HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-22, Page 1•
$2,00 PER ri,AR IN ADVANCE; *2.5.0...,otHER*,
'1,4OCKNOWI ONT., •,rHuRsDAY JANUARY 224d4 1925,
.GA9N6r7 Pri
t•Of• • '
. . .
.„.lar.:.-.:Maciteed' will visit Lacknow,
every Tuesolay,44.Dr;.,,ponnell'arOttiCWr,
at the
Cain t1ouse,-.144nOW every Wed..'
:::4eficli47,afteriloon,'Ali,chrobie' d-
•r.ealSeer suejessfriliy "•tresitel. •zthitee7
PaLttl'..1•04°O.Ye'• 'tite: 04004. :004001.1
Of ,Adjristment ,of the
Spine is more quickly secured -and
'with teWer treatinente by °Step-
• tiatilY 'than by 40 other •thethoulr
. 11. CONN] -Ly
Physician and Surgeon
Office hourik . "9-7-1f)
, 02-4 P.m.
. • 7,4-8 .pni,
, and by apponitnient..,„,
'SpeCiarsattencien country earis ario
nigrit-calis.rioile 8b- - •
Pr. R. '• L. Treleaven, Luckriow
Over • Leeker'S Store;la_s_ok.ac• per,
"-:eoner by gas :•or igear:7,-"Will no in
• 'Dungannon (Aiery,••!;11nrsdhY.,
' . Phone 5b
•Call Dr., Newton
- Makeoppeintmerit
In office, eiterydaY,
I have added te my' 'Wall Paper
and Point buSinesa stock Of Wall
RaPer which may"be seen at ilay
residerire any time;, --R.. J. Canieroai
kitinter and Decorator
getces for 'ail -*Woos eit•
"tOrv • 'biltzsi.e.rirs.
iooqds Store: •••
• SALE. -4,- Very • conifortable
in good eonditiori.-:•ApPlY
:•to Geo: A. Siucialf.' .
,FA.,RM, LAND FOR SALE•77- •Several
weli iinproved .100 -acre farms. • cpn-
venicat to Lucknew.,Apply to, Geo.
Lucknow: •
,* Air; Robert MacCaIlunTt. hoine;sf,t,
terspending the Bur/inner owl!. tall at,
Leamington: • " ;•.:, •
• •Misa:MarY Ferrist, who is 'with
'Dr: BaiIour, is about', again af-,
ter a inouth's illness.''
. • . • •
• 'COLPItr • 1.,9114S" 4.Nre been ;a:tether
. „ . . ,
kfad. contlitleh '.the .past e°°Pl° of
innicirodl° the rnile in Olacest.
" 77ancl'Mra.", Mat Sproni are
coining .back to reside in tOWn...Ir
Sproui :havi.ng erigaged with the
Table ecrinpnreirl'tp occupy his, former
Robt. •Roe :and: .daughter.
• MOrgoret were at-StratfOrd'the 'Phst
Week .Where they 'attended- the mar
Perter; ori'Wednesdoy a 1.4'st
'Hoge. of Mrs Rees sister Miss 0
A IneetiOX of: thb • Lticknow,COritin,
nation School was held in sForin TI
on: Jan & at 8010 to ei hCeti• .
fer the:, near • tdros,1- The. following'.
foNGLEtopirs. 5 CENTS,
. VIIIJRCH NO'rES 'OnnprELLows, ktEsE$14
The onnhal ,congregetienol meet-
ing', Of . Ltieltnow- PreSbyterian church
on' :ThursdaY eVening-' of
• J. ,
TT -WI? of the ' olOest mainhers f the
local, lodge of Ocldfellows we're:
; officer4 eje,40 J„rea 91i • r. D. G. ,l'ifaelCente •*indlY '°,!43 1'4"
ve ineniher of Session: 1:VS 'hliosen `chair- r°°111 • FriflaY evening of 'alit week,
' Yiee-Pres,-Grant'i'MaoKen-
' man' 'The reP°1t1r3f the Session Clerk
Messrs h4tadli.xa' liRttl:S.M:Oar:dthaWn:41eioatnni
‘4ie, D g S the Board of Managers and the var.,
TreOs.--7Whot Pu,r;6•5) ions organizotions t working • in con- .0.ieted tiftY• year of InemhOialtiP in
i)Paglaa): 1.'4.,aj'a a r'''-cP0alit3'0t-Ir*.' ileCtion: with the churelr. were Of an the '1Odge, and Oi:)**..of bye9.;n12ting,
CollYer, P. IlenderPn;:: 14ne wQbd§; '.ene-ouragiai nature:, show- thOr 1°4g. and faithful se'llunes in
,fleoa iasePonaldi, "Eilifitfrick; .women'S ,secieties hod 'been vetv'snic- then! with 11.4416°.
Program • Committee,- N. Wilson • ' to the lodge the inembeis t•presented
. ed ImproVernent over a year ago he ' . •
F,ditot • and' Stoli..4Eclitbr--Morgan •
jeWels,":.a.:.,:',very,firettirYornament• In
.11°Oclerson, ;VlacDori.,• n°s8f91. and the Siinday -School • and
ad,'Olive-genie;,d •• • '
Lucknow Wins From Ripley lit:
- :Splendid ,dame-HScora•
The League .1-rockey0•game played
in Lorne Rink "Tuesday night•is said
to have :been one• of, the best gimes
Young,Peoplesi Guild are MOO;
Pieohyterian Giiildl"
.,./The regular 'meeting' of• the Guild
•vas held on •Jan". The.: Social
Committee; -cif
Mrs. J.,Cameron are Conveners; lad
charge of the:program. 'The. presid7
ent, Mr: Ai. Arinstrqng occupied, the
'ever seen. in the rink Ripley` -has' a •
h CalViir
•ecic 6A,ds TheSdoY., • .
ii..1;di; ,o,am of...g9.9hd:pw0::: ::,..,b.i.k:7,0,._,,,,,:,.,,,,,,::,,,..,,,,ar., .The Seriliture• lesson: was read,
..."' a ;tiff-. battle; :end. "tAy :came.: 01Nr ,.g.:PYlaVii;ea.e.'iniriuSi i'Acanld: 's. elG4liain9rit:!' IMMrast.:Kne:Oli011e-;
' -- ..' '....
Ruby 'Pelee,' ,..Iteria '' "Carruthers
•sincl :Jean „Stewart=gaveL„.r.eadinges4,
7,11easant social., tinie. 'Was then opeal.:'
'a: 'ciriltest" haying ,.been . arranged for,
efter which Ilinth'.. was
. . ,.
.the Epworth League
• .... . - ,.,.,
'• The •pressing fern? "•Of ' sinnoinice-
th';`nt. Was • the ibsult,iof.: thp:;•basenne,n't
of the the' Methodist : church being corn
Pressed on Monday. eVening.tO listen
to and enjoy . "A '•Press Social." , An.
• Jake. and Som 1VIiller Will have
. -
anetion‘, sale of • knelt', COWS:.
YOung...dattle--well , Heref
Polled Angus and Short 'Horn at
Cain House barn Lucknow •
-(Thursday) afterzi-'4°
-- A:puree picked' up the r
icinje weeks ago,istill awaits a 'cla
ent at The Sentinel'affiee This lin
avidently :a . ,wonien'S centaine
311_111 Of trioney; and should be read
described' by the owner... '' •
• There aPPeOrs. to be quite 'a lot
ieknctts in: town and colint
-inl:iiedit,.sliedstrie'caiti-e of :Mall ":37o,k--:, ebeling
the and the Oat rnaination' to' win. •How -
this ever the, . local team P.roLiC.C-4,:liftl°
""7"-- toir..-strong, ;although "; right 'Up ...to.
•. full , tiM •it . was ..anybody's..:game.: • '
Qad At the...end of the first' period, the
lin- ?Score was and • ":•the• end 4of. the
re ' SeCOnd•was 2=-1, in favor of flip -
.a iev and at encl. .the:' third it
was 2-2
" the ten-itinrites overtime' •Rin •
, of ley; ,thougn putting ''OP a go a le,
4,, • failed to score,: while ,:Liiclinow' ScOl-
he allrhenia. Severe winter • .con-
ditions appear to ',,favor tlreSe mai.
Members of the . LucknoW Hoti
mItural Society, are requested to. .get
their orders, for Roses, Gladioli, ..Pae,
Begonias, ete. in by February
,15ish. This IS the :latest date eiders
. .
can. be :takea for immted Stock. 'See'
, The,. undersigned.' is prepared to
buy .all kinds of,,, logs dialog this
:waiter, delivered at our saw -mill at
Lhehariw,,ond will pay according .t.o
quality 'tile lighestmniarketTirtci-fo.,
Basswriod, 41m; Birch
'and kor full -particulars cal.
• • and zed :us' .,'I'he Lucknow Table Co,
Limited. Button slang... 2 -12 -ti
' WANTED;-,Ilaswood • • Bolts in 'thy:
• round, 4 in. or .06•An.' 1ong-5 in.
thd•up 'ton:Ad:Vise Keenen 'Brothers
• -Ltd. Owen Sound -22-1-c
For -the office,:of .-Assessor--for :the
Township of. Ashfiela application
must be in the Clerk's Office by Feb
" 7th ' 'C. E. MeDoziagh,. Clerk 1-22-c
•' TENDERS-------
• Tenders will be received' by the
undersigned gp to Saturday: the 24th
•daY of January , A. D' 1925.. for
.7,2:Thirty-five- cords of • eighteen - inch
%Hard Wood, or any portion thereof;
to be -be deliver.ed, .'at_ithe Town Hall
LuCknoNy, and 'for,120.' cords,' or •any
' part thereof, !of 'four foot wood' to be
delivered at the. Waterworks primii;
Mg . statiOn, Luckriow, ,. tenderi to
- state ' kind of wted to be delivered.
. . . • , •
A Joseph Agnew .
20-1-o ' . . •• : . Clerk, ‘Luckriow
Thi Annual meeting of the Luck-
.Agricultural 'Society will be held
in t e 'Council Chamber in the Town
Hall, „Liricknow, of 'PridoY, the TVven.
a' Two o'clock in the afternoon.
.•:thikd day of January , A. D.,- 19.25.
joseph Agnew, Secretary
• WANTED -Energetic min. Good re.'
&lid., To -sell Life InsuranCe. Will as
sist. to :finance and sceure ,business,
,Annly, to BOX 51, Owen Sankt, Ont.
'Gee. 'Bell, Let' 34, 'eon. iO, Culross
• will have an. „nnetion sale of. tows
and Young Cattle at his 'farni 031
Monday Jan, 26; commenting at one
o'clock. -l2 geed grade' eews sdon to
'freshen; 22 *yearling Steers, and hei-
fer:• 10 TWo-yr.-olcls.-Terms 3 naos
• credxt, With' • bank' , interest, -:-.John
, .
Iteknow-ltiotir rains
• Itayelock Conte ' Manitoba) 15.00
•• Sepoy. (blended). .$4.75
IsZado (pastry) $4.50 :
Short s $1.65 to $1.70";,-;.- •
Broil $1.6510 $145
ll'eed rim $2,25 •
-454.•14,1,,r ee on //4° 1140110 01!rg0.i.,
'The ,Lucknow Fire 'Co:',ard.:liolding
• animal "Burns ; Ball," •
morrovit , (Friday).''night. This ball:
'bite' long :been.a papulor feature of
"Lueknoves"' winter social life,: aricinci,
'doubt there: will be the usual .!big
, 2rowil and • good -ie
The Scheel:, Board-- has'-isinedbilis
aliing a Meeting of Luckilow, rate-
payers • to be held in the pOulyeil
ChaMber, this (ThurSday) -evening
ot.'..3 o'clock • the piirPose of the,
naoeting.i0 theL'inatiter nt
tbe- School' building
d to find Orit what: the ratepayei
ink about it, A 're -modelling f th
hcool, is,; somewhat' oVer-dbe, an
ere ere those whe think' the wOr
uld ,be undertaken next Suirriner.
kr, and. A/Ira.' D.. MacLeod have
'ieen in",Teeswater the .past week On
, •
„accotintof the seri°h S illneSS of M °
liaeLeOd,'s brother
eith,,Mr. Keith appeals tO.---gave--de--
veloped a .bad caSe of high:, bleed
pressrire;:resuRing in a sort of pato-,
lysis' of the -brain". The trouble set in
about two weeks sigd, and at latest
-reports. there- was not any impriVe---
meat. Mr: Keith is , well layoyvn 'hi
"LneknoW,..-his-,....- Wife, :IprinerlY .
Angus MacLeod haying :lived., bere.„.,
„ .
we :require a large quantitY,ek
our h4tive. •tv,:bit•ds for the Mariano -
tare of furnithre,,'We, :are ,rn the • mar-
ket to .briy all: kindsof legs and will
pay $35.60 per thobiond 'feet ,or" the
highest' ',Market iprice going, espee
ally for certain kinds of gpod`..,1ogs
• •
daitFed at: our SaWmillo' at Lack-.
noty."'Call at our ,er, nhorte for
.portioularri... The', Lnekiliii,V,Table Co.
2271.4: '" •Britton, Mgr.:
•• •
• " Tannlya„:Of Winglam
at his' ..leme on
Jan; 18th following' a long illness,.
Dr.. Tainlyn Was the son of the late
Dr. J. E. Tainlyni:Wha•was the first
Men to open a medical7•Pragtiee :at
Wingham id': pioneer ,days. Ild"V.WaS,
.58.. 'years Of,age. -T)-
. "111....Tatilyn.
studied , • medicjn in Canada, -.la'
radiated' from .a 'United -States:
Akar' coliegc Following,graduatiQn
he metarried .',Winglisin 404
,ticect....Wiih his gather, 11O',*.ai-:•nitir,:-'1
lied to a..Mis3 Martin, .nt .onetime
a'rdsideht4 of"IiiieknOW; "b4
•yearand;four -niontlig'.-age.:Dr. and
Mrs 'Tainlyn are OtirViVed)4.Y:
Winrrliarn tensetery
„was, 'Sitednetiiiii afternoon. tho
tofoo of Wingliain: lodgaff of Mason anc,Odd.
„ ••.44.414-°•-•. 4AI•la
in the :setond, makin • the
This •• put S ' Liicknow'. .to the
front for i- group honors," ,the present:,
'standing being',
Liznipcilienro,,w.,. '- Won 4, Lest 0
Won 1, Lost 2
Kincardine Woe 2, Lost g .,
wingbai'm Won 0, Lost 3 •
• ,----o-o-O-LL. ,
. Mr. Jas • McDonald :of :Paramount
spending ,the week end in Toon,
Mt . Aaron. Book, Of SaSk. is 'visit -
mg with ,Ins ,friend,..Ewartt Jamieson
.MisS, Violet Downy""Of - is'.
sPending '7, a few doYS iith Parac'
mount friends': , .
• Messrs. • Melvin' Webster 'arid Wht-
'Son. ..,;p; • •Varna • are:::
-,yrien•ds .near Luelchow '
• Alt. Albert .•Simpson of , Langharri
his .bretlier.
A, °ShrinSon; ;of, • KintAll.• • •
•.Miss i• ,Irene Moore of Whitechnieli
• ig the . guest of Mr. and Airs:pt jack
Henderson of Parameunt daring the
.Week ' • 6
Mr aid Mis.:1Valtei.A.Iton Of
Liines visited with Ifl and ;
Max Raynard of: Paramount•
the We,e1c. :
mount ' 'entertained a :nuniber of
friends and' ..Peighbqn,i's' to a' ',sada'
,evening last "Friday ••
port geed. thhe,
The amitial in€3etuig o.Rarafliount-
iIF W. 0. was held of
Mrs.' Page 61'Jan. 13th, The meet-
ing opened witTi
singing .T.h.e•Miiple
call was 'answered by
Nev 'Year re,sphitions.• The officers
for :the', following :year,.'were ,elected,
:as • follows!' President; 'Mis,":;Tomieien
Vice,Pres.,, Mrs. Thos. Irwin;, TreasMis.-.
.,•Jack . tiendarsoh;.. 'Secretary;
kts. ''•Direetors;' Airs:
„AleKeith, Mrs. '111..11ogan; Mrs, Me,
Diaiid, Mrs.: jos; McDonald,' Mrs,
,Irwin; .,irograinme „ beiruhit.tpo'
Mrs,' McAuley';'1Virs.' C Irwin, Mrs
rcDiariid; Precis -See; Mro.'
Struthers?: Mrs„ McGill' as delegate
•gave 'a " 'Splendid report of tte ten.
'vehtiOn • at, Toronto. Good papers
'.were :given by:: Mrs. Robertson,' on
, Woman, in the 'Heine; and, 'by Mrs
Wni, Irwin `on Wonien '. at • Large
Iiho'logra h selectiOnS *ere given:
A : P '
!during ' :the meeting. • The', meetiiii""
"closed ; With Singh* .tlre. National
:Antlierit,. atter: 'Which ,•tho• hOSteSs•
served lunch, ', The riOxt meeting 10
.be. held: at the borne Of Mrs Jack.
-14cIntOsh Mi'. Mervin Cothin, .
of.„ Vantonver,
visfthd hi perdntS; Mr. arld., 'Mr.m
;jolly!, Cewail 12 Con, for it",feW days
last last Week: • " '
• -Thel,...loirtielibld" trifeat:S741Stece:beldik.
viIJ.he Aispbeed ;o:f ,hir Private 'sale
iii-i77-IFOgrilo:iive‘ of :the' prOpriotbr
T.fii.d,n_yr)„,..Ericlay,tind Saturday of
• -this week; Cook' stove, Ceit'leater,
- ,
Extension table; Kitehen t.ahle'
•theiral. 2 Bedsteads wit stitinf)'S
8ldoboard and oiler st dill a tie!
Prot Po*
the ferny of 'a medal 'Whie!i' may be
presented ,to'.nieinbersef:,.fiftY'Years
'•Sr. '
, •
. It was'the .meeting at 'which the
officers.; for the". new year, , were "in -
Stalled. by • District' Deputy,: Wall
ter,-MacKeazie,",-: and --(rite-
'number Were'prerient.
When Bros. Rims .afid:Connell were
called before ibo Noble Grand. • A
niee, and coMplimentary address was
another old' aacl,valued member of
the lodge The. Owels were presented
by, the District Deputy and •Bro. A.
Barbour.: BrOS.' I'leos and Connell
4.4ae, suitabla'replies to the address
eipreSsing both surprise and. grat-
itude.for 'the' unlooked-for kiridziesS
of the, lodge; They were undoubted-
..., „
,ly, taken by'ourprise, for all arrange.
Inent for the presentation had been
carried on in secret, so -f far as they.
Were -concerned. Bro:' Ross\ said that
he had .beCome a ' member in.' Feb-
ruarY 1873, .11e mode reference to
mgit ...rjtom .s .0.B.VirE144
• 1;-oig• 'r
1t TeIs
of the Death. of *c.,,liont•
.• •
Who Found The ',Sentinel,
, , „ ,
Editor. Sentinel;
tlee ' prir4bly escaped yonn-ap-,
.tice Ihat the. original founder of the
Sentinel; Mr. Henry, m; Runt, ree'..
'eatly-7..Passed away in Winnipeg. tHe
.Was operated uPon, 'appendicitis
l'n October., COniplications, Set' in lat'
treatid.WIP ats41.38.4ggoh;uhliO'II,e;O7U,14taini.Y t.i4terie:C`
:ce(sainVd!brk, a turn for the 'wose carne
widow :(after nearly ; a lalf..centiry,
df exCeptionalfy happy married life)„
who: Previous to .inarriage Was Miss
. •
Rose -Bowers, of •Kincardine, two
daughters, Maude, a. practising phy-
sician, and May, and. two sons, A.
,fit.yErkdem, of Winnipeg, '0eorge,
the. sentinel was, if, lam not ' mis-
• taken, in the second year of its .exis-
tence. Mr. Mint had a 'silent Partner
in his brother...in-law,' ,Rev. Alfred
'BoWers, the firm' name being Bowers
I.& ,Hufat, Mr:' Hunt. had with him : two
of his brothers, 'Alfred and George.
It was the latter whom I succeeded
as "devil" (the traditional name fin°
'the 'youngest apprentice) . ,1878,
Older residents of thavillage•Will re -
the eastern outskirts Of the village.
call Mr.:Hones parents, wing on
and his ,brrithers and Sosep_
Anderson. as Ed. :in Chief ',Was given
• Ed itorial, :Winn ifree Ferrier;•• ' 'Per-
.sonals • and Locals' Margaret Web-
ster; :Musical , :Solo; Austin
. Reid; - Literary, ;Mildred . Treleaven
Olive Alton;: Poetry; Lenore Webster
Mrs. ‘: J. W. iJeynt and 'Margaret
Rivers; ; S. ,S.. Lesson," Airs. .Cosens;
etiitleCik of Church,. Willeniina Agar;
Advertisemef,Iti, -•-Palmer
Bruce, Kennedy,
-rena Hackett. A. Button and a ICII-
,Patrick;, :.Enriny':.grammes,. Charlie
Web,SterHThe ,picture, part :Were lo-
Views,-thro**1,--iThry the scieen.',' A
short 'tithe Was, 6joyed werking ,with
• an . original "Lcross-word puzzle after
which was .pressed,' refreshments,
Were .serVed. Mizpah Benediction Was
thea_led Cosens,
• .
We ' -'are -glad ;to see .Gerdon Mae.;
1, -Pherson• around again. .
•Mr, Ilenimingway .is at , Present
visiting iii"..TepsWater;,
, kr, Ernie Ackert' Made a' business
trip to, Toronto on • Monday
• Mr. Ralph and 'Bill Elliot. spent
, „
.Stiturday eVening: in Our. burg. '
" The :"Scarlet Fever' ,and Chicken
Pox patients are all doing 'nicely
. •
()Wing tothe illness of Mr.' Snlitle,
there was ' no Chinch serViee here on
Roach is . 'home af_t,er
spending a
Mr; and Airs. Jams .eneertained a'
nnmber, of 'their "frienclO. on FOdat.,
evening.' , ' '
, • . -
,••Mrs Petebugh hi Poeut the 7
last f_ewe,.. daya. with 'her'..Sister .Mse. `f
EadiP.• , •
a -iliac it had occriplec(the' Masonic
a .kindnesi-on the ' part Of the
.hrether-,lodge which he -would never
forget; • The ledge later' piet in •Tre-
leaven's 010111: '.from. there inovee'
to the .present cornmodations and
*ell appointed quarters Bro. Ross
7 . 7
was. appointed treOeurer, 35 years
ago and he still 'Occupies .that PoSi-
tion, • '''being re-elected, Year -after -
'veer. He had: tried to get out Of it;
.biit it 'Was of nO use.-•
bro.. Pennell • .retailed the., eally
Odrl*msa*Oh.!onf''tihnelitieenisbeoris s eit! 91. withone
the patient doing the duties of nurse
as Well; 'ea they. gaunt thpught,
the Present, arrangement, by Which a
trained nurse is engaged,: a 'much
letter one. 1:4' and Rosa_haci_fre.7'
qt-i-ely gene considerable.: &Stances
Gt O. Fp janiAe4w otlineiilitgrihhets.teh;:iatfihD4i asreriss sie tee Deputy,
the: retiring • Noble Grand; and a'
number ofothers :for: short speeches.
'Bro. Horace: Aitcheioa Was the re-
tiring N. erpl, Bro.. Stewart ,.Ro-
bertson was elevated 10 that position,
Bro 'Charles daqk :trail* the: chair
of of ihe. Vice Grand. :
. At clime Of the meeting. Coffee
aankidwsociai ia a4n4dif'.0.;9_..ehaoltuer'.9wneiroeyt,18.erved
,Misa Agnes Crantiton' le., Visiting'
ri°°d's at',PsPten;
jno,Lasenhy who has been
ery -sick .iS considerably improved
hiswe*•••• .• • "
'Mr. and Mrs. Will' McClure and
on,, of .Dunganrion • spent ' :Sunday
ith-Mr, 'arid Mrd. Ilerb Curran:.
A sleigh: ..Ioad '" Of 'Dungannon
lends spent' a day recently ' with
rs. John Saunders. • •
Mr. jOhn Turner of Clinton. was a
Sitor at Thosl...Ancleon's, Monday.
Harvey Aaderian. and 'John
!aril& spent Saturday with Goiter -
friends •
Bert •MeWhinneY•and Aiden Hasty
. OTke. Stent the week -end at at Mr:
hn Blake's. • '•
The Jan!' meeting of the W. M, S.
as held at the home of -,Mrs. B. .J.
lpatriek :Thursday : aftesnOon. The
tendanee Was fair • considering the
ndition the - roadie, The Pres.
rs; teo. -Lane' was in the chair..
rs R. johaston gave .a Splendid
innaary of the -2nd-. chapter of, ill(
udy Book. Mrs.J. Blake read' a
g • and interesting letter 'from
Ss. Caroline 'Kellweed of West
ina to :the Ashfield Anxihary.
s. Blake it.lso auk, a solo, Ways .
d means Were, discussed for adding
the fundi of the .„:Society,and to
s end conny4tte 'es were 'aPpainted
. all -three .appointmente.". ,.the
these of .„ keiietvt Tbri,vaire‘
irbe kekvaviion.
.• .:,RO'clie has been seen going .East
,gote frequently -o late We 'Wonder
• what it-ineatie: • , • ' v'
• '''A number attended :attended the dance •held
:n tlic hall On ..Friday 1evening 'aad
)')V°e47:ii..aaigicc)'atienenw''Of . Mu& 3.:On.ng
ireing mirth. again. Don't bring us:, of
any, more cold. Weatheit-Jolniny,,*
.•Mr. qo'rilor‘),• .•MacKenzie • who has':
'erifigeci :With' the Brantford Cordage .,,w1
'co,,.left for the City on :Monday last, "1-A
' We 'are,. sorry, to report that Mrs' at
jbe •CorYley- is seriously in.. She was
.taicen. to-Winglictin 1.160141 .on .Sat-
• : • '
Mrs. 'Inin .1"ltiO5 'has' returned os4„
home from Kincardine Where' she at- ,'"?'•.
'1"•mlded the Golden: ';'Wediiing' of . her
v•irMs.r?.cteilkIr'tP'y'ai,'" 661. 'iita
dasr.• laSt!svee11{': at istio, ;Miner ,ah
• •. • . • •••
The flev, P. E kennedy• and :arife th
of' Ma/10111e. SPent.,:h. Week: .teeentlY °O"
•Theme'S'itetteh-7.7: '•• • .;‘•"/O
,"••••"71Vita,Itiehar-d2Elliot$0:rid•OrvirliaVg WI
s tdport that Orval has been '
_home ',but lope
for an earlY retoverr: 60
was held •-iire 'the
• EVe*Oorie:‘ re. MI
s, dna:. kr; .John 'Thorbon ,for the
, .
hie..mahner 111 .svhieh he conducted
: •
-.440orgi.... •
On 'iukt#throddi JAC: 28.;' at Lot 12,
"Or .YstiOre, teerc fwd..
be sold Feedlng lifelfie°ratV;
Con. miff: tei.
mitt- of 'lielyrood).-:ebninaeri.
arts fin ekeellent"thne. Minh 'credit
Zst, Aokisrt Bre ostrerr9dit 1,1vti.114 *nbrIko
e -former \-o-f--tbe two i:ifirried and
leader of the New Connection Meth-
odist Church Choir.•
. A year or two later (about 1875)
the Sentinel passed into the hands' of
•Mr:,David • Boyd;,a Kincardine 'man,
who had for a short: time published
the 'Elora Express, and whose tragic-
ally sudden . death in the...following
Year; while on ,„st visit to his natiye
town, caused, an unusual '-:wave . of
sorrow to sweep over the village,
where he , already"... had come • to. be
greatly •
`Mr. Hunt was in his early life a -
practical, printer, working.',- at his
trade in Kincardine, Barrie and other
places. When I came. ,to ;Toronto in
18EfT he was employed. in the Grip
office: The earlier aequaintance. here
developed- irito,-a. strong-ind -warm
friendship, which ripened with. the.
passing years; For many years, we
worshipped in the 'sayne church and
were -active workers in the SundaY-
Schook When my brother Vat : (an-
other Sentinel graduate) was Super-
intendent. At this •time he was edit -
ing 'a weekly, 'publicatiba, verified
Truth. He gave this up t� remove to
Galt; where he for a few years pub-
lished ;And edited the. Reformer His
• next and last Move was to accept.1C.
.position is ,:traveller/with the old -
established' type foundry firra'of
Miller RE' Richard,' in their Wianineg.
:Office. 'This was itorne twenty years.
ago,. and 'during these years he had
not ,visited. Ontario. °
' So full of life was' he and; of .so
happy And 'llioyant--a -nature-seetii-7
mgto absolutely resist the encroach -
merits of age, though .be.bed passcd
the Lallotted -"three-score year's and,
ten," it, is not . emir to..associate the
:thought' and fact Of "death, With niy
,friend .Harry....Runt, I am •told he had
notperceptibly agedin the last
twenty Years. In Winni4Ie and
throughout the West he had becenie,:
a familiar figure with:the trade, and
had won a host of friends. A public
funeral service was held, for hilt! in
Grace Methodist Church:, '
have a ,sad pleasure in offering.
'dila small tribute Of affection, to mY,
old friend,: His parents had been eon,
vetted and johtedi the, Methodist
Church in Aurora' undermy'father:8
ministry.' He and his dear Wife 'were
among my oldest friends; and :their
home in Toronto was like a second
home fo.rne. His tonteetion with the
Sinitinel,, and the fact that many of
your. readerS in the village will rem-
ember ".him well, will I trust, be
thought sriffidient *arrant for :my
taking rip so innah of Your space.
•...., ours truly,
.., .• E. S. Caswell
Toronto, Jan, 1'4'1925.
,VOwNsnlr or WEST:,
• . wii,wktosti •
before Feb. 7th amdel:c
..siried. for the -,'Pobitiona•--OtiTre,astiter
Assessor and Collector for the' Town-
ship of Wcst
Treairirerk7Barary." $135'
AssessaiStdat 04 per afintint
dollectoralarY $15 per anptitn.
• ttt,I,Bitre!,9o4 fiktto
'Specials For Satoday
Dundee calces Doughnuts
.Chelsea Owls "JBM Tarts'
Fig Trilbyt '•„*.
Home Made, Whole Wheat .
• and Raisin Bread.'"
Butter and Eggs at TOP -Prices
• llyman's ,Bakery
•Paone 56;- , ,Leekno'w,
• 194di: Muff: left at the Store.
' ',Owner; may have.iririne:by
' proiing•
Have just received a shipment
_ ,
of "Canada Ten Test" Fibre Board
which I believe to . be the best
. .
board on the market lo -day. •
„ Sheets', are 4 ft. by 8 ft; nearly,
Y2 inch thick and,. you saw it. like
The Canadian Government ,,Mied
. over 1,000,000 ft. of this boord
their Windings at Weinbleyn
See it before you buy.. The price
, •
is right. '
'Phone; i50j -;
Ox:: 151:
Family Theatre
"Nellie, The,Beatitiful
Cloak 'Model" "
The intimate life of a model
bared on the screen in a .phetkv-. •
play of loo0 thrills with
One' Night Only
The story is a 'level one of a
• Bride Who has a craze for ".sen-•'.
•Satietial 'expetiences;Hortseback
: rides; 'Leaps ..frinn:: an airplane
over cliffs and Hair raising auto,
Don't Miss Those Pictures, You
Will Eajoy1Them.
• Mr. Case,'Durnin, of SaSicis‘tiiit.-
. • e
ing .his porents,- Mr. and. Mrs. ,John •
•Duzirin' after 'spendingseven years
Were VietterS :with Mr an1 Mrs,
lister one • day last
• The regular' monthly, meting Of
the Woinetes Institute will be held .
at Mrs Nayler'.5 on :Thuraday after-
noon,' ',Jan. 29th.:".41,O,11 • 'Coll, Good. '
I3oo•ks _to Read. • Si'.ibjecf, "The'
round Wornali" in charge. et Mrs D.
Phillips. Visitors are always •
come. ' , : .• ,"„ • ,
. •
Colvin Church; St. Helens con -
eluded, the Vote on churcli'anion on' ."
the: "seventh ''..inst,.,.'The• results an-
netinced were 86 to 68, a majority of
18 in favour of 'Charles '
Cuthining the ,Miniatei, IS a ;unionist...
On the 13th hist/ the annual congre,,
gatiotial'gneeting was held. The „I.e.!
• ports .presented '',by the/ various
,ganizations Were very encouraging, •
showing progress, during the year- 111
• ;every department .;.During.-7the. year -
the balance of itidel4edries5.,, 011 the'p
sheds was paid. Solne .irnproveiiiej
t� the Manse property in•ide The
JOrgest. :.'contribution budget,...lenda,! '
'in. the littorir,41, ',the :.•ebrigregatien''
$354.00.on bAildink flit general ac.,
..)yrd,fit atthe meeting• of the eon.
eon-, •
gregetiiehe pttIviis Churat. e'nters up.
on the :Year '1925wi,th` enthusiasm,
eapeelally is this true among the '
Young' :people ised in the sendo.
80h°41,‘ •Ar. MN*
• A •A