HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-19, Page 34.111111a1111,1., .41.1
• ••••
<41, 41k
, r;•••••••••-.
A dairy 'Mir -k not WOrtii. 1t$PPIPO;
procluoe COOP pountiO, (4.10/1k, or over: per year.
• • VOn't o.uppOrt a low lit*rodocittilterd.Start now
to weed out the.pocir 9fles: Breed the best ones to:
good. bulls and feed' prope4.,;then.
Does it pay? ' Aillt"the 811O0.61:441. dairy 'finer,
, . • •
. ,
PrOvInclarBeard of„.11esitiv'Ontarle.'
_ ; . •
11)r.:•Middleton• will be gia440.114eVfer gnepl)aDe an PubUc Heatth mat
' Agra through this erdumni Address hint at Spadine,Houi.e..Spadina•
Creacent„ Toronto., :"•A .
How Itiall.„."637n7ni.c.ab.le or ilifeC.-
tiOus diseases Can' be avoided? That
• ' IS a 'question; of-intefest-to everybecly,.,
...who are • sick aid 'from. PIACI 'Where i that. they hatie deVelOPed set habits 'scl emed soine 'ideas 'for Elco ti r . ---"--r.---------• - ...:„...ki - ' ' ', ' - -
yer...unclatasnomotesedele wt.-a:fa:104i i away ne rni t re. g: that hAb moi i arriadrt:riBiligl_rteedek. Roc' 14- ek, go7:T-D...warhlig:itat•;--7
-knit- in the case of children; it. is espet
these (FA,.
. ':cially iortant tit, ow sOniething ,;_....x.....t.;_..._ „.p ..ee „ etreeta,,artd .bea, 1, ehp6.4,,i_ei:,tthyeir. sch:orerottusglit.ai7beyi7asr4.ittg,uciw., .R;r4...iTlalrea70,, .eate•d.eomb.cilocin' ta,bniii.nt. '.
eases ' IS to, keep: WAY from "P!aoPle., hearth -end w.ell-being, . The realen-7:ts „"After. retin•n. to T.d4gland,4111.41;6"91
. ..
;..al..b°Li°venlnict'ellW•ais' id-sraIrrillown also ae "The eitY : m to-aple.rhhe-le
.... •,.., t ese looses • exist. This'. a; tice is and luive."got, as it were; into-. a. rut** training •Ior" be s ' ; ' • of ' k '' '''
404. •;: . • •0
pawitY 'IS: 4 ,00eltlif Pa411 he 4t Mia r
Vliiheaee ;lo!,,r. pale little pririCee; 'gees:alba we :tIseally tisk etineerning
• • hand ...„
03.---fiseiwoo:•ff,*(10.'vvitfinykir., title will Stand a good change o be
• ful, wondering' eYeii,
• M. if 'Joy Still were: 0,ratme too un- side the covers is equally good..
dertitttild:„ :• Ong word' titles, ,are not ,Much la
' 'vogire to -day, althotigli
For WQretnenirier London's filoditiY pu Ieie�,,t book Oalled "On': re,cently,';
• Slrtliday tower, , • . , povei8,;publisyed some Years ago,
Avnci one the Parls.,Moh:', helloWing -go one better than this, however, One
• Tixo 'World's Chief' „Scout was horn - -the. el:tarn:OA , was called "IT' and.the :other "P',"
7-ehrliarY 2241, 4857anti the ttPiirciach Of madam• -e ....9pe the Similarly, "Why," ilublished fp 10:4;1
of Sir Robert BadeetPawell's, hirthdaY • midnight; bour "• • , has been beaten by H
Will cense t arise trim owboartf of \‘'hen Murder Sinetel'' hire, ,in ht There are many tiove:jetter tities
•,,father'li. arineT , t*,ome qt the best knewn being "'She,"
• • , "Now," "Fan," and "Tim."'
'ilven. lit Heaven p..siMple !tate' they
tolopg ehlwroz), fain „to BY"IVELFARE
eninfort, spread • •
4• cloth ctf. ' "'; '. • • • .
; •
Befera them viQiets- an(/' 111°41! D111311‘1C FEBRUARY'
comfag a best seller if Ibe witter.
his; many ',admirers feelings. 'of grati-
tude that he isyet spared to the, world
to direct and. 'foster the great .lioye•
,Work which has, epreed throughout the
worId„ and.ef whighhe is the.foueder,
Cengratniatiozie .and",Many Happy Re.
turns," wIR he his. alge„ '
Early Beginnings. • •
: The. e , tiOlution ef the Scent^
"-irioVentent1 intetestinIts seed ger':
Bright •jongit enowdrop'S -evenY
'iue but re.'• , " :„.• • .1 Pebtirarv- is one. of the hardest -
titillated ...af In.4:Setitb 'Arrieft- ' This is 7 -Katharine Lee Rate ti. „"Y.Oeth.fa, atoith• ,
What:, Sir Robert :'Says:--"iit-'1901, I • ComPileienii . inentli'ef tiflistery'•,daYs that
re ,i11It.
,0 year . on - little ones ,
„ raised the South Airican Constabulary 4., : , ''firei'lent'' :the .flWtheI tiking: her baby ,
04 ;Illieb •Of in"eYre:R, 'the liri4eiVie42'Or. •"Neitice Qtreeii ,air. iiii:neeesearY, to *
ii iflte:
. not now
• so
The ORANGE PEKOE is -extra good.- itt
re .praeticelly 'these cif ,
Adriatic: •
its', ‘welfare. ••, 4,0 eentsequently
'Scant training ipplicable„to _the' e ; , • , -'• -,OOrdlned• to the heree; dere .often
Venice ranks .111 h antItall- u
troop was made a 0111411 unit in Order
'3 'that the. Commander should be able. cities 14 Its suPP•IY ("4 Diet!'reati•Ple.nie4 and• badly ventilated' and the little
**tcY. Clea 1 h Mi al A V • h o catches co or gr ppe. a .
0. :side was appealeil.10 and the. Men' beeir , known as , • Bride r4A'•01;3 tie . laxative that will retaliate the
• • . " „.1 than not the • roems are overbeeted
" 1 with each Individual on per names.. The n *Id What commercial .centre, of the
sonal knowledge at. him. T • he mitaad .wor dete d .ges, mice, a
81 needed to. keep the well a gen- '
. gen-
" EASY TRi' .T09 Hbt, '
• - • ", doeterireceived.the following nets.;
...Ask Your Neighbor fro •
• •
• ,
"Dear Doctor -The Mustard plas
tern, 7ou preecribed :ter ale fr: • day
may b.e; all yei7. well,* but. *erre
hot Ican't:" eat mere than ,ene. a. day:0
. • •
, were trusted on the!' honOr..te very, Adri,atic" aud, •the "Qeeen the,. dr . I
• i id b" 'V '" es 0, an n t s way a a r en as pc paper -en
stemech and bowels; hanish censtipat
iolrie -Iris Peony -Fancy '
•earr in ' out their. ail°. '
dren of, to -day learn the. principles of duties. The uniform was the ,Cowboy To this daY tribute s pa, y ce
women -of to-rnerrow, and it the chi.- large degree n y g ;.L tion di dig 'ti d I * •It f d f d
, • ,
gdintrit*iinfr. has' heen
-fonn4 :in large . qaantities ' •
"Classified Advertisements
Patches teMcCreery, .Chatham,"
-hygiene,. the men and women_of_to- e t-er Preyen .or -break up colds a e
P nc . and ask him to write -on • ASPBERRY BUSHES GLAD
, row wt.' put them into practi
mor • 4 p • -e.e.-hnt7-"-shirtr-green---tie-/-and---shorts-.-,.--with.--elabov-ate-ceremo'nies. to, thaAdrj...1 will h ° •
take the Own ,
Gtovia..440 toPle' de not verY ,readilY Badges were aWarded for proficiency. 'atic, whose `placid Waters• "ahd, grippe.' -sbo-yi a.laxative
allyt •ngpf intermt, to th • in differant iinenof work • la of ' •
St Mar , after its ..patron . saint,'
Y . In 1907, I .held • a
especially good for Children, If you. inch they cannot rieate tria camp for Scott'Mining, Brown. and as The City o the Lion," if -
come neara 'child haying one of these ,themselves, and When they are in this sea Island, at which I;had. the, bpys of
contagious diSeaser, ,you '111a,5r,be WO' rut, their yiewpmnt. is narrowed and '
other; Schools • to experiment on, 'wand
posed to 'breathing the 'gen*. •Whell 1 their Vision clouded: They earinOt see its result „exceeded my expectationa
they are thrown ; out into the .air bY,, beyond: theit own 'limited. experience, .
a sick child .coughihg.. ' As' a reetilti! and they haVe the tendency to sneer .ttnet Tromptpd me ,td,go,,on with the
' '• k also ' S ' ' try ininini• i id : •
„ fOU nia3i become sic , 90 it i .80f:dint, or to ise the importance • • , .
:. advice to shun the Company of all *1101 of--;:any:--new- efforte,. to Preserve ,-, the ---,ProtriLtheae_begjortings • I the . move,
, • are sick With .any; diSease that'inight,' health of. the incliVidual or' the cone., .ment. greW so •rapirify. that $1r:Robeit-
lu,sion to the great winged lion' in front
of the cathedral; hedding.• in its lphyvif
the gospel' of, St. Mark.
. , he conte.gious. As far as-,seheoLohlar-Onurtity,-. . . ,- found necessary to devote his whole It is •TheSe., That 'cause many .11.
dren are Concerned, there. is another I.. So it is to the child that we pin our time. to its direetion.. ' . , , • •• .
. pencil, a ixen, Or a book,. etc„ from is receptive, to good ' influene'es and
, . ,... ,.. •,1N1,iy ll Appeals-% , , Breakdown in Health
4 I
point to ohserve. . Never borrow a faith. :The elastic mind: of the child • •
. . _ .
mother -child , and also er _carry to sound I t . 3 0 # I • I # 1 • . With a view to tnahing the subject
...,yo,m--alT,% If-wi--M-1-eTa-s pencils, rig pa s, aye .a: en eney. a e . con ng'a
.--:-:-.-..2-,:penl'efos ,;,/t.j.(igenti.iy. • a:,‘ 0 I . •I I I
'.2 Isl. • '
re Th'..e atotli. ne'irtt ItTiat:4-tugt: the knti.areirernyelit practice all trbeit'ihsetittitinalodtyhrtduorie,islia'ohfelodalli.
a uld also remeinber to 'void Ilioist. adage holds true in health matters aS •:•;ore'-dainen and knights 7 adventurers
ening its finger An tun?: 1...: over the well as .other phases of, life. • "Teach ,
leaves of. a book.; for .en the ,penell, the child . the. vr4Y he. Should go fur& atondfoell'it!wlo.rers,:;aa the ,lieroeS foltithem
rjheie were groupett•geher-
tillY ainder the. titieef Scouts. In their
Pang) life; boat work,,ipioneering, and
natfire .studY, one 'could . find all the
attractions for .a.. hdY. ,which at the
the pen,.,the, leaves of: the 'book, nlay, when he is old he will not depart from
be hundreds'. and thousands• ofgermsit" ; . „ " • ' '
Whieh'unly: directly indire4ly' find ' • • -
their WaY into the child's .rnotit. • A '. • Beyond Belief
third 'precaution is to, never' allo'w •a
sick child .t�. go to school; yen ,find
• that 'a child is or seems sick,.- report
• this feet to the teacher at Mite: :If
,you learnjitat ,there is sickness izi -the
-Iose of a. child who., gees* 'In ,your
• seheel, irnmediately. betify ;the teacher
• '• '',that he may send the child home, be.
•'cause.;:the 'sick .child ''SPread con.
• tagkon through the. school. . • .
..• ' • . •
" • •These ,precautions should still more
'rigorously he. adhered to Alien -,there
. are' many, cases of eentOgrous ,disease
a inunicipility,. nrid when this out-
• break is known. to the school -author-
ities. The, reineval 'Of a 'tick' Child'
;from school; even at the onset of: the
disease,, is a sound trie-arie•Of protection
. in ,that it remov,os the source of the
"danger from the school. '
•• In order to wage 4 gueeessful.ftght
"against an fornis of ill-healtle and diet.
easei;the 'education' of the. 'young' and
• °Specially of' the Children of school'age
lir health matter's ,.imperative.':' The
"...,,thildiery of te-day. Will. be men- alid
. . • ,
•914 LAKE LOUIfiE:
. The prof:4300r had, been. diningout„
and as moat of the guests were ;same, One, woidd .be the:m(1(111114"ot
fishernien,: he had had to „iisteri :all ;the, iistsuction Sir Robert Worked if Out
.evening to Sterieaoi: the size his own experienhe• and
catehes. ' , • . • •;.. pertly ....feom the general _feeling. Of.
' He was extremely shirk -sighted and What was , lacking` in the training :of
arf.lie, was crossing a field On his way the average school boy,: The .deficieliCY.
'hente he came across a.scarecroW.With lay :chlefliin the direction. :.ef chat
arms widespread.•.,.Meniories !?g.• the atter indgerteraf.intelligence;: Skilt
atorieS, he had heard 'that. might 'filindieraft; SerViCeS fOr...tith°ri! and
'floated backto him,. and he halted In the State; 'phyaitat.developirient.'and,
front of .the geareeroW... • • ". health:knoWledge, •The activities and
'My deas sir, he eielatmedr• •1 praeticeS, of Bcoutir.ig,.were,therefore
in1piy• refue.•••to' yotrithere.' finntedas faras poAi3ibie. to develop
neVer',Waa:a.',tiviq that ;,length,"„ .: • ...theSe .atfribUtee: : ' .'• •
. • •
'• ,. Economy is half the battieof 1i0;. if2L
:IS . not so hard to earn Money,. as,.it iS .the boys The The
:Honor iti•as.'. made: the high ideal for
Scout ' Law .- on 'which
to spend it wel1,7-Surgeon.. •tha, nioventent.hinged -wan. taken .1'pm
the code of the knights; .• ° .: . - . ' .
. , .
., •. *hen 'making ..fruit...pies,• put the ' -;. ;• : -'' '''• •"-' •
• . . . • Organization
.. . .. ', •,. •
sugarbeen tw.6 layers Of friiitand . . 'Th . '• ''''l • '•• ' ' - -
the Nice. *III not boil over:. ' • : 4 tr.°°15 .::crs• 1:111111°4€4.47 "pi s41/431.
. . . • in -nunibe4, in. ••e.r•tier 'that , the Scent.'
tnaster. .shenld' haye, • •ii:erscinel knowt
• : .
ledge •Of each of his koye,'..this being
the ,mily• possible Piay. 'lot': developing
the ;cherecter,Of the ';•Individtial. ,••The
;.. aritf-systenr-wate-ide-Pied--from-41rat-
-of the COinetabnlary....and Air' the same
teesen,• , '' . ' '' .: • - ..' ' ' '• " '
• •' ' : , 'The 'Aim.
• 0
: ay -Jolih L. MaCrOhen .
.. :
,k red.; har),''ilea•rbea. v:a-4Je-skyline. and t.he glanielii sum Mit:glisten-
. . ..
T.Ile anti of 'the movement was :to.
,teake good. 'citizens, 'auk for this, rea-
Ofl unnecelisity,..te, in:-
trod:bee military drill.. • ,
-.And . rio -this. wonderful' boy- incive-
ntent of CharaCter. training ',and. eiti,
Zen • .• develop/tient gro*e-• and
spread. . until' tedaY ;Bey .:Seetite
numbered. by'.the-ntilliens whoare re,,.
celvIng , Veining • along the lineaorig-
nally laid'down: by the great' Chief
whose • birthday ielebrate• this.
Month. NO!, other nelieme Of' Wilifttre
work .10.niore acceptaltle, to. the likiya
,themseivee. Throughloving and obey-:
Atm the . Scout Law, . and *gciingIn
heartily for the activities 'Or.Sceuting;
beys. are 'heined to preserve and di-.
'itelop the Manly -qualities whiCh they
thentselyes .UoUltro. Thrbugh taking
part tO the'-variedl)regram Of BcOrtit.
ing • good habit'S are. refined,' good es-
Motet:lone:ate enjoyed, good eoMrades-
are found, good .11601111. IS promote&aiid
good Character 18'.grtr'
tyn; ".
The thoUsands of 6Outs And Cubs
,with :their leaders throughout, the
withlo 1)ominien .join as onein.witihing
The WOrld!ii Chief Scout' many' happy;
returns of :the 22nd
, Poor Pickings fo'r•Oulls,
. .
k A. Men& says the,Outiook, s'en.de 118
the following, storyae an
Of the cliateetetistie; aentetiass---of. one
t•ace and the Proverbial ecenanty dr.
itridthet: '•• •
' • A. .36v, atoed' on, the ..dacik with an
ittahintin at 'NOW Torii,. Noicing
way tOWard the..
'east, the Irishman -asked the other.
..,Wliere the vesael, was 'bound for. • ,
'-that JOi4.
loaded' t men, ,
liotritfilorl3chtlanC', .
. .
• :du .wonder the...Irishman a4iked
hintAtoW,he kite* the.,,lidat.watt. loaded'
Withlhilitilightlit and behind for•
land. ••• 14114000e. fOtt de "not ifie att.Y'
ballet�liowlflg replied the IOW; •
. . • ,
uses,'are like the human hcings.
that'. {Atha thgint.Vietor. }No:: -1
in het. heitselield; affairs; '.TheY
Small netiCe an heur after:
ti • i
ward.s, but it is,t it e worries-
r es•
..that, breakdown health. of ,sO.mariyi
.women.. Their .effect. maY'he noticed
In nervous: headaChes; fickle appetite,'
•Indigestion;•Pains in the 'side or
and , a sallow comPleition.• ,' To-. those
. . „ .
afflicted this vt-ay •:Aytinams,.,
Plahkilia,.by.irePtoviiig and Purifying
the bloOd•,. 'bring elieetlY 4„irfiing,
thousands of weak. 'women 'who have
,tested 'and ,Praired,'the.nierits. of this'
elles; : Man., • Wile days:• -"It la With
proftemd. ;thanks; that I, Write' to tell
You ; • what • Dr. 'Williams' Plek.,..fille•
haVe'dOneffer.Me..: boror9 I began talt.t;:
Ing these Phis 'I. Wealt.,. and. My
blood and, Watery. :I. was..te;thin
that; I loOlted'.like •a, Skeleton.' .I was
troubled with' ..headaches' Arid !hid iges-.
Hon,. did .ncit. sleep well,and was ter
'rib& 'Constipated, decided trit
Dr. -Wiillainss,, Pink • 'Pills. and "I• Soon
fund that they :were just 'what
needed. • :Under their: itse
my aiie-
tite returned,, My -feed -digested prO-
perlyi and .I.,slent, hetter .afnight; and
gained. well ;aii.strength
•The• Tekultfl.s./..thatr nOW • 'AM a.' per:
fectly'. healthY•weinaii,' and :lthere;iii
tionbf that due tolItc.Otleq(b..r....
I now. always keen 'in the house,' 'and.
You Catcget :these pit,* through. any-
de:aler In.; medicina:. 'or by mail ..ath 50.
. •,
"cents a box from. The Dr. WIBlams'
rye.dicine Co Brockville Ont /
.Rinv :Bred Sires Essential:.
:Back. in the old ..dairs;,when out.ant.
cestors lipid- no attention -to the keep -
Ing. of live thenatiV'e stock, Mil.:
!ning.Wild threughOu t 'the 'tountrY, pro-.
cliteed.,4001Y.. eneugit .for their
young. :AS • time Went • on, however,
men • (Recovered the . value of,. milk 'as
a. food ..for • hilinan. consumption. and
they began • le' 14elecii.• the. coVirs' that.
gave the largestUitanittles. - • ,
Thu, -we that. fur -many •ye,ate
live eteek men 'have Studied thei•t,
herda,,carefuliy..selet Wag fetrittles" that
PoSseased; :high ..ni`ndlicini.,
These females Were :bred sires
.whose' dates had • •clieplaited • nigh
duelist tendeneies.' . , •!' - •
As' 'time. ad va /Wed breeders: learned',
ttt.. keep re -tents. ittelt7the±rrillirgireTir"-:-'
atit Weliosi the' feed:co/Whined '
The .reatilt that.now we have. re!
cords, erindiViduat• tows :giving' over
30,600 Petinda Milk in if•year. ••
What debt we' -Owe. to. theSe, old',
filuiroVers ouj, yireedo,Awe cobbot
repay•; them:" 'hilt We call • een tiiine to.
'carry' on tha.4bilixtliat they so nobly;
commeneed..- :„ • ' '
in so .doing we Will add •greatli', not
only,. to otiriWn incoine , but: we Will
cantribute to the,revetina Of Canada: •
- No tattlers can afford . to„neglect
their. hire •stnek fa these daYa, mien.'. • ,
feed prices' tra.sottkng. • ,
/.•;areful seItetion
Judiciens ' • etoneitiical 'teOdinga,, it);
oltanthtl .peinta, that' the 'Yarn -lei.
gethet With tlic; .ketiping of reed:MS:in*
• .Use - Of pure bted .14res,
day tatiriOt overlook and ',prosper. ,
to' whis er anv numbe "to him' as
no • Opletes . or narcotics,.. They never • give him the choiCe 'adding.ir te•
'fail to be Of betietit•IO little onee. and the number he wrote, subtraCting. it
May be given 'ter either, the .neWberit from the number he Wrote Or *nor?'
babe or tlie growing, child. The Tab-, • Int it altogether. 'Ask him 'to. ask,
letsare sold' biniedieine dealers or by kis right hand 'neighbor to Mention:,
mail', at . 25 cents' box .: from The lir.
Medicine Co,.- ' Britektrille,
. • Pelt:Pretty .•
..He (iieriipously),1-"HOw 'do, SPna' feel'
walking .with a big chili) flke MeV; •
• - •
• :The 'Cotittefa'
• i stippOse that for those *Ito. lineV,
< •
14: . •
• .any nunilier to r:He may add.
' thie subtraef it 'multiply lit it or
. • divide by It. -He to take the sum
he 'no* has 'and.'mu4iplY -by.-,any
multiple et% . ••• --• .
• Then for the, finish of the trick„In• •
'which the friend leBei a Iittle of hie
•freedem Of action.. Ile Is to frogs,
Mit any digit In the..:preduct.excelit..
tog iveipher alidite Mention to you
•••• ,
• mediately. you -will -tell 'the,
Timber he Crossed out.'
.The ,secret Is' 'that' yol add the •
• digits :he . Wes, you and subtract'
,Stlieir total trent "the .next -Multiple .
; Of flt• . The remainder: will be , the '
• number struck�ut. • • .
, (Clip this Out 'and, paste' 0, with
'..othai the ,series dna .sCraeb6.0k.)•
"PaYnterit feriarticles advertised in
this Celaniu shauld be made
.Expretaii 'Money`, Orderas; safe
Way : of. Sending nieheY'hy .mail.
-*"!•••-iiitraismst • NFL. .1--4-.tinektit.
I-a-41 "and Algid seWing at home; 'wholte-' "
or. spare time;,:. geed . pay ; work sent
any distance; .. charges' paid. Send
etemp.for particulars. National Mann,-
factUring Co., MOntreal. " : '
1 A.DIES '•bIstLY.,--01IR BOOKLET."
•2--4. Ladies'. Friend, mailed •in_ plain
enveloyie; free.' . CASTER ' -2423, Men. •
, • •
Z . ,•4 - -7.1, •
'ache and kindred -Ills -.-
Hub Ain well with the aim of the
fingers. An.'enemy to
11.1id:Airrderstaad them, all animal° have Hurnen •health ',ark" ' strength , ,. are:
distinctpersonalitieS, eaYs.*pref.. Lyen. 'greatest ...when: the .'teniperatti$ drops
Phelpa;',,iii2.Scrittner's „Magazine: When ' to 'about 56 te•§0:degrees•:at night and
l• waS'.'a.'ieltild in:Hartford , it WAS.: a • rises te .'sorneVfhere ., het:Weep . 68 • and.
..pleiisilre:tO'..iliiter.the beautiful garden7.2 'degrees during the Middle. of ' thIc .
of that notapitablegentleman f."Iiiity... day, ., • "
Jewell.'. . There .fvion a' little lake,' and1:-._„.• s_ ••"--7-• : ... •. ..
, -
in\. inter he 'dietrihuted., to the ' boys • ' For Eve eji . i I l,,*.im marcre Liniment.
Of• the neighborhoodfree skating I . . . . . .
tickett,5;„.; whiW-we highly...appreciated; :Four , Polar bears, . cAught in : the
In .sumnier evenings the old gentle; Arctiregionlait-sliring4re-riew "o.n.........„.„.
'man would 'sit in. a ehair•On. the edge 'their, way to the ZOO at Auckland,
of; the .POnd and .rbig: a hon..' At the . New tealend...:•Ther .nreHrnaliiiii the,
. ....
mello\ . tones the' frogs would teme. ,A.fteeP-week journey in stout packing
'' •
. . . , .
out of the lake Lazio: group? thernatlyes ' :.casec. ; • . • •
about .:Mr.;; Jewe,11,.. Who Offered' thank '':•.-''' '••'• . . • •
hits': •Cf feed, Which they .received" ,, 'Jt is tlw gt ea es , nostakon woman,
cOu'rteeuelY74.". i: :had never' :diserimm..,.etthaen•' lines gkocii175 . ,.e,l,t.t, Ir. i•Yr(1* lanirnii, illitill, ;4hi;ksiditiffa
Ailed 'particularly .;alleatig• •frogs .;but to ,.
that 'man' aiery one of 'those froge''we's ' Landon Ooraiwr, recently..., l' ' .•
. ,
, • . . ... .. .. ., , . -.•
an individual; :and. he 'ilanted;thein..ali: 1,-. . '
The-•ittiges-was=Called,,Lau'ra-.",'Autitild :. ' • ___IW.-,e..7.-st-e-11„ ii-terest,P1_, Id' bh!*iii-ing;--'•
, .
and was the. owneriefoi
avrte. l'have
.. , „ .. . OLD'irid
seen Lauea. draw :near, her maitter.'s I' , . •, ' . .. .11-
, .
.enair, 'fake a , bit of bread delicately -1 ' . ' :'' ''' BOOK • ..•
. _. .
.frOn' his.. fing•erS, eat it and then Wipe ON . cA.:.: l'A.D.-1N• .s.1 JB' j...E•c,1„, 8.: . si'md
her Mouth...daintily' '' • . • ' • ."-,'
..'-',----4-.:-----•- . particulars to the •Wilson 'ruhilehing
, •SaPpees-s' a: " moment's . anger, , :Mid coolonnyi, 78 wnis :Adelaide: •• Street. ,
. you nay Prevent a life4iineaotroW. . !. TerentO, Ontario. '
•'• • "
yroved: safe by millions andfir
Rhetimatisrn Colds
lean towns ititite .been known to pi -
scribe ..leaveS Of certain trCen, ground
einlve. 11. lion 'dried toads, -beetles
.aint snakes and' tiger hair
y.pbysictans: for
, •
Atc.spl '
vhich colitam$1,vraven. dirotion§-
-AHlasnoliiotC(IncasT'oeIe2' 41').161xn'€:18of '• 1D2ritigagileett-s:',
Am,h.ls. , Ifs 0.ssIst,r,s4 in 114,0 of flny Nie5titl16iinv Monciactie•
• ?thaenliti(etAset,irlige,ntlaeltirothitt7i11;:LAa' foictsueletcytiolea",,:tetaillt,ilr 11%,ubt4ricA-a,a)in'fottVillinliletattito,n1:, mlielelltitatot.vatit
Por' frit Aiti".0Altiard's t;t6.17
DAM' 03111rXtrr ilintritAd 'with Oen` geiieral trade tad*, etc:0/34
Suffered Misery
With Itchy Eczema
Cuticura 'Healed.
‘••I was,trouttled with .eczema for.
iwo•yearn. At bisi itaepeared
snlitll spot*. and
then 'llegon_to
ill' Oyer my isee -and
.head .nntil .,1:-strXered
awful. misery... the
• . • . .
itehing and ,burning
were terrific. At nnits
.**1 ttiougni I would go
crazy*, end waa. .t� 111).
• :‘ .1"wastieSte:d and tried. different
Ointrnenti without any. benefit.
,fead:ar,i .idiiiistise.Tneiit for: Cuticure
Soap and bin trnent and .decided
tiy.therti:2Aiter thbrfirstAriplication,
I.felt relief... I. cOntiatied the treat-'
ment: or atime and:.116W. I „;ara
:healed." :($igriced)' 11gige• Y. Wood.
see.- city: Rai; •Aee„ Ment,reel,
quebec,. • •• ' ;
• .Cuticnra S�ap, Ointateet and'Tet.
cum Eire ides' for daily toilet.usea.:
atopie Beek irSe Di *ital. Address anattlej,
Dope% 14 '"Cutionro, r„..e. los 56113, Mottreal."
foriet...SaajoPAe. Onstsnent 26 and Me, Teleran ne.
Tri, our •nrist, Shaytui
bY Tad)* -14diii
Ichain'a Vegetahli..
• • Ftleilier, Per tW6 or \threi
fhtyti every to ,o.fteil ench.
limns in niy, back, andnidea that I- could
net do anything hot even Ile
quietly in bed,' and nit head ached, toO,‘
watt thia.-Way about three years, but
..iglisAietse after I vati Married I Was
.ori a farm with hOt,a bonne hearer than
:five Mileafind there Walinot a person to :
advise• me, as illy folks, liVe. in Manitoba. • '
sister -in told Me abcnt Lydia
.*Pitikharn's Vegetnble conipound. end, '
foid.tne to try it. I took het advice and-,
have been thankful for, It Oyer, eiece.
After taldrik• the Medicine for tliree
aay if has helped ;me a lot
and 1 entdoingfine. I gro kho to re& '
Others' and yen May Publish .rny
'her; SiSkatchewan
• Qf terfseine slight•trou v‘ a., •
:geriptal upset 'of • the system. Stich '
siymptorns nervOUsTUSS,Rainftil titheO# ,
irregnIntity„ ,haelt ache • and' headitehe
;Wet ense:hotherectshOuld„giVatidia.,,,,.
E. Piriltham'S :Vegetal° ClOiriponnif7ii'.1
: This ....tionantiabic••••lnedicine • -.11-
.helped.thousbndti.ef • i,ortlett,...and..it
reasonable to .expert diet it will help
-you; Try, it today. •Yotir dreggiat Salle
this medicine. • " .
. ,
• .
• .. . , , 0 .„.,
1 . . ". •;‘,. •..'..„... ,,..:'...3 .• -. - - .. • , 4r • . .-
i$SUE No; 7-:26.