HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-22, Page 2FIGHT IN MID-AIR b9_494•44.• you!" hia comrade, eiiniked the and 400' .arte triee124 let-flowti te-14. friends ileloW"the rope at it yolArs.,41; friend Whichhe carried With him, drawing ' P.7t741,0 kindred: feet of precipice, theni p one by one. But the herOest; StOrMY Sea bele*, and the 'Part Of their tits, k was -still to come, • • I •nq' '14` having to lightivfo eagles,. , ."Seq,l" cried ,one tha fishermen; •Skt e e.each' 44 and Strong enough be:Ow- „ "They're letting! him •down to, nisin .1tith one atroke.e'Votere. he nest'wit...Iva rope over the brow' Ott hre,,Ye feiiPW 1 Istiev4 but iehtitlet:the npoipise. Hold fast' new,. Eller the i ;geed of throwing. away your life' if.S'ell eVer did in your life:"In • ' .•ii*Ang a thing that's Tt, was, indeed, terrible yr,e.* nt,Ore,1 • 4,Weekj to -try it, anyhow." The solitary ftgurei 'swinging. In, ,4, spoke ,E44 Bjornson, a tall ac -,empty air at that feadul height -.1061{-: tttet blue-eyed Young Norseman from ti .0d. no larger, than a Spider • cleagli41 '1:10,Inteerfe§t, ,t,01 Whem the 'stonily onits thread. Ear, below 'him the *ayes 'and„tefrihle. rocks 'of the north, waves were • thundering against 'the. 14. s, cannon% Jelici!ek r ,tin!.nrn • ern...,Setta..**,:iike.:eitt-pMrugef4p,!`A.a lahorfk great sp000.. , . of hrii**te..Etie*48,144,eady a proverb 'foam while,th Ing Wird 'Which• I made him. reisign and I•alone threightitsiterthe:: whele, 'diet:44; ,WaS:fas.t•ii,eing stOtrit; 44altarl4lief . . , • resnitio at the miaistrY:: He :busies. had you e,en linging..halfr ay lip ,dat ng ber .Witk .400aehold'• niettersthe feetout wocepogi, toloAg- cafe of the- ". • . • . 300044, roaring sea, • er fighting, .00`ii , • fr laiindrY inendineand :eho E • . - P. PT; WaY','•ageinet ituooh.'-igajo,..with pown: 110 etinie-4=.467;v1), , „ g0.110iit olleY; E:P,RQUCTQlit Or. , HE 1:100$EITIOLro, •' Georges fpurcel, U5 WOUI5 ilot. know 9' waves • ..vATIte„ ar0044 'Km. .s:c• . ., -nearer and nearer tos the nest, *heti' hew; to. COMinans C It Is -geed that . -thightily. that, nt.timee hia:.-little, beat.,SuddenlY•la sharp ,cry of dismay broke' everybody -should, fill •his s -prober, place. . . . , . , .. . . , . *e.e:;4Illta :Jtidtlert'';freal,'"oight,..' you 0014 bni, of the ment•beleW;.. ., ' •-• -,Y ,'-'1Vloreover,. be Isashaii y as il li i "WO*I",.!!!ArtaialY have though be did r : .4111( " 00, t ' thii: eaglei":' exclaimed .water: K. Pid"you ever .Iiee him,Ictokohet, .;:not:! dW..wha*,t,lear ;Meant But thehe as a huge black !shadev spared • wiler4 ,,s,,.. c3 4.'tsn' red' the.:•egle-e, nuta.,,,, t."..,14,re, 1:e 'a'. te--di. Be • 11' e .0ectic4f.„,T,..A.r.-;h'4..ri h'.!*, t.ho•-• 44 IA.' hand now ;wail ois from the ledge on . which the nest . .one.,,:t ,. 'Weir eiliii.'a brave' niaii, stood. "There 'She goes right. at him!" sive'' vigorous, , solidly. planted 'sit her mind- jsyously,,. ' .' ‘;''.... : ' .' • .. - 1.1;t'Wei . ir.,)'..•ski,..iiiik.,.., :"... . •. , ,. I:. ' ' it Whif,true. The motheso r eagle had feet, I'll!! •,;P!rtut!'"' cast: a-' 'glance .at Ilel,vae.• the ' ITT'S" trea0E.i.iit, hali.PineSS, • ' had ! elicit` IQ if '-- e . f ' ' swOOPed t Eric, he coine - FwoOf three dayt hatOre; a. shil • '.' tome raging forth to defend ,her neat- kei alas!allna '!!II!!4!!s -laughingwhichwhich"seetn*:': .yes I r ruddy..face, the 'an .. e a few days before. the • know that they. have a.diseliSci which Anst struck at et,i•tO: take Peeseeelee of the'enttre an- Oneof a' gOurinanct conversation fall date set'for the Wedding- with4the re-' makes them tired atier a IIttle work. -fi.7.1101-074',107rvilegi7 all,,Tirillag*,',':',iiiffi'T 7hqr witii 1215rong sheaWkritte.,. „ahe-sePthiage.-ake----,---eneee-21—ced. ,tm. inedl-ate'• of. 'MOH -OIL' EVerYthing • about. ,Iiiih. 'suit . that his .bride-to-be -.wag: leftsflo..:'; At it snecial, examtistion, ,, in one ' IfIliannan- ei.1500.4• 'whO 'had fe4 haolt, cireled. areund lifirli, all&thea lY that she -was 'atm uninntIP"'441-.74-&1tited•-tollis-extrciciidinary.,eontent ' be.N.Ail ` the.tions.',01.--har..-hance-The- Workheuserit-Wrs found tiliirotTeiird ...Wil tty whether my,duak-giiii *MIN reach, her," groWled 'One .0 Ate, Wateh- . • - Translatedby, ilVitPliersou •'; ,.,. n' ,. : HATIY,t1t140:1*t, WOrht" .kfl,roin. time . tepee, together, but nlaY• 9t00,.•gor •••' „.'llinnotiprial that_' ha a biaa:-Pla Platt9 A MOM:Int te•tPaltg. 4.',Oebble est •of big t°44.-tthetinotirtalb:4,,,xsitfolloa, tioo°104101,..hinel4e4.7.; sohpeuerghando. itthvelp°with,00rt.N.14,tflal.,g0:14,ap140;ifig.'n,aplsa' inApo wATERs. ,TEglyb 'eheiie' Ag'' Agin' la' tlii' -r,e0.4 • 0 84.ef, OXISte' aO'9.'444. the one w10 'fitopPoldi. -.; ' . 0144e1;etitu44, , bIlltv,itsh&hato4,13,.,...tlisioceyer4drolii.g!tnoi ,qwt1h11;,ra.;ot. b.areY , te.Catch: 40_,_,•11(.4•1!'''P'ig;. , IN4;ARWITEt14.144:14Y . _ . . or0,10 • Of t. ein,„abriermal ,in sti .faratil. 714'w0,-"Iitilirita 'et the road, walaing ill . they,nre antforing from a the Middle ef 'the. road•near,,a fork in ease. .tor.r•w4Ish. science; a0itear,thO, the road; were setiarated passing • ,fluoio•!ehtliatruphima.to, : • - f:oia...waut, to one side ,ankti the Market Alritilabte; the Intal! , 1 other words,' they .0annotIoierata other to"the other lime. They. walked . rowds and be out In elosed.,SRO4e0., hey •Mait, on without a•i;wdril„ enen.."Otiler,"; Ootti, Where .v11_ ,s;.•pecIes Oq,opopA; ,,44...c0403(4.Acy teak/he( the,' fork the, elle,' of Food is Very Scarce. :yak" -t410100. ,egin3r1Snee:*.a. eeetitmeti. On the right fork, tlle, -other; . ' • • ' re.r.u4tZessrteita,• on the lett:104r,, althongh teetiessnege IcoMes'on;. the -tramp' bag. laxraMpa hain!init 'Abe '•elfghtest .chnibinatfotiti: of "elaustroOhOblit, and led f • • three- Prairie Provinces is ex'PoOteSt knew where' the two pronohoq,; chit :fisheries of the great lakes. or the "Vxceptiono; activity coramer: • When' one 40 thess alto:eke. of Obi iseither nn'atternatiVa. but 'tAge. heeP. on' !tett', :Cern- panidaship". Trieodahip "litab,.i"Y4els°t11, tst:811.S, tirMeln: e°1!.. '11747:.!' •OartiettierPiank.3. :Irsplies,''PetinanencY, and this, gthe 1.14,,nn tlif0;), watata 1.1.08 been tb"O Which he wants to got .inithing. he dot, one thing they nahnot,tolerate... Y.satOi »wkth the result that •eirest,particularly to : he wish- ca'relfreei And etbets Of'the pro. Oa- to t'Q.,:gett.00.1r.tioiRT:iyll'epO, be , Ogee thSy Getting' out And :dna' of 'the0 lahear int-*°'haaa•moving leriaticl. as fast aahe can,.• la% 4, doctor's advice ateS40 apecial..,r.efrigeratnr. :oar8•:4t." 40.:4,''Illarried,ticimp...L..te A Patieet„ But the trwiii)! Aakes:; from:, the prairies: to New! Yor.14t' 44' 31rhYV During :too ,Ofteniind he goes too tar/ ouffalot and Other. #.41.14d7Statee., about %We: Years on • the read PO,iat!ii .aa, Wolk as Eastern Canadian '.•• trinine:.wOrn.;04,3.k9d;.*hy "tkey,..."014 hk••begitlis.•• to get ''..varidagg..velilis an, the beatres.;ttilealbre 4,4rarryink ovor for tmo'Fartixpryo,maihil in acciati at,,,,r 'Wear: thoy become strotched, and ettiltitee tcliegyul,; rklilittiAere.'; ft:41117: 4 •I!". ,it041(1 that the groolkgot 44ny_wouid,.,viathia In them hee9men: much lower The":11eaSon 'closed on Leased Slave • he .6 trgAgilt than .0or Owe .10 ie- 'lona in the •nrtnmen, .•After standing take' in Alberta on 000..1 ': mein with. afamify, .1:••, . • ' Or litlit146 a Short- thne, the veins: ba., and whilst the, Government:IIMit on ..• . tramp enfessed 41E4 „be: had Ceine tiliod..:with-hioed, the Iegs feel i4:0 'dift611''et. whitetit4t was 1,500.000 .PrOPOsed..Marriage :hscaese.'14.''boOsd.': lisa:v*C 'ithir the sufferer Mitat only about pounds that , the, ..responiiihility. of ' tt7., tardily' Thavis„ why tramps ,cannot 109E/ 0.".-i01), Were. Oilcan, ,"A'Icitai et 46 cars :wer6. would he ,Stkolig.'enoiigh to ::kesi?;; him -requiring, much. standing of walking. 'abinped VII Dominion Express to at heine When..the ..nttnat:. ':'wender- kiwi' Why '010Y...become. Chicago, the prieareceiVed in•general.:" -C6111tit. nee: diet- "tired soon, and the.. Puha° -,doesiet. bY. producers , being 'A little: over th artage. The smell vetch 'during the summer on 'Leke.WinnipegeSts: and , other .11./,,ahttehajakenkte: "Welitton te extend tbe Open ..43.071901i over' the -world .}rntingforof ,ponneed,ainin, spite ct..fier4hteil Mahe ...1-'-ent with hill:Welt .and his!' surreand- tramp was. sing elY • egga,„.1 all telf.lie !On,' " ' '- avi# 1 great sacrifice. • • • • • • 'ings • --.-- ' urge U.). get awayerhad: 13:971r tobourth4 ..Ifistettilt,1.141bitithitdotetrialilheasdli96117lagt That declaration int9Fson4•11,or nea'r-. .71 CoMPISMented. him °h.:the le•g'• WW. resiet 4 , „g,'...g..,„*”, 4'60,J:1;0;40ot .ntlio gra boleti"; . stooping to :take.. 'hp- 7 Ora Pet,.'CIP,sit*: qotehm,---r; Arthur.darlini''..'ne *Platen,' 'Itis.:WaS ftdiatiii. Turning to- ipown • to risk death •by PexPOsanYerel)anendht . iii. 144 ,,,,twO,,,.'ough*,.et trosty.,weepon,,,:.,. .: ',T.-, - . ;..•:--' . ' -.., liale. ,Y* a: -.010A111 -91,...009411014,.'4.11Q0 Ward. ..rilts• '-wit'S,:he-f•songlit :a .confli.ting.- starvist,lei 'rather %than ' rain:sin •In.. the ver_ Tarn '';breed_elied!bnilf•their..nt But .before - he • einild Seize • •lt-,;thei, !Ittl! • widower a'1(3'11-1,tE.' Mre. !i4.1. III' tion • • * '. • -....,.... '. ...... worVIOnni ,wheWthe *Andel:butt *levet , Idistant,lian.;,#:',10#414;,.,4,000,,,faiit., 1 few Mi14 erti-4 came --Erle 'stilnelcat the. eagie,1'•;Yai/en'hioeynfoeli'Crilkniden.,"'''1;enn'''anaOried' . "a' '''''41"NalityteSclietilleffltuiSittiiie.li,"onel".4 : ' '4,csicgii'iirry4iothieht:.i'eicre'r:ti.'i idea; tiiiiii;a! 'OPtiei,••whig '0 -;,manii ' missed ' it d• Instantly' ' yet 4:4114e*:`..find„';foOtilig,,,,fiti• had ctaWa'fastened on his shoulder. ' itni /vite ought not to trespass. °..°' the .irr- ' mY.' little one! 8149 .caiin • me her sekican• for*. trictadsbilis. ;.!,r„lbey may nstantli":Offere44for!"-it''.,,iiiiighi'. egg a: hatilie 'the terrible befil could, EtilikO' Inn1.-alitY nt'4601a0and'" '.•.•! - •-!'• .- .11iale, .eie.--, Theis 134e kissai-oie you ; 'Meet 'epinisaniona, travel 'a short 'die- • th t! osition ' 'Arthur 'aim- Ill t '7Ahr ' k ' ,P be found in the same ,humber of then' :taken at random; *oat' lramps have bad teeth, ' and .0110,1 'svIth *Proper 'toed, !citineed indigeetien. In short, the "Weary Willieg" of the road deserve according -to cle tido laves.. tigators, -not:One derisive gibes,, haft our Cle'ePest syinpathy 4 • ; ni • +. #k. 'tiae:.41eree' upward 'thrust burled, ;die •Pn .a• PPP vi see at desser ihrfedIaTna. hrotkci., blade hilt -deep in , the bird's -wered; thinhire shall find the first neV7or have done • "Chertitn, .$286,649,• an. thereat:4e 1917 the ,;' "041.4174.(0.446- brenat, 'bloat 'bed*. of 1511e -n°1-1d.'" • en\tir,e. prairie area over the„ Previa:1ns. ' ••• that She' 'had no, reepeet tor 1173; per. ecirICIty. 1•1*, 011 1.11t .44.11%, eat_ntj,2rA5.0......,10447015n,--., '-13`1:''-d7 for ilehiag llth,Of October. to, .witea9HP .stahtisrataaerttorytn in I.h13 ea• Tho c tr, catchlut !as ingtoreeliave -been laid -hp It will, de . 'he necessary redouble winteeepera- •. ' :-.10'.1923. the. value 0? • the Inland cries, Of 'the three Prairie Previneee • weal. „respectively:. Manitoba, 81,,(120,•!,: • 595: $438;73t.. and '!Saidest- T other,!• . , .,34x.e). ... tg..,... ii.i.o.,,...t.linic ploitiod1thadriailre_Agivni._ They pst_ find. themeelvekt, ofoIle_aonantdo— - ___„0 . ' , ' • • lie.-Illein"-4tt.--,..-litititgliatiletili ' ' " • 1:9„ etis-farbey rid,:*44iii;;•' titif0iiiratige, • ., In another moment EriC,4,t)pt 'Ay* . ,....: 1.(0.#:.:*, lof It if had;,Itiimi, the ]letlia,, :ari4.,the,precieits 'egg' '.... their. hiartiage.. • • ' " ' ''' ' I agree. With Yon any Longer. ' Don't • eat:- Plaiting enc.!: • ' :' .. : • ' ' • .* . ilaikinee' dei:p;eisgia'hileir abbroetiat(ithhet.; ! 4Strics"tiniounc,h, shiest • . YOU'' will 'llave Indt! .''', Nr. Bhattacharyia • et Patna, .. Bea,: .. .7..me_ ....in:* p,,,, tieh, , rooriell4n1 he did ..k.;;;Wilhin.,4•texlp • - . . ..• . '' .'`... • " • * ' 1 • !II p rime 'tea "With' large ..a,,..0..".k,.,.i;..!.1.4040,0.4 that 'not ...giii: 04,1) *It Enigt Or 061k-* the spirit. • '.'alhe understands perfeetly the :She:Wataied-',Oyer'-h*itn;.1"adrOTonislied . nabor--andEtinta "..ititeS...':. Theee!... Were' ah'Sit' '4.144.0iif ;the,,I,*;:-,Iito • pyerry, instant, 'tie the other' eagle eaMg, eap*Sliga;:..i*`40.t '..tatitift '':i.kir, growing broader and blacker 'hiaCkgr -hashand,a .1.01,3, ww4:18..o.no of.,•tintk,•,, hini, nujitrpiaotflitin,7.-le so5nyookif4..;,,,!..oa-0 wktb,nnt'Worb.ok,;e0topowiree, 9. ,ekS .401'.41I*4'..r fieaag,,, :'...., . rushing to :its ,Vongeariee; hat: cirity and', protection." ------------------,. .,-Y. e 1-tbe decility, of arehild.. th the division and'. it -.0rored,.deeirable, later 'te' ta- bs .ati, • He •said"thiS 'in',-riViiirld voice, with With ' INT.hich: she :h had il: . • for•01, •.ok place „the copper wire by elliter, owing „ ., ., t*An:!.-•:,said,\ A ,Wenther, irenuithiag •olsg'.: that l'Ilac,19. : even" .,,!:11... the 'candid: eyes. •OP:.9,":iniitlt .hq,,, who :th,eir. reePeetiVe •iittilhu,tionS., -she ' had, t0 - Me il.4Pid •••'°4,41atIna: nr.: tha ''a°PPar. a.nen4.','',, he'll.., never ba',.aellt,4* with- 'eagle had hit the "repe that sustained, sonioverfiowed. with, tenderness' 'and :these with great 'force and improssAve- dred •feet. --.•Whew it :Was .‘feuad •• that ilP014, ..P7060!...4 lotabbp404...: P110*--,-..' his eight.,[17ot a inpnent he:feltsiek .. soinetitnee,hoWever,,Certain,hanghtk •conirodieted;•aceePting ettatythingehe th e ;lower end" ef .the meta i e -s rhg. *fill"*460. .liga- tlib ' eerner tof .:.a ve mi. ,. o -a ree ,--- rlus . . e ut . p.a - • . r ss o ' ey. r,, , . , . .„ • '''"•••:','-t-1,?liRkrt5"7,,#„tisy.: 94 clamed •It • or theliegt, ; ter 'Irentes"..arrivel they annoPneedi. You kilOw.. very 'well' that It doesn't other purposes ha's .alwaYS few allyctoy. will ark Mallaranny,- where .the Heath grows', to a man's height. ' And north; sheltered sea -loughs; the. hills...come 'down to. meet • me, and retreating, seem to lure Me-- • . ',.• . Bengorm. Corslieve,..•:faroff Laght Daughybaum-'•-• " • , To Ballycroy.• There the, begland• stretches seawall like a sea of brown itint'putp10,- And the, very pulse Of quiet seems at rest, • '„ ! • • • min an .ery quic y. -mon , you, taking mustard again? , t -at- 0,4 1. ' • in the atmosphere' for inducitrial 'and a ae 'what 'crag' torn!Ye: 'Id', • has. been .hept„in subjection. Irene, reserved for herself all,Pohtical•tdeas surface. 'eta. it ao nearly.throngh that that aheNTaa••ati rafintokation. ci,pd 4lie•judged, dissected tittalYsed sharks:- Could be drawn at short inter-, --------------- Ingl,vviej:,: nit& -*the:thing can't •ba halie_atraheAhat missed the for her part, did not:congeal that ;her, and 'literathim, and i -opinions. .exPressed• The ItiItee rose eight,or nine :him - S • lilln,'.rkght for •beirig such a °jib,. a few strands -Were left .to bear negation., , ab- ness. •a4.4 wonder&generally. Vals from a insulated rod.' attached to - rea anidd trci ehee '.Then; he looks' .ti '1 0 t. trenitili g f id with nth ia in ': l'On4.4••• '''.'lia".itaA.:Itneney. In Norway blew his yfiti4le shrilly, and his OM- the lip .revealed the lady'areal'ilatare,• *When; ai•d• you going tn.,:tage mo to ; . to yield:: am. alternating Current by .bi. „L. .,,,.,, ... . ..; . . y: in r .„ . . . and an mpa en . n , o , .,sa , e us s . . , . . „ • „ , .• ' . .The intetmitteist 404roc. Were made 7 C',441bi!ok'.,i...iiii*,.....Olife.4g4in Wheel,radeil above, recognizing the, signal .i ,0.. .ThaPsychologiefil 'arnatenti „in ,the of. . the theatre?”-,-.:-.• . -.;-.1. "--' ..r:- ;Meanar!ot.',-.0, special itangforming, 'de; :ho o*,..,:lArCik0:11i1-4,:nek!!' ''.,. :;...,• dak4er,'..began.'tii hail. him:UP rolith: fineF•iiiiidii two , contrary :-Iitt-- nestiga•• . "One of these davatif .you. aro geod,'•vice..'.; '.. • ,.• ' , . •„ ' • . . ':".T.WeAos later, however, Metii and **dn.," , , ' " . ' •:, i; .. -..'. ":',..it.,..til.j-'***1;toni,p1.g.,,;k:.,,I,.:ft074::...:04frf '...:iloi:1:loni'that,',Ire" adiui;UseeUt• 'Itigt..... 'gin .agaih;, Arthur *Add; .ly'e 't ' real Horace. or •einna." ''' ;. ' 7 .... ;-,With .alussinsta•'.4!Iliig.nfri, itihtd: With , ..,, • l • ' •.' . ' tiona:" ArthUes ' martYrdoni ' Ubt. be- "I' will, take you to the Fren,gaie 10!: see •";:!' E2qieriinglitg ' are now ':beIng . Made. "1.1.Ang..."'enr!li.".Aal.':tbe meruing-'-Ar!, !en, atif' Vide; could never neVer'haide• told:. ;As" he MaSter and Would experienge unquall- "Cdrneille's plays-,";-alieeeTtlalied-TOTirldregen iSe: ' • '. ' "Inigiit.C.4."."-n*laer,''''.401.- a'""17‘gion '•etii --2 the •hali-glit rope n .1i 0440.'1.",t,44$0n,•.•!ngVer"'sete"•. fel" eight 'lifl: .,clenendo. d scraping'Et. iinst Ietign. .. After a.'t.o:Yeari'.aileencer,1"inat •on a tOnie.' 'They 'are a schn Opt „heroism..." 0-..w--leh his lied -felicity: • :. • ' • : ' -, . .-• ' me • "are. excelleot for him.: . They -aro '-' !..' ' ----- .:ts.441:0-i4erH--ittirta! and ., rikbed ; after . ... . . . . . , "g'hO ' hi ' th ' t " t 1115 ' • ' ' 'fill 'd•• with eh' and g eftine f soul Tli • st engthen''.. r. ledge of sharp rock their *Yes in arnaiement hi they' pase- he seemed to die,a. thousand deathoin ages,% thy nil -Coinratie„Arthur Carlier, his Wilfl l, which is a Jittie fiebbY • 'ed,, tinder the .tremendous eliffe„. of' one.. AHe nd' now' Also Malt eagle; With his -face "rogy land his step'. eleatic. '.,, 'adores them, :and.the cane and Eagle' Islet, "which ..rose sheer out g.s outspread and . head' steeped , "It was my he said. 'who :ad- sword telais... lain afraid that he 4111 : Of •tbe TE.6.- a OilghtY •-kdakonaly forward, 'darted at the gtintplisbed the mettionorphesil..! What. end UP by, being a Den Qiiixote."' • • iii41:0110 'euteteer "in 'Man arit,iv:ftc;in yiendlirit'll Wifar. • Pho, Malice 'me I. gave a staft,' Eck. at that inoMeut ekY4, the bigheit point . But fiash prodtgieusly., happy. Above all, she the musketeer was engaged a of that terrible precipice, where' no • ' I t 1 ' ' - sential pointyou,know, I wenli never had brqken, a gia,ss. He thundered and hiiman toot had ever rested before, stood the gure o man- ! . "That must be Eric Fear -nothing. far .no one sae could have -done it, , ,muttered one of •the fishermen. " , Yee, said another; "he's done his work. A held 'fellow, indeed!" • • "Well, friends,", said he; when he `But *theY were mistaken. *SO far, had rle.evered'sUfdeientlY.te raise from having done his work, Erie was self from the ground with the help of only just beginning it. He had coast. his comrades. • never say 'Again ekarouna the island. till he satialled that•I want,to know whatLearis like. 'himself that the only place where it I''hnow !RM.' and I shall not readily --could-be' scaled was on the oppositer-fergekit",-- • r side from the nest.., • I And Erie never did forget it as long : Thither he had gone, with three Of as he live. -By David: Ker. • and a hang from, below, and the nav- age bird dropped drapped int() the sea,, like 'a stone, while Eric, dizzy, helpless, -end , . scarcely . able to move, was dragged, safely -to -top of the „cliff. hY- his Shouting Companions. respects my persona i y. pn .thst es- mit ,11,1tercatioa with. e cook, who . • Girl's Ambition. ,tho.suc9essfully by herself; so ,she _, , . • . . _ , . _. i Went back to ,schoel ,witli small.• boys. -.15-1-;.' Margaret' McKellar,'the ' - i , e• mission - AU,. came to ' •and girls. Pbe, waa thna t:A;glitY-twe , •• Canada' trim tbe.1-1410 years oid, alliFilke 'Aired .te Preis .that . , . . lands, •:,of „Sc.:otlakl.,:as a ; 'Very !stuallej the boys and:girls ' would not laugh at 'child: ' Her 'tither was. a sea captaiii.1 her; In. foil. ; Who lid been going back end; forth to Years sho,Oa.ssed hiatriJ culation. 'Then One' hapPy 'day she k Indla;•!,pheil- he'eame to Canada, he eatth.eo Queens Univert943.., 1.singEiton; at ,,. • :plied his' vee l on the • Great Lakes. ' 'L , r • ' • . , ,.. , .• 9,8 ' it inedical'atachent and •later took a, to 7' ..Netore . 'irargare,t , was twelve Jeers postgraduate course In Unite . When:, th i -, old. her !Mother' died After- that she . she-offeredherSolf again hii a' nisslen- . on her ea ant', in 1890,she wasaccepted nd eent ' hie.. .?• (.-.A.-••40 have yielded. But you must odmditAixtd. imprecatigns at ,her. ' 1 ' ••• • A."Dibate. PavellanC!' • lee Take•luncheon with us if You• ' Presently, bis :wife ..:quieted hint '..••Q#1,o6r Stell,echtb= :Want .1c. know:. 'What deningal lia.014; down.' Then, turning td iie ••she sariot -abnut?' ness.14." '• • • : 1-• ' ••• •COil,t1 not refuse siich,aii opportuni- tY ' To see.a prodigiously happy couple' ip, not so common A,spectacle • Mme Irene had !Ott none of herau thdrity found .her exactly as I had 'You can't ime*ine how harsh he is • Skinpants--"Those guys haVO eh - with :ihe oi.frok. 1,am eensiaatiy , 0!;,' tiered the contest for the prize for the Bligxecdepttoorfnititeer.vheenwe9`uinmttlyieriarnn,diiza:_oatveeer7„,',7ti*nlan for .th_e_p_roina;.ot...iontof peace."' . ' : • -,___. _ e._ - the poor • 1" ' I, 1-11411.nlca Wisd'einieetfi t'conalleihrgth•John ' Recentl pasg• • • 1 • , mg by the ministry, had performed the. onerous duties of known her before -with -an imperious I entered to shake hands, with! mY old psge. at his sister's wedding with be: hp and a voice short and deciiiive,' aasoelates'. asked mine. Irene about , , . con ng so.emn y.! s,v-en-lir 'lite-Mealiest...Ina:tiara ..: .,;- . :. 1 her husband She burst out: .. : .. ' A•rthur,.• -wearing ' a ' White7.h0riii;'.7.-,!-"What.:?..„',I.Pon't lion isnow'i .. He h'a. 0 1:',Ae had to 'Sit tiltiletly' at his place at siloWed his face . Lor it",inefrient• at. the. ;left ine...• 'The wr--eidy.,,-!lie 'ran .away.. L-.. . .. fethewr; : _woef d d,hiins".i•31.1itireetitsltifefhsat_rd thilolertsi..4.urn4treiot;41., kitChen 'door. • • ' ' : ' . : • with, the cook. Who would have ..ex- . i. ; . . .. ; . , ' ' - ' ; • . themselves of .the.•,Platithdee -Common. • ...I.Eltiense nie; old ,mao; I. 'an', 'editing 'pected, it? -;.,' A 'men' whore' 1.was mak'''. to such Oceasicins, and. it. Vail not un - after the „shotilder of...lamb .with 'the' :ing go hapPY, • ..,Caii, you 'understand'? ..tii.'tha bridegroom; Suddenly rezieM- 600n .Talk to my. wife until we .servo And ;be left Inc 'a, list.teran imbecile . beiing,'„hitn;: •turired :aid- Said.:The lc:, . - • , 4: ••• : , ,,,,,, , ; ... . lettet.;, -in ' ',,vhiehhe:•said "I am. :going ' iheneat . . . . , John shetild contribute hie 'Mine Irene'. exp ined to me,: ,„ „.. away. with 'Carolina. • She . le• h piieet ' i, d speech, 'that he !gave vent .to: hie .-.1, have •Put. h In, charge...of • the feeble, inihePPY,"'Inartyrized..creature' keoukkg-s. . .., .. "... • .• . .eneethat he Was net the kind of man ..It rig -thy diitY aid a Man to protect her'. ',...lf...1' Made h -0,peeeli. I. sheuld ;Say 'I itehen and the housekeeping' I sear !She , neither nor Persnaa'litY. In a cu,ripuely gruff he tiaid: live among Men. At, the ' office all You hear that y as a think it's tune we,get on With Our din- e ethers Would have trampled over' mati.' ".. ". much time • h father's'b e and ebtioequehily was out: of school to Incljs. , • , ..• ' !mita. oi. the year,. ...When she was fent-, •••• At first' the , natives Called her "for.: •teen. Years old and • in one 0! the. anti.threatened her,hiit WOW: • , , grades she lett tietiool afte'getirer. they Worehiji bet a' queen; the.. , . -; . ,01) years -later 'when shop she heardfor the. sick end t She, tires' em., city of Neel-au:eh .N.lifirgaret haa, "cared . . . , . . nieyed .iri ,41, millinery, .. ' e .plagtie-etrigken.eorge • Legiie Mackay.,•the iriiseionarY.,! She has alWaYs lifted the. soul as sh0tell . of his experience In Fgrtnosa, heabd the haily, Now, thoughi she, . /fearing . of the b,eatitiful wand and Old; she is stilt at Work. ' • • , the inaryelous.changeS. •that the 'Goa: .'":••Wolneu of Sitskatc`lieWan recently. • Tel had wrought in the 'lives of the ita..; a sniall aittemohiie, In 'her tives !made her Iong:toaaeome.,a nijs.:detter of thanks she Said ,that'hOW hhe I• .c4finot; 1 have 'no!:are, nmeh inOre potted ',..atid,:go - 'edit:Cation," She thought, cOtt.:.••••te'ma:ny itic're....villages 'in day' titillated ni the . • " ; She hat been, 'i":6t,f3(t. 99(1 honored . . , Then she listened to Dr.. Itetitit.fseni 1'Qtenjet„e!`4,. 0n4' tIte lion , of...the-New Reb.rideS, 'hat titan "She!er•of Proud' IS a heard the'eall to, enter:the service bit Med& that, thP KIng:4)16 Ofle" of sh 94,18.1 to het:pelf, "Surely Ped -Would EnKratd, firrls.f,nted to iter,„ap the put, . ast,c, nle (at, fin.ve no olnoa,. bar Oen." And 'swim she;ga.ve itieheY, '• • • The; edit' •ti,t9.9n t,,4110tiei" hr!:Cd'r' 1"gr ''"at t -litefaiTyfulfI IPJ • In- 44wilig him ,lark.;,of..xeditterition •the tit.14 b,as „ inkaskonary, .bostd. .41naky aloontled ;b!rer' hare:faller( k•,!-.1 9/ vkaerviecto, : , ,: ..-/ at bgr,,,i'd0 *I" 11:0i.ti:re:.- ye-I-T.4dd. 'ban .,• . ..... , .4 , . 1.114en-Vaigai,et-cleefdfied2iiiii- WoUrd 'IR. lit". ' lered""rrlifi''''?"--!.' '''''' - ':1' , / A' an ocititation, A' teacher gave her 1- ,... - : ` ''''' 474"--- t. ' " . . a list .dt books nroifei 6- tit 1101 'foi, the , 'f'd.ft, 'too t;i' pro jaw .has, rdthre ftoweti. IVIntgreporte_ai'e ttlway9 exCitliig:-hut here is -a-pastiineotitstanding in the-thrlit-itliVes-th,se-ensa'rgin,g, Iii, ----,'-- --grannie r.:'sdlinal :but site could hot I than: the gth la311 of e ilsnd. 'ii--riditig,orp skisover thaitintete of a lake, •ptillreinel ed by. the 's l. 'nkng., belore,.....,..,- .. ehOrscirti.4,...,4 ,..,.......,.. , r '•• • • r . if • .N. : • . • There the Shadiows„hrilod or .traverse, • • . as the glOnde..Move on above them To tlielr home fii the Atle,1. tie; • r°11ing 'west ..,"' There eagles in the mountains, and • the Wild geese call around me, .In the Owenduff the homing salmon, .1. -plays; . ' . I can hear the. wild duck passing, I , can see them light *and settle Where the moon breaks over water through a lia/e • ^ Ballycroy. ' ;....:,e. on, ot,inheei,ik' itnh4e17.• pleasantspe6'.:titorrinf reenekio,ihkeet ., widest'.difittilnition, ever...effected. PialL,, ". , See the gose:ente.._,AUd-thk..00.1110,,,wer_e- aken_to„widely-s-opontetlimint-F- e---' Feel the, pea,ge. df ...heaven failing,. as. ttansition •,was .. enceeSifullV. ..i.r, - 1 - • • "--'. 'Play -their wiles,. "'• '• ''''' • :, :and, ..'"aceordltitg "to •all top.ette,..c,' ' did" . . •" , the Stare -shine. down the valleys hiked,' and the .2iigh7lre thrlylillgP.; .. . ,. . . Whilst I sit and dreamalone,e'tholl- Ainong the flsh:diettibuted ..itere"!aVer. 1.ticirhodz;l'i m, 43114tiiyerc;.:',:: ,...., . . over '7;09000 .Tlintiow ' cised; 0,00096 -Sihiteflsh;' 1.7.,q00,604'percii ' ,.. ., ,... , .: - ' 7--PAIWOregatL. over .3;000,904 Pielcei.el. ' betivC'eti.!'700 . • . . ":".'7-7-7:--.79"7"-'-t-r-- -tr!"., • '• '''.., : ' and 800 -"liege:and' CraPPiiii •;!,:steit.,,ai.jerti '...-• 'Yellow'Sea .".1iinha''..Are :the ,'• in. the kort. 'On'Apneite faies;.: i'l'Of : ,.0.idor Aiiitoog Vessels.' : . , ".. garattotins hitVe .ACen • lan'de fen': ''* The oldest : seagoing. retie ele Of the .:att-nrac5a7dildatiamtinda fic)ot hocatii;aet'01 ' :6°40; 6,-11,a0::... ' , world are the junks the YellOw, Sea . ka tehewan .lakes.supplied_ „ititli_itah, • ' itcifeiteolidinct74;..;e.,47ehleeew,„1.iiithke., _itiarne, iti.piogoholys.H.d'aened ; SAt6.'"t°fierilliiiii.titialctint.:46-"tyafg:It4;* .(7)e-f..xl:it,ft.ir';',. pronitakid9 saidte4s,oreeitnuillinhistiese.iit jeurnthtisodoittytii$:. Nart.h.,.. bieh woie 'fringes Of, ciVIlizati ' .41, . " • in' t• * .. 09: c 1., OV011 ,....49 ' toniote.,,Often- times': from ;the.. otirtiPpet; airne:•Iihiiextiiinst:netitkciatitlelftwIthui4,40vitie ..661116",";int:Ltipt:florrit„fT,i.rsisoirz;art..1.(1,6n.a.i.zi...irel. 'so.tin.e 150 year 'ago." writes parts of the United ,..5titte*•' "ii ' Y. '11•643htellirrginU*':13' tilithtillY:' Si:L.1/114 ileaul'141:11. Chicage.end 'Minimal:to:116,70ot 1.6":4-neok•I • Sconoinidally.. • niarketea ' .'at •• 1.11!'iii•'•0" " 'of'. distant points ' such., a.S "Nev • r . AS'a rhatter. Of„fect, in the gees t .`,\11(1. .. . die West Of the .United S tatom, .With itir ... .• large .eitlea and * the pppulotie 'tetri.! • tOrleS, surrounding ,theA.e. centres. ili,•...ro ,. olcistis a ttetnefilloue ritarket, capable, ... Of Yet grellierl,eltpsiislcii 'for the"ti off the ',wind. • it .the iijo'W; 19 likely:0i, :.!Tev4Inc..7.• ., , ., • , . last any time,...lie,i.SYS' out a sen an- Average Per ,Capita ,ConSutoppan, . Cher.. His ne4..procedure 'is- to burn ,. i.Clinada: TS not inftstiA a lin gi Y. 9 ,n .tI-'• a 'iOse,tictickand probably a feW phicei .eiiting nation, ,•yet,.the'• avert:go of Pener. ki. his 'household god. •After 'consuniptien ln.the Ocininicin t•111,6,.., -ids,' that, as there., is nothing Mete to do to about 800,000,000'Poitilds Poi .yeirs• exeept'eat or Sleep -The ,dops se.....- •.. or attOot 25 Pounds peti-cavit'i2i..e'r •- • ." •:-..!--,-,!;-•---Xt.:-.;!--'---- • '''' •• ' nett .- Thii •Oanatlien 1718;•01!: 0,0%,.<1..,,I.1.44, . . "6 "n""er; ': ' .: ' ' tion thinica !his: coal:1' bt, tstattetrill'ii; .:!: :.oldj',.°1111nrolitiheettv,laWPihgoa.z.lianyg::qt'aehall'iitr'tintYti: et "50:. , '0 minds per . caritii per', dintt,"' increased to an aVere*.e C;g:•fltiniit'i.k.n,,,, '. "Yelling in his get • :,.'. . • : : • :Ler ono 'pound per 0.,,d.ry pet,„.',5i,,ealt,, ' "Did' be POnla: fralll- liPit'Yeffir -int WI the seine tinie,, flit t!,•,:calci ni ,J,I•o, quited.,Johanie. , •: ,. _ ,, . , — :.•tonVentleit Of 014 Ainrir I lo.- ,r..w,iies;-dear...",.' !, '' ' , -:- AsstiCiatiOn,,,..the.Xtitted,sttAtesr'wi!li-- ."11o.w_entL!:e„r..„-th_OmbY.• .,._...,7_,. -Pui,--iii,1O-..e.:!,1,1".',•',', l',4tWit.,elhailestiliiefifis ittliei6oiliotism1,!,etliiitit.4:i4f,:b.:Vi..Z.v,i,.‘•. ..., Prichllatels DittPtit Of GOnle,. "'''" •,. • • tiwi d . lir , iii t . •-• -moto . MI e a ,-t, o,Itiri- ::-•tita-fittionn'T'..tnntint'n'Ina' •"`B nth."4ititiettliteh,•Sveilid,tindsenAdin-iimietegg .r. Attina.":11'ast:'PthdAl4aCi '''''Ivair-1**444;°°"*I1741:47''''1'Capltia'..totilittniptiOn •of- lt`eit,:n611 =feat ,009/Orth.Of .diaal.510:da• • ,:', .''. . ,.... '.H. trifid ,',Doutids 'Per Year, ' - ' . ..iie......' tatirtieinttsti-O,ShdotintilittIaottfti,i6thoekilrii-geh,dtilrtioroeta,.:: .Ao• t'f-(5.0.4...0.."--'.7"'"e.1,.:..vitp17;70,,tt;''4:._._ .1Y ..at,-the-iiiiiiI.- It is - iiithik to offeat7tite; .aiiirond,o;alityd!.M6Vi, b7)4. Oblia,t:1)...licalpaeli..atua'atirlai:slie:: . '. $ , . oleSight-VerY.,00rhnielp •• - .. . , , 1;4 erel!"Was the ine;tst imPottsnt item. of • lowed by whitefieli 11'88,459; and stui.k.Isiklbaetechegran,278w.i.0...Wh$20i7te28611,114cilapdov. "en; iby litietti+h4w4:4186:71tik' eW,41.4.4iio;it, J609. " Portant-711E1h ,in .fer tioyenifte 0f.4 $174,400; , 0110W0d . by treht,:with::08,835;. pickerel; '926,00.i and:OHM:31080.: • , • . Iniproved PrOdtiction.and. Marketing." , good • deril Of •attention•is 'being piild to the inaproitehient ot•4he...Praitiie, .ProVinces Inland 'ibilieries betli":9S tile catch, accounting .fdr•848,4;984. the coinmercial- production: Mat-, ketingi • and the eoSUrancol'ot snoniy., A .•'ocimpitini Operating en.'Lesiier"SlaVe takalay:Alberte: haw -Inuit •:„ free, dge Want coniasetienTivith its. npe-n- tion .which. is 'one of the beet • .of its .kind .Westerh•Cancida:. ! There hare likewise ',Inien'ininreireinent's .0o :.)3u,f, .falo Lake,. where twe will - be OPerating thie . • ... Saskatchewan,• Silligh.'.aecounte for only .about one-half : of - the anual flsW production. of!Allie,rta,. and one4Ifth, of. that Of IVImiltoba, egeoptidn.al , . , attention to 'the, building Up...of • !lei inland ilsheilea. Parent fish , anti ,fry ! wore •dietriblitod.". outing ::Afty.fdiir. 1 lakes in the spring f 1D24 from tlo provincial hatcheries( tkis being the ties of , the ,jualti; the • •writer gays: link will not heave to and John 'mao is fully aware OV:this. He does 'not even try:, his planOs 'far ,SilhOler, 'Ile lets lila halyards 'go. Witli, a .run; and the sail, ia off Iiifyireseel In 'a Me - Meat; Tho. :poop acts 08 a riding nOtitt'and 'brings hint bead to wind: the id* bow preVentri. Mtn froni"faiiing • proditet of the ;lakes. of. the •