HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-19, Page 144.0 •
$2.00 egg Y. J4 IN ADVANCE • SMO, • OTHERVISE,-
„ THURSDAY; FEISlikklARY 19th., 1925..
. 'V l'ERINARY SURGEON -•••••• Dr
47 Keleher, Ripley, Phon 29.0
MacLeod :will • visit 'tucknow
every TUesdaY-in'Dr: Connell's Office.
• DR. PARKER, •NrSTEOPATI4 it -the
'Cain 'Ileuse. LeAnovi.E,every Wed:
• nesday afternoon, - Ali 'eardnie
caSes „sticceesfuDY-• treated.: Osteo-
pathy LamOes the Physical causes
' of ,disease. Adjustment of the,
spine ismore quickly secured and
withfewer treatments by Ostee
; ;redly' than by any other 'method
Dr, :W., M. Connell '
Physician and ' Surgeon , Watch, „Wait and ;See our display WOMEN'S . INSTITUTE..
0-0-0 -0-•=0-0--.•'•.•00-(;N-O'r--0 •
Get.ready for another Carnival in
Lerne Rink on Feb. 27,
-.Air. T. 1.;'; .Cikin, and 'daughter •Mns,
Kearney are'viSith ,friends in Buff-
alo •
Mrs. J,•• R. McNair, aceompanied by;
Mi•s,' B. J. Crawford of, • .1)iing4rincin
are • visiting- friends in DetrOit:b „
r. and Mrs. Albert ...Rivers and
clan hter,''' Margaret; nioVed'' this'
*ek to 0:Wen, 'Setind where "p(iy-,
tench 6> reside • ' '
• Mr. D. 0 ' Taylor ivas. at Toronto
Tuesday "aid Wednesday of thiE
week. as delegate to the
Prohibitipt Convention.
, .
All who ivent to ,,Goderich on Mon-
day to Witnesa 1h Lu1nw-Godr-
ich agreed that it was a.
tine„ exhibition' of hockey. The score
wa,s rather One-sided to. be sure .tO.
Stilt the • Luoknow fans, but thn.
1Goder,ich haS,..'a 'Very itibag
Besides • the. rink and the • ice - are
somewhat. dark until' a tern ' gets
used to them*c.ar, of 4 quite .early in the gaGederich ran nili,.'ne,:
; 0
but ,after that the Contest wasluore
even) winding up v,•ith a, score ,of • 8-
3 in favor of ,Gederieh. 'Reid; of
•foith' Was: Moire,: :and :the 'best'. Of:,
spirits' ""•prevailed throughout t,Ite•
game: „ • ,
The • return 'game • was 'played, 'here
Weduesdey 'night but • we go to
press too early to give any report. .
• '
:of- l)•resses•-••-and..,.Spring• Coats
.1..`tiesday 'Feb.. '.24tli Id Saturday °Feb.
Paliner '
••• Statrifer •Stwht.
PlidersVent , an operation at
Hospital 'Thursday."' Of ,last, sveek •:.•
.2;etting along . very well.,
Mr. 'arid Mrs. .R Moore of
• . • . • , • 7
ROckwood , Spent 'a .COuple ••of. • ' day.,
r0,...ently With ' Mr.' .Mecii.'e'S ...nrethen
" " Is-- .:••
svho'bed' been seriously .111, hut re
Fir.e Co is putting „On datide.
,n• the "ToWn, • ,to-nierrOW , (Fri-
• clay)'.•itight...; „They. have 'engaged
,, orchestra .•••a^nil• iironifse :a
Lucknow. •
„ Hours, 2-4 7•1-8
• ; :Phone 86
, ' • ^
• ' Over Dicker's, Stere ,• • Extraction
either' by gas or local. Will. he in
Dungaiiin every Thursday.•
• Phone 53
Call Dr. •Newton•
Make, appointment
In Ace' eVer7deY
• 0-2•00-0---:040.,-0-00--0.1):
`I have whled • to .my Wall Panel
and Faint huainess' a stock of Wall
. • Paper which may beSeeat "My
"residenro:a,ny tiMe,.-R. Cameron
-Painter and .Decorator
Highest' Prices .paid for aa kinds of
, ,fra, sw furs • at Blitzstein's DrY•
• . ' . •
FOR •SALE -A 'very comfortable
.dwelling, in good • condition. -Apply'
to Geo. A. SiddalL ' • ' 11-9-e
• •
,welt,:iMproved. 2104 -acre farms. : con-
venient to. Liteknew.': Apply to:,. plo.
.•:iicknow.. , ..". ' •
' • •.-....._•........,.....:••,..._•.- ...____,-.,•,.
WANTED •-:-Energetie" Man, Good re.
cord.; TO Sell Life :Insurance.: Will Ass,
--sist-to.-firiani,S and segre,' buSiness ,
. ' Apply .to ' Vox. ,pf; Owen Sound,':Ont
Highest cash prices paidtot,ill
• kinds of beef, hides, sheep. s 'ns`rand
tallow at at ,Button's • Butcher ,•Sh(i
Lucknow. . .. ' - -
' N
. • . ,......“.......a...
' ' Alex' Gillies; will have an: auction
sale of Cows, Young Cattle and sow.
implerrientii at his farm, Lot 39, Con;
.1, Kinloss /Township, .ori, Mardi '49i..;
conmiencilig...nt 2, o'clock. The tin!
her On 3% acres of ,sv(raini• lainf will
also be Offered, for sale;
.., • . .. . ' John BA:II-Via,. auc,.
4 •
• - . ASHFIELP • '•
:Applications' ,•forthe position of
readsunerintendent, for the Town -
'Shin of Ashfield, will -be,' reeeiVed by
The undersigned up to noon On Wed-
nesday Feb. '25. Salary: 83,5.0; a. clay .
C, E. .McDonagh 'Clerk ;1,4 k R
R. No, 2.. • ° •
Lost rto cresent brooch on Ross 0,1
'Campbell street. Finder.' please 'leave,
`at Sentinel'Office. . , , '
, • ,
. .
bWellifig To Itent=0Onfertable flat,
The Joynt Bleck--Hard. and soft
'•Water; Posses ..-on. after Feb•• 21st,
26-2-efr• ....`V.,Soynt, Phone .16
, .
.,Conifortable,• eetnent : house ahd one
• acre land; With small • ..stable --,-e
(Travel Road,. -one mile' north of
•19-2-11 • MO, W. J. MacLeod
AuctioX .SALE
At' the .Cain /louse Barn Liielcnout
on Saturday Feb. 21st,„40 head most-
14,,young cattle, spring calves and E
eows.• All 'good quality. . . •
•:19-2,c. Jacob Miller & Sons
Wallace TWamley, tot 10 Cori 8
•Ash.field will have an •anctiiiii • sale of
' farm'. stock and implements on.
Wednesday February 25, COnitnCne.
ing at , one O'qoe15-137m, There IS, ,a loi
ef stilff Qn this • sale and all *ril be
sold as the. proprietor has rented his
•• 7"
',1"; -,Purvis, A u c
, • .
. • •
epoy (hlendedj $5,25: ,
Made,: Rite (pastry)] $5.0q,
04tarto What .$1,d
• Peed Flour 3225- •
Shorts $1.86 to $1..."15
Bran $1.80. to $145
.Sereeniiii ;Chop 1036.00. pa'tn
ppeeial 000 On, IA40 quantities of
Zaedo ,•
a trouble' whiah has been Somewhat
.1..a.y. Owing 'to„.•tait ,attack Of hiccough..
7Priends oaf ,•114r.• Geo. ,S. Robertdr,
n'evalent • this .winter:'.. ...
vere Pleased to meet' him diown.10‘,Vii
...rii a number ofdays nis Week;...af..
ter being . confined to 'IliS: house the
last:few' months,..
A 'few 'miles •we'st• oi town and Ull
ilonti, the lake phore.there.'is little or
. no snow. ' The roads' ere like rpaveo
lient ..a;nd autos 'and 'motors trueki ire.
runningfroni, London to Kincardine
Cards/of Thanks -Mr. and:Mrs' •I'es.
E Vail Wishes' to, thank the maily
friends and neighbors...for the' kind-
ness ,,,iirufHOY.n1Paqii: • showed thent
in their resent.'hereaveinent. • .
of Thanks -L -The. faniVy: of: the
1.4te. Mrs'. James ilacliett•;,:wiSh to
1. thinkthemany kind :friends and
neighbors for sympathy and help -
kindness at ,the time of the
• death of their Vheir, mother,'
.1'his week spei-ias- MTh' Pure
ergo'.81,10 per yd. 54 in.' 'Navy
jerge suitable:21or hOySL. Suits. $1,15.
,per• Yd.. See ourroneW...spring,.Curtain
Net - a men ; ,
Mr‘', Irwin, • 'of "Llickno ;!
! • :....
has been appointed by. the. Wornents
,.,htistian\Temperenee Union as thei.
s e1,res4ntati\VO '2,4!The . Trayell'inS
Aid Society; for luoknow
, • -
• • •
' Mr. D• K Alton Who was same -
:014 injured b'y. :. a fall :while :at
vitinghain :last Week, . Made A. rapid
-recovery and gOt', home "Adore ',the
•.end of the week. Pis 'Wife who had
!seen in the -Wingharia Hospital for r
• fewi weeki Owing to a fractured arm
Wit'S:alici able to return
• -
• , , •
. A large nuMber attended . the reg-
ular meeting • of the Lusekupiv,
nun'z Institute held at the 'home .of
Mrs,. McLean; JOhnsten; The meeting
:Oak the form of Et Valcutirie. %party
The Roll Call Was. SnSwored1;
ver.,e, A game Where is
yeur heart" created considerable am-
uSement• •Ree,clings by Mrs. 11 RP,
bertson 'and Miss :Alma „lyfekei;
duet by Mrs Newton and Mrst::Iteid
and-. a sole by Mrs, Herace, Aitchison
_Were all very much :en3dyle(4' Mrs°
Newton wen the priie 'in
'eontez t which followed) `. • arrange
ment-s 'were ma or for a progressive
'Refreshments Were :terVedsi at 'the
Conclusion or the meeting.' - '
• NOrt,X. ,
Johnston. Will: giVe an; address
ot..."Temperithee," it the Methodists
'Sunday: scbciol: next Sandity;:: . •
thelast regular meeting of •the
official_ Board rtit the ?SeEifOrtli Meth'.
,pd'Ist :chureli". the 'nester •'PJev, R. Ful-
ton Irwin accepted a unanimous.
.vitetion to retnrp. as Pastor, for :the
; '
•1• 3.; Pearlman had 'o'n :eXhibition
'in his (Window thii week.. a.,coupie of
311ver-grey ; • fox skins, , the, •h0t, WO
think to 4:be'exhibited in LticknoW,•
Onlya feW •yettiiS ago these skins
were 0, oFtreineiy tare, and the
trapper who got one or two in a sea•:,
;on Was a lucky •man.. Since
.farming" started all this gas chang-
..ed, and althetigh, black and „silver
fox' skins still cOmmand a;e:ood• price
they, are no 12nger themovolty tiry„
once were:, ,
• •• FIE HALL •
mplaining to le
• Council of, rpti:osc
pleIditering, tn the
fire hall will 'acquaint. inc of any
, heir friends' •or relatives that do
•.1•.requent the.. 'fire.hall and have ' thP
light o debarr- Om that rirWirOge;
I will kindly remind them that
have.. a notne of their own,,,othelvgiae.
n t ill- T ant-- klinkred 4r-int:oven- 'charge -Ctf--a03,--0434 cieg or
„work: I am at • loss to otherivehicie to pervent- any childgo
olace • the pattfes" designated • by that. iidlia-tbet.aett, • . •• • ' . ••
rypittket.-John Bell. ,Persons of sukit •Veludio'
:parents: lire leciiiestod 'tct-aMS"t'
„ • • • .• . • ' .• • '
' Last Sunday morning Rev., :T:
..Wealey • Cesens preached . 4114..
Methediat church on,"The Final
ter,y., of .thp King, of:16ngs.° ‘In- the
sermon story to the children,- • he
7itade. special referenee t� 'Frances.
E. Willard. At the evening, sery-ce he
continued the series Of SerMonettes
• There Were Many gay : and Matta,:
tie figures. an the ice in -Lorne 'Rink
144 "'Thursday night When grand
carnival .A4s :Pat on by. the Fire Q0:
There Ives a goe'd crowd, and . al-
though so :'• e of the contests did noi
attract, many ,eompetitors, this was
made ,un " for by the crowd of con-
testants in otherS:- , •" "'" •
Prizes were awarded' :as ',follows- •
Fancy Dressed.,4a4-Scarf ' ((Tenet-
. BroWii.)41s,t-Nrs, Mg-;
*: ii1fl. , • • • ` ,
2ndco:niresn'enclint -'•eards.. $111rs,
TreleaVenWreria Y.Blitzatein. "• ,
Fancy pressed, ' girel-0hocoletes, (Dr,
Spence) -Jessie MacKenzie,
ppinic ,Dressed, Lady±-Alciuto
• D'avison)Vera Sher-iff. '
Comic ,DresSed Girl-,-Chocelates LY
• 1). MacHenzie)lst; Helen MAC-
. 2nd. --Mary iVilson-
'17aney; Dressed : Gent -Tie .(C, pOk7
• er;) ip,t:-Jack Jo4Ston • •
.2n1.--flabh Light (C. Mullin);-
,Malcolna Armstrong.
• Fancy Dr69sed- poy,Knife • (Fire
. Watson. •••
• • Razor (WE.:Murdie &
.3-D°r1SiiisSsedf°11:''•IDOY.--Vountain Pen
' (McKim)r4Charlie Palmer,
• National----0pstanI=Picture (John;
stone Bros,)--Arabell Camer(n.
1-''''N'lei:6P,$)R_a°ce4-ttr'eKron:Ife.yht(citri.aoenIIF. r-
• .• 2nd,-- -Tie (Fire-, • Fred
•' • • •
Mil. • WT. Hogan. of .Lotfiian is
home •after a couple/49f • weeks visit
with friends in Lnciin and .gtratittri:ok';
• Henry McKenzie of Laurier spent
a' -Week visiting friends in Toronto.
Congratulations ' 'and best wishes
are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Buckingham who. Were: rgifried
on the 4.1th inst. Mr.' Buckingham 1,8
an energetic and prosperous youn;
farnier of • Lothian.„ 'Their inan
friends wish. them "bon • 'Voyage. on
the sea' of tOarried life.. •
HOwarst'' Darker of , Lothian' is in
Winghanf Hospital "where. he ,:iinder.
,wrent an operation on Tuesday intim
Miss Tillie' Sherwood of the .1.0tb
Con; is• the guest of her cousin Mr.
Melvin RaYnerd of Paramount. ,
. Mrs. • peter McDonald' • of Huron
sis ,aperidIng a few clays with herllau-.
ghter • Mrs Eldon Henderat • of.
Param ount
lYfiss Irene Moore 'visited
last week :with' Mrs' Jack liengereen
it Pei -amain -it
.Mr ndrew, StraliOhan of Auburn
is visiting' his site . Mrs, 2aineS
. ,
,Mr. Duneart7•111b,Millan. viSited : last
Week with relatives in Detroit.
Mrs. Geo. pfirt.DA.'i. visited „a, tray
last: Week: with lier 'danghter: at Kit-
ohener, '
Mr, Alex R. ' Kennedy' of W.innip.ei'
iS visiting ,at the: ,,,honie,:of his, •
par -
Mr„' and Mrs: Pavidc Kennedy, •
and Mrs. , Du Ment,.' of St.
14,0010, are visiting .: :Mrs. Du., Ment's
'mother Mrs. Eaglestozte •
. • • ,
Mr, and Mrs. ThOs, Henderson and
Lawrencevisited on.. Sunday,' ,at • the
• herne of Mr. and,Mrs., JIM ,Purcion at
St. Helens,
Mr. Wilbur and Miss. Janet Thorn
Puff Pastries Doughnuts
Bon 13ouche Nut:Squares
Qaf.wal, Cookies -
ome Made Whole Wheat
. and Raisin Bread
, .„
eu‘ttel- and Eggs at Top Prices,
ollyman's Bakery
• Phone 3.6, Lucklidr'w
play ":11;),,e... Adventures of Grandpa'
in Gemmunity ,Hall heap on :theey-
of Tuesday Feb., 24th, This
!.kba; t.1117nelLiblve-saiir:da.•,4riluvii.nvbse.rwi.tof
u es tt
great Sueecss. •It i aid. to .be a
niugh Ailthe waSr-Thatigh, ,powt, miss
Mr,'KJ igekepie of Goderich of Anburri. Spent the Week -end, iwttli it•
visited •Ashfield friends during the their Ain't MrsJohn Craig Jr.
week• .", ' ' • Mr.: and Mrs -Duncan Kennedy
,Mrs. Jack • 'Henderson and .ehildren visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
col :Paramount visited , . 'With •,'••h'e 4. Fred Stanley at Lucknow.
Whitechurch 'during'. the week. .'
-Mr. and Mrs: Wm. MeGtll of
Parainourie visited with Mr, .and
Mis.;. Ronald -Mer,risen of • Langside
during' the week: . .7-1. •
•Mis. Arthur Cook. of Paramount
visited with ; friends: 'at Pine :River
during the • week. ,. „. • -
• Mr. and ..Mre, ••• Russel Bisset 'Bisset O'
Laurier visitedwith friends' at Rip
eYA•irresf. erine , Medharles '4-?..V‘i.
Lueknow'is vi king-, With her...danglY,
ter Mrs.:: Jack , McIntosh of 4 pare-
• mr. :ilia]: Mrs. Melvin 'Reynard oj
Pararrionni spent Sunday with Mr,
and 'Mrs, Jae. Drennan of. Lanes.
▪ and Mrs,'Wit."'Ketripton.-
Ririlery spent .- Week end with
friend's at Laurier, • _
Heath of Mrs: Hackett- February
13th saw 'the passing away of Mrs:.
JaMea„ Hackett. one of theold." and;
esteeined residents of the 1.1.th 'eOn-•
ceSion„ following .heveral Weeks ill-
ness' She is .stiryiYed by... four sOns.
and one daughter.' ..A. f.‘aPd•
Dr. Walter 'b., ritid JOseph. M. of De.
troit; James R. of Ashfield ,and MrS..
Wm; J. Lane. ,Of.,RiPley, There, is al-
so 'a sister, Mrs, • Ellen Thonipson Of
Winnipeg; The late: , ,Mrs. 'Hackett
whose maiden tattle' was .Esther Reid
'Was', born in Coulity•Pown, .Ireland
79 years ago', and, cote • to Goderiele
. • .
:When ?mite • young 'FolloWing s her
'marriage. to, the late James Hackett
She came to live on the :farm. where
she. ever. since.made her horn% and
.where ' she died. Her husband passPd',
.away 1,, the, sPriti :of '1016.'ITitiOu-.
• a e-'-' aeC- • , oast
,(R Htitton)-StanleY Todd. ,
IthMile 13Pys„.'16' yrs„, and Thider,..,
Belt •"(i3: Blitistein)= HarVev
1 Webster
A. MN 12 and Uidi-.-Mitt (Cm
' • eron • Murdoch & CO Archie'
• •
▪ • 2iid.=. Mouth Organ; (Stariley's):
•:Kenneth ,Cemeron, , •• :,. • • •
. •
'i Mie
8,.•yrs: and •
harp • (P: Fr.' Armstrong)
- --Jackie Fisher.
Mi • Mile 'Or's. 12 yr,s.. and tifider=
Heads • "(E. , Helen,
• • . .
Maepiii-catit '
gen/4 ',Ranc•Licllroeo'iateS 4(E. ..Holy..•
PI an . an, 'W. 'W ).-474„W, ,Ah-:
, . ci,P•&;v....alic,101?„nika
'Slow Babe -77 hettle. Catsnir
• f• HeriderSon1-,--W'Thonipson.
Ladies • Mitsicak, Chairs ••-••••-: StoCkings
:.(RethsVell ..&•,,,':Turner)-.-Ist,
•••• •l'• Stewart. • • •
OEn 2nd Storlon (Fire P!p...r popular IfYrnris:,P.• and .
preached' on\ ' "cite of the Greatest ' Tiertbe Milile• •
.• (T. • Reic!)L7Catilei•ork Macpenal''
Times:A 1•)Ie3(1: Sunday the. Education,
al; Anniversary • will
• `'• MaeCallum. .
day will be Rev.
pastor of -.the Aslifield Circuit, ' • nivall...-Rraces.•. 'Arm bands and
ShipWreCkers • n o tr:::„'restainent: lt4:1sical ..13111 folder
201-170' (Fire Y.- Robert
preacher ;for ,he • Person hrityrtng. most .people to • Car-
-Wesley. De Witt:Coseris M. A B. D
The Cuild
▪ The "Look Out" conrinittee con!:
Tellers ' Mrs:' MacKenzie- and I4obel,
'Chestnut litia Char.ge. 'of the pro-
gramme at Guild 'Feb...46th. The
. •
to*, .."geW In Win and 1444 New
• 80sPewitre 03- P!arlinan) .2. ••ghout her .life here she_ va"li e0.• -
liVe: are 'sorry to report' Nits 'Isabel
Fox to have undergpne a serious•
iperatiOn in ',Galt, Hospital laSt.Wed-
nesday. Wehope for •a: speedy iin-
provement"-.• Miss Greta Fox is at-
tending her. -, • '
Robt.',Maetrimald of Holyrood
irlsiting his aunt :Miss Catherine
Ross. • ;.
Mrs; '•Jobri .WockS and son o
, • .
• ..-e-7r.mittrat.--thetireme-
of bey father , kr; Ili as •MfMillan;
••; Mr, ...Writ. Gray „•of 'Georgetown
spent the w'eek 'end. With, Iris fr-iertd.
, ,. • ... • •
Darold' aParling. .' • '
' Reht.:''Aeott and . family of
TeeStvater Spent the 'week -end at th
home :of. Mt: Scott's• sister Mrs. Mur
„Mrs'. David Kennedy 414 Ale.
1Cerinedy.• • spent the • week -end with
Mr. and Mrs., 'John' Reid: at Auburn,
• The , ,rneetink. on 'Sunday
1light',..wati..taken 'by:Miss Mer1eWi-
son•.. The leader for next Sunday will
tke'."Miss ...lean: Kennedy.' , '•
- A successful , • Bt. :Valentines Con.
.'cert• Was held 'here ligt.:Prida3r Oen-
goOd. prograinine Was' given.
`and' the debate Was very inte,resting:
. • • ..""
,Thomas Harris is in Kincardine
fortune to prain• her: inkle.
1‘-11's.,•Richard 'Elliptmapent Sunday •
E'fterneon• with' Miss Mariayet Bak-'
Mr.--antl,-.-Mrs--'0harlie • COngram •.• . -
tended the • 'Con.grain . and Bucking- •
.hani. wedding on W.ednesday:
• • •., ,• . „ .
Mr. ,antl'; Mrs.: W. Jackson'. , 'spent,' '
Sunday at Tom HockieY's, -
. . .
:A • • . • : ••
the Tenth-on,'Monday . :night' and ••
P t good , time...• • . • •
• 'Mr, Mrs. George Harrison'.
visiteds,fith the, latter's' parents; Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Pierce,' on ,,TueSda5".
We were"„ sorry to., hear of: :the..
death of Mrs .'itsieg which oCeurred
'on February l'St at her, hem' on the
.4th. coneession.„ of Culross. The fam-
ily. was •well known abcalt Holyrood
having -lived here for some time" af-
ter corn.rig or t from England in 191. •
w She is Survived 'by' three sons,
red in England; -Frank-'and Robert
t home: on the farm and. by one
• 'lighter, Bessie; also at h•pine,. The ,
fu ierai .we.s.• .the Tuesday
• her to the Teeswater :
cent tery,
A ter • being , ennfined to his bed•
The 'Judges were Mi Fred Davidsofor..t past three 'years, .Mr. John
Mrs Rev Bev, Seobie and Miss °Nettie Wen one 'of the, very old: residents'
*iChoitttli.heTiencreelauoslin4iimofwtahs;: " Relersi:InNiteadl
his 86th. Year, althphgh
of Cul -oss'passed away on Febrhary, •-
ltaces •WOUld he 'in the Interests,. of •
ao e Mr. Wall . had -Teen
tint' CountiY.".. ,poth rw-PFe rel ,•in fatrly ood health- ..4i3ont ;ken
upheld, and' it was no easy IP daYs befo e his. death The late' Mr.
.fer the Judges to deeiae.the winners.
'However 'decision was :given in fav -
'Our of the :Affirnatiye,
.:Chocolstes • (MI'S:. Campbell , and Sistent member ,4,•of . the- Methodist
.‘ A. °..,-..,R ' : Fia-jaYs°„t1) ' Cameilm t church ' , Th; • funeral service, on Sitri-
, • MacliOnald bis • 7 i f e (Eldon ..1 .i.. _. .__.
day: afternoon, was cOnchicted by the
• johnsten) • and their family'', .or • 4,
rcesi.. t, " 1W. De. Witt' CoSei2a .,,,, of the
• .Teri", Vittle Jones. •: . ' •.• • .• , kslifield• Circuit.- ... ' ' 7 •
Get i•Pad-i'lot.::the next Carnival Fri, , ••
:Members" 'wag. taken -miss e•1
DaVison. e - tire lessona, -
• read. :by 11/ariat .Tarniesoti. Readings
were:: by Mrs.' 'Sherriff and
Marion MacPaugell. A'Is.eldy Miss
Mabelle• Allin!' and An insfrninexital
, •
Mac -Kenzie and Grant
.were • ertjhy.eit -by The progratinne
next • Moriday' will be. in the hands of.
. ,
:Viet Y.o.u.nk.iNNII!S,Bible.'Cla.ss,_::. •
And to relieve .y o u r eyesight
tioullie,' Prof: Katz, the, ; noted
eyesight; specialist; . he at tYlr
Cain IHniSe, Lneknow Friday:„..after-
teen,. • 'Feb, 27-.• Prof. Katz: '
10(4n :•Oer Ontario • for his &ea',
, If 'you feel dizzy' • et.
• heada'che, pain irk the,temPle or. back
or:the neck, •you should •have ..ydnt
.ei:-eS tested at 'once, for .these tron-
bles are frequently .eiiused by eye.
tretibl0;• Ground glasses for
•siartir ,$12.00; etd twooight giriSse,s,
'for .$10, Worth ;$16„ '•
. Notice is hereby given that, 7 the
BY-laWS-.• provyle that ne
child shall hang on behind or be ter-.
milted to hang on bohiud any wagOn,
slcigli or 'ether ' Veindie
limits of the' of .Lucknow, and
:jt .shall be the duty e pelt on' ir
POOR-„MAIiRIEB MAN". in,..tho carrying • (tut o this ,,OviiO
A 1the
19-2-c, ------. t,he'' Village or Lucktio0
be presented' ,.•bv the ,.. _
This nifty, ,w1 , y ry 'Ett
7,ion' Dramatic. Club t ).a • -
Zion evenin•:: •th0 ,•(ITTTTIflERT P A SPPERRY ▪ TUJPII
0,7711•1k ° at tight 0,00-d4t. von witof.ES .FOR Good. ••gtro,ng plinf•-,,
• The •honte• Of Mr:. and Mrs.' Samuel
Cpirxrairi. • Huron ,TaiviishiP. • ivast.thi,
-8.cone•of a pretty' wedding When- their
IldeSt dang,I1er,7" Leren,a, ,Mahel
• e the, bride of 'William ;Mon;
- .
:rell-'-..113ackingliam.,•" 'only. ion of Mr.'
:and 'Mrsi.. Bain • iluckinihnin,,:: Ash-
' field Township. ' The youthful ' bride
was . gawped • newdered -blue satin
:rent", mcd With. rosettes and
wh, t'Ei lace To ...-th`e.straIns . the.
.• • , , .
wpddini a.arch, nlafed by 'MISS An-
tne::MeK,EtY., she entered the "parlor
on: ti;O, arta -,of her father who gave
her . She ..earried hoitquet of
white ' anfl 'illy' of tho.'
Thc even. en',, was' perforned by the
Rer, Mr. Willjns 'Methodist Ministei
•of Ate r• the. ceremony, tthe
'„nests, ifulubeigni,;,•abOut .40 near re.
1.4,th'es Of •s.s.the .bride and 'groom; sat
davit, to splendid wedding Idinner,
The .6.Veting • was spent with, Inn*
all haying .en,itiyable_soeialLtirne„
The: pizoorn'a g!ft. t� the bride was a
wriSt'Itatch., and to the planiiit
. t.,.old bar 1:4Is :The bride ahcI g'..100(.1):0
v'efe :the recinietits:. of mt. ivr, ben 1.1 t
..!,iffs• sUbs.tantial suits
f • r•-
'PT111' M'•g''''..r'tirfer am gave a recentiOn •
In • honor of the . bride and proem.
'one `J'iltitidred 'Iriends of
the bride were present, The "•-evening
Was Spent , dancing and there was,
• nkOst • enioYable The
, , .
• s 11, q-1 e ' k Maple, is
O;'• the groabotiliniber
• M-1.1 'iron fli.bit
I) l'itt dr .4 • Orders-. lutist be -
004 clean amUsemen d in a ,
hninoiit .hetien. Tw? "henrp of PeE, ;VIA • . tt, , • leather
t sion not s v 1st • , • Ike , atge
rni• 4 0 E la Y.,••••/,
and 6e..
44 '• Clift n arlor chairs
. .
.• .
'her daughter -Mrs! A.".:':Orhain this
• Mrs•"*MacMtirchy Of Hurn'Ovisited
eral ',her incither, ^Mrs.
•who •kivea there, aged 87, Ye4ara./
aid' We0 'guests evening af. the
ThOnias last week to• atte.nq the .
and Mts, :Denald. Morrie:en' ' the
hem of Mr, and Mrs. A, Sutherland,
dee around again.; 1. •
are glad • t'nfsee Floyd Strath
Hannah and Kenny' ,McDort-
: Mrs: Dimeen, Graltani went to': , St
'Thnday with the latter's ciiG4i10111,, spentvirs
•. We hre. sorry: toreport that Mr:
.,lurclo'clst' Morrison .had-rio
for mime timenut we " Ope to 'see
hitnabout again 'Soon. '•
- A. nintbeti from' aro nd here at-
tended the Buckingham--Congrani
reception, and all report a' very en.
Joyable,,time. The bride and greOlr'
'tvere...the recipriats of ,rifany ''bearlt!
ifrd "gifts', ', 'and, the hest _wishes of
'their many .friends Lgo with them to
their Innrie.
, .
r--0-.0.44-77- •
'About 'the only strange belief that
.zrzn hasni 'out,grewn -is that he is a
Ameilca i$. a:Idaee wilete 1eArst
duty* 'of a nuirt is: :to keep •woniap
04104 ,up‘
• rr
Re 'C.-CA.1E1ring - and . Mrs.: Ger-
, , .
donare representing -the • Presb,yter-.
lin church, at: the ,Tereneratice, Con-
vention being held in Massey. Hall.
• - ' ' "
Teronta this: week: •
• M-/WTAllIs-tet71-trghis'of licilyroody•
..Een6wed old for' a le N\T,'
brother, ; kcitenzie..and -Mrs. Webb. • :
- •
• . Mr.' Toni Radeliffe from Detroit
visitor 'with ; ,relatives here befere
leaving fel.. his -home at Rapid • City.
Man:. •
1VIC.Pherson Of Detroit 'visited
lett 'week- with Messrs DuriCan Mc-
Kenzie and Neil, Ceninliell.:
iIi-Niorank -.Todd' attended ,the an-
nual meeting. of the ,Angus Breed-
er's Assoeiation 'at , Toronto last
The' nionthly Meeting of the Vo -
men's Institute. will hele at Mr,
RE K. Miller's Orr Thursday Feb. 2',•
'Roll CE111--L "The funniest Scrape •Pc
which, I .ever saw anyone",- Subjedit"
"'The Vseful "VV'eman' charge ,df
Mrs W. 1. Miller Viiitora. -are al -
ways Welecanc. • •• 1' '
' Mr.•'''''''Will McCrostie ' and, little
„ .
%Ss ivititie, .returned home. onrriditY,
iroin. Winghani,„ -where Marie 'hEts
been' receiving treatment in the Hos'
Mtn: :We are pleased to report •t at
7. • .
siteis recoVering. nicely.
, Members of ' the Wafiken's Instittrie
Wall "ssWas •.b7Crii7In Carlton County,
but\at, the....: ge ,of :14 he carne . With:.,„ •
-liis rpareat, '• :to ."1-1,nron ' Township/ :
Twelve year . 'later- 'he was • ItthrrIed,• '
ao.„Mit7s-Z7spiti ••• '.geot:. of Kincardine,. 4.....
who •i1re-dete4 ci.•,... him. by ' abotrt. • 202, '.
years:- •' There as born to then'a
family of .ten .,e tildren,. the 'following -. •
Mrs 77;iii, . Theni;• •
"; .Williain and WU'. :
incol :and, Robert '
of /Saskatchewan. John: and Thonaas...
Of •Kinle.S. .and'Io -ep -. At home •A
, . ,•; _ ...., . . • ... . ...
_brotner,::',A...i.....1noto S. ,,,all .livei-r-in-E-
Kinearcline Town.sh'. •.• ° The flineter.'.
was On Monday:, Of this week. to .
,Te•eswater •* Cpetery, the • funeral '
set -Mee being,,,conthrete-d' by. Tt tie' 1' Rev. .". "'
Mi- Srnal9, • of :Salein Circuit. : . The
pallbearers *ere°•! Veten„Mafat•'' Wm.
Stuart, Dan 'McInnis, .. Vit.' Moffat :
Robert Wraith and P..,G, 'Moffat,
Of. Whom .surViv
of ErskiAlbert
seri of CulrosS,
ntimber .frarii here took in the
;.darkae• at: RiverAdale'' Mondayevr
ening', last.- •
•'Mr. "Charles Turner ',our. ''
litirg last 'week, , .• ,
• 'A".• sleigh . lkad frokirlidre took
the partly' at the Iteme of Mr:. and; •••
Mrs,...Sle're3r Pfnnell s • Cor. .10 • en 'Fri;
4;6: ev,erring last „and had a real niep , '
time, ' • ' '• , , •
ntmiber from1tere attende •
.eltib tile Presbyterian e'hiireh
lotnrh o,n• Friday. evening last,,• '
, -.Mr; Irodgins asSlitartt, ,
bdr in .Tess‘Vater 'viSIted
`Creek at the lionsb of his 'parents
•A'•.few from 'here .tioqk in the, dance
were At Home" to about Intl:of
04` IS' ,ast
their: riends on Friday evening. f- • '‘• rg?l', onclay eyen.-
• • Intr. and. had: the good tithe.
ter , .program coaeisting. dans A Ile n.91111101;
•-•;•tings,,,-„reeitations; musical selectio 7.(
;wow) occupied "..-th *chair tile • -4.0,C.A '11,01KETS,
ana'6 Clait "'CIL :•11•
Wall on.Monday last.
- ----
,evening was '6'Pent.•iit genies and cot-
plin,ttigt tot whioi •
:test' after•Which
40c-33c.32e '
• end • Mr.S. Chet-I:ter Taylor's' 25c . -39e
baby Son Ls,. not, reee'Orillg floe his
rodent -illness' just as rapidly as their
vani Mends wanid wish,
braniatiC, Clot) front Ceurei.'r
401110r0' will present the. .hurnorons:
_Batley. .• .1Ae. '• •
• •
• '•
• 40
tic *neat w''4 —4 1` .1 '1 4'1 • k•
V r
. A
• , • 610.75