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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-15, Page 7
IR • •i Mr.,••••• iVilake-.1e0 . ' '''' lihr. Ud$r Uiele 4.4, . , ..., 4. • , . 4,4 4 . .10134- -4, • btt,t1,41,417,4144 4440:7 l•ii.', dre.01#141:•10 1.11e, - , 7r4g!'*9•311,'•140,4„-Wlett.14, #0, , . • PM.' .0'')ei,e; tee: : thle' .M-e.rei.ni• I"' ' 4'1C•.°4 ., .fia..''' lit'011iW•I'e -Xliiiialifi"*. Int74i "4!:'4,4-roa:Tifol::-I'otw",' ..°1''' *1•:.lan4..'ll'er IM); the Plillep: Men., • • , . .. , . , ._11.,,_iiII.:helP Vo,._Iireelf '''r‘apOnded 1 -let • PtoYfing, Thglr 3310:4. i For •the.frOst hae: Ceine -and •fo.und •pli' 0.7' neargiy... .4`1:Ite cellar 15 full , or, tt.„1. • • • - ., ••••. hat,.Wlth an 'ermine.. rehe. areollna ker. bningjn, have,, adine 1 • .. v., .. 'rf you feel tlit.t.doWa, it rrieeeis t-,n.hi I' ittie I ittly 'Iciclo'lles dreaming-. ,. .0-.T. 14, xiovi• my old wojil- aciae 8. ht e, ' ginOta,.111 '7744";.. .by/rQt.4j4s....1f....:11:;4-`14.97ruar e,:;.,Y4t thaniet..1,.";Inth9• anow.,.- ,,, .• ••• , ,:i!1el•li,olt.;!'911.'.4•44°77747.4*,. x1,4474-, iic.1',..41'u-t•••.1•:!4•., • p_4,Atily... enillecl. :xvil.' Pte. net el:gep...w.,,!,11. /,,,14,i10,. 144,11y icicle i. waking v!aking In the ! - ' info ta, try 'it," ' 1. '•• •• ' ' • • . you ••• • ' •: •• :' - • - Y. -'' •._'• ; ' . ' : . 11.0.rtnIgnd, - , . . " ; •• , i •• nho are tired when on rise in 1.41v • . . . • . . . • :i • Morning- YOU: •.find , iip' .PleeeeTP: 14,-1 ' Al a: d-- shakinat. i ' th ' N ' thi d• her iitf lie' titOP•Pod et the' hitclieli''door ''''''-941' P41...;'''."44, 4re2114.,..t/(31$ ' 444' dif31-.''-''''' -pillOW-70"---- a.1444" Ii7O,." gr.' "'' .40 '.4414 .cp•titie 'back from the .I.Ce 'gel- , .„ •,Ugain to". say,, '"I'Ve befrOwed; A ,aacir,' el)1.°t-°1-' 'till' Y: "1". W'' cs'l.'1%gi...t.9. 4 .• 1$143re'' 111...C1' 1.4° 't"'' Ii" 4r•rt°4"4.-•'''s'ittrliti1 ' . 1 ' :••19, 'prit! the Ice, in. I told My. old Wo. • ll':1'g••Y 4 0.4/0Y! PIA". - ia • 'mi.' ' Se145'.:09* feaftierY alt *Wilfrling.,,,.. ' rman ilwouldn't• need fo, liring,Oile,"1: ' r.heASanda...of Meg: are rui.l.. 9w,"1. ,7•'...;•While..''Llttle LOY' .Telele4a7Waltiag.: 10 . . . UO:insr 'Y•oll •WO11410 'Wigplenty laieg -, ' Y, • 44.te,ti'4' CI ..*Pilt' '111Q1.1"4448' P lv?''''• ' - ,' the Pnow, ' ,' ' , • ' ' • .., * r ' ' ex , , ' . .. ' ,fireT.Or.'91f4 tIOWO by their lions arie-.1 -. .. - ''„ ' .!. -.. -. •,, i , • .- ' , • rbd ''..ifoinevthere . - ' ". • ,' .hold- toil with tired, lltnbs and aching ' • f : • • : - - .--• ' " ' ' • !Bo you hafe .any ice -ores,* .$41tr .• • • • ,, ., ..• ." --,- , ' - .,- .' : • : Little. bady.,Ic cle,..IS 'laughing .in the . • ciorod b•eiti,,..... ' , , 1 'hac_be;•:, thonaancla : ef ,girls are .Pale-! -- :: 0 A ' ' ' . • . i Nortblat ,.:•- ( ' • ' - . • ' • • .'''-'.. • .. 't ' ,,.-- ' ', listieSS end' without attractian:. It ail' '; .•': `$•To".k.Doos. it freeze netter'insi'way7.'„ii • . - : • • • • ..- , . • • :, ' Ao.qaamog iti the Northland 4or (saps the Same Lthing7,tnnt. and . .. . -- r , . • . :Si 1 NV.a4 now, " Y:4)4' "414 4rvel'"ItMl9a° Water bleed; iftaliti•rhn down, Untie- .. ' wines tit' overtlowt.1,;,. ,,,. .;• '... Ali• tbe lakes .fo4 riverS. .evS“,•il.co,•`.' yont-.40.0.thqr,,,to.doy?„ •1\40,..i • wooki, ..ylisu , .., , •• , , pyoOr.'4' PP:SA.4e,, Hpa. lpitating ' heart - of ',Spine, 4.id- are yen, ;going tt.i." infet 1211.' ' -, Short -breath' .,, ... • - - • ' •• • . - . .vv,Whilli,,Z1tItlie:.,....11..014. gy.°...t1c131‘,.# ';0,,etai.f41,,.d.:.triiaEititTifiln,gi,".: gel:407'1 '404, .'..14.1eaaw'o.:prOtot#9 :9.f-,iriair'w.. tkinji,, plge 1)44 rup.,iimd;,..enrich '. I is 14111 In ' In .t" stertilig, ••••'•',PiettY *.gYalted.,,a Aiern'ent!.:iff.•..... ...,m, ;:t. :ru. .tof,)),Iniigi.:14..ito.,.it:g:ot.:0,05:;,r. 4ite. z,.:r.o.u.:.tio.d..,; !: 0.1....".4::.4.010itt,e.•,ti,siu:hyfilti:int:.41toolii",g't,',tiiio,is.,,. ,,Get»r.-we 01117:: : 6-,..t.tie, 1,114,3 .r.. ielirpe, ,a.. n• ,(119 :7,,., •.,....,,,,,...., , 1 'aurejle.,;leat'ris.:...ht?"'"'.. • .. ,,,•'' • ' - : . : I, Vioodohd: with tt...hOw ili.4iiti; -there., „ . ti-1.r4PF.1'.1). 's"Wls:''°' ' .:f3 '20.11t4C. Wt.11,114 ..happen next, • R the,,blobd;,' Wilielt:,ihrings with It nevi .' ' . • '.N0,17thinn'tli'';'..' •• - • fl . oi:400.! 4,404,, ox.,rtio....44.1.... ..010.'a -akilerl:'''''''•nhre,:ag4114.°.wIllIOV:ittaftilpit;.:.12.13...114:141Illia:;il' s7;:R:x,,n,iii'kk:',,.',..".'iyk'''''‘.,111:101'1'5°'''''''''''''''''::!''''''''''1:' ,...,)4 an Off -hand Manner. "how •are yOur . iiier,:•fier .harpitigs are •tli'd hreeies, ? iwniciplilig. lit,wlyr.i, , -.., . ,, , , .. ,,,„P14, 11,,,..eyer nip- d:Own..• • Their friend • - ' "Pretty • Weil'''. Betty' answered. 0.00,,,‘nflotice how ener6etr"theY are, what,,n;:fil ' ' 404 Is :. the voice Of, Lady :Icicle ,a -s nging the Northern 'gaIe. that freezes, ., .i,..0.4, n4•4 sa„ine .egger, , . , j. , ..,,,,,,.. ,t4e .'0.iiplacifiteufteh73,7,.h, ave:7,:al how:.much ,, • -,i3 . .. . ...., • . . . . I t .... PICA '11,11e." ., . , , , . . , .VDOICI l'Sgiire .a 'half' ilesen it , would be "h17-iel.:ne,,co,,,',14..nehirlike, tont , . • . , • . . • . where li.0 feet may go; ., • . . . , all • the ' Northland . ta , 11:1'e.. ;00.44 to have ,eottip'eY. ee 'V 7-04. edeena-lt:i,''A Veln:(1.f,irenine'P:e. 'Tohre 1Dyr:*.N.yaiillitetill.5:0).'. ,4Bea:a'Ni:sbabtdtsi;hag.ltae.till,'67:! .7'1-57-1*.-I'am'sl'i'-.*• 4 ' .'.17(T. The . 'receipt 0on ithe•Olitaide ef. the • *in :pa -get these- any Little' , - •• • • - , . ....-_,„ : : , ., .. . , , •,.package,--calls-for-•:three-dggii;. and w,e,.. . . Betty • packed the half dozen eggs 'egligna,... _..",:: :..1 '111-1Z 'II ....__ • !ea.. _,4. . _ , With. a fringe of.,frost•hefere nef,. '811:tstr°ecta...7.':looliiCie':e-r-it.is*,7.,154hcrol'54,9 ,*„0:s :collo ;......i....: 1::Ihytnn,, o Fleinernher,0' • '.. ..7: ''"'--Ar.t.plIrtri.4'4'it'ctrYleti.litult4I'LiYi.t7-Cililetillel.ti:!ecronitii64;Hwith . . to Malte.another..renuest; . ' .,..' . ' . .,:'41.ti.",0,,, lif'alis' the dufige4°':Wa14:. and : .*. :''' the iiii(i* ''' . : - * :. -- •, "I. hate to gait.: ft, knOWing 'Tea have . , • " tbrough'ille liark' '' ... `' ' '• -. - ' . „ .. : , - ' . ' ' -•=-Z...l'atiline Johison .. , • . • , :'," Iif , t 0.Dehelde her future .• widtten la the So many to Peek forhe saidatlas • "but could you let Me have e gnart.er stirs ' ' • - '". ' : ' • ' :Learninii-"froin.ciutMistakes ,... ;intik.? ' Myoid ,Woraan Said. •Slie' She rends her'Itin4rOci N'v, IIIi licifili4Y1 • :. ..: ' ' -• .'' l' • ' - ' :•• .. '4.-- - i. ' ' Anil waits the moment which .shall Set ' 'could 'get two .qu.arts off MIS 'Gillette . - • .., - •-- . - --.•-• ,. • .- ., ••• - .. - • • librace .Gree ey• used to , ay.. TOIL •••:Vow,,: if you ,°:eciuld let 'Me- have tviP •• '. ' 4er ' . ' '. , 7 ,' . . ' • .are botind tnifita•kes,'••but .let . , . • • • 'them' be IneW'Iones',1••fiot the same. old• . ••• quarts ' ' ' • I'd:he 1,.. • all, fifced' out I neverH .-• ., • • ope.singe her lyric when the Path le - ' ' ' • ,, ' " • - '0 ' I•• ' 7, ' ' ' :-: ones ' °Paid.' stand ig .afeaal halt Water2'. ' '. • Steen,: •. • -• • " - ' '• ''' 1 ' • ' The 'levelheaded teat • may .' Often . I ' ."1. . • I With the sank theJee; the '44i4;qert And Watches for the Morning without : Malte mistakes, but. he deesn't Make: 414. salt,' tile..egge. and the milk Jim "•-• •sleep. ' '-• • • ••• . • , ' • the 'same mistake twice, they are new ' '-haPP:IlY"atarted. for •tiome to mike 'lee. . when "eohrege falters at'the tong. de- ' ' '• H t ' '. lot of Wiad•om'ont:,of , • . . "...Crean! With . the sample 'Of ice cream • . . . , „ , _ . his'exPerientea'which- keep's' himfrom.. PoWder that 'hadcome, by Mail. , . :•• . • . .. • .. •• .,,..,..... .11er Volae -Ig."11rEit to hail. the. da,..WIljni5"rPieiiting• them:: In, Other words,0 :he day • _. _. atiticius , litrofits by•hla•Mistakes.antgbes-Oni to .er0.,,,,,Ac....,...a•go,li :.=0 ,A .4E% ' . . t JAI,' • .11 W ..... ',...e,44,..;./....., , • • . , ,.. , , , . . .or ...on uettaia. days f I.,,...,,ove suffers and. tiii' s•-loy in seer lice. •.. broaden and enrich his life •.. . . .- Spanish 'sail - 's ' ' ' ' . . . . •Alie--Weekor-inOtith---go-elOtt-et .sitneet.; fle. :P4v3-14:te.''''."‘"11; nor stops to °°-.1"112-t: 'it is •said that, eniy..foote'reake.ints: e.4oves• al1.4 , Pine "Of. t',..461 iti,''''thhee'l?•hrilke'-if/3--d-..of; hearAbrealC: drop undertake k because they haven ivit'•enongli 0.mo:beat . the • "10 „bi9CitS to driVe, the •devil,,Out • of: tne. ,„ . ping down, d•pwh,, .,,,...,.. • ,. . .,:,,s. to undertake' new Things.- It. ,Iii :also • gear; ' and tiih" ;tibiae 'they Make Is a , q'''' • saki,. that "onlY-.foola 'Make the ainie ,B libirid,:dint -This '. ii •aaiti to, have •erig- . "ehdrop shall Shell 'pirtete :la; ruliY,far her.. mistake twice Yet Yet there. are •mtiliOns 0 - inated la an order Oren wirichresult-: er61116:‘ . --' ' : ' '': .: ' •''• L ' I (;f . people who go.,thrinigli, .life 'COn,•• '''''' • " -'-'S',..T.. Duncan-,Clarkin:Succeis.• Ted' •in 'dlasster.°:' .A '''certain ElPintsb' .. ., ••• ••, . • s'tantlY making the Same old' mietakes. •. sintidte-ii, that bed been anchored some , That's whir so antiny „of us' failiiitu.onr -: linio,-wis,gitrriOsed _by the, enemy •e.nfl• imliitions. ' We doo:t profit 'by Our infs.: . 'pauldnot$Make sail 'end' escape; as. ell, . takes end. learn ,t6 :ayiehl,,the :pitfalls • • , . • • ., . .,. , the ..,liloelii were ,rusted • and•UPelesii,, . "la= to wfii.dh- they. lead. - We 49.11,.'t think the 'he Onanisit sailor hasnoprej :tidloe. r.,-,-,... .., . ... eaotigh ;: -....-we don't learn,:' ' to compare •agairist 'starting." on a voyage on • FR- and:measure; • •and 'weigh things, ' to against , day; that being the day On which:col- learn their .true. Values; weilen't:gain . , • , , , .. ., .. :ItMlina' 'started. on lila voyage. of • Me.' anYivitidoinfrOm our experiencee, and • ' ..90.Yer.Y. -.00 'English:and Anierlean sailors ' so when an old. propesition .ceneeS to, '. Will pot •satl ritrthat day If they Can • .....W-• '-'• .' us in a.:. neW. guise we fall. . , . help • It They,'Wonld •eolisider the . . - I • • ......7.1,..r..........., NO. Men goes very fat In this world ,Vhele irk, ..hOodooed 1*r...such a begiti,:', ; who. does not Intik° .mistaltes:i ...; •No .. • . , ,Man reachs the "heights who does net: .,A inneeze: at Awe .Would, hoodoo the learn from: hie .1:hist-ekes ;• wkirdoes net, ; shipfinless. it happened 'to Mira ta the get 'uP everk.. Ifni° •Itta.felle. and keep. .: right,'When' it 'hiinge goOd, lack... Sall- ., pushing ...on :•with renewed ' deterininit-... • . • "' ore. have- faith-0in. ed.d numbers; a44 4160,i0 hiSibiLl.40:S.M.' •- ' a PP:A, 00u 101 .01 } \ ...„. '-igt-e.;-;pfretl„,-Tran,Oheinehtag.zke;-4-', 41.01,....'''..1-49 ji;:,',1 •.pwdlooO4 .:Tile saved MY. b.e1PY.°Al Ufgt. - ,- • ' '•• -*AN g - - --' ' . .,Ond 1 •Cgn highly •rebonitnend%tbetn ti) - .' - •.. • ...- . ...- .: , ..:"Micbel. fl...•ea ,Ii..1.'-inteso.7, iid‘l 'Vir,iteSi•-•,--, :,.,- .. . ''.Var.te, 4; ,iceP9`.4 • 1113.00'15•••Own Talgo4. are an. extelle7nt '°'itrr0 ‘TPrPntoi, . , . ,•:1.4.11...,01g,t,ellx•Ror:r..7er: ice i:•...t4t. Ttraonr,t4emoo4,,,- -S.,...rv04144/3w..1-.1411071.4,741979E14.1.4a,.1040...Sow4.4.. :14.,...06 •,' : the Werth a 13..a.:by'fi ,O.s1r4 Tgblets., The .. • • ttad4 of other mothere rho haVe. tested .1,70':'t°, ,.. ' • • :Tahlets ,are a .sure. A Pd.'atffe meal:eine future. .. . ....T.i..C:'°,. ears, 10,,ettil.41.ttho.t1,e14101Qnsy.telzsoi.itii.ini :r.111.rie, tv, j,gelntr's1,41:farbigicor4.14:11,:itr4i: ,.: ., aged .riro'" 4° r '1044 401,1,47. 4:;0•11c11-0°4451144.00, the: ,•! ehildrelk . aerfer. '.. • 'ytty are *PK by ' , -,_1.4, e;i i grow up," .10:0i01A404 11:01.04'. ;i.:nieflitine. dealers or 10.3?: mail at go: eta. ',HA her turn; '?1'W .plOg to..);$0, 4 VA* ' . •4 49 • fro. e.42'4.771...:vv:4,..gil.:7•0,74ic:::f':. .7,,•:.;:dt4411.:yirec,c41:atoc.,. toof::::::O.m",' $.••;,,;r4z Co,'. f3rtfekville,, Ont. ' ' • ; , • • 'Well.."' answered. • Mar, . 'firmly, . . .T., • • I, to whi ' and ' ' • ' C14.11; in Wastebaiket; and, -; • ' ' -P"4-0' •,,4" ,T,f1.1'...114" •131'r AO Whb,)° . ' • ryiktfil.8.0,.: , ' • ' • ••• . ' i • •"You. mean thing I "•' eteial loa . . • •• • ,...-- • , • . • • . • .n,. • They have been lntreatteig4gleTb' ••,7y..8,1.1e:ilitic4r4lenareva:;d4, otan'e7ttt-.:•;w4.07,4ayft ,.. Th4Jitept.safetY device .for rall.road croisitiOi to '. preteet..the".ltves. et,... Le. idf:th 'Olti4dev.9r-n..litIe.t)carzdz.1.114 ''':)4ut;":', ., -,z ' 1..... ... ,.: • inotniiiite -1,1.-it Or ' 'f. four • mirrOre'',Placett•atithey;si,de • of, tile, itra•oh;,‘whtoix slays have • not taken kindly •to.'tbeni.T,,It..;eeicit''.';:i.: ,57:1..6u7k7ootiVirI,P;::::". i.tt'. ;,;;;ieliitli.; enable:Abe driver t et • a :Cleaf view. ' oi • • . - ' •••1 . ... .• . Tit IS p,l'..i137. bePhlASe, t.11.03 1111104,arsy;.''.WP offer tei'y igiiiployingtil and Pal' ' ,. Wm 'af:".'the.',I.44',S•talt,.PaPt*rliaa 49„ . . .. . .. ,. •....,, . • ., . :.'etl, opt.e4 -'04ames as the bertbal"' #.417.:!'sciviiii g•ell',T1;;Zoe:dott144t.ii.64*'ile.': , aple6r, s, oi ..:v.„7.7.7_7_, _ '. VA NbY K R ' 1 .." . Ivilic4.A.i10. IN, relltctanna- to.i.„-dOw'ilie°,ModOrti. 4,1ig4 and•full. Co•!Ofieration ,-apic44ey-rnakint••- '.dress .is at leatft leotiiiirehetiOble; '...,4.,,;_oppdreunitY....-,.•'LlgeW-f.,BRO.THERS'. , 'le.t.4-tt 'lt*tes-:: t1i4. 0(11:4or'Y•° 914Z-°°''''-'1,-;,ittatii;•• A:ttractivelilOstrkfid agiraidell'.• ., . . • , ‘, • , . ' • One hot , night last .enniMer„: how.- , 141,TRSEIIIESIONTREAL..; ' ''' Variations---DYknman '• Dinker,!' PlcW• ,.140.10aci!.g.ftlin„: ": eVer'','"in daring y.out,htentairedout of .. . . - : . • • Fianial oCitil,i---cbttish;-- ---- -• ' - -- • . - We are interested .in Obtaining- ' his.garden-atifFalittle-wer„down7; the .. -- • Rac lel .Origin-r-Otitch. alia Eno lab:: . ..8.0.114-74,7Ai ,s,1,z4sont.:,•16:1e72,e..se.-0-• t.tii4 „iarnii S.,,,treet,', • clad in ' pYle-niee. Source-,=1.1ocalItyr'also'an,:nccupetlan. • - • • • -policeman instantly 'arrested him .as: .: - -. . , • • • , ,, i ,, . •', : . . . . , . . . . . • A passing' OLD . and -RAR ..ruiroc\401i'ed° frorn• a given • lian't3re umii.lreei'ettipfirdm''011iclii. 'ha't:Y17th; the ifliactr3,14tihi)aitekithne2' .. ' • • ' . ' _,,, ' • ' - ••• ••Nsqlfeb; 'tile' Progenitors of its bearers unfortunate prisoner-this•aisd IS cone,, ON CANADIAN' ilD13.1gPTS. • ''0044 • , I. .. ' - BOOKS' . brotigh,t, to. $e.,,c.Alnd. grp.rn Ireland ' in pp•arepheerias,.sibn7le• ..---',It:hpada . .'n. rf, , ,ideatification 1 pattiCulere to. the Wil:50,4 .1.1n011iiiilna,,: rslhaand by -Bc.tr..ci.i.iai'celisc.,tpoeket,„:42 -0 COne ‘ "any• .78:: West Adelaide 'Street. r aersctedayoz;a. young ' man. spent the ',eight ..ia. i .selit.i, Tereeto; Pntarlo.., ....‘. ' and When helves telen, ;to poilep, court • - COgiiitiOn, he , bekgea. ° that e Wastre, -• ain- e lit, the next .ntorning,...w,ishing-to' avoid . re- . • o . Thd: spectacle . oti404:1311-eid-•-•40atio ,- riroigii,ia: guarritee.pitro-Plioabbate. leasket•be'pliced Ov.,e-T.bris;4ed.:•• . •, •,„,' . . • • ., ' •••„ . • 4 . , " ., ! . c14.1.11. pyj‘alpag, 41Att. 116.11:iitd :TVIi.b.„4,"to tebnild"shattered itervea; to replace ..., wastehaSitet; ' -.8Oleranly, marched q.to'weakness. With strength; to add hod,' \ conrt. between .gendarines atted" with.• -weight ,to. thinfolks and rekindle..ain long : ,ahd'. ' ..fier6elooking . bayonets; .bition in tireci-nut.neople, Price '$1: 'per: • , greatly edified the less Bei:idol, inded, .Pkge., . Arrd*. Chemical Co., 25 Front Citizens.' ofI.Belgrade.. ',. ; ' ' ' ' St East, Toronto, ';Ont„.... . • . , . , . , -•• . - To Attain Snecesa.' - . • .'tour. Whole. tlionglit :c4rent must be ;set ' IA . 4 the . direction -'-fit YoUr ;life , While all or theSe, family mesare 'not ,strialy •Variations, of 'one 0ot:her, they do, howeverr, find their sources in ,the..-.Sataa idot vd.___though "the B source fi ei In, two • different countries ,and . in :..tWd :entirely .different mean and amtsettlement von the dominance•of irlkgs..,: , .: ..' • . ' ..' • I ',„ ': ...• ' , • '• the ' highlands.. , , : .. ' ' . - • • - • 0: To begin irit4. Aran Dyke 10 e• nettle ; :The IVTaeLaren's or iitiaeLarene . are that .coniea treev Holland: ' The Prefla •trout,t0401).-,,ges6eaAed irpui ,,,,Leai.a.,.... "van,' • similar ; to 'the ..dernien i''ven.i.'' or .41,..,horio.y!,, who ,was tho4oh .of Eie, the ,Freich "de la;" the Anglo-Skaon one. Of ;the .:•Dalriadie chieftains Who ,. • ' ,, ' - • . • iiatte,... and , .the'iriocletie English' '"Of" settled la Afgyilein.-the siitb, century.. . or of ',the,'''. betrays its. brigin: fats-. :This,./....oarh., woo. sato .atiet 306 Is • , . , ptiteblY.. ' '; ' ' . . 0- • • . .. '. .. said to have given the distriet, of Lem ,!-Tb.o, 'dyke, •With',,,an Original.meining its same. ,, • • : of. "a .digging," , long centurlea. mai' ..The elan, ..for ,the MacLerens Once 'Oen befere the' Period of, family *eine constituted ,One of ':the leading clans In .torelliithaetdliweilni:Lertil..!1.i4atth'oca.lianinde: r.,C:Ialiggial'ig'' 'ic,Itig°41:olgtohrlainedsWi Scottishf3:f Cr 'llii S. atOlg t .,' -.4:4ifree.a.:rtt" ' apeciallYdesigned to beet) the water, slr•rie,"the' reign of Xing' Xenneth :Mae - Out ; In shert,,a• datn:nr seawall. The. .origiraVaILisPil; r== -0P. ' AI'I it; intearo tO ii- • : • i' ' • . .. ..... - .. '.... .r5 1 'rp. e tertit0',Ips in ,Strabeare•arld.. •Merely. locally ideacriptiire. ..., , Standard; .under e•leaderaliiP•Of e -61a - r centratiou, . Dive in the - very s•ou1. of I. potion are 'Wrought , by thought ,'con. alninlY dwellers on: cir..-near the. Sea, •Balquhiacieia. ..in:_.:43vdif.ay. mayed, well, and in .its first use the name wee. 'Prnolillneet art 11n ii,: ' the ' I3attle; of.. the .. . • . . . „ , .. . , expectation• of , better. -things:. in, •',,dykruati",. meal:Li' in ,the epeech 'Of, the • But the 'clan ..vaS,- reduced from the conviction that Ponlething large and .:1 On the :Other .hand,.' 6. :;"dylier"ror lise;". the Earl of Strathearn. niOdleyaX AngleiSaxlins a_ 'digger' .cir status ' Of proprietorship •oier ,,ita: lend :beautiful. war .,:avatt.,.yoa •• if your .,,ef-j,f ofic4nr,th'e,.*01.4 vas a/spited, to latn,. 'in • 1138 when the 'earldiint',og ..Strath , ..tfe,otttli.pttRe'i'larert'311:4.'-plilwrea.e9a1.14t14t17rel(claf:ditrt.901644nli:8'.111tIclinvd ey'il i ''dig -man' one: who .clige. Nore. • ape- earn•beeOme the property Of the. Scot 7 • . 0 many instances •Performing. seriries!‘ Workers, .to.: Men who dug the:•9011, ..in, .ti.sh .status as .-Pernetual tenants... . . • ...crown, though they retained • the .thenviction, that ,,.y,on are,. eternally far. which the „PloW • was ni4re common status , e'' Progteasing,',.'advancing:: tOward.',Scinte 1 ,ly used later, though •the Plow Was a .. ,'But its fortunes received a setback thing higher,t .betterj in every atom of witte ..Well-known.instruMent •even : in: from which' they have nettle recovered those days and loagbefore •then.' ; , :' in 1745 when It ieolt POI. riir:the" :SP..: For Every 'Illiin Marti's,- 1,•.,101Ment.,:, dike and delve'r---".' , ' '. -1- - .•1 England and ScOtiand, -'.; . • - , There, le, d line in .Chaucer which rising which:attempted to put the Stu.- ':, '• '• , , . ,-4....;,7-1----:::- ..'c reVeala Clearly:: the .meaning of the art line.;... An'the • person .,ef ., ..•Bothio , verb:, '"1 -le *Mild throsh;.• and thereto Prince charlie," back on the 01.0,44 allo. ',.INvisiiiittneire'r,tiel'Oill..0t:te#eri:101Yec;i'.'s'•,bee• . .0 , •, . .-. •• . .:. . . '' , • ,letiev.4er.ifil,se. .aboutis..a..tlha4, 'd,eg,r0.e.:es4egCrtietiiiglireadure,oenr,, , . . . , .. ____...„, _,..„...„. r, 'AT:THEFIRST.'SNEEZE- Ileat:-• end. inhale' Minerci's. ••• Also bathe: fthe. feet lin Minard's and hot; -ft P , An.:ettetny to ,:ge.rnia„ ^ . • • • . . . naval 'gunners parry .out: this bellef in •• .. . ... &Sheaf 'of 'Sage :entenc9 ' '. the umber pi thneathey die i'salute. Whistling fpr wind is weather 'favor0- • Bargplii •Hunting.• . ',. . There ' is no need for a 'crecording • • •• .ite',:iaperstItiOn. a ..P:e .1heii.'Pefoie the. •• 'The. TreVeler-7.•"pive me. a .titiket ie. •. . • • . , . • , :angel. • - - very man' • writes, thetrue• . : • . ,. 'makt. • This is it trick' when Ship's are SPr#1.0041.!! • • '; ''. •• • .. .' story of af •himself on-, the imperishable • becalined, aa. ' "Whistles' ' ittek 0 •4id . ' 'The...Ticket Agent7:-"Springfield,-,,11- •tablet- or. cliOractor:. •....,' - 1:.tepliiesta 1 rea:r..", ,'.,k "capful of Whed,°. 1'41°1°' '*1.-"SPritigneld IVils13°1114?"' ' "He prOilta most 'Who, serves, hest,'' 0•,.44,,pagrn17, tieually. deiinea tka... gnat- . ' The Traveler -1:. danno- . Which t° .but he who aer:Vee•OnlY.fdr profit never . ., . . , , jity! ., • the elieepefit?" ',.. • ; ' . knows the reatijOy of serving' : • ' 11.0lighig-Xhilhs--fal-sepilf: •• Conqua7ii.i.V.Pi.;ce• lir .440.- . . . . • • . • "As. a man • thinketh in bis heart, so ' 'Dayg. i , . , . . •. .Worla.:. ' . . ,. -L-sTould.!'1-3etla'ld:::.g.O8OkIinlicilribi!'t7fors,nig4.c;!st4itedf-lttar - . „. • ,: • • •• . °:•Pcecute your resolutions irippodtite-* to, take #,. day:off ' AO -discover •just . . .Tlio-non=stop-daneera wile establIelliy.,•'•t hatights are blit "dreams till their ...iyhrere.•••wc • f,,,to accerdingto this. formu-._ •„,etl,'• a world's record iri. the NOrtli. Of egfecta..ips.' tried:- Doee 'cOnipetition la: , '.' • ',' • • '' _ : • ...'•• ' ' ' '• " .. • • . • . • • • . Paglend. not long • ago are not.rae•Only, trouble you? • Work away, . whet is •-•• if..you aie"'PiSenitb= .., people who believe in running a geed • ' ezeienktutent&a,-nutt44Gotrikte.• ' • • ' : sure •'••: preurnstanges, 'con- ' - pastime to earth .ln •`411#0- .yont -place In the *yid, 'for: all. things- Sider that the power of steaM becomes ilieserd' faidden. . . .. • ' . ' '-'' ' • :serve-e-braN4rsotilr-,..COnabat-111-flletiltY, effectlYd,'ouly •when it IS 7conililiA. '----heller-alrliterrOlertee oiltilePe, -re- :manfully, stietein'mlsfortime bravely; ' .No life, however humble Or .restriet- , conity. aioOniplithicid :4 distance' nt .220 ,endure , Poverty 'nehly;. 'encounter die,- •ect need 'leek' ,•its .measure 0 Of . Ifeauty. -• 'miles.. The record was created by two apI;i5tutment • courageously'. , • The in iTiyen the Middle left by the .rain re.- • Frenchmen,: . Who „floated .,. without a.'.thience of the brave:Man is e 'magnet- fleets the glory 'of the stars. .. - . •bretik fer twenty four hours andsevenIasi W.hich, Creates , an epitlet.nie of • . Paradoxical as it . may .., pound :it !is- minutea. : . 'noble "Seal in all abont hint;.• • ; ,• . yet true • that 'there is • no real liberd- A:girl who lives at Esker, England:, . Every . ditY sonde • to ' thegrave • ob- ,. WO, for the pr'OceSSes,of the mind with; piainis teliaireflthitted..flitielglit_gimp- -scure;--menr-wha-:haye„-enlyreineined„Out-delikeretion. ersIn eiglitYeight WOrklnedaYe lihile. in' obscurity because . their' tinildity has. ', ,.. . ----i---.--7-0,...-.--2--7-• an ontbusiost.to .but• probably 01114314ga prevent!t:•them_fram Making a first - , . .. . ... , . Deterinination4, pianist ' vanished* an instrunient, for ettort:. . nd', who, if they ,eanid have . .mitiost, troin. ,the dawn, of history, ,• eighty-two hours -and 'thee Went 'into' been had-goodto begin, voniti, ' in all- eppreSeigii has been the lot ; of Ileli; . • a- It .of .dellitural..• 'Thfa:wita-also-the-p-piehabilityileategonegreat-l'engths-'.in-,--fely-sT7Yet -they have -given- 'fate of '.• Australian ClUb-Sw•inger, the career of usefliineeir A,Mi tamP. .. its noblest aonge, its: whilst proverbs. :Whe aeUfit a' Pair. of 84b. 13z.....Inditin : 'ENO great deed, !.;rk ti:c4if by•.faiterers its sweetest . msaie, with , plain per 'club's. fer,107 hours COntinutmilywho ask for certainty.. . . , .• sectition. :seems. to bring ••prosperity.„ •/,'aerniy.sergeanfthtablished• the'?•-----7,,--?:-•0•-•-•-•-4,7L.. Thei. thriVe".. where • .othere would , - Cord 'for:'ballintrichingbY hitting.a 40- . , . Along. Urea Highway. : , sterVe;.' They hold the purse -strings Oz.:. leather '•••ball With ,elboves, wriatES, Aloneabout, feurtecen, a kid decides of Mani nations. .To them hardship Itititeliles; and . fOrearins• fe'r, • tWenty- oir hie religion. When be's t:N0ieety-0110 • , , has beep (Tito sPrilleinOrtiing frosty, .eight bours. • , , . . r' : , -.. , he deeldeS on hia 'polities.. '‘.Maybe,, blit kindly, the cold of 'Which will kill. Identified HIrris•elf. . .ttwib6rell,t. ,'•Atvitteeii;Setil.fiavieh; eliiieo.etrillit,ftliieegede,a6hdt!,11„..... ,I,reirohi.. bo.t.: wil:l -4•ef•••••-tile.-..,Dia;7t: . ve. • When : little 'Alex,- ..ttinloPtext. :at any more decidin& • ,........ .. ',.. They liti.ye Sliewif 'us ' that no • abt Stadies• -nO•hardslibe .tiO •perseetitiore :Gtaricima."0"„,..Imuse • !itearingihis first, , , • . , , . , long Ar.onsers,' she :pretended net to •`...te.- ,...,,;_;,..,A..,......,:r. . .0)pesitiOn or:oppression Can Iteep the. cognite'litin, "Oh, it'S'n strange little,' '. ..• ' Ilevan 4,1ii'i 040 .64 feat '. determined !sail iibit su• peeSs.., • boy," she Said. "jt can't be Alex, be0 Pieatie Write, fat sent,..p'ries. iitl.ols, , . nanee Ale* Vreard rompers" ',if ,,--,0.0.;(v ,Poultr3i,.. Butter, fttici Etat. Every. State in the United" States' of ' . ' ljUtL it, is. Alex; grandma," he In Arneripti: has: • power ta.mierninate One _ -- --7,- ' we 03tr.iii.ANTEC them toi a• irrett itleiirt , SlAtedy .kjitildiOg down at: •1118..tetri O., fitouLiN & CO., •L'inoTab . student • to /o, Rhode e .8o1oiatabip at ' tiOosert,."tatioe t was there end saw ' - id..sa sonothat. ,1.1arket. • ' ,thetIter Out: 'din 'ori MOONTR :" 't•lotiaat Am. rot .. , . •Oxfore thiwoitity; Worth $1,500 , a 04EAL. ,. ..0 . , , ,•, aussaa year; Much.. Cheaper. • , , , „,„„,,.,,,,.. . ,.....r.„_,,...,..._.. ' . ' - ---......_,.._,-"=M- . ' . : . : '°'ififi '. tea.eiiei:•:iiii.,0i01.o•bititg; ' eleilo , , . triCity; anitheii..lighttiing. was it fora '.---.--'7.--,'--- :.--!- .., .::, !..)1,.. '. .11.0.V.,.. Who...den tell. Me •the • differ. Adiee beWeell Peal -V -1e _eekei.;_,", ,'.''..:. _ . ,,01.10u, don't hove to ..iy-foit:.liglif;- -, iiIng,Iefttliet"0-peid ,i); bright bat ,•• ,.._.,...,....,.._ 0...-.--7-.47-7,-----•'.!* . -, HA'... perSOri 'ivite. ' ittikeic • contitintillY . - ailiiiiit. Iiinieciffe likeeliair.'thattalirt . 'ebOilt-lte- iiPitti.0; ., A chaieromoltibit; ' ,iii,irti.7ababk•lits,4•0•10.8.A14.*## •rthil .. •Akt-irOitV-441iirig-lib,014t " . .•,•A Honse:s0qeopEggs.. 0•:•., --House spidera-1a3fles .many. as 60 eggs in :a batch;,carefUllY iriCiesed, bag':of Silk, • ' One ltiinp of sugar centains the:con- centrated siv, thess of about, two- feet of sugdr''Cali , • Finishing ''ouches. . ,',.• •• • IVIOtlier-"Whateyee.heve'yori..: been 'dieing. to ink, -portrait.?''.. . ' little. .. The °artist left .the face:•ciread,. .fully _Unflaished." . • ••, • .. •.'"'7-0'7" .. ''',‘ -, -LivingGold. -.. ''';';'I 'like ,gelfinsh7-they are ao decera, tive. '13at\I'Can'never get them , to live, ni.ore, tha'n 13, der or -two." ' : :,., , ..: 'Hew Oftdo'we hear this ot Same-. 'thing Very like It. The trouble Is that so few peepleknow how to treat these fascinating, little.. creetnrefi properly. They 'feed ; thein on crutiiiiled •Ifreed, and 'e. cririnb in 6 •geilciflsii;$ thioet Is' jiist, as dangerous as a _rishbOne in tt Child's,. I Or, .,if they 'gist ants' eggs, hey are 'far' 'too ' goterdia and 'pre vide a: six. inOntlis'' ;supply , daily..: 'The most important ibititia• to give fresh, -water dailY,"tintitO aVoid•ttineh-, ing the fish' when yOq, cleid•otit theft hetne. Ligt them in:,a teaktrainer .bi: a:cracked ,ctip kept oaeoiatly .roT; tbia•r: . purpose. • The, black btS 'you. • some- . , thlio Eieb ,:oli gohlffshare really eignS ' rif a .dientiso which la.catised by •lio,hil,,'. !it.i•g'• ' • ..,." " . . . 0' 1.As far food.; the proper: railen is.' . three. ants' egg a flay... Don't; 00 -bo,.:•1• yoi0. tbii3. • 116.y:0 -your boyti. OS large 1 as pes'sible, 'and lint it "whoni the sun dOeS not :teach. iti,..', • ' • ' poniinion E'Oreaf,r IVIOneY •Orders are :Oa Sale 00 'iin ilVe thousand 'oilides :throughout Partada:'- . ' ' ' :', ''• • ' ' ` • . Hotta Sense. •• , . "HOW 'did:Blend lieSe tine, (ingots Of hi:4 right handl" ...•-• ' • : .00 , ', •• ,, "But theta 'In the horse's .niciuth. to' ogio-hoiri nianY teeth he lied.P! . • , .. - . • ."*And. then, at "Ila.".,•tibtiaadl": "--",•7 ' •-4f.11ialiorrimi lased:lifkiiontlimteAtisfi. ilniti,litatOt,4Ingeriatien.0141!.. O For Your Corkkillfir. save work -- money- tittle,. trouble and fuel -and make your cooking better. ° 0 • ' Tun of - I5c and C" ".* 10 ,30t. 0,• The population a the whole world could be placed in Rutlandshire,, tho smallest English,county. %VLORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS haye: bought thein farms hi•,U.os.arp Canada from the'p,enadiaii, Pantile.% A - remarkable • Fact Thi1t , There IS I reason. The feria :area .of Mir held- •ings afferding choice of location and of, land to salt 'every :farming need. Fair price, fair contract. and fair. dealing combined with abundant fertility -of' soil, 'geed climate: and social condi- tions make ''farni-life---tirere--ilefiffrable • .and, attractive. Thousand's moff, will. 0• seteot their farin ft= .our virgin lands, irom our ,finproited --farms;--and sortie Capital and ..deteimination. • ' • •'• • • it. 'Write for Mir booklet, The, Ptalris Proviriees ' of Canada," and, leaflet. • . “w•estern-COhada' Forgei Ahead." P. Notwood,,Land-Agent-Canadieige " • ReilwaY,,, Desk, Windscir I Station.. • 'Montreal, Que. ' • Cutkuia Talcuni ForYcoxIng Anel Old :After a beih'w4h.9inicura Soap and warnrwater Suueuta ;Talcum is'indispetitable.in Soothing and , • . , codling tender ollifitated • TY1.67 itre.idea-tforitlt-totlerusels.' • • tlimpl• Eget Proa try MiS Addiesir Camidlaa Depot ."p02.6e.t1t101:0:11.r.e0nt,25BOLd25051,6.;TIVAlidetres; 19111k": Try ofir n'eW Shaving 1.. INS AgROS THE:. BACK ,'EfOtiad �f it Dave• .. • the doYe..can fi'itt need, of 3.00: :Net a econdor Oft• n1es'AV heiirt',al us•aat.tat`o Iit-Dinse 0, • ;rat • Insist::on'.'f3,AYER:...TABLETS.:0F.'ASPTRIN , - Relleied 0iii LydaE. Pink!. ' hanea Vegetable P,:anpound 4, • . , 4 ' Mitchell, Ontarie. 07-- '1 have taked ' 0 your Medicine for 'a inumber of years. ' O 1 do not take it steady'all the trine,,letit• ' t't .1 ton,never without it.,, 1 alwaya keep . . it in the houSe.. 1 took it fire,. for Turing " ' in tho abdorhertand bearing -down pains, O ' headaches end pains acrosa the baCk.. I • Kate 7:Yl'' :to look after and many ad] could. riot get ,up at 'all.. I eaN07 1. . tile ,acl vertisernent in the paper.. abou . - Lydia E. Plnithain'a •Vegaarile . Cord. ' ,,, ' ,poulicic 'en,d Mrs.. Jghti Miller toldtrie , 0.13out it, too. • : Every. tune 1 take it, it ' Makes rue:feel better and I always tee - fn • , ouienclitttriny friends.. I atri willing, . , to lilswer 'let tura from *Olen asIStus - •• • :1,./otttle. $S.0,,,,tytiOnititte2g u:8:teQ,,Iieer;u`13iialye 6,•81.ycr:rsp",i0o61%ctat.1:11pertoS:-v. y,ciita.bai you •°.:if; . t t thig medicine' and. you . 'they Use ' ,by million':and prescribed by physicians . 14 ..Yars. fdr . V`,17.$:AnIANII, 114c:hell, Ontario. • , ' 0 The Merit' of I.,ydia:' E, "Finkham°0 , COWS t-ie.dache .. ex-ptrictica- areghWhiaot this =dice will do „ ' 'mat/icy xitie for others tknow e .". ' , td each 'other. Many WoinenjineW by . Vegetable ConiPeund iS told by,,,v‘iornert • Stteli"'testimos;7" Sholicl -Cause': Usr ' Woman atiffering froiri i.hk„. troubles est,' ,eernmon to her,Sex to W.:Vs:this, Well, . knpWn mediCine a, fair trig,- , Do, vitt koow-that in a reeent canvaiait O anon p Wonierf.uscrs of the ve-geta-bli!' -Cempound over 220,000 replies Were re-,•...- poivoci.,To t:lie' cMcstion, vfn-lave, )tetttie, . . -' neNett*neiit:hvtalcityg this ifiedieinel'. - 6e0t, im_ity .4.112,y_tropatita.ge winch contains proven directions. ., .s r..jo.,coptiletit,,,.fire0:611114etd-91,8q::ust.:0L'e.., it, 4..ri 1047, ..„ ,. . '' :- -.: •:-..-- .-. ' . :•-•-', '.!, ,-'' :'''..--''' , ;.Tutody Etitytim:IIMMS Of 12 tablets;--Alaii bottles'of 24 and.104,--DtuggiSts. _ O that Aeptiin means Bayer mantifeeture.,to assist the 1).bile itgainet itifigitIove, the Tibiae • Willi is the tytthe taaii 0:obviates in Canada) of Siiiiitltrultielefora of Wrioeentte &Mester of, ealicrticatid;Oieettl'.eiiirekIreAeld...;,‘.%: 8, A." Mingle" IrlkItlitiVNvic---.;"' :: theenly qup,:.veett,eigtii4nvue:4',:e. tt. ht:460: ..:h.,:ee:c:liait6liii*',.-besi'ealuattee. ' ta :"- .,' ..7i‘-,,.„.: - ,...•:-..;.•,,,,,,,--43 , 4 Bayor-oompant will be-staiured- wititAtheir- general trAeo.: &ark...Ili° 0,/teyer • °row,. . . , pain. . Toottiache ,Lumbago , puiiiis 445, .kliantiStii