HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-21, Page 5„
nr: E w�•
l.A�! 191
t•8 is a ,MOn6ySaving Dppoitunitiy for over)” newspaper and magazine reader; Our arrangements;
With, the publishers of various dailies, weeklies and monthlies enables us to offer the • undermentioned pub-
lications at prices which, it will be noted, are from.: ten to fifty per cent. less than would otherwise have to,
be III instances premiuina sreIn
included, subscription which .a re alone
worth th
rice asked.
her to anv-colication wdose abscriptionsadp not expire until'1912, need,6ave no fear of renewing
too early, as all s,ub cri tions, unlessthey have beenallowed to lapse; aa carried forward from the date of
expiration, not from the
date of. renewal......._
SENTINuL and :Western Advertiser . • , .: . ;$. 1 60
London Free Press 0.. ° 1 80
Weekly globe; inoluding
' picture;+''Daddy'e, Girl"; 1 60
Mairand Empire;_ including. d," ' . • `
4, premium picture of Borden ' 1, 60
Faruier'o..Suu' ., , . r , 1x-75
1'•Montreal Weekly . Witness 1 .80
„ •Family Herald and Weekiy
Star,. infusing the premium
Farmer's Advocate .•
Farm & Dairy ,
Canadian. Farm. , :.
innipeg •ree Press ..
SENTINEL. and London :Mvert sir. , , , , , . • ' 1985
London Free Press, morning
edition ............
• ;Free Press, evening edition
Daily 'Liebe. , . ,.
Daily Mail and Empire. , ..
'Daily Nev's, Toronto
Daily Star, Toronto..
Daily Witness, Montreal
1 80' . SENTINEL and •Youth's Compa aien,. weekly
2 35 Saturday Night, " weekly,
1.0 80Canadian. Magazine, monthly
• Westminster Magazine: . ,
1. '60 Preshy 1
1•.60 Western Home Monthly.,'..
3 50
2 90
4 50
'4 50
'2 30'
3 50
3 40
2 90':.
2 25
9 5
'I' 60'.
delivered ta, a w.erehant a<n ,Fnrdwtrrlx,.
vas one`which weighed '247i, lbs, It
was a whopper. .
NEWS ,o,. S. No 9, tf. uoss
,sorne fine turf eye recently Reports for the months of N'ovem,.
ber and Pegeinber; , Nat, .es are 4to
order of merit: '•
Fifth. Class;—Alex,'Dawson.,
Constable Welsh, •of Clinton, when Fourth Class; Valetta Tiffin, Mag;•
belping'to fix a gam. engine,; brougbt•a gie Gillies, Albert Jewitt Annie, Me-.
slight y injured by e l t nn . Was
Ella ,IugA/ctosch hag, Re ;Tics-
d 3
followed, • Third •Senior, Anuio Kennedy,.
T wo pigs which have been running Blanche ,Iiol'mes, Gerrie. Middleton,
at. large irf Fordwich have caused' much Alex.. Mclntosb,_ - 1rW:k4it1 eld' Scott
trouble among the citizens. Doubt- [3'Qth Gaunt,
Jess . they have often been kiekec1, and,' Tt iird Junior;• -.David Scott, Mary
now. they ;are likely to; be pounded. • relined.,, .Stella l.iudson, ' harry
Inns Rall,, of i3yllet, lose a fine Jewitt, Nellie �5ic'NI(illan,'Eloru Jrow
A .ston,.Charlie Patterson.
Second Class.—john Galant, Annie
�L Kennedy, Duncan McMillan,.
Blake Gaunt,, Gordon Scott, Patrick
Me�'Iillari, Jack Middietan: •
Part II,. Senior 'Edith Gaunt, L,l:
'gar Gaunt, 1Iaggie. Tiffin, Greta' Hud-
son; Cecelia .Crowstod.
Part II, Junior;—George Kennedy,
tlawoy Scott.
Part I, Senior —Jean dillies, Clark
Clifford is: now. clear sf diphtheria, 1Ccl,eittt, ;veronica ;•llc illan, Laura,
•the :•giiarantirie being raised on all H,�Iiees, •.
the placarded houses. Fortunately'. Parti I, Junior4, ilaro'ld Dawsnn,'
the attack was of an exoeedi.ng nlilci; . Rein,• ' Kennedy, :ficorge Scott, Joe r
nature in,,the great ajoiitg .of' the' i 1. cunt,,:Ewa.ti.. IcDonald.: .
children affected. . . • Isa lla'D. McDougall Teacher.
'' be McDougall,
Little Miss- 'Evelyn Gibbings, dough: . • •
ter of M. and Jilts, John Gibbi:ngs; 1;11CKNOW,1119 5Ct1¢'OL REPORTS
of .Hullett, fell down the barn stepson ALc Eux;i, Folio .f.. • '•
he -c oe1ent fioo�-sine day -last- wee.: E,, Sutherland, ;i', N, Itiicho son,
and sustained'adislocation of the arra. 32, �T; Henr , 73; L, Agnew, 71
It was a painful injury but .the' little '. y '
v 1short.Joh.naton, 63; . ?'';. Cameron, ' SJ;
one bore it bravely and, ;in a Haines,: <11;,13. Gardner 40.. .k. 'Ii Atli
'time will have. fully'. recovered.•
7� '
lon, of Clinton, wli,o is'always, shipping Ar,C'EUIta,• Foxti ] I:
farm r duce••of`one aind and another' Ise 1illan, 8t? L' lalake, 70; F.
Pot ,
has of late been sendiug'�.iway carloads Fitzgerald, •60; R. Mc ntosh;. 48; D.
of beans•and in tdat item • alone' `says `.,McKinley, 46; . R • Mothers, . 42;: 1.
.the News -Record; has pat a consider Switzer,. 40' D. ' MacKenzie,' 40; A.'
able sura. of money .,into circulation. Mitchell, 2:d; E. Greer, 25;.L. 1lLitchel1,.
For Instance to Roderick M1acKen- 22 E. Hall, 10:
zie,. down near : Brucefield, he, paid 'Fva. inn 'CnN.: TiisroRX,' Eon I11
$775•anrl 117r. MacKenziebesitles"kept R•Wilsen 76 A. •Webster, 75
fifty debars' worth for seed., This was ' ' '
grown• on twejisy acres, so that- the Anderson, 75; E.Camet on; ' 73; J.
average yield per'act a had •a 'value •of Cook, c 3, N. Graham; 7J, '.11. Ander-
thirty-nine dollars.
sett, 66; D McIntes ,..66; .C. &tethers;
66; A Spindler, 65; H Gordon, 63;
TIARTY'r1�IoJL•IO N —ays the Clin- 'Ni Hackett, 62• W Connell 60 M.
ton News•lkeeord: Yesterday .after- 'Irwin, 52; E. \Ict� Tai;,•51, V. lciri•
clpon a latiy tramp, who avis be;girag: ',on, 50; A. C.tr'.:ert,.. 49;• L. ,.I?uritei•i
and l?ooziag wass'Xiin' in by. Sergent...4; J. Newton, 45:•
�t el i a4?-tl1a eL'w in':
n pOl'ce' mtl� .
istratb sat,m judgment there°.,. '°I
hak ; a notion to;t it e•you three Co,II'Pos1Tt0\, Toxo. Ir.
} ill ilaercnuntY in);n qi icl'hie wvnrship, • 14,f Smith, 68, W 'An_c d'son:. 67
and 'tile .tramp• stnl]ed, "That's just J. rTeu•ton, 67; E, • Ct moron, 67;. W.
what I want" he Said.. 1 19 ,'desire Connell, .67; I4 ! Andeisen,: 65;• E.
was so'evident :brat the p ni:; • was Nilson; '65;.'D: McIntosh, 65:.,N• Gra•
taboet�._tsI inii.ke it°six .. months in the ham, 63;'C': Stothers 63• ,'Nt: •irwin
Central when he relented and wrote , 61; 'H Gordon, 60; V. Morrison, 60;
heavy draft horse fast week for which
he+ was offered $275 'but refused
considering it well worth $300 •A.
species of pa' alysis ea.hsed, its death,
Owing to the increase in the cost
of living,. which bas reached the grand
total of. 50% in the last decade the
blacksmiths of Fordwicli, ' • Gorrie and
Newbridge ;.have decided to raise
. each the above not
-. quoted prices' are for pne subsor tion �to'the Sentinel and to'; the ',publ-
cation mentioned in connection, Any further number.of outside Publications may be, secured with one.
subscriptionto the Sentinel at, each," $1.00 less than the prices above quoted. • Theo; The Sentinel and
Daily. Globe lire,..together,,$450, To that combination may be, added for instance the Farmer's Advocate.
at $1.35. (being •$1.00 less than list rice making a total. of1$5.85,..
Sit: right down,:and select • yourwintei•'a reading,eave•y our' order at this office or if not c nvenient'
., 1
for you to call, mail .your remittance at. our. expense, and it will be attented to for: you • with : all despatch,.
ITER seeing a bitch
-crusted snowy 1 Iii � n
white loaves, that . yoit.
have baked ' from PARITY•
FLOUR, you will, indeed, be
proud of 'your cooking.abillity•-:--
artd proud of your . wisdom • in
deciding to' • ay the little extra ,
it costs 'toP roct,tre ;such.'high-class flour. You will
'd • it too,that: �e 'arc justified thepride we take
a. m �� ] ..
in milling this superbf our. ,
V -. i
�v��/T KL i - i .. . T 9O RE
general . ad
We are too bus . write• . a
-' for this week, so:' we will
• vertisement o
en.I.y. Ysay-that- ve--h v& --in :stock uS
s ul• articles
d useful at
ands of beautiful
su table:for--Christmas Present and , we
hopeWill pay
you w�II • ;a as. • a ,visit. ' . •Coxneand
`• to •
make ur
see. us:whether you wantp
We like to greet: -our
chases or''not,
,friends at this season •of --the year and
Merry Ph 1stm�s.
wish them, : A Very r y , , a
We will be ,:Oen Thursday;. Fri y and
Saturda. evenin • :s of this week.
"More bread and better tread'
PURITY FLOUR. is milled
exclusively from the best West-,
ern hard 4ileat—the •world' s-
finest, 1Ioret:hanthat,PURITY
FLOUR consi ts'• entirely of the
1 gh.vraile'porticnsof the wheat.
The low = grade Portions . are
-seem aed--andel- excluded ,during
down • "Two 'months or five dollars ' Hackett 5r; A Spindle:, a6; A.`
Pand'costs,:" . The Sergeant "turned the f Carb'rt; 5f,:; A Webster; 55;' L.
' tramp over to the gaoler .to.day:, f Hunter, 50, J. Cook, '50
astrous : fire occurred in'Wroxeter V 111or.rison, 69;.
fart week when ;the home of Mrs E. i Spindler, 6, . .
A. �� ebster,;.67, ` W Andersen; ql;' FI,
W. Lewis • was Completely destroyed Anderson., 66 W. :Pennell, 4 t, 13.
by fico. The fire was.first' discovered Gordon 3�; L: fiu►iter -'32.-7.;:.E'
7 "E: Curiver,
about four 'o'clock: a, in, and-had-tna0e; on, .a)s J C& 1 25
too 'much 'headway to ' re chec,ked,;1 : .
although a large.. number• of:' persons i 1II> NC1 CogPosiTi0N:
were soon gathered there. This old': •A.•.Webster, 71;, V Morrison, 70;
building was , one •ofthe old. land H Gordon, 52,•' W..Cunnell,• 51IF a:
marks of,the • place, it ' having served ` Spindler, .51; W 'Anderson, • 45, ''II ,
the purpose: of a• Town.1 Hall ,for a�.'..Andex}son, 41; L Tiuister; 39; J. Cook,'
;reap many years, until a neer hall";23; E. Cameron, X27. .
Was built. A few years ago it was,'I' •" • F:E.'IcLr t'., Teacher.
purchased' by the late E. W Lewisi ',,
whoconvei•ted it into:a .dwelling ands!
� .sir GROWSB.AhR
store. • An Insurance of eleven huud ' •TOT; 'APTEIh ..TIdE HAIR
red dollArsWaswas .carried it the• house 'ELT
and contents: ROOT IS DE4U , •
° J Gti r net Armstrong:will tell. •, you
/ ; that he sells a great many`. bottles. of.
, . P irtside Sage beeause it. gives satie-
krs David
id Racl-ett visited • friends
in Rly,th the latter,port of last week,
nil' �Irs.. ��'r• P Sarvierson•!rue., stop':fal:ing and .splitting : hair•
' the Pi' D ITY`process of m.il'ling:;
Such high-class flour, of course,
expands ' more in ::the baking:.
Itt' makes "wore: bread and
better bread."
It. awakes Ii;;ht 'r,' flakierpastry; too, if •% 0U just take the. pre- :
caution to add 4n- ore''shortening, :;On account of its unusual'
• strength PURITY FIX 011, for bat residts, requires more
' shortening than ordinary.lour. .
Progressive. clealers; ever<where, set!.PURITY FI:011R:
anclTke pride ]tl i(eeninienc illi;•.,,: •
• :4.dd .PURI`I'I. hi.01 to your geoc.crr list right• tip z fob;
-.F01' Sale m Luck>llsl a '� e, I'Ii9 > _
« . faction..'•
Ile'guarantees it to eradicate :dand
11r, ai
spent Sunday the ,guestsofhis .parents .ratiditching scalp, or money back..
in 1Diin�annon. a ,.v' i. flair n
T -ho coFrespondent--��islies-o.litoi--if tlaevl+.uaaoatwis-,teatsdead=1#:-pu
_ Merry Chr;istruas and a •lite and luster . into ' dull • and. , farted•
• • I :Parisian' Sage ill make gr w
Look at theWieat!,,.l
There's., a deal : to know about , wheat, If . I didn't select,
the: wheat' 1' couldn't guarantee the flout. ' Cream of. the
West Flour comes' from --•C-r-ea-m--cif•..the. West Wheat And •"
it certainly does make .good bread!
. ream e.mc.
t/ e. hard te�e'at• frour• ,guaranteed 'for b.:read ,•
You just try it: ' If it doesn't gine:, you right down 'satisfaction your
grocer pays your money back.. ,That's the .guarantee' with.every bag.•'
• e Campbell Milli , • •Com • an Limited Toronto
Th p >:>ag Company,
Nappy Nee—Year, together. with con hair, aid, is th'e most- deliglrtfcil hair
thawed: success for th.t coming :year of dressing,in the world, `I• Only 50 cents
1912, .IThesame to our, cut•respon , a Targe bottle.
•.. Fut'.dae. byW. J'.-Tayfor 'addD V
slXow h,
Grocers in Lucknow.
ane ...y :vsio LiosoliV v' i l
dent-L1l or -anti• -Staff] wYisiali S<i;c is tlielir�t. itair4rowl
TIIt.' LATEll.ivtn FAR" !UUSU•;l- 1[r, • errand beautifier, dandruff/1"i cure and -
David' I+'ariish 'Sr we are .seta y to scalp cleaner known, ' Try it 01 our..
relrr;t.e,_passr'rl away on Thursdly' ev_ew-' nio.ey baek plan .
ing last. ' Mr, Famish wa3 sercut '
One years•of age. He .was higlil7 re- A Dollars Worth' That is Worth
' specte-fiend' and ilei. t:bui and- '1u111Ye
d by
• via 1,,, u1.rt3atly iisissed by 'those who' �..:_
i'know hire best.' He, leases:: large, Tew papers onthe'Contin3nt' hold
t"• Y •
•j fatuity to,inourn his lo. s. Airs. 'tic � d
the pr:ice in the confidence' and re.
• Lend, of :1lanehestcr; •Mrs. Annus .14; spect:•of the, people that the \Veeklt
Dairpiid, of Nile; 'NCI's: :lt;t;lo. 'Grant,. Globe • and' Canaria Farmer, with its
of Locliailsh, David arid John , •reSidiii; : Illustrated Magazine Section, dies
hear home; Robert, George aiid'Glias, .today, « For th.ree4cote and .seven .
• of the \\t:.Wi'.fred .and Minnie, ,'at years it , has been. accirded the bre-
: home, •to faller with :.thein widowed ",most place among' the t;etiopelitan t
mother. The remains' were interred' weenie's of. Canada : Not • satisfied ,
'.int. Greenhill cemetery en Tuesday of ;;with' this,. tlae enterprising''Manage- ,
; this week` at .2 o'clock, services • con- `;tent that has. ;facie the Daily Glebe
Idected. by the 11ov.' .lit Hardy •of one ot theleading newspapers on, the.,
' Leeltalsh. The'aiattiry.' friends ani ,continent has increased the size, of •
' neighbors. ex.tcii:'1 their sympathy to'the \V eeltl Globe and Canada Far.nier.:!
• the bereaved widow and family. , and added several now writers to the '
staff in order that it may keep pace'
HOW TOLiV±•I.,O.NG with tire' progressiva spirit. that is
••-•--- — - permeating Mui urban.• and, , rural
--•'-••W' ith healthy- kid-neys,.-. ono 1i:i-s-:-a copulation. ;
good chane() to - live.long,,;but. weak Tllo mail ser vice an'! great distances
: kidneys afflict old, age with .great dis- ,,take it aluiest itnl,ossible fat a large
db.' 9 comforts: 'the portion of the people to pt the benefit'
77- back becomes of the splendidly eiIrtippetl news and I.
- V .. . Y fame, n r.yr V: I
lecting Ghristmas
• Presents..
A few suggestiens of Suitable Gifts.
Warm Felt SlipperS
',Inlet Leather Slinprfo
'Fine iihoes and Overshoes
For Brother" -
V tilt
'Heim' Slippers
Shoes; in Butt. art,01
Much: Stvle4.
'Rubbers, Cariligatv
For Sister.'
Pat Butt. and, lliacheis
30Y8' Oh Is St •• ShotA, Rabbet's
Curdi.gatia. •Shoc,:;s Slip,ers for the' tiny tots.
We' wish, all our Patrons and Priends