HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-08, Page 4VOSTQ „„, 4:01146.'116.04, lA •• -- 11 FO) rh Wiltferl* pe111 9, Aiiiiiteti• Waste not th0,"•*100001)00008, to het their' homes, this ,urrotInt rePreseatiiig/4he `4Sitie ..4huht" 4,0W1000, thus' of •• cioal\i'••otiniaectese44.4Pver jA.",w4:41ii.robrcu• S4hafvuerl: 'juices: or etevee, Recent.' sei ,entifie :",infeetigationS :hick uncovered; the, ',waste; :.•"p!a:c, :Warne on the ,wholly unscientific method's * ernploysd. in...,rcenstructing most of our idwelling"hous.es, ',writer Aewton Burke, .,in.itDejanuary num- „Topular ' cience Monthly i''he • average divelling, the investi, ;eetlt, ejosfenassle ";k1§. '0 built that; onLy co ortable f44Orgi:its5° PO:Pepe:1:47 thc 1146e is utilized to Malce the house leat •of the ',Coat tonsurned, in its, fur- • Ag.14„.. lost Ann tip ;,s,a- „Ic apga ttchti ?aur,th. 11; and , this ' '41440••iehtifrc colt- ltrbatien involvee• 'every ype of house, from., thwinedest buica7; 310V.T to the aPartmeht. hotter •01. '. • .' • - • ••4;'.0.,.. • : . • TfIg• irvveptigatd;.S,.' have. ,cleterqati.: e(t .sinsnk , Other ••thingS., that-, ,rlight',•-additierial..eatianse=tiie' `Os, ' eche iwinter's coal ••-•Supply in tverage case-La.,Irbuse ;can he se :•;Pitilptbrettestuedt eost, , of heetli'4, in haif.. : 'Secret)lies' in ...sum:dying In- ,Jor'• the :walls and Teof • heat -resisting Materials, Such. at; Or. *eel; Virg' rev-ent the furnaee heat.. from es - It, has been • deterinined that' a aping Outward,* and eonyerselY also will .kcep. the hot . rays, or the • stn. 'rola 5.rnalcing".,blie..house ,Oyerwarm: •n , : ••• :onee„.. ef-fgecid4fra-m-lcOnatruction., vith 'a single' 'ilrfeh �f efticient heat. oSulating material in• its. walis, wiP ,protected., frern the cold' of win, er, and the -heaf.et summer -,-aS-eff• Aectitely as though its malls, were o. 0 .sixteen inchea thick or con. yet°. ' 26,”' inches. thiek,MoriaoYet 4;tich, honse ))Will' sate,: occupants • ''.oney: in, .coal, • nat._•ohl."bereatise, ' it ,require - leas, fuel, -to operate :the •-::74'unace, 'brit ‘beause a'fire .peed not started sO' early is. .the anturnii • aor.kept, go:n?,i` so late in the spring • 4 InsulatiOn• 'f•of• a house.„ ainrist Selenty eare we have *pen recognised' 'as side custfoclians for 'deposits Anti as-,,gtving .excelient banking; service 0' • coMmercial aetinnit's;: • At over 120 Ol!leea'Are, give courteous atten4 * thin `-fo our cuptomere requirements. , • lytANAcER L.OcKNoyv . , -Spreader, Mowers, Hay itelteri;Hay:TeaderE).„M4r. '1,00etat' Grain and Corn Binders. : . „ Wilkinson Vlovea, Scuberei and ,flarrolim,.. EkOST'. STEEL & Wilith *47, , . 11.0r.! 01110*, ire; d-Fehit Bark Gate and Woven Fence and Stepilea,'i,n,11., PIANOS:— See ,!JUY,1 g. our high' grade For, Sale A emiP jc Or reamer ,lghtest c aPh Prices Paid for Crean4nd Eggs. We guarantee .V..541.1,- n: satisfactio10 II our ec noi,v Branch 011 9 •.Phone 256 orks 1107: Sht!).W1N0H-4.M''..• . er, #*.g.04. and most coiflplete from, at et' rirrrk rsiintea 'specialty of Family , and Invite our insgoc- scri'ptiOnn esit Carefully ' an PromptIy-D�ne • THE wkit IN OHINA , • Miss Margaret "Brown ' 'a missionr '‘er3 at ilisoun 'ChiPa 'writes toher fork as follows:: . Dear Ifonie Pcople— The •w99ks. go -past so quickly that I cannOt lie0) traek, of them all. 'Inc rain was se bad last, week that the ioads ig the country are still ;Well nigh 'finpassahle, It is many years 'since, there ,) has 'been anything •oia093i.,-horsen:inet: cartn.,The„peoPh • are 111 a :,,,t4-iiiplistate. 'There3s nu 'coal' to ,be bought in the,oity and Men are,71reing;','otitieMilei, tothe mine' ancl V•ar,rXrittg',,it ha* inrtheir,,baske,t4., .n the tarring poles. It is a terrible, ondition , ;Of ' things. and ,.everybody 4413rei it will take ',very' littletir• start krouble:Jiere„..This is: $aturciair'. and alikays•.eoine,chOMe ta,:dinner at noon' had a.,:nrtist,'UtipleaSant-exterience. :.iuSt as I; .got '.th:"the city gace. ,Therc Nere . about a • dozen mc: •:crirrying coal .And it :isLithe,',custoria'' that at the gate sozne..fs,, ;from ,icrery,"bit, that is brou.ght, to be Sold: is -a'Sort of ,Just as , 1. ;ornea tht- the Mire* -v:Street-tallai it of -the,gatej: Saw' these inert ,:dicip.; ,,neir: baskets, • "take ',their polean,. Start to run, and 'a fight followed. I heard therei say.they intended AO kill the man It was ,a terrible' Sight; bleed wits 'streaming -down; the ,police looked .on •Ny.4k, a ;OIL •-• 03?-042:147b3i. 'seine of the : men- einie . from thc, Shops ' ;and t ri e d,) t Stop , them I . • • and .get • thenr.: to (11 S C u ss •things, ; and this.;/, quietened them, sc .I Slipped, by and. was ":glaci..to. koe out It eeenae they resented the taking 'of 'the. Coal Out of ltheir!,,tinitr'. baskets when the. had carried it So far , I de not know how the 'matter will end 'hitt it. Shows , :the; temper • of ' the: • Eke ns before plariing your-torder. 'Wu is. 'giving out .riews of Viett4eS.'' but,ther, have not yet •hgen_confirmeld .irery: They.. have no-IrropeThenumber of '-wounded r is medical Bros. ),7 A. Spattaa attention and they have .refused .tlie, offer iif...hel0 4 from, foreign *".acieterS: For days we were, Cut off from 'Mail. Mut. the allied armoured train 'made a' trip" to Pekin -and- -Shanhaikwan zi.nd opened Op' the line again and 'papers 'lire' •icorning :through one more. China. has • nothing to gain po itrattaritho winis anti:VW-foreigners liavenothing • to gain either; It .will •be 'bad enough :in. any event, but everyone says it will be -had for HoL nen:, if •Nti,.loses.... No one seems' to :know just what is gding, to; happen,, .4 heat that a imessage has -Come to the city to say that all'. the, teachers in the gOverrinfent.4_schoolS are -t07-11c.- • 'ItoiNiir thirty per cent. a 'their 3olayies'.and. thirty per cent:'.'of, the tuiniing expenses are also to be cut, The.,) mission• very evidently is .,..nof the'...onl;' place that gets their , thrntes 'cut down. "I do net .; knew whether or 'not 1 told You that at hi platten We hada gift of g500: froin an anti -union :Indy Who; did not •want her mine' mentioned.„ Other - :ANOTHER' ..siL• LAGE pinWa Vise We Would had , to ohne dOwn. quite„a , bit of our work befete •'PAPER: GOES UNDER LucknOw,'• 0;44- 4 • LticknoWst. OJ L.:14. 428; ineets in • their lodge reOrO every second Thes- --day-othe-mont14-aJ-8-o'c1onm.- WM. IL Parker; Rec. Sec'F., •: On all:sides tile villaiers are clam - The , . , iiamyor post of last• week ()ring for the tenta to gO )tiotthern and • published the following statement „, . . also' to sead wornen, out to :help teach 2 • : , them.. rf Aber just re,viiit ,the places' The ganoverpast rhas;., puichased Where ,.they were last hapurchased .n6 1.14*,. . .. the good Will and .a_libscriptinn liatfef. - weric-can be U1derta1en-end-4e .. , The Ayton AdvaIrce, •and : .starting pot *8.°nd out '.ail6ther., group ° 111411 we witho tins'. leans The Advance- will be have More Iforeigiie,ra'0 helo,. I' cant. • vincorporated with The ,Post. Thus. not think hp* the hoard •can kecy , another - :village, weeklY. has ,a4eeeliab. 1i1r0tMoWat at hOlne when the time 15 )..,. given, tip; the stiliggli, for exiatenee. ed to ‘ the highcostof' publishing. and Wrierii.OefsOurinttierrikt.:*Ohun6einwelq:itrLetiihiple.,htlrorfg. of to .run shOs.-fother ..the...nr,e is a •Sh0rt:., Published' in :It: village' the •-' size ' Ayton t The Advance has held on • age hero ‘ of men who eon Speak Chinese Iti 'wll ithe • three 'Years ' 'considerably' longer, than many ilv: pap -ii January since i'we, :thohglit ' the situ.- 'deruse.....pprianrttieyd to lahr,egerldspiOti'eeke'fTit'epwro, .atiOn,mhereSO grave that 'We: (leaded, :)*°riatt4'':V-•.-:r` Oscar 7-l'W,id..r-f\esk_ eriand4waive,t.o..:.,all o. t•he•r cla.i.n-A'A,i workers :partlYTta:4haeternrisingcpirit-exceptev4hge1istier and ye,t wehaye bibited41the.butinees-tent .Ay.±50kreeetVed,oneandloatLtwo"i tot who were loati to 500 their , - ' i',1,t.t,, _I. e , ,a,thilAdlit,,i,tn, h6ti'SIOWe:a.g,fri6a1; niZOe'rlt,i'tjT)41;edki5.esto6Y'r, .paper -emit the field, But it is').'t P''.!!"7 t ther,e Are plentiV,..,,Of.,dheit ...itilunteer- Areal .ittiPogsibti#V ,Lliar '••''ile?1if ,11:,,,,P..4,,inti into the Aleilege, . tea," -Witt 010 Cr . to live to -day and '''''' the' 77-7i7i are' being ,Atirned ^doWn for ' lack'', of.. ..)._ petition of Other paters 'Unless' it • funds., ., ., , , ! .,., , . , tedetdect : '..4treng 'support, and $ lio:' , ,.. tom. Manson: Istatlied.'.'hefe,ithd.' dfd .inui: fnmaiiIhi 14'...$,*"rmilicm• '.wviv,'8,3'1)1?)tilii--.11Orite ,until'. this Week), . T Jic. . .. _ 4 ,.*tion. ' ' '.•,,,r'rpocti-..Witto. #4: 'plippo,$,,Okie,iti,it 9eic e 1 .14 Putifht ve ,Lecitiq*. Clittarie, MacXenzie, oprieter and Vtlitor. 8th, 1925 -SAFOlt: rtilB BPATA rIferbert 11914V,eit; sOdi:etitrof Veifnnevee• • in the "United S,tatek„ 'arid one, Of', the most capable ,public inert the” :country; is atIcthe.Mad. . 'a rneVem'ent te inake ,. traffic on .the' highwaynafer for )pedeetrians', find automo-bile &Piers algm: That there )1s, 'need ,fer") such a niOvexnent IS snggeSteci, by the 4is.- tounding factthat in: the Year ifig4‘. (complete,' Agures fer 1924 are, not' ayailable) Street' and NO*4:ac )cidentS caused 2260Q. death', ancl ,ser- ious injury to 678,000 perSonS. :Eigh- ty, five per cent ,-'.of, theae:•-.04:cicieritS were • due to •automobile traffic that the problem whicit4frileover; 'undertakes to solve Is a coraparrtive- . T,h'e enteranee Of t h e. 'United States Intcy'the World War ',was 'can, Sidered a eski,MIS7MattPr Iftr8',Uly-::,144e- .Stree of ,thS•:,tut44er..:•killea..410' in- jured,iyet during the :year in *hicl, the :United ;States was 'engaged in "fhe war ',tho inimher Of••••;:citaualties-• , were only,about half. the ,,,riurnher ' • 'Occurred on the. 'streets .snd hithways Of the conk -;;duri, 19. , 23., The: number Of inerican,soldier :tilled in the. war ,30;816;. and thelteit,'. •Al casualties—killed and ,i,voipcled-7- 448 •317,387; That;was, deplorable :en ough•,. but the ,iasuates on ths Streets and rattill''" throtigiiont', thc. country. in 1923totalled up•Itto sever hundred 'thousand' . and six .hundted tio deaths as already, 'Stated:. beina: 22;600: .While.,the deaths due, to .ee !eidentsof the .-Streets, And highwie:.- sm 1923 fell short of the deaths. In the. •ArrattrinK.-the.fear of theL;71X.:0414.S'-' SetiotielY. ',injured was Mere , than 7.4641,P; :1' andincompetent,..7driving df automo brakes, ligeht p4deetricina' and the'level ra1 wa7 crossings. • • . • Conditions this country. w ifancy are .nn l3ettpr and the 'clerte bete maybe aseribed • to .a the, same 'e ails es, .. The Conference ca11,etcl„h Nr.„400. fvq: t'aoc!.-4*;resolution -wh-h en' hadied the,,,....*lOyvingi.: • suggestions • The iteensing, eXairthrtiOr 4,414 dri 'Vets '; •':•the' li• nerses for - •drunkenhess, iOluJe-,'„driv- ;ingt,'the 'gracitial• abolition . 'of ..raft „ roUtt:' grade:. ,crossing$,, and ,aPpri. priafeS linatinetion'noncerning safeti the publie schools. . ..• .. • •• , „„, •TORONTO'S WE? VOTE • ••, • •;It ;Would -appertf;tharthe people o Toronto had not 44V te,eOyetoej from the..eXciterneat.,.iof :the, Pl•ebiscitc,. Voting .3'.'.1.11,dn•. 1114' votefor a:.;; Mayerand other mun 16ipal.„'OffiCers..::Mr 1441.. who .1km:a . temperahec-- man, •oid in thli,Thorimi EnSter :Wh,. had been for years 4ertring the tab, .:ast'colnicillor and .corntroller, saw ,hi opportunity; He., entered ' the • contest for -the inardhriity • and , without beini;, 9P• 1_19ad salinnt it, 'Made a.hid "'for the 'Wet” .vate • by ',announcing'hinisef Siet:•hihl In his campaign: he had ,the ogo..eirerts of Messrs Purrie • and, ,MacCauslin the' tryvo"„ verv/et M. • P,, r Toron, o. ••}ester' S , tactics were Aireeesifhl, 'as he won ,•over Mayor Hiltz , hy: abont. 4;100. , . arg,;* but it, is, :fief ,usuaI 4,91.• the electors of Torouto to •reftise:a., cond terni;in. ,rha..1.er Who has been at all., effidient and: eatisictety, and Mt; piltt ,Was One of 'the best, 'ma.' ed.' nim. • •' . : _• . • ' Yet . cangaineti„ by the 111 cpr or elethent • by !fiavizig. a.,4naircir*Who favors. .g,oyerninent 'control. '-.4iothing unless greater •liodtio.. in). enforcing the law, The "vote . went to Mr:, •Pea - 'tor Ps' mete is a Matter 'cif -sentinient, and bY rry of- •:Prenlier-VerguSon- kno here . the city stObd a to the .entitrio Temper; • ance Apt, The: city friends Of the if quor , trafpciaPpear 6, .bo Maddened ,bythfi'prospecf-'of being .held back byt irAtAs 0t. .:tha :De0p1,0.)h tow iillages, and' rtirdi ,distriets ,.Howovor,,tihe O. 7. 'A; isa Provincial Measure arid annot eju.;- '.,±Orce in. oho eitand Ors :the ,city).ras had. There chn. be, dout3t that 'the yete• 'defeat. he' left,' rkileAsy.,,,,,nor,flinand ms and h'S'd to go aoairr on ednek,a3G, , It is solar , to the.stn:' 'tteit.the 4i.thOfiiA •of e chairman, arid then Offr• ti •,:. „ .4 • .0 , 1.1"10. "Irwlits'ITO!"'"Ormore4rmreeeriF.- 111:111divg. between 'Wallst'i,tightly„ witF wool,- ,hair felt. • corkboard,' reel, "bit 'dr vaijous maniffactured . Inds, and ",:ariplYing...10*.lpSTer Of she:, materials benkath • -the ' roof ince most hea0.topoing :material' are little More than refnae, they. car se 'purehased4chetpy, . • 'T.gEwA Teeswaterwas '-fort:tinizte this year !•.securing tho:-...serviees‘ 'fot ..:A:ces as ,reeve, ounci11ors, nn' trilStees„ -without.' ;the 'topbr and - 'expezi.4e 'appeared 10 lg partieularly ) arnbi !;icrus for nannielp,4•• honors •and grit heraitiOns• , were accepted £' int! al sens„r duty' kg-...kke,,,.‘60,41:400py.:' For •„the...efficei...of :reeve, ,the folloa rg were abniinatedf: AA::,L gtton, f had been in offic'e the past threr . • ,flears.•':J H Brow,tnd 8 R,.•BriIl % Eer',the following WS7C, •,ntitifinated:, ) J.. 11,,.,:Bto.ticri.t.s.,.E. Jeff • Thompson; 1V .1 Freeman • rtIferkiiess, Bert .,A.,..HiSCox, '9'', Linklater, Hobinserk.' Georgr ' . , , . .•, There, were StrifiCient, resignatieC: •..-1!"6-.1tave. :hist .the right turnber4, en? he',Coitncil board will be .Pon3titsitee fellows for tire .year.))102§ Reeve T.H, Erdwii; cillors; '1, .P' Robinson; Berk' TrarksieSs; Wm T*iomron ,;.D.,',,T.,Hutcliteon' is 110) new enn,0eiier; and Robert Ke,th'' It, Brown F.r.o. on -the SCheol'.13eard.: •q'tg three were -*anted : for the saw& therv-itominnti-On 4 .-wilrlia7Vr to be held to. fill, the' 'vaCancy: •.Mr F, P. Mobre.Wha bas'•11(*.ifAr '-harge': Of die' ), railWay'', Yard' ant' rOundhouse had aria foot bedfv.': '.ed by the. turntable, an • ••OhrisfirraP -tve He-1jfrig' .ainta,.k.`' tonic' .snrc,1): from the ,edge.of the tUrntabhi • q.nel jiist.: as an .Ongine was apprOsic,l' • frig is Slipped his'•foOt:' •ging '!..inien" the table' arid the' Out . rim4: .Ar; the: fable went , doWiry under , thc. .vvefv;bti 'of the :engine,. heel badly. Crushed,. He .let`i•Makiinr,; faVoi. Able prOgreiSvbut it Will be Soni' beferrej, he. Will, 'reeover, fulrtise / of; the. injiired ineniber, •. - • A .$10,000.0,0. Cowrg$',it 'Th capital priiein a birr Centeal _ , vhan &inducted by.. the ..Eatnity Hprard and Weelikr. 'Star, bf, NInntreat fvo thsibsand dollars edSh; pre tbtal often OPPsa:11q dol ?all. It. ip anti onnced that ;each sot: Scriber .:tri .the Earthly Herald • Whoil'e subsolPtion 'is reedved before the conteSt. close, receive a. free ,en: try, as :at'rell as a- beautifiit, art' ,Palen - der and pictures tverrefonp`„ offer bcri restated in a . ,i)record-breakung rush Qt.:03)8.0i ptiervi-to.„ this .,popular weekhr and'the iniblisbera are.-jvarit ing their old Subseirbers to 'renew earl,- !a OrldvoM41sopoisiTaits,,, tiler Ti • cOmOpeilith'e., E*13,010100t$ ticisy ;MAY $e. DOpe • • ,4 17"; 1'7griff(711:71L:t:4741:1117:ill ustlif47.. ,41.19th9f,1411 to, Iftllhig 4:0Itthni ele70 lie4,47.00t.401:eltriCI` follidar • 1 fo.oy ciatario. . ,411 AikticiOttOb. l'Oroato4 • As 4 realWOr'' ten 31,earie exit meats eire.,..folloWingnittheas are re,: tomuiluded the department of' , the. gotarici A11,Cuitrural. kliiebf BAP° tO.DestreY Tlitst1e,and,TwiteOnsa0 • tiltivate • the "•tield' mitt) about .the • mithite • uk. t.titiUing ort teS)" Ilhehtliri with, the cultivator .eo aa ti - 'beep the" tOne down and thus weaken Abe "roet.a..”'' Then :aPolY)kueetiro at , . the ratqyabour. Lwii, tons 'Pet..• . .acre , (.4, good. loads). ' ' i'.; u itivato..tii 4. , `)=1.0Iy 0.10n,ibphil:,41a..,01004, r4.4-4.. .1.6.14,0.i4tillis-bixitalfolys. ' ahin.it 2..6es rt. . 'inchapatne ridges, siiniii pastute.,.rfilie at): -he , rate of ..1'.* I . that,' tile right. arnount. Or, ruiiir .00: t , ,xiouttels per. aerei`.; li :'-iii itaportanc, S °W"4A''it' °.9jiItl'*,st:hit)b". . stand will e41.3e!ttCk•enL:ta aiictherthe Weecc;*diton the Otter 'band too ,,thuch is, sown, the.: Q1Arp pi ' Y'fill , tip toe crowded and not groW :.trigoroitrity -ehOugh. to, .keel?; anead of :the 'Weeds. tikow the. re,P9,.. , -, When Atie land.ts, sutheiently .moist itu. ••••ins0 re., quick° germinatien Of nip Seed, . •-4-If+the.7-•taLie4is&liiaik44-a-startidi-41144 weees-hiai get, a. start in the, roWs 4. ..anci: thuir necessitate hand.,cuitiva.tion,'. ...there.,-:, '7.0 41,ttlitit0 i the; -rape, every week - ..) or. ten days h4tirit °Couples ' aii the 'grOtind7and makes further cultivation impOssibie„ • 4f, ,vrben the rape: is ;Cat:. ,,..�r , pasture:0;7011r' weeds' reniani.: the.' field': ShOUidbe ridged up 'the:, last - ,..thing -4n. Ilie 'fa,11.4,att' PIA „in, 'With's, lided crop; the..joilowingLyear. • This • -alio:Old • not :enecessary' if ,a . good ', ' stand of.;rape is. 'secnted. ' : "'.•'. ' .•:', 5°1.11reisit"Y''_44:'Wis'itlis..tai.. 'ildiL7',1611mAie. -StirelPa-,1117prote -lit w'.1- • "-,..Iron stilphateopPeraa.-4 ' ,. , eUcial OeedY.,heed "to-deStroy,mtiOtard .• in, standing; grain Without litjUrrlo . , .. 'the crep: . . .... '' •' • . . .. . . , : iiiienneation of Solution: •• . • . • . hA 2k0 % : solution should be 'an-. Thia can, be prepared by ;selling SP lbs.: Of iron finipnate ,111 40Tga,itoili,ot witei. iron sulphate is- dlsSolvod QUito readily ifi,'finin water.' The.solirtion ahQuid be trained., " through.; .a- Cheese cioth;, as it Is: Inie . :into the'..spray,:,Phhip • tadit;'. Thia. will are ., reniOyee•dirt and snia11 Psi times; that; apt t • ‘,Itatii,eipio)g. .on. a• •,calni,,. clear. • day just as hoon an OA) first row. Piahts in the ftelds slio* Ilowers t is Very int- • 'portant to spray early. ' itthe plants. • .are 1ft too long ther',Weitilient 15 net •!nearly 7so offoctive; if...a, heavy . rain ; 24come within hours niter the split-. Is applied,jt will:he, necessary .-te.spray . • . . How to..;404 the ganoon. An .ordiriary.,‘ head; pUni,..D barrel, • ,sprayez, ascii a. 1 is:.eintiloyea to spritY•':. .trult trees May be Aseci,'•or-a- POtitto' aprajer can .tice ;rigged up .to do .the') Wort, • Many -of the, u*tOrdatenbraY- • ers 4ave a Iinecial,f broadcast ,• Meat • for'nPraYini weeds,:. ).:Chese are.: eacelient 'for: large , areas, . as •theY,, . cover ) a,. Wide.; strip at ,each round. Gare' ',41;'utiti„,b.etiikeii: to see .tnap.eie0 inuetard Plant is covered with the Laiinition• in the -ter init-of--n--:tirtepral:7-• maybe obtained tit,eay hard ware .storefillfi. UrAvitt, tanlege; y I - Another Plaiifor . sueceteful eiperimentin ,tand !twitch ginia! was made:re- ' •cently • by • the' ..Depurtiii'ent.' Of --''-the'tn.rtatio7ligracu4nrat-eottege•on' a. • held that" w4S.a niads twi,ton..after , . croii.118,41:peo.o removed. ' : )11'14e) 'Mud . iirad),. se " . -infested - that:4 the- lield-)'14rodlttied • crep, tfiat. Season. .arter , the 'Oats ' w.ere temo.Ved, the•lan,d'ivaa Piditghed: kiwi; tracter:doiced twipe;) and- --tliWeditivatee and .hal,To%ved. ' Later • ,the tine nein. was .pieughed .cthii frie,,unie ng . the trent •aise ctio.411i1 `) it) .80V eu .4ocOOO..oeoP,,: , Oise tWeive tO'..:thikteen niches: ' .' up and .threit:it ;Lep . "Mass of rents. • • •• • ' • In the foliewnkg 'spring the lieldcwiti • planted 'to. hair, •tife eheck-rOw• ii:Ystepi. Fra,e4eally twA,Cli...ntide. appearance.' -during suriiiner; and the held, ,Witliont,..tertiliier :pro. • ,duced an ,eitcoliont Crop :of bine Cern.' • Yor • • - ) 'P•ii,y103i...GiOWia 7iiii • States., .• • Dr; C; ZavitS, recelVect .1httet • recently .irtna :inhere of the AgriOuitdral , .. .• WifinotiStn, Wdiell says: ' .cWw • PrsotiCaliY. ad Of tile barley .grew:u. Au ty iticricunn, iuid et our ruiryouut4ii'g' emanated froth. tee leer • barley which, you` seitY4tizi.". • W 'never be able to got v Lor the 'good •things you hat* ,tione tur us' in 11:940.114.•yearti,'„,?,,:' tnah, who „take's. pr,(a0.11n.,'Iluin o.. ..e11.0.1".4 )0....stock 'and clean staines,. add,' reatikeS • eiterihit;' trO,111 tith-ey ',of: his; :Arm dne.rattuna, k7 -.A ,to gather, one ,,ppaint of honey ". alsting of, .„.'0,180I.:•.(itee,s ,:t4 nectar.: Those who oh not beilyve it are vite1ny bot,tof,eouot the droPir. • $61netiliies it'S Inoi I of tithe arid fonnhlei);•:41,1eraid-v'grewit47dietter` And riie turned' out to he;fiftedit.iiiiiiilles vvith very best wishes to one and • • qr M ARET RI 1 r 9.9talPer lOnt A " 1. • Ir„,jt..*,,,* • *. • •I./e vvild make the noise: h Ao'• ,,tepror.itce ; They can't get get ',that • ,i •— ) PPOPIO‘ 014.'40 rAto air4 than estitliotitnes IVA lutat in6ifforonao that , An„oppihito •, 1, tRizifins- f4.140i MaelitilerY HOOlooted `ono . , 0'8,1#10- ,R044 0,011 04140, 41,9114's , • •.• ••-v••A,' • Happy ThoughtRanges have been the choice of Canadian hoese; wives for 40 years. .._Hapny.. Thought Heats -Make- rooms - Avonderfidlir inthe stove -heated bongo, --ZerOr picte, Inside t eWarprtir andgloar , of eumrner• Oil Oreurid.:' NO dratiglity spots, no COIcl floors, . 'no:frigid' careers, just -an eVeri • fl°1"19r-Var,T04,9i,!"$Imugh' Rut the.:ne!ISO,,-, ' This isthe'lain'eipliotthleganny TjigniihtFarnscheecrea,d4O1 .0,•apPliCatiOn of 'ascendinghot air • '.'andr.derseendink HapPY:T.h9;10htliirnadeineures the utinest in warmth -and ..,,Omy; burnsall kinds. of.fuel-1. ;it is easy to install•-•-siMple to -Operate: • , , - ;For the larger" hbines Happy •;Thought Combination sliot Air ,...sand got Water Furnaces insure • i d ea 14. distribution • of at• • •Minimumcost.. ' ' .• • . . • • t'orty'• years of ,experience in the application of Afettting principle*: •• are ;behind -elf Ronny' Thought" . .nrodticts. ' . 4 sberrnan s •. • ••ty dsl,r1 e ss ..et..,exhitittlna. the OW Of Nit4itop. .truut, you .'reei 'know . him Or ib.fgoosi boohoo ineaf0" '•' 1:•„. , • , 1 )0ME' iiienf,...ara...etamn, collectors, seine 'play: „golf, , yet others to 'Off i , •a'crost the world in search of, big game.. Some hunt hidden ..treasure: - 1 Whether . if. an .archricalegieal, 'nature or the . I'Sw. inAterial'.aS found ..41.1 , I ,oththee':tCsan.adi'lan., litnney.'444.11..so.. t:ne- nircn these ,,illt,s,,ii=i jo..,e1.71,3 lio,bbieS, ',7 :„.. .: Soine, businesses and some Occupatr4ris Call.; for;:a breaking: down of *add is ::pleaged•itO Olt, PA livirig"Y Ott .'a l'hObbY.".. • : „. :. ., .A • : ' : „ ...-; the 'etiat-irtin, partitions ,... which ' Weare .. •::apt to erect between•,what •,tinft' • ' . . i. • : .)..When Viehatre Worked' fat sonle. tinie' at earning a 'living .we : are.). ;lint to be suddenly awara....that.plienething tif '0rength; soniething.of alert- f . • ,: I riess,” Borne 'Arirtue'',..haS gene Out* us. c %Aid in order to get .dback, we 1 , sot about recreating:that leat strength,• By nature.' man Is not fir "Specia171. • ." '1' kit": Yet ,we all know, to ein: eoPtt,:the tepdenq Of . Modern.. business -life - ''..• titi to . make; him So. The .'preature of,:.''busineas',' of, which we :b0S.S• 't}tAl;':,';'+ .sygtopi,:tho.,.coilirtitioni al' which '.' we thiPk.soh(glikri. as te4be ;always!. ' . in :Oirisuiref it; is ih,..rattiiiy. 'a '4,tiggerlia at, mi.'fierce feudal : overlord of .1 ' . thciverat' type,, ti4e we are In bondage to ;it,. without - knowing if, •',actually 'take' .our Chains lovingly „to our hearti•,, •:',.. sninetimes the, amakenifig comes id the form .of •41 rude. shock, A- , ' physician's diettiM... But tra 'Often as net ,in _quite ,another lorin. That subtle and yet tangible shock ' received when seine younger; fresher mind,• i . i some "Mere, chit of a fellow" beats" tis' at our .own ••gairie.• That la . the awakening that hurts.. Because ' we know that at the 'club, 'other hien i are oohig,!Toit doutte:Vri the job" . Wheteat the truth IS "Stuck to his:" j. job, riot Wisely lint tee 'pa," wegid.',Iie,•86. Much,. nearer, the truth. 4: • • : When eiyilisittion. first began; its: pi.ekSure.,' ' Whdri.' litniitleSii tit:It "'" .• ' 'began 10 be:.ao.,intehae We felt we 41epald not lave if."' the rinrriber of, .i,"break-downs" was terrific. - ant' JuStabout that".tfine We began to .see. that.' to 'go „doivii: And out Was, not , fils3Ing the ,gaine;• ,tn.it liittenderin ,., i'fiutietidertng net altogether to ptesstirs• frens withont', but to 'Weakiit s• „ ' . within.s.failtite ttV•iiteg-UP against !efearfuk,04(10-r:.• IneXpeaCted lung S•i I :. , And so We began, to teat about for )a 'Meant of Sittength—that :ird ..t. ..."...strengtlm of: nerVelitCh )would stand up Squarely.„tinder .ordinary fir and risa,like.. a *ell-triitiniedeliip to.meet the waVes7of unexpected Storms., '.'.,.. .: This thing' hasbeen thought .but ,and, 40'0 Mien as a tOgitive con- dition •of Modern) .1Ife and bilanieas 'We tiay.- say within the past twenty, • 7 , •4teiiii, and •thkite'firmly ,yet,sitithfh 'thi last ten years, ' .. ..," • : . :' " ;... . Men' netf,go AWAY and lealie their business at- 'Once -each year.,1;-.. I; :And the Wiser take t •iticaticin not Only in etinithet but in '1 he intense the-biisinesqtht,'44..Vier. the tire, the. greater .neeel,fot.',, ..re4nforeincthirt strebgth...,WhiCktic-htirried-:nutqlie,lreitt*t'ifertr ede-,— ,"11. •,. 4, 6.: tsr,:irhenart$Irt •.'srr'eti,:vb1214dgess'i:In‘ 4.1t,• e:.iba' nic-')er. il'r''',#.'alirtictil:•±,Pr%es. i'dc'ent.....or'I', ..., .., '.' A' oinnonyofttoial,,,,,o,altY:,oilfer dcalc;ribben' leclity casting the flit elf' :the French River, or exhibiting the Skin 'of •if',14,ipigen • treat sketched - ,.: ona beard, pleaSed. as any Sihebl ,bosi,,ock:.frat carriedhisbat Mit' at. . . _cricket,. Or 'deiced. A goal :lot Alni.-,scheol :tenni, TY,iiii; knew him not s) -.) -rettell',' for .6 greet*spijr t' air..fOr .a.. gakd'btainesti )Mari.,., The very 'fact that •. .' ' : he beitrags' to the n,..voio got 'haCk. to Nature tvintryOur 'COrifidente,': You '`. Of 'ille44, '4 IS .$0 r 0". 0 '10401'100144t&Y111$40,4-0gT,04,1 '. 0 no whoiiii.0 rOkittiaton.d, dos 'i',.»tif that 040 *bleltvogarin tiftik gtfair4 ... rot know** .fo'r . ' hit 100 has the baeineetii 'tituation.. ot ,tho', day, in hahdo'!' • , '; ' ".' 4, • s*,