Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-21, Page 6-MR ow7 :.NL 8, Is EW SE to the ful, qV Ol *000VAAAR. proohecjw a d beat Arid, 99144 Of" i", b.0A the Titk% the, Ru.bit, thq� 4wethat " 'by, vuorxi the king In Comeg e d co vQW to opt &0--X w4h. sequent, Tap girciipligr the -pressure at- the lessleat it hA4 to, lose- -on the,birthpla-qe the shel?- -of David, arid his home in tAining the �solid, gstate; so it will herd...daygi- it- wasever dAr to t4% freeze.' at 14 'lie Vet Ai� of il nt, or A., pressure. is,greAt enoiggli: it WAY ng Messiah with the life of Me Coin' fre, e** -or solidify 'At 1,0004ogrees h is' hig eliloug *19 th I wly, Thpir governor was, 01 t r4tlito Wb'C bUch aB t 0 t, h' nobls not s to c44.vg,e most'substancei,to th w) Lem at Jerusalem, rdinr, atmospheric pies o Oppressed This, is One: Of the" reason,- Wlieu J'esus'w;t% 4 shepherd.. it m(110MYT 8 MA", # onn. R AdV&IlCed� to -proy� tha"he interior 051LON THA., IT,. .e.r.e IR 10, (]IRAN,' IT 'The. death ql RerIQ4. cCU Tig-e that h b d mo, on nJOP V rlrel* in, istrax W oa, SLAW10; Psi B, 0. 4. But, we that, -the Old Teso of the earth is §oIA,, fvr the As- SWA1�1gp­PACKAGIES, ONLY iii such. pitationz from tament kes n4o qU eSt joU e know - g, re is made up REF le SALADA!, 'At b ann gumption I$ that the co U 0 Was ru, befor t verit. waod on en bru lIpoUL the X4 ract, when 12 tAncos, that.- 40. or 60..,' of sub lowing, sottio, mouth thig: is clear firpeging, and there is of course an infants of 3,ethle,- for C- f huridre s A G N RINGS Rgy -�I,it is eyi4e4t. 11lat Qfr miles b elow the. sitrT40e. U U ST OF, ROYA ous p -ure A o r ry is net made Iloilo req L w .]IT )RATE 10 and iEcim,' for� the fililit �E .pt, the up, As 0 prophee arcl'a birth w -vs abou" 7, Exactly -what time t1m r, �ar� Unmble Peop iarrqWly Ia. Who T yea a. -In order.that he inight IKE 01F. ppe;4red- Ioyal 'bloo. Ili re.- TUAT Bethl.ehem, of uciaea-"-'I�ow a klierv.,11hei preci�e ,go. -f t d W eric�er 4 I h' BRIIAIK WA9 "READY ;' I ' , ­ n a spur ,un a Idt Rpro4, is.the only per-' cognisect. it ig treated wit universa. Mg' X(iti", ENIVEr IV froin the. water5hecV -:R've $04 who At -any p4inoto find'ot'it respect. 1%, is, Arlin- HAS, BAIN Great, Britliti to�day te 61V - . 'Ii . rally there,are in ui es. sou led al- about rpQSQ di 'Putable factthat�; Jerusalem* Cal t-Atory, 04 'RTHUR.).KX11;.ET WILSON,, SIR, FRANC S C S T..k T E T. E IFLEET IN jRE, -zo E'hr4thah, (Mic .2); Irid, r is a sinister, on d of man rin�chie o he y1uperal Of, 'tue cz,a Alex;ip, er Position PE yal T -The:r ion reieaIR r6t4res from. the MAN, row 'it i�. 1. An 1:�mpo r. t 8. ENactly NT C A . 6 11 I le Og 14 ry 3 n PY s .10 e�'refu§,A a pper' home fie 'their .,veLin**Wbo' OC.CU relation h f,the the solicitlia'e of e 0 rs�� ea whods. made first sa blood, i' '014 jh IlR' eing the any, dversight A I.Ord.L humble an, ipm4ny,casesi me�Jal Seen. sh Ewit 1he is prey. His xpfeg2e. . wi to Position�.- Ancl.4t, �ii quite reagon- C .dramatically C;Onllec"� man to Neo Ger , h rv�.Apie�iuour ivith, able to assume thAtt e be niade. 4 9f . Jaccib" 'dnJ : Ruth, prive worship him .0friparlson U Y' -A Colj�r, h L On y ORA. 114.4"BeiD -arid' orkho�tses many 1,6s L. 1�fitaiix is di men E�i6p& xt M Supposed . site : Of the,. . witivity �BgOi�sed! pre,' I I.. bo might be liding: rr "on the, side ravAgance, how a, mirked by whit is pro the shows 4,04 W not e. xt 6l far-Reeing persons at� Court l,iAyi ille London in he . matt oyal u lerajR., ILt' e 1, M 't- . , old Jl�. taken the ed or of R t ost Church, in the � y7brld,. th rs b se, . 6f I tit, Wisdom' clis layed earlier in his Rather id bf the Answers. -theL Fretach Governmeut $506,- Ia eing th, L gurprising evi ence -ascertained cost *.margin by war­,e- I actually been Of 060 to,.. bri,09, the%iemAiu� OU Aed,-bv 'the -nither rezgn. r c e. e k.. England. azi& GermAny wili that there are no fe;k`r ith�In 11,723 elehl -an re-iriterr W H, J-Lmlp licuse-It muot. be remern T- U ber- -A ene h -the here r, that Jes 4 LLLLL LPY -is.' er by. be direct descendan y as ecil neath is t e eav4 oi d w o . I o J en six semi-official' Aiti4ane'es pri f Renr ;$ i -d up -t �erus,4146.zn. � wh a ides' in, Par hewn in,th�e roe tiurl. (Luke 2..' all British wspaperro im iaiely VIL, Ou m6nare 'in 1485. he xpture, as is After the astonishing decla'rations; 'Using these fi; &Big ain Onc`L�hun. e iorn �,22 for a simple mathemat 'calcula- llai4 were ex On e sCription r A me -uring 38 b. in- old; for the.. pur ca , -tit r 'an y An J,: feet. ds,' "Here a, and a sacrifice must gures'at a ­ L ' -L made by-Capiain Yaber,aa obscure 4cal '.Te;s'us Ch�ist of he �Tbeii t -0 family d t t I th usarid do. Virgin be 'd' mem'beiL of gment an , &.no: astbull 'UP zh o4iq s of Kink r - turned to'r 'Bethlehem, d' the tion� we arrive L a , the quie Rmk­tut, cavop foi cattle are (PL ke .2. 114on hati (to monarch wa:s la 'to less�lnconspicuoug� ilitary Critic, cnsl m, the hwhen ''that nt a', the;- 116bronn,hilIS-.7- J -,I laex- trpwds-ot,-.the4ni,611m"iit-(Lii Vll'.-. -to mgeouis Ceremonial -*rit;6i C rdiid4if74CbrrespoUdent-.. r, T.esent d4j, rest,­W�ftfi,gc.' not 't Id ap mu�t havo., Cell living at. Weis m, AistingiiiP. V47 1-:7), haib& taken. their departur i - thekdL t I . is a leelnled . least Less than half Vat Galilee, but it w6uld easy to find. a C tain. Fabeir'li Iins 4). . sing,.,: el.at & jtibliediazier 36,735 pc 6d t ter. which wr-re mad descend Wi m­gU -e keeping Airecil jng William bt6in fp�m One in to, bu ry H Be ..s .1 y E .OU1 prool y er-� from itheXii:9 t 'aggiegAte e ei,�es of, t d b G 11.'Old Tet.t' �They seem to have intended 'to. set - PRIN E 'L OF BATTEI and �tly geize upon B b the en ite, the pr2ecessors �mont custom, or to certify t. tle, hex,46'perm.atientlY-'� III BURG, who becomes sep man, French and -Bri6bli j6uii�als Ii.is qui- . easy ..to follow 06 mediate nto Egypt,' ,end sea� O' t Messiah Jews fbreed, fiij,lit i -to the, charge that -th6 "I h 'till. . :1. . fact, that � ho. l6rd. He. visited Quebec. -with- th &like amounted'. means b$ which, Y werp:smaller Was, bor -within th e u nd yetl.mc;rA im- �fast become so numerous-, �L,, One Of. mplest the - Fell, dbw*.aUc1 wdishipped hiin-�- e obord xs f quw *r,400 oseritie4l"'days, n J 1 -UaUl recen w � .7f The,iis;uzl-wethoidjof­�ay. hoinag6 . wreste­ w t .ipg war seem.. , u- -give -of 'to aVol t"bout prea uner fi�-40i Her d ­!The Herods 6re Idu, a also am act. Of -wai� a tables-. Heni IL! -of ite Dxike of ClAr Bri ih Ileet eattered genealogical as thAt e 4 .no he. BRfish, Isles ence. T pt his gen-A, 'teligi46us deikotion, if we assio; i, -that the,'BfitiBh had Ider, of C id noi xceecl .$2,- means.. but the father'of''r Je*- hAt M JENIQ y; AS to, oQn8i them (the embradied. t1le theiA��Uiefi hid befove� the, anyone so 14s!�d der Ministry was',diVided. onAlle qOs- wl married IV. of h fialieral ;wag �'P' Great)'had' �vere help -;-nd, 64 e4en* lcid'q: -romisei of the fulfillnignt-6f AKIJ ESIN 'On grand 500. all told,.. Ill appoitit C at present.' -leaving thig. acclouilt exit -ing to Franc heconiing wilka es. an4. ti oe," and erit prec' ratok" of 47, is wr So, asften'in 11fatf -.t the. army, alone was,prep onjes r prescribed 0 SAFE, U t U Judaea - .B.0, tha; mother of Mary Queen of S040t e rig cui:ren , assets and ed, of the ooinpa f &red cerein' -he - Gen04 are adwitted, into the -Tuder, I . -A' er. is king i MAW 0 e ­extent having 160,000 re- younger dilighter, - Mary for an ordinary Caeg�ar.. Renee. thi t curren .4 141A. it will.b s6en. when t t neral hy 'J to liqht� 'that inaA t Attbded, kin� e iheidt com 9 gu ar; troops 'for n marri6d, in the firgt e Louis T is wa, in accorclinc with the- Was' �rear,4�d 'a' � d4om,:,Ahd the. Je*s,. re 1V .3�^ I)] the .baline ingtafic h , f, ..NEir 4616K.ASSI;Ts�' A. MOST 0406111r� rA .", .. . .. at.'the ifisigation, o e revelatioll-, .Are tbrus.V.oUt­ there is, an' excess of liabilities -over as- dcsp�tt& to F nde_ XII.,of France. de eaRed Wx - r*yal dignity�,l pres�ccl wish of the N E, -�bond interest The m&rriaie. had :bep.n ered'. .'e lr6d.to b4e -6 him gifts-7--wN�%Ori�- ANT FEA,URg OF A,BALA a uch so; that. His rule Offered,. unt ets so m, her'will., nd the Duke had always de tony, 9, WO GWEAT' FLEh think of apliroa ing EET. December jarst. has -,of nic6ssity, upon against an ith scildi�rlY- F With,extreme riggor, an C Cl and.. entalfBt"would Ili due on buried'.w regaitljng T 'd monarc be funeral of b out PWr in w- hl"' Ag'to the first charge f her fr�c 1: defaulteq.. C .p6dia-t0y. on. t :,Ii -ing that Chris -a- S V61H ' ' & 14o;r�bbli a urt -7C , dragtic., rst r 46 5 oil, To� Spa 0 nil " �i ii­'�,ee fteited-that A sud Ile riag� with'Chailes -of 0, f *S L E in nd ca Acl'the murddi� f r reSt. s!iw W"a:t Is 04y. d CrItl xamlneiisoi: s bj�,t paratave s Affe.and,tw* cinqueshou ill IV P, re dal'. "a ji�c'iint points of net -qu-ib as Otrwan rise enty . ROns.L 'an ted., the in.thes pirti6ul. n -d fleet uld havO� -but-,. ueen. I �H of.., .7 4 ndustrial contoa s Y94 thpr Big ri C-the-Geraj6 to'repeat the JaRanese T!he &�pendats-cit-Mkry,Tudbr r, riva irse 40 p. 1Uj i��r itffuli Q * t �abioun cin exploit slaii War —de- a SheetT-Wh,at uIck: in cling uh 169 Assow nu er at ti, pl' y of,-Rome..7 an. expippsive re arl fo ano Cuirent I�Iabilitlqs��Ca�e'Ne6dod'in fleA in cl�tail;.tbe I o, qo t 11 and M It u a . . . I . f t4he. Briti-A 0 erls.cips, in A r nei h&L a le in t e year', �0, ralikin Be w ic . -corres OUS Lyn divinity; MY. cinfributing Ii hi to.B. C.'4 of our' gu O StAIAS� SiTAM I'. lot al reBp4nsible ljy an THE auswe oi pioes­C 9 - b6rally to.. -rht�e into m . ., 01IR iensiv6ly u6ed.11 for om, al fTaking', A0 upt7�4P),,04 PIG., ex raor I ar, o val e identical that C British, ourrial is urns n $ a c6st' of the M --w4,tdA6und­-dnA 05e 'mortali 13f, diBtinct'from-,'t fAlie. her g ly H aA- th� -thweharge, is I 'were, orce7 n om, sagi , At "] e, mome .0 dn. *-d A cc Marg n. AetS S., -But here,� Re 12.. -A reSU1 The* ,�rticles� -contributed ­�-bT- . V013tor7- "Sthury CamParg' 119,cogainift. fiWheliL -most ni aret. in in' the" n ei, andilig b -in St Ca 'From the attek sprang all mqde�n fun�rals. wai od sense'Ibr a priestly. cIARs. ski mire tot. -the solb purpose of guiding pros- 4A kgotiiionik seem. ed least b6lie�7 tan, e' in pective investors. and. it 1p9ssible'of' saw- niothe ' Persian; Bibyioiii� s. 2orrey t1r,mels' fill- there *.as coneentrated.a who later the Ctar'Alexander 11.,� who s slain a' Ing ' them, from los"Ag.i 11 and other., ;Orient bciples, I who Should: not return to Hewd - , 1.il -1 I The. Placing it in deat ir�iarty Firth,'in Xorthei, Scotland t ihilist'boinbs on re 1'3 h ere L 0, t character, ou the hroud; and 6 h6r. ;ill.ibe browned' -by N -stinies on --the -ap-- pon,­]jy�oci.Oeded to -iry Amprtial,A*4, �reliitble. Ocean, seven heads of Eui C L. a rin tion maY ,he relied upon, ­ 'The fa6ing the. - German. rope, exc6pt thoi -traced human'dc h i8si. Fivb hundred., t usan4d' e. out his brutitli�s emes.regardless, it "f tb timpy X,-= ur .-civl. ise'd titeg,. Can troops.lined the stre�tg on tho da h6avens,- wo'd Wei wri r .6 ose. articles and. the PublWhe Dr,eiadnau$ht' bftleships; g]�4 L fo' ew unall � semi .1' i 5 his liaper have no interests to servo, �oo ho ses oDreadripug great Moi 4 . A'gecond their'd6scerit, Fic�m this it' r too IL lonne,ition with this matter other,,thaa of BixL -b.atl!p Wl d e coffin., And.. superstjtin� oving age. These HERE RUDENESS RUTIE Si., those oi:th6 reader. qua, ron, con Been' that, all tu ropean: �aon '�artin4he�grqcesgicin­ b 'It 64 large� influence with,* ..'ships, two Dreaduouillts, two of &A- archs are rela, was borniar On, a-car'.6pecially I ill Kin, succes s� (Din. 2.- 49)'�. f s And tw,6.6f the 9z Why It. �Pays to- Ile.'Radi-Te pered �Ed When Qq.een Efizab6th' of ftn4 gold, jnlAid'v6th ma w y ng L . . * 'I- '­ '' L h `f'uIFy7r*i-voked7` tW7-�wi I Of- Henry , hit -last w6p aim in. mperia mines; war. tokef er in usinfts., Lord Nelson I clasi , C L e r6iii the I we 11- wAll, the Coin p -investop Ki d- VL`Aassl­ S—tate", a as �B OTC L in .The ej�tts brought -by When, as we noted r , it At a m6Aing of the Committee -in wiifi four powerful 'driiisers;.ere; VIII. :th, t laughters .Of Myer arid r0h- ,herd. ere'.1ere wo Ach, luar� sl ly hase bt reip"61314-t for �Ie:viill'deny that it ;s dUstriai- 'bond' has. behini, t se 6dy was at� Rosth separat wheels were of solid Lots of p66 Torntoi Ar6deacon.' C ed )izly hree Mag Tuddr livv d &vimty conveyances them a. no 14hre, ble, but ',�, elcted..Chairman arid -th . e 4ork 6n r four hours of stearrupk 'froril'the ing,.wh6. e childreii'', �d fo an the iradition'thid, t1lere" we* i is, a fA t that thous�' 'the forr� cot land va uatipd.. at the Amount Were require in e first s4ii. floral emblems the combined valite� re f-th q 3!portgag , e e' bond ha*% all . th alf of 0 tied noblerhail.., Their.L r'the wr6athis d Ind, Pepsi , th beh attron Ible. and� f men find that busiineag.a. 6 the Filee-Hospital for fi these- wizard rst division. � Th. rried into Other. o! . .. . X1. ! actically' none of, the Inp Wks 'exceeded the' fijht�n Of families,"hild thit is he* b6 -wide -$400,009�-� M I bad temper is. a 4prig invost.ment.;- 9?o.d and pr 0�nsli t�vei Muskcki� g resources a so ma( thpir'' were Aspar$ 9 iii wbich*.wa-s. �Siiwa W. at 'Ins7 a. ieal estate inert- tlk� entire navy' diffuslo as s rt.- Upwards o e I do r, in London A d k tsoiiud com'merieed at ori�e and the w,of Royal- blood w La f 4,66o,doo`eandl�s, scim 6erman chicir, aild"Balth.-Azdi. There seems, -bbn 0,­howe�er, iittain' this' to he no wersi N gAge� )Few d -$li,000 was malized yeai!"- second *was -gufficient i k 'weighing as fritich for 6i investmentsi, Apo! .9 ma e i foundation I I is . Ii.is's,curiou''s trait -'in I ^�'Jn�-' higli, 'rank as oBuffielehi, sum" 'to � care for 'for kscen�an o thern, her foi� 're'that most, ,people, -however -It is hope( pleasing suggestin.'. - . y , . . tY aLlill.e',"fight Alone. lthough mity-of the �s wbre burfieil durinz th6 - f 06ril. tn Ueq ssarY to' 'consider other, poinig be'- iellts. 1-yi ceremony an ai in to' d t the previous 6 lArie of Mary'Tuicir"oe'Cupy, a �b" been Ca �e X3rusx for;e Able to paAa upon,'the. afety I the­a'arount for this lif �7181E GtILMAX Fl;,11� s -that ih i y, increase . . 9 '- firwl�,'ifidy,mjIj think thoy elieve . , e tew!4L% to the V .01. p n, needed i al - li- -stated, or. less fittin POr in-state, and, 11141 ed. It; i max ; sav .1c It,: addit' 'C tain Faber :Lre copillook ims abort of. the large mailoriij of ndustrr I IOU! ap . 4L great' ti mber $50;000. �-�s Co sum ' in' thb 'bid ing w4or ions;' there, n a coni- civiliiy4hd po ite­ The cut above is Ae design -of -the'' ligein teI* Uess, instinctively suesw charged 'that thij"Inte-1 �e, who,am'.s�att�i�d am6iiist -the e- ry the Jew.'s The put�d tfiat 40m. first, lt.0 last this. e balan sbqet of an ifie igi vy lost gfight. f regard the man,-. he �jg amiable' as: G�ance,aCth in niboukh� - ' ifial par siticiiis in I& The- re- 1911 sta ps, ot tnient, Of. the na huinbleSiL P' b, -..c imposing. funeral must hay Jewish expectation' of a -Me-siall irigratiati3 pany- illfCiarse, s, inoveinents for a a man.-who'deiir.et, to dustrial oom you ry is in th(� n 1�d t ',an wb these have $2,500,0004 the -Germa;fi. fleel VAgi hi .04f. Sowy!� .. -man w a0durie t 'The stamp oes no carry. y Ole diLy. .. This is' Simi 'was; 'widespie�d, And, the h4o has inspec this - ,tei :.-iM10OrtRDt ,�liree. col llarly dienieA. Cord of 'how some�� 0 1 ce-rxied.Witfi t1le 4 Mi �Com6 d wh in the; wotld r�maini. Quite -,.As magni cent wbll-M be Aeeply- con 1pgrati�ieliftl-, betorotin*vestinj. 6n.wi11;zee under the d pay' pds- bh'th4i twd n6rthern fleets were inail-�­that is; it'. cies , not' MY though -'on a -less �xpevsive 'sea n air o, wanting to. ir Richard Moore, after astor a -uivally. in A toll wi taje�-b t Wk till'ais and idventurousareer,.: spent the W - the fiinc�ral Of'- the Ernperor Of iiiiXt expectan- self-ii''badly handicapped in heAd - f a sets it, ou place i on,your two flo, of dcstroy4pisi 1he as order-a4countp- fqr,,."real� letter with..L the' regu of' the rl'&V 0 of art, hit lift in the huffiblei V - grancifithei, o Pt ne L . -bon, tj me b business - -L World. ''.The. litter of f th hat. solim, 'ti e win who - geneial which lar ' itarnp I scouts O'Yoke ap -gives 1 conveys t e -rn'essage-of yo ing �ltbe Germa'a a turnkey. rere'lli's cion ingl his,'star the impiessio that. be -can aC. ,bUiIawgp.11 "machin y, b ur � gocid� was actually patrol . a- capacity esen't. Kitiser. Never .b� cir. jiear, as.. en at ford to do. Without y6u; and that --t no, urnitur ny. In . A riniflir -though perhap -ilitly in- the: e' t. 4 The Bil h ' ' e'.,,itc .... . pAtenis; :trade� I an, assistance., (Meart. The' -o I th g aetilally� i sh Rr er ��ial fati� 'was. Ain6e has Germany vitneised pearAncO. 'of strange. a phe'n'om- or bad -opinion does not marks, good will; etc'.. and. V�FhgPs- wBu, these 'stamps,�nd hglp�.'They lost sigbt �of was 6ne, flotilla of G th ' L The - youlz I . . ' ". L I . , er- more' C,6nge. at - of solemn or,stiLtelY functidn. onon wouIrl to them betolcen a royal matter a. jot to him, is th6 nian, who. some other similar accounts. Ybu '.will ind they tur C ard6h# C4QUJepLqh. Write for them man destroyers Iy'", Lord Kihgsland; wbo earned I his W -.4dity.- Was 'Swathed in cripe� aIlik, notice lthese accounts oal On 'his death gloom was And. the would'. learli from 'wjn� respect. M-fisko'ka suibs6quently in th&-B. a..is,. -the- nursery it bad-Acm-- -..IipF:,nd�r-under��liabilzties�Lin. 49 1 living as wAite.r., a that t�6 �nf --.a e, genc. intenii ide-th,6, fiel Y'. -1115--lanti y -the smoke from hundreds eleft, no pqir ana column. YOU by Messiah cent�ied'- 6ni Jiy Th re hild4hAt'gko: its .Own Way. will,, find e, o -fleets we -re I . 11 -'buirii toLrelizal Toronto- CAme, to an end. f thousands of gx ;sio?r different I. Not a 4ounts Jor, 'Tapital � stock. common and com s for wary pret the Magi to r grown�ups so iii compU. claim''ora certaill small i"P- -mong""th h at,6 theL Messiali' shows thai itL�f it. ak4a iliRjinelf *VMC']eJ3t- -4 , efred-' I f-bon6," rpe4 nie s o h.and v- ry. The, etst ose: W 0 with to or in Milpe End to;be r6garcled Big L .1 I - . .: .1 I e keep4 ollowed'thc coMit---to the grav� Casa vece , 1k -iminAr ation , ma4e for -we sgaky" COD litst ijm� the At- y. pr9par 'K.4 and. 4 th�v ' t4�- he4then , �;. ed ikAsfAA,. tile UA T]RICR S 'OF TF Ja -Aff 't ' I OBY Uri Ine XpER,.&TUnE. eKingli - 6 Sa n nit rUal1y attle ,s were.mo 1 - "Re a L—knoWn as cgipithl. T*O ot er, ce i and iffiesit, --of. Ju-311� iS��irents'glve' In liabilities. BeliDW- these': Accounts and I hS in ItS Meets- ized, "qne= the firth ol.uly�de, T, as beer, a8cer ki6d that f W' les th6 glans, the Prince o. a o a'spo" Que& 0oafthdieti6 or'Arabia.. or Peril, waim e, on t order to saVe iisually- separately summed Up— Ar what r. a ci To �wrship -see not izr .other on.. th6 Irish coast. tows, officer zto!)-gate kee on uUtanees. own' 'Princes of AustrilLy Den7 As to prl�paation of the. army, h " Crd indisput Ly 'And 1. ms pl".ou the curireut-�znsetlr *b erL4 we all -4LIrect, - _RMiA,. 4U;d­m0i:e tb e- knoWa as, mark 7hundred -ot r RVahrtfiheiMc'� c, Inaccun%Z�y 6f-U.&-pt—ain kaba's tae an a.: with will.. let y6u have what prop"erty ab' O� an r'd u4 ed-�Ve wil s, Include'. Accounts for such' 4D inary he ' repiesen es of Herci,.l wag '.,jr4b 61 'cash is, Written opposi 0 ear. Apparent� rpu want for precisely the samc,rea� 11,,�Iraw, materials," m6meter th�r6 hBs6rti nil is less -now­an- o d man "Stock n'liand.. princely biluses.. he 17 in his dotit�ge. lt�� 'point of W aal)disagreement. gly or nd an ' 0 ly Itier was liks never son. - Ii is's.fundamerital fact,that col�nts and 212 cidgrees actl total ahis -throne v orafL on ha in banks .... .. lie cosb'of the funeral bobw een arn in most peool& ifi-11W world. are c4sy-� billo r6edi*abie," etc.j everiih(iii� li-i shoa ckr--"J- and opposite $2 degrees, ly,and navy,autheritie liblic, but it must- liave FrCez"* L .. ... I I Ut -Neith- a g. een going which cap ng* po Oyer th"uostrin-of-s�,ndii through the4&vor .- i . � a" do qUicki' qom-trted -into 11 I . , tlbyr-tw . ....... held. on to it by bloody PrU010. -t .says* the 18ak- iire: ayhHable reguliLi.'establishment on enermoi I;t Ill er 6f -these is torree s4�e 'henisrelve trou e. 01 the opposite side t of the..hal tary 9.rarlt of$5%0,06(f-- 'Fro;ht the"stairi.lie'llAd boien dloturb- casr a, certain; of Many a. manager And sheet inar be seep currient liabin- 'er'i; Weekly, except fo. Qreiit, 'Britain to the Continent; cond e troops, -ims bt beine 'in aid of t e experiges ineurred-,�.'- I b.&e. ppoied, Aid Clerkt Aclo, finds in tim 0' -that, genial- 'bills, and ac-� ition of th , atwosphere,and tbat were. ready it, i comprise; r ity is quitd ble," klicluding borrowed That tho,'160,000 erlih - itione co.ntri blt 6' is when It, gives on the 1- barometer a _that insufficient to keep t agreed, that the ptepAr4,flons-brii In coup s pays I . ' bute4 scirriet like $400:600 bout 30 inches, or i5 pounds pies- the W Oil t pre e6yer such his overthroivi. gre roomful. O s '-puliing their, .and taxes ac- part of the fleet to t Aerki , onek., y -t . ollb, interest . n. *aid$ the exiwill'ses. dieti an,40 on,. thati-the triouragetnelits. may to the. iquara,.iftefiLl. pe.jAtj*n,..-.wCr. made wennis'less Crued- but, not,', du#1A1 opressure at - 6 .1 .. I -dri-#4;. L h;T be good ,enough in its way; it #' -,The real s.1he - fr6m Ili rone... Th.s t th certain: As On� authority puts.,it, 4,f I Way 'i� known as sea" ievcl� and.to Kin I 11 ave al 1�161 t ffoi�a had' put down with man, whio. makes himself f4micd is Ir qo0pern is' "dt READY' Tilt who gets the lastunco Of itrdngth. of every, indust,lal thermometers are calibiat� NA�VYVAS' ble oen hurled .'with regal splen the mairi to,be learn.ed from the figuir6s relating but at-' no I 9��kt Cost to the State.'�­ -Ali TeruPnUlii with him�A, enrn- work blicise under him. Theid ed. In a itiouritainoug the The diaci ttigiand milich 46 its curr-6A ac6lit.1ti, Property as- b'rdl*y eVbr so is to blut go f� ki to Iiiics, a)ve ot L, pr sapre is a much as ed 'Edwa n fey's rocclit Thirty' thous - Wag tha, ,on h�r6r4cile. - It was't, flie n-' t for ta In ne 0 1 to Sir id, a,n4 4ollarB f fsets And capital liabi iUL i Binthe saint significance. 4f� the cost of-, the t', ll,� b " cn . provoked f fineiil'"' P ew Ave a, a ac pss�, out f a ( 7 declaration he" Hou sum expended on the burial 6f"tho, - terest of., the" 'PIP, not 6 I kh- A Q.p o r o,- i6 oun4s,- And waters boil' .: at &L th 4 bad s6medirleg -as, de " ces. mon8 ,seems 0 ave 0 atKing liumbert; thb 1gpUj.6d dviastv. ThLey undrsood' fift 'IU a inanager 4 ant and' equipment. s ihoivn 167 :the low, ils, 200 what W , ai likb]V to hapnen.. when* te' P1 eods it. real value. the. mox, Watr J�. boilea in &diving be] I i by iho stitement-hy Ciptain Faber, of,Vicior Ewnmanuibt weft nfer, pyeps:t� e is, ngland wits. pr6pared to Fend alf �that s0i. '.On th'OL roun.,,. -d ih boo4s� *h, th r -40 or 50' 6.VACtly p,jLr p&V 8 A tern ri�ccssary ad t that t Hei,6<1 wng r�eize of kei usua Y. h'. noi , 8, he' NiWLI,6 inch, I a empe a� orfs were other hind, d'vith a fit, 11 makes th* 7( e ned b%od' in business. If only t0save t ir pistw'efit by putting a vrice.leos'tban ioun sL bid. Assetti )Ugy. gi e W dred de- Its army a rO 4fter that it �rist M0,000 to ury t of pe.bo! 11 "V, you, 'k , W ture i be,jse�eral, hun maJ6.immediately there Ferdinand IL, Kinj'cif Naples, Anil his Own hond4p t� wgi!n 'big o n and. a oc s. r I L I , renCfi you *a*l t�r the funeral 0 tO e. not NO., in the eas programme ds I rees instead'of 212. lf''liltt6r incl Britigh ista f it it th�yZxww you &re par on. the c6nipitny's bon 9 r had qt!:D1o1bna I And possi L I V near 'Y prepare4 nalized the. onoilng,offiis.reigA by likely too be unta-seTit, it Y'O IKing Charles.cif Sarditli u don't 0 such 'to Are jildfe says tb wat! that' W* ich'.the A8rUttalty bad pe , atare is' so .9 Besi c§4' iheA the hand hviahless get, it. " j).ffities JiM bein _,r r Ctu­h- and t fi,y ill --C- ,��Kb7actiit it hi�t ab people th eu-rerit asgcte the binpany I I I T ll� woUld oted ly fe�l Cold. � . 5 ch�ngC% in, tile Cab- to sh�w �im h, 0,0 ' b;2Cn said a bo'llb the .edAi�t 11 zttever its surp q may 0 have'tl�_e'i OU40 DStilifjP1, He WaR ii�L, sliqlAp a d4j .iti,c%' What has 1.0 b ardtalhimed t W other hand, think. aliontinev would . ghtsw ;on the books." On th life it is a 4iff&ent boiling poiitt a:p7plies to. gciffll�: Ox- din -of b0n- The Pa ri,, now�snape'rt are Veheru­ kow fio o�gtjr " dIn private ellot.'i the ric"ess cridut as; the froezi�g point; hot here , onse. . nv rdict matt -oil mor mc,, rcad., Of reev ainto when 116 'be I bin er. Ruderes,R ellee juStify the scu,%sing ivo, pe(JP16 . ato, id a riew- kIng of the, Jews, com-N often nit dlffdts for- differ6lit' maietiAig, Altev. d ind nz I consideration Ahere, too, 'biit the ily cofivertW6. Into 0.1isb)-in txceM Of 1t9 I 19ritigh blil BulmorilIc., 1 whereas, the rcrnarks� abod, the beg,lining to , donbt, w!iothcr 'the, dislike it eat -rig vou'. 'arid wh i6 you working' gonclAlSiOn th,'J*t In July the itl tile I)ox,, are rk" I cur-rert. liabilitie' tei applyto the, -v was re.,tdv' for wax, that pre-. tily di Cd R Berl .1 hm The, .chief prle�tg '' d -1* don't. .�ind'in 'busirJ04,' - malce' 'it at �jlual the difference boili,ng. point of, w, tt, etc to itions kirmicilt to. meet a, a 99, -ThCvw0,rC k&t"CUtativeR Of fu` haily� worth whilr:.— oY. points of 411liquids. Some- par,� 0citrud,." Inoticea.ve-tNvocusto WtIell, tl,b t%to uival called "net quick hs'. b t a�r -s"wheii they fjree�e 4OC40WO hat t.ie British ci's in a restaurant qairtefleil &MT%d' ftlist bOdv have a repiitation f6r god* hunior cc, 11a'(1 been made, t a And --g frwhile the I a e, L'S. ull'ile others are smaller. *Aters WAR fiecOnAfffidod! . to one 41iob. the other, dca,(]L,. atil Now the6e. net quick 'arset§ are mOst this. de�bncls the _Zillgpoint� to the nature. On �Va' hid bw* 11owC vet, litimored I f liv proptiotor of' the IT, Ltt# �UR g 'of cfhCj n, 1�00'Qant feature of the, balance sheet nt <Jifferent of atm084 frn&h 'navai establIqli'Ment. As ligtly w�untled. In'Atiothor. o f Ow, But. lik,6 th�usiand ver *4o m, ifie elll bad ni nL Inavgttiai coinott.by, inr' no mat- �(Tletr aurantour Water exp�nds ori freezi ations itll the, i and t1leo4ore he roeoaniz� that It usin .,.is ri'to flic 1111ily proott, row the reRL y it it hnd orn,� ot or %eni .0opt h, .Tnany grea. g, quick ti6seta. y h , itavv,. neces 00q'- tewlridt ia Ilget'l bv a ettitonler, At tile Old their'hufbori' ter hew ritt V oil ia forni are exceAd by the compilly,6 60frent. gff�. All other stibstauc(% beJ to, Q�oplete int6imttioli- Mot"; as to W ore tlie.-'Ohrisf, mi. 9 44 in mint, WIS. orkly tiiaN tha TrAn who shot.Mg ncig:- BOn freczing� sthittPay, "liabilities, the j6pipany is in daily, dan- Watti- 'riot fiqjrj to grsp, is st-equicteJ, While the ont'L 1.�-A lvvrm thl Or blutf, "but I' einj f6re6d fnto, liclutdatinis. But'. tot fre4n,eg. 8�a�11(1%k Si�. Edi- wo- , .11 Attitl4k of ePrOgp&,611S Man Who - 'S Cafi-. gtr, of b pipeR t,oirfit when the NVA g. So far, as wh"L injured t O' topirikor one. muot be trh tbkt what are f�en. (,r, i -is of gold and' 111vor 1.4 xplainAtiOD -was , W" 1)ee� I -'quick'� 11 : n il Okadb#ra of tatikerous'i not nolientent"C4 to ervitll&' for ply beca'uRe he a PCet0<1 to CIdAf I'lp thege, s oil o re O�.b o ttly� j The press ay, Th tII6 iiitt.Als grow smaller oA frezing failed' e0thplOtCly And, &Iib6t 'the' life'Lof a plain qiti7oo i's 1CM 'g ity To,ke nt4r.x, vr proqi1r­ 4kutli -or fa mod' ig, lit, his vre fovo, Chart tile skip of -a tpg�, Tile C0111, Woull be wibl.44 wha libil6a qo,catitanker i n:kta 161 thoL Of wmo t -i W forti'l. full 10 f hAt the thitI&I s 0 61)(115. i0it, 00 Own tn its. ti, �at,o�,5 6* I of tho aynit, 'the gs.1y no evfaeri& of lov, ttR 0"ir 01001- . . I , lin LILY r. V a;y le -1 ta,(T th'a t. logs t volt think to %V-und Ulan to kill-, L slot lI'' be Clfe4pot 01ft'l it t P, ro. tin, a ql'b0onee thit 0 , Y'Ou Ott. A not, ILI pwd., into uticke hig fit VA14'ei irs th"t yoli'C T I ff 01)t b T�A it 4d, Y31d- U M40Y tks6r, .dlflod .dlflod U t A-0 t