HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-22, Page 5• • n ; t .• • • . 4 . • r • . 8 urcitimit,sorrudir; lintikobo, $,Othorr • Council 'Met, pursuant to Statute 'n jan. 12th at the •"rownship. Ripley at it„ni. and the- Members'. Juane thid wsubscribed the Peeler- ations. of ,. Office and Qualifications „(atter electron). as follows: Reeve: W. J. Markey; .Deputy-',Reevei John Enmierton;.. 'Councillors:* Robert,. Ged- des; Thos. E. Morgan and Daniel S. 'McDonald, „ , iMinutes ',of last inestin'g were read and' adePted. ' • nerton-Morgari: The. Robert Irwin !be appointed Cleyk." or this TOwnsbip Pro' ten wad the - 'meeting. Carri. • MeDonald-Eminertozi: o That we retappoint Alex Patterson and,- Ri- chard •Graham, sos Auditors fotan: year 1925, ta be. approved • of' by R$', 'La* 'carried.• EinrnertiOn-,•McOorialdi : ,Tbat :the :ReeveTires... E. Morgan; .Dr., D.R. 'FinlaYs.on. nd• the Clerk be appoint ,• ed the :Loa l Board of- Health- for the, year .1025 4a` be ,:appreVed of linr,,IRY7. LaW.•*Carried. • ,. : ' , . , ' Einmerton-Oeddee: .. Th a t •• t he C1,erk be autherited -eO-Pu,blish:' •the Aet feCording*the'duties of the Read 'Sulierinterinent.`,...ann:-;Ceuricif .in ton- . ._ , . .. . . , :nectiOn with Work in the ToWnshin, •Carried h-- " . , • , ' • •Extract. frorChapter 27, ptatatea .of Ontario 1924 An Act: respecting' Highways.: , , -• . ••, • ' . , „ . Township `•Road ••. 'Superintendents: "The, council ef any TOWnship Mari. iciPnlitY in„ -Which statute loner has been abolished by by-Iaw,•ahall :by • by-laws: . ePpeint a' town:thin -road, superintendent who, Sunject to the .direction Of the ouneil; shall lay out cc and supervise ll 11 work and iiiSpect all roads' within the-:exeliisiveliffie:7 „..„.-tliotion-arflie, township 'council, and, ' the 1V1iniOter may direct that out of the ' Highway •• Improvement Ftind fifty per ,Ceiftuin of the salary •and expenses .• tit . , spel.superintendent paid ..by. the Township shall be re7 Unhorsed' 'by the Province!! .• . . !7he superintendent aPpointed, un. .der.. -this 'section , Obeli conform: t� such general-regulatiotis .aa' the Der Pertinent may :prescrine. . McDonald -Geddes: . •T h at ' t h e Wageo be: S0-tente per, hour for Man, ankteein, and. 25 cents- per hour. .for .4' Men •for the:year.,102n, Carried, Morgar-EminertOn: Th , . : .orl e 71V1unicipal. World for ' six • copies for the 'year 1925. Carrion.; '• ' •': . Geddesr-McDcoiald: ‘,..•Th at the • 'Clerk be, authorized!, toadvertise for 15000' feet, of °Plank! 3 inches ' thick and 16 „ft) long, . either 'hemlock • or •teinarac; delivered in -Ripley.; Carried' Tender* to :be, :opened :first .. of . Feb - •• . •rt., ri•••• et.ift1110y7Q1400Wilirlit..1. : ,1s4.000. .$14,1y .t . :.the 1;f0fer..:1‘lx." • , The alittve• piettire .,eilatains ti. nuniber' Of 'Objects beginning. witit•the ,letter 'n''',....,Tiltik•tiore a good ItiOk at tke. IBeture-Aherit,•gre th sorts' Of things that begin 'With', the letter "P."--1"prippY'', .":4:pittiniltin",,, "paddle", :''porse°' ' etc... Nothing'. Is hidden; • yeti. don't !Mire' to ..torti the, picture 'upaide.down..- ...I:nuke. ' o , • i .. it list Of all..the objects: In. the pletare the klit111e$ Of ',open begin. wiih the letter. "r" . •Ifitrti,thit ivItole.. ifittnili, join .1n• -see• Ithiteau• 'find' the most., ...Den't ittiss any Fifty. °aid? ' prlies Wilt ' he ..awarned for . the fifty boot tints • or Words Sultinitted. -Phe AnsWei 11a*Ing the largeSt, and nearest pfirreet list of beet, Seeonti Prlie, ete.. • . •• VISIble 'objects shown In • the pletitre•,starting wlth .*.the' letter "P" .Wlill be ..a`Wardee.flpst. prize;• 'seeond . • • : „ . . . ,.. • ,.. - . , . , , . , • . :., . - Youniand old Jnain...the.Fun• . .'The ',Mall .'faltd..tmntre.'annettriee,s .today' • --another- puzqe..game . in wItieh. :all can mallet, .• ,:pate-...fritut the. tbdeat child to grandfather and ' grandmother.' : No. 'object is SO small .hut -':that : • the.poorest eyesiglit eau see it. '. It 12 a' test of :' ' • . skin, Yolli.- at!ilit.V'te 'Anti !9[*!!' words det,,er,-..--- ,Oilne0., the Prize yOnovin. , .Rig•ht. after . stipPer thiS evening, :gather all,' the Members; of. your family together; :give titelt :Of 'them a Pencil ..: -• .• and sheet of' paper -and :see who .ean, 'fluid the '. . Most "inWordsOi, Tod' will be surpritted, to . find' how largo.. a 'list -of ' words you'.cyan get :. 'With, a fen, '. minntes,,, study.' ' Slit ..clown NOW . 'and'IryTit.,-,T1ten, Send. IB your list and try for -.- the big 'priSes, '. Observe These Rules .• 1..Any man, wemen or thild'..who' itv'es and Is Mot., a reeldent df• Toronto, and . wile Is. not ••ln. :the; employ of. The -Mail. and Empire;. or a member • of an employe's:family, initY submit -an. ansiver.' S. Alt ,anewerm Must .be mailed ; by February 'ith, 1925; and neeroBera. .c: A. Montgomery,. 'Puzzle. . Manager,- Mall and 'Entitire, ' • ' •• • ' •• 8.•All lists' of names should be- written, on one -.side • • of 'the Patter .only.. and:numbered consequtivAy .: • 8, ete. Write your .and address/1n the tup per. right haud- -corner. 11 You ,., desire to i•wrtte • any- thing•else. atte a. meliorate sheet '• • •• . .,..• .4: Only such. words • as appear 'in the English Die- • thinary, will be counted.' . Do not ' nse, obsolete words: • ' . where . the littoral' le used,: the singular 'cannot be • '• • ..,•countedi..tuidvice versa. ' ' • : • 5. Words' bf..the same Spelling can be 'used. only 'once, even though' used -to desIgnateAlfferent, Object* • .inticies,,or Parts Of ObJeCte or , An• .Object .or • article can .naMed only fnni,e.• ' .11.1110 not Wm hyphenated' or eompound Words, or r' any words fornied,by the•combiiiatIon tif two or mine . • Ibomplote: .wOrdeya where 'each • word in Itself Is .an • object .7.; The answer ..lintIng the. large'st and. nearest cor- • meet list cif, 4114411,0801visible • (Alecto • and Articles ,* In the\ pleture,--that-', begin -with-Pio -letter Will be . awarded First' Prize: etc. birettneme, fityle • or ' ,bandwriting. have 110 •bearlaig asiondeeldIng ,the • . ' .Answere will . receive th0 flay. . Prizes 'soots -ding to the table 'beloW . • Prize. If . No: Prize•tf One Prize if' 'Pwo• _ Salweriptions Subitarlittien ',Sulaneriptions. . .are sent. . le tient: arci'ocnt. 11 PRIZES st Prize: , $35 *500 2nd frize...1 •35 500 3rd Prize. . . ; 39 • 500 "4th Prize.... 25 250 500 5th Prize... 26 150 300 Oth Prize.., 15 * /00 ZOO lth."Prize. .. 10 75 . ISO 8th Pr4e.,..:4 8 50 100 01h Prize. „.„6 30 - GO l'Oth Prize. , . '5* 25 50 llth• ZO ' 40 12th Prize.. • 15 30 20 13th to 206 rizei hit/us-fie 21st to.•. • Prizes iucluziee• 1:50 - 7.50 15, ,rn the eve* of tte for any prize offered, the foil asno,unt of such wits will be paid each tied . par,Pcipant. CIN 01[..• ,,, „. s. .7•• . • .., . ... ....,.. .Are -Three .. 0 . ., Prizs.:.... . ,, , 8. Any number 01 People may•cO•opernic. in' answer- '; ' The '1",i,Vnre" zn.nuro, Puzzle, Garne'im: a eanfamign.: te lo:•. ,.. . 'Ing ' the PU*710; but only one prize...Ay:Ill .lie nerizrd,ed to •• .creuse .the populaHty ,of 'elle-Noll and. Emoira• ••,lt poste noth-1••-• . 'any one household; nor. twill, prizeg.he awarded. to. , Ins. to' ;she •pa•rt. sod 'sot. cto -.hot hove tei solid lir, a •mIng1.0' sub- ••. ' "Mora than .one. of 800 'Wroop where 'two or more ,Itart • • 4- i. to• win a. ;Wee,' Jr', your ll'et .of "F•,Worde" Is if waill- 'been working..together; .. • ; ., - • • ,.. • , ••• . „ral • Plain', SECOND • On '1'!! UD Prize by •the Judges you• . ., a. In the event cif .a- tie. for 010, Prize offered,. the- ' will .'yvin $.36;' hut 'if you .would like 46, .got mote. than ;31, WO , .. fan amount-. of suCh arise ,will be.',,awarded -to.,•eitch , ' irlitke ' Viler . COI lowlnit s iecial offhliwhoroh,y_oon—oa-n-,-w•lir-biImor— ttod-pnrucipant-A.: ' --,-_. . ' • I -. --• • ,. . • . . •east 1 a w son. ois, in•K.1141 or. 7170 sulFOrptiOhS tO Thc... •. 10. Subscriptions . Meth new. and renewal),, lirtkaldu Mall4,,atid pronn.p.., ' . ' , ,.. • . .... . , •,th .ndvanta at. $8.00 •per year .by ,inall :•In Conamdo, ,or 1 '. " EblitE'S 4-10w: ,If citr..answer .to 'the ' "'-\V .:.V • Plc:tine. . , '1116.00 .per yeardelivervLby carrier boy in ,1,1a atilt:: : . 'Pu;;;T.10.. lyins FIRST, SE' :,•i'- OR • '1!! 71(4) Prize, - and ) ni '• 'will 'he noeOpted.• ifoilroVor. In' atudifYlne for V!.•.,.. have Serif: hi oneryeitrly' mobster! otion:. to' •Tho 'Malt' and EMPire.• ° ° ,S1.000, Hellas .ne*ardib '" Iedet ''.°"e '"•e* !mIlb,I.TriPt,... •at 45.00 ..1)Y till lo ',Cale an'. Or. $'6.00. dediN'eted by 'efir i tor hoy ,• ' must ibe Amin 'In.. :-• • , HatreIton,...you. win :receive t556,. Instead...of SU: fourth Prize.; , 110f A' Wets- Suliserlber is nilyttnit Who bait not iteOn .: $250: rum prize', ,$150, end zo; forth', • Oise . serend,..eolurith.• of . receivInA: The Moll'it.rid Eniptro alneft Jitimary15t1t. .. ni,nreg %in brize 2, . . . . .. . ; 4., 12,i Ail answers will receive the smile. cons.00rotlor.,. • . ,.• , . „ ., „•, • reit:010w of. whother 'Or not .n. sitbseription to The .; : • Orr, 'if. • YOur• . ittisn Pr tiltni ',FIRST, .". SEcoNn .pr• • Taint): , , Malt and Empire bi Adrit'in. • • . 1, • .• •••Prizo, tin& you have. 'sent In two yertrly •Nobt.criptIons to .yin.. . - , 13.''Ail new euboveriPtions 'AvIli:14. Carefully .v..eit• Mali' mid Empire .(cue new :1 4,(3 ,one renewal 0!' 1440 mew sub- .' ' fled ar, the ..Puzirle Manager. Candidates' murialig..eht . scriptionia," yiar win rcieelVe 11 ,ONi 111 piaci, of 135; 'fonrth. priZe, •SubgerIPtiOna aS WM* WIII pdeltiVtfly .forfot the, oredlt ..., 5500; fifth prize,. •00.•.;,... And i40 • fOribi. ISCe AWN •e0lbp1111 CC • of such -sublicriptions ns 'qualifying, for the" Blazitunin figures hi prkie .110.) • • • • • 6,, •• , • : . . r::,,,,.. .' 'Bontui • ItOwnr10.9. ' '' , •• ••, • • - ... • ' ' r • .110ii% 3t4 33,4)4 fOr it liberal offer? llut, T-Odli, there are Miro° ' IC Three, proniinent Toronto. citizens, 'burins, MP .' $1,000 10,1zg's,• .TbCi% fare. If )ott Mond PritSTJ •SEAZONI) or • ,. 'conuectidn with ' The • Moll and ' Empire, will be . le- . T111:11). •• ttind bare sent •ht 4940 •••:.en'ily. stibseriptions .at Slred• • 1eet.11 to net tut Judges to doeide tie, winners, astir .' yl•fie, by: MAI! 'ig'' ota00. delivered by, eli,4•1r bin. .111._ittunk•. .poirtietputits by winding.in .thelr Hats agree to accept tot, (osp,rpew-ood'-olo-repeomi-:•tp..t.tro it,„.r, rot -rim/ ,t,, i; the -decision of fiii. •Jinfges as hunt aind conclumire. • ,lt taleee.00.. two 4„,,orly 60,814.1,vitenN. at 44,00 ,r, yenr eneji (00, ,... 15. Tho judge.; will :Meet on tre4ruarY 18th,' old, neir OW One renewal or tWo nevi') to (444435 3' for .tho big' $1;040 aninitineement of ti' Prize Whiners -and correct' :IPA rewar,ds. Attsolutel:,.,. V. -sof. Is tile iinixlictori, yip; ,ron do two with,. , !of .words- w11114 published...hi The Mail and EziwirC OH • 3103, el 01(011, .l'ont; Don' toitincrititIOn..1.rm coutir. Wo Atilt stilto• telto ;quickly, thoiractor 0.0 Potrahle• • • .I. . , .• .' subserirf lions • to • siert t' t . !thy futtwo • da te.. Jest Iturric on your .' Extnii.t ARGIF.PICTutiwruzzz'x SI272T ,Irit'D ,Q.N. ... orfirr IViiril 1;011 ,Want till. paper to.,stort and we Will •not ooni• . . .1tEODEST: . • . •.. • . . •'. niehee delivery. until „vow i. . • , • , , .. . , ... ..... , ... , . Subscriiitio.it Rates --Payable in adpqnee.'Tlfg'IVIAlkend IF.71.7PLA.P7'. i tki)..vhere in Caruie,icr • 14' Mail 45. go- Per 'Yefir..„Delieerect fv..ca.rrier By in liqrniitpn dr Li A .. t•ciuti, ..,Se Per Year r 'Rural liOute.. , Tins offer. online:4 • Co it iii.ir Tiniiie `patrons, • as ' W.ell as '2 tt bi,•crIbOrf 11 Vifi:g* . in e I ti 00 : ' rind towna. " if you. are already, reeelVii•ig The ...null: and_EJM„, 15.,11:0,.3'-epr..sph..-- saripticip •:,',.... Subseribers 45.00 and Mialify for .the bIg', prizes'. . . . . will 'be'. extended fr6..rn its nrosent -oxoration„. . nenn . int a ,yearlsi sub.gerlp,tiori!' at . , . . . . . . , . • • C. A. • Montgontem tiE Puzzle Manager, • Dept, • AIL ND ToRco,,NNTA0r;A- • -Perhaps "edueation ;doesn't, pay the old day's few". Could Write. t -' The tratnrr who Tainted *hen' :tented" .not have been Perbaps't 'COP- snoke-tO. A 'pookevfull of 'rye ketiuites 140rib.;t44A,I., " r • 'Pheres Oig/itof *e 00440044 ted*Oli ,the 9YOrneAgi , 'the, ,to go ••■••••"";"": it is ail rig..t or g out riding if. leY — '1Winet•gio to fez... . n uts itnat WE% 'ca"e .katdil-inoidati'pl,10141tuuttin'a,wg).:eki.,a boy does it • „The Only..remaining people who, be-. lieve- all 'they read, are thene, who rending. . . init•-cake'neetna .keeP;ienget idet it- liesn't hOeit :004h,04 puithiug , AlcHOY.--McDonald: Tli t, this Council place •on . record an expres. sion of its deep regret ,at the death. of our late Clerk, .Mr. Angus yfart- 374 Whose presence and. guiding hand we all so, sadly !•rniso at.thie meeting. I For thirty years ',he ,.pefferliled the various:. duties . of :his important :office 'With industry and zeal, and un- selfish 'devotion to the work, and We feel that his place 'is indeed hard. to fill. He was. a ,safe 'Counsellor and the -members- .and Officials of .tbo Township Connell heti' alWaya the fullest confidence in his mature nudg- , Mee ,cerat'P011.Olerki 'and Rent, of Polling .BoOthll f9r. last Muairipal EleetiOn. Carried, ..,. • kiDona14-4e4de5: That ithat TOT 'turn 'Of the Collecktra Roll, Ile 03;" tended until our nentt meeting of • council and that the collector be empowered to colleCt alitaxei of the tovvnsnip with all the liowRra • cell" feirect on C011ectorn Carried. Morgair---Einnierteni , t •thir, Connell place itself on record.,:thl# t;oy have no.Jobjection to the village 40ing ineorporated..• Carried. ,But .of VeOrge 'printing Ballots .$10.0(n„was ordered' • torgen,-EmnicrtOni• That. an Or, der be lune& 0n the Treasurer • in o'efvierrInefro7,. W'enrsahwirif9V:dlglirireeualstliurerti 4QPiqr'fgrfip..0?1). being usual grant earried. • ., • McDonald=r, Morgan; T h. at th( sitigeenr itilno.c1;dcel:iserle 0-'nbet.hattithTerretlicaduot •'Arrioss49.1 obr o the Cionwnels.lh. oitif of Rur9n Oarriedn. • • • , •Morgon-vEnuertoni That. ;:cirders; tbne;esued on e „T.": r4tSi sr ": let; 't'enloetirneeyr Cataract. .1924. Wm..,Sutlierland 42.00 'refund of dog tax; W. B. Wilkinson ..,$4.00 refund of.•female.;cloir tai; Wxn: *air .$2,00 refund of deg tax: carried. • Morgen-EmMerton: That •on: der be, issued .9n the Treaburer •iavor of the Hardt and Kintes,S .Vlunicipal Telephone . System. •for ,4,3,000.09 Carried: . MitcRaY--,McDonald: That •leave be given' to introduce ByLaw 709 a_-_-_,Hy..,..LawL.oftlie,'"Tifft-llup 04. Huron to appoint certain .0flicera-of • cite said Township 'for the ;year 1925 and. that said ,By -Law :be now read w.filrageticatititeG.eCodaelledlft,• t. top,: a By -Law Of the Township' :of Simon to ,previde for apnointment .oi certain' officers for the year 1925, kviid a • first time; be now. read ,a .second end third time and finalTY passed, 31gned sealed 'Carried:: ' •4 • , • MaCkaY7--1VirpOnald: That leave be giren:introdurie .13r -La* No. 710, a' By7LaW.of .the Township of Huron Of the .County of Bruce. to appoint a Municipal .Board of Health for' the •nae e -thain-7t ' Ennterton-4-Morganz: TWO- Ili -Lar 'no 710, a By!'•Law of the Township Hairtin,-, in the County Of Bilk@ -to APPoifit a local Board of Health- for zhe said Township 'of Huron for the /ear 1925, now reed a first tithe, be aow reed' a seeond• and third time, and fine* 'passed, signed and sealed. arried • •: • • McDOnald-•-Eminerion: That. leafe oe given to introduce BytLow No. 111, n BY-lawof the Township ofHu- r�n, in' the County ,of Bruce, • to fix he salaries of officers 'of 'the 'Town - 'ship, Of Enron for the .year 1925,. be .oan read a first time. Carried. Ennnetten-MeDonald: •. BY - La* No,,711,01;by-law of the Town-, .ship. Of Huron,. in ',the •County of '•drtace..to fix the salaries of officers %Of• the Township of Huron for the year1925, now read a .first time,' be now ,read.it secon,.andthird time, and finally passed, signed and'pealed.:, Car - • , ROLE' V- AND 'ITIC/NIT firs. John 31unntia ilniisnosatt thla week. . 'A•Pgait 404#. returned .inve,rhnren,;,, , ,au,..fteri0c.frO.10. 'On„attack Of illness. • to. Mrs- 4- Mair 18 Visiting Honorer thia week,' ' Mr: G. H. Ruttle 18°J/wring to his 'new residence on .Jessie `Mr.; W. 1.1. Henry 'wason the sick list for a few daYs last week; • , Cainpben has had the inistortnne to break' her arm; , • r, Angus McDonald' is: nientling the , onths withw friends.:in Ooderich. 1 . ,,•• ' • Mr John, MeDoriald- who has been visiting ., his .parents, en- Coneslott 'Eight' has returned to•_Ottawa, g. ay to retarned that CRY.", attend. their firtheea Intierar hair Mc- Leod, is still confined to the houise che ankle while skating. ' ,as. a result of injuries ,•received ont A very enjoyable_ concert was mit .on the town haii. Fri4fty night by Clark talent.''The ioneert was, follow-. -ed. by a.. successful 'dance'. I Mr. Charles *Channeldisposed- .business' to Mr. Gordon , SOW- Of, Langside." Mr.-Seett aill take' possession shorklY. R. llilartyri has ..been'an pointed. •Secretary -Treasurer Of the 'Ripley Hydro SyStemnand Secretary Treasurer'. of the Ripley School Beard,. ,,suceeeding his father, ',tile `late Angus Martyn. ,Mr. Eric, Martyn OeriOusl • • Ill . , • With appendicitis at Harper. Hospital •.Detroit. His ..parents • Mr, and Mrs. Redbrick, Martyn have gone to that city and :latest reports are:that Erie • "' • , . • , • in ma ers pertaining to, Mon-. • • , icipal*''1.,aw 'and, Proceetiore.° . Morgan-Erninerten: That leave be inren, to introduce BY -Law No. .712,- , by,laW 'Of the Corporation ef: the fewnship of Huron, to provide for appointment of Auditors.fer, the year. 1925, for the "TOwiiship .of Hu - von, and that said By••Law .be now read a first thrie.. 'Carried.: 1VIckay-.-MCDonoldi, That' ' No: 712, a Byrlaw. Of ,the Corporation sof the Toiwnshh) of Huron, autherib; nig the appointment of . Townshir his long service,' theduties of 'his' :office brought hini, into contact with representative. men. from all pert*: of the 'Township, .whose. confidence . and filendsnip he : readily acquired . end always.retained. His death is 'a great loss to: the Township of Huron,and ' his ,inem011 long be cherished • by those -whoni,-tie so faithfiilly ser- ven:Jto, his serrovving 'wife and fam- ily we .'WOUld e ress our deepest syinpathy, and Join with -them 'in, Auditors for the year 1925, now read MI:naming' the Cutting2off-oa-life---efiL ,a, --first -time,The-read.--"--a--=Second-and nsefolness,' and of a loving husband thirdtinie and finallymissed, signed and father, and that a -copy of this' mid Sealed, COrried., : resolution , be signed by the ' Reeve - Geddes-.,-,-Eininertoni .That leave be .and ' Clerk and be rewarded " to Mrs,' ,1<iven to introduce Ily-LaW, NO 713, Maityn, :and also publishe.d ' in the a • By-law of', the -Township of HUP011'i Minutes. Glirried n • • , ' ,t) authorize the 'borrowing of Certain t'ilimertert-Morgen: ' Th at this 'monies from the Royal Bank of Can,. Council denow acifinirn to. meet 'ado .to meet the now current exnendi- again on .Friday, - January 16, 1925 'wires of the Corporation of the4Toiwn.7 at the usual hour and Place. Carried. Shin: of Huron for the year 1925, be _Rebert Irwin- " - .'W:• J, Ma.c1Cay now read a firsttinee. Carried. '' , Clerk. Pro- ten: ' -- '. Reeve: - '.EmitertonGeddest That by-law . . 'No. 7,13, a• by-law of the TO of Hur Another Meeting •• Council met pursuorit. tO adjeura- • ' • " ' ' ' the County a • Brace to au-. 1 ,horize the borrowing 'of. -certain menV 0r1 Jan. '16th at)J) w"" moneys from the Royal. Bank of Can- -ado to -meet the-enrrentlexpenditures- ' Reeve.' W; J. MocKay ! .iii'',the chair. '. ••11inmhers-•-were---all' reoeliff.'Mauten Mated by Thos: Et'. Ithimati; See, IV the' Township now read a' first tinie, be now read a second • and third time, and finally for the yeor 1925, of•last meeting were rend arid adopt-, o dsigned, and, sealed. Carried.. pas e ,, iiy.Johir EmMerion, That this, Court- Emmerton7--Morgrui.: That leave ell appoint Ross H. Martyn Town- be given' to introduce by-law No; 714 ship • Clerk, until such 'time' as - the 6. by-law of. the Township of Huron rinag,e; Of •Itipley is, incoperated, to provide for expenditure on Town,. providing Ineorporation ' takes plaee ship Itoads; for the Year 1925, and in 1925.' Carried . that.said loy-law be now relid :a first . . , morgan-keDonald: That orders be time. Carried, • I issued on the Treasurer .in.favor of ' Vorgan-Enimerton: Thatby-law the folieWing, parties; Robert Mc- No 714, "a br-law d the Tp..of. linr- Cosh 'for Work , done '.ori_l_Roati..6 In_ POD -the County. of Bruce to provide, 'T524 • $2,..0O7Titory McLennan; • John for expenditure on Tp. Roads for the Eitninerten; ,Wm, J. Mackay; ThoO,. year 1925, new read a first time, be .E. Morgan, and •Executors' Estate of ' riOw road a second and third time, Late Angus Martyn $13.60 each cOxn• and finally panned, signed and sealed ering Expenses • to Toronto re Bruce Carried. .1 • • • • • ' ,13each; Robert Chaplin Work -„with • Emmerton-Geddes' That leavebe man and teativen Road 4 in 1924. given to introduce by-law- 715 a by- C,arried. ' , . ••• laW of :the Townehip of Huron in the McDonald•L,Geddee, • Th t t.h 6. County of Brutetoapnoint .a This- • Citric be instructed to adtertise for tee for the Memorial ,paik for • the Collector and: Assessor' fer. ,the year 1920, be no* read, a•first thno year 1925. Carried Carried. • • h o t 'h e IvieDonaldanamettent That ko • , • Road Stnierintoriderit .renert :every'nlaw" No,. 715.'a %NIS:1k • the: Tp; of „ *three -, Menthe et Work Amin, and, that, the: Count 01 Bruea:, tc appointii..trUstee. for the Memorial Park 'for the:Year .1925, :read a first time, be riOttt read'a seeendi and third :thne,,, and filially, .passed,: signed and sealed, :Carried . " anO • be lamed' on the Triaaater .favor of Robert-laWin for eitpenses. to Toronto, re Bruce Iletich,„ $13:60 , :Carried. `' 'Bill itobett..frW‘. ter 4XPonses to Walkerton and cOst•$9.75 was or, 'tiered to be paid,' .• ' he be paid quarterly, Carried.... Vhionerton7-Geddes:' That orders, iselied on •the ,Treasurer in favor f the follevvitig partiep, ainble $4,00; John 'Wilkie $2.00. R •-rent.oLWoodman's Hall 1.00; R. Itobertsoif'$4.00;„lohn atty.42:00; 'Trustees • S,, S. No; -3' :00; Robt." G, SWaltvell 14,00; An- us Martyn $2,00. Donald MeChar•• " 001 }Iowartl McGuire $2.00; McGuire $3.00; Eligh/r $4,06;, John W. Robertson, R. Wit, 3,- rnhain $2,00r iny McCormielt. Orange /Lill Rent • . so t'ou• don'i meet Mat.:,7 girls tedavt-.1 ,/".anoe%,.they..laave,40,Stay ct home charm , . ,•, .4.,hre'f, is .4 ;city Inatiowlia.tlinikv,a: nrliasiit::•kgot #11,ythigg, 'do the ' .•.porgs.fr . . -McKav-MDonnl4:- - That -the Ten. der of 'Mooney of the Rinlev t(.1 be dCIT*1°Pefi- 4'?,:PqA9100-0, 414,tafr:s $3.00 c,iAt above "10unti "repreSent ''.thxellryeesailt tlir26i;elleitt---$1;:vogt,, .1111prirtliftif bia(Slr: illthr4141`leit:00. TIT(If1); 14)4619; • , pl4ttei)" Cam,?aalls • • , pa .. • tirni*improved7--- • Mi. ' Reed of Lucknoiv and the zouncil of. the Thiof Huren, Who have' been, negotiating re- ference to Opening Moving-. picture show. in the ,have,.been unable to arrive, at an agreement' and Ripley citizens will ."probablY have 'to -eek entertaininerit some' other way.•• ThniVete On the ehiirelr Union' ques- tion. held loy' "St AndieW'a Presby- ,.terian,Clinrch. here • leaves the con- gregation in.a rather; uncertain ,pesi- -thin: !rho elixir& Members, gave' '41, sand' majority' in favor or union hut the vete of the adherents, Which rwas kept semirate,•:resultedrin aeonsider- able majority against, union; It is a matter .of Whether' adherents are; legally • entitled . to vote and; the outcome - of the controversay ' and consequent action or the church is 'doubtful. • • ! , • Mr.: John -1S.. Robertson, - promin- ent 'and highly respeeted,eitizen of Ripley 'died on January 18th( ,after an illness Of' about three years. The deceased was horn in Pelves; -Ont. on Arigust 11th,' t 1850, of ,Scottish.. parents. 1Ie had resided in Ripley for a great many yeara, taking an i ' _ active part. n the .business, social '.and religious life of "the community. _ He woe widely Inown -ho a dealer in carriagei• •-and an.. energetic insur-: ance agent. In religion, the late Mr: Robertson WAS a :staunch Methodist. He ii,survired by his Mrs. Elizabeth Itebertien. and, one. deo- ghter„. Mr.n. Thonios. Donnelly. The funeral Was held on jantiOry '20th item the Methodist Church,_:to Rip- 1er iceinetery.. LOSSES ON:THE LAKES' • , HE.AIY.IN 1924 _ _ • Fifte:n Yeiseella•and-Thirty Seyen : • 1, even ' Sailors GO Down , „ • .• • . Life and property legs • cr. the Great Lakes in .19h' Was thegreet- est in a number Of .yearet 'an ac- cording to reporta the underwriters will have some ret -ink figures-,-whe,. they clean up for the 'season,- ' ti ming the 'season fifteen ,vessels Noised out of existence, and thirtY- seVen' liVes were lostlon boats' that were wrecked. The.greatest lois of was'on. the 'steamer' Clifton 'which foundered in Lake Huron in • the week of September 2t, All the nienibers of the erew and two nen- sengers,:making a 'total of twenty- eight; went down With the ship. Five• iives were lost pn the ,steamer Orin- oco,' which foundered in ',L'ake SuPer• ior, and 'three were lese on the steam er Proteetion and on the ' steamer. :State, of Ohio,„ which wasAestroyed; bk.' fire in this harbor. • ^ , The steamer ,.'Glenorchy,' which Was- Sunk. in Lake Huron in, e01-. • lision With the _L.- ft Miller; and the, barge. Alex. Maitland,. , which was damtiged by Are 'at Port Huron late :in the ' season and abandoned •as a constructiik loss, ere the gges freighters' ion. each' ,liad SaPacttLef_15_1700 tons. :Six .other_rce,n... '404ot-hat were wrecked hailIti•-•4110-4" ing taaiaty •3,000 tons or =ore. The, barge 'Maitland was the .only .ore-diUnter. • ANFIE All Lines, ,of,uflalhoted Underwear §ale for TWO, WEIC,S' milk at 20%, diecount:-.4. „ 4 r BIW Label, Sale Price , Lobel, Sal Price $2 per :garment. This is good' only. until' the 31st inst..' This diSCOunt appliiii• to all finer lines: Fleeced Lined Un- , derwear at Less . ,Wool-lieeced garments noF ,• 98c. Heavy' Cottim=fleeeed Boys' F re eced/ ,I7nderwear, all size% :ow Per garment / • ' A munter of Odd Garments, for Boys and Men of Wool- or' Uni- • on, ,Shirts and Drawers, Worth . up to. $2.00 • a piece. Clearig er-V4InCst m , 500 Pair Heavy Weight Plain Blue ,13tue and white stripe, or' ali Black 'Denim Overalls, all sizes . up,lo.44 waist,' but not in eve color. All 'are large roomy cut • garments-, of the best' material, regularly sold up to, $2.75.01.JR •JANUARY CLEARING.PRICE $1.95 Pr';: Bargains in Over- coats front U . • MACKINAWS AND 'FIJR elnATS. And all Winter Goods. We are „ Clearing • everything o u t 'that .looks like Winter. Bring your dish and get in On the good things'. _ Ripley -- .11y Edgilr .A., Guest, if. Yon` had never seen the nun', Or never'onee had hear(' - , A. rivulet in sylinner. run• '\•• Or 'singing, summer bird, IfICall the skies you'd knoWri were • 'Fes' You'd' laugh throUghmany . . .• •.,, If yoti had never felt a.breeze •( • ,BIOW srno4 across your 'face, Had needreamed 'neath leafy • trees..., In smile Sequeetered niece, Voted:1)1.0e the .snenr• 'drifts as bes,t..:. :And think that life op earth .Was goo , ; But all those rosy yesterdays ,, • Which' You have had and lost • Come back across the barren waves Of drifted. snOW arid frost, And Winter skies•seem,bleak-tO-YOU BectitiOeyoti've seen them aiure. rata in event of Riply,ineorpora ing during 1925 Carried • • •-•, • Thai .t. 'COnitein "do •.lio* 'atiJOUrn'ta Meet :again on Monday .Pelirtiary• 90,1625f t le usuii hntit and *Cr:: ToNvolhiprrOlotio 'It you )14'd • not learnedhow-to snails „:.13efore yea ,eame , to tears, gad grief been; With- you all, the while; •• • .'.Scinie *Ayyon'd breve tbel....(earg. • • • :„To ;Viet ;yen ,ntay unreconciled. • ; Yet:Winter- turns 'the-SsitO And ainniniq., joy t 'depart;"•:',, . . And mit& each there :t.oines•tho clay* Whell.nortni*.firide the lientt • -.Y,on aigh.thronklilife'rihen.jOi is , • ' 'But.‘thaii. if .1bve yott'4 pei*q. loom • i•