HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-14, Page 5E Clearance Sale An Our programme for January is to reduce stocks as :nuch as possible regardless of profits. 20 per cent. off. 20 per cent. off Overcoats. 20 per cent. off Men's and Boys' Suits. 20 per cent. off Winter Caps. 20 per cent. off Lined Mitts and Gloves. 20 per cent. off Wool Top Shirts. 20 per cent. off 50c and 75c Wool Underwear. 20 per cent. off Lumbermen's and Overshoes Come and see for yourself what we extraordinary prices. call McGee & C ))el CLOTHING - MEN'S FURNISHINGS 4assuingsma,.. w11.1, fawn. . Tom Kerr, of Maple Creek, Seek., is home on a visit. It is a number of -years since Mr. Kerr was here and his many friends weloome him back. Goo. Campbell is home on a visit from the West. He has taken up land and will return to care for it. He gives a good account of the coun- try. The annual school meeting of S. S. No, 8 was held, as par Statute. Jae, A. McNair was elected trustee auooeeding Jae. D. McNair, Ooutract for supply- ing 10 cords of wood was let to Neil McNair at $2.35. John Brown Ferquhareon, who had I been in failing health for the past nine months and who suffered very severely TEM WINGHAM TIMES, , JANUARY 14 1909 137/Pb'1 itiELD, Mra, Wood000k, of Quebec, is visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. A. Hardisty: Mrs, James Henry, of Dutton, has been -visiting with relatives here. Miss Be1va Campbell bas returned to Toronto Nornlal Sohool and Earl Wight - tout to Wingham High School. John Mitchell, of Saskatoon, palled on many of his old friends here last week. They were all glad to see him looking so well and to know that he is prospering in the Weat. 1 7-2 at times, passed away, at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Wm, Shine, 12th con., on Monday, January 4th., aged 24 years, 11 months and 29 days. He was born in Toronto but Dame to Grey when only 4 months old, Deceased hod beeu somewhat unfortunate in meeting with aooidents, one leg being broken three times and one arm broken, these oiroumstanoes interfering aonaiderably with hie health while a child. His mother died 20 year ago and a slater, Mary Isabella, departed this life about' the same time es the mother, aged 3 months. One brother, William, of Mo- Killop, enrVives. William M. Reekie dropped dead at St. Thomas, Monday, rEgre r a ��i'4`�9ra �t�iw w rzu dd°Y 76 '. � 'eil'�.�� � 2 STORES 2 STORES A. YOIIJMG The co. Bargains for January following are offered at bargain prices January only 8 good practical Hammers, cast tempered, each - - 6 good Hand -Saws, 24 -in long, back, each steel, fully 35c with ruled - 75c Of all the saws you ever saw, you never saw a saw, yon never saw a saw that saws like this saw saws. 6 steel Wire Halter Chains, 4% ft. long, each - - - - - 20c BREAD KNIVES.—This knife will cut frosted cake without cracking or crumbling; hot or cold bread are cut equally well; superior as a cold ham slicer, each - - 30c 3 only Soap Stone Cutter Warmers. These stones will hold the heat 1 2 hours on the coldest winter day, each - - 40c 8 polished 4 -tine Manure Forks "D" handle, each - - - 60c I dozer. Handled Axes, each 75c We have an interesting price on Skates and Carpet Sweepers. ENAMELED WARE Soap dishes, each - - I pint Drinking Mugs 9 Granite Tea Kettle - Io quart Preserving Kettles 15c lOc 75c 38c REMEMBER FOR JANUARY ONLY. a for YOIINOES BIG HARDWARE 2 STORES a7 j Dr. Btunliton's Cure for runent,t. AU akin diseases ouch as pimples Originate through failure of the kidneys and liver, All taints that block the nvennee of health must be removed. Dr. Hamilton'a Pills do this quickly, They oleanse the system, make the skin smooth, restore ropes to the oheekB and give clear, dainty complexion. For good looks, good health and good spirits there is nothing so sure ee Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills, 25o. boxes at all dealers. 1 Wi1ITECHURCB. In our report of the house -moving last week we gave McLean as the name of the contractor when it should have been T. J, Cole. The horses driven by J. Kelly were his own and not those of W. Coulter as was reported. Our Western visitors agree on some matters. The lend in the West is good. Winters long, cold and dry. Crops more uncertain than ours. Fruit dearer thou it should be, compared with prices here. Mosquitoes larger and more ferooious, No females to be seen, with baro arms in summer. The Perfection of Womanhood. Who does not envy and admire a lovely woman? The secret of her love. limes, of her perfection, is health. She aleepe well, eats well, digests well—in- tricate functions aro vigorous and reg. tiler. Of all women's remedies, Ferro - zone is the best; it vitalizes the func- tions upon whioh health depends—makes the purest, richest blood, gives perfect complexion and lots of vigor. Every girl and woman who seeks health, vitality, looks—let her get Ferrozone to- day. Fifty cent boxes at all dealers. ST. BELENs. Miss Elizabeth Miller has returned Hamilton. Mr. W. J. Smith has returned to Hamilton. , for 5 cords of wood was let to John D. Misses Mary, Margaret and Lilian Scott at $2.09 per cord. Miss Murdie is Clark returned to their respective schools last week. Misses Eva and Lizzie Salkeld, of Goderioh, were visiting with their aunt, Mrs. D. Rutherford. I3L'inavALE Turnberry Council met in the Clerk's office on Monday. Miss Cora Messer and Mr. Ernest Wylie returned to Toronto University last week. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper WAS observed in Knox Church last Sabbath. There wee a large atten- dance. Ten new membera were re- ceived. Bluevale L. 0. L. gave their simnel oyster supper on Thursday evening. It was a graud mitoses. Dr. Chisholm, M. P., A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. and Mr, Smith, of Wingham and Rev. Messrs. West and Andrews gave inspir- ing addresses and Mc. MoGill, of Blyth, rendered several ohoioe solos. One of those events whioh make glad the hearts of a pastor and his wife occurred on Monday afternoon, when a procession of teems drew np at the Manse, and Mr. West was presented with over 125 bushels of grain and Mrs. West with a well filled purse by Messrs, James Elliot and Robert Black, in the name of the congregation of Iinax Church, Such gifts are appreoiated. not so touch for their intrinsic valve, as for the motive that prompts them. Mr. West was taken completely by surprise and thanked the donors and wished all a Happy New Year and a bountiful harvest for 1909. MORRIS. Walter You'll has been re-eleoted Truetee for S. S. No 6. John Wheeler's son, Alton, a drug- gist in Detroit, has a raise of salary whioh is now over $100 per month, Mrs. Wm. Findlater, 2nd line, has gone to Detroit for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Young. Mrs. H. Beam, Mise Mary, 7th line, and Levi Boom of Saskatoon, are away on a holiday visit with relatives in Tor- onto. An old and veil known resident, in the person of ex• Reeve Henry Mooney, of Weyburn, Subic., dropped in on relatives and friends and will holiday for a time. • At the annual oohool meeting in S, to S. No. 9, Geo. Kelly jr., was chosen trustee for the 3 year term in euocees- ion to John R. Bell. Wood contract Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphrey and family have returned from Yellow Grass, Man. They sold their property out West and will now reside on their farm here. We are glad to have them book again. Bronchitis Creeps into Consumption. Coughing weakens the tubes and makes a resting plane for the baooilli. Why let Bronchitis become established? It's easy to cure—just inhale Catarrh- ozone—breathe in its soothing balsams and relief comes at once. Oatarrhozone is so certain in Bronchitis that every pane is oared. Throat is strengthened, cough stops, irritation goes away, all danger of tuboroulosiB is prevented. For throat trouble, catarrh and coughs, Catarrhozone is The Remedy. 25o. and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. Get it to -day. JAMESTOWN. Tho Young People's Society hero eleoted the following officers for the our - root term:—Hon-Pres., Thos. Straohan; President, Leonard Rattan; Vioe-Pres., Mise Jennie Simpson; Seo.-Treas., Mise Marjory Strachan; Organists, Misses Jennie Snell and Fern Eckmier. Com- mittees are are also appointed to aid in the good work, Rebut and Mao. Hamilton, of James- town, had n gathering on Xmas of their sisters, brothers and mothers. Every person spent a tip-top time and the tables were set in Mrs. Hamilton's best style end looked fine, Every person had all tho goose and turkey they de- sired. After spending an enjoyable day the company departed for their several homes. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton were away for a few days' visit to Drew and had a very enjoyable time, the teaoher. Robert Young was elected trustee in S. 5., No.5, outmoding 0. B. Wilkin- son, who ie now a township Oounoillor. Samuel Irvin will supply the wood at $1.85. Good work is being done iu the school by Miss Scott as teaoher. She receives $400 salary .this year.. James Shurrie, mother nud sister, of the 3rd line, moved to Braasale this week after residence in Morris for a good many years, Mr. Shurrie sold Ids farm to a Mr. Kerr, from New Hamburg, who takes possession now. While sorry to lose the Sherrie family many old friends will wish them pros- perity and will also welcome Mr. Kerr to the township. ST. IIELENS. Mrs. D. Thnrlow is visiting in Wing - ham at present. Miss A. J. Sheriff, of Wingham, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Quito a number of horses have a very bad type of distemper in this locality at present. Mrs. Thos. Edward Finlay spent a Week visiting old aognaintanoes and friends here. The annual meeting of the congre- gation of Calvin ohnroh here was held nn Tueaday,of this week. Wo are glad to report that Mr. Wilt MoGregor is r000vering and will soon be able to reanmo his duties as teaoher. Mre. R. K. Miller and and Mr. and Mrs. John Webster wont to Wingham on Friday and took in the annual Scotch conoert. Miss May Moore and her brother, ltorottl returned to their home in Ohes- "ey rn 4atnriiay after a two weeks visit at the home of Mr, John Millen. Look Ahead for Illness. Sudden illness and pains come in every family—to parents and children alike. But if you have looked ahead, and have right in your home, randy for immediate use a bottle of Poison's Ner- viline—there isn't much to worry over. If it's a Bore throat or contracted chest, apply Nerviline and put on a Nervilino Porous Plaster. If it's colic, cramps, or any stomach disorder, just administer ten drops of Nervilino in hot water. No family medicines are more useful, or more depended upon in emergenoies than Nerviline and Nerviline Porous Plasters. They keep the daoter bill small 25o. each at all dealers. Refuse substitutes. BRUSSELS. Following are the office holders elected for the ourrent term in connote. tion with the 0. O. F. Court, Brussels, No. 24:-0. R., Chas. Ritchie; V. O., John Sherrie; Reo. Sec., W. L, Leatherdale; Treas., R. Leatherdale; Fin. -See., S. T. Plum; Chap., Geo. Thomson; S. W., Jas. Fox; J. W., G. A. McLaren; S. B., Jas. Jones; J. B., W. F. Stretton. "The physscian attend- ing me prescribed, on Illy rallying from an attack of rheumatism, your Scott's Emulsion, which I have been taking every winter since. 1 find it most valu- able in strengthening and building up one after a severe illness. I have not had rheumatism since the time mentioned above and I owe it to your most valu- able Emulsion. It is my life now, and makes me strong and healthy."—R. PICAR.D, Grand Ligne, Quebec. For two hundred years be- fore Scorr's EMvrsioN came Cod Liver Oil was used for rheumatism. Scott's ti Si n is modernized Cod Liver Oil; the purest and best oil partly predigested, made palatable and suitable for the most delicate child or invalid. It enriches the blood, tones up the entire system, and drives out rheumatism. ALI, DRUGGISTS Let ns Bond you a copy of Mr. Pioard'n letter and other literature on the cub. loot. A Yost card, mnntiontngthit paper, 1e auftiotent. SCOTT & SOWN. E 126 Wellington St., W. Toronto o'oloek Wednesday morning, January 6th, at the home of his brother-in-law. Alex. Stewart, Qaeen street east. Brussels, at the advanced age of 82 yeara. Mr. Ferguson was born in Glen- garry Go. and came West about 1872 when he purchased a farm on con. 5, Grey, whioh he sold when ho camp into Brussels 25 years ago. For the past two years he was in failing health but was always able to get about nntil recently, He was a vigorons man; a faithful member of the Presbyterian ohnroh and a Liberal in politica. After being in failing health for some time, yet only absent from the store for a trifle over a week, John G. Skene passed peacefully away on Saturday forenoon, January and, deeply mourned by a wide oirole of friends. Our late lamented citizen was born in the town of Banff, Scotland, on December 9th, 1841. He was the second son of John Skene, who was many , years chief gardener to the Earl of Fife, at Duff House. John Skene, sr., emigrated to this country about the time of the Crimean War and settled in Essex, where he established a business and was also an esteemed elder in the Presby- terian ohuroh there until his death. The subject of this sketch received his education in the Grammar School of Banff; emigrated with his family about the age of 14; lived short periods at Oampbellford and Streetsville, and ultimately reached Brussels in 1877 as assistant to his brother-in-law, John Alexander (Lion), a well known mer- ohant of that early period. He married Miss Nellie Wilson, of Streetsville, the now bereft widow. Two or three years later he oommenoed business for him- self on the site of the present stand but the building was deetroyed in one of the many conflagrations with whioh Brus- sels has been visited, Upon the lot Mr. Skene erected the present substantial store and residence. Mr. Skene was the faithful and effioient Secretary -Treas- urer of Melville ohnroh for 17 years. Ile was also a member and Seoretary- Treasurer of the Board of School Trus- tees for 14 years, and was absent from the meetings only once during that long period—a rare example of fidelity to duty. It would be diffi.oult to find any one who took, or is likely to take, such active interest both in ohuroh and school and he was instrumental in saving dollars to both these institu- tions. After an illness extending over six weeks, caused by dropsy and heart weakness. Peter Ferguson, an old red, dent of this locality passed away at 5 Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthrttatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe h a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach'? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti. septic is tarried over the diseased surface with every breath, pivingprolonged and constant treat- Mont. It is invaluable to mothers with shall childten. Thoseof a consumptivti �S tendency find immediateGu�.lOA relief from coughs or in. flamed conditions of the tie throat. Sold bq druggists. Send postal for booklet. trotsetuc, Mtr,trs CO., Limited, Agents, IVioat- real, Canada 307 ee a Isard's January Stock Reduction Sale WEST WAV MtOS 1. The figeres in last week's municipal cleotion in this township were as fol- lows:— For Reeve:— Medd .«,.. 265 Bailie 217 For Councillors;— Thompson,.,, . 277 Aitoheson ,.., .,.. 283 ,225 Wilson ,..444 41.1... 217 Mallongh .208 Murray 1,46 187 Errington 4 i Watson - Mr. ,Tttstioo Mabee severely criticized the express companies in connection with the new tariff at the Railway Com- mission sitting in Ottawa, giving them to understand that it mud be modified At 01108. Ji C —s Discount ding the month Tais is a great MONEY SAVING chance for you. DON'T MISS IT. Remember this is a genuine reduction, not off good's too highly priced but off our CLOSE CUT EVERY DAY SELT.ING PRICE'S. Come early and make your selections while the stook. is heavy. 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Coats 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats. 20 per cent. off Ladies' Coats. 20 per .cent. off Ladies' Fur Ruffs, 20 per cent. off Ladies' Fur Caps. 20 per cent, off Ladies' Fur Caperines. 20 per cent. off Ladies Fur Muffs, 20 per cent. off Children's Coats. 20 per cent. off Girl's Tweed Coats. CLOTHIN 3 DEPARTMENT Your choice of tw ,usa.nd dollars worth of clothing. 20 per cent. off M Overcoats. 20 per cent. off .M. , Suits. 20 per cent. off Meu s Fur Coats. 20 per cent. off Men's Fur -Lined Coats 20 per cent. off Men's Pants. 20 per cent. off Men's Reefers, 20 per cent. off Boys' Overcoats. 20 per cent. off Boys' Suits. 20 per cent. off Boys' Pants. 20 per cent. off Boys' Reefers. 20 per cent. off Men's Fur Caps. Move quick and save 20c on the dollar. CARPET DEPARTMENT Our stock of Carpets and Rugs is far TOO LAntUE and must be reduced before Spring stock arrives In order to quickly reduce it we will give 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF Wool Carpets, Union Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Mattings, Wool Rugs, Union Rugs, Tapestry Rugs, Brussels Rugs, etc. Bring along your Batter, Eggs, Pity' and Dried Apples, taken as cash during this sale. H. E. 'SARI) & CO. g Bork Store The Aftermath waramormowntransamaresom The holiday rush is over, and we heartily appreciate the large share of your trade that we have received, at the same time realizing that our patrons have been given good value for their dollars. School Supplies. We have a large stock of books and supplies for both Higit and Public School students, and will be pleased to have your orders. - Your Reading • Matter. The reading matter which you supply your children is an important factor in their development. We have a stook of some of the best works of standard authors. We invite you to come in when wanting anything in this line, and if we have not what you want, will order it for you. Limoges ! Limoges ! ! Some very nice patterns in Limoges and other Faney Count await your inspection here, We may have just the piece you want ' to fill out a set, Your orders will be appreciated. ,hesnmehems•whh.hor mss. s:;,.. Elliott and WaIIoy .rllor1itraou l tl BIG Book STlli2$, 1