HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-21, Page 1'`'",7•• 7---eeemenstsmiesc,—aiareina • ".7-77.9r. — .eieureananmpegeminnpampanmasat s •••• • LtiOKNOW,. ONTARIQ, TRURBDAT, DEC. 211 1911 , ,. Single .Copies 3 Cents, A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MANY OF THEM TO EVERYBODY NEW DISPLAY ADS. THIS lArEAK• including nem o o • ones y local advertisers only. (Most Other (Iisplay, ads. are Changed regularly according to a pre -arranged schedule) J. Garnet 4.raistrong. .. Page 4 Frank Tate • 4 W. Connell. . • 4 J. 0. Murdoch.ttz Joynt Shoe Store ........5 Page Wire Fence, , 11ead these ads. Patronize the ad- vertisers. Business limo who pay for .newspaper space have something of value to telt. you and pay yon •the compliment of -showing that they", am* Your Patronage worth soliciting, LOail., AND (IENERAL Reattihe Clubbing Offers, Page 4.• . Mies Annie Cain has returned borne from Buffalo. , Miss-Mnar-konsaufAcraden;spent- Si:111404r at her home here. . &Member the school debate, in Car- negie Hall on Friday riftsrnoon. • Miss Irene Sheriff, of Sttatfotd, is spending t,lie vacation at hoinehete. •Mrs. :David' Huston returned honie after a couple of weeks visit tO friend in Chicago. The gross revenue of LuelinOw Post Officelor the year: ending Mar,* 311 ' ipil, was 83375.13. John Joint is having a car of corn thinped in. Further particulars on • • • . . application at his elevator Mrs. J. C. Clark, of ' Southampton, is visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs D. 11 McIntosh, Havelock St. Next. Week will be a short Week and a busy one in the printipg. office., Will advertisers kindly oblige, With copy on Satinday if possible? ere will beta Midnight Mass in chitrele-Luckitowon-on _ _ .„ p con y 1eFaher • , Who will be, Reeve of Lucknow. for 1912? Moorehouse Mitchell. Who will be-courecilloralesees--coming-nir , The Lucknow. Presbyterian. Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas. entertainment-this-{rhutsdaevening. Dec. 21st • Silver. collection in aid,;_oF the Sunday School. • Everybody_we_k :come. , • ' -• • ' • Dr. Ovens, London; Surgeon, Bye ear . nose and throat; will be at the Cain House, Imcknow,' on ' January 4‘. Eyes tested and glasses properly fitted, 4te. _ word. to readers:, When • YOur .triendaeterie to visit - you at Mita& or . when yikago to visit yourfriends, don't forget Wtell vs about it. YOU have uci idea how many peeplenre interested in, • the information. . • . . ' Are you looking for something tuitabie for a Christmas gfie if so be sore and' see F. T. Armstrong's jewelry window .it is sure to tell yott just what you want See that The Weekly Sun, the one". paper that fights. the fartners's :battles, is among. those you subscribe for It gives its readers the Unvarnished facts, not the biased. Opinions' of political leaders 'expressed for amity purposes. ,It catt help you in your business. '- Barrister Charles G. Locke, , formerly of LucknoW, now of Saskatoon, spent.a IOW days •visiting old: friends here. Ile tali:hied to Bidgetown, Iris .old home, from the Westto attend his sister's wed- ding: Charlie is now a mentber of , the firm of Irsitte S Locke, and is apparent- ly prospering, •. Dr. R. P. Parker, of Listowel, visits dGarrY'rlrotel, Toicit,e1"--v.alreCittesdays from 12:30 toll p. in: Fridays from 3 to 11. p. in. . Diseases of Respiration, Nervous and Alimentary systems, female trouble, joint I:Beetle-us,' Rheumatism, --Sciatica; etc., sinteksfittly treated.' • , - The 'MacKenzie' Manitfacturing Qom- tiany is moi'ing, thisweek,, to premises. iiiTROCirt Clnyhatit'S biek• Building on :• the, 'corner of, Outram and .Campbell. Street 'This Move has been made' nec. essary bY the rapid increase in tlie . business (the Present voliime Of- which• . few-peopledelateknOW..realize)...atudjay". 0 A SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT • ille Funds Firth Coneere Company. Is .4 Company of Ardeta „ 'No b9ttSr Artitta'AbAnAltOV Francis Firth Concert Company, which appeared here under Y M. O. AL auspices Imt'Friday evening,..ever stcppedon_the board$ in laieknoW. That; statement IS made advisedly. Colleen companies come and go; they come With 4 Of trIIIIIIIhtS (WP11 Wad tOr aepphd on „it), and they go with such a beoedieti9.11 as the toeal paper Cares b gire theni. Bo occasionally 040 appears which is of such surpassing excellence, eomparative,. ly speaking, that praise seems alniOst superthunis. Such a one was that which is *IOW referred tp. Individually its Members„Watre far . superior to the • aveine concert troupe; collectively they famished a programof such excellence as Leeknow people'are qeldoM Privileged to.enjOy at honk.. Mr. Firth hiniselt is a gentleman of cultUre and high ideals: He possesses a rich baritoge volee whkh Waa developed in part by'Vei three -Years' course of study in Italy,. Mr. ' llosa Eaton,. as an impersonator, hats few' -equals,,,,Enratatakalinnanth-tted, the, pathos of human nature, as perImpa was never clone before in Lucknew, and behind every representation Loa -ever' grotesque or Side-splitting, lies a sug- gestiveness which is altogether .whole - seine. Between • Christnuis and New Years he plays in New -York city: b4ore the elites of Anterieltn soeiety,,-periutps all that need be said as to his capability. And Miss Mazie Jack -son ---shall she not. be called the Toronto Nightingale Certainly she is a sweet Singer, 'with a voice that lingers in the inenntry; Iikt the edor of ilowets.-----Nothing • Beer- has ever been heard in Carnegie WI than. the Closing due troin 'Valise", sung .by She and Mr. Firth; a °leash: seleetion of , which few people in theaudimice :under- stood"the :words and :fewer stilj, tee meaning, but which Was applaudeitsnost heartily. Thewliole proginnime Was a • rare blend of poPulite, qualities which weaned no one and pleased clL , : Since hearing, the Francis Firth .11*-svaittittitei".ntnotgel17 cour 'idealsfor poolte entertainiuents were net 'pitched a shade . higherthan. usual. If it is ever ' desired to . lill • similar occasion, Jet the Firth Company, be invited back again • • Organ . Dr. Smith, organist of Central Meth,' -odiat".chuireh, Stratford, will give. an Torgan recitid• in the. Methodist --Church here on the evening of Dec 2ith. Dr, Smith is one of the utost .capable Organ - lett in Canada,. and All lovers of . 'thwie 'should not 'Miss this oppertatnty. silvereollection will be taken at the door,' on 'behalf Of the choir. grainnie from 6 to 9,30 OPOlhck.. A -Genet -otos -Undertaking - With. all the vigor And enthesiasin . of youth, thelmeknow.Dramatie etub.sothe time. ago set about raising ittoney for the purchase of a piano for the new town .As 6, result of Several public per,, farniances'a handsome sum was realized. and recently turned over to the town eouneil tor that pnroese. Then the 'club demiled on something sts'en better than, that; they decided to, pluchase PiltO9 theintelVes.and fu present it entire to ..„,the town. „Already they have taken "the • step and perchaaed the Orme formerly used, by the Swastika Cliib. More dramatic Peiformaneeii are now io order, and it need Scarcely. . that,' if the consequent hailer .stock which. they must e.atry. , • , Xmas. gifts of alt kinds to be had at F T, Armstrong' s Jewelry Store nothing nicer than i gold.Motinted Umbrella or a Moore's ton-leakable Fountain ,Pen $2.50 to $5.50, Readers may have wondered What, happened to the 'story lo.st. week. The explanation it that the change, to the larger size- piper which appears' this week.feand as with a reserve supply of , the email& size sheets on hand which, Maws used up lest week; would .have been.of rio further use to 118. ?nu week the story is continued front the issue of Deeeelber 7, and will, we hope, suffer no further interruption. Lneknow-isamw-in-the second Load Option campaign, Three year; ago the contest herc W%8 atelose and Streintons one;,every,available voter was fuelled to the attack ot defense, and men labored for the cause as no hired workman ever labored.. IIad six 'anti- Loial Optiohista • voted differently' on that OCtaS1011 the result would' have been different. Far different in Many respects is the present campaign; far less voiciferotta, • less likely to rouse antagonism,: but by nO Means • any the less strenuous than formerly. :And au an observer ',deists it the result ow is not difficult to foresee. There ,has undoubtedly been in the, past ' three 'Steal% 4 strong growth in temperance sentiment. . Unless,therefore, • some 110 and tinex.pected Jimetnre arises it 'need surprise no one,' least of all out good friends and citizens who honk and , 0(1.14 tratellitigpnblic inLueknow, if the vote on xew.Year's, Day &ales for three ycate at legt nOTiiicotso for 144000)it 147 Luck now showa proper ri .preeiation if • What the dieneitic club :is deing, any. such willbe well pattonlied, Oman' County Prize Wintiera. Ilurgn conoty:canie forthgloriously at the recent Ontario rat Stock Shows.- „Robettiletnin, for initanee. took down_ .a Durham calf„;14 menthe 01(1,1; beauty, which was tatted by Wdlittin Johnston Of • Kintail, and: whieh. weighed when exhibited .1230 Petuidt, and took first Prize at Tereitte end-Gtiololi,. lie sohl:. at afterwards:at 19 Cent'a• pe.r a.blaCk..Polled'Angna calf which rtirdr' ed 1050 pounds 110 gotath. prize. The' latter calf:Wei the'pria0vinning hge calf at Tomato,' andthe owner. of the latter.was se Mad 'that he would • net exhibit at Guelph,' • ” Robert :'McAlliSter,:_of West tranaill, was thercalso, with a liurtem calf, tie woe- :3rd, prize at Geelph mid took sweepitakes for- ninon :county against all centers in ;tile nniatent class. Afterwards the lucky young bovine waisold:for 1.0centa per pound.':, , From •Bruce coinity -tans ni attendance and woe atid prixe in Onelph for 'a Durham. heifer . • . weighed. 140:40 potinds. , • ‘, The itbilee Singers • The ,thttelt4auded . Canadian Jubilee Singers ,appeitied in Carnegie Hall On. :Nlonday evening nild Itiflieted it griev- ions disappottittnent. Oh probably every• music lover in the 'atitlienee • ,There are as good singers in Lucknow as any or 11 of thein; certainly there are.peOple :here -whit-display finer...tat:tent their selection of stqeets. The basso was the buffoon of the bunch; he catite demgetotisly elose et tiptoe to makinga getatitie fool of himself, and whenbe nttcntpted IlitiTY Lauder Act his failure 'wast'Sielteti- ing, BY tonlethiug like • it fidelity- the ,septano sangtwosolo4whieir•wero.`ren- dered herd by Mir, ,:fackson on%lairs-. dary'evening ltriqlously, 'thereby estah• lishing beyoell all detclitthelltteriady's superiority as a .rpeelist. Via -lathe whole there it song or 'Strain which etadd be wriled why Ited eherishod. efterwerdk . something worthy and eieVeting. • Let ns, how,wee do the singers this ,puttice: some of thi,r •selections tveise pleasing:, they.'ivsponded loot genetritisly tit Onceres, often coming. Iback three to five* *nes on Impact:vs. iscareely, mote than. • complimentary; 1,411d• they mug in no otttiophere which rtonla hove.stilled. the aspirations of he angel. Under those' birciinishiti`Ces their deficiencieiawro perliapS Mereapparent t150410- • ' • HOW. .LOCAL • • Hear the following concerting— Kingsville, Ont. "Local 0:Ptien here has resulted int decided imprevemeot in our condition "both from a'moral and ,temperance as%NTH. ru, ee(M011,1ie *t4tildPani, IV, A. Smith, Mayor- , . - ..., . - , . .. . "Town-watanever more prosperous, no houses it:: let, applicants for heuaes "terned away every Aty, only bushiest injured is'division court which:Is, "much lower than ever before. Fines ender by-laWs. this yeat two dollars. , . . , ' ' George Pearson',. Clerk and Treat, "We hare interviewed pearly every business Man in town a1 ie not A single "itistaece was 'anything said 'derogatory to the Working of Local Option. • `qlieto are families; in. to;iwho, before' Local' Option came into force, were "rticeiviti, aid either from the town or froth the eharitablydispoaed citizens; "who are how living well and centented„ Tune aux exitmeitS Who COME. "TO Tow's` TO TRADE Al. 1) SELT4 TH Ere PRODUCE, WIIO OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGE tiTIIAT WHEN. THE LIARS IN KINOSVILLOVERE CLOSED IT WAS .kCIOD sEND TO • They eomu to town novena -go homeselier:-.-No-thunkenuteir- "stagger up and down our streets at any time; Thoown is quiet and peae.: "able, and was thfier in it mote prosperous conditiok People are coining "froir a greater distance here to trade." . • Kingsville Reportto, July 20, 1911. 'Owen Sound' too, • ' "wen has gained 4,090 in population inroct1 Option, and • we 'are going to carrY it again in spite of the booie eleinent.. Harehl.R. Moffat, Editor Owen Sound Telegram: '. • 'Local•Option, by, outlawing the traffic and showing it to be disreputable' 'is of great vaiee--how great itis, is,impossible to•e.stiniate-aas an educe:. "tor, apart Altog:ther from its direct effect as a temperance Measure. .0weitSoundSun, No 11, 1911. . • , Police Court 'Records A comparison of Malice Court Records Makes * for Attkiist-T9r-r F11(114 (OENWIND Population 12555 Local Option • • , Under Licence •ePORT ARTHLTR . Populatam "a 1216 FORT WILLIAn .Population 16499, 't SAULT MARIE Populathin 10986 sr. CATHERINES Population ,12460 • interest- entietions ;1. • ConVietions 185. Cenvictions 255• -- Convictions 62 eoraietions. What' About: qo.t?:•• . . }Tear the testimony:. s idned -by -8i-business men Mann- faeturera Contractors,. Store. keepers. :Drugkists • &e. ' • -got has not been inkited,by LO4I.Optien, The:past siininter' JiaS been - "one Of the most prOVetens, in the history. of the:town • The Writing tinde IS &tinning aedhouses are: still 'scatu Read Esitite it adyttneieg._ Pay, . ''`inents wore never bettet,•and the. rebid Tr.ale iseinineetly satisfactoi.YHetr .!'-' . what NI.f. :J. 'R..; •Cai;rers of. • eavers Bros.; saya.'.-. 'The town is'euiet...ILNO loafers am st.en loitering about the hotels, eVery %tidy is'buSyat ;Kirk The men bring home • the nioney whiCh 'formerly "went oVer the bar, It is easier to enforce Local. Option than to enforce "Licenee. The hotel aecontodation ia better to -day ilain ever before. • : 40 • • • What does Local Option inean9 Simply the doimp-awdi' of the Bar Room: • Intelligent'iEleCtors:. What good is the.Bar Roomilohlg foi Luelmow? .14 Will Lucknow Follow Suit? ere is the Way to do it. • Mark your Ballot • This Way. Let no one Mislead you. Fkr. Local Option_ Against - Local Option LOCAL OPTIONAVIETIN0: Rev. Bremner, of itieleY, a" May("' Pearson' of Newmarket, tell of the Working ie.! Loot Option inthese Places. • Probably nine tentlis of the house. holds of Luknew Were represented at •the Local Option meeting held last - Friday 'evening in 'Carnegie Hall. The speakers of tile evening were Rev. W. A. Bremner, who ;weds no, intro- duction • ta Luelniovi people, and Alayor Pearson. of Newinerket, ovrto Came 411 the •way 'front that ORCe ether cost to the . committee than his 'railway fire, to ttiike, lie saiq 'fa blow at ging -41.leoltoi" and to Attw. by a,pro 0,44 citation of filets. that Local Option "had not • killed ewinarket. Attain:" )11 teini • W 11 eJn inerOducing the Speaker reform(' Id le as a lu Lil herinan 4110 had nothing WoOden abont hyln; itep6 happy dea-. ,eription as UtO audience Won iliscor. ered. The Mayor is no orator; does not pretend to be; he ,a IIHLII whsi "sawS Straight end hews to arked; ;did he speaks with the Neiglit. of au otlieial whe, deriiig, a term a eight years on the town eouneil oar 1 and four years as, Mayor of the town, litia.seen some remarkable things chute in MS municipality and has, heyona all deubt, .being no half measure man in • . anything had a '.preMinent hand in the tieing of there, ,Just a. woed at tnis point' about NeWmarket. Anotrr NEIAIEr • It is, said to be for its size , the, moat ' enterprising and prosperous induifir ;town in cenrida, andit has attained to. that distinction ohder'..circuinsten ces, that'were far lest favorable than many :towns enjoy. Toronto, the great,:sapsecking city .of • Canada, IS • 29,. miles away. Aurora, another in , justrial, town, where Local Option ,is• not in force, is only four 'miles distant. All three' places 'are connected. by.: 11:Ines•-Writly--..4zars-attsing :every half,fiOur And yet • next door to. the ' :big Toronto • stores. .Newmarket nier 'chants wattage to live and do a good businesSf'. the town has two of:the larg- est factories of their kind. in • Canada,: and recently honused another, has its eye open' for as .many inore.' as it can. get; and real estate. ulYith is -onieterof-bosineitaiss--advaheing with scenethli-o ./11eecoin, For , ,further Mat hear the mayor' hiintelf. . . jeliAT iitts_ox. SAM ___,:••!.!_WIty; runt here. toatiglitrl lis ask- ed. :'°°I anr not hero to say a word iigitinst the hotel keepers:: for Many of them are fine; big-hearted fellows, erhb often. do a great deal of 'peri:. for people who are iiL trouble:T. 1 ann here. 'It) talk alio-tit the bar • morn, end to tell; you in a ... :quiet.. war what. -LoCiti • Option is doing for the town of 'NewL market.. In: thy.eXpeeienee 1 dtatfe, seen items evidences nt the '.work 'a Ring Aleohel-at.lighas gene -up and' down through this beautiful huntof ours. [have seen hOines 'made deSo, late; mothers hearts wrong- through errors of their boys; and in tny official position I have seen' little 'ones , with- out . shoes; aitheut :proper clothing,. • without food, isittiply that King. Al- eohol, Might be seeveiL, Ail : this ...Mid , more makes iti-easv for Inc to talks.on this aLtioes6itiLotor.p..no....A...0015.:tnis(3 "Concerning Loeal Option: , I, be-: Here it to be the ,best thing ..for arty town. Before we had :Local Optiev :N esettittrket4*Itad..-Soaunerdraruk -en. Men:and so linnet bad langthige..011 tlie streets, that'f, for:one, weuld net ' allew lriy eltildree Out after, 'dark. -Yon have heaiat of the -NeWinneket. rleTVIre-faberers-oreaatitteerea,-o"' the rottgliest.elassa Sometimes a most dangerous elass'. wheni under' the in- tluence of liCt-rdr:7-1Aftei pardii-ys police equrts_were „were lined and pet 111 jail: and things came to such a pas at last that something had to be de:lea-competition between -the stores -and 4heLhotelh-beett1ne7se--it-1'oa, Local Option Meeting publie meeting for tlie discussion of Local OptiOn, Will be held in Carnegie Hall, Lae:know. .on Fyiday Trotting, 'Tee. 29111. at„ , i &dock. Mr, J. IL 01Vera-of t.,•'avers:' Bros"... n ptdthihOut, 'htIsioes$ thui.twtt Rev. At J. jOh4ton, both of Pelt, will adtirei.'S the Meeting end tell of its working, there. Special .thusid ?‘"111 lie Priswideas Every body welcome A A Christmas Suggestion • Item is a Christmas suegestion whieh , ntany people have aireatoy actect upon To:the' friend or-velatire_in the. west. positively hungry for news from the old honie.places,' it is impossible to write as fully Or often as eeuld he wished. Why not send, they, the old, home. paper; Om./ 'mare am% nfLuesiww and ,vicinity; people ay.', ever did before -why eot .setet it instena, Ana eitrry its weekly message to Any' part of the world for you.' It will go weekly for olio whole year to any part' of Canada et it cost of leas then 2 cenia. per week; to the Vidtod States or.Greet pateie fel, the saine„ plus 59 (lents foreign postage: , 'you leave three or 'mom such subscriptions, we shill be pleased to give you speoial rates On; them. Remember ,your friend or friends this year with agift ' whieh 'will mil a readmit:rot thsti'giv& WO' two times in the year and will be More appmelefed than probably anything else you mild setidt Try a' apt t *aid% Xteitgrant evcr)t Sat ,4i* Lothian • • ,11. Airs. 'Swan viSited a , few- day:: around iklateking. Miss Margaret lIogan is visiting het titter, Mrs. Brady, near Strittlney. • Mis. Goidou of Rainy ltiver, visiting Month 'hi this .vieinity. .Bernhv ttturndfioan 'Stmt. feed Normal•'Seho.ols to spent his yttes. tion at' his hotne here, Me, and Mrs: T. A. McKeith spent e intik of class vksttin Jrieolls itt ....1.)inagennOn and eeriest'', ; ' Mafeking , my: awl Nirs.'stuart Finlay, of 'Colon. say Saskare visiting friends ill this viiuity • ' Rev: and' Mrs. R. T. Nliss AgneS Kilpatriek and ',Nits. 11: E. Holism re. turned to thew homes, in 'Mich. 1.. S. A. Iasi .Friday. . ° • . Thos. Irwin's hey press Is in this ht present. Ile luta preseed hay for Jelut 1itpatriek, nos', Anderaoit, Sant "Kilpatriek and Ansoti Tht'‘teitottl. tottettrt and treosto bedield On 'Thursday evening iii the tetakt letereattng eveht, of the SeASOI1 nt fehSt ti the younger' portion ut. the upople.bere, ' °' We ere pleased to 'weleonte Sfr. and MrS. Finley arid' family home to 1141tles:' They eiuoyea their sorrow in. the West but no doubt think utarto the• vort that the metehants said if we. dill net, put a stop ,to it, they, could ttof eitst and so some -thing was done. One of the hardest things .we had to face in that conneetiOit was the' filet • that. the hotel keepers were sueli.. role ,fol!ows. One of theni was head Man in the Aga tieulteral t,4oerety,and elways ready to . help thiegs•riOng. 11ne • clay I went._ to two 'of them who were Personal friends Of inine anul shit"; This • is a bad buSinss$ you are in; von had .bet- ter give it up if von aro nor willatte -to *ye' it IV We will have to fkht ',Ver it.' They said 'Then there will be 4 fight! And we had our tight and. we Won out And the results! • SPSINESS USN PLEASED' - con weankss'afly1 mum up six 11 .seaat, 'of our Itusint'als men OM had Oppmed the nik.1/41,..,Urti and t Wo 4 'whiun had Worked harde4 against it, and asked them what they thought of the working Of Loeal 1141011 'liere is what some of them hirul to ,;:at 1,11tereupon the speaker . read , Severhi letters Whioh spoke ur in. positive aoti Pattering terms int its favoo, "1 iike nm,it other ti1.ete.:,1 we hare an itununil Fall Pair, Last Vali there wete six thousand people t he gatheriog.. stood an a high elota- i011 nind 1006.4 ver tho"ereerd,' and it WiiS it beentifid sight to See Alp tnanv well dtessed people talklug, and • laugh ing t•uni having a good thne. • three 'ilulieettien were on the .giatitnils• tiht they itia IlOt Atta it necessary to nOtik to ovate all day.° , , .V944itteci !AVV04e,$) Ladies' Gold Filled WATCHES. from $8. up to. $30. - Gentlemen's Gold Filled or Nickle „ WATCHES fron?, $1. up to $50.. READ THIS ...LIST_ And remember thiS enlv gives ''ts..tu a slight idea. of .„the nninerous ; ivtielek-to be had at this store I I" ' * moon. snip aa..00.aity, up. I'aney Stone set Ring's $2.01) up. La diee .Sign e t "Rings $:1.90 up. • (lentlemen's Signet Itiegs ,s^;1 )0.1. up. 1,sdies' and (*splits gold filled Cliams $2.004. up ' CeLbint:111 Broochesi Bar Pieces, Jewel I3oxes, 1ii1itary 13rui1les, Ete. •. Call and let as 'show -you yur stock.. DO net wait .011. the " last day, • F.- T. ARIVISTRONGt., JSINFELER AND OPTICIAN , Store open 'every 'evening until ChriAniat. . • BL6 CLEARING SALE , .OF.. ki eriesi• ...T.onfectionerv 13r-oont%. Brushes Coal: Oil9 '. Flour, 9 . #eed 'Etc , . . . . • , , ,, ..t.S. • . • • . • For the balance .' of tfie_year we are offerino SPeeitilTricea ea every article we handle . - For the Past two weeks we has,e simply' given you • •• an idea of n•hat tv•e niean. We 'do • not intend 'quoting any special:PCices,..but should you 411, we will proVe to you that we are doing, exactly Whit isai are 'advertisina.' • No doubt ; you, Will wonder why I wish to reducenir stock. . The 'reason is that.,1 am about to chang my business and in order io ustke the ,change I must reduce' my Steck at least 50- per cent., before the New Year .. :Irou can therefore depend upon it We mean -business ' --anything to reduce our tteek. In addition to : to our maimed prices we a.re eiteCing a 21 per .s cent discount. • You should not fail to get in on. this. SaVe our conpOW, lutist on ,..,,,etiting them before le:tying the Shop, and do net fail f td • turn all your ,conportS*in. befoto the '.Near Year,as after that date they heno. vadue.to ', We want them all will .of you. Thaekiiig'you 444 fey- our in , one all patronage -the. past , arid 'wishing yeti 'all. A 3ferry 'Chisistnois and a Happy New Year. • ' . , , _.. DON. J. PilcCHARLES .. . STAR .GROCERY AND MODEL RESTAURANT .0: • tinst 'Beet for Christmas A itair of the, ,firteat'. belfry's ever inghtitted in lawknow, were, delivered t•t Button Ilros. lane this a eek. 'rimy waai bred and 'fed by nev They weighed InW pouttoh •at Lueknow settles. ButtotOlires, also Aptirchasa froth Did: of 14.tultnow1 two veal Ores' Mouths ni.lanielt*Weialtod 1000 petnds.. Thestit asp killed for patrons of Luck.. . ShOp 4nr.l.theriek prime nteat which they produeed 'iS now On $41,. for the' Chtittlitat holidays, *Button ..111‘,..4. also have ether IlleatSt 110410hoeStv. hOide111" andAgOill kiwis of frean sausages for your Christmas table, with ,good suet and lard for coohin; can etut see thenktendchOoso owl!, ........... l'c'e. w it till mini- "Tustomers and their Dear ,Ones.. • • . 'A' MERRY CHRISTMAS.AND•A ,HAPP NEW YEAR. . . .. -%.-„ wyul,.i call your Attention . to • an attritetite state fop of Goods suitable'. tor .difts eteisiAing of ' TOILET CASES ranging' in price from 82 611 altaCh . Sil AN- I. Ntl. SETS,' 8:110 KERS' . SETt, CASE ,PIPES, ' -C1101C E • 'ct,t,7; A.R.'S,. , 11,....Z(Illi.4, STROPS, Bill:SAES, ...., ' 'EBONY t.1.00.0s1 large v::triety, as . Mirrors,- Breshea,, 31anieunas. Sets, Cloth lartistros, Tooth 13ruslip‘t.' etc. • .. . • *,..„ , 'N'ieely bound volumes of Poems and inane other volues; 1311)1 e:a.,.. • ' Ilooks.of Pbvise, Pi t, .and t1 tun Books, Pieture Books and others ' front IC cents to•0,51.2.i • ' Christmas Cards .and Bost Cards . uo.vritEit cl0.,MA'0:•01... nit.e lot: of latatitee Goods. 0 ASES, 'COLL:kit AND (t..•rv , rmiA)Eit's% BRUSH. 0ASE., MUSIC .CASKS. Dp1a,...4. Oirthe'Girls, a lot to eh:lase from. " COME AND SEE US FARLY, •. • tli . .,,N4c4.:,,, • DRUG STORE • tinst 'Beet for Christmas A itair of the, ,firteat'. belfry's ever inghtitted in lawknow, were, delivered t•t Button Ilros. lane this a eek. 'rimy waai bred and 'fed by nev They weighed InW pouttoh •at Lueknow settles. ButtotOlires, also Aptirchasa froth Did: of 14.tultnow1 two veal Ores' Mouths ni.lanielt*Weialtod 1000 petnds.. Thestit asp killed for patrons of Luck.. . ShOp 4nr.l.theriek prime nteat which they produeed 'iS now On $41,. for the' Chtittlitat holidays, *Button ..111‘,..4. also have ether IlleatSt 110410hoeStv. hOide111" andAgOill kiwis of frean sausages for your Christmas table, with ,good suet and lard for coohin; can etut see thenktendchOoso owl!,