Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-21, Page 8.......... 11111 ...... .... .... . Ad, Any aaww -- -------- O" r u �2 , Iiist F440., f C worth thinking a`bout,*,oud`7AA man., 06 IP3 kkOr' Le )VAt4 an oune of. 4golp"p optritL in N004, Oouday tq a re h ho ink gho 1:()r. 4 mo. # � mark a at 4- we ­ I q,t I r RT loot, t"wogid, b U. ind, -Miss VOLt coming to. WWII It w4li, thiq; ;8 NO, Weeki ocal OpCion wa-4 04,012. .4 goo, thing ;h4: 75 ei f. Kino why did not peo'ple �go ixLi for. i to g, in8 i.4r Dli, farm..to �G for t u :Ped 1� with th I L oc. I .54 �t)i oWhy, the peopl6ot Oxite�io aid 00pt ipineso , e OpeAker ag. _24 �5 and . W (QW can aneconiiiig year. 9q or 6 , - : I "gii, fiq, 14, for it and hit aid �Ifl L. � sh. 1A Hvrson Io'35 oyor th( r wia I -It, to, A*V0. .01 to, _U 1:4g' the the U 'TEA(;" hIla 25 yearlt�' s4 p'71 A m e, air an pia, he i4ll re Vol explained the j)aUQiM Ducks, 10 E sip' dad rin t I ro Scott Actaxid, )we I � --b yea I her a tl e Mo. ro wODUCTIO ,s#QA wit'h'many Mple, at is sh 4, hq w and why to '0; litotenleilAt Often' 340'6� .0 thi eaw f th' N'. AND PIANO o, ters that if it ere a Q% hero., w ,ny q pon etbeyfqj1edJnQ;AtRriQ- .Oirfailuts -would to, ths'hotel.'�eeeperii they 'keys* Pupils for Tomato 0en- du more willingly vote , for Loc.4 Qpti.on: ny A, servotory All(, 116 'Was lndd eft.: to, lie r when he get is 0 Tut, obaroh ocwupled �rsiibyt WaSL. e, eqtir�ly o de the, I L BUY' Whatt in t3ie ip4obirery for their enfoire6­ Has ts pulpit, 7W, -g htocin s II t onoyear,any aarantee"th6the .............. r, corrospo hristmas P Tri dso. Uc illgot'it nexV. :-has not. 'you I I rosents for �al, Option 'j4 Lt Ars. i - Adexit 'Wiaboo te; the STU You three bars in'this town. Licenses t, hone 62. 11), rQqid, L t S 0 readers, Rialoggli .11 '00 9, simply twa clauses' ,jusoitlid xxi the 'have.,, S, liti a 1p this' Are. anacoording to Do an I d hip, all ji�, very into yo 'Our eqed ji.�pm pulatioll, Qntario Liouqr LicencpAct. X 49 4 We CQMX;4 n( ros men, odly:,4 P .and. prospamim bri o solve this �x6b To, Im, P to If Anything h aallowed Wwn t �Vavted the population i;uMclntly qne of* these Tbursday, e�ejjiber the -are c lar&,Aock of lodglL WA e fixid many .rtkles: sell liq4l bea�vy Would tll,()I.e gC all' the rest of yog 1911 Davi, aged 7.1 UWLI -P out, off" d Pat I lave op, ,raliapi residence, i0POx" te r Fqlie�al -from his late west of the 'Carnegie We; are *.:rry to: 4ave to e -gifis f0i or Mother prolAW&I und penalties from upshop it, the a an nipen ation for that ina xa�k suitable. y D set in r, Swee eart or' Friend.. ever' -ious illness.- of M r, W. atiiipitt 11 . I L Block,: ope door g U.PAI Option 4impl Lot 3' C'on, I Q, Asbfield,, west�. 011, and ant. 11oW preparii.-d to buy set Kto�:ril 1�rother, Siste Y None What I bespeak, means. that no,. one shall: seit iquc)r. Tuesid y. 1�ecQmber l9th,, l9tl, to, i�y quanity (gg$.. confined ij� who, tit 'Present is 'I 'EA IL liberal;sbare of'your.patrooagc�, Off5ce .;W -We ji p �f n9ther great w, rgament 16, taIIopen 9 a. to 12, , and I to -5, speedy recovery. R e sl[i!At )a When I hear ki t, there will be jus�t as MU04 -Dog" Stuart -Robiti�bn. -1 the canhot be pe k 1.5 d sell 'as, Tuesday and $h I I. - � I !y. . fly �W Wt. ma epeal. �tion is pas e ow, Value� n. q -)e, 'll 0, ar in 1, tr w, ly 11CkniAy on T b rg ri6.L%X, r4q;jinj one, of before.. It, that'. as 1 do tllo� TATe In 14 ;4�y, De&. ul.flic N oti !ni enforce" He 'lilu6r jbteiroOa oppose tKe. 15, to 1�jr, and )Irs Frank TAte, i- We the are .1 -e is. the, on y one in ope, prepared to is, ravion 14 Laws, in -the: world to.^ picion:, only, e. wqs�, inore liquor, fA a� lltoin�ilig, D�gin t,liv JI.ogs every coli;iid.erable dig6knee and A stron sln�; than 'befbre,' it January. jst,' thiJi farmers come. 110 .,on solq,liffsk it 'j'912 str - 6 glyl: ' If_- ther tex'plainwj that; are sus QW., 9 withoi t, any positive proof that liqpor 'Id prke t,to, units' w tl have the terlipepance "r Work. done,ip Our illage. t�pafr` ling ith W 0 wbuld be, tq Iaiga as sing., so oMq0 eoold. e irR ]help, Iji SRUD dveson t CX F6R L S 1worke an4 and h any pre!pises and. I nedtingin. tl e intereits, of I pare., 1 4.)v WE I& passing of tip ey e- p - in illegal q A reident the 15ih of., $�hgeen I' igbs fb�, §�lle, tidn will be held in. th' Pre Handke liq i anti i is were f,�Vna OPt'QU along. For . some liby�brjai, A Randkercbiefs :icbiefs, Rific n. � L . Op L ioen. Y ocal. Opti i r Si k iinq 'a there,. could lodge A charge ag reports tbat r ' n&rnade t, the ill soon be HndkercMefs, Ladies some, 1 t the, 6, A njim. (so churdh hereQ Handkercbi6fs, Picture tr'tjQ'jL involved: L I I )eop e used to ake a, handy train: 1. . W ,her o ts, of' A 1, ha- wFriday evening Lawn pvty or pi ,it he. tO,L-q know and'" an'oither going. back shoita a of dogs 'On. that CofiPeSili I shod wit14' �eat' 3 I . .9. on Ste or 22tid. Ray.., Ajr,. Btienin f . 'j- L. Colla. 8, Lad, c ? 1 1, .1 ' .1 - . I , '. . I - :.. YOr and aol ) -in 'fa Bo��g ighl' . .. nell r jes` Fancy co ars; L�tOir-s' Ties lad -i of a; ninnici0allty are, em out' of, town'. 1� Rev� W, in jeo'd, 'pastor of S ee� 91 nd otb 9 address' lie i io one missed th, PrI e * -1 Ri , er !� t 'L pley, a C -.ng PtLU fum; of- -They.- Voin lid ffear w a, I U If three 6 §�ftrgwtii of It. amt- I eliting e eG' 1-0 of' 1AiUU1 all I _V 31oveg, Suec , ,p gii� n as W. P6 f6 t g' r Cher munici. Gloves' Mitts in -places in Ripley- to_doy. L Co , We people want, it, then, .8 id the say that yoa, can get ftittior'i "y to-'sFe.4, bi.fi reiiignatidn. there nti, dGaundets for, Women and Children' c k, et B ook.- L.Qq ption is 40in t6.go a if Yo4 Al is simp e � ihing me. ftbject'16 the piocedtire.of ther -Prk3s- -AtL Luckno.w s atjoix oir Thursday,Dec., palities. head, arA see t 4t it is� .�le 0 M6otreal in. 7' ing r , 0sidiiii in this Vicinity. - Ladies�.'.Plain and Faxic)- ',Befts, Fanc�� Back Cornb� ca A' ,up and try two rrii Vytefy,',L wi LtAining'.a- -small S a pocket t ol; ifor ftir the past eighteen years, Mr wea,� ox f' After fiav flers, ter. viation Caps, - Silk. said Ur 8464, places� I will tak.0 this 41I.- j*ck wool Muf A' 'i ac6br dge Janul e :ivill have charp , iri* 1;r again., - a oUnL oUiiilver, a book of- stamps and ill, W. U iRuffs,- Stolds ar�d,. U -tiffs,. li�ab6d,thit Local Option, Ltick, W4iStit� LV of.,a,r;-: �,Fin sabue6q' of a draft on the Bank 04 H � ily inowe qn. 7 Rousom and fain d NV d WHATMI I. e, X&Ltbern be enfdr E H0T YL, XHEVr�U.S 8XID. h h Li -d Twee'd & FUr, Coats' Table Linen, Table failurej that llCanqda?s-- largest cit 'H �ell now, foi $100 drawn a 'th Y. iCrown -Ban sk, Tinder nesdak to t eir new . Orris in on, on, "When t -was -going a out soein th kj Hanley, Sa: -w to oTWO Clot��,'Bedsp�eads C6rnf6r' er leave'at the'Sentin8*0ffice, iinsis. men of Ripley the ot4 P. eapeI 'drinking ju a town thit before. 1. bu of- A MacLeod tinues. nei-h ors cy eir day' n -to me-thli,t- 1, had 'no, ood suitable �o�Oard wili be given,. t -f -f. 60 b it,occur hini ten. dollars, his ped YtT.—Lst, AT rt'as in t e:, esterA Vowl Warited w I DE AD, I '�piz h -W that afte]i i4, p4 es. there is More e' known in Luclinow Urnie a iins t §4 being, d' brother If tbe ex,6 froin::tbi� nXuei,,Iiborh Blan $ IZ -for kce 'ina aw4 froin ths� .1otel anday I '6ezos vr IDerfses if lie *ould come dowli to New- �reason, P 0 . e rteif, 0 lit �o the 'propiietoi �;of Chiiiiiie Kennedy, Nv o was Provinces. MEN keeper3L 1w PO 111�rket'- an oolild ­TfW- any lx�an YL ay mor- who waii 6ed to Ever WMnesday and Thursd the Royal, ll'beeh to be. d'�ad, ind %all Mr. q ('en Y. woman or t Hotel, stat;4,that I.bi H 11ild -who would state tha till 94 olclock,�;�anr,quhntit� of tI Oui genial m6rcl ' t.'T -busin6ss I en - of --the- ngup -Shi 8r ry, for mS 'LS his -Men's Collars -10 Wufflefi��" aces -j- &r6indijimong-the haye o;ast agide a I,we wo-. -ies 6f: t1li .. i Tie$�. G VeS L If or tra Core artistically, decorated foe e7.Leven*.sqspecte that there,,,was a, v h' th�ughf 6ahipt6n.l. king up. -live or cliessed'poulti de. . y . sCardi�n S`i.eav!rs finding out what t e Worl was Jn ao 0QL Als all* butter. We-* t Ho�e Sweiter Coas, SW�4ters, Wit d oi- in the town., I'said; A;Mjnd, prices for eggs, d [is Xinas season -has on n4 of the�VL 3 A go6cls.at reaiso eDmp of'Local Optioii� and. y iormeracquixintancL nable* �s stock'of Xmas. goode any Hats And, Ca li;.yon have a; Uinbrellas, t n saidto Iiiii I ow yo busines inan hbre..' a, let jacket derwegi, i �p§, 0 v6f,.-. you . no -j6d t6fitid On prlc eep the be I . . '0'.' . L � I . I 11 I , L . , I , u are of the'rian& xnad� you fallv real. - es, , .. .. . a person,%� io, su'auects d I "We ur 9111p Kindly Oonit f6rget us. f which only tdfind its 6lit *tq get' yo St rqan E�n ize th4t,he. was r�al,ive,nian -11. D4.. Woods: Helens., 7 - roaonabl'�- p Give :h' a, c0us,'. Fur:,Cbats .'and Fur--lid�.d Loam. - . - \ ' , * L i an presence.' He replied t6t� h ahil -pe best way o arrive -it L L . ver, 0 Was rhaps Chi) t at r tnaqy years yet,inthio. C&jjj..4ljdL� pro L 'this :,to .You� own h looked goba f6 that he Was. w6uld. be to ask you' t is queo ion: Logs Wanted ire UO ten-dollaO a -day maii Mr. Kennedy. states that, Janqary 0 it, up' to the N th' Shdrb - bv,, d thousand feet f a . It . 0 0: ou: W at lic, wail the iittempt *ere made this h We , Cord Anv e y u r 'gObd'S o Id wbirld', ng wph y- vd at h sad�faAion, 9. mak. I? �d or a', Viv e, hiindre at repeal Local Optio Ri I' ilind to s wen or kinds of lois, '141aple, b A All , All py Beech, B.rcl y 'waier-arly in .Octobiirand'haa �clnse humbly eg pa on S. prices, .'aiiktilke trl�de! I&A. wee in announcing When, A u Ch igtmas Seleo66011SR bring the licence, li�stcrn in'o forbe viig�in, Daiswood, etia.,jor whiell. jiigtj� t ECO OMIJES -004L. OPTIO, as: hi - 0 -from�goin_�,-:'under, a P will'be pak, -would d rd. it beT usq. i. Appy pr pitrtiolan. t what, Quvaftieh e t6wa pd dAdient. The Pric OlniijiL john, But dii, 0 XIII44 Rittettv e He said, 'Mr. rAS- away five, weeks his wife. crot emne,r I',Taia qpRpsed IM 56 f jk(jn�_ dmi.ision shoald' b&4 been .2 1 10 pie fures -o xicai 4 twL I he on' B W�j 'dolli s"on -Saiur- 'a &,map g0st 6, t�� MY a decent' liVing and* g6ttifi- along'' Sop nte b6-showii were lirneligllt� VieW6 ib�qtL �4btthndit gues over\ the, b ate -liednoe eacon. ead 'day ni,,L_ ar. first r and I would not..viailt A-11 1.:.*­l­ 14411F mnq -ra of otion :p ctlires. Weilad our' in-, g,contit The niln get.liq d aifed, N ID-- is, re ta, e sop lorig. with. kilirl, and they; go Two' years'agq, 1.thou;ht -,vould be- -Ptc,.;.aIs6 - scra Aroll� copper bia. formatioh fr6m a rb o but.. cINTO CAMERON. liev 10 sL ha �r; f6atl� 1, & Ns pa id -us was e W1� r uter. nd-V '�d. fa URA OE' I ers,- and home to:distueb the ldei�,Iiborhooa"�%nd gooa thing to havevine. and beer an,(! I INS N rub . oWin-iii some. misisder4tandiii- the Best h p in Luck- -. f t n given o, be ;I curme to,.t eir WIV a started'out with a petition-, - with W -.it nol4v See ui(�s ousell. R'esidence M ef� R AR N E HighestTrices'paid' Jo bLL fr(-ff Li r --II! :T 99 e They have, not �;;0 P 01(t result you knolw" My better ELP-H - - - - - - - - - - Aten-thd h a ago. ings are coming -ty '66ssful Xm ree nt of. the.L ttajSaCj.io�. -But 'let them, -Thi' all. ve 6 -f . Odin thin two 1 afry'69 T ­--PeopleL An(YU n metil tit' _sue to a, ndet4. -:W44 held, c .-MeAbdii n 4 o ars o be le id 'sta�d this e to ors all thing If there- ere Are et 4 Notic pre Tues ay L evening. J' t ptire. ry,gbods, boots tts ip Lt' nowto -rinm a6k'lice- 'Is 1 h on. d, t0 Pot r 0 wit 4-4, b -h b 0 !And shoes;th6 merellaaf are pnfiched,, 0 - . . e 'f 66�cstat f � ; L rl"�; n: th m4tter; O en hir sleighing ind,'boa ­WURI&O 6ther _4VAM weather..- IQ sind,the, on a beii are keeper I, -Cook, IA reW- �W-cro I ad "their lami C_% enribhed,too.* �y tAA61lars' worth 70f. �(continucc . In Astineld X�n .:t Coid.hty Of roni, c :the, chu'rcht:b"e- Xr. Bremaer),.asked hi If so; y nol onifortabl filled' h 6o-Qp6ra16 With uAl. of ri yeoman, deveased., m nt. The priticipil feature hat -positioxi he Would take 'and'� he .1 We ��Vint a good live agent in this. - lil.' pr t' wn are two�,of. tfie'largest answ&ed me ininiediately: �If there er�by giveir pursuatit Or6gramme - wai i6e � exhibition - -of n 0 0 OTICF, is )i '129,' R. S 0 - 1857,' meligh 'is s Wm;. and e: our ., . factories'in-, Ontario. The, bi- Local Option in Lue town and handl I i kv ads of' wer-0 know and ls6 " I" ' ]?a nt, See. &8 of Chap. a s lie 6ne Led"'cin , 'Roofing, Engines,. i -hat is iiaviu claims. or - de- 'h iii,:Kinc d o- tha tfe, t ll persot -these f et6rie say t At, tin er ence. Lo -t. - of: Ilinton. _)ptioii pro U,,,ttiS of t1le If 'you. are .-ifiAnds agaifist''the estate said - .0 be"i inb Astioug �n�d an or '-pie -es shown illustrated a story e , I . I- HB- CHRI TMAS; SUASO �7 js close at'hand and they bad. a gre4t waste of 'tin�6 : and We woul&`ail fic on a fair "level I' would ri C d 'have a. died bn -bi ill, back of' licence to. G cause w en, otne, ba:n Aiip oppose: the briiigin," the Peter Cook, d6deaged, b6 d b While' little r.ea�ly qmh, we gaii.make' about the �rdday arii re' title "Won. -b� your atftraction� t6 the,fa6t that- hiq pjixtio'glar machiiie the *h I are- spoken a very ttractive:oirer. Writo uired to. selill'by ot. de y a Ypsy we igh to &aw o.e PV8 Ripley.,.. Tiles 0 post, prepaid, the-vib Nvere nob s hdriierous� as YOU. tei w 'Aisorganiz are iw the' hotel for oar proposi . -ion, dersigned, soiicitbr, or- some,'TWg ex , k t, -y by �4qarin' monies of ri�ah ivho liver to,, the - an n of the shop et % . I ;to,. jbiy., your 6 p . - y of tfie'Lsaid 9 the S J:S the.' very. - plac �4 business but. in it Withofit thii wfilske' estate, oil to e*. h 'Alm, b(?irjt,:. .1roitinerly. it *dsl no W*" fe ' �J' tory Q , , an I se ihg the.di Ha:r4w4re 'or,befoit tl e 6th. day of jiiu�ai. -." I 1 S 11 k the TilL.PAUE WIRE 170CE CO., Ud� erent mnedranion. thin, for'two, h. tianticA'm To�on , to, es-ri r 0 t ree. or ith a w urther �renliirks A a d surn mes'll-ild d on the -'&anvas a.. Ki at. their Christian it a Chri- th d -la 'tii�g .1rinds. 'y e -most usehil an s -half a aoZbn -men to te oN 'du L speaker' con�luded. Heart py 'for In ikiiaq greeted'his att wr erances. n0 tiiill' p.articuldrs: I a ttwg.or'three dap after pay' d4y;Lbub _f -their clainis, and statement, of th dresses. witt perion_ as a I F�r -.el;ltirebr. _8 nterVal riate hymns- R�cv�.Afitchi:ill presided 'at the meet; e. Securit 'on:L 'thii � pfiv�ils& 'of BY LAW, accounts and the naftire"of1h Iare in their placos,regtilarfy ing. Hi44gra&rks ughout' t 0 stor. a r (if any) held by, thoinduli verified- by U. ss. 6nce in a While for'go I Od. r�a�ons.. de' nifidni which enabled. 0 NOW stati were suzig� by 0 d M,, L mOCra ic gover �L It are' hoir. alp, 0 e rile F THE Y atoiy deelafaiibii, s it not a wise thing�!' said thepeople-to make their'wililaw. -were Afterwai AND -T -A N&PI 9 that after the rds it, few geog hichl an am Luckno.kv Or- A B�-Law'io prohibit the sale by�.rctail humotions-views were A O. shown. ong,you timely and to the. point. sEdd*6th (lay -of January 1912 said ad 1047 dger Bi Silver PlAied Goods Tearson J,if there is`a� Dian -their '4 spirituous, fefulen'teil-oir,*other pioce I to distribute t1i hestra gave libe services niffilstra Y- without Aren-th. of. Mdrd A lja�e rally of fo� will The, latter -vei, d 'ak �artof t ' hs`L progran q( ran a ging Lamps T',quoir alone, to! stand �by bim'and say an assisthd in' in ing the occasion maniufactiared liquors in the Uunici­ assets of * the said' deceased among 'the! f 'pality of­tlie, Village-. of Lticknow. paties, ontitled hereto 'haVing 'i;pgard qr �thel )0d ters, he is not aving to have it? Jait. out, 111110 u at interesting, c0sisted of pieients fro ly to the claijn� of liiefi tfi�y -'shall thei; hav� n-)6 d �adpiitils- Tres by8ant aus; After thi sidei � �Of Or .tJW is . anL' Ind sjoial .1�ht blurticipiii Council of the Village on s %t7l hiig, SizU n u ce.,add the sA Rome. 'enErcts 4g:foliows: t'll seven _ftarj L 130% 10',00 lb L -wtestq- It tratarL-wil'i nut -b L Al sang on That the sale y -retai. o spiritu- n Melia. �Tvai dFOWL b 'Bread thle in sent to that Home sai. or other. manufactured of en rr any part the'reof, to. any,', Person or 9, fernietited nother Kinjough on ibse'claitu notice.siha'll not' .even passed in the. U' f, 'I. Who is lave )een re'ceiN is solici� llistoi-y; The proceeas-of�th' I ' qvsnine� POcket . ve-!� there because '61ijbited in persons,oi wl 6 o iquo.r. hall be Iii I red bv him oi It ery tavern, i keeping that iristitatjoh. p? e.v n or other house,'or'place aniounted to $26 00. Vinted. eekly of piablic entettainiii�-ntiti the said ntuh- L.oi, at. the. time dt. sucli distribuLion. eing ep Rmors 0C . ` - ;� , . ! Dated De6eu ber l2iii, 191 i. b k ipby, the indu rt q_do_:4ot-d,r.in icipg4ity, ild the,sale th�reof, exc6llt by n-" -thrme ... . ............. . w1fore WE Is add kill e f6hibite(l kate . I C t6..$ I . I I . . .... Solicitor or, ateotbe'thanalidlise W, BRYDo-.,;r,,, clihion, olito, WHAT WILL LUC)i.TO;W DOI' I in every shop' pl 4* �is ente I le Suft 1r.owl. will be received every day. of �pblic rtaihn init, in:. tl said -for the'A.dip, itlis I trator.' Bqys, I S" Said the M*yOr in' conelasion' afternoons. 6ibept Frida �y Y We $UckL is one of the, f1iiest.things that we. Spe and Batorday. -ore .N.olice .2 fhat file v9te of thr. eltct , of T people.,,' It,is rp to aid illa .5e ...14tic , linow Ai Il'be TtN41,T1oX$, will. bt JR1 U D --A -lot of a democra.tic 6q P of LL reciiivekL- for JST A R q19 _Pitcks -ttlmn o . i . rt LY--r-7-tite Offices in-aMdeve; b_U I 8, 3 piece -with 6166-m- key-— _y_�_ S people UL say 'You kem dir L �Y.- our, 0�,,,i at. einaftor natned oil. lors iud three:,Public' Sc - Tstce,,; nt of tile bak. nitig Officeri lier ,too, er iwill litivii the banishrrip' eggalar.., 86.'50;' clear. 'for the Ye r These hre, 'goods th ate suilt6ld eacIr-7uffe- in. Will Von 86 itl 'It. is for your, �k a 1, cl n W a , $ t!" 0 cn(lay, oic 1�irst day of,january, Ond for tile Vill, go bi u k 0 - a 4.1 sa e tho 'sand - Ni.ic reel, nd twel�e, 1.912, Publid ithool, TfustLes.-to libid W �.T HOI,MES Lu&now, . it 'r, sakiL­ f nine ol.*clo& In tlii!tiiorn- .-Office (or tiva years, oil. Friday� e n a and Laii es. kil, Wool, a fp tlie� of the we%k oi� e, coin tri6neing. a is. to bur store. will further' convin,6 It is for ths` betterment of the' -to%� imr -and. c,),.,tiliuiilg until'five oltlatk in �rw ',D Lined -Under�ear h fa�mlfy alify,,econd (lay of December A and FlCeCeL And a V at fte _Ujider it. nti .1-014 I believe that every 6ne of f 1911, at the hour of 7.30 p. one M 0 v rcoat� '11 angsil 'brary and Town it e: that these. 'Suitable for, istmas. Pte5e6t% �,ace ,=pry, hour, iii the.Carnegie'Li you audience before ,meji�4 the best -'Intel, I . . I I 0 As, rachari and' wit f-� T L� ?s,s orl phe town at hea orrow,* oft als, en W11. Coal oil, 14ticknoiViiii Robert Gira- iie?%,at, which tinie and'placeal ulne . % i18 thaVillage of JL ry., our G a er I. American W rsW ion only 44tin friendii.hsre, u in L c.kn(;iv Are ell off I hain's V.4ca sittiate on the North oUsaid villages are liere4y tt(litired to Prieed. Y v I I L V Purs. A spec" ki* tell ChouUnd. dolla a, year for R.G. MoAab 41iiended the s'(1 I e of Canipbell ztreet with 11,, J, Lill attepi jal Intl pay iD` of sayj* , en ,�'vtock -tb -,,- ­ - ­ 11 I iflarl6d wit I storm, col 3W in last weei,' " In Ne, a I ol beingtie la�ge,' -made � I .11 -divic nd., dollars. No .8oatli,p�31iing sub I ;joli of the fwo votes -of tht elef.,torg of tile Village 'b1L V, w Miss Lily Bolt, of. Turnberiy, v�sitbd of Luckn6w in tile Couticilt.0 �egulari $10M out -people are -paying their � UjIl and " D a, * 'of Black. .8a e twenty * thous. Catnediejibrai hanibeislit of LucknoW. i0l be taken on cleaeitlg� and Foe'. it 0 . the Building witho 1, Firgi dq� of, January A. D, 1�12j be an b-� 7.00 d1lines? oo $un(kay. fdve bank accounts And life putting Mr.. ()..A! . I ... 1)(�,Otlty-kcturniilgOffi-cers- -tweell till? hoars of Nine o'clO& in tIlL. '8 001� f De, jo 61iodl, gnd Five o,cl Remembe" r. the Place. Th� LaWfenco'gista. te' pi�. 11ops es, 'The 'Cost" ickie dild, Miss - Ruth bit flic,thirtieth dav 0'enlerhen hUnWri and t' e8f6f thsine)v 1921, o jck ill the aft'r Dickiii, -bi ichig.1' are.,visitiwe at comber! A;. D at the" I brir�o you from Nev� COUlltil noon die'-pbliffig Place for the North itr F u pe6q, we wat Moil! Cf keltoss',�. this 'Week. lo the' (�arnegie Library Build, ippljijj� -.,;ub-divisiou shall be kobert eVOry g in the illage of Lucknow at the� Gealiam's "vacant 'sio 16scription., et the best thaee are' tI d Y�ith the Chambers inIn te oh %the North w Wof ulif .h ork e bo e.of,Mr.' h.ur,'.'of eleven prico� iny' 6 king bf L.6caf -Optibn, 0 ;'T' st' ' Asit-sa o'clock in -,the forenoon iiile of atupbell.,8tteet With Uarvey- j opir own to�yn. bolli, It aith 'on Friday the Re6ve of the'said Muni ipality; shall ty-ietarniilg Officdr, . the- �c Dept;i ld 'do b and won.,. - Go you: an] do likewis"e." and:&Irs. p�r , on �outgt 11yel's. Revi W; A.� Bremnr, of'R J�y 'last ana With baby hig, signed. by lit"leelf, polibig', place for the South porling sill Neese eathers Wanfea pre dixted-thein, A appoint in *r(ti Ip I .A.t the fi )al. shill" n w h laeson -.0ealt 'girl. two perskSns to ,It. �,4,d sabe the, coillicil cllaiijj)e�'s 6 preceded,;'May6r A -u� oUtbe by the clerk, and. Carnegie Librarywid Town 11all per papin d, trade; it oxeltisiVely with the woAcng Mr, George.' &O'd Miss Lizz"we t attend at each polling one -person o iple,y. Luck iow c I 9.witli T Agnew, gettlrr�iilg off ing 0 s n. ov r of Local Option in R n ki hardion attended 06-f it office I B, t�i. ok a erid of 'place op'behalf of'the persotis inte e8ted e'ha�ph64rd,,m 411 -Lobal the late Davi4l Farish of Ashfioll ill and -desirous of Ill binoting th� passing MENDELSON &BLITISTVIN :-Peop u d On bedhinber, 1911, I' like' winiber on, awl ightil J..F,, Agiiew, Cl�rk Optioft killing Riple3n'l The. speaker Toosdai litAt. of this B I belia oils interested "in 'and teit6onial si 1 produced a gri jqd!�, b me Se 406 of - . . - APOro'Ve evelopeme 7 r buglass, n in that vil tl;(3 atinghat Local Option had in 4, Thit Ole Oeek of the said Mutil iowise initired Uckiiiiw: Cotincil il6org bevel'61 thbir bu,sines.4 &nd,tha leflicat pat (!ouncit 6f'the'. Village of UckjtoNv of 1plectric liflargy'la Jhe District. shall attend at the Council ChEftnbera ill Conditions were in 'every w tt the Cir ry'Irtzilt1jit'ig 'at the; ay er negic Libi, now'disin before -the passing of the At the meeting of the vi ge hour of- eleven o'clock in the forettoott of feftl Value t A. 1) �'� 912, o yourself and your eoune'iltlib tnotton wv; inade o tile�S�coii(l (lay of jantia by OleltincilloeA L%wrence and. 'bouglaq,- to'suill up the nutilber, of votes -givel'i on f6tget 'the. loe'al 11-1, tli�s,council approve 'any seheine, for afi&ag�hrst 06alingwith, tho-Aueltio of. the. Bv-law it�i advantage that may -be adqpted w ariall c�)Iltc into force atirl 'Ofreet of Lo'cal Option on tq,xatidn, Mr th take Ufe8t, li� from the 1�ir-A4 (lay of M, Yt Caolhil Paid tip ......... 111111111011pality for the . purpose of ' .1; . ..... ............ a o re nHAVELOCK H vel e -k -AnA.Sepoy are. �tiioligr tfid best Brmitior sid: "th s nion, i' (I is _ nexf after:0111, final passing thereof. R serve ifi'd Uridlylifed ...... 3250,00 town k6ep and tho.4o tlireO men cooulteril Chittiber, Fffth dy of 'flours gold in thi$ '0-6nimunity., T hey trict, nd that this motion -Ailseis ........... .................... . �40 P 0 01 D tbr. ri ber A. D� 0 e most fast1dio'lis b hey -save pay into tho�'colfcrs, of.the villagb in be forw-erAdd to the, Proper ailtho akem 'and t retu:th botwedn. these and totir hand., Business at -the nfbeCing Was not, volum. 'ike uoUce that the� 66ve is a tru* It 14 114t to altet"'the IldbiftA of a, SEPO 1 red doll'arg ayinumly. No I �opy of A, ,Proposod you m6ney Oil eNve.-ty bg� Uelp- �,049elf' W � believe inoug and wits of - initior importandii,, hralloil by 'file - 'to forsaks, b:� patronizing the home ind�:ISUY,' nel ifl: informed tha, i - conservative, estim to of wbat -is The Sen'ei I b wrong hun taken into considc aXtr� ap6e a 4 t1d, learp: to save. i hivve been dra' n from the Muniqipal, Co6icil of the: Villa,_ spytt OVoe. the sar in g W bar in one Yc thli. 'Our 0 jiab!ished rq)ort of mudicipal bm I Lticknow will fle.flually 1vott will neverlearn unless you have rd e j�eW - )(69f- . �-HaVel 6k $2-70' town i -q t0h th�lxqftil Ill t ev Off6r, tj t'l th T� slollftt Tnentioii�.wa, ed by,the sat �ouiicit (in th ent of, the as'etlf of tile being obtained hicenti . V Or a:Sa, n 9 a vingel ,,if, the tnmting refetrod am' bui. thereto As provided by dic rAluor t tdh�ll and 0)titwillor And. I t k, nei4 like, that thepe mhould ba ti Do proerdiffil, Aft eitile j�ct) after -glie morith froni the' 1, wethe forl"Or 'Itten(lifig Arst publi�ation thoreof ill the I,twknow oofoeiiiii nd &jIlarg on tho. 1POW6, of terithouird, CoUneil' m' NVAlkettoft. it order thAt t1l() foAvh 4PJ)11� rA116p *46 Thursdy the evofitIll (lit of j ber A. X). 14%1 atlil! illat lie; Yn UPP686 da d pla&q ther-eitt r1xe,(l for 100.5 not lWt to baen before it. for.' some tilile, Iva III, M. Agent OS LU CK WaveVE N 0 t A TR6 'r(f`e4U# ()f 03501 It cation wvqiderod, b -the 00uncil had R, EA' Y 906 'At EL ow, thdta�tor 'January fint foriii4d"th-at efectorsifi, I . you the t6 of th e �0115' ILT09 Phone 0V witch Wouj� itml%tf� who