HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-14, Page 6All lour is made from wheat. But
there are different kinds of wheat and
several ways of milling.
Royal llousekid Flour
is made of the best hard wheat in its finest and
purest form. It always produces uniformly light,
wholesome bread or pastry because its quality
clever varies. If your grocer does not carry
Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you.
Ogilvie FlomMills Co., Limited, Montreal. 11
About Qualifying Yourself for a
Successful Career.
To learn the folly of entering t;bustiness
hfo'i without a i'business education"—
road stir Free Catalogue:
Why desirable to secure this "bustnesa educal
tion'! at Forest City Business College—
read Catalogue:
Why the big mercantile houses prefer
F. C. B. C. graduates --read Catalogue. IJ
This FREE BOOR explains in detail
our Commercial.Shorthand and Typewriting `oi7t'
Courses: Tells why F. C. B. C. methods of-''
inatruceon are suportorl Shows value of 01
Business Eduoators7 Asl
aoolatton a Diplomd
Just sand
your name
and address — Catalogue N'`l
mil reach you
Students T=
r q•
Any Time
Sept. and
The Forest City n:1
Business & Shorthand College
London. Ontario.
iJl Wl Westeneltl X. WI Westerrolti Jr; C:A.
Principal) Vioe•Prtnctpall
•t•••rti 0e•ml at • •®i••.••••
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times PM n*1ing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
GOf1f: Trilltillg
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis clone cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beater!. path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
=The eyes of the here are never closed
as it bas no eyelids.
Oronp positively stopped in 20 minutes,
with Dr. Sheep's Croup Remedy. One
test alone will enrely prove this truth.
No vomiting, no distress. e. safe and
pleasing rup—Soo Sold at Walley a
Drug Store,
Gordon 14IcGary, aged eleven years,
was drowned at Waterford while skat-
Sometimes two women oan atop
talking about other long
Fever Sores.
Fever sores and old ohronio sores
should not be healed entirely, but should
be kept in a healthy condition. This
cap be done by applying Chamberlain's
Salve. This salve has no superior for
this purpose. It is also most ° excellent
for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns
and diseases of the skin. For sale by
all druggists.
James Bullock was accidentally shot
and killed by his brother while shooting
rabbits near Oil Springs.
The Singer building in New York
pity, when completed, will be 612 feet
1 inch in height.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
‘• of
"Stop!" How many of you did? 'Tis
indeed true that the imperative man
can always claim us for a while.
Milton MoTaggart has sold his 100 -
sore farm on the London road, near
Exeter, to Gladman & Stanbury.
The tender leaves of a harmless lung -
healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr.
Shoop's Odugh Remedy its marvelous
curative properties, Tight, tickling, or
distressing coughs, quickly yield to the
healing, soothing action of this eplondid
presoription—Dr. Shoop'- Cough Rem-
edy. And it is so sate and good for
children, as well. Containing no opium,
chloroform, or other harmful drugs,
mothers should in safety always de-
mand Dr. Shoop's. If other remedies
are offered, tell them No! Be your own
judge! Sold at Walley', Drug Store.
To cleanse the streets of the city of
London nearly 80,000,000 gallons of
water are annually required.
And the woman who looks as though
she had a secret sorrow is alwaye in-
teresting—until she begins to turn it
Stomach Trouble Cured.
If' you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P.
Klote, of Edina, Mo., says: "I have
used great many different medioines for
stomach trouble, but find Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets more bene-
ficial than any other remedy I ever
used." For sale by all druggists.
It is understood that Mr. 0. J. Minkel
of Chesley, who has been appointed
junior judge of Essex county, will not
accept the judgeship.
Irene Haffy, a Welland girl, was saved
drowning in a most gallant manner by
Donald McElvride, after she had broken
though the ice while skating.
DR. A. it CHASE'S 250.CATARRH CURE . a a
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. Ail dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
Japan's first school for the educa-
tion of aotressee has been formally
opened at Tokio, under the direction
of Sada Yokka, Of the young women
who presented themselves for admis-
• sion, about twenty were accepted, and
4 they will take a two years' course,
• °
Any irregularity of the bowels is always
dangerous, and should bo at once attended
• to and corrected.
• work on the bowels gently and naturally
• without weakening the body, but, on the
contrary, toning it, and they will if per
severed in relieve and cure the worst cedes
of constipation,
Isms. James Ifing, Cornwall, Ont., writes:
"I waa troubled with sick headaches, con-
stipation and oatarrh of the stomach. I
could get nothing to do me any good until
I got a vial of Milbnrn's Laxa-Liver Pills.
They did me more good then anything else
toted' tried. I have no headaches or con,
stipation, and the catarrh of the stomach
is entirely one. I feel like a new woman
thanks to Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. f
used in all about half a di;s;en rials." $
Price 25 pante at vial, .1 for 81.00, at all
dealers er mailed direct by The T. Milburn
Co.. Limited. Torontg. Ont,
The O. P, R . contemplates an exten-
sive programme of railway building in
west tbia summer, and an appropriation
of $30,000,000 may possibly be made.
A Swede named Hendrickson was
killed and another man named Anderson
fatally injured in a dynamite explosion
on the National Transcontinental near
C1eta. i6i IX* Cis re. =A..
Bean the
of I
In the recent Frenoh army man-
oeuvres a wireless telegraph station in
a balloon eueoeesfnlly intercepted mes-
sages sent from Berlin to vessels at
Men's "engagement bracelets" have
arrived in London. The bracelet is a
plain flat band of pure gold whioh is
fastened tightly an to t'ee wearer's arm
above the elbow.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
oongh medicine—Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of eatiafaotion. Price 25
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Plants growing near the sea have
thinker leaves than those growing in-
land. Apparently the salt sea is the
cause of of this phenomenon, as plants
cultivated in artificially salted soil yield
thinker leaves,
As a spring medioinoe Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The average citizen of the United
States aconeumes half his own weight in
sugar every year, and the sugar bill
of the country aggregates a million
dollars for every day of the year.
Almost any steamer afloat in the
merchant service oan now go to Man-
chester, England, the deepening of the
ship canal to a uniform depth of 28 feet
having been oompleted after three
years' continuous work.
There is no Quinine, nothing whatever
harsh or siokening in Preventios. These
Little Candy Cold Care Tablets not as by
magic. A few hours—and your threat.
ening Cold is broken. Oandylike in
taste, Preventios please the children—
and they break the feverishness, always.
And least of all is the economy. A
large box -48 Preventics-25 cents.
Ask your druggist. He knows 1 Sold
at Walley's Drug Store,
Daring 1908 there were 10 children
under ten yearn of age interred in Clin-
ton cemetery; also 27 women and 26 men,
and 17 of these were between 70 and 80
years of age; 11 over 80, and 2 over 90.
The total interments for the year were
Womanly pains, head pains, in fact any
pain anywhere can be completely stop-
ped in 20 minutes with one of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your
Doctor or Druggist about the formula.
It is printed on the box—and it can't be
bettered. Try one dose and be con-
vinced. Box 250. Sold at Walley's
Drag Store.
A little more than 70 years ago
there was no such thing as a brass
band in existence. The very first band
entirely of brass dates, in fact, no fur-
ther back than 1835. Prior to that time
even the military mesio was produced
almost entirely from instruments of
Lame Shoulder.
This is a common form of muscular
rheumatism. No internal treatment is
needed. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment
freely twice a day and a quick cure is
certain. This liniment has proven
especially valuable for muscular and
chronic rheumatism, and is sure to give
quick relief. Chamberlain's Liniment
is also most excellent for sprains and
bruises. Pride, 25 cents; large size, 60
cents. For sale by all Druggists.
Bruce county farmers are beginning
to complain of a shortage of water.
In Bruce township they aro drawing
it four miles in barrels, while in Brant
many farmers are driving their cattle
to the river.
His Nerves Weak
Poor Memory, Lacked Vigor.
Lost Employment.
Another ease proving you quickly
get bracing health from
There's a real reason why Ferrozone
It's a true nerve tonin—not a stimu-
lant—it feeds the nerves with nourish-
ment—gives them vital actual activity.
No other tonin in the world like Fen,
rezone, nothing else is ea quick and
lasting in its effects on a run-down, ner-
vous system. "I used enough medicine
to appreciate an honest one," writes J.
B. Beattie, from hie home in Newcastle..
"From babyhood I was not overly
etrong and Was always nervous. I
smoked a good deal, but on the whole"
my hnbita were good. My trouble
first started with a shortening of the
hours of sleep. I would awaken too
early, my appetite was poor, and to
whip it up I used highly spiced and
sweet foods. First thing I knew I had
palpitation on doing a little extra work,
and then an awful tiredness came upon
me, and a strange feeling of dread—al-
most of fear—made me think I was los-
ing grip of myself. My power of mem-
ory weakened and I lost my position.
Then I read about Ferrozone. Say, it's
awfully good to get a medicine that
helps you right off. I don't mind tell-
ing you I was badly soared, and every
dose was almost like sunshine. At once
I began to feel better, and permanently
better I really was, for less than a dozen
boxes made me a well man. Now I can
do my work with any man and I am
grateful to Ferrozone,"
Ferrozone oorreots all enfeebled oon-
ditions of the system, builds up and
gives the body great resistive power
against disease. To use Ferrozone as-
sures lasting robust health. 500. per
box or six boxes for $2 60, at all deal-
ers. Try Ferrozone, do it today.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways oath my coughs and colds."
The trustees of S. S. No. 2, Mullett,
have again been fortunate in securing
the serve:me of Miss Lamb for the com-
ing year. She holds a second class pro-
fessional oertifioate, and bas been a
Normal teacher for five years.
If your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys are
weak, try at least, a few doses only of
Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten
days only, the result will surprise yon.
A few cents will cover the coat. And
here is why help comes so quickly. Dr.
Shoop doesn't drag the Stoinaoh, nor
stimulate the Heart or Kidneya. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the
weak and failing nerves. Each organ
has its own controlling nerve. When
these nerves fail, the depending organs
must of necessity falter. This plain,
yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr.
Shoop's Restorative is so universally
successful. Its emcees is leading drug-
gists everywhere to give it universal
preference. A test will surely tell.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Following the death of Mr. Robt.
Munro of the Port Elgin Times, the
paper has come ander the management
of J. Ross Munro, a son of the de-
oeased editor, who for three years has
been on the writing staff of The Globe,
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure ;my coughs and colds."
The bank check has taken small hold
as yet upon the citizens of Mexico, es.
peoially when amounts of less than $1,-
000 are concerned. They consider it
much easier to pay spot cash than to
give a check for amounts of $50 and
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
Mr. Robt. Johnston, hotel keeper at
Zurich, appeared before P. M. Andrews
at Clinton, on information laid by Is.
'mentor Torrance, charging him with
having sold liquor after hours. He
pleaded guilty, and a fine of $50 and
costs was imposed.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my oonghs and oolds."
The amount of whalebone taken an-
nually does not now mnoh exoeed 25,-
000 pounds. The largest part of this
is taken by the sailors Bailing out of
ports on the Paoifio Coast. A few years
ago the amount taken was no much as
500,000 pounds annually.
Repeat lt:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my oonghs and colds."
Mr. Angus MoLean, barber, of Rip-
ley, and Miss Bell MoLay, daughter of
Mr. John MoLay, 7th con. of Huron,
were united in marriage on Wednesday
evening, January 6th at the home of
the bride. The unptial knot was firmly
tied by Rev. W. A. Bremner, pastor of
Knox church.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the la dies' favorit
medicine. They pure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia,
Without griping, purging or siokening.
It is customary in Spain when an In-
fant first begins to notice things to
plane before it a sliver coin, a sword,
a silver Dross, a book and some fruit.
The object to which the child stretches
its hand indioates aeoording to accept-
ed belief, his future vooation. The coin
is for commerce, the sword for the
army, the cross and the book respeo
Lively point to the ohuroh and the lave'
or learning, while the fruit denotes a
farmer or landowner.
LUCAS Comm. s
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
le senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said. and that said firm will pay the
eum of ONE Ht7NDIt1BD DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the nee of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subeoribed in
e nos this 6th day of Deoember,
my, pro e y ,
A, D. 1886.
(Boal,) A. W GLHASON,
Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal -
1y, and trots directly on the bleed and
mutons surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. 3, CHERRY & 170., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggist!, 76o.
Teske Hail's family Pills for con-
It a small pleoe of loaf sugar is put
into the teapot when making the tea it
will preveut any stain on the damask
or linen, however fine it may be,
should any tea be spilled on the cloth,
Not only does it prevent stains; it
also draws flavor out of leaves, and
much improve, tea.
asmoMgt. X.A-
Roses the
hee Kind You Have Always Boa
Thle total amount of pensions paid
by the United States between 1866 and
1908, inolusaive, was $3,654,663,364 42,
and the cost, maintenance and expenses
of the organization for the payment of
these pensionte during the same period
were $122,574,462 96, a total of $3,777,-
237,828.38, exceeding the amount of
money in oironlation in this country in
1907 by more than $1,130,000,000,
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways oure my coughs and colds,"
The home of Mr, and Mrs. W. H.
Jervis, 14th con„ Goderioh Tp., was the
scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on
Wednesday evening, Doc. 30th, when
their daughter Mias Nettie A., became
the bride of Mr. Thos. J. Anderson,
Clinton. The ceremony was performed
at 6 o'olook by Rev. T. Snowden, of
Holmesville, in the presence of the
immediate relatives of the contracting
Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kin-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They onre backaches, weak bank, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Acetylene is being used in Germany
as an explosive for blasting purposes.
Each cartridge contains slightly lees
than two ounces of calcium oarbide,
yielding about sixeeen quarts of acety-
lene. After wetting the carbide the
confined mixture of generated gas and
air is exploded by an electric spark.
Rook, when blasted in this- way, is not
thrown out, but is broken up into
pieces small enough to be readily re-
The home of Mr. W. H. Cook, maple
St., Clinton, was the scene of a quiet
wedding on New Year's Day, when his
daughter, Miss Minnie, was married to
Mr. Geo, Boyer, Toronto. The bride
were a pretty dress of white organdie
and carried a bognet of white car-
nations. The happy couple were un-
attended but for Miss Helen Howlett,
of Belleville, Michigan, who dressed
prettily in pale bine silk, noted as
dower girl. Rev. Mr. Jolliffe officiated.
Don't Talcs the Risk.
When yon have a bad cough or cold
do not let it drag along until it becomes
chronic bronchitis, or develops into an
attack of pneumonia, but give it the
attention it deserves and get rid of it.
Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
you are sure of prompt relief. From a
small toginning the sale and use of this
preparation has extended to all parts of
the United States and to many foreign
countries. Its many remarkable cures
of coughs and colds have won -for it this
wide reputation and extensive use. Sold
by all Druggists.
As an illustration of the use of cement
it is now, being used:in the construction
of vessels, and Italy has solved the prob-
lem of concrete bargee. They are small
in tonnage but the principle is established
that boats of at least 150 tone capacity
oan be built of reinforced material at
but little higher Dost than of wood in
the first place. But while wooden bar-
ges are worn out in five years, after 30
par cent has been meanwhile spent in
repairs, concrete barges have been used
for eight years without showing the
least sign of wearing out.
The Pure Food Law,
Secretary Wilson says: "One of the
objects of the law is to inform the con-
sumer of the presence of harmful drugs
in medioines." The law requires that
the amount of chloroform, opium, mor-
phine, and other habit forming drugs be
stated on the label of eaoh bottle. The
manutaotarers of Chamberlain'a Cough
Remedy have always claimed that their
remedy did not oontain any of these
drugs, and the truth of this claim is
now fully proven, as no mention of
them is made on the label. This remedy
is not only one of the safest, but one of
the best in use for coughs and colds. Its
value has been proven beyond question
during the many years it has been in
general use. For sale by all Druggists.
The death took place on Monday of
last week of Frank Stott, at the resi-
dence of his son-in-law, John Ft. Gra-
ham, Elgin avenue, Goderioh, at the
age of fifty-three years and eleven
months. The deceased was a native of
the Lowlands of Scotland and name to
this country with his parents when a
mere boy. The family settled at first
near Mimioo, and before owning to
Goderioh Mr, Scott had lived at several
different planes, His wile died twenty-
five years ago et Thornbury, and for the
past ten years Mr. Scott had lived in
Goderioh. He leavee a son, George, of
Toronto, who was at the funeral, a
daughter, Jean, also of Toronto, and
Mrs. J. H. Graham, of Goderioh,
another, daughter. Mrs. Mot,ennan,
of Goderioh, is a stater of the deoeaeed,
and he is survived also by a sister at
Olarksburgh, and a mister in Sootland,
William Scott, of Toronto, is a brother.
Mi -Dna onres dyspepsia. It any of
the readers of The Tlatxa are suffering
from stomach trouble of any kind
Walton MOgibbon will sell yon a box
of Mi-o•na for lin cents with an absolute
guarantee of relief or money back.
Neil Murray of Huron Road, Goder-
ioh, Ont., says: "I suffered with in-
digestion for over four years and had
been given over as inonrable by many
(looters. I had become a nervous wreck
through lose. of sleep, and whatever I
eat did not remain on my stomaoh for
over two hours. I would suffer with
vomiting spells that would almost kill
me, perspiration as large as beads,
wonld break out ail over my body and
leave me in so weakened a condition
that I would be unable to stand, not a
night's rest in over six months and was
so weakened and run down that my
family thought I would die. My heart-
eartwas greatly weakened and would fiat -
ter and a sharp pain would come
through me and out off my breath. I
was reduced in weight from 150 to less
than 110 pounds. Doctors would give
different canoes for my trouble, yet none
of them gave me the slightest relief. 1
oommenoed treatment with Mi-o-ne and
when one half of the first box was used
I could eat my meals without suffer-
ing the dreadful vomiting spells. I
used about ten boxes in all, and I am
entirely oured. My stomach is as strong
as ever and there is not the slightest
trouble with digestion. I have Rained
about 40 pounds in weight, am strong
and healthy and like a new man. I.
will always speak highly of M1.o.na,
as it cured and I believe kept nee from,
sore death when all else failed.
Lives of some statesmen remind us
that it is sometimes better to be ob-
The British Columbia Government
has passed regulations curtailing the'
size of net used in salmon fishing, also
enforcing the regulation that no fish.
be naught from Saturday to Monday..
For Infanta and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
McKenzie, of Teeswater, was the scene
of a pleasing event on the evening of
New Year's Day. This was the' cele-
bration of the 60th anniversary of their'
marriage. Two so and their only
daughter were •home for the occasion..
These were Mrs. John Dick, of Hamlets
Man., a000mpanied by her son Will;
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKenzie and chil-
dren of Guelph, and Mr, and Mrs. Adam
McKenzie and children of Blyth. Be-
sides these wero a few intimate friends•
of town. Dinner was served at four'
o'clock after which a plesant hour was•
spent in toasting the bride and groom„
and in sooial intercourse.
How often do we hear that exolama-
tion of a certain woman's hair or a cer-
tain man's hair.
A prominent scientist and hair speoiai-
idt emphatically states, and has proven,
that any man or woman oan have lux-
nriant. lustrous hair, by using a famous
prescription called Parisian Sage.
Parisian Sage is now made and sold in
Canada, Walton McKibben, the drug-
gist, is the agent in Wingham and the
'readers of the TIMES oan buy from him.
for only 60 cents a large bottle.
Walton McKibben knows that Paris-
ian Sage will beautify the hair, cure•
dandruff and stop falling hair, and for
that reason he &ells it ander a guarantee
to cure or money back.
If you ' cannot obtain Parisian Sage
where you live, you can get a bottle for
60 Dents from Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort•
Erie Ont., express charges prepaid. °
We never saw it in this way before.
A town that never has anything to do in
a public way, is on the way to the ceme-
tery. Any oitizen who will do nothin g
for his town is helping to dig its grave.
A man that nurses the town furnishes
the coffin. The man who is so selfish as
to have no time from his business to give.
to the town affairs is making the shroud..
The man who will not advertise is driv-
ing the hearse. The man who is pull-
ing bank from any find of ante rprize
throws boquets on the grave. The man
who is so stingy ae to be howling hard
times preaches the funeral sermon,
sings the doxology, and thus the town
lies buried all from morrow and care.
1. Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth.
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
8. Prevents calculus concretions.
9. Obviates indigestion.
10. A pi'Cwentative against diseases of
the throat.
11. Restores all nervous energy and rev
vives dee natural forces.
42 Harbord Street, Termite, Ont.