HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-19, Page 61 AitAvaihritoolt*A.:---Is,t4434:74'40 ',-liAt - VOA tlle.eml.), *4 -is. not let perfecty estabhshed.and, •4' Mild. hgr, of paie9b2 leg tes4.44; The g.l..iP4PPaRraPO, of •-the *Tiling, ,eiekbeSsr4is• an ladltation that the connection between...mother :and 'ollild;•ja-WO11. estab!".iehectand from tbis • 1,,, . . „ .. . , . ,.., , „ . ... 'time ria"the Mother's 'aPpetite sheuld. steadily improve. • ',.. -• , • 4. . From the. end .of the fourth :flieet), the rOther needs. an eitta„,qhantity of lend- The.' child is • growing .1-4,011y • dining this period and the motherTer „ . quiree,*bont ,erte,:fifth,,Morelood $han HMS.. reveede e flavor is pure, fragrant Try It Bieck. iiced Or Green Bleir448. LBY 0; CkupLAA . • . . shopzugn,---yop. may.: bete ahulce74.1)0AY'ul,oln ei'two-peuc colored1' • : • \ • ttelelne Sinai" BoY-4,1"VeneY eleille; •- Ws 'better vale°, 'to, the MOne7,-'; • • , • • :, • ' 1 PPPY140.14 by 61#4° U. CO. a normallyoot• a0o0f. the. same 411.10W4, .' as a, man. 'doing manual labor. ' • : CHAPTER AK,---:-(Coni'd,) . ••••• .. Her irnittin3 -'44y on her lap. A pile . . ,THR HOT WATER BATH 4,In4cH' chair in the window, and now 'stood, her; bat .her fiends, 'Were; Rily: ,folded; • I .think a, Schaal, teacher Of myr, ac- *44. one' hand on the mantel -shelf, And s e did not 40elt-.4t the books, did 'cluaintaace has solv,cd. the het t,unch looking; inte:tlit iiTe. olio you, remeta- not !even, notice the sunshine; her eyes ' PrOblern, very s satigfectOrtlY and effl, beri" he said, "that evening in Beth, • were *WI her lieart,'...tied that was .far. •,siggi.g. ..101 ,rnimiFiBi===i1;,_ (,:lent!Y:- ..._11-110 B01°01 'teacher was.. a' allY When Mary took 4 box Of sPiken, 'away aereee Om, igeOIC. dividing sea* in - .----- --,......,.....-.... .... • .,,.......,... 'L.m. ana_nd as 2t.bo _school had no eler Ard, very costly, Ana anointed . the feet • the ..lagt••• res.. tingHplaces Of her three , ". . .. • . „iirlreriviPdTilit 4 hvreahrlait)unPatl/tahti!actetar .7....f--. 6rnfe-njteli1741Wed ,. Lit tl.litolitt -ciet,7-411frialls%77:41; '1(Vnel4ta."*::-',a-Wt. 4rieti,andeYdieer4-(1;11:11t7Y--111114:1iiebbetelti:l' ..' He . IMrellOged` a...galVaniSed vfaahmime Judas who''carrie4 the bag and and; •11011V-Vi,.4,?,...ouaitit nho „ ,-iu .,-• the boiler and a -cold -Peek rack.. This, •vaith-lp 4 toisheriesiti linlell deneernesl' grarel'''' el'''' • ''''• - • '' '`` .- ' ',. ` • I •'ll. brace, tile blacksmith Welded or the 'attout. the waste. Root's 'that ow bp2c , t'sho..)urnqc1,-to,g'tegt her 'visitor with i amok 1 lir ess than four dollars ,. , ,,, . might have.been,.Sold••`..fer. three,- ''h, nil* • hSr4::1"111snal".‘Viti. 44„, sica),,•-'srirge, - ph.'7,4,d;:y , Stove; comprised the complete" expen,,,, • - , INah.,•faiinly of 00 or two ebildrfn. d`ed ' ' d gi ' to theAnd1.groWn very-fortdpf 'Pamela .: they were • TIN -CAN QANN,ING- . • I Used Olio method of making gnu,. brill ,..a ,. o Jesus, i-ebulting' lin!, said but rat: enhs'od lcuotgLilato"eatgeiiwilithoir,isethitivn.ithteot,; . . g -pint jar of dinner,"... In a always ye lave with you, bet Me ye a .... , j y 4 g,: , . ., family of three (*.Ter!, two.pini jars have not always.'" gether in silence; .. : '' . . I . cigrie 19.11134°Ititel"r4ibitelr his writing -table and ad wentmadmade over sisha-ToLibetweendeen3.7t whtehi iehl,ec3ooena..4,vnte. 1.;Isorti tpttic eh e 6,::li x i bnWu, tirpsgzb7raeil Isi i 1,1;i their give one Ods du: mh - !.: are Wed. The bringing of tea, and , •feinelifiGglosfgopwe'raehaeal is piping hot, arid kest• of 044' without any nanfaalan, waiting, experimenting Wifequickly; "I can't have Made much GlaSgere eu. shopping expeditions, Told interest. 'Yell. would •regllY "think it finer .,,argumey4 ill.,.a, she,d,t,riedh en a the,: 'My, ral,h. loot 'was or „.• treat- in , that!' .. .-We bought a Oreat, iitt'Dcilesiii.laglertbh:pfierrStanreed eematethate'teena7hthel7 'tee. mghs he ,were arranging papers. Presently he Said, "Anne, You've, been matteted to them What you chose. onirwritiair a past_card,o,.aaid his 24_,InIcriz.e:liap,ida_ii,rs4,,1:6ranortsnu.uhalarh.eariltoa.h:on: They delighted Jean' by rerporking,as Et°ve' w" enough water to submerge hdre- --P • His tone was •accusing.. • ., . the, cans: nicely. By noon, the lurch --,, Maher • knows '• better :than anyone of a Mess." :•She turned. to her vira- •gPaavnleelina..'tseaipid,we me, but ebe„en jeyedl•eb:a4tia.:ttr°,st.°40reefulehloanvni:,7seo.:::: jueosdewed.w' Dta:•in'wee. ''‘WaTihYgog_teLricloitir.:FT.Ites ,if6i4yonifo_r1P4;ris if , She orl'." •donVknoW. what It • is about that hat, Y°1?„.:Istought- •with......iitc,h.....enthusiairn• .......tt or dishwashing,•,:Then .toe,,,eadtchild has for lunch ins,,.wh-att--.he itkvti_best, rirrs..oaldridnIxdpl..aalboneudt:.L.Tso_willin rais4.ga.ltaere; , everything Moat be so tidy And un - what her kiddies 'like and dislike, • . • . . herself 'Mightily. We wentfirst I r ' . "W ell; I.can% understand,". said her . to tive, if you know ,What ' I mean. .I. There are endless variations :-+ Cocoa, Mr- Macdonald had reeved, from •his of new hoeks:Stood on the table beside lash: The meat was cut into ,inch squares and sprinkled with flour mix- ed with salt and pepper- and browned in hot fat. Then 'chopped celery on- ions and carrots were added •and the whole stirred fregnently, . To this was added tomato, soup and stock .arid the Whole: allowed •t� -Simmer forty-five Minutes. After which it was put into ems, sealed and cooked in . boiling water two hours. -4.; A. PRETTY FROCK FOR MANY •, „OCCASIONS: .4• STORIES, ABOUT ELI4(NOWN PEoPLE • A •$tforn," , Not, hill& egg M. Vaderewskt was :playing tofilinSelf board.' stepnler, SEALED••• •40. 4 Passenger eent-artiana- a request . aslOng ;him. to sop',hia AolSe•• •14101.• ancemplimentarY. 11144liot less 41,1re44.- "• an incideht Which Occurred enly. last 0408011a:4 as • a snielllYillage, In • Switzerland.; -A dance committee .were• 404d, no for ;pianist for theft 'anneal •• Pell- • Hearing .e.t. their plight; a..i/iracti, . . . . , cal' joker wrote: , . • „;,.' ''''•fliere is 4. Inan7liaated YederewSkl . who playa the piano, but 'he Is „oat of. Wink and !, •would A. ph „ • at 'Merges,linar lail- aniia." . The -triad nanted. • Padereivskt was • innagalatel?t•Writteri:' to. by the 'et:Omit- • :•tee, .and offer,;ed for • •his‘ serVices1,/i. hut had„:..,peyer:• heard Pridereeslpir,•.4 Tari.•ereWski.:,brid•. oeVet .heard•-.9V."the':.• committee. and 'the offer was' .4011ned, , As a.,inotter of feet, this. was a hap: • 'py- thing '; fer the dance", -:- sinee • if .M., padertivSki had started'•• playing," ribriorie.WOUld haVe'danced.at. ' would alr'have been 'content to and listen?: • „ , • -"•1-10Mti-'PolifIce:: - • • •„'.- 4 it ..14 Adrprising:thing no.vslidaY0" •to'finci a 'woman...Whe.'-taltersrin-,4irreresi ---igTrioThics, but 'Lady,' Cynthia As.qiiith.• 4.. •Ie particularly,' keen; And. not .merelY, on aceetint Of :the; fact that. 11,1i..11.: „ Asquith is.. her fathet-in-law. • One -.-of • • • ' ter • est s or es r Pass 'around .4 After every meal; Ofve', the ; • the lienefit of its, s aid to dtgestion. Cleans fee-th"topt Keep it always • the -it' -'49 -Use k much" have, just finished Putting r1P a • quarter of •beeft my :POO the ong rot? of shining tin cons is scarce= Y.-egeal 'MYrearPrise• at how quickly and easily it was all done. •' Therben Wbo sold: tne. •MY Mar • ...64,11nYnei:nt,fit "last: fall- told of stop- ping in 4'4, chance manner at the ikonle ed to''.#1,4t Which Of fifteen different • kinds • of Meat hif;Wohld like for din- ner. ' ' Thert;:be'wer4,'„Ork' to say, She served ' '41/*171thit•Y- millM08 loter- roast beet 'iv;i:t4 !)i`Ovn gravy. , , .,o, • .1..I''..eitn'13oaat7otno such doitid.Serire'te a surprise guest any Of the sirloin steak, two ways, straght and smothered in 'eniezie; porterhouse with .pan. gravy; Yeast. ibeef; -beef stew; Meat • rolle.;4•Mit'te• Mention .-aOnp.: • All.ortheMeat.except that for beef cocited 'before' it Was put into thecans.‘•• '•• • errt-r*)11..„trind „e4roin-the-roundAre. reak,delicagy: • -The Meat is • cut', about • half 'rininehithiek'.and. in pieces Wide • , ellen& to'„yoll and tie: Pieces six •'Inches king will juit',.fit bite .:cinart• • cans lengthwise after they have been: :friect,":!."Bprinkle:With salt and pepper ;:einctfiii'olt'ehepried eniOngs bacon • In thin slices kut1 put' Aiilibe On each iece �f,:litgat,.; ;Roll. each piece. up „ Edinburgh -my first visit except Just ° liti 1 1 b ti lt t thiek-when you get it home you e celery soup, creamed tomato soup, rice 'Pudding, 'etc. He has used this hot husband', ''whY, anY ane' so neat hand` ed As you are should be such. a filthy .creature with ink. You seem .posi- tively to sling it about." , , , :said Mrs..., Maedoririld, changing the subject, "I like your idea of helping ministers, Jean. I've Often thought if had the means, , would know how to help. A cheque to a Min- ister in a City -charge for a holiday; a ct r's bill and ease • lunch plan since Thanksgiving. Each --1 01 day it has been a yelmnirrous success. '"" As One of the children said "It's just . , - as good as yoas feet 'under: the .,•,, .table at home. ' -ti,glii. ind'ti.,v*41/!:*tring.' •`WOW/. sear :these -, well ,in hot •fat, ,•hreWning On all:si'dell.'..•Add.watee and 119W.,,..,t9.,.$.1.itipt;to *rt.hAitX.,-Initinte..s. teiTove the gtringliu4d'iliC4:hot,into 'tin hot graVy oyer at. ,-,.eetii.".ee you 'muststerilize qie: eiliii:-42ir,;•the rota it takes two and - a half ,houraiuboiling-water. or sixty% , punute-fa,„-_, der fifteen PeUeds ' Pres-, '4997.. •Pyirited :chiffon. voile is here •='-'-'7Eure-itel 'd-'t-'-e-can-fiaAdina-enaldng,-: strayed;-•--Theniodel-is7illsb-pleasing . remove , it to 'the sink tiOd turn the cold -water :faucet ()rite it. , . in. taffeta, crePe,de'chine or georgette, The Dress may be, developed without 'All.,sizeable'pieces from the rump, the piimeribs.:and si.ruo 00,m around the flounces and. with king sleeves. The Pattern is eirt in -4 Sizes: 8,110, •• ••hip bone went into the 'roasting 'pan 12 and 14 Years.. 'To Make the Dress .in 'the oven till' done.These were its in .the 'arse view; will require a% : packed into quart cans, 'covered with yards of 82-ineh. Material for a' 12 - the browned meat julee And drippings year size:. If made with long sleeves . • and cooked in the cans :the same 42,fi yards are required. ' If made with - length of time ' as ;the. Meat rolls.. • out flounces sand With long sleeves 1% The ''bones were removed • from -steaks before frying go: as to get., "..'" m , ly ar ds are required. • - ' • ... Pattern ailed: to any address on much meat at possible into, a can.; All receipt of I5c in silver, by the WilsOii Publishing •Co., 78 West' Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt Of pattern. ' ' .„ . ' 7 Send 15c in silver 'for - our. uprt6- date Fall and Winter 1924-1925 Book of .Fashions, . • . MY. GUEST MENU, BOOK: I have 'a 'notebook which. I call my guest menu book, - Therein Are, writ- phatietie-ally-Ahe names -of -n-111' -wings,. a, . 'friends :and relatives. who gather ' a • wern-ott. •-•'-iii-f-e7.- around our .board' inetri. or 'less fie" ,,,I know'," said. Jean; "'if You will You've' a great' Chance, Jean." ' : • ••quently. 'On the left side of the page •• 11 tell the hew to begin." ' .: „under each name I have written a list ' "I'll' soon do, that,'". said. practical of the foods Of which knowthat par- ._ Mrs. -Macdonald. .-: "I've. got several in ticalat indiv4duar is espeel4I-ST-forid. my mind thiS•rriernenk that •I just ache: To the right of the page is the list Of :•• to 'pie a hand to: But only. e very , . . _ , rich can help. Youl can't in‘decency take 'from people iiviio have: .only enough to ', go on with . .: . Now, '. if. you'll excuse Me, I'll see if , Agnes is- • 4a erfir wife was iislied • wevrite.r. • 'e a S.S. 7 po ga., , - . • wb'•'::c!Aitiinin weren'ta,,turraii:011 ..c,hisr, 9., •at ?. a .WrechoorawmogAinld(larttfnu; oWn_ : and we are • • ' " • • The- • ,o • (To be continued.) ts inordinately proud of it ' It's full of '`,1a your hasband'a Liberal or a don steepstreets aisd east winds and high Airs* '4.%. servative?",• • • • ' honses, and you can't. move a step "Well" replied the lady, "when heli without treading on a W.S., btit it -with a Liberal -he's a Liberril;• 'Mit when he's with a Conservative he's a Cou- a fine ,place for all ilia." ' • "It's a faity-tale place to see" Fain- "Yes, lila, what is, he wi ea Said. "The castle at Sunset, the•home?" asked the question sudden" glimpses •of the-T‘ithe Holy- • ' he. lad "when he's A munti -11-VA esa-Arre ome s a ovvnr g -auiriance7*- pictures that will remain with one al,- servative." • he's at.. OtlY foods which I know he does not like. . With this list it is, a, comparatively easy matter to Make -Tait -7a rnenii,-for the guests ' that are corning. .31 ;is so intich more of a pleasure' to :preparela getting the tea,., .1 want yon,,,to. taste 'Meal, which :you .know. your guests • will , .Telith., than . one.. yniv:h4e they ' Will .n1y. rowan and. crab-apple jelly, Miss • like. - ' Leoking., at :it from the .guests' .Pseq,t*.".41,, atIctif• Yet:04'W ,it YOa• will take ways to And their' favorite 'disheS,Manse an • 'hour standpoint, 'how., delightful it is , .al- 774 . . , h. theyoi To.with left. Yt.re-.7.m. -•.... • later laden with gifts, Pamela said awaiting them. -Mrs. i. W. 11.• • -•,. , to Jean, "I would rather be MIS: oil FION48 Mac= WeSillidifilli dopald than any one etse 1 ltrioW1,, ;She : • • '' . , is a" practicing • , trr -h-fid' .' ' '.. . • . 4' Steidiai: . . (lop a day's work such :as she ;has , .. .. . . . . • The.:petrolennr.industti of Trinidad, • done . I think . I Would' go' Out of the . . .. . . started, nineteen; years 'ago; has shown world ..' ptetty well 'pleased • With ,ftly..- knOW the .really genteel , by . the • wayl is ' PM ita,..inCreaiie from • .3,4,9.34:. gallons' in 1905 'to 106,780,531 gallons fe 1923. The elf -"y" '',, :rein. :igi'..eci• ‘• “if i•i44.3. is' they so `Good=biti." • The rest of us I total: production. duties this..period Of merelyesa e .- ' . ' 'gainingI • h w •P - . . - ' , . , , who ride ouselves on not being pro- vincial .say --you may have noticed -H-:;•• 'gallons. ••• Only .: tWiee,' has the steady. you give' hor, the miniaturer, • ....‘•. , ,..: op, - a -a. . ., , . , , , , time has been mom than 688,000,0001..0,1H come out with high Mark's. ..pid `G d b - '" ' ' • . ' •'•' ''F, -4•1 Increase ur nrOductleh been arrested. • "yes,. just as we :left.- when- .i Pitinela• 'auglied, and Saict-'She had: !, In 1915-'16 and, 1919.. -:: "'i• • • . walked on to the gate,..isith M.r,.. mac- . ? 'Y. noticed : the superior :accent of Priors-, ou had . : • ' . ,,.. .. ... . 4 The „exportation. • of ,crudb. . and re-• • b if dl grateful ' • iiied.•• oft in ,1923. amounted 4f85,136,- 'she. made Me cry.. You '' WI:Mid have ' ' jean and••1 Were' much,intereated ... • thmight 'rio': one had, ever' given .her a in thS. •differanse between thnbOrib i gift keore.,,,,,, . . , , . . • . • „ : 4 .1, an Glasgosv,iliOps.., Not in the things ; .4-.1 'thy set. the shops. in both places are, _ . T Werld, • :said Jean, i "is divided • .,mo t ekeellerit-L-but •in the manner 'Cif into two rt;sc, ;classes,' ,the givers and the se!) big. :• :The . giria,in the Edinburgh ' takers.: •Nothing se todthes and Pleris.: .„.. ps' Are mite and Obliging: --tie es 'and' surp,risiaal`giver' as to receive t 8" it gift, ,. The .takets, are, too busy ' ti, e.• mariner •••dbein."t. spelt *i• :have. . ched 'shopi-assigtants in 'Scotland, :Standing on their •hand legs (like Peter .rs . . . . .• • lueltilY-Lbut,“; quite • •Londemsh with . at tea,tinie), 'loom* wistfully for the , • . , „i__ , ' next' bit of c.:•,"•?, to. be "very •app*iti- 7 • - Ike'. Of #1.0 biscuit the mornent." "Bless me!" said Pamela; ',lean arn:: . . ong,the 'eynics V' " ' : •• .: . . . • '' CHAPTER' KXI., One day' Pamela walked. down to • .11epetoith ..tc; ,Itmell,:wiet Mrs. Hope.• ' Augusta hail gone/away. on; a short: . 'Visit , and Pamela' had ' lirinnised to ..: ' .spend; as Mach . time, as, possible with • her- mother,.:„ • • ' • ' • , • • •- "You 'won't he here• Much leog r," Mrs: ' Hope had said "so ' ?lend ire inueli,tirne With 'hie as you can spare, , arid. We'll talk boolia'.and quota Poetry; • -and," she had finished: defian•tiy, ."I'll -' • :miscall iny: neighbors• if I •'feel 'in,-; dined.", ,. • • ' . •It was February now, and ;thereivas1 , ,a hint of spring in the air. The sun ' was...Shining , as if trying to make , op ' 'for. the 'ditY.4,:it had, misaed; the gra. '. . • shoots were .Pushing 'daringly fottli. . and a; mavis in a }telly -laugh svas• chirp,. ing loudly. and cheerfally. 'To -morrow " they Might.: be plunged •hack into win- . • ter, the gracn things, nipPed• and dis. coutage(1„ the birds'silcnt-,Ibet to-daY ' it was spring', . . • . - . ., ' 1,,ame4a• • • lingered . by • Tweedsid,": ' '. :listening I0,04: maadS, looking back st ' the hridge, spanning the •riiet„ th'.,_ . " .f4turchl steeple high-rig:1111st the Pa..c,: blue sky, -the little tow') 'pourin. it, • ,. , ihousetdo),Vn.to the water's edge... Hit , _ ' : rtour.)-., oods. sverA t,ii. bay),,and.brow,),-- ': I 'but. soon the larchc.4',Would get.. thr- tr • th0..b/ochts..wou.dunrurl.liny. -'41-eriVe.S. Of-II:Vince igl..41Q11:,:'illiii'llie .06:4 11..-, . ;I di116'1hkgirl to rokt Their vellow -head: ::- lirougif-ffht'•.- :,:r.s.-,riTti0;•!Tai ' . ••-„: Mrs. Ilope -wes .aitt,ing.c:,)„,q,,,: tr.,--2-11:-7, . : •WindoW thtit ;Ooketi: out'nit UV-, ,f f: • ' phosphorus Will. help to :Prate -et the'. ' lr''''bg 41)61/'t ''''Oil•.'lit'et,': tills :Salc'',•ttchteillriWotces-°•tif1;t1::TtilliPvITs't-illitt'ti:11.11)V-'11ri'-t;'• 2: ' haby.-•: Milk which;contains' lime ' and: ,,,,,, ',,,,,,,,„.., . , (i.010'.# : Y4.,'..h.'-'ftbm''' d,."'''• - during p1 'Iptrb.1:ktogItibiiiiiir7.8..0-ycer!--4!.11L:°ifit'emit'.11.11°Iiilltia..,11.'_!:::":„..1.16... '..1'„:1!'„.ri. r'';..4.PrI,;''''',,' Ir."1)%7111iiV: I'M early stageS 'Ma • n; meth... I the wIda 1).611" bil6kl°6'61; the ' tathi', .°'°. 'Wm-wt.:al' ("•nn '''Tring' ',,'"':" 61.4, ,,iiite,r. 1.,,orn atilorailx. steknosg;yr: apron • ficiim et and velvet "strell trier. ,•:::,...One, ii‘.;:"fiCe4 tor :•tta• , tha ft• ;the : -The, datige of this sickness isnot in the kilhard's•Lininient: tor the 'Grippe. , .• of you" ' ,• of thetkones--,Werecooked arid the stock canned. Slices. of ' onions,. nicely, browned, were laid between the small steaks, as they were packed bite tbe Just a fen; of the, sirloin steaks were canned this way. , _ • The others,,including the tender fil- lets,;were only seasoned with salt and .pepper. The leg and scraps' fyom the other cuts went -into beef , stew '. and goulash. With the former, the meat was 'packed cold into the cans, the crevices filled with boiling water' sea- . toning added, and the cans then sealed anti, cooked in boiling water for three • . , hours. A • idealVinter Playground 'Only 2 Days froth NowYork • Sailings twice. Weekly. Lavng N. Y. Wed. And &a. • Via Palatial, Twin -Borah Oil -Burning Oteamers "FORT VICTORIA" and a'FRT ST. PIEORGE" , Lading Passengers nt Harrilhonbaff For Illoatra fed Booklora Weir° FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 V/hitehal1Street • New York City ' or Any LOCat Twirler Agate • Ritz-Carlt�n lin•tet Atlantic City - • - •Nevi Jersey America's Smarteet Resort Note], rams forits Euro-. neap Abbe -Sphere., Perfect' Curs!be and -Service„ --'0$n$1,34"-W1-4(44,4-5i90O''' -.1)buble, rooms' from 0 ;. w Hydriatric and " Eieetto ' 'Therapeutic ..Depaituehtt IsTAVE ,TOTT, Manue Gt • • . ways. But '-.4 • : • "I know ;almost nothing: of Glas- gow," said Airs; Hope, "but like the • people that cerne. fretir it. - They are notsodevoured by gentilitY•ns , our Edinburgh friend; they are more liVs ,t ing,-moreArninam-71-. "Oh, some of thern can hardly 'see •out of their eyes for gentil!ity. de- light ..in it myself, though I've never atsttafiitt(istto:toi;;•rl!Miri told you- .ysouub•useerb.it;iAn .friend of Mine was going out by. train to; Colinton; and she overheiird two girls talking. One said, '11' was. at •.a deuce lest 'night.' , The other, rather, condescendingly, r./pied, 'Oh, really! About s:,;, months; but we gall it a And 'Who do :you ‘dence with out at bahir." Notbing 'in it.' Whatcha un there?" : ' "Hittini the pipe, like I've heard about, but I don't. see. anything to it?"' .„;•. :f.11nard's for Spralpe and. Brunei.. ' .1 ills CoMplaint., ' "I', say, Tom:: are you ever poribled 'with sleenlessispirs?" • , • • , , am. ; Seine nights I don't ' sleep three hours:" "I pity. you,"then. rve got it awful- ly bad. I've , been afflicted, now . for about two year's., The doctor calls it neuro insomnia paralavitis." • tom trun'ed arid Said: "I've had it :.• • Keep ,ealM I • . ,•It is one of 'the enonialies of this werld. that; Whereas we • frequently ' • .00h au/pettily at the clock, tfie clock a the mOst-preSalc and OrderlY ,of ar- leles` This theory seems: only once to haire-been, expressed in terance and Maybe Lord Darling, who •., , Was responsible. ler: the utterance; has ' himself forgotten it. •He Made it. . Many year's algo, when he v.•as a very j Counsel.' • - He Was. addressing a, jurg at the Quarter .BesEtione and the, Chairman presently interposed. ."MF. 'Darling," he, skid patiently; • -Colititon?!..--qt-depends,Lsaid_the.first, .,..__ _ ---ers.--- " girl.; 'Lest night, for instance:i wa's " • AutOist-Wa-dIcATer-tneas. 1- - ,pon't count too • much,' on the com- Puprioir6sfoinryd's.*Orkettiyn .gaedrivtoceeiltsO... Y.et; •mon sense coefntth. ea lothereralf171tlhopw:timNeo. on(,' . ,NOURISHING THE • BABY.-TO,I3E. Every eXpeetant .mother • wishes h,er child to be strong Mid well... One of the best 'ways 'to de this is to geed herself properly' during „ pregnancy •becithse the Child ' depends Solely ,on the mother for nourishment''thiring the greatest growth period of its life -the months before; birth. During this period,Ahe child is .dependent on the -mother for alt -the materials of whicli the bodyis made. ' Scientific investigation has taught sortie useful lessOnaon the influence of the parefits' diet on the Offspring: Rats Were led' on, carefully controlled diets and the results noted under digerent types of feeding. • The conclusions' of these experiments are interesting. The ,diet Of the" father, before conception 11§,t1 no influence on the young: '• Pee, mother's food, however, did have an, effect on the young she predated. The • healthiest Jitters. of young., rats were born..to the mothers who were fed add.: ,• quatelY,' though 4 poor, deficient diet had effect were° on the mother than on the oftspriog.:When the moth- er's 'food did not supply the necessary ' biiiidingreaterial, the mOther'S tissues' were' used up, to su'riply ,the heed ofi- tho nyee'slk.. Gnly, when , there was great lack o food 'did the young' . • suff•er. • These e,Rerj.nnents show thatr.iler: •tu're tides', to Oonkite 'norinal develop - merit of the offspring even 'ander un- favorable conditions; if inaterials' for , the. growth of the•baby are lacking in the food they Will be drawn as, far as ,possible :from themother's bedyThus if the diet be .degclent'in Calcium and -phosphorus for ' h'into fort:lotion; thei :rnotherq-beVieS end tcetti urt• likely to! treiheileaf to be drawn. upon t0:441pph,;:r.77-' the loss, though, Of bourse, a greati settreitY will eventually :affect the, 467 gallons. s. .• i8SUE No. , • are'the concentrated' Strength of prime, fresh beef. Use them to add flavor and nutriment 'to soups,lauce:si gravy, stews, hash, meat -pies: Tins of 4 15c. s'nd " " 10 - 30c. 1/4°t NlacLiarraolint • Cheese Co. _nag amited. Montreal 401111n Bend me. free, ; . citsss• and Wars to Serve Itu • "have you aoticed the positirm'ef:the hands of the clock?" • • "Xes, sir,", replied Datliiig, "'Out, • 'with rerinect, I See nothing to, cause anst1etyr4-74.'eliessieni to me 'te Where they usually are at this time of the day." •• , . • An Unconscious Bluff• . in • Nevada, in the, Orly, eighties. 1..t.: waa'the-rale-fog a man to 'tote a'gob,." But Henry Gillis was an, excePtioe:"..to him, undersized :though . he. 'w,a.s, a gun Was a nuisallct..' 'Only on" rare'::.ocea, 'Bions :when ho drove the ..mine •iniek- • bearklptiq.pq 'with. the Week's elean-up • dia.' he carry, o.ailc:shooter. , • •• • Onf-daY7--When' -liet*ite" about to... trangport bulilon item a Mine • in the:,.. •Goinsteck Lode country to the nearest; . railway Station a burly ;tramp aakeit-, Permission to; go along , ,Suspecting . nothing GllIls gave . the. stranger • a lift •• All went.J,Lrelt fOr.an'hOur,or an. The tritinp ,.seenied-i)reeccupied , and tactl- . •turn. GRES himself was neVet rive. Afiell creasing part of, the deSert:,:' the road ,climbed through:A ragged: .' foothill country.' At a point where it .. &line out on the .face. of. 0 or$4,1pice • • the frame ,glaireed, ftirtlielY in hoth. rections. • • Out •Otetliecorner of 'My qt.". Said Gilli In .telling Of the experience,' "I ' savi, the stranger stealthily draw 'a big clasp 'knife' from hia trouiers' •poCket.' Intently Watelied me while 1 appear- • . ed :to he occupied with the ,reins The weather had been cold,Ao we had the: •• lap robe *ell over our knees, , • ."Driving With MY left liand,".1 sud- denly' reached - under the robe' .fer rivy gun witch 1 carrlod under my left leg, A's' the triton), aliened hia knit; with ite slx thch, blade :I rid* \ • 'hantiner 'of my pistol and, held the'guli close,to, his .beity. We eie1i4geid' glati ce.$ for What sOelnee like ' a 'min ..ute.. .-At, last his eyes-droppeih' .Ner- yously :fitartilingin his pocket,. he got • Oti *0 ohm* of tobaCoO, Cutoffa. piece .. and, 46%11 it to Me1 lowered iny gun,' and 'We' reached,. the ,dePot with out further"trinible. " Not a..Worti had, been 0inik011: d011V0f.ed" the. .hulilon Whieli; .A.Mounted to abrit :sixteen thousand. dollars4. god tad the'.gent'abOut ote.. :.tra 'I,.isteriing.; he absently toted. .with niy 'sik-Shboter. Suddenly : We. - 'broke" the gun, :exposing the et:11.0ga '.A11".iVere-,'-e,i1ptyt;' • " / , , 04, ' • Cheaper Yet, ...3-„Otio.g Matron stiOPPing,..-aOted tail:her the prite or:hii,mburgerAeakt: ' • -: .Pottild,3.,itti repli. . • littt at the-'0,etner store lt is only 12 flntll°Said' the ' tustenier. • • . "We11i7',Why• yotf.buy it thertt" "Ile1thS bey 44totei 40;,!! - "Oh. Labe," Said the butcher;."Whini aorrt have it.I• Sett it tot, ten aents • 1 •714 41 or 1 Vin, • le • • ...Proytile... Qf Ontario .-SAVETY IS .:4ATI$17171ING • ' • ..Deposit your 'savings regularly with the •Province' Ontario Savings Office: $1.O() OPENS AN ACP,OtINT- All 4noniea ,:cleposit,es&.. by You. -are guatanteed by 'the 'GoVernitieT. t of the Province of (Intatio iid ' 'can be Witham n at AO time. • '' • 11.ANKING-111( .M/k"11,•=-•• ••• each. 4rauelf. . PARK, TORONTO • Brantlies;,,,tforany.,-1-,terner",,:.1py„..„..and Adelaicte\stoests; cOrnee' • .1.141leeralty• and Print:Se 'Streets; S.40.0a4fOrtflYt.,Venue. ,„...-:; ' Brantford; --HarnlIton;--,tlewma'rket. otteNiVa; '‘oWen -•-Fieffibroke;.-,Seaforthr-Str.dathartnear...4.„Maty.4...„. :.„. • • . W•ailkattOn Woodstock. ."