex- Pressed4 And are. received IV those in tune With them.. • • We ordinary individuals are not en- i The radio :is making it. team excuee ab7e for 46 to, k..q ignorant, It makes' more pesellee 'foe all, of 'wee, to beinere hrdadly'edneateil; And, as We: become.: better' informed; 'We teem -tie'. more )deepocretie. Clites„eelf,•. 42.4nees: tie.eekedee tc) knoWledge; beit father: to .IgnOranee.. • As. We *Ores' the . .What t4t` he his • • APPLICATION. ty to ,the geveinment end to, 7:ke Quest of Power,: ..". Soil.-.--erhe 'sea:Used •to Sdii,.eeeclairi •ticrineee bY"..iiiiiisrfeet,..drainage or eare-• " .; '. .. . , ,...... , ;..: nthotht,tht oaipetleS:kto'altelo?WinTortitt'haellPre-i*:areV44ictleus.• t'cc• in*-e.sfartleh6'",attcrevithhee•res'ea..lantil more ,hroa,diy ebeatect. Ave c.004.3 to ; a.. . 1,.:- ?., ;should be, Of. ' a sand$ ; . eattiee, .net "too less. watering Givingthe Plan'te mare'. ' . : . ere . ib .-,,e weed's "ereatest".larrrier, 'Peter Paxton,' Who,: et t."' Aga' celits and cOmmentlinents of:jest:1S arid :614", It' ia 1-n: all tincle:ancl 'sPaee: ''•We 'r' eate. r realization Of the brotherhood. - coarso in texture. or ,to() rich in fertil- air 'OY, 'ventilation; 'and A loiker teniPe of 36,:.vA'gh ' '. e 60 p ries and 4 till gaining Vie° years ago he was en'ai'l 'reoeclolior.rnelkueeoft.trierly4wChenriostilateue'ziafeperee_r- xcanewtetakne, was,ertsu;chyeiefteiee,aEscrieee;tneebuieroi .;genorean.' i;.4'•.orehecto,reitiliiikewiellci'v.tahoeigre4tortt•;.:b4; "Ors,: .' Old :hotbed :scitt Or' gOod'ioanly erAttiro;. Will 'help to prevent '!darn.ping : L e• -------e•-ePreParituee•-egoxeseee•-S-halletr --'-erellerPosSible-orrlotr,sennyedaye, aye -Ming . • be. dust'' dr ' ' • : . growing iilant:a Slice '• Mee' all 'theeritiq •.• . should. be dryenot eeeteli.'should.net. of about 60 to:60 deg..F.; will suit.niese . \amid 'mixed With it • about one pert deg. P1,-.• is' ••eititable ler'. starting' 'most . sand to five or gle.parts of inederately kinds of seeds A night •teeiPeratUre . . : • garden soil 'with agog& proportion' of off '' A temperature of frem 66 to 65 , ,• . . ,rich. ieanlY seil fa • suitable, 'The soil nt 50. deg, F. and a day temperature . , . .„.. • ••? • • . .paratively• thin, neighing •only- eee •pennds. . ' e„..e • . ' .r iiiiiiliN1NG, • .1X3R , 'C -.H. ILI- )REN :f . , • • • ......,....., • ruother •ansivered. ', ”fiut he; usuallY to the ?civil etitherity. in,. everything .tinitLodge:;fee,:r.ongoeieefnet:reicrenetilit:TrbtLieyreete: : rin timing to :,ten rea :were it's .06, was sle Incempetilail)i mityn.betwweeen, this 7triatificseohtil:V:',em.111„the life . of .the, sun, or ,,,t4e,. :1-thinles"-Ray*seireitheriteel*Upe4eande-Ceeiaer-Theyelinagilied-Lthate_thiAOL 'too." • - ,. . ' .. ' • ; 1' -The Jewelled once asked jesiiii,erlie, agents in the hands. of a race riot Y , . 4#11voili-zny- dearrjesee-..yeee_mistake,•_ther, .it •' was right . to pay , trilmte,to good annagh..t0,asa-annieaSured Pevir .potilepiihuttafais.t,htheacti.•43aszie;ainnutislieed:41, is_, elpasts, jeaer,::., lints the. extra money • let°. the bank,' that is.'riglit and good..- e ' : ,, .• ' ,.. . .. and advocating. a just. submission nese 'physical force ..,The quest ten' "C1711iiatk'n- tea'. ard -the ideal, • : ' Anent in ' all matters; Incloding ,tax•*, host Of :others ' teach us 'ha* 'Io... ' '.":bAran' .(1"Tt' ' I 17 7:P: .:1' l' ' .r '" of : .1;;;:a 31" 71: *beer epprecietien of g'oed-raiisiC.' 'and.' '' et .r.oafTdtitIciieevr,eitv1404‘,:ignseettliria'tis.1,:tten:u°,ntlitt..h. ,,Quonetug4.1rtef , big seed in or for treesPiktinrseed- more sunlight.; AvOikShading:•pinnta. eeve..i\!hinks to send me sitythinge?' :' teneney and, as '.1- bee it, not the;.meet Paul sliewS that on the Contrail' the . . niptyliaddie lxixes;eee•gkoa for. seel: when they .ehdetd 'gradually be -then ,,theeeeee.,..eiee ,Thee a „dear: bey,. e„:0 ,e,e, lesson with ,,regeee , to -, acee-lionre'bioken leees-e Pr'°: - . .. .. . . llngs4 too densely ' as. it tilOcea: 4.'' Nve05 • • "Pei haps • it'a your fault," Ray's ha tient- one: We alwa a ' ave Ra civil power ie. eidalried 'hY, .00d4 4,,,, . -eye . „ :ei 4 er-o - 4. . " •••-: e ee .".----.e -lig .Millovieance-7'-lildzirtire7-ffisMi-waels-eli • e '-en-7M5mtee..": . ; , , the Care of hi' lase 'of the civil' power on . 'earth. Wes in hetiveze .theY had, therefore, .ne It': (1):1g-:11114-nw.,:lies:iii..n=reg..t.:.66.7111:te'lol :irsa seldi.tiliz'ras.ln=r17..vetshd4...112ried"dn" makingllaiisn°Aliii:t'th.4:76114t-s4el'eclii441nsn:tem81:i.fi:cale:4":813illbt:1:11:7131e4b11:7';11114::itit'atte--nhta:de: ese afie in oar, own .hearts; -het eneet of ''atl .by.. y w et. eve "ii•. • THE: PEACEFOL • • . ,_._. haneleeme new, pockethobk. her sea had Meari. ' 'Didn't. Marryannis RAY 'Tedciy 'Caese veal to /us thet••little used Esecret, how .There is no power but lItTshttiOeliiun - . drained• ,lieaes, •,flOwer'.',Poti, er _seed Old, chillY: d7r**thte 4 air' ' ..0a-reft11-: lit liELEN:' ait GO OREEN::: • •late.. At this •• rate h HYhtLii 'n,a3 rlit;Z:litli6CtivI'viicircliththeliy. owaedt°,0 4anaas- thrust. cif • the , growing. 'seed, .' er. the • pens should baueed to kko Seed -in for ventilation. , will 'kelp to. -, produce t , ,.. , , • 7 , • .. . . , .' .b*Y 41'6' • a Sel#Se' '. -4-- - -.- • " ''''.i their tette Icing.. Jeses. answered that re°6e,i,teet.rililtitYeth,°Isi :.'tthe poWineCir igrowing earlyeplanta indooree . Boxes athrdlee hardy Plante. Keep the sOil `e to, her ' slang" --somennai thee° *di : no ..leeeinpatibility in .mate. 141:1114iste4f N.17.°11ef. , , • - •-•-' (flats) • three or three- and One-half Moist,.. not toe Wet: • :N.VettAr, seedling* • , -Rape . lau‘'‘gilieistctel:1: .: .. - , ed. .• Inches. in : dePths, with half-inch :holes in the morelag before mean; •Wetering e_ mother .Preudly showed. the f* . ' . • C'' ' .: ' item such •as tribute: • • Render to Ca* eflhe'§Plrlt• listened , to: with _great, interest by the:,.. meinbers Of eur MotherhoOd o'ClAh: *.;. "Well it express:ea ' just , what • I. ear" he Said, "the , things. which .7are;°z -' • If • ' 1 th 'les: ' • ma' 're - 'abed six :inches apart. bored through ' them late in,the dayInduees delipinge . 4 . the bottom for drainage purposes, are off, A. geed remedy. fOr plants seart, Sent her from .collegee. . never her anything. ' • . are G'od's." re, and te God the. things whic,h' i all 'the pulses of our..e deaVOr would -litciisPitiao'*. in -teres. tingie , . .quicken!. The 'divine power is a, tree, . . the 'radio, le :.popultif`"ti ilit' lariii::- '`iVe. ' ltatil, 104' better than cleat, boxes. eased Plants as eeen ,as seee, and dust ord'a mother, it little weriien with -it • ' ; - . • . abseil. ...the lift the...burden of fear • end ' • Ideal for sowing seeds in to transplant ing to dampen off' is to remeee the die- • . • . • ,...-. . . • • . -. • When it •was handed' .tO , Ted. .ReC,. : The mother e with the thoughtless St. 'Paul. •is here laying' I.sure house of Plenty. Let•thiS 'truth sdo net: believe 'that it :IS far fetched- ' .The, hoXee inafr. be of , any . required theae Temainiag ' 'WW1. drY Pa.7. '17.0red„. :fee' e ' 1 e An' 'ange ; tesrs • fill r epardon mliett'1114'. arYannla ' 'cOnthl. 'ued 'Tall aPtrilim°1316. air° hetee'selveteer.°CliwrjA; TwrONV maY. we knOw? .. worry..'IA* EMY, that the radio .Will seen he eon-, ••• rP gave a .e gasp. - • .' • . "d li width, 1002 Inches for ft01.Yere;of sulphur. . , ' • ` 6 . :,..4••-• , .. • ... • • • , • , • ' • . thought, thit .becanie they• belonged- tei"' 11 .4 :eiteall•4flats,"' arid 10x 2.0P inches :for . . SluidingSeedis. • should . be aliaaed ,,,, . "Oheehow loyelyt": . 'slid.. exelaimed, geetly,. "Re you say, Teddy is: a •deer 'Jestise and beeause 'theft eitizeiiships , .. . . „..length or . . . .. .. , • eves. .... .. _ . • . -• .- - .. ... „ . the:: little..eewner of the pocketbook, • , . , flats , are useful sizei to use. from hot SIM 'Until gerininatAP.n ,tArt•qi •`. f'm '.afraid my Teddy len% vary boy; but .he has .been taught only 'Met longer afiy, interest .in the .P61icY: and by the experiences of others; ,bad ,trien Mechine; 'and. other tletige neer are. ,. . .. , . , , • , s+, made geod,. and:good men made bete "of floyeete:pek''eeitese -gravel.. Or :similar Transplanting-Seedliegs should be HaY. hew ''te •elien4 Ino4eY.. ; Ill .•:i.'/Agerl. encouraged :to :save a: definite. Pali,' to the sympathy .andeco-opera;O'n-'.'O'f - : inateriatalifficient to about &Vet the transplanted ' 'When' frean fear to m. lie', saVed•fiK.,Moetlis to get ' Pie Ws, ,it 4r.'ict to spend. thereat: thoughtfully, I ell right-ininded .. mete especiallYin ite,.. _all :s-ve'll eitiris..111-P. • . VILLAGE. -:•77 s• : -- ••••6•21:# ' <worse; ,fibrOms .texture On .top Of the too crowded, or :tee 'tall : and: 'slender,' loOked surprised,\"Why, Anna!' We for hiinsfelf,•.but 'often his- ii task of .7 enforcing jos+ •.laws. • . The neve.' us eaemplify; Are 1,nktwnehoWoredoe,•:scoast:t.; litunoi.i4 , hivo.,66iiimoted ,,i4pon, cos , „It. t t,of:, cit.: i a .1.1diladLitfiZhisoilia.be «h vraletha.1718. beli:ete,yeda61‘4. .Clirs,rt: ab„.(1),..,uh.._. ihe4ittly,:,,t,:e ev,",,,,gto.ati:th:,.,.,, to_, to :livted".a. bottom:Of the bex fir drainage -Then •leaves have. .started. as.' SOOT1 as , the ir ay: gi, '1\ . , . ' • • ' . , [Wisely . end. uneelfiehly. . This' lie learn -e. put about •an'inch,in .defoth 'or soil. of • a plants, ewe: be handled: before theY. get: , "Hew to sPand, it. • " 1%/frs" Record, ed to do. Sometimes he bought thingel.zCeliski*., t... ..., drainage In - the pot or box... The bale .Soil' of a coarser texture' end leliglitlY. taught Ted t0,80" 'hie, allOWanee-*Yea ' i'ryr stanAthIng. for Soineone:eiseeT. w' '' V: 1-.1'. ',i3ar,,,op6EActr)/1;41.11t's.iicVig.611!.7.1% ,, ill. i, e.icsrih:i.i.ag. ti , , . ••. anitYr•is also a ' power? .. The ,i0ea6de_motikeitag, end. oela. # .tee:.. . enee. of 'the. Oil; ; to within about ian ,richer in ferttlieers .ma -y be • used for see, his father has givn.hun a certain was •given a, good deal of freedom and V.:1. Political.,thibmiekon to •the cone. Power we. need. . "Be .strong in the :stage has ''"------.--Anch of the top, should be el McAinin transplanting seedlings in. One.;:pitet : amount every week ,ever since he . he; learned. to be neither extravagant, ' _ I .40064 \.'4s• "types end cher-, fairly egit 4.:littie.fell9w, An that money bpi, .e.100. He is. grateful forr this tit' tAd• . authority. is' required of :Lord • end-hi:the power of hierniiht.:" questien, .",.Y.Ou see,, hia, father alitayi 'th. • hef 114 : "•,,t' ' . sill .. • e , • o ea* . • mo r . . . , . . • • 'pare well, water tO drink. - No food those :Who 'hive\ etrect.: Ofe. or : retied& asters"foe.,vii'l4,,e',' .ma, y. be.,.4.e.,i):)0..4., ,00.._. ff . ' texture, net • too fine,' About lialf-an- send, to . emht.. or • nine parts .of . "every' soul." This...means that Chris, ••• , ' .• ' •Ineh, in .depth .C.f :quite fine:sell, should rich loamy-6401, will euit.. moat' seed we taught Ted to put in the !milk and tkaiiiing•now; for to know •Mid"be able thins. will render it not less than pa, , . • in • Tbediffereet 1eyers.ef .soil should .he sifted top :of this lo saw the eeed. And ' act*I" proedly, ;lie. h'' . nearlY ing is ie aceOlunliehnient. well. Worth authority -is part.. Of. 'doffs: ordinance save. He never has spent . cent of it, to fellow the 'happy Medina-1rib spend- ga4 •. 'Indeed, :Just ' because' .diril fh, . . ..surreunded.,..by-farm,:laird,i7.--4744, A, • . . graphically .;ate, a settienient of. people •.: A. ppl 0 , :_._ , .quite level and. pres e fairly :firm :.• ."Soil eoe tieheirtefertilizers °causes . . 0, . • .. . ,• . abnormal .ranic.,..growth, and Often ineugh. for his college education." And -while!! ..; .'... . • ..• . ''! ....: ' . : ' for the well-being Of seciety; the :Chris- • . • . .. trading Poet foe. these. Whe Week out ' in „„ ...• : ' as. they are placed' hi the box. •:, The induces disease. "Atone, sturdy groirth then, AS, 11, in; ansever "to in unis " yes," 'd ' th . •• ' •th ..' ' ' the thin will eke* tegreater alacrity: than Sheep always have plenty of the open.: It. is the reeting,place.for,... surface -of the' soil should be '91"tte is better than. rank 'abnormal. growth b .,. .. i . d e . • : . • h ,...d•. i ' r311 . ethers- to . respond' to every • just . re, . . , • • cvirernent. , I... must • be . remembered ...leverAnd'fimn one-luarter to one -halt, . ought him.all h s clothes, an skates, .gomg .rhome. to• talk, it ' ever • with. taken into the :sysitein'of animate gees : .feem, ;the stress.. and • strain of a;ty ••'„:, for -trans,pianti. ni purPoses; : It hiebest, ' when lilted ' • ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 'w • .- .e.se aa to allow space. -,..01' sniall sized Clay pots or in "soil banks . . lisp.= each plant, . 0 , , . .. ' . . -. • , • - : • • • man justice had been uniformly god: - , , . . . • . 7 Doer t he ' have .any. just . to. : A . few. months later Mrs. Record, More than' ' ' t ' Corinth'•• d' and weekly inoVie tickets, and toys."' ether. l' ' ' •:. • -' • ••• ' : • , it et..St. Peers. ovin -experienee 6,f Rite.,, and . else- water ehey. drink, Impurity ef, the quished their .,rnagie: 'Wand': •of :heed' more direetly tree ..the bleed , than. the life, ete Well's tis these who. have reline -' evdek which Makes htinian. food spring . :7bieh below, the top Of the box 'or 'pot ,e,e • tra 1 t ' . h singly': into • . . . • N . se' cau;e chitn . fah. pie* bleed caused, :he , drinkin'g ' impure . water. :. : .. : . . soineene. *tinted to .1cnoW. .• c e . to :mit . meeting, wearing . deevy,!evhere; -1V1:11")andee. . Sewing SeeeL fer • Trail selarieing and, tyre. 'and :.c..nehalf inches" -inediane- . - , .. , • •"Yee; oceasienally; no*: 'that - he's, pinic 1. "Fiero Ted.,"-. she emlleeagainst.-Jewish Violence St. Pairl is Water !nest,. ineVitably, 'Prociue.e...diges- • about . two , and one-half inches" deep poiidr... . : .froll: the :gm/Md.. ' . ' - • • ptirposeaelhere, are two.: metheds . of of. older and lea learned' to, saitee' • the 'proudiY. not cAnterep eting cases where. the live disorder and ulpmately. disease. '' The„villagei'as we. know it is, dia." . etei.'•'-' The 'Planta will form .billi •• • .. the surface ,Of the .soi•l; :the broadcast. ;.toW71..dg • seed in drill, or breadeast...on...roOts. -in these • ao that . ehey'.: cen be/ • 'e ' ' - \ ,frOnt of the•d •' ' ' se ., .,„. eon . y ,to J tice. P • rY P xi -tenths there ie greater • danger of , laW Of the. Stake Might' coaceivably be :During, the ' Wifiter ;and. Spring ..tinetly',Canadian'. • It is probably ,itke., ,• . , 'Chief means of pre:Serving the• original easily . transferred :later On ,into larger .. .. rpppipgs .. board. . , • tree • ' •iia ' ' : His • iiina' rill- ' - type of posterity. The village is stab/0, . . - (setittering) Method:being ther... hest Mod pets, er'filanted out in, the gar71 meta r'were open but AO' tier victe p.ro, .authorit5i is part of, God's eider for .. Alt ciele is . that • properly ...constituted sheep d. ei. !lido,. ho . 1,- --- , • • • g pure water than at for,Very..fine_seecis•..,, Use • a Marker den. as., iequired," Witheut disturbing .; :00 • sided with in. alighting board for .the the 'geed of .friernanity. : . . - ., other':•t; . f the , , At el* not static It erowe. hiit ante one-third- . made :.of siepiete; of lath the exact the root System 'ytkee Much, thus pre, , • . . , . , . • , time the flock eonfined to lineited quar, as • fast .aa the .. Country as a Whole length ,of 'side .of box---ou'taide. Meae- ...: .: ; Convenience of he hens, -. Hence they V. 2.. The lee -breaker, • therefore, - • • . . . . : ... : . ,, .• ; . • . fer- could tot makeua Of the.middle rews. is dependent upciii their. shepherd Many, of . its people live ' in. Content, „ nrementfor large flatsWith .nails or .yenting eny Cheek or 'set -beck. M ehe . 'That : hens'. shoW 'a -derided Pre . plants .....'when• transplanting • then:I.:le/Me for nests. in certain lecatioris cae , -.... , Lei °ins. mein to choose iii.gh.,iests, beings himself tinder', thee condemnee. ters 'to Mark where driP.s. are te.:13'0, er 4t ior. any plants') •When. traneplanting;.! have 'Watched. them elo.selY., .::Feet6rs ;.Avoid exposing the roots 6f eeedlinesi ;hardly he .qiiestio'ned IV'. N . . • • t • h • f .: t -4. th`98'6 *40! in Preference:to'loW ones When • ' '. visiOn 'is made.for the- to alight .eas- ' . Pm" iiideed the highest Motive on whieli A Ore to drink from...little' peels. of . -The village .is a, Poor Place. for .:a;; .. O not Only of the. State; but' of God.. foie eustenaece., ' If .theewater ::supely rnente enjoyingethe eiMple things•••of' '•'8,. 4. . Fear of the. State AS. hot ' is , seantY and 'n.lielean, •the sheep ire lif.e, . • ••• ' '. • • • • . . . , . ..•• _ . , . - , . . , .• , . . pegs in it at. piPper: distanCeS • apart. - : A five wocke.:,:ift.isefiten t7ill wish• to .aet. AS a Inattek . water that, gather: in „loW depreSsions wOnian-seeking. a husband for weinen ' :marked measure stick or A:gauge:can. to sun and airi, it IS" very ,injuriouS I that inflUenee a len s,c aim o . A nestin frOnt.::pfitnY'nest; . . be used. So as teTget the rows the. Pee, are s count on a floelc of about g*Leglieres stand in any terror of ii.st" govern, no Welt-diepesed'. Man.. need about the. yard... These little pools of aro in .the',majetity .exid"oVer. One-third . „per distance:a apart. ' '• .., • ' • •• , , • . • , and sometimes the .reaulte are fate' I with respect te f its ;leeationi in early February showed 713, 513 Ments,, for Gad Appoints . them ' for Water accumulate from \ thawing I'm :.of the Men are oyer forty-five year ..• to the plant. Keep. the roots 'Coveted 1 eight above the fleet', its re at'Veii seeit and enow:.and rain :Water percolating Of. age. , Reiiitleee youth does not stay • Ahont enoalid ene-half.iriehee epart raa' much as -Possible when. transplant:1 cinsiorr, and the eaSe with. ,. wile, . aed 566 eggs, respectlielA. in tbe. top, Merril; ende„ • ,Oe 'the 'other hand ,the - • e , , through the 'straw :andeneluire gath. iri the vfltage; it' goes.. where therele : ' eight distance for deist seedS.;. A drill moss' and; get thein into ' soil again 'is . The hitter Point is of 'sPecial Signid- ' The bottom row r as one foot oft the ' . . • . . ' I be reached.. : 1,:: , , ., , . iniddleand_bottoni. reWs.e.f,Lnesta.; State .must infliet penalties- on :law-. . • .. . :. ,, . , . .. ... . . re:h-lc''e, rIng 0P . ers ; i s no i disease germs that, ,when. something doing and, :then, when . the ' • „for. the.; 'rein or, drillseis about the ing.Withea-clanqieeloth:or ,with elempeean .., istraighi 'drilla' and: an ev,eit depth for carefully .at 'once lOs- scion. as . trans -e general purpose type. ; In •one cASe to 'row three fee. t In.. h. ' Presser is also very. useful to secure qUickly. as. poSsible.'. 'Nate!' s'eedlings.; eanee When•one.iskeeping • . floor, the micid e row ere feet and. tas, ° ' 'fowls of the ' • • e ' i ' • e -.'t ' ' • • • .; : 'Malaw ;calls the. jus, geaelii, Or "power taken. into' the sheep"O syStein, starts' forces of life have been spent, or life's • ": oet:thee:ve , . of 'the sword" for nothing. .. - .-•., ,trouble.......:, , ' - • . : •work 'llis been aeoninliShed. 'peewee .. Will: •Drtnictng. eyelet. full :ref injurious .back M retire. P • • f all , base his. subraissione not_on fear, . but bacberia IS one ef.,. the 'common . and . :• Vililag•e• Peeple° are .not. rusting -6U: V. 5. „The. :.chrietiite,- hewever, Needs.' This ean„;be Made from .a piece Planted arid Shade Mete froin sun. fer'''Which Came- to the .writer'si attentien ijeki• About 41' 'er • ciente ,of .haycr wood the width eied.thicknese e few daYe. .„' Water:'• them.',sparIngly ii,.:flock of. Plymouth .Rocks wile .found ia:..d were found ; in the upper revi of on the •highet rho , . medangerous eeeses ct wintor a e . • f it:' lath, e and half in -inch: shorter : the flret week or days. Keep the to' he. lieiiig. practically ;ell, eggs . in e el -4°- - - :' . • ...* ' . ::, ... has Moral and religious reasons of . ' • • ,• tive of .conselenea• Be ' st •' ' t te. :it: Theft 'standard of ' education is. high ..... month among sheep ' and particularly and there is less illiteracy among them . •: .'every•,100 eggs laid in OPenlY exPosed . . • , -. among pr,egnent ewes. I hallo: known than in ' the :citlee.''': These' eeepleare lef sevetalletivy losses, to *Celle iiiiiong interested in the geed thinge efelife.• ' . . - ., .• . than .width of fiat: or box used. • It :eel' motel, not -tee vietedaring growth. the, top.. and' bottom 'tiers of Aleets, . odies: made at an experimental respecting the la*. : '. :, ' • • • - • s . ' ' Sho..1dbe beeelled en one or heal, edge!. Seedlingentaiehe.trenePlanted in isliel- leeving the: intervening .reyet Unused,: eseation revealed. edits fact. that - for . TA.. Thui he will pay t axes willing, ' •nedte.-1,13-..werellaid inpartti•aeeludoid; ly; recognizing that, the fic.erseof the flocks of: eheen traceable to drinking beit_eine-•-a-etiletealid:-O•rthii-TWaye: Whieh , • •te' shout one-quarter inch in thicklow. well -drained beeeti (kitty), , but . •Otteereation. 14r:eight out the fact : ness. • ', It; should ' riot he' ' praised- therde-exiiirtTeinepient•-agaireaseerell thittetheebettOm -tier-,waet-the__Ortly_. one geyerninent : are "minieters," :or 'ite St. as from these as they 40 • from .clay :that .could he teethed' easily from the fieStS,"eveg •;when the •pesition. of' the .• :Tiliitalatiguageauggests-,'"Priests"-of ...weiter.-7frcurr stagnant'-pookraliOiit-the 'Perhaps • brings the 'greatest erijOir • e "GOdwithin their -own, sphere. • : • , yard and pastime .diiring the' whiter inent, puts ot.fron't,84)11 banks as Wm ere en., 'floor. • . The top, tier was in use because open aad.peelieled *newts Was alternat- V , . tiOned. In transplanting seedlingsthe tbe,herus,could.fly,to it easily from the .ed, day by day, •: . ' '• ....7.. The general principle is clear. , •••The water' 'Supply for the 'breeding Perennial Climbing Planti: planta should , he set: a. little • deeper • . . ' . . The Christiane will 'be •forernotit . in flock at all times should be very close, .. '• Climbing 'planee -play' a ,very •iire: than when in :the seed box se that the .. - rendering tribute, taxi*, respect, and ' • • • • - . .. .1 ' 7 MANXIND, 0-1O:.`.:. - '• ' ' ,, niay have: nuieh 'of the atiffnee.Stakep ,. J - • . N . , roots!' are well, under the soil, • : Care 7, EE$..0,11.F1,01VERS;:ANP.S411.UPS,... el. honer to those Who by, law are en-. .tir. guarded; Water' drawn treat' deep :portant part' in Itortieultnrai decor- •:. reek wells ie. preferable., -44, .C; R,.;',:, .ative work, . A house which lacks Einx shoOlCie ta.lipit-4h seedlings. sueli as ' f . titled to reeeiVe theM...: ereeenee of 'beauty , .tii • arehitecture: • , 'Straight .• used, but Ward. and, P • so as to secure proper depth fo of 'seed sown,, or a board ;,the eizei of raised handle on bae 'wood nailed. on face one and dne-half inches „ • ihallOW parallel drills will surface Of soil when press useful. The strip of wood atne-ice should be bevelled slig should be of proper depth for ,quired. tio. riot SOW seeds direc wn into the soil vrhen being Oved backward' and for - sod. lightly and evenly, drill of Uniform and the -iliffereet kinds 'ece of heavy. flat ide, of. flat With and strips of beard :about •art, so that e made:on dovrn„ is, ailed •on tly and ill re - TT lettuce, celery, rfrinaulas, golden' pyre- • Ii.'NECESSITY,OF SHOWINQ LOVE. TO ALL . „ thrum and plents; of einular growth, Mane of the front. lawire, mote par- . . that the Crown or -centre of the tient ticelarly en' the older streets of our should not be below the surface if the sell: Planta hosing . a well-defined , towns nett. cities, Present a dull Un- . • main steme euch as `cabbage, eaue_ 'ettractive appearance: Many property :teemed by givingthese finer horticuhe V. 8. St. Paul now takes a step tural things a chance., • .1 !higher, :1 -le passes on to a Still broad.; • 'The holding . Sacred of even frne'l et ground for inculcating. Christian specimene 01 treee is not justified citi.xenshiP.' when }item decoration is prevented by content'merely M meet his obligations . . The Cheistien will not he The Soil. Survey --- Between the Niagara Escarpment from it by 'planting a „vine where it. ' wilt break themonotonyof 'a straight wall. , Verandahs, summer :houses, and Ontario. , • . fences, rooks and catt stoinps . of trees Diiring the' season Of 1.924, the, work 6oveyed vrith . Climbing vines' will ao ilower, j tornatO and: similar pltints, P.w•nerA ;heeonle:,. Fe ; rec 1 " t'• "Pr t4):1) -Y IS de ' . - e' • ' - ' • e vn . an irtust ' ' diScoura d in their their preeentie.• He •should •!lie 1:et'eather.:cle,tely in • the • s•6111 effort& to have , a fine grassy lawee• haVe a fine • opeertenitY to eicercisei seeichi-,..: ' "'hurt( . sOele le ,act engthit pogeoistziiioofprarri enctinekiofillIit:in,:retohn4ideocotecItatioy., .At ic,riecti.hiritigitryedyie:gt, oinf it Wifi ' liardlY be. recognized by; One ' b h' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' Change the apPearanco ot a Plade that .fitin so, that the :roots and about . half the otberii. who . are , more Persiitent4 Sq4 their, iiifluenee ahbut the saner ayetem; • V. ,9. Fer. ekainPle, tike. the DecaL. • soil survey .htta been: carried .°11 in. th6j,whO has.lcrieWn : it before. , • - the Package, as an even dietribut 'onis. terigth 'ef •th.e. Stein 'is inserted in the': their lawns ' At ;considerable, eiaipentie , of atreet. tree. "platting and 'centre], logeoe-el„.. Peel here •recalls' to his N,hittait,t r Tait. pelt; - A detened -see 1 i many eearieteee et: the clinibing.• . 'seldom obtained bythiS.Inethed. our soil. , The roots shoiila el eng .perpere, eive.ey three or. foie: ettetee, ' Attractive with, a View to: iinproireinelit •,of the. readers 'the. sixth; severitle eighble map •conStrueted efi ,a seele ef'eneineh' vines hey° been , grown and. Studied' 'at 7.,the"seedinto the.hand or inte-a s 111 'dim:arty In the •Soill .11ie tip's of .the . flowers, and 'beeutifill ehrithe, are out hornea.through the more, generous,use'riinth, sard.trenth ceentintedieenta o . , . , te dne Mile hee beef' completed. It the dentral Experimental :Fatin it - Ottawa for, Years. , In • his , rePort. for, .' 1923,. the' Doininion HcirtieulttiriSt , elves a list of varieties that have been . ilantinig-In ;drills' the seed should al- belovi. the euifeee: _ Press the, soil iMPoverishnient. of `the sell ..,bY their area treeti hi the larger ditie8 Of till§ .... .fo.tind satiefaetery at OttaWit. 7'. The : ' ntOSt eoeer• the bottom of the drill eied firmly aeound each emit SO elt le sot hungrY 'roote .10' reaPonsible for ,the Continenti-where. the .work io handled, , see. things through the• eyes a thoee . The ;toils of this. area vaiy greatly g d "11 h' '• ti `e He will try 'to iltoti. , - . '. • • . ,,. ,list inchtdet, the, Virginia' Creeper in when SeWn 'bioadcastAh'e seed ihokild' it in position hrnily. Water the 01,tifitg dial appeikranCe of:many town st.reeta, by thotooghly qualifiect inen, ' hasj with whota he deals. 'Ile wilt, act•to-' in theireharaderietics iha etoil-adop., three,' varieties, the '413riariess Jvy. or .,to :plant "sbowlthat nit eh greater, opacelipnow wards thein es though 'tic 1,vas intheir .;-:....: ' Over. ;from' ene-third to One-hie..f of carefully 'at. Once. And: shade frein.sun T‘ho ,•Admoniti.01,,, to '•Vetyotie j vas re ee bapiOnt'' ' theY raii e iii teetiire froin , , . . Poston Ivy, DutchniarCe pipe, ;Japan- . the surface of' the soil. , ' ' , Covering • the .. , Seed --211lio-dril la ler' a feW, days, ' Water the• plants • rather sparingly 'after, the:first water. that itit n.et, e*Si:it broken.' A tree Onoti: heretofore. The dm i, permitted only theSocial :preblem,.10 the spirit', of, fine Sandy learitie the ,heaviest Clays, A; feattire of the.,sui•Vey. that id es pe- , . ., . reet, flve varieties of Cleinatis;Cone, a eree. eeems to have;established• a.:1311.es been :. .allowed ' betWeeir trees-- than, place.' • He will, ut other werdse face, , ege EittersWeete • Antetican Bittere • ' ' -Witt a label or With the lingers. The •startS, when more 7 liberal ' : . $Sed soWnebeoadelett shouIdlie Ivered i. naaV be giVr00,1' :c,a4lvato- 01 ,,a0e.fiee,, .want of imaginatien and the 'habit 7of :Maple; Which eepreeents the sinaller W.ateringa ,greatest . ,re.:uotance, , removed. The,. seldom :nearer el . eighty te ,Th , , len epee 6 • . . lic a. , e . ge , el . , , .., , • . . , . . I , . , , , will' ineludo' obedience .. te, everything adal)tatiOtt .diut be,Proiltable :Vino,: •ICtulzuo,i,Vitie;.•- Climbing koteis;,7 - Christ, ., , , .,. , other's, .as • 'taught . by Christ himself, relations ,betvreen •fioil . type, .and • crop' of Honeysuckle,' 'Chinese -Matiiiriony- ' - "p - n'a . ea our -1-`. mon ho Peren i I P f ti . should he .filled :7in. lightly , and +levet 'fig. for :1 /Weil 01' SO until ,.grmval ;planted, :if; it livee at. all; is. with the on very wift'S ,streets, and parks' aila ' dank interesting is thatedistinet tor - following ,othere,"hite' leile,eiter...denee .tyPo cif street tree, is. seldorn ,ril 4ft . With dry finely 'Sifted ''soll.• , The :Soil Stir Ili•••.soil Around, the Plants :about • .--a•c----:' that • the.. laW eoltes,- 7and .1diio.....peach.troWirig•iS limited le a vet y,fe* Riverbank :Grape, ChinCse • Wiateria, 'saucer and sow with -the thumb' nd :roots on no account to be pointing up- of the questio0 on 'the lawns of II•owering shrubs and beds Of they not all ,go back ,to the one Oen- the land lying between the flr,st ,flager so as to sow evenly. ward, and all the roots/ should be at. of otherwiSe beautiful homes. • The flowerg. dple, "Thou shalt love thy neeeilen' inc,111"dr QuantitY of Secd,to.Soir foieTr ns- least 'pile -quarter of .an inch oe more overshading of street trees and* the A canvas of policia; w'ith iegard Jot th • lf.n" The Christian will, there- Niagara Escarpment and I.ake Ore fore, consistently make ' the widest tariorfrom the Niagara River to Haiti - .11101161144 ...ibi tt rf...ilitf114):.::i :ttirtii, Sit:1,401i t: -w6titd:ti.'fillesetik'tIa.Teh, ti18'lirst:II:4. iltT,y. 14e., Veartirkg: 11:4%•re,aletr4C)VsleeY TreiYZ.51be. iliteebaill•litibe!reciTieStilfialtlYtretYlleete. lb?it, telint;14:: miit.ter .1i'er!1,4t will' inetude A. great age .oPland in the surVeyed area that ieties. are Self -Clinging, 'cciit re, •rqui,t,,e. . ' with the eand in the 8411116 1'. te- Surfaee. stirring the. •ioil ' vil',1 keep Red that.'a tr:ge inuet hatke 'itetice fee indieidual treete - . • • , : ' : , .: ; e :cleat more.. „ . . , 18:1011:..adipted.. to peach pooch. .. „ • , " ' ' '" h ' dletbiet tyPet ef loft, lied the percent, .ned :Sethi) •etheta-Reme bit tilkg0 Vtit. '''' ptelpo'4,..iiieepporte: of,VS.rieus kin •7'...coMnierided, for.: 'sowing the •,,tiecd,',• lf". downsnads, promote: .growt-b; $tml- belp -it ta .beeoluee!..fine appeiiiien...: '[he re ' ' Gilt .aeldetri-liais- .an. oPportimity of iIL treeiliti etteiderioNe -o.F.THE.CiUtid, iman iii,cteect • - • : ..', . 1 cambers, ' it Is ilointed .6a1,,. :usual* . .• 'i, soil is sifted on, it, results 111 an ini- to t'enseilie the inoisture.7 '. ., .., ' , -,"‘, _Stilt .1's. shown .itt, etreet. trees ,'grOWirig viewing a .row of • really .1.•„•„, street ' -TIAN' tRk, 11.4C ' , . : ',04p, ..iipit4reit:i9iq .f•iity: soil Sairiples"fiAakS:rapid.gre.,W.tk,Whe„ni.:..on.M..estalie - tut otteil.„.eaufte,4 ,the .,aeod +6 .be .dio.,.-• ...A,ahouth 40A0`77.-aliPitrea:Y.,.3"110t,preVentineinditidtitti:•-deV•eloPinent'and, 'log ;1's:-Us•filly- from -fifteen 'to thirty --th4"..-tord'e .intinediate-'rettirti; '''Theif ,etety „examination: A4 soon a4 the60 fatehand, ,, .061.1au I rraPine or levelling Ott an operation ',.: ' ,! - .„. • '-'7 ' : . lotigth or 'All efltite block -or..str`eet 'orditlarY :eirY Street -where*the,Plant.. :Christians •lived in. the expettation of cii,Aro„.‘, o,yon._,_,,,a•otit.atiolii _ _ it.t.d. ,,,ilietsottit,ocs„._,,,,4_.,,,,,,,L,,,,___,..,__ ,,_•_,,_..,_.7_,If„2,,,,,L,,_,„, ,_H .,,_ ....illtd:11.ea..elt....01-AtitinZ.-.pstitaPs.,,A116---trei*:-,TheseL-Airel•Iffeiter,,,,aeefr-:-Ori-1**'"'S.-11-12:-.--e'Sti.--4'atil:idid'Itte. eteirlY '"ife-o-Fes4iiiiir;;;a-61-ti-e.-.84ilo. .644,704-.611 Naha. •Tho vast .iiaaits.t,hwei7,11,,,bet abot,:70i4a:L. 'hate. beenetakete far "lebete ed, hy-,preparilirthe::-:grOund Nvell-he-.-' ";" ' ,of isibed or perhaps Iii.etabed..:atiray ateerentot' be ...done -this . tOrcini,o doWS "ter shutting out'. ;the MIA 'froni theHtine 'feet, •Apart,' .The opinion. is 'groWirig did 1•14:1c0*- hPi'‘'•''P°4)4 11'. W:6°4 c6n1 stitet5 .,hacki tolc/4..,there 0 .. ., he, h, g es , f a analYses,,kaVe. :4Sett..11Olide;•40iii,Plete: hafialni•o•,i7s..-rperi.:and; if -such be,7.,thO th,.6. ,aaii, :drlele Jec Water • With: .11",ie, •0$1..secta0e.0 r.demnativo. plaiitit that inost .of ix.4, lilt., that. the.. 'Knee regidetittat ' ' • . tre,t ' i li to. il tegether..,,, The.: • MI ilitee - ,at . obtotila .14, citii,to 16.,-41; and mit bo ...tatt.,:thyl, Nvj.11tirodyte..4 lo ,qp.o..pii, • to, ,00,6, . e . ,. , , , • •,,, .,,.• .,..• •• • • ..e'ee: 6. . eeteee_, ee6oe, told .it- ei-,e .0t... 61.6 ':iiriotiVeS: -t1 "Chstitett. tt. ittittet, 1.0t.Y ;fit' '„breol;f1ortti:t-i•evif itille.:1,11:tliti*iiieodrk,O.1;t1Teehaiereadroe'ar .ciiee,...itla *OHIO YetnoVe the iiiittrain.''': 4iWi.........../...tl• ...t.a., , 1 . Whet e the vines ret4 to be • planted and trotted ,...d0,0,1, lightly•,..atter the a,14,d., , ' . . , _ .. , .. , lt one otiff•not .y.ilif. 'it, .sireet,grEteed..8rnalier•Snd etelainenta s.. 'hat we have t'h° il4cessit:Y of l* .reild5t 1°' teeelVe . , ,. . .. ,„--.......„.....'....,.-_'..,--,..' - ;• .r-elilate. it„-7Withsotlie of a good loarnp e. :- :isovered,-• -.. , .' ' - ' ' '. ' ' '' ; 'Japan hes Do* .sdopied.. the' metric. with, 7:fine.„, Jai:Vila, lloWer beds and :bedeine. "accuStoined7 to, -see- 'a:Ad .1b,,, Ilt;v.1161,t,,..‘s,..Svit aPa.fi.talhlotiar..gbe' t.11, ail 111;hittirbta. fil,°*aa ,, . . . , . • 1 ood' • 7 h• „ rest" ,' ...• ,, . I Character, thoroighly.inixed With,well..- ,.::..1)0th.: to „ . , S ' ,4,410.1.. three.. pto i.'. of ea..,tullItrng wei.gh.tt ,'"ana ahtahP,';' hie- illteliPat4,0ft :21t0.11.1.4.....leA,_ ,..4.:.1.0.r.,01.1titelr...tti...hk'aitiAlied:41th04,..„.,7_,Itia:„ohrigt. :lit..iits_,damink: fliay...fiiiii '..Take'l; '''''-'t 0 - In:Interest s' rata itioltito. , ,. , ._ ... ,. ...., times 7the diameter or thickness . of _chi,' Inetnniria,', '...%:: - • '-'-' ' : 166Y r eitatii: the 7 etkiiilii:thd ineY be ' '•'--Canadion Hortkultural 0)116;61,41bn Worthy We might :atitle this it iftletial r, . • • 4, • •